Thursday, February 08, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday February 8 - It's Alvaro's turn to be locked up!

Alvaro (aka Don Loco) charged into the church shouting, "Stop this wedding immediately!" The priest tried to argue, and Emilio told Don Loco to shut up or be thrown out.

Alvaro shouted, "You're not going to do anything to me, wretch!" then shot Emilio in the chest before being restrained by some men. Maximo pointed a gun at Don Loco, who continued to shout and struggle as the men dragged him away.

Elsewhere: Angel, lying in bed, told Dr. Vazquez he'd heard a gunshot. The doctor said it sounded far away. Angel agreed, "It's probably my brother's friends."

At the church: Baring her teeth, Thelma marched up to the altar, where Emilio was lying in Alina's arms. The two women cried, "Who are you?" at each other. Thelma said, "You want to know who I am? Nothing less than the official fiancee of Captain Emilio Valtierra!"

Alina sobbed, "That isn't true," and pointed out that she was marrying Emilio. Thelma insisted, "This wedding is a farce!" and ordered Orlando to tell Alina that Emilio was planning to abandon her after the wedding. Orlando said, "Yes, Flor. It's the truth."

Dr. Vazquez ran into the church, looked at Emilio and said, "He's losing a lot of blood." He told some men to move Emilio to his room.

Alina (with blood all over her wedding dress) tried to follow, but Thelma stopped her, saying, "You're not going anywhere! The farce is over! You don't have anything to do here! Get out of here!" then followed Emilio herself.

Orlando told Alina he'd tried to warn her about Emilio's intentions but she hadn't wanted to listen. Alina sobbed, "That isn't true, it can't be!"

Meanwhile: A jaguar chased Gaspar up a tree. Gaspar said, "Vete, gatote" (I'm guessing that means "Go away, you cat"?) and the jaguar obligingly ran away.

Back at La Rinconada, Maximo was alone in what appeared to be a storeroom with Don Loco, who was pacing around while Maximo stood with his back to him. Maximo demanded, "Why did you shoot my nephew?" and Don Loco muttered, "She can't marry anyone."

Maximo yelled, "Are you completely loco? This is going to bring us problems with the authorities." Don Loco said, "The authorities are on my side. They never interfere with what I'm doing." Maximo said sulkily, "My nephew!" and Don Loco replied that he wasn't finished with his revenge against Alina and her mother.

Maximo started to stalk out. Alvaro said, "Maximo! You have to let me out of here." Maximo said, "No no no no, I'm not going to be able to. I'm going to see if my nephew is dead, and if he is, neither God nor the devil can save you from jail!"

(Why does Maximo always take Alvaro's side, I wonder? Even in this situation he seemed to want to help Alvaro if he could.)

Angel told Susi (his nurse) that he wanted to marry Flor but she probably wouldn't be interested in a man like him. Susi said she was sure Flor would.

That evening, Orlando told Coral that Emilio was only wounded, not dying, and Thelma had taken charge of the situation and thrown Flor out. He urged Coral to leave the hacienda, but Coral said, "I'm not afraid of this Thelma," and she wouldn't go until Emilio was out of danger.

Alina, dressed in her denim outfit again, left the house with Luba, crying and saying, "He deceived me. It was all a lie." Luba said she'd known all along that Emilio couldn't be trusted.

Gaspar ran up and asked, "Mama, where is my muñequita, my beautiful fairy?" Annoyed, Luba said, "There's no muñequita, no fairy here, don't be stupid!"

She tried to get Alina to leave with her, but Alina said she wouldn't go until she knew how Emilio was. She said, "I have rights, too. I was also Emilio's fiancee. I'm not leaving here."

Soledad, clearly out of the loop, worried about what Alvaro would do when he learned about the wedding.

(I'm wondering, if Soledad has been a prisoner for two years, who's doing her hair? It's always perfectly colored and cut. If Adela is a professional hairdresser, why is she working for a maniac like Don Loco?)

Father Cristobal visited Angel, who asked worriedly what was going on. Susi reminded Angel to remain calm for sake of his health. Angel said he was nervous, it was strange that Emilio hadn't come to see him, and he'd heard a gunshot. "Is everything OK, Father?"

Cristobal said heartily, "Everything is fine!" then hastily departed. (Shouldn't a priest, of all people, know how to break bad news to someone?)

Cristobal went outside and said to Alina, "You're still here?" (I guess he expected her to go back to her cave.) Alina, crying, said, "I need to know how Emilio is. Is it true that he's not going to die?"

The priest said, "I don't know, daughter. The doctor says the wound is grave, but you must have faith. All will be well. But you know you can't go in there." (Why is the priest automatically taking Thelma's side? Shouldn't he be trying to help Alina, too?)

He said instead she should visit Angel. "He heard the shot and he's very upset. Why don't you go and try to calm him?" Alina agreed.

She arrived just as Susi was about to break the news of the shooting to Angel. He asked Alina what was going on, and Alina said, "Emilio is wounded."

Angel started hyperventilating. Trying to keep him calm, Alina assured him Emilio was OK, claiming Emilio had only been shot in the leg. She didn't tell him about the wedding.

Angel took her hand and said, "I love you. I want to marry you. I don't ask that you love me, only that you let me love you, take care of you, and protect you."

Alina asked how he could marry her when he knows what people say about her. Angel said, "I know you are a good woman. I see it in your eyes. I want to see you happy. Accept my protection. I know that I don't have long to live."

Alina replied, "Don't say that! You are going to live, and all the years you live I'll be profoundly grateful to you, but I can't be your wife." Angel said, "You don't love me," and Alina said, "I can't." As she left the room, he said to himself, "Goodbye, Flor."

Emilio's men told Maximo they wanted Alvaro to face justice for shooting Emilio. Maximo said, "Don't worry. I will take care of the justice."

Meanwhile Alvaro remembered hearing his mother telling his father (also named Alvaro), "Do you want to know why I look for other men? Because you've never been good enough for me. (Nunca me has servido.) You disgust me!"

Alvaro's father rode off on horseback and Alvaro (who looked about 15 in this flashback) followed on his own horse, calling, "Papa, wait for me!" His father dismounted, walked to the edge of a cliff, looked back at Alvaro Jr., then jumped off the cliff to his death.

Remembering this, Alvaro thought, "My poor father. And poor me."

Just then Maximo came in and told Alvaro that Emilio was in bad shape and his friends were asking for justice. "If my nephew doesn't die, I promise to help you, but for now you're not going to be allowed to leave."

The doctor told Father Cristobal that Emilio's life was in danger.

In the city: Marianita told her mother she wanted to meet her Uncle Alvaro. Mariana said, "He lives in an ugly place that you wouldn't like at all -- there are no stores, there's no TV, there's nothing!" She added that Uncle Alvaro was very irritable. The kid started to cry and said her father would never return.

Meanwhile, Jose tried to sneak out of the cabin where he was being held captive, but Felicia came in (with her boobs hanging out of her shirt) and said she'd come to keep him company. Jose said he wanted to be alone. She tried to kiss him and he snapped, "What part don't you understand of 'I want to be alone'?" then stomped away.

Hugo told Alfonsina that Alvaro didn't like romances between his employees. Alfonsina said Don Loco owned the land but he didn't own them. "How wonderful it would be if all this were ours and not the patron's." Hugo said, "I know, Alfonsina. I know."

Don Loco, still locked up at Maximo's house, remembered shooting Emilio and told himself it was all Soledad's fault because she betrayed him etc. etc.

Blanca caught Elias muttering Soledad's name in his sleep. She woke him up and he pretended not to remember what he had been dreaming. Blanca said she'd always been jealous of Soledad but she wasn't angry at Elias, she was just sad.

Elias insisted that he considered Soledad a friend, nothing more. "You are my wife, my life, and we are very happy." They kissed.

Orlando told Thelma that Emilio was dying but he had a plan to help her. Thelma visited the unconscious Emilio and told him, "Don't die. It's your fault this man raped me, but I swear, my child is going to carry your name."

Outside the house, Alina told Luba the shooting was her fault, "I killed Emilio! I shouldn't have accepted him." Orlando came outside and told Alina that Thelma wanted to talk to her alone.

Gaspar told Luba he wanted to talk to Thelma, too. With difficulty Luba stopped him from charging into the house to find Thelma.

Thelma told Alina they were both Emilio's victims, but Alina could help her. Alina asked how, and Thelma said, "I need to marry Emilio before he dies."

Words from this episode:
farsa = farce
hada = fairy
enojón = irritable
zopenco = dummy

And finally, at Sylvia's suggestion, here's a bonus for my fellow Gaspar fans: a webpage about the wrestling career of Rene Goméz (aka Intocable)... or should I say Spice Boy Randy?
El Intocable


Thanks for the recap. Let's hope Don Loco follows in his father's footsteps, literally, and throws himself off a cliff. He's too nuts to live on.
I hope Emilio snaps out of his mean and bitter phase soon, lest he turn into a D. Loco clone.
Emilio is incredibly stupid for not recognizing Alina, but what a novela be without silly plot devices? Anyhow, when they finally end up together, she can hold that over his head forever! Ah, another match made in novela heaven.

Carmel, thanks so much for the terrific recap! When you said "(I'm wondering, if Soledad has been a prisoner for two years, who's doing her hair? It's always perfectly colored and cut. If Adela is a professional hairdresser, why is she working for a maniac like Don Loco?)" I split laughing! How observant! It's been there right in front of our eyes, and I missed, for sure.

Both Don Loco and Thelma blame other people for their bad lives. There's a theory in psychology that was developed by a German therapist named "Rotter" (good name for this theory). Rotter's internal/external locus of control theory says that there are two kinds of people: those who accept responsiblity for their lives, actions and what happens to them, and those who attribute everything to someone else's or something else's influence--"the devil made me do it!" Don Loco and Thelma have fully convinced themselves that Soledad and Emilio are responsible for their ills. Thelma is genuinely pregnant, but it's Emilio's fault that she was with Gaspar in the first place. Go figure. Soledad makes Don Loco do all these bad things "because she betrayed me." Go figure. I find people who have external locus of control very, very tiresome and want to shake them. They never, ever take responsibility for themselves and their actions; they always blame. That's why our courts in the US are full of suits. If something bad happens, someone else is ALWAYS to blame (McDonald's hot coffee spilled in my lap, while I was drinking it and driving, sue McDonald's for their culpability in my travail).

Orlando is a completely different kind. He just plain has an evil streak. I hate seeing him come on screen these days, wondering what kind of deviltry he's up to now.

Have a nice Friday, everyone!


Jeanne (not really the misanthrope I seem to be)

Oh, yeah....does anyone think Don Loco might notice how unpleasant it is to be held against your will?

Don Loco doesn't seem overly concerned about being held prisoner in the storeroom, merely inconvenienced, as if he somehow expects the world to eventually fall in line for him. Jerk. It probably will. Jeanne, thanks for the mini psych lesson, very interesting!

I find it intriguing that Thelma is about to enlist Flor's aid in getting Emilio all to herself. Unusually clever of her if it works out.

Great recap Julie! And thanks for the Intocable/Spicy Boy Randy link.

Great recap. I was thinking all through Heridas, "man some action would be great." Now we have action but I'm not sure it's better, what with the scene jumping. Would it kill them to stick with a scene for longer than 30 seconds? If they go to Angel's room for a while and they all have their discussions and ogle the hot nurse and all for a couple minutes, I will NOT forget that Emilioooo got shot. I don't need to be yanked back to that every minute. Arrgh. Even when I'm watching and not recapping it is maddening.

Ferro, I couldn't agree more about the short scene lengths. It makes it a bitch to recap. We try to be thorough, take copious notes, then end up discarding some of our masterpiece because it's so repetitive. Harrumph!!

Thanks, Sylvia. You are right, Don L doesn't see how this detainment really applies to him. Part of external locus, never responsible, it's someone else's fault.

Thelma is using a strategy of getting Flor on her side so it will be difficult for Flor to analyze what the truth really is because she'll be so busy empathizing for poor ol Thel.

I think Orlando is behind Thelma's scheme to get Alina's help. Thelma said something about throwing Alina off the property, but Orlando said no, don't make her an enemy, then proceeded to tell her his plan (not revealed to the viewer).

I think Thelma said it was humilitating and she would have to think it over, but Orlando told her not to think too long because Emilio didn't have long to live. Or something to that effect.

Carmel you're right! I should have known Thelma wouldn't be clever enough to think of that one on her own. Leave it up to the diabolical Orlando. Grrrr.

Susanlynn, responding do your Wednesday post: I DO remember the Highlander TV series from the 90's. I had completely forgotten about that. Sis and I used to watch it late at night, oohing and aahing over Adrian Paul and loving the time travel. I think I need to purchase that series so that when we finish with Alborada we will have something else to fill the void. You are abolutely correct, right up my alley. Thanks for the reminder!

I know your past couple of days have been hectic/busy/rotten; sure hope things are looking up for the weekend.

Sylvia-your twin, the good one, but with maybe a couple of little horns to hold up her halo.

Here's a thought ...Why doesn't Flor just let old Thelma have Emiliooo and concentrate on Frank. I like Frank...he's goodlooking and fairly quiet. Hi, Sylvia--I knew that you'd be an Adrian Paul/Highlander kind of a girl. I should watch those old shows again..he is a babe , a good kisser, an excellent swordsman, and not a bad dancer. I think the guy who taught him to use a sword said that he was the best swordsman of any actor he knew with the exception of Errol Flynn. I've been on a forum for years with fans who go to Highlander conventions. We've even gotten together over the years. The people who have met Adrian and the other cast members say that they are really nice people.Of course, being rather fickle...Adrian is now in the backseat, so that Fernandooo can be up in the front seat with me. As for my week...there are a lot of people in my life I'm worrying about right now for various and sundry reasons. Thanks for asking. It helps to come here and get some giggles.~~~Susanlynn, locked in a storeroom

Here we are entering the period of pure torture for the protagonists but somehow I don't really empathize with any of them. Well, maybe Gaspar. I don't think it's going to turn out well for him though.

There are still great moments that pull me along though, like the look Maximo gave Thelma's aunt Rebeca when she insisted on being called Senorita after asking him if he was married. Given the age of Santo's mom and Rosita I guess we know for sure she's way too old for him! He took the first opportunity to get out and take his tequila with him!

Another thought that struck me during Don Loco's flashback of his dad committing suicide. How does he know that Don Alvaro Sr. was really his dad, if his mom played around? He could be in the same situation as Alina. This doesn't seem to have ocurred to him.

I am guessing that Alfonsina is working up to getting Hugo to kill Don Loco.

Margaret, that is a really good point about Alvaro possibly being illegitimate. And I agree that Alfonsina is trying to turn Hugo against Alvaro. Doesn't look like it's going to be too difficult.

I'm just curious, Margaret, why Alfonsina would want Don L dead? Is she an illegitimate sister of his, and does she think the ranch/plantation should belong to her? (I remember her lounging on a bed during the first week and saying "one day this will all be mine" but I didn't understand and thought she wanted Don Loco....maybe she just thinks the plantation should be hers and he is in the way). I didn't think Hugo was related to Don Loco.


Hi everyone, okay I know this novela is ten years old but I missed most of it while it was on, so now I'm watching it online. Why? Long story.
Anyway, let's get on with the character analysis, starting with...
Thelma- There's just something so dislikable about this girl and I can't even figure out what it is. Absolutely no redeeming qualities.
Don Loco- Gosh, this guy is so full of hate and bitterness that it's a pain to hear what he has to say.
Sergio- Good-for-nothing bootlicker.
Orlando- Get a life, bro.

Máximo- He's the funniest and the most fun to watch. #MaximoRocks
Santos- I really like him, he's actually one of the smarter characters, he's sweet with Rosita, a good friend to Alina, and he isn't afraid to stand up to abusive people. #SantosRocks
Rosita- Also a good friend and nice person, plus she and Sant make a cute couple.

I also like Gaspar, and I have a soft spot for Blanca because she looks a lot like my best friend. I don't like Emilio very much but he hasn't been that bad in the past few episodes. Sometimes I like Luba but sometimes I wish she'd cut it out, like in the previous episode she was a bit rude.

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