Thursday, January 18, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones - Wed. Jan 17

Adela tells Soledad to pray to God asking that He will open Alvaros eyes. The same sort of conversation is being held by Elias and Blanca who think Alvaro has gone mad. Alvaro insists that what Don Manuel (Soledads father) warned him many years ago is coming true; that Soledad would betray him.

Alina and Emilio are seen making out on the beach. Emilio grabs for her breast, she pulls his hand down. He asks her to forgive him. He would never do anything that she didn’t want him to do. He is serious about her. He doesn't want just a fling.

Thelma goes to the Cueva de Diablo, Devils Cave Bar, to track down Coral. She pays a man some money to bring Coral to her for a chat. Coral comes over and Thelma promptly tells her that she is engaged to Emilio. (She uses the word prometida which means promised. She is not quite a fiancé but almost. For example: Look Mommy & Daddy! He gave me a promise ring!) Coral tells Thelma to chill out, she is just doing her job. Thelma tells Coral that she has warned her! She throws a glass of water in Corals face to prove the point a little more. Coral has to be restrained by two men from beating Thelma into the ground.

Emilio tells Alina that he doesn't want to be separated from her. Please stay out longer with me he begs. Alina, the good innocent catholic school girl, tells him she can’t and goes in for the night.

Alvaro is seen alone sitting at a table at a sidewalk restaurant hallucinating that all the people are talking about him. His head tells him they are all calling him names; cornudo – from the old Alborada saying of ponerse los cuernos, meaning literally to stick with horns implying that he has been cheated on, and engañado - he’s been deceived.

Alina tells her friend Sophia that all she did with Emilio was kiss him. She proudly tells Sophia how Emilio wants to have a real relationship with her not a fling. Sophia is not impressed and warns Alina to be careful. Sophia leaves the room and Alina stays on the couch day dreaming about Emilio; his singing at the party, his kisses. Sophia returns to the room and teases Alina for day dreaming. She tells Alina that Emilio is a womanizer. Alina should listen to her because she has had more experience with men than Alina. Alina admits that she has never had a boyfriend, only male friends. Sophia tells Alina how boys promise the world to get a girl. She warns Alina not to fall in love with Emilio.

Blanca and Elias rehash Alvaro’s mental health. They both agree his is crazy. Elias might have actually said that Elias has a mental disorder but that’s the same thing. Elias says he is going to go to Veracruz to talk with Soledad.

We see Elias being let into Soledads prison room. He tries to calm Soledad by telling her that Alina is at the beach. Soledad needs to remain calm. Soledad repeatedly asks What should I do? Elias says he is going to talk with Jose.

Marianna walks into a bedroom to find her daughter unconscious. They rush the child to the hospital where a doctor tells Marianna and her cousin Melina that they have to run tests. The doctor tells the women to take the child home until they can examine the tests. He tells them that the child is alright for the time being.

There are some pointless scenes of Sophia swimming, and Alvaro talking on the phone etc etc.

Jose packs up a truck with large metal pieces. Two thugs hide around a corner and look at the amount of work he has done and comment on it.

Alina has breakfast with Sophia and worries she will never see Emilio again. Sophia is pleased and tells Alina to be happy. If Emilio doesn't come looking for her that means he isn’t into her. Alina talks about how that cant be, she believes everything Emilio told her.

Hugo talks with Elias about THE LETTER. Hugo thinks the letter is proof because it mentions a daughter and Alina is the only daughter around these parts. Very smart man there. Elias tries to talk some sense into the thick headed bandana wearing man.

Back in Puebla Thelma makes herself at home in Angels and Emilio’s apartment. She tells Angel that she won’t leave until she talks with Emilio. Finally Angel tells her he will make her a room to stay in because she will be waiting a long while. Thelma decides she doesn't want to camp out with Angel and leaves.

Alfonsia argues with Hugo about the validity of THE LETTER. She tells Hugo that Jose is a dead mosquito. Hugo tells her that he doesn't believe Soledad cheated on Alvaro. It appears that Elias’ little chat with Hugo worked since he is taking a different side from his last conversation with Elias.

Thelma talks over her plans for Emilio with her aunt/singing friend. The aunt says that Thelma will never let Emilio leave her. She sings the word never - Nunca. Thelma and I look at her wishing she would stop.

Alina and Sophia continue arguing whether Emilio will show up again or not. (Sophia makes Renata from Heridas look like a great actress. She is horrible!) Alina states she believes she will see him. At just that moment the love struck Romeo arrives. Alina is happy.

Alvaro shows up at his cousins’ place looking for his sister. Marianna seems surprised to see Alvaro. Alvaro immediately spies the sick sleeping child. He asks her whose child is this? There is a commercial break to play up the suspense. Yet there really is no suspense because Marianna quickly tells Alvaro that the kid belongs to Melina. He seems surprised to find out that his cousin has a daughter. He complains to his sister that gosh he didn’t know! She tells Alvaro that he doesn't know a lot of things because he never shows any interest in anyone besides himself. Melina comes home. Alvaro asks her who the father is. I think she dodges the question and leaves the room because I wasn’t paying too much attention. Sorry.

Emilio asks Alina what she would do if he hadn’t looked for her. She tells him she would have searched the world for him. They are starry eyes and all giggly together.

Marianna tells Alvaro that she doesn't mean to get involved in his business but he shouldn’t be so irritable. Soledad loves him. Alvaro tells her that’s right it’s his business so butt out. He gives her some money and tells her to tell Melina goodbye. To finish off his social niceties he tells her that the coffee she served him was horrible and he leaves.

Emilio tells Alina that with him she will never be sad. She tells him that Sophia said some things about him. He stops her and says let me guess that I’m a womanizer? Si she squeaks. He explains that some of what Sophia said is true. “I have been a womanizer. But you are getting to know the real me. My love is not a game.” He gives her all of his telephone numbers so they will never lose contact.

Elias tells Alvaro to get a DNA test done on Alina. Alvaro tells him THE LETTER is all the proof he needs. Alvaro leaves and Elias hopes that Alvaro’s anger will pass.

Emilio tells Angel that for the first time in his life he has fallen in love with an innocent woman. Next week he plans on going to Veracruz to ask for her hand.

Thelma has dinner with Orlando. She complains that she hasn’t heard from Emilio. Orlando laughs that she must not be that important to Emilio because Frank has talked with him. Plus Orlando has heard from Frank that Emilio has fallen for a society girl. Thelma is pissed but she doesn't want Orlando to stop talking. She tries to pump him for more info. Orlando has other ideas and tries to make out with her. She pushes him away and tells him she will do anything to defend her love for Emilio.

Alina tells the same thing to Sophia; how she will defend her love for Emilio to anyone, even her Papi. Flash to Emilio lying in bed. He is daydreaming of marriage and kids with Alina.

Alfonsia creeps past Sergio, the gun toting watchman, and sneaks into Soledad’s prison room. Soledad is asleep and never wakes. Alfonsia grabs something from the bedside table and sneaks out.

We see Emilio riding a horse and jumping hurdles, English style, while in uniform. Orlando and Frank watch on and argue. Frank taunts that Emilio is Orlando’s great rival. He laughs that Orlando always picks up Emilio’s leftover girlfriends. Orlando tells Frank to be quiet, Emilio is his best friend. Frank laughs some more and warns Orlando to never like any girl that is interested in Emilio because Emilio will always take the girl away from him.

Flash to Sierra Escondido. Alvaro and Rutilio survey the mountain land on horseback. The two men talk about what a forsaken place it is, hidden from all civilization. Rutilio tells Alvaro the town is thankful to Alvaro, their boss, for giving them the land they are on. Alvaro again comments on how the town/area is in the middle of nowhere with no good roads to reach it.

We see a middle aged lady buy a knife in town. She leaves town on a burros back being led by a man-child. People stare at her and laugh. She screams at them. Later we see her give some medicine to a woman. The woman tells her, Luba you are a good woman. Luba tells her she wants to be known as bad so people won’t meddle in her business. She reminds the lady to give the medicine to her husband but to know that the force is in her (women). The woman leaves and soon after the man-child comes into the house to announce that the Patron has arrived. Luba goes outside to talk with Alvaro. He gives her some money and tells her that he will be bringing a girl that he wants her to take care of for him.

After Alvaro leaves Luba tells the man-child that Alvaro is going to bring them a flower. The man-child giggles asking a field flower? She tells him that flower will bring them love.

Alvaro and Rutilio ride their horses past some field laborers working on what looks like grape vines. One worker stumbles out talking to himself that he is sick and needs to see the curandera (Luba). Alvaro looses his cool when he sees the man not working. He yells that he pays the men to work not to rest. Alvaro rides off in a huffy. Rutilio tells the worker to get some water and go back to work. The worker claims that Alvaro has always been like that, mean. Rutilio says no I think he is getting worse.

Luba slaps at the man-child to not ask any more questions. She tells him they have to do what the Patron wants so they can keep living where they have been. She talks about how nice it has been to be living there hidden away for so many years. If those people knew where she was they would burn her alive. The man-child laughs and exclaims they would burn them both alive! Luba calls him menso meaning stupid/idiot, and swats at him to leave her alone.

Soledad is seen looking around her prison room for a bracelet. The bracelet is what Alfonsia took when she was in the room.

Alvaro has rounded up his hacienda staff and threatens them with a horse whip. He wants the bedrooms organized. He asks Rutilio to stay and sends the rest of the staff off. He wants to know if Maximo Valtierra is still in charge of the ranch Arrinconada. (The ranch is owned by the Valtierras, none other than Emilio’s family.) Rutilio tells Alvaro that Maximo is the only one has legal rights to the property. Alvaro says he has to talk with him. He then orders Rutilio to get Sergio to guard Soledad. Rutilio wishes there was a phone as he leaves the room. Alvaro thinks to himself that he is happy there isn’t a phone. He goes off into his mind like the Grinch who stole Christmas. He seems gleeful as he thinks about how to punish Soledad for her betrayal. He has an orange memory of giving Soledad a gold bracelet. He talks out loud that he won’t have pity on her.


Sylvia, I've left this story for a while but I still read the recaps every day to keep up with the story. I've switched to "Viuda de Blanca" (White Widow as opposed to Black Widow) on Telemundo and I'm actually understanding it without the help of recapping, but I will never leave Caray Caray because I LOVE Lety and Fern, still like to watch Mundo de Fieras and absolutely adore all the recappers with their insights and senses of humor. many names---I am confused-who is Arturo and who is Alvaro??? As for the womanizing Emilio trying to get to second base after knowing chickie for about 45 minutes...''Slow down, Cowboy!!'' And isn't this so true about womanizers you know ---they meet a girl after years of womanizing adventures and BAM! they're in love and are dreaming of cribs and pampers...not! I love Ana Martin [Luba] and her young charge is...interesting...I like his hair, but those short overalls are a definite turnoff. Into the caves we go !!!~~~Susanlynn, trying to keep up with all these new folks

Thanks Lynn! Yes, I remember ponerse los cuernos, what a great phrase. I didn't catch that so thanks for reminding us. Regarding Sofia's acting, I said the same exact thing..."even Renata could do a better job than this." Things should pick up with Ana Martin on board. I've only seen her in Navidad Sin Fin but she seems to be a cut above when it comes to the acting. The TV screen lit up when her scene began.

Hey Ellen, I was channel surfing through Telemundo and saw an ad for a new Zorro. Arturo Peniche (Antonio from Alborada) is in it. It looks great! Do you know when it starts? However, since it is a new production I imagine it will have English subtitles (Telemundo seems to be doing this) which makes it pointless for us to recap. Still, it would be fun to watch. We do LOVE our costume dramas, especially ones that include swords, heaving bosoms and studs on horseback.

Thanks, Lynn!

I wonder why Alfonsina can get into Soledad's room so easily (not to mention how she got out without being heard). I thought the keys were restricted. Hm. That flashback with the gold bracelet....let's see....Alfonsina is going to tell Álvaro that Soledad gave it to her to give to José so he could get money for it and run away?? There's some reason for the bracelet and flashback of the bracelet there, I am sure.

The "man-child" is an interesting character. In my field we would use the PC terms and call him "delayed" or "with cognitive disabilities." Since this is only my second telenovela, I ask those of you who watch more: do the writers use characters with disabilities often? Do they dress them oddly so we're sure to notice they have disabiities? Just curious.

For the record, I dislike Álvaro a whole lot. He is a major jerk.


Sylvia, I saw that preview for Zorro too, but I don't recall when it said it would start. If it has a choice of English or Spanish subtitles, I will still use the Spanish. If I get terribly confused (which happens in life way too often these days) I will switch to English just to catch up but will always go back to Spanish.

I believe the Arturo character's name is Alvaro.

I think I screwed up. Ha! Oh my goodness, I did screw up! Arturo is Alvaro, Alvaro is Arturo.

Im really sick so my mind is not functioning right. So sorry.... But there are a lot of characters and there are a lot of new names to learn. Especially for someone who has been ill for a week. What a screw up. Thanks everyone for rolling with me on it!:)

Lynn I hope you are feeling better soon. Thanks again for your wonderful recap, especially since you are feeling ill. It takes weeks for me to get the names straight. When we started recapping Heridas I kept getting Alejandro and Alfredo mixed up and I was accused of inserting zombies into the recaps. In retrospect, zombies would have been an improvement.

Take care of yourself!

Ha!I just corrected my mistakes and I laughed the whole way through. I had written Alvaro a few times at first then I went to using Arturo! How terrible! Sorry and I think its fixed now.

Sylvia, I must have internalized your comments on Sophia. Like I mentioned before, I have really been sick and Im not thinking right. Im actually impressed I recapped last night because I have spent the last 6 days asleep. So please excuse me for rewritting what you had already mentioned. Sophia is really a horrible actress and I hope we dont see too much more of her. Thanks Sylvia for your words of support too! :)

Also being a little off has helped me see more humor in this dreadful start up to a novela. Its like the writers are trying to get us up to speed on the plot line. But it feels like they are going about it in the most choppy, chavanistic, silly way possible.

Lynn--Hope that you are feeling better. I had sinusitis for over a week--it just would not let me go. My mother is battling it now, and my daughter just got over it. Get well soon. As for Zorro--I have dreamed of Fernando in that I am disappointed that he won't be Zorro...Please tell me that they have NOT cast Arturo [Antonio] as Zorro...nonononono. Ana Martin was wonderful as Manuel's mamacito in ''Amor Real.''~~~Susanlynn

Lynn, so sorry you've been sick, feel better! This was a great recap that clarified several things for me.

Lynn, definitely get well quickly and it's amazing you were able to do this! So quickly and so well, too!


Oh wow, I totally forgot Ana Martin was in Amor Real. I only saw the HIGHLY edited DVD version. No wonder I like her so much. She is a great addition to this cast.

Lynn, I meant I made that comment about Sofia's acting to myself. I didn't think it until last night so YOU must have put it in my head!

Please do take care of yourself, you sound horribly ill. I am amazed you were able to pull of such a juicy and full recap.

OK, the problem with this novela is that absolutely everybody in it is an idiot. They may have nice clothes, money, haciendas, horses, guns, etc. but they are all as stupid as hell. This is the land where all the people are below average.

Hear, hear! (Gaspar, the man-child, might turn out to be the only one on the ball here).


I'd like to throw out a question to this discerning group.
Does anyone have the lowdown on this telenovela. Is this worth our watching. Has it been going on in Mexico already and have there been reports?
So far, I'm not too impressed but praying it will get better?
I need counsel.

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