Thursday, December 14, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #166 12/13/06 The REAL Big Meeting!!! Really! Alias The end of Fern's life as he knew it. And the piano plays on...

Ok! Finally!!!! Well, this took forever, but I tried to put in as much detail as possible because there was so much important language. Man I hope they don’t have anymore of these meetings that I have to recap!!! Enjoy!!!

Thank heavens Lety put in THE LETTER to finally make it clear to all what’s been going on, and why what happens next happens. Finally, Fer is out of the dark!!!! Except, well, his dark days are actually just beginning. Oh well….

Humberto is impactado upon looking at his folder. Humb–Just a minute! What does this first page mean? Fer is now beyond impactado and he gets up climbs over Lety and runs over to tell his Papa not to read it, Don’t read it! H- Why not? F-Look what really happened is…. But, he sees THE LETTER isn’t there. He runs around to his mother,who asks him what’s wrong, he looks at Marcia’s and then Ariel’s folders and when he sees no one else has THE LETTER in their folders he recovers by asking if everyone is sure that they don’t want anything else to drink some more coffee or a refreshment?

Fer calms down and returns to his seat, again walking in front of Lety rolling her back a little (he doesn’t cross behind her chair, I thought this was hysterical and very rude, almost as if she isn’t even there, but she still sits very stonefaced through all of this). Lety now interjects very matter of factly and tells Don Humb that the first page is the layout of the general balance. Omar realizes to himself that THE LETTER was only placed in his and Fernando’s portfolio. But wait…it’s not over yet!!

Now Don Humb still looking at the balance sheet asks Lety what are these liabilities that represent almost 45 million dollars? He pounds on the desk. Now the cat is out of the bag. Fer realizes Lety gave Don Humb the real figures of the actual balance sheet! Oh sh**!

Fer gets up again and says excuse me this isn’t the material that was supposed to be presented at this meeting. I’m sorry but I’ll have to cancel this meeting now, because you have the wrong material. Omar also gets up to give back his portfolio. Ariel of course interrupts and says I’ll explain it to you Don Humberto - sit down Carvajal. These liabilities must be there because Filmo Imagen has secured Conceptos into debt. Yes, Filmo Imagen is the real proprietor of our firm Conceptos. And the piano plays on….

Outside the cuartel hears the yelling and is impactado too. They mumble among themselves, wondering what’s going on.

Teresa recalls that FI is Lety’s company. Fer starts to say that he won’t permit…Ariel interrupts, that’s enough lies!! Here is the credit bureau report, and this evidences that Conceptos is in attachment to and is secured by FI. He hands the report to Humberto. Ariel continues with a shame on you speech (like he is so high and mighty, blech) A- What happened to our inheritance, our family business? The inheritance that my parents established, and your parents established, who are my parents too! You lost Fernando! Aghhh! Nothing exists! Fernando now chimes in, the business exists, I have the business protected Ariel! Ariel says yeah right, don’t be stupid Fernando, Conceptos is embargado!!!

Right on inopportune cue the waiters are now here and Alicia marches in with them as if they were the most important part of the meeting. She is met with at least four people all at once telling them to get out!!! Marcia speaks up and tells her to get them out of here and not to let anyone else come in. Nobody! Abitchia now yells at the waiters to leave and remarks how imprudent of them. She excuses herself. (I’m surprised she didn’t try to hang out!)

Fer starts back up and says that he won’t permit Ariel to call him stupid. Ariels asks well then what will you have me call you? Pathetic? Hysterical? Loser? Humb – SILENCE!! SIT DOWN! Luigi is impressed. L- Bravo! Finally a real man to shut up these two thugs that look like vegetable vendors(also means foul mouthed) fighting over the last kilo of chilis and tomatoes!! And the piano plays on…

Humberto now asks Fernando what all this is about. Ariel interjects to Marcia that he thinks for the first time in our lives, and everyone else’s here, we are going to finally hear Fer speak the truth.

We flash to outside the conference room where the cuartel is trying to listen to what is happening. Albitchita yells at them and asks them what they are doing. A- I want you far away from that door. Sara tells her listen sweetie, you aren’t here to give us orders! They already heard her get yelled at and kicked out of the meeting. Albitchia says well what are the committee members going to think when I tell them you are spying on them! The cuartel isn’t scared and they tell Sara to go back and not let her to the door. Albitchita says she will scream if Sara doesn’t get away from there. They dare her to scream and Roller Derby Chick busts out again. She says if you scream I will take your neck and wring it like a chicken! Like this, and she makes the motions of a chicken cackling! Yikes! They stare each other down, but the bell saves someone again and Abitchia runs to answer her cell phone.

Back in the conference room, Humberto tells Ariel he doesn’t want any more aggression and he will now preside over the meeting. He asks Fer if he lost the firm? Fer says no I haven’t lost it. Ariel says well let’s ask Licenciada Lety, you are a known professional, if Conceptos is in debt to FI for almost 45 million dollars, what do you think? In your opinion is this business is lost? Lety sits stonefaced and still says nothing. Fernando interjects that the business is in Lety’s name. That was all Marcia need to hear to take her turn at bashing him. M-What? It’s in her name? What did you do Fer, gift it over to her? She turns to Lety and asks how did she get it what did you do with him?” Don Humb tells her to calm down.

Humb asks Fer to explain how we arrived at this place. Fer explains that he did it to prevent the banks from taking Conceptos instead. M- the banks? F- I first went into debt purchasing the two soundstages and afterward I lost a lot of money because I was the victim of smugglers.
A- Now we are delinquents besides! Lety takes a hard turn to look at Omar, who is staying out of this completely, but he had something to do with that decision, way back when. We also lost money with the video that failed and Conceptos didn’t get any work for a couple of months. Ariel starts in again. Now it’s clear, so then how is it that you have been reporting positive balances all this time, including a profit? It wouldn’t be that you made those up would it? Humb freak outs more…you made up the balance sheet?

A says, please Don Humb don’t go looking for an answer because there aren’t any! This situation is clear. These two fellows, Fer & Omar accompanied by their assistant Lety, have deceived the committee, have deceived our colleagues, and not only did they deceive us , but they did it right under our noses! M- And you gave over our business to Lety! Hum - Fer how come you didn’t tell us what was going on? Mom is smarter though, she bets it’s because of Fer's proposal that he submitted to win the presidency, isn’t it. Fer says yes, that’s true, to try and meet my goals I put us in debt and I made some grave mistakes. And the piano plays on….

Bitchita is on the phone, it was her Papi who called. She said she is happy to talk to him it’s just that she thought it was Tommy calling, no he hasn’t given her the money yet.

The cuartel says now they can’t hear anything, now is when we need Marta’s good hearing! A- asks them where they left off. Sara says with the chickens and the earthworms. Abicia says oh yeah, and the spiders! Than the phone rings and she hopes again for Tommy. The cuartel returns to the door.

Back inside the conference room Fer continues to explain that’s when he ordered Lety to created FI. H -A business on paper only! F- No, it’s a real business, legally constructed, and I contributed some capital, no less. A- Sure 90 million dollars Fer – shut up Ariel! We created FI to support Conceptos in case it failed to get financing on it’s own and it couldn’t. We couldn’t get it anywhere! So I asked Lety to guarantee us with a loan in exchange for the financing FI could get from the banks. That was to protect Conceptos. H -And how much was the debt? Fer- about half a million dollars. The entire room is impactado. This arrangement was my only option to avoid losing Conceptos. We were going to lose it, and that would have been a huge blow to all of us, to lose this! Hum thinks this situation is worse of a blow.

Lety would like to explain something, but Humb silences her. H- Quiet Lety, we’ll talk with you later. H- How could you resort to using illegal methods to deceive the banks? Fer says no, everything is legal, that’s why the banks couldn’t put liens on us. Hum – But that’s trickery! How could you hide this from us! Again Mom T with the voice of reason…well of course it’s back to the same thing again, he would have had to hold a special meeting and admit to us that he screwed up and that he would have to give Ariel the presidency. He couldn’t bring himself to do that. Isn’t that right, Fer? He doesn’t answer but Luigi now tells everyone to “estop” he doesn’t understand. L – So you are telling me that the business belonging to this hornito orrinco has secured Conceptos for it’s whole value? Does this mean that she is really the head of the company? Ariel says to shut up and that legally Fer gave Lety the whole company! Luigi says how horrible, he wants to die, he really needs his valerian root now!

This time the phone call was the lawyer telling Alicia she only has until two tomorrow to pay for her car. She tells them they can’t impose a deadline on her, but they have already hung up. She recalls she has the FI card from Tomas somewhere, so she looks for it to call him because she knows Lety has his cell.

Back in the conference room Marcia starts in that she doesn’t understand why her, she now wants to know why he gave our business to her? F- because she handles the finances, she carries relationships with the banks, the bills, the suppliers, I thought she was the proper person. That doesn’t answer my question, why would you hand over our inheritance, that of both families to a stranger? F- Because I trusted Lety. M- Why didn’t you trust me? I’m your girlfriend, your colleague, you were ready to spend your life with me. But you traded me for her? F- Says and if I told you my plan would you have supported me? She admits of course not, I’d never support something so foolish. And the piano plays on….

Luigi wonders about that guy with the glasses that goes around in the sports car, that you said was your boyfriend-he’s the head of your company? He actually calls her Dona Lety (the politest term) Ariel says oh come on, he’s part of the sham; the fraudulent theatrics so that we wouldn’t suspect anything was a miss. The theatrics of a pair of white collar rats! Oh, they are so professional. L wonders what Tomas has to do with it all? Lety says she hired him to be the manager for FI. L says, in that case he’s not rich in anyway! She confirms he’s not rich. Luigi says and all the women at Conceptos were disillusioned with that guy thinking he was a millionaire! And besides he’s pathetic!

Back at Casa Padilla, Tomas packs up the computer and tells Julieta he has to take it back along with everything of FI to Lety. He laments having to take the micro to carry it and asks if she might have change for a taxi for him. Of course she says no. He is really going to miss the squigglemobile. I’m without a cell, disconnected from the world. He complains about riding in the micros again after having had his sweet car. Ah, he has to return to his life of being just a poor devil again.

Fer – Like the balance sheet evidences we have actually almost finished with the debt payments, with the interest included! H- But how have you paid so many expenses of the business? F- Through FI ! Lety’s business lent me money and helped me get credit and pay all the bills. A- In that case each day we are more in debt to her! Fer said well in one way yes, but it’s still working! Please, since we won the award in Cannes, many doors have opened for us and there are many companies that want to hire Conceptos for their new productions. Pretty soon we’ll reach our point of equilibrium.

A-What point of equilibrium. What we are going to do is liquidate Conceptos. We’ll sell our shares and split up what little we have left!

Lety’s says that won’t be necessary, Mr. Villaroel. Lety explains that on page 4 you’ll see the charts that demonstrate how well Conceptos has recovered in the last few periods. If it keeps up this way, in six months Conceptos will have paid off all debts and be profitable again.
Ariel says six months! That’s just wonderful! Look Don H, I want to sell my shares I’m getting involved in another business and I need that capital. It’s time to get my money out of the business. If I can’t put in the capital, I’ll lose everything I have! He wants to know what Lety expects of them in order to give them back their business.

Lety very calmly says, "absolutely nothing." I only want you to have a clear sense of the true financial condition of Conceptos. In the portfolio you’ll find the payment receipts and all the lien papers for FI. I also put in an authorization that your lawyers need to begin the process to give you back your business. There is also the balance sheet for FI and a report of all of the expenses and the capital of FI. I’m going to dissolve the business. Also, the squiggle mobile is in Conceptos’ parking lot. And finally, besides all this, I am giving my resignation letter to Marcia. And the piano plays on…

Julieta tells Tomas that a luxury car can’t make him a better person.[Man I’d sure feel better though if I had that car.] He says everything of FI has to go, but this can stay, and he holds up the Oxi’s picture. Just then the phone rings and it’s her calling. Julieta answers and tells her he is not there per his request. Abitchia tells “the secretary” to tell him she’s waiting for his call at her office and that he should stop hiding from her and being a coward and he needs to look her in the face. Julieta is impactado and wants to know what he did to her.

A- You are an accomplice in this fraud. You think you can wash your hands of this with a resignation letter? L- No that’s not my intention. But it's obvious that I have to go. Before I go, I ask H & T’s pardon. I’m sorry to have seen you so deceived.

T - Of course we accept your resignation Lety. [Not we accept your apology - interesting....] H- No this meeting is finished yet, you stay. What can I say after all of this pain. I left you a business without debts and now it’s full of debts, and what’s more it’s completely out of your control. A- Well I would thank him for ruining 30 years of a great business tradition. What we need to do is get the lawyers on the liquidation right away.

F- No we aren’t liquidating. Lety told you we’d be ok in six months. I oppose liquidating Conceptos. A- Oh please behave like a gentleman. You lost your right to oppose anything in this meeting.

Humb says that they won’t liquidate. Conc. will pay it’s debts. Ariel is mad he wants to sell his shares. H- The articles of incorporation say that only a colleague can buy you out. Humb asks if anyone wants to buy him out. No one dares to raise a hand! Sorry Ari, too bad, so sad, you have to stay our colleague. [I’d rather get rid of him, frankly.]

F- Great, lets talk about the projections. H- No, we aren’t going to talk about the projections, we’ll talk about you. I can’t believe this. I put you in charge of Conceptos. Without a doubt this was a disaster. Not only were you at the point of becoming a financier you were at the point of being ethical. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive you! You know the articles give this committee the power to deprive you. It gives me great pity to do this. I can’t believe you did this to your mother, to Marcia and the others that care about you. Son, I think the moral thing to do is for you to give me your resignation as President of this business. And the piano plays on…

Back at Casa Padilla, Tomas draws on the FI sign, “RIP” He has also written “Closed forever” on the status sign. Julieta tells him he should talk face to face to the poor girl and tell her what’s going on. She wants to know what the girl wants and why he hides from her. Tomas tells her that the Oxi wants him. But he hides because he drove her crazy and now he doesn’t know how to get rid of her. He talks to her picture patronizingly that she needs to get over him.

F - Senores, from this moment forward I renounce my presidency. I beg your pardon for all the pain I’ve caused, for having hid information, and for having defrauded you so much. I’ll put this in writing tomorrow. He gives his badge to his pa. And the piano…

Ariel is ecstatic, and makes fun of the crocodile tears of Fer.

Lety says she has to go now. Marcia says wait, you better not ever come back here. L- I promised you I wouldn’t, so I won’t. Ari tells her not to even think to put Conceptos as a reference on her resume, because if anyone asks, they will find out about her lack of scruples. She’s been a real calamity for this business. F tells him to shut up because she was only following his orders. He doesn’t buy it, he says she made up balances, and so forth, he asks her if she was held at gunpoint or threatened in anyway by Fer. She admits that she did it of her own volition. A- So it’s all clear. She didn’t do it just because she was following orders. Marcia said and anyway this person that you trusted so much gave you up at this committee meeting. Lety says she believes that Don Fer can probably explain very well why I did this. Piano…

And she walks out.

The cuartel is outside. They want to know what happened, she says she's not feeling well, so PM wonders if they should take her to the Red Cross (Hospital). L- I have to go, I just resigned. They are impactado.

Humb says they need to choose a new president. Bam! Ana Leticia shows up, completely clueless about balance sheets and congratulates Fer on a fine job with the business. AL - We are changing presidents? She wants to know what that means because she just bought something and she has to pay her credit card. Fer excuses himself.

He goes out to where the cuartel is. F -Where is Lety? Irma asks -Did she really resign? F -Where is Lety. PM- In her office. Thank you.

Lety is in her office putting the last of her things into her trash bag. Fer walks in and wants to know why she didn’t tell him she found the damned letter. She asks him, "you tell me why you played this horrible game with me. You knew I would give my life for you and you didn’t even think one second about the pain you were causing me." You planned until the last second to send me far away. He says he needs her to listen to him, she tells him it’s too late today. She hoped for a long time that he would explain it to her, or that he would abandon his plan with Omar the imbecile, but he didn’t, he stayed the course until the last second. He says things changed along the way, you have to listen to me. She says he doesn’t have to lie to her any more she heard them talking this morning about sending her away. He tells her that was to protect her. He begs her to stay that he adores her and he goes to hug her.

While they are hugging, Marcia walks in. She is impactado and wants to know what is happening. He says they are having a discussion, that nothing is going on. She says a discussion in each others arms?

Then his mother comes in and those two look like twins asking what’s going on. Marcia says that everyone is waiting for him to choose a new president and he doesn’t want to come to the conference room. Mom T wants to know: Fer now what are you trying to do? He screams, then, sorry Mom, I’ll be there in a minute. [He still hasn’t learned yet!!] He begs Lety to wait for him. Yeah right….

Caro calls at just the right minute, she asks if Lety put in her resignation. Lety says to the whole committee. How do you feel? She says really bad. But Caro wants to know if Lety is still going with her. Lety says of course she is. Perfect we are going to Acapulco, and will try to go this afternoon. You’ll be my assistant right? Lety assures her that she will and asks what she should do. Caro tells her to go home and pack and she’ll call in a half an hour.

She takes her trash bag and walks out of her closet, bawling the whole way through Fer’s office. And the piano plays on….

The cuartel is outside wondering what happened. She tells them she can’t tell them anything right now. They wonder why she’s leaving in this manner without saying anything. They are worried if they did something to her. She says no she wants to go now and they (in the conference room)want her to go now. PM wants to at least throw her a good bye party maybe tonight? No thanks, I’m going on a trip, anyway. Then at least let's go into the bathroom for one final session.

Humb says everyone write a name and we’ll vote. T thinks Ari should be president. Ari says smart comments that he would have prevented this disaster if it were he in the first place. He says if I become president I’m going to liquidate. Marcia thinks that Humb should be president at least temporarily until they can get a clearer picture of the future.

In the bathroom, L -I can’t tell you anything because they are confidential affairs of the business, but I’m not the Lety you thought I was. I did things that you wouldn’t even think I could and now I have to go. Irma things everything can be worked out. Lety promises them she will tell them everything later, she just can’t right now.

Luigi agrees, that is the only thing that has made sense in this meeting. So everyone agrees with MArcia and Humb says fine, I’ll do it until I’ve met two objectives, paid off the debts and legally recovered Conceptos in our own hands. Well, now that we have a president, now let’s see in what state Fer has left us the business. Luigi says deplorable, it appears. Fer stares off into space…..

Oh my gosh…you think tonight was the bombero, wait until we see tomorrow’s show….from the previews, man, the Carvajalmarks are making a comeback in a huge way!!! Yikes!!! They are just stuffing it to us one, after the other, after the other, this week!!! I love this show!!!


You stayed up really late to do this for us, hombre, muchos gracias. I have never been as angry at Fern as when he meekly walked out of Lety's office with Marcia and his mommy, turning his back on Lety at a moment like that. He deserves every single thing that comes to him. He had a wonderful baby face while he was getting chastised at the meeting, didn't he? Like, what, you're taking my lollipop away? And Lety was such a mentsh. What a class act she is.

I just kept shouting, "won't someone please slap that idiot(Ariel)"!
So sad, horrible, depressing! Fern was destroyed, Omar in shock, Ariel beyond obnoxious, Marcia typical shrew witch. Papa kept lashing out toward Fernando until nothing was left. Whew! I couldn't stand it.
I loved the embrace in Lety's office (couldn't they put a lock on that door to keep the harpies out?). Too bad poor Fernando followed them out instead of staying with Lety!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't bear all the sadness.
Carrie L.

I can't remember the last time a show provoked such passion in me! When Fern is in Lety's office hugging her, and Marcia and Teresita walks in, I was begging him to stand up and be a man; to hone up to everything and show Lety how much he loves her. Instead, he cowers out behind mommy, leaving me yelling at the TV, "See! Your last chance! You just lost your last chance and deserve everything coming to you!!"

What a great show!


I sat with my Kleenex in one hand--the remote in the other last night..I cried thru the whole show..Finally, Fern has some backbone to come forth with the truth,but the truth was forced upon him by Lety..Tonight will probably be another tear jerker,as that bitch Marcia confronts Lety to leave her bag of personal items,including all cards,pictures, and stuffed animals from Fern thru Omar behind so she can snoop and then trash,I'm sure..Payback to her particularly can't come soon enough..Don't send out those wedding invites quite yet,Marcia.Maureen

I could not believe my ears when Fern had the gall to ask Lety to wait for him in her office!

I'm not sure about this, but I think Omar never spoke a single word through the entire meeting. For once, the Rehash King kept his mouth shut.

I knew when I was watching this last night that it would be a monster to recap. So much talking! So many numbers! (I didn't even realize that Lety's name was on Conceptos as well... I think Chris put it in one of his recaps long ago, but I forgot.) Thanks for plowing through it all so quickly, Kris.

Thank you Kris, for this fabulous recap with all the juicy details. We owe you big time!

That Ariel with his evil smile, not to mention Omar who uttered not one word in defense of his best friend! Marcia certainly was quick to jump on the Fernando smashing bandwagon, too. With a fiance like that by your side, who needs enemies. Poor Fernando. He screwed up but we all do sometime or another. He is certainly getting his payback. I could hardly bear to watch it with his parents so upset with him. Although I'm old enough that it shouldn't matter, I have parents who have disowned me for years now and it still is hard to take, so I can empathize with Fernando. Especially with Ariel stepping in to usurp his place. When Ariel stood behind Humberto and put his hands on his shoulders it was such a territorial claiming act.

I too about lost it when Fernando left Lety to follow Maria and Teresita. Then I have to remember, these are his parents that he has just disappointed so badly and he thinks he can talk to Lety after the meeting. Boy, talk about missed opportunities! Poor Lety; he chose again and it wasn't her.

THAT MARICA! WHAT A B_________!!! Lety has already given her resignation and Marcia still has to show her power and tell her to not come back. That is when Fernando should have stepped in for Lety! Lety was even big enough to give her resignation to Marcia instead of to Humberto or Fernando. Wow! What a girl! She can totally humble herself. This upcoming version should be fantastic with Marcia trying to humiliate Lety further by making her open her garbage bags. Marcia may get what she deserves when she reads the contents of those cards. Especially the ones where Fernando tells Lety he is not going through with the marriage to Marcia and that he almost missed the woman of his life, Lety.

Can't wait!



Omar was in total shock after reading his degrading words in his folder.He kept his head down to avoid the hammer falling on his head.I feel he's not going anywhere irregardless,as Fern needs his ear for venting.What his function is at Conceptos I can't figure out..VP of? Mo

Ironically, I think Omar is VP of FINANCE.

Omar is VP of babes....Ha
Someone explain to me....This was all Karma right? Cause even had Lety towed the line...Ariel knew right?
I have this twilight zone theory..what should happen does can't change fate...Ariel met the guy at the Cannes/Happy Boda party...he clued Ariel in about the bad bank standing. So even if Fern woulda dumped Marcia when she came back from Germany, there still would of been a Cannes party. You can't cheat fate...Karma baby

Yeah, Ariel would have found out anyway. He had already been digging for dirt on FI and didn't seem satisfied with Lety's explanation a few weeks ago. So I'm thinking even if Santiago at the party hadn't told him the rumors about the debt, Olarte and/or Ariel might still have stumbled upon this information at some point - just maybe not as soon.

I suppose if he hadn't found out AND if Lety had shown the fake balance sheet, Ariel would have been able to cash in his shares easily. (Omar and Fern would have had to buy them if there were no other takers.) However, thanks to Lety's honesty and Ariel's spite, Ariel may now lose everything.

That's kind of funny, when you think about it.

Speaking of funny, check out these pictures of the actor who plays Ariel. Turns out there's some interesting stuff hidden in those expensive suits of his.

What a grueling episode to recap. Thanks so much.
I too, a major Fern Fan, was hoping he'd grow a cajone or 2 and tell Mama Sr and Mama Jr to VETE. He had already been reamed by everyone, what else could they do to him?

Oh, and on my Christmas list: Ariel to die in a horrible, disfiguring accident and then have an operation to permanently remove that sneer from his face.


Kris, thanks for the terrific recap. I was impactada at the end of the meeting, first, that it finally happened and got done with, and second, at how it came down. I was exhausted just watching the intensity and I didn't understand a lot of the specifics. You really cleared it up.

Whew. How could it get worse?


I am with all of you in being upset with Fern for leaving Lety. Wow, I'm loosing count of how many times he is NOT there for her. It was so painful to see her being pillaried in the boardroom and he just said nothing for the most part. And then to leave her alone in the office. Come on, dude, why are you incapable of knowing that loving somebody means that you protect and defend them?

Also, I like to take a moment to state that the Villareals, the whole lot, just make me want to puke!!!! God, they're are such sanctimonius slimeballs!!! For Ariel to lambast Fern for immoral behavior when we have been treated to multiple scenes of Ariel trying to pimp Oxi!!! Ugh!!!!

I would love to see Ariel beaten to a pulp by roller derby queen Sarah. The ninja feas could back her up.
I hope he's a nicer person in real life.

I saw the thong picture awhile back & ever since I've seen the snotty lil Merman, I always think, Dude shut-up I've seen you in a thong. Yeh, it takes away from his manly swagger

I cried a lot during the episode as you could finally see why Fer is the wimp he is. What kind of parent humiliates an offspring like that. Humb wouldn't even listen and T is only interested in getting Fern married to that shrew.

Omar, the big mouth suddenly turned into a mute. He has to know that all of what is going down is his fault.

Ariel the snake sure couldn't wait to start spewing his venom. Nobody had a chance to look at the figures before he was off and running. Slime - I hope he gets his and soon.

I loved it when Fer jumped up and grabbed Omar's folder before chasing after Lety. I really felt for him when he tried to explain about the letter and didn't go on a rant fest about her ruining his life. Drat to the witches arriving to spoil the moment. I too wish he'd told mommy and the bi**h to get out and leave him alone. But apparently he needs to really suffer in order to grow up and earn his happiness with Lety.

I hate the idea of Marcia rooting through the bags and finding those cards. She'll just use them in front of the board to further humiliate Fern. If I were Lety I'd tell her those are my personal things and since I don't work for Conceptos you have no right to put your paws on them. A good slap across the face might be order.

By the way did anyone notice that when Lety had the folders with the fake numbers they were red and she pulled the fakes out and went to the meeting the folders were suddenly black.

I can't stand it. I just can't stand it.

I think she was just using the flimsy red folders to schlep the copies around and keep them organized. The black ones were presentation binders - sturdier, heavier, and probably harder to carry a stack of them around. (Oh, and more expensive. Bringing the company's debt to $45,000,046.87, or whatever.)

I knew Fern was in big trouble a few nights ago when Humberto basically said he would never forgive Fern if he didn't marry Marcia. Yikes, talk about pressure.

The only good thing to come out of this meeting is that Ariel now won't get to be president, or liquidate the company. He'll have to dance in a thong for a living.

Yes, Decie girl, I second your vote of a good slap across the face for Marcia. Boy, does she have it coming.

I know, Libby, I can't stand it either. I thought about it when I went to sleep and when I woke up this morning.


Thank you for such a detailed recap. I feel so drained from the anticipation of this meeting and then the actual meeting. I just have to know that Fern and Lety will be together again so I am trying to look at this in a positive way as far as the plot line goes. Fern deception was unexcusable and has cut Lety's heart out. Lety's actions have humiltated Fern in front of his mother and father, Marcia and that hateful Ariel. His heart has been cut out too. I beleive if they finally come together, it will be on a much more even playing field.

I've just decided to stop feeling sorry for the wimp Fer. I remembered that when the two harpies dragged him out of Lety's storage room office he heard her breakdown in tears because he turned back to the door but then let himself be hustled back to the meeting. No wonder he looks like he feels like dog poop.

I vote that we line Marcia, Ariel and Omar up and slap 'em all. Luigi can stand at the end and we can give him a good shaking.


I agree with Jeanne. Awwww but I kinda like Omar. In one way of looking at it, he's the reason Fern and Lety got together in the first place...

I was practically screaming for Fern to turn around and go back to Lety, and when Ariel was close to Lety when she was leaving he was right behind her; i was (loudly) urging her to just throw her fist back and get him good. Gahd he annoys me so much!

Tonight's episode is going to be soo good... Marcia should pay for what a b**** she was being!


As much as I hate seeing it, and feeling so bad for Lety, I'm a firm believer that when you do something wrong it must be exposed! (Cleansing through embarrasment!)

And so I feel that everything Fern has done to Lety needs to come to light. Everybody needs to know about their relationship: how he used her and how he then fell in-love with her.

I think it's only when you hit rock bottom that you really see the light. Remember, it was the psychic who told Lety that all the things that have sustained her will disappear, and then her FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL will begin.

I think it's about to feel that way for both Lety and Fern, who's going to realize that he needs Lety now more than ever!


Fernando has to go much lower in his self made misery before he can begin his climb out of the big hole he's dug for himself.Got a feeling after Lety goes to work for Caro,Fern will be back over liplocking with Marcia..How any man could be attracted or even be thinking marriage to that volture is beyond me..Mo

My two cents...Omar is scum. For somebody with a big fat mouth and a mighty pen, he sure was quiet at the board meeting. Hope Fern remembers that when he eventually begins to pick up the pieces and build the character he went out of his way to never aquire heretofore in his life. It would be sweet to then hear him say "adios" to his contemptable sidequick and his stupid bag of tricks and schemes. Stacey

Thank you SO much for taking the time to post this for us. It REALLY helps!! This show has got to be one of the most emotional eppys ever. I wanted to hug Fer and slap that b**** Marcia. She's making it really hard for me to feel sorry for her that Fer has been cheating on her, but I'm surprised she hasn't figured it out yet, but alas, this is soap world. As much as I have sympathy for Fer he has disappointed me again. He actually had the nerve to ask Lety to wait in his office? He could eve hear her crying and he still left!!! That infuriated me!! I was also mad when Marcia and Theresita came in of course right on time to interrupt Lety and Fer's tender moment (too many people come in Lety's office at the wrong time, that door needs a lock!!) I thought maybe Fer would stand up to Marcia and his mom, but NOOOOOOO he cowers under them as usual. How does he expect Lety to trust him? I wouldn't!!
On a more cheerful I loved Luigi's facial expressions when he learned Lety was the real president of Conceptos. He was hilarious. Also hilarious was Omar, he was speechless and I LOVED it.

I just discovered this show and have been watching for about a month. How long is it supposed to go on? Is it like a long running soap opera? I don't speak Spanish and I only understand about a quarter of what they say. I'm so glad I found this blog to tell me what is happening! Thanks!

Oh, you poor thing! Up until a month ago, this show wasn't so depressing. It'll end sometime in the spring.

Julie, LOL. Yes it is depressing, very very sad. But I am sure the writers will make us slog through many subplots hoping to get a laugh. Stacey

You know what I was kind of hoping? That Lety would make one more cc of the letter for Marcia. I think her eyes should have read what the guys did to another woman in the name of just doing business.

Meli, I too noticed Fer's reactions to the happenings around him as a reversion to being his parent's little boy, very child like. It's funny but we seem to never out grow that impulse with parents, no matter how old. His, oh darn they caught me and I'm in trouble now face, (kinda like he broke a vase and tried to sweep it under the rug). The way he sort of knew not to talk unless he was talked to. Classic parent/ child. And, then his boyish enthusiam and manner of explaining his "why" in a way of hoping that they would be convinced about his side of it and he'd get out of trouble. Nope didn't work Fernie. Pa wasn't biting. I actually thought Lety did a good job of making me think at some point she was sort of sorry she might have done this afterall because even she seemed surprised at how upset everyone was and how much trouble she got Fernie into. Again, almost like the jealous sib, whom you never want to rat out the other too bad because it might come back on you someday. Very subtle. But interesting....

Oh,'s hit the fan and it's flying all over the place.

My favorite moment had to be Luigi's "Dona Lety?". Yep, Lui baby, there's a new sheriff in town.

k, thanks for the most excellent recap. I couldn't agree with you more on the comment above. Fer was totally responding as a child in this whole situation. The only time he stood up for himself was when he yelled at his mother in Lety's office, and then he backed down right away.

I took his whole silence approach as him trying to be respectful to his father (although, Daddy didn't really deserve it, with the total lack of respect he showed Fer). Parent/child dynamics are very interesting and although they seem easy to explain on the surface, they really are deeply imbedded in all of us.

Well, my heart was breaking for him....that was up until he heard Lety sob and he walked away. What a big mistake, you idiot!!!! Turn your cute little butt around and go in there and grovel and beg for the forgiveness of the only woman you love!!! Idiot!!! I was yelling at the tv just like when I watch a football game. And, just like the players on the field, Fer didn't listen to a word I said. UGH!

what will end sometime in the spring? the soap or the sadness?

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 165 & 166 is at this link.

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