Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Gossip on the set of LFMB

For those who are interested, I have translated an article from Mira! magazine on backstage doings at LFMB and I have posted it on my own blog. Read at your own risk, but it is fascinating . . . I promise there are no spoilers regarding the story line.


When they lengthen novelas on the spur of the success they enjoy it nearly always turns out badly. People have other committments, they have to break other contracts, and promises to their families and loved ones. All for some additional fleeting popularity. For the viewers the stories usually become more nonsensical as writers come and go, and people who refuse to go on have to get killed off somehow. I don't if LFMB has suffered any of this since I don't watch but it seems to happen everywhere else.

All of us watching are annoyed with the extended schedule and the foot-dragging pace, so it's no surprise that it's wearing down the cast. Thanks for the translation.

Thank you, Nina! No, I'm not surprised either. But it is still sad to hear.

The date on this translation says 2/17/2007. That hasn't happened yet. Is this a recent article? Is it the 7th perhaps? or is it from last year?

Magazines are often published with a cover date that's way ahead of when the mag hits the newsstands.

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