Thursday, December 21, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #172 12/21/06 in which Lety enjoys the attention of a cute amateur psychiatrist lobster-fisherman in cutoffs.

  • Lety marvels at Aldo: "What a beautiful smile you have..." Without glasses, she squints thoughtfully and gratefully at him. He says they are like brother and sister now that he's saved her life. He has a ring around his neck very like the one she just found in the sand. He says, "I'm so glad to meet you, you're a beautiful person." He tells her to call him "just Aldo." She tells him she has another brother-friend (Tomas). Aldo says he has nobody close to him and she sympathizes: "It must be hard to lose the people you love." As they walk the beach, she says: "You're so agile and springy - I'm such a city girl." "Is that why you were in the ocean in your shoes?"

    I want you all to cut Aldo a break, at least till he starts being a jerk. He's nice, cute, he's listening sympathetically, he's supportive, he's single, he's not her boss, and he's not engaged to anybody. What a welcome change that must be!

    Aldo tells her she needs to give things up ("these shoes, for instance," pretending to throw them in the sea). Lety: "Did you renounce your family, is that how you lost them?" "Yes, my father had planned my life according to his own needs, which had nothing to do with mine. He got furious when I told him what I wanted to do." "Yes, I guess he'd be bothered that his son wanted to be a lobster fisherman, I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that, but there aren't that many lobsters, or, well, there isn't much of a future in that career." Aldo is laughing. Lety: "But was it worth it to exchange everything for your liberty?" "I'm a completely happy man." "You don't sound convinced." "How could I not be happy when I have all this?" (Gestures towards the ocean.)

    "Tell me, living in a place like this, Leticia, couldn't you feel free?" "Yes, but I don't live here, my place is far away." "No, your place is the infinite universe." "No, I live in a tiny, reduced place." "Reduced to one name, Fernando?"

    She scolds him for reading her writing in the sand, he reminds her she almost drowned and wonders if she somehow wanted to drown. Luckily, from there the walk and talk becomes lighthearted and silly and he dandles her shoes in front of her all the way back to the hotel where they sit very close and she tells him her entire tale of woe (I don't need to repeat it, since you all lived through it at length). It is intercut with sweet scenes of Fern mooning over her empty office.
  • Back in Mexico City, Fernando calls Lety's house and asks Julieta about her. His voice is respectful, sweet, and warm: "Can it be you've heard nothing? Will you please let me know when you get a report?" Robopop: "Why didn't you tell him she called? Since when does she play cat and mouse with this man? I don't like it at all." Tomas: "Is she still coming home today?" "Dunno, she hasn't called again."
  • Lety, in conclusion, boils down her problems to being the consequence of her ugliness. Aldo says if she loved herself more, she wouldn't have gotten to such a terrible place, and if she learns to love herself sufficiently, men won't betray her.

    He flirts gently, looks searchingly and sweetly into her eyes [I have NOT abandoned Fern! I'm just trying to give the new guy a chance...], tries on her shoes when she says "You'd have to stand in my shoes to understand," and touches her hair, which makes her jump and yelp. He says: "I believe in you, you inspire me." She says he's given her a bit of confidence too.
  • The cuartel is reduced to wanly speculating about Lety and the various goings-on - it's hard to gossip when you have no information at all.

    Irmita arrives. The cuartel pulls her in one direction, Luigi pulls her in the other. He finally has to swallow his pride and, for the sake of getting the story, goes with the girls to THEIR boardroom - which, he hadn't realized, is the lady's bathroom. Simon, who is evidently used to meeting here, consoles him. Irmita rehashes about her sad-sack ex coming home to die.
  • Marcia tells Alicia she can't pardon Fernando after all. She sits in her office, looks over the dreaded Carvahallmarks and stuffed animals, stuffs them back in the garbage bag, and then thrusts the whole lot in Fern's hand. She wants an assurance he did it all for business, not love - he stays silent. (Later he answers her question when he's alone in Lety's office: "I did it because I'm crazy in love with Lety.")
  • Fern's parents arrive for another meeting. Humberto tells Luigi he will have to continue taking orders from Fern. In the boardroom Teresita greets Marcia with sympathy and asks what they can do for her. "Don't blame yourselves for what's happened, and don't feel sorry for me."

    Nobody greets Fern and Omar when they come in from the doghouse, our two big stupid shaggy beautiful dogs in deep doodoo. Silence.

    Ariel arrives with two lawyers. He viciously mocks Alicia's carlessness and says he guesses she wasn't worth 500,000 pesos after all. He offers her his slimy friends again, then says: "Be sure there's coffee in the meeting room this time."

    Humberto passes all the papers over to the lawyers. They note disapprovingly: Lety's letter giving up control of the business is "improvised" and also is not notarized. "Where is she?"

    The parental units tell Fern to have Lety there tomorrow! The meeting adjourns. Fern asks Omar rhetorically how he is going to find Lety since her family is not talking. Omar asks: "Are you more afraid of facing her father, or your own?"
  • Aldo asks Lety: "What's the most important thing about you?" Instantly: "That I'm ugly." But on reflection she adds: "I'm loyal, honest, affectionate, sweet, and intelligent - though not intelligent in love. I like to help people." She tells how she loves to laugh with Tomas, they're like a circus.

    Suddenly she asks what time it is and, hearing that it's noon, she jumps up, says she has to go back to Doña Carolina Angeles. Taken aback, Aldo says: "Doña Carolina??!!! What a strange world..." but Lety isn't listening and has already run off. Aldo murmurs to her back, "I myself once made the mistake of loving another more than myself..."


Geez, Louise, Melinama--tan rapido! Also, terrific as always. You must type as you watch. It's quite a skill!

If Luigi thinks about it for a minute, he might actually be totally comfortable in the ladies' restroom. ;-) He's probably getting schizophrenic between being so nice sometimes and so mean other times.

In telenovelaland it's interesting that a man as good looking as Aldo could be taking so much interest in a fea so quickly (especially when the day before the junta took weeks).

Thanks, Melinama, for all your hard work on this blog.


Oh, just in case anyone thinks that last comment about Aldo taking interest was a putdown of Lety, let me set the notion out of your minds. It's a putdown of beautiful men who think us plain janes (or Jeannes) are beneath them.


One more thing, and then I promise I'll shut down! I was thrilled to see our Lety list her sterling qualities of loyalty, honesty, etc. It's a terrific start to finding herself and truly liking herself. I think for the most part she actually does like herself, or she wouldn't be so well-adjusted overall and enjoying her little corner of the world. It's just that she realizes other folks view her differently and she is so conscious of what they are thinking--and it is hurtful, so she doesn't go outside her comfort zone too much. Listing her good qualities forced her to think of herself in those terms.


I've decided Aldo is a Tomas replacement for Lety, a true friend when she really needs one.
No, no, not a Fernando replacement, never. Now if he were Fernando Colunga there might be a chance.
I don't know where Le Fea is heading but I've decided I'll make my own happy ending. I can't bear it if Fern and Lety don't get back together!
Carrie L.

Yeah, I have to say after tonight's episode Aldo seems more like a friend than a love interest - we shall see.

The points that have been made about the discrepancies in the intro are very interesting...again, we shall see. It is freaks me out nonetheless that the creators of the show clearly WANT us to think all that stuff is going to happen. Hmmm

Yeah even if we all spoke perfect Spanish I would still want this website to be here for dishing purposes!

I was pleased to see Juan Soler playing Leti's new friend/love interest -- he's just about the only guy handsome enough to give Fernando any real competition (although I still pick Fernando).

I thought the scene where he tried on Leti's shoes was one of the few genuinely funny things I've seen on this show.

I caught the last 15 minutes tonight. Lucky Lety, rescued by that bodacious fisherman dude! I've always had a soft spot for those hunky free-spirit types. I wonder if he can cook too?

Well, if he's the famous chef....we can count on him cooking....


Thanks for the recap, Melinama. I will take your words to heart and try to give this Aldo a chance (although I cannot stand his daisy duke shorts).

While watching the show, I was somewhat bothered by the fact that Lety so readily opened up to the "stranger". It just all seemed rather forced & contrived to develop this relationship at a quicker pace. However, my sister pointed out that when novelas enter a nueva etapa they have to recap to bring the newer viewers up to speed. Obviously they were using the Lety/Aldo conversation to accomplish this goal.

Some how, it would seem more logical to me for her to have opened up to Carolina. Oh well, I'm not writing the novela, I'm just the armchair writer from 7-8 Monday through Friday.

In retrospect, I guess I was just bothered by Lety getting close to some new man (read: not Fernando). Still, I cannot wait to see how this all plays out.

Considering that this guy just saved her life, I can see why she would feel an immediate loyalty and closeness to him.

I am also warming up to him, now that he's shown us his fun-yet-intelligent personality, though I'm really struggling with the thought that he could win Lety over before Fern gets a chance to grow, learn, mature, find himself, understand, explain everything to her and win her back... whew... he better work really fast!

Re: the intro, I did not like it either, but then I realized Marcia would never go into the ocean in her wedding dress; she's just not the type, so it MUST be a dream or something... IT HAS TO BE! Also, there are all those shots of Fern in his white pants and naturally curly, product-free hair...yum!

Don't you think they gave both Fern and Lety - and nobody else - that slicked-back hair on purpose? I actually like it on both of them.

Fern hasn't really learned anything yet. He still blames things on other people and moons around instead of figuring out how to pull himself out of his baby-identity. I adore Fern too but his being a rich pretty-boy son of cold, pushy parents surely has stunted his emotional growth!

I don't mind the Daisy Dukes... I just don't care for the surprisingly spindly legs coming out of them. (Why some men will work out their upper bodies but neglect their legs, I don't understand.)

I could do without the Donald Trump hairdo, too, although I'll admit that aside from his hair and his legs, Aldo is quite a looker. I'm still weighing some nicknames for him. ;-)

I think Lety *did* try to open up to Carolina... but Carolina was too stressed, busy, or perhaps too close to Fern and Marcia to be willing to hear it.

OTOH, it's been proven that when two people share a life-threatening experience, they feel emotionally closer to each other. (It may have something to do with emotions getting imprinted with a shot of adrenaline.) So, while unbosoming to Aldo may seem surprising and abrupt for someone like Lety, I think it was just a combination of that effect, plus the fact that she desperately needs to talk to someone and he's willing to listen.

"Opening up" to Carolina would have been even more forced because she was present for so much of the story and knows it already. "As you know, Fern and I ..." yuk

I visited telenovela-world and the folks over there (who've had 14 more weeks of this show) absolutely detest Aldo with a pure and burning hatred. I wonder why? I wonder if we'll feel the same way eventually?

I heard a most interesting story on public radio last night about discrimination in the workplace in Mexico.... and we thought this novela was an exaggeration... Not according to this story-> Marketplace Story

It's quite possible to dislike Aldo just because he's not Fern. That is, I'm mad at Fern but I don't want to be, so I'm projecting my Fern-anger onto Aldo instead. ;-)

Aldo, thanks for saving Lety's life, you do indeed have a pretty smile, but you're not Fern, so drop dead! :-)

Exactly Julie! You are not Fern. Not his fault of course and he might be a very nice guy, but....
Sorry, I just can't like anyone who would take Fern's place with Lety. In my heart they are meant to be!

Melinama, that's an interesting observation about the other forum and the feelings the participants have for Aldo after 14 weeks. From what I have seen, I can't imagine why they would dislike him so much. I want Lety to end up with Fern, but Aldo seems like he could actually give her some support and encouragement. So, those of us here may find he's not all the first impressions suggest, huh?


I think they hate him because hey yaks too much, like he's the expert on everything, and his biggest crime of course, not being Fern - which I hear, is a federal offense.

The observations of Lety opening up to this perfect stranger are interesting. Sometimes it's easier to do that because they are less judgmental.

Lety, for feeling so fea all of her life can really turn on the flirtiness when the need arises.

Interesting analysis of Aldo and Lety. I also got the brother/sister vibe and he is a definite improvement on Tomas. It's not just his looks it is that he has a broader view of the world. I'm more convinced then ever that there was something between him and Caro and it also sounded like he comes from the same kind of background as Fern.

Fern is going to be caught between a rock and a hard place. I'm guessing that Julieta will tell him where Lety is and he will hustle off to find her. If he tried to tell her he truly loves her she won't believe him especially when he has to ask her to come back to save the business.

I'm also worried about that ring. I can see it becomeing a problem down the road leading to misunderstandings so prevelant in novelaland.

Fern earned a few more points and a little spine when he told cement for brains (I really had another word in mind)Omar that he loved Lety. For some reason the idiot just isn't getting it when he has been told it a hundred times. Loved Fern looking at that little picture of Lety that he carries around. Shades of Tomas.

Poor Luigi, looking like he was in a paintball war and now meeting with the cartel in the ladies room. Too funny.

I love Luigi's funky shirt. I want it. Is it too late to send a letter to Santa?

uh-oh, now that i think of it, caro did refer to the chef with what seemed like some sort of romantic emotion. i hope we don't end up with a lety-aldo-carolina love triangle! ...alma, taking the day off and spending too much time web-surfing, not enough time gift-wrapping.

I thought the ring holds some sort of significance as well. But Lety did have Aldo help her switch it from the right hand to the left hand. I thought she said something about people getting the wrong idea.

Love the location shots in Acapulco, but having a hard time hearing the conversations with all the background noise.

Although I am totally anti- Lety/Aldo, I do think she needs some more relationship experience before she can get back with Fern. But, she flat out told Aldo she is still in love with Fern, so he can't be confused about picking her up on the rebound. I would definitely prefer if the writers keep him on "friend" status.

I'm ready for the pace to pick up again. Enough rehashing. Maybe it was a recovery week for the cast & crew. Especially with Angelica's injury...


I also think the pace has slowed as a transitional thing and also to let Angelica heal. After all we can't have her made over into a swan with a huge plastic bag on her arm. And yikes and now we face the weekend and Christmas with no LFMB. I'm going to go crazy after tonight's episode.

Yes, we're not just anti-Aldo but pro-Fernando. No one could take Fernando's place, and I want him back in the love scenes. I'm so glad he is starting to admit his love for Lety to other people. By his not confirming to Marcia that he did everything for the business was a confession of love for Lety by omission. He is so precious looking at that little picture of Lety while Tomas was just gross looking at his picture of Alicia. I don't know why the two should strike me so differently. Fernando misses Lety and truly loves her while Tomas was only lusting after Alicia, therefore it was gross.

Melinama, I also love Fernando's slicked down hair, although he is also fabulous with it curly. Fernando is like those handsome old movie stars from the 1940s with his hair slicked back. It does make he and Lety look like they belong together with their hair, eyes and skin the same. I've often thought that. Fernando is gorgeous.



I'd seen photos of Jaime with his hair all curly, and wasn't impressed... thought I liked him better with it slicked down... but I think it looks awesome in the new opening credits. Or maybe it's the clothes. I don't think there's ANY man that looks better in a suit.

As for the long break... one way to keep yourself busy and get your LFMB fix is to go back and read old recaps, if you don't have some old episodes on tape/DVR...

Fern is HOT. Aldo is HOT. It would be tough for me to choose. (Can I get a Fern and Aldo twist?)
But I will be seriously perturbed if Lety ends up with anyone but Fernando, in the blood pressure-raising tradition of novelas like La Esposa Virgen! Man, I was mad about that for weeks!

Excellent idea about reading the recaps. I didn't pay any attention to LFMB until I caught some of the german scenes, skipped it and came bac at the spa have have become obssessed ever since.

I too think the wedding hint has to be a dream, make that a nightmare. If Fern married her then Marcia would have to die since Robopop and Julieta would never let their little angel marry a divorced man civil cermony or not. At least that is what is keeping me from preparing to bail if it happens.

I loved your comments Connie about Fernando! I love him the best with his slicked down hair and in a black business suit and tie. He also looks great in jeans, white tee shirts, etc. etc.
To Aldo's credit he does have really pretty eyes. I just can't get past the overbite and way too bleached out white teeth.
I want to see Fernando come running down the beach and see Lety fall into his arms.
Dreaming of Fernando and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Carrie L.

So far, I'm ok with Aldo, other than his too-white teeth, and pudgy stomach hanging a little over the tops of his too-short cut-offs.
Lety seems to be getting a crush on him already. Thank goodness Fernando still inhabits her brain!
The opening credits make Aldo seem like the star, but he'll never outshine Fernando and his hair - curly, slicked back, whatever!! Fer is absolutamente gorgeous wearing the white outfit in the beach scene.
Dear Santa, bring me one of those!

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 170 & 171 is at this link.

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