Thursday, February 01, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday February 1 - Alina grows a brain for half a minute

Alina met Orlando in the woods and he invited her to go to the fair with him. Luba arrived and yelled at Alina to go take her bath in the river. Orlando asked Alina, "Do you accept my invitation?" Luba said, "This girl can't go with you anywhere," but Alina said, "Yes, I accept," and headed off for her bath.

Orlando then just "happened" to ride his horse over to the river, where of course he saw Alina swimming naked. She called to Gaspar to turn his back while she got dressed. Orlando smirked, didn't make his presence known and didn't turn his back. As Alina (now fully clothed) and Gaspar walked away, Orlando gawked after them.

Soledad somehow showed up at Maximo's house(!!) and asked to speak to Emilio. Maximo said Emilio wasn't there, but, "I'm happy we can talk alone. I know what is happening, and I can help you. I can free you from Alvaro, denounce him, say that he kidnapped you. That way I can save you and your daughter."

Soledad looked unimpressed. Maximo tried to take her arm and Soledad said, "Don't touch me." Maximo asked, "Why are you so cold with me? You know you're beautiful. I've always liked you," and grabbed her, saying, "You had a daughter with an overseer, why not with me?"

Soledad slapped him and ran away yelling, "Idiot!" Maximo rubbed his jaw as if he'd lost a few teeth and growled in a dramatically pained voice, "Soledad, I will make you pay for this with tears of blood!" He's so over-the-top. Definitely my favorite character on this show.

Emilio went to Coral's room, where she was again wearing her favorite towel, and told her, "There's nothing between you and me." Coral cried and said to herself, "I've lost him forever."

Rosita told Santos and Vera she had been summoned to clean Maximo's office. Vera said, "That old man wants you for something else," and volunteered to clean the office herself.

Later Maximo slithered into his office and grabbed Vera, but released her when he realized she wasn't Rosita. She said Rosita was sick and had sent Vera to clean his office instead. Maximo retreated to his desk in defeat.

Blanca found Elias daydreaming about his past infatuation with Soledad and asked what he was thinking. Elias said it was nothing important.

Arcadio convinced Jose to agree to help out the drug dealers by doing little jobs around camp that wouldn't hurt anybody. Jose said he would keep watching for his chance to escape.

Soledad visited the cave, waking up Luba, who was having a nightmare about a man telling her she would die for what she did. Soledad gave Luba some money, saying she'd received it from Adela, and asked Luba to buy whatever Alina needed.

Alina showed up, greeted Soledad, and had a sudden brainstorm (probably the first one of her life). She said urgently, "This is the moment for us to go! Let's go, Mama! We are going to escape!"

Soledad seemed bewildered, as if the thought of escaping had never crossed her mind. She said, "No, it is impossible for us to reach Puebla alone." She seemed to be searching for excuses, finally coming up with the idea that Alvaro might kill Adela if she escaped. She suggested that Alina escape alone, but Alina said no because if she did, Alvaro might kill Soledad. So they agreed to DO NOTHING, AS USUAL. IDIOTAS!!! For about thirty seconds there, I thought Alina had grown a brain. Oh well.

Soledad then went home and assured Adela that she would never, ever try to escape. I suppose Alvaro might as well throw away his guns and keys because he won't be needing them.

Emilio received a letter from his general telling him to marry Thelma because she was pregnant with his child. He tore it up and told Orlando, "I never received this letter," adding that Thelma's baby wasn't his, "It's a lie to trap me!"

Angel learned about the letter and asked Emilio what he was going to do about Thelma's pregnancy. As usual, Emilio insisted he wouldn't marry Thelma. (Meanwhile Thelma spent the episode, as usual, sitting in her apartment whining to her aunt.)

Orlando returned to the hacienda, very drunk, and told Emilio, "Tonight, Captain, I'm going to be the most envied man" because he would be accompanied to the fair by the beautiful Flor. He added that everyone knew Flor was "the most beautiful flower in Sierra Escondida," even Emilio. For some reason Emilio took this as a grave insult. He said, "Look, if you weren't in such a lamentable state, I would make you swallow your words." Orlando laughed and said, "Do it." Emilio said (I think) that he wouldn't fight Orlando but didn't want him to treat Flor the way he treated other women.

Orlando laughed and said, "Look who's talking, the person who invited her to a party to make fun of her," then went to sleep on the couch. Emilio locked him into the room. Before leaving, Angel put a flower on Orlando's chest, saying, "Here is your little flower."

Emilio said he would leave instructions that no one should let Orlando out of the room, even if he yelled. Angel was pleased until Emilio told him he only did it so he could meet Flor at the fair himself. Angel said to himself, "You're not going out with her. This time I'm going to stop you."

Emilio told his men they were free to go to the fair but couldn't take their guns. He added that he would be taking HIS gun, "Because I am the captain."

Maximo chuckled about Orlando being locked up and assured Emilio no one would let him out because all the servants were going to the fair.

Mariana went to the hospital and learned that her daughter's friend Estrellita had died. She went home and told Malena. Marianita overheard and burst into tears. She asked if she would die, too, and Mariana said no. Later Marianita dreamed Estrellita's ghost visited her and said, "Don't be sad. Heaven is really terrific, and I'm going to be your guardian angel."

Alina put on her pink dress and told Luba she was going to the fair. She asked for her silver heart. At first Luba refused to give it to her, but Alina talked her into it. (Later, however, when Alina and Rosita left the cave together to go to the fair, Alina wasn't wearing the necklace.)

Soledad chatted about her past to Adela, who said Soledad's life was like a movie. Soledad said Alvaro had always been very jealous, but it was that "damn letter" that drove him insane. Adela again said she believed in Soledad's innocence.

Alvaro returned home and questioned Rutilio, who assured him Soledad hadn't gone anywhere in Alvaro's absence. Sergio warned Alvaro not to trust Rutilio.

Angel, coughing, went to the cave and found Luba outside, doing something or another with a basket and a knife. He asked to speak to Flor, saying it was urgent. Luba pointed out that Angel's brother was a cockroach. Angel said, "Emilio isn't bad. He has suffered a lot." They went into the cave and Luba was surprised to discover that Alina wasn't there. (Does the cave have a back exit??)

Angel set out for the fair on his horse, but some animal crossed his path. He was thrown from the horse and it ran off, so he continued toward the fair on foot.

Elsewhere in the woods, Coral was walking alone. She thought she heard an animal howl behind her, and she was right: It was Maximo. He said, "Don't be afraid, I'm not a coyote," then invited her home for drinks. She smilingly agreed.

At the fair, Emilio found Alina standing alone. He told her that Orlando was sick so he'd sent Emilio in his place. Alina said, "I don't want to keep talking to you." Emilio replied, "I can't stand when you look at me with those eyes." Alina said, "Let go of me! You're always holding me with force!" Emilio said, "I don't want to argue with you tonight" and something else I didn't catch, then kissed her. I'm thinking he has a lot in common with that uncle of his.

esquiva/esquivo = cold, aloof
fallecer = to pass away
embustero/embustera = lying or liar
pordiosera/pordiosero = beggar
coraje = anger or courage


Wow, Carmel, very impressive when just a few hours ago you weren't even sure how you could do it because of the electricity! Very, very nice! Thanks!

You can always hope that Soledad and Alina will get smart. However, their track record ain't good so far.

For someone who's going to suffer and pay if she gets out of Don Loco's sight, Soledad is sure taking her life in her hands. (I guess there is no such thing as walking out and getting a divorce when Televisa is owned by the Catholic church or whatever?)


Thank you, Jeanne! I was really relieved to be able to do it after all.

A sympathetic character did get divorced from a villain in Piel de Otono, so it can happen in telenovela-land. But I suppose it wouldn't occur to Soledad. She is so dim-witted. All those hours she wasted strolling around, visiting Maximo's house and Luba's cave, when she could have escaped --!!!! All she had to do was ask one of the military men for help. Can't she see that her maniac husband is going to kill her and Alina eventually if things go on as they are?

Wow, Emilioooo locked a guy in a room? He's becoming Don Loco, the second generation. I absolutely detest him. As for Soledad's behavior, I've read about this in kidnapping cases, where the kidnapped person becomes so beaten down or brainwashed or something that they just don't try to escape any more.

It's possible that the more evident it becomes that Don Loco is indeed very irrational, the more concerned Soledad and Alina are that he will do something truly awful, like kill one of them. Unpredictable people are worrisome and those around them tiptoe so the unpredictable ones are calmer. Luba seems to know this, too.



I'm spanish ans I discover this blog few days ago. I'm very surprise about the hard work of this blog. It's amazing. Congrutulations. I hope we follow with this work.

I have another blog, but is writting in spanish about comments and news of "Telenovelas".

Melinama, I SO agree with you about detesting Emiliooooo. What a piece of garbage! When he forcefully grabbed Alina's face to kiss her, he immediately reminded me of Caesar in Heridas. In fact, if I had to choose between the two, I would take Caesar.

Whao Ellen, that is the final nail in Emiliooooo's coffin. If you prefer Cesar to him, he is lost. Cesar is the lowest of the low.
At the beginning of this show, people were locked up so that they wouldn't escape, now they roam around freely. There continued action of "nothing" is maddening.
One last thing - didn't Emilioooo invite all those sluts down to Sierra Escondida so all the men could have sex with them? It seems to me like they all stay in their rooms. What's up with that? At least Coral finally went out and found some action.

OK, when Emilio says he's going to take a gunwith him to the faior to meet Alina, the old Mae West line popped into my head: Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you jsut glad to see me?"
Sorry, couldn't resist! ;)
Emilio, so handsome, why can't you be nice? You started out that way - most of the time. I miss the old Emilio.

OOPS - sorry for all the typos above - the Mae West line ends with "..or are you just happy to see me". (not glad to see me); it's "fair" not "faior", and "just, not "jsut".

The bad editing of the, suddenly, missing necklace really bothered me. I supposed sometime in the next epidsode it'll pop back on again so he can grab her by it.

And, you know what they say, you marry your father... so with this positive piece of psycology we can be assured that somehow, someday Alina will probably end up with Emilioooo oo ooh noooo...

Ah, but I should give him some credit, I suppose... he did raise the fieldworkers wage... I think he'll get his heart back eventually...

Question : Why does Emilioooo need to take a gun to the fair??? The guys I grew up with all had rifles , but I don't remember any of them taking them to the fair...on hikes, yes...but never to the fair. I hope Emiliooo does not go on the Tilt-a-whirl because , as I recall, that is a pretty wild ride and Emiliooo stuck that gun in the waist of his pants. Gun Safety Tip #1 : Never stick a gun in the waist of your pants...especially if you are going on the Tilt-a-whirl at the fair. I am starting to love Maximo. He is so over-the-top as a lech and a scoundrel...and he may be a little heavy but he is still guaypo. As for Alina/Flor, my suggestion is ..the next time you find yourself down by the river, look for one of those nice, smooth river rocks and keep it in your pocket for the next time [and we all KNOW that there will be a next time] Emilioooo wants to grab you and give you a big, wet kissykiss. While you're at it, pick up one for your mom, Rosita, Luba, Adela, and 2 good-sized ones for Gaspar. I am starting to like Coral , probably because of her excellent dance skills on the Sunday night dance show and the two-tone hair. I think that I would like her to end up with that would be a doll to make his dreams come true. Have you noticed that this novela is very big on showing people in the river ...the females are always swimming/bathing/skinnydipping. In ''Amor Real'', they liked to show people in the tub. In ''Alborada'', there was a peeing theme.....I'm just saying....~~~Susanlynn. looking for a rock

Soledad still seems she can negotiate her way out of this mess with Don Loco. After all, if she leaves, she loses everything herself and her daughter loses her status (being the legitimate daughter of Don Loco) and her inheritance. Her life ought to be worth more but she may not think in those terms. She seemed really concerned in this episode that Alina not act or dress "poor."

I'm with Chris, Why did they invite all the hookers just to lock them in a room? Now they are all gone, except for Coral who stayed behind.

I love Don Maximo. I totally agree with Carmel, his over-the-top style really perks up the action. And a big high five to Vera. In this show where nobody uses their heads she came up with a great solution to Rosita's dilemma. Don Max's scenes were hilarious in this episode. He and Coral are perfect together. Maybe she's finally found herself a sugar daddy.

I don't see how Emilioooo can ever redeem himself. Not only is he behaving like a cad, he has committed the worst crime of all, he's BORING. He's going to have to do a lot more than raise salaries to get me to like him. At least Cesar was interesting.

Thanks for the recap Carmel!

"I am starting to love Maximo. He is so over-the-top as a lech and a scoundrel...and he may be a little heavy but he is still guaypo."

Susanlynn!!! Are your sensible shoes too tight???


I mentioned yesterday that I needed to do some 'research' on Alfonsina, I discovered that my noticing her body was for a reason - she is a winner of Miss Bikini Mexico or something like that -

Yes I realize that as the only man here I may be the only one who cares, but I had to share.

I'm with Sylvia and Susalynn... I love Maxi too!!! There's just something about him that makes me wish the writers would redeem him. In some novelas, the characters do get a divorce... like the already mentioned Piel de Otoño (where Don Loco played a much more interesting character), and a few others that I can't remember now.
That was funny about how Alborada was bathroom-themed... in the Univision Amor Real forum, we call the villain "el conde del baño" because he was always shown using the bathroom.

El Conde de baño is a great title! I remember everyone was very concerned for the poor soul who had to carry/hold the royal chamber pots.

Carmel you did great after surviving such a horrible rain storm. That is if you are in Florida. I heard ten people died. Oh my. Ever so glad you managed to get the recap out!

And I would like to add me four to the fan list for Don Maximo. He's something else in this show!

Yes, I am in Florida. It was still pouring here when I went to bed last night, but I didn't realize till I read the news today just how bad it was!

Let's hear it for Don Maximo. He and Gaspar are helping to keep this show a bit unpredictable and lively. Alphonsina seems interesting and sneaky, too -- I hope the writers give her something to do besides flash her swimsuit figure and wash the floor.

Well, from the intro it looks like she's gonna get doused while fully dressed, too. Maybe that's a wet t-shirt contest at the Fair.


Chris, thank you for taking the time to 'research' Alfonsina. That's what I like about this group, the willingness to go above and beyond for the cause. Woweeee, I just checked out your link. Yep, Miss Bikini Latino 2005. She's gonna have Hugo as her love slave in no time!

Alphonsia and Hugo together must be like a force of nature---they probably caused electrical outages all over Sierra Escondido. I would like the Virgin to intercede for Soledad in the form of Soledad beaning DonLoco with that very heavy statue she has of her in the bedroom. Also, I hope that we see more of Gaspar. Perhaps tonight , he could rescue Emiliooo from the Tilt-a-whirl after he shoots...himself. Or , maybe, he could save him from a nasty incident with the cotton candy machine.~~~Susanlynn, waiting to see what happens tonight and getting into trouble again for not answering the dinner call

ferro94, I don't "prefer" either one of them, they're both pond scum but at least Cesar as a villian was fun to watch. Emiliooooo has no "fun to watch" qualities.

i liked how maxi lech actually twirled his mustache when he thought he was going to grab Rosita ... and then he did that evil "heh, heh, heh," like in the old silent films just before the bad guy tied the woman to the railroad tracks.

Carmel, I just saw the news with video of the terrible devastation in Florida. It's comforting to know that you made it through well, and it's sad to see and hear about what happened other places. Thanks for hanging in there with us last night.

Jeanne (sending good energy)

I didn't even notice that Emilio stuck his gun in his pants. I want to see him get on the Tilt-a-whirl and shoot...himself, too!

What kind of a dope was Orlando to get blotto right before his big date? I thought he was sneakier and more clever than that.

>>(I guess there is no such thing as walking out and getting a divorce when Televisa is owned by the Catholic church or whatever?)

Divorces happen as other bloggers have pointed out but in some ways I kind of agree it's a catholic thing. Marriage is forever and pregnancy outside of marriage is a no-no and results in shotgun weddings. In novelaland when the girl(usually the ex or the trampy girlfriend who isn't all that innocent and lost her honor a long time ago) has to all of a sudden get married to the the lead guy (who usually isn't the baby's father) in order to protect her honor? The poor guy has to undergo a shotgun wedding and the kid isn't even his (usually).

Marycelis, in Emiliooooo's case I almost wouldn't mind that.


>>>in Emiliooooo's case I almost wouldn't mind that.

We'll considering the Munequita is pregnant I imagine we may see a shotgun wedding soon (especially since the General even told Emiliooo to marry her). In any event, I can't argue with your comment considering the major dislike for Emiliooo but if it where anybody else we wouldn't like it tooo much. That's what I had in mind when I wrote the post. I was thinking of the guys we wouldn't want that to happen to and complain and yell at the TV durng the whole shotgun wedding.

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