Monday, December 25, 2006

Navidad Sin Fin - Dec. 25, 2006


EPISODE 11 (end of part 2, transition to part 3):
Matilde is holding Rigoberto - Alejandra runs over and moves Matilde out of the way to get to Rigoberto. Matilde is very concerned but Alejandra doesn't want to hear it. She orders Matilde to leave them alone.

Ma and Pa are at home, still very worried about where Yolanda is; she hasn't appeared at all.

Alberto and Mauricio meet with Padre Miguel and Pancho in the church office. Alberto and Mauricio are very insistent on their project to help the children, as well as their search for Angelita and Rodito. Padre Miguel is skeptical and turns the idea down flat. Alberto pushes to try and convince Padre - Padre still rejects it outright, and gets up and orders them to leave his office.

Alejandra sits with Casimiro and Rigoberto at the restaurant. Casimiro asks Alejandra what is her problem with Matilde, are they related? Alejandra says Matilde means nothing to them (she's bitter and hurt). Casimiro mentions that Matilde has been closed off in her house except for the occasional meal at the restaurant. Rigoberto mentions his father, Alfonso. Alejandra is taken aback with Rigoberto's sentiment. Alejandra opens up and tells Rigoberto that Matilde is his grandmother. They talk and talk.

On a bench in the square, Rodo tells Angelita his idea to get everything back on track - Angelita is skeptical and tells him no tricks. Rodo is adamant his idea will work and tries to convince Angelita to go along with it. Pancho approaches and sits down and talks with Angelita and Rodo. They discuss the search for the children, two in particular (Angelita and Rodito). Angelita asks him for his wish - he says he would wish not for himself but for Rigoberto to be well again. They continue talking; Pancho reveals his thoughts and beliefs about angels. Rodo and Angelita smile.

Matilde stops by the church office and talks with Padre Miguel about meeting Alejandra and his grandson. She's upset by Alejandra's harsh comments towards her.

Sebastian talks with Alberto and Mauricio in his office. They discuss how Padre Miguel turned their project down flat - Alberto threatens that if Padre Miguel doesn't cooperate, they will just take their business to another town.

Rigoberto and Alejandra are at the apartment. Rigoberto leaves. Alejandra pulls out a photo of Alfonso to look at. Matilde stops by to talk with Alejandra. They clear up alot of misunderstandings from the past. Matilde listens to Alejandra, she understands and invites Alejandra and Rigoberto to a special dinner at her home tonight. Alejandra is surprised.

Sebastian talks with Padre Miguel about Alberto and Mauricio's threat. Padre isn't interested in the project. Sebastian tries desperately to convince him but Padre won't budge, he has his reasons. Pancho and Rigoberto arrive in the middle of the discussion. As Padre Miguel tells about how the project will threaten the Day of the Three Wise Men celebration, Rigoberto becomes very upset with the thought that his mother will suffer. Rigoberto runs out of the office.

Matilde talks with Angelita and invites her and Rodo to dinner tonight. Angelita accepts and will bring a special guest with them.

Alone in the office, Pancho and Padre Miguel talk in confidence. Pancho reveals that he likes Alejandra and wants to be there for her to support and love her. Padre offers him work in the restaurant. Pancho is excited by the opportunity, it means he will be closer to Alejandra. As Pancho leaves, Padre Miguel mentions something that surprises Pancho.

Rigoberto returns home and cries to his mom. He doesn't want her to suffer. She hugs and consoles him. She then tells him they will be going to dinner at his grandmother's house.

Angelita and Rodo enter the church office and tell Pancho that he will be joining them for dinner with Matilde, Alejandra and Rigoberto at Matilde's house. Pancho is overjoyed. Then Angelita and Rodo reveal the necklace emulet around Angelita's neck - Pancho is surprised as he realizes who they really are. Angelita and Rodo have Pancho kneel down and pray for his wish and dream.

Sebastian sits down at the table with Alberto and Mauricio - bad news, Padre Miguel won't change his mind on the project. Alberto and Mauricio can't believe it - Alberto comes up with a 'plan b' to get to Angelita and Rodo. Sebastian leaves to try again with Padre Miguel. Alberto and Mauricio are frustrated.

Matilde comes home. Ma corners her in the front hall - she is still worried sick about Yolanda; she hasn't appeared at all.

Sebastian is in the home office with Pa - they discuss their worries about Yolanda's disappearance. Pa has his suspicions.

Mauricio asks Alberto why the hurry, panic about finding Angelita and Rodo. Alberto explains. Mauricio shows his gun. Alberto tells him that won't work against angels. He tells him that their boss won't forgive or forget errors. Mauricio declares he isn't scared, he will take the lead in the operation.

Matilde welcomes Padre Miguel, Angelita, Rodo, and Pancho to her home. As they go to the living room, Alejandra and Rigoberto arrive and Matilde welcomes them.

Nati is in the kitchen preparing the meal - she feels a sudden chill in the air, and gets spooked. Casimiro comes in - Nati tells him of the weird things that have been occurring in the house, possible ghost. Casimiro and Nati talk as they leave the kitchen.

Matilde takes Rigoberto on a tour of the house. When they enter her bedroom, Rigoberto asks about his father. Matilde shows him the pocketwatch that had been his great-grandfather's which has been handed down to his grandfather and his father. Now she is handing it down to him - he thinks it is a gift and shouldn't accept it. She says it is his inheritance; everything she has is his.

Padre Miguel sits with Pa and Sebastian and they start discussing and arguing about Matilde's special guests. Sebastian is shocked that Alejandra and Rigoberto are there. Pa is outraged by it. Padre Miguel defends Matilde's right to invite whomever she wants to dinner at her house. Then he tells them it is almost the new year - do not make him angry.

In the kitchen, Alejandra is checking the food on the stove. Pancho enters. They discuss how his angel search is going - he explains how he encountered them, his beliefs in angels. Alejandra is surprised. As Pancho walks to the doorway, Alejandra asks him about love. Pancho returns and their talk ends up with Pancho proposing marriage; Alejandra accepts. They exchange smiles.

Ma, Pa, Sebastian and Padre Miguel argue. Matilde and Rigoberto enter as the voices become loud. Matilde ushers Rigoberto to find his mother. She stays and confronts Ma and Pa for worrying and panicking about Yolanda's disappearance. At the mention of Mauricio, Mauricio and Alberto enter the room. Mauricio pulls out his gun and aims it at them. Casimiro and Nati enter at that moment and are shocked.

In the kitchen, Pancho and Alejandra tell Rigoberto the good news - they are engaged to be married.

Ma, Pa, Sebastian, Padre Miguel and Matilde sit down silently at the dining table. Alberto walks back and forth expounding on his plan, and how they are foiling it all up. Mauricio still holds the gun and aims it at them. Mati answers one question. Alberto counters it with his own opinion. Padre Miguel stands up and scolds Alberto. A chilly breeze blows into the room and the table shakes.

Angelita and Rodo enter into the kitchen and join Alejandra, Pancho and Rigoberto. Angelita tells them that Rigoberto is now cured. They are happy and hug.

Alberto tells everyone to stay seated as they search the house for the angels. Rigoberto runs in to tell Matilde that he's been cured. Alberto pulls out his "devil's emulet" and says a witch's chant. The room goes dark and everyone freezes in place. Rodo and Angelita move around to Mauricio and Alberto - Rodo blows on the back of their necks and they - POOF! - into thin air. Rigoberto watches and wonders where they went. Angelita explains and takes him to another room.

Rodo finds phantom Yolanda; she is very sorry for what she did, he says she will have plenty of time to think about it - and tells her the punishment.

Rodo turns the lights back on; everyone starts to talk and eat. Rodo joins Angelita and Rigoberto in the front hall - Rodo and Angelita say good-bye. Then in front of Rigoberto, they change into their new images. Rodo (now played by Jan) and Angelita (now played by Macaria). Rodo holding Gabriel the bear give Rigoberto a special message.


Thanks so much for your re cap. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.


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