Wednesday, December 13, 2006

La Fea Más Bella #165 12/12/06 The Big Meeting!

I'm just filling in for Amanda tonight while she studies for final exams. Thanks for letting me do this one, Amanda, and good luck!

After hearing Fern and Omar (mostly Omar) plotting to send Lety to Africa during the wedding, Lety returns to her office to remind herself why she's felt so torn lately: she reads The Letter again. She realizes that nothing has changed; Fernando was just following Omar's instructions, step by step. He never had any intention of canceling the wedding.

Lety sticks The Letter in a drawer and stews.

Final meeting preparations

Marcia interrupts Lety's stewing to ask where Fern is. Then, spying the folders on Lety's desk, she asks again about the report for the Big Meeting. Lety says she needs to make copies and will be ready in ten minutes. Marcia says it's time now and everyone is waiting except Ariel and Ana Leticia. Marcia ironically offers to reschedule the meeting for Lety's convenience. Lety snaps that she will be ready in TEN MINUTES. Marcia is outraged by Lety's arrogance and says she's stupid to take such a tone with her. She's not in the mood. Lety is equally outraged by Marcia's attitude and replies in kind!

Why fight with your unfaithful fiance who hates you when you can pick on an underling, right?

Marcia says it's obvious that they can't stand each other, and someone will have to go. Lety agrees, saying that after the meeting, she's going away and never coming back. Then they'll be through with one another. (I am not doing this scene justice - you really have to see the determination on Lety's face and the ice in her voice!)

Marcia starts grabbing at the folders and wants Lety to sign something. Lety stops her. Marcia seems to thinks this is some sort of trick on Lety's part. She thinks Lety will tell Fern that Marcia made her quit. However, she (Marcia) is ready for anything.

Lety says the only thing Marcia needs to prepare for is Lety's resignation. Marcia dares her to quit because she doesn't want to see her any more after the meeting. She will throw Lety out, otherwise. Or else she will leave Conceptos herself. (Remind me again why it would be bad if Marcia left Conceptos?) Marcia stomps out.

"Poor woman," Lety mutters to herself. She picks a few pages out of each folder and throws them away. She pulls some other pages out of her drawer. Then she starts typing her resignation. (Amazing... I would have finished mine days ago!)

Meanwhile, despite her waitress dress, Alicia is desperate not to serve the coffee at the meeting. She tries ordering PM, Lola, Sara, and Juana around. She claims that she could tell Humberto that they refused to help her, and then they'd be fired just like that. (She snaps her fingers imperiously.) PM laughs at Alicia for forgetting to make arrangements with a caterer.

As Marcia enters the executive lobby, Alicia shares with the cuartel her flimsy theory that her boss outranks their bosses, and therefore she outranks them. Seeing Marcia, who is standing behind Alicia and listening with interest, Sara and Lola nod with polite amusement as Alicia tells them that Lola's boss (Marcia) is merely a simple production executive, and therefore Alicia outranks the secretary of the dumb so-called production executive.

Marcia claps sarcastically and asks Alicia for an explanation. Alicia whines "Aaaaay, Marcia," and says that none of them would get Humberto's coffee. Marcia asks where are the waiters. Alicia admits that she hasn't called them yet. Marcia asks whose responsibility it is. Alicia admits it is hers.

"So who's gonna serve the coffee?" Marcia asks. Alicia points in the general direction of the cuartel. (The Socratic method doesn't work on everyone.)

Marcia hollers at her to serve the coffee! Alicia is shocked. "I am going to have to serve coffee?" she asks in horror. "What, should I do it?" Marcia answers. Alicia says it would pain her to see it, but if Marcia really wants to do it... "Go and serve the coffee to Humberto, Alicia," Marcia replies firmly. She snaps her fingers at Alicia!

Humiliated, Alicia whines "Marrrrcia" again, and says she could have asked in a nicer way. Marcia smugly replies, "The dumb production executive manager outranks the president's secretary." She orders the cuartel back to work.

In Omar's office, Fern struggles with the Card of the Day. He says he's in love with Lety. What is he supposed to write in that card? He's going to marry someone else! Omar says come on, this is the last time you'll ever have to do this. It's our last chance to convincer her.

Marcia interrupts to remind them to come to the meeting. After she leaves, Fernando mutters, "I cannot stand her. I was just standing here, and you know what I felt? Repugnance. I don't want to be with her because I cannot stand her." Omar says that's no way to talk about the woman you're going to marry!

Marcia tries to get Luigi into the boardroom. He protests, not wanting to go to a meeting full of horrible numbers.

Alicia passes by with one (one!) cup of coffee. Luigi teasingly asks if she took a 3-week intensive course for ["famulla," not in my dictionary] service professionals. She is full of surprises. She's Alicia in Wonderland. (I don't get a lot of the discussion after that. I think the idea is that the people in the cafeteria will only give her one cup at a time because they don't like her. Heh, go figure.)

More last-minute preparations

Alicia brings Humberto his coffee. She passes the cup right under Teresita's nose! She tells Humberto that the people in the cafeteria are very busy. (Marcia and Luigi enter.) Alicia says it's no problem - she likes to help out when other people won't. She says they know she's not lazy or spiteful.

Teresita asks when the waiters are coming and asks for a cup of tea. Lopez asks for some coffee. Luigi asks for some tamarind juice and donuts. He thinks donuts will cure his discomfort because talking about numbers makes him feel lousy. Lopez adds that he wants his coffee without sugar.

Alicia slinks out of the boardroom. Marcia follows and asks why she hasn't called the caterers yet. Flustered, Alicia says she didn't get around to it because she was overwhelmed with the Cannes event and having Tomas at her place last night. She has problems. Tomas has disappeared.

Marcia emphatically says she doesn't care. She doesn't whine, even though her problems are much bigger than Alicia's. She advises Alicia to work out her problems with the cafeteria. Alicia wants Marcia to order the cafeteria workers around. Marcia says she can't order people just to demean them.

Meanwhile, in the Fea-Cave, Lety signs her letter of resignation, gathers the reports, and gets up. "Ready," she says. "Don Fernando, Doña Marcia... they don't know the surprise that awaits them," she mutters in self-satisfaction. She takes a deep breath and goes into Fern's office. She looks at the Golden Lion on Fern's desk and again remembers Psychic Guy's prediction that all the things that have sustained her will disappear, and then her fight for survival will begin.

Lety's ready - let's get started!

Marcia goes back into the boardroom, where people are getting impatient. Marcia says they can't start without Ariel and Ana-Leticia. Humberto asks where is Lety. Marcia picks up the phone.

Passing through the lobby, Omar considerately re-re-rehashes why Fern needs to make up with Marcia. Fern leans in between Lola and Sara curiously. "I'm finishing something," Lola says. "I've already finished," Sara adds.

Lety comes out of Fern's office clutching the reports. Fern asks if they're ready. With ethereal serenity, Lety says she needs to make up some special binders and is missing some photocopies. Fern urges her to hurry. Everyone is waiting. She says she needs ten more minutes (apparently a different ten minutes than the ones she told Marcia about). She assures them that soon they will finish everything. (Neither man detects anything odd about her manner.) She drifts away to the copy room. Omar tries to lift Fern's spirits and reminds him to breathe.

In the boardroom, Luigi tells the senior Mendiolas of all the job offers he's been receiving lately, in LA and Miami. With a perfectly straight face, Humberto slaps him on the shoulder and asks when he'll be leaving! Luigi looks hurt. "Luigi, you cannot abandon us," Teresita protests. "No way!"

They are all startled by Fern and Omar's arrival. Fern greets everyone loudly and kisses Teresita, Luigi (who looks offended again), and Humberto. He makes a big show of hugging and kissing Marcia, and tries to ignore her cold, suspicious look.

Humberto asks why the meeting is starting so late. Fern says Ariel and Ana-Leticia haven't arrived yet. He complains about how disrespectful they are. Humberto wants to look at the report right away. Fern and Omar cheerfully say that Lety is bringing them, and everything is perfect. "Perfect," Omar echoes. "Perfect," Lopez repeats. "Super-perfect," Marcia adds
sarcastically. Fern kisses her cheek. Marcia rolls her eyes. At Teresita's behest, they all sit down.

Luigi asks why they are so cheerful. Fern takes Marcia’s hands and kisses them. He restates his commitment to marry her this weekend, and tells them to smile. Teresita said she never doubted it. Humberto says he never would have forgiven him otherwise. (Gulp!)

Nervously, Fern announces, "Pencils for everyone!" and starts throwing pencils around.

Impatience sets in

The cuartel interrogate Lety as to why she is going back to the copy room. Lety says she needed to correct an error. (And the award for the 2006 Telenovela Understatement of the Year goes to... Lety!) PM says it's not like Lety to wait till the last minute. Lety says that when it comes to correcting mistakes, better late than never. Lola hints that Lety could be run out of there (fired?) if she doesn't hurry up. Lety says no problem - she'll run herself off.

Ariel steps off the elevator with the look of a snake who thinks he's found a nest full of eggs. Lety tells him she's just fixing up some folders. He tells her he's looking forward to seeing the report. She pats his arm (!!!) and assures him that he'll love it. She continues on her merry way, and Ariel brushes his arm. (Reminds me of the time Fern brushed off his chair after Ariel sat in it, or the time Lety brushed off her chair after Fern sat in it!)

Just as Ariel is about to enter the boardroom, Alicia comes in holding a tray. She loudly complains that she has to do everything. Ariel is amused that she is now serving coffee. She says Conceptos is full of useless people, and she has a great sense of responsibility.

She asks the cuartel if she's had any calls (no doubt thinking of Tomas). They say no. Ariel is even more amused. He asks if her boyfriend has reported to her yet. He asks if she got the 500,000 pesos for her car. She says she did. He says she could have gotten more since she can also do waitressing. (She claims that the outfit is just a coincidence.) He says she'd be a sexy waitress and could put on one of those maid outfits like you see in pornos. Listening to Ariel humiliating Alicia, it is hard to believe that this actor will soon have his own talk show. He must be really good! He teases her some more about his alleged "friends" who would surely pay her to serve them.

Alicia maintains a neutral expression and asks Ariel to open the boardroom door for her. He agrees, then stares fixedly at her butt with a juvenile smirk as he follows her to the door.

And now the meeting starts

In the boardroom, Fern is asking when is Ariel going to grace them with his presence, when Ariel suddenly graces them with his presence. Luigi gets up and makes a big point of moving to the opposite end of the table! Ariel and Fern taunt one another sarcastically. Fern insists this will be a great day, and Ariel insinuates that it won't.

Humberto interrupts, asking them not to fight or make sarcastic comments. He adds, "Ariel, at least say hello." Ariel apologizes and says "hi, how are you... PAPA. Teresita, precious as always... MAMI."

Teresita is charmed. Humberto doesn't react. Omar makes a "can you believe this guy?" face. Fern is outraged! He asks Alicia where are the waiters? And why did she only serve a few people? He tells her to bring coffee for himself, Omar, and Ariel... and also an antacid for Ariel. Ariel laughs mirthlessly and suggests tranquilizers and a doctor for everyone else. Alicia whines that she's tired. Teresita says "just bring coffee for everyone." Luigi is not happy with the stuff she brought him - he wanted donuts, not calorie-laden cake (I must have translated the foods wrong - donuts are way worse than cake) and he asked for tamarind water, not soda which gives him gas. Lopez tastes his coffee and makes one of his incredible faces. He says he didn't want sugar. (At least Luigi adds, "please, your highness.")

Fern fidgets uncomfortably.

Alicia leaves the room, whines to herself that it must be Friday the 13th, and then recounts everything that I have just told you, but not as thoroughly or as delightfully. She asks Lola, Sara, and PM if her phone has rung. "NO," they chorus. "Tomas, you're never going to show up with my money," she thought-bubbles. That's right - she said "MY money." You just gotta love Alicia. Well... someone's just gotta love her. Somewhere...

Okay, maybe the meeting starts now?

Don't be silly. It's only 8:42. We've got at least ten more minutes before anything interesting can happen.

As Celso plays mournful harmonica music, Tomas pulls up in the Swigglemobile. He says, "hey kid, do me a favor. Call Lety and tell her that Tomas is here." Celso scrambles to comply. Tomas pompously tells Celso to hurry up, because he's a very important person. His voice trails off a little at the end as he realizes that he won't be getting VIP treatment much longer.

Inside, Lety returns from the copy room, and Lola and Sara advise her to hurry. Lety says she needs to get some things in her office. PM offers to hand out the reports for her while Lety does that, but Lety says she'll be real quick. Really. The cuartel worry.

Celso calls and Sara answers. She is surprised to hear that Lety's boyfriend is looking for her. They all wonder what's going on and worry about her odd behavior.

Lety takes the call in her office. Celso passes the phone to Tomas and says it's Lety. Tomas says, "that's licenciada Leticia Padilla Solis, to you!" Tomas asks if he needs to pay to use the phone. Celso tells him that it's free. "It should be, since I had to wait," Tomas grumbles. Celso wonders aloud why a guy who drives a convertible would worry about the cost of a phone call. Tomas retorts that rich people are careful about how they spend their money!

Tomas reports that the car is as clean as new. Lety says that he can't come up now because the meeting is about to start. Tomas says he's not interested in going up there anyway, since he's got some unfinished business... did Alicia ask about him? Exasperated, Lety says she wouldn't know. She tells Tomas to give all of the paperwork and car stuff to Celso, then go to her house and wait for her there.

Tomas asks if she feels badly. She says yes. He asks what happened. She says nothing yet, but it will be the end of everything. He says whatever happens, call him and he'll come for her, he'll take a taxi or a bus, whatever, and he will be there for her. She's not his boss any more, but she is his friend, his very best friend.

Tomas throws the phone at Celso. Celso misses, and the phone falls apart. Celso calls Tomas a joker.

It's 8:47 - it'd be okay with me if the meeting started now

Alicia passes through the lobby with another trayload of coffee. She overhears Lola, Sara, and PM gossiping about Lety and her boyfriend. Alicia asks if the mustached corncake's boyfriend is around. (Wow, she's not even trying to be sneaky about it now!) Sara says yes he is, is that a problem? Alicia says it doesn't matter to her.

Just then, Irma joins them. Everyone rushes to greet her and tell her there's no work for her today because of the Big Meeting. Irma points to the ceiling. Everyone looks up, and Irma sneaks away to work! They chase after her. Left alone in the lobby, Alicia tells herself that Tomas is going to pay her.

Meanwhile, in the boardroom, Luigi is telling his captive audience that he partied until 4 that morning and was such a mess that Ruli (his boyfriend) had to carry him to bed. Just then, Marcia gets off the phone and says they might as well start. Ana-Leticia is only just now getting up. I think Luigi says it's a good thing because the rest of his story is too private to share.

Just then, Lety enters with the reports. She greets them all in a solemn tone. Fern and Ariel stare at one another with smug satisfaction, each thinking he knows something the other doesn't.

YES!! Let the meeting BEGIN!!

Tomas says goodbye to the car. His farewell reminds me of Alicia's loving words to her old car from the Bolsa Roja day; but, while Alicia felt that she and her car were twins separated at birth, Tomas tells the Swigglemobile that they are from two different worlds. He laments that he, Alicia, and the car cannot be together as a dynamic trio. He pretends to take his wife Alicia to a nice restaurant and ask for a special table. (He is doing this out loud, in broad daylight.)

"CELSO? CELSO!!" Alicia's screeches float across pavement. Tomas hurriedly hides behind the car. Celso says he was just there. Tomas scurries around back as Alicia comes around to his side. Celso mentions that Tomas was there to leave the papers for the car with him. Alicia asks if Tomas asked for her. Celso doesn't know why Lety's boyfriend would ask for Alicia. She says forget it. Alicia unleashes a string of epithets, some of them negative and directed at Tomas, some of the positive and directed at the car. Huddling against a rear tire, Tomas listens in confusion and clutches the checkbook in sheer terror! (I'm not sure why he has this - wasn't Lety going to turn it over today?) As Alicia runs back into the building, whining "no puede ser," he stands up to watch her retreating figure.

Tomas counts the change in his pocket, complains about his poverty, and catches a bus.

Meanwhile, inside, the cuartel have caught up with Irma and try to get her to go home. Irma says if there isn't any work for her to do, she'll make something up. She goes back to Luigi's lair and Sara, Lola, and PM wonder what's so awful at her house that she doesn't want to be there.

They notice the abandoned coffee tray and joke about the coffee's hotness. Alicia comes back and they laugh at her.

Less than five minutes left

Tomas is already at Lety's house. (Apparently, the buses in Mexico City are not only cheap, but can travel at warp speed.) He is disassembling Filmo-Imagen's computer. He explains to Julieta that he will to take it to Conceptos and asks if she has money for a taxi. (The answer is no.) He complains about being without a car, poor; before and after; without a cell phone, disconnected from the world. Lety touches his cheek sympathetically.

All hope is lost; stop reading now

Lety hands out the folders. Before anyone can open them, Alicia bursts through the door with the tray. They all watch her struggle, but no one offers to help. :-)

Humberto says, "I imagine that you will stay for the meeting." Alicia answers "yes, of course!" Fernando says that his father was referring to Lety. He says Lety will certainly stay; it's her balance sheet. Ariel says he's looking forward to what the licenciada has to say.

Fernando tells Alicia that the coffee is cold. He tells her to get some ice cubes. It'd be better iced than medium-tepid. Omar says it's not completely horrible. Fernando asks where are the waiters. She acts surprised that they haven't arrived yet. He tells her to take everything away. She gathers everything up and struggles out the door with the tray - again, no one helps her.

Humberto tells Lety to sit down. She takes a seat at the head of the table, between Fern and Marcia. Marcia's body language is pretty plain as she turns her body towards Humberto, away from Lety and Fern.

Humberto says that before anyone opens their folders, he wants to go over some rules. First, they will review the report and they will make their comments. Does everyone agree?

Ariel says he has no problem with that. He's not in a hurry, and he's very interested in what they have to say. (This is at least the third time he's said that tonight.) Teresita adds that they mustn't convert this meeting into a battle. When she and Humberto left London, it wasn't just for a reunion or a wedding. They also want to have a nice meeting. (Luigi looks worried. Lopez looks bored.) Whatever problems Fern and Ariel have, should be handled as a family, with affection. Humberto adds similar thoughts about being respectful, etc. and says "okay, start."

Luigi makes a flippant remark about the folders being cute and having their names in them. He sees notepads and thinks they should pass notes like in school. Everyone else opens their folders quietly.

Fern opens his folder and as he reads silently, we hear Omar's voice in Fern's head. "My esteemed president, here are your instructions..."

It is The Letter.

Fern looks up in shock, to meet Omar's terror-stricken eyes. He continues reading:

" continue your horrible campaign with Lety."

Wouldn't that be awful? It's like those greeting cards where you open them up and they play music. But this would be a talking Carvajallmark.

Fern looks at Lety. Lety just stares into space.

"I've told you the cards that you should put on your monster's desk each morning. Don't forget because I am not going to be here to remind you. (Omar giggles.) If you're sufficiently motivated, go to bed with her."

The Big Meeting is underway. Will the waiters ever arrive? Hungry people can be very grumpy...


Lovely job! I was afraid the meeting would never, never begin. What a great start though. How deserved. I hope everybody is satisfied now! Fern and Omar deserve to be skewered.

My online dictionary says that "batalla campal" is a pitched battle.

Ojala that they will finally get this meeting going further--can they drag it out any more?

Well, the chickens have finally come home to roost..The "look" on the faces of Fern & Omar has been worth the many weeks of being glued to the TV..Now that the imfamous revolting letter is out right in front of the two clowns,what is behind door number two of the folder?Say it's so..Say it's so..Could it be the the truth about Filmo Imagen and the 45 million debt of Conceptos and the "true" balance sheet..Lety, you're the greatest..Maureen

AHHHH! OK, in truth I have to say that I'm so relieved that the letter is finally out in the open. I was envisioning that Lety would show the real balance but Fer still wouldn't know why b/c she STILL wouldn't mention the letter. That letter should have come out into la luz a long time ago, so thank goodness it's finally out there!

I couldn't tell if the letter was in all the folders or only Fer/Omar's...???

Oh man you should have heard me screaming last night...what an episode! And what, yo me pregunto, lies ahead for Fer and Lety???

I think that "The Letter" is only in Fernando & Omar's folder and the real balance sheet is in the other folders.
Lety, you go girl!!!!

The other folders' contents have not yet been revealed. So far, no one has even reacted yet. I thought it would be best to just leave it at that, and let the mayhem shown in the preview for tonight's episode speak for itself. :-)

This was an excellent recap Julie! I love the way you gave us so much detail on what was being said. Thank you so much!!
I thought I would lose my mind with Alicia and the coffee. Just throw the coffee at her and get on with it!
Fernando looked absolutely crushed when he saw the letter! Fabulous acting on his part!
Ariel is indeed like a snake. Great comparison!
Carrie L.

Bless you, Julie, for giving such a nice summary of the last five minutes of the program. The broadcast here is five minutes after the hour, and it cut off those minutes in my recording!!! Oh, was I upset when I realized what I had missed! I think I need to record Mundos de Fiera or whatever comes next to ensure I get the last five of LFMB. Sheesh, technology!


Oh, yes, the rest of the recap was brilliant, too! (As always).


Having seen this a numerous times on YouTube...the end is my favorite...give Omar an Oscar or at least an Emmy....cause he totally has me believing he could vomit in his own shoes at any second.

Kudos Fernicito & Omarcito...I haven't seen that look of terror since OZ was on HBO

Jeanne, that is the downside to TiVo with Univision programming. The show doesn't always start and end at exactly the same time each day. (I use a DVD-RAM recorder, myself, so I can set it to record from 8 to 9:05, which usually gets the whole thing one way or the other, except for that one time when it was on at 7 because of an awards show.)

Fortunately, you'll probably see a replay of those last five minutes tonight anyway. Believe me, I will savor every moment of tonight's episode!

Lety's kickin' it! That was totally worth the hours of torture we've sat through. I LOVED the constipated looks on their faces!! in the words of Pimp Slappin' Lety...THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MESS WITH UGLY CHICKS!!!

Thanks, Julie, for the reminder of the first five tonight. I just checked the DVR and realized I had shut it down and swapped a defective one out, then reprogrammed and forgotten the extra five minutes. So, I fixed it.

Beckster, how would I find the ending on You Tube?

Thanks! Jeanne

Thanks, Julie, for a great recap. It's a relief to have the truth out, but I feel very mixed emotions. Hurrah that Omar is getting what he deserved, but since Fernando had turned around and really loves Lety, it is hard for me to see this happening to him. Of course, it's bad that he's still trying to manipulate people to his own advantage. Although it is someone I don't like, Marcia, it still shows lack of character for Fernando to promise at this late date to still be going ahead with the marriage when he has no intention of doing so. Will Fernando now feel so betrayed by Lety that he will go ahead with the marriage so as not to disappoint his family any further? This is all too much!

One good thing, Ariel will have the wind taken out of his sails. If Lety is showing the real balance sheet it will actually save Fernando from further disgrace when Ariel would have broken his big news. Maybe Fernando's parents won't totally disown him.

Marcia is showing her true colors in this stressful time. No wonder Fernando can't stand her. She is so awful towards Lety. Remember she doesn't even know Lety and Fernando are involved. Why should she be so spiteful to her? She is such an uppity snip. Snapping her fingers at people. Yikes. I'm glad Lety is standing up to her. Don't you know she's shocked. Everyone else backs down.

That Tomas is so rude to people in service positions. Can you imagine how bad he would be if he really had money? His only saving grace is his loyalty to Lety as a friend. Otherwise, he and Alicia are about on the same level. Good point. Why does he still have that checkbook?

Can't wait for tonight.

Jeanne, back when this was all going on in Mexico, like the last week or so of August I would watch them on YouTubes...but I think all the videos except for the music one have been pulled off. You can go to or, register & download videos. It is kinda hard to get around LaFea & Todas is having serious server problems, but I am sure they will rerun the last 5 minutes tonite...cause it is just too good not to.

Thanks again, Julie for doing this for me! This was an intense episode, and the re-cap is great.

As for those who missed the last five minutes here's the you tube link:
Only watch the first four minutes because the clip shows what happens next! I tried to find the shorter version, but like Beckster said, they've been taken down.

Thanks, Beckster and Amanda!


Julie, for the excellent recap. Would I had your skills. I really need to start studying.

Yikes, I am dreading tonight. I am going to have to have some peptobismo on hand to cope with my upset stomach. By the way my tummy is churning you'd think I was on Conceptos payroll and had a lot riding on this boardmeeting!

I agree the Tomas behavior towards people he considers below him is boarish...but honestly his behavior to this point shows just how shallow he can be. Tomas could really use his own psychic guy to straighten him out. Where's a PG when you need him???? Stacey

Post viewing:

Oh, wow.


Thanks Julie.

Why have the You Tube clips been taken off?

I know I'm in the minority, but I don't want Fernie to suffer, I mean, at all. There, I said it and I'm not sorry. And Jose (Cuervo) agrees with me. So there. Sandy

Some things get deleted from the Internet websites routinely because of server space. Videos take up lots of server space and You Tube is huge, so my vote is that they clean out to make room on their servers for new clips.


And Sandy, I agree, that I don't want Fern to suffer....too much.


the truth shall set you free!

Oh My God!!! Finally we get to the meeting!! I also screamed and yelled in amazement when Omar and Fern opened their report and looked at each other in horror after starting to read the "letter"! My husband was even moved to make a statement! Then I can’t help but think was this real or was it one of those thought bubble things that Lety tends to have? But no I do believe this is for real this time and I also think that the letter is only in Omar and Ferns folder, but not completely sure. Great recap!!! I missed the first 25 minutes of the show so it was very helpful to read your detailed description of the show, great job!

Lord what an episode! That look on Fer and Omar's faces was priceless - talk about an oh sh** moment. I certainly hope she only put the letter in their folders. There is no reason to further debase them in front of their "friends" and family. They are getting the message that the rigged numbers probably aren't in the folders. I feel the pain that is coming to F & L but really didn't like his continueing to act like everything was fine with Marica.

As for the endless coffee scene oh please I worked for a major company and all that silicone loaded twit had to do was call down and have someone bring up the pots. Even if they hate her guts they wouldn't risk offending the owners of the firm.

As to the checkbook - I though I saw Tomas give it to Lety earlier at her house and remember her flipping through it. As someone pointed out the one good quality Tomas has is his loyalty to Lety otherwise he is a self absorbed, rude idiot with his brains in his pants.

I'm actually twitching at what will happen tonight.

Wow, what a show! The big day is finally here!

I think Lety was going to give the fake balances out until she heard Fern and Omar rehashing. (Of course, she couldn’t overhear the good stuff.) I think it was the last straw and she decided to put in the real balance sheets. Since, Ariel knows the truth, it’s better that they present the real thing anyway. But, Lety didn’t know that.

I wish she gave the letter to Fern in private. I am anxious to see his reaction! It was so sad, he kept trying to catch her eye in the meeting, but she was looking away on purpose. I’m sure her letter of resignation is in there too….

Patiently waiting for tonight!

Tomas had the laminated photo of Alicia in his hand. I thought it was the checkbook at first...



I'm with you in not wanting Fernando to suffer. Since he has declared his love of Lety to Omar, I'm really feeling soft towards him. Of course, I'm so nuts abut him I would overlook almost anything he would do. Lety is really strong to walk away from Fernando. All this dysfunctional lying and covering up has to come out in the open so they can begin again. If he doesn't go ahead with the marriage to Marcia maybe Lety will start to believe in his love for her again.


I thought Tomas offered to write a check for the bus driver when he left Conceptos, which is why I think he still has the checkbook.

I don't know why Lety didn't keep it when she looked at it this morning, but I can understand Tomas not wanting to leave it with Celso. He can give it back later when he returns the computer.

Oh, Julie---
You're the greatest!!!
You brought that whole scene to life.
Thank you, thank you!!!!

Tomas' sneaking around the sports car to evade the angry Oxi was pure comedy gold. Lety's move to reveal The Letter to Fern and Omar was better than drama gold--it was platinum, double or triple platinum! They knew they were so screwed.
Love the recaps--thanks to all of you.

I love Fern too..Just want him to suffer a little bit..He should have the guts to drop Marcia by being honest with her,but something tells me she'll find out in telenovela time..No woman can be that stupid when it comes to the actions,i.e. no sex,no hugs,no kisses..I think she knows it,but needs to have the hand writing on the wall or to be slapped in the face that it won't work with Fern..Mo

Jeanne and Connie, we should form a Fern support group. I can't understand why Lety couldn't FEEL his love. Hell, I could feel it and I'm not even there. Sandy

Works for me. She brings out the best in him, and he knows it. He just let himself be misguided by his "friends."


OMG!!! I thought the whole episode was going to be Alicia serving coffee. I laughed two days ago when someone suggested that might happen, and then half way through the episode I thought to myself "Was that a spoiler, because it sure appeared to be that way."

I hope that Lety put the real balance in the folders, because then smug Ariel will not be able to "catch" Fernando in the act of cooking the books.

The look on Fern's face when he read the letter was so classic ---kudos to Jaime for his acting. It was such a "I am completely screwed" look.

What a contrast between Lety and Marcia. We can consider both of them to be women scorned. Marcia is a harpy shrew, biting everyone's heads off. Lety is composed and dignified. She suffers silently, but I do believe she will have the last word (almost said last laugh, but there is nothing funny about this situation).

My heart goes out to Fern. I did feel sorry for him, but I do think he needs some pain in order for him to have some growth. Like I've said before, he needs to grow/mature in order to be deserving of Lety.

I cannot wait until tonight's episode. I've been thinking about it all day at work. I think my job productivity has gone down since I started to watch La Fea.

You and everyone else here, Cathy.



I can't wait to say, wow, that was very satisfying. Leaving Lety alone in her office, turning his back on her to go back to the meeting, well, I hope that is his low point. Hard to see how he gets lower than that.

Whew. I think I need to go to bed early.


It really was thorough and delightful - thanks, Julie!

Tomas gets boobified, Fern gets stupified. And I loved Omar's subtle panic stricken glances around the table to see if anyone else had a copy of his brilliant plan. The actor actually does a really good job.

The 2011 discussion for Capitulos 165 & 166 is at this link.

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