Thursday, March 22, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday March 22 - Maximo is not trustworthy, and neither is Thelma

After receiving the news of Rosita's pregnancy from the doctor, Santos said to himself, "Rosita pregnant? But by who?"

One of the soldiers (Frank?) told Elias that the man they had captured was Arcadio, not Jose. Elias returned to Alina and told her Jose had escaped.

Emilio brought the unconscious, bleeding Jose home and told Thelma that he was supposedly Alina's father. Thelma started shrieking that all Emilio ever thought about was Alina. Emilio asked her to take care of Jose while he went for the doctor. Thelma said she would do it because she loved Emilio.

After Emilio left, Jose said feverishly, "Mariana, my life, my life, I have returned for you. It is me, your Jose, my life, I am here."

Thelma perceptively said to herself, "It is him. This man is Jose Gomez."

Jose continued reciting his entire life story. "Mariana, I've returned for you and our daughter. I need to talk to your brother, with Alvaro. I need to tell him Alina is not my daughter."

Somehow, I can't imagine how, Thelma cleverly realized that Mariana was Jose's real lover and Alina was really Alvaro's daughter. She said, "No one can find out that Alvaro is Alina's father," and ordered Jose, "Die! Die!" Then she said, "I can help him die," grabbed a pillow, and approached the bed to smother Jose.

Fortunately for Jose, Dr. Vasquez and Emilio came into the room just then. Thelma volunteered to "help" the doctor treat Jose and started cutting bandages.

Rosita told Alina she couldn't bring herself to tell Santos that she was expecting another man's child. Later Santos confronted Rosita and asked whose child she was having. "You were with another, right?" (Why is he so sure it isn't his?) Rosita said, "Think what you want!" Santos left and she cried.

Later Braulio came home and told Rosita that Maximo had confessed to the rape and wanted to marry her. Rosita called Maximo sickening and said she wouldn't marry him.

Sergio told Alvaro that Jose had returned to Sierra Escondida. Alvaro snarled, "Infeliz! I'm going to look for him, and I'm going to find him!"

He went to Soledad and asked, "Are you expecting your lover?" Soledad begged him to talk to Jose, but Alvaro said he would kill him. Soledad took his hand and Alvaro snapped, "Let go of me! You are not going to save your lover."

While talking to Emilio, Thelma saw Alina approaching them. Thelma said, "Emilio, hug me," then started kissing him while looking at Alina over his shoulder.

Alina went to Vera and cried about what she had seen. Vera tried to tell her Emilio didn't love Thelma. Alina said, "I have to see reality, and the reality is this: Emilio loves his wife."

The soldiers went to Edelmira's place and announced that they were "looking for a man." Granillo said, "Really? Me too!"

At Luba's cave: Gaspar woke up and told Luba he wasn't going to die, then said he was going to steal his baby from that lying woman Thelma. Luba begged, "Forget that woman!" but Gaspar insisted, "No, this child is mine, mine, Ma."

Thelma told Emilio she would stay with Jose because he shouldn't be alone. Suspecting nothing, dunderhead Emilio agreed. When he was gone, Thelma told the unconscious Jose that he had to take his secret to his tomb.

Alvaro, meanwhile, went to Jose's house, didn't find him, and told Sergio they would search for him all night if necessary.

The next day, Elias and Maximo showed up at Alvaro's house at the same time. Maximo told Soledad that Alvaro wouldn't like it if he knew Elias was visiting her. Elias assured Soledad that he and Alina wouldn't rest until they found Jose, then left.

Maximo said he would return when Alvaro was home, and also left. Soledad commented to Adela, "Maximo is not trustworthy."

Emilio found Alina brooding in the garden and asked her if she was OK. Alina said, "Go to your wife and leave me in peace!" Emilio looked confused (what else is new).

Thelma went into the still unconscious Jose's room and said, "Damn it, I can't permit you to talk!" On cue, Jose said feverishly, "Mariana."

Thelma said, "Quiet, quiet!" and covered his mouth with her hand, then said he had to die. She started tearing off his bandage while Jose groaned. Once again Dr. Vasquez saved the day, coming into the room and asking Thelma, "What are you doing?"

Thelma said Jose had been moving around a lot and was delirious. Dr. Vasquez accepted this lame excuse.

Jose said, "Water, water," but the doctor warned Thelma not to give him any because it could kill him. Of course that gave Thelma ideas. She asked him to sedate Jose and the doctor agreed.

Thelma thought, "Poor devil. I know already what I'm going to do to you," then thought that Jose would die in a "lamentable accident."

Alina talked to Angel and thanked him for giving her hope. Angel said, "You are so pretty," and kissed her hand. Alina said, "Don't say any more," but Angel said he loved her even though it was impossible because she loved his brother.

Alina insisted she didn't love Emilio because she couldn't love a married man, "much less one who loves his wife." She said she saw Emilio kissing Thelma.

Orlando told the soldiers to look for Jose in San Mateo, saying he would stay behind. He went to see Emilio, who told him he wanted Jose to set Alvaro straight by telling him he wasn't Alina's father.

Orlando mentioned that Angel wanted to marry Alina. Emilio brushed that off. Orlando told himself, "Everyone wants Flor, but she will be mine. This is the way of winning her trust: telling her where Jose Gomez is."

Emilio went off for some target practice, but was distracted and muttered to himself that he was jealous at the thought of the woman he loved marrying his own brother.

Meanwhile, Alvaro returned home with Sergio after a fruitless night of searching for Jose. Sergio mentioned that they hadn't had any sleep, and Alvaro barked that Sergio would stay awake for five days if he said so. Sergio meekly agreed.

Maximo arrived and told Alvaro, "I can help you. I know where this animal is. Jose Gomez is at La Rinconada." Alvaro said, "What this desgraciado deserves is death" and that he would kill Jose.

Maximo said, "I don't want problems with my nephew." Alvaro replied, "Don't worry. I'm not going to say anything to compromise you."

Alvaro went to Sergio and told him he intended to kill Jose in Soledad's presence.

Thelma found Vera gossiping in the kitchen with Nurse Susi and curtly told Susi to get back to work. Then she ordered Vera to take care of Jose, saying he had a fever and Vera should give him water.

Braulio visited Maximo's office, hat in hand, and said, "I came to tell you, with much pain, that my daughter won't marry you, even though she is expecting your child."

Maximo urged Braulio to talk to Rosita, saying if she didn't marry him people would talk about her just as they talked about Soledad. He chuckled and added that Alvaro was on his way to kill Jose.

Orlando, on horseback, encountered Alina and offered to take her to Jose.

In Soledad's prison/bedroom: Alvaro said, "Soledad, come with me. After today you will never see your lover again. At last you will forget him when he is dead." Soledad tried to argue, but he dragged her out of the room.

Santos burst into Rosita's house and said, "The only thing I want to know is why you forgot me so fast!" Rosita cried, "Because I never forgot you!" and blurted that Maximo raped her.

Meanwhile, Braulio encountered Orlando and Alina. He told them Alvaro was on his way to kill Jose.

Also meanwhile, Alvaro was driving with Soledad toward Maximo's hacienda in a small carriage and bickering with her, "I'm going to kill your lover," "No you have to talk to him and straighten things out," bla bla.

Dr. Vasquez told Emilio that Thelma was very worried about Jose. He mentioned that he had told Thelma not to give Jose water. Emilio observed that it was strange that Thelma was worried about Jose. The doctor said, "Motherhood changes a woman's character."

At that moment, Jose asked Vera for water and she gave him some. He instantly started foaming at the mouth and went into convulsions. Vera ran into the hallway and called Dr. Vasquez and Emilio into the room.

Thelma gloated to her aunt that Jose would die, then headed for the sickroom and sent Vera away before she could tell the doctor that she had given Jose water at Thelma's command.

Alina and Orlando arrived. Alina said she had to speak to Jose, and Orlando announced that Alvaro was coming to kill him. Alina begged Jose (who was still busy dying), "Talk to me, Jose, please!"

Emilio said, "This isn't the moment," but Alina insisted on asking Jose who the letter was for. Jose said feverishly, "The letter, the letter." And the episode ended.

supuesto = supposed
amante = lover
rechazar = to reject
asqueroso = sickening, disgusting
de fiar = trustworthy


Carmel, thanks for the great recap! Geez, you must type while you watch! ¡Tan rápido!

This one really shows signs of heating up and coming to a head soon. I was impactada at how fast it is beginning to move. OTOH, usually when I think it's beginning to move, someone misses an opportunity to connect the dots.


Actually, I did start to type this one in the commercial breaks!

>>>Santos burst into Rosita's house and said, "The only thing I want to know is why you forgot me so fast!" Rosita cried, "Because I never forgot you!"

I don't understand that at all. Maybe I am reading it wrong but this conversation doesn't make sense to me.

Not fair darn it, why did Jose have to die and of course Mariana had to rush back after she just got there. Freaking Thelma I hate her, I hope she gets in trouble big time. I hope everyone thinks it was her that gave Jose water. I can't believe that by reading the recaps I am getting too into this. I shouldn't care, I don't watch this.

I'm sure there was more but that whole Jose dying thing has me really peeved. I am dying for Don Loco to know the truth already but of course I doubt that he would believe it anyway, he'z crazy enough not too.

I don't know but I forsee huge cliffhangers until the second to last episode and in final episode(or the last hour) everything gets tiddied up nice and clean and everybody lives happily ever after.

Attagirl! Way to go!


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Hang on, though, Jose is not dead yet.


Oops should correct that, maybe Jose doesn't die I just can't get over the fact that he's foaming at that mouth and could possibly die. Hopefully he won't, hopefully the very attentive doctor will save the day.

I was thinking it would be amusing if Soledad and Jose did finally meet and fall in love. That would serve Don Loco right.

Oh yeah, Jose + Soledad 4 ever! That would serve Don Loco right. I really hope Jose does NOT die because I want to see him take Mariana back from creepy Dr. Love.

Carmel, I laughed through the entire recap. You really do have a way with words. "Jose, who was still busy dying" I'm cracking up just typing it.

The only thing that motherhood has changed for Thelma is to make her even more heinous and odious.

Mari, if you had been watching this wacky program all these ridiculous conversations would make perfect sense. I'm not kidding.

Hilarious recap, thanks!!

Thank you, Sylvia!! It must be difficult sometimes for the actors not to burst into laughter at the dialogue they have to deliver. Actually, Orlando often looks like he wants to laugh.

Great recap Sylvia. I, too, think it would be great if Soledad ended up with Jose - she deserves a hot young guy after what she's had to put up with from Alvaro and, I have to say it, Elias is kind of a wimp. Goes down and stays down after one punch??? How'd he get into Telenovela world? His wife Blanca looked like she could pick him up and CARRY him away from Soledad if she had to. Although, I do agree that Dr. Love is horrible and Mariana MUST be saved from him!

Can't help fixating on this horse thing. Everyone in the entire show is able to ride whenever they want!? Even Alina & Elias were on horseback the other night - who did they borrow horses from? Alvaro? Emilioooo? If they can all ride, why did Emiliooooo and Elias have to take the problematic wagon to rescue Alina & Soledad? Wouldn't it have been easier (terrain-wise) to take 2 extra horses? Maybe Soledad is the only one who can't ride in the whole show??? I noticed that Alvaro took her to see her lover killed in a wagon.

Where did Jose Gomez & his pal get THEIR horses and tack? Weren't they on foot before?

Alina must have some serious thick skin if she rides in a dress! Ever hear of chafing? The soldiers never wear riding pants either that stiff material must hurt. (note that I am concerned for their comfort and NOT just trying to see some of them in skin tight pants.)

Why do all soldiers ride with English style tack but do not post? All others ride Western. And why won't Orlando put the bridle's forehead strap UNDER his pretty white horse's forlock??? It looks dumb having it on top of her pretty mane. It's bugging me.

Also bugging me, that old telenovela staple where the bad girl/guy (Thelma) kisses the hero/heroine (Emilio) and he/she (Emilio) hesitates just that couple of seconds before rejecting the person they supposedly hate - just long enough for their loved one to SEE them kissing someone else.

People! Work on your reaction time! It doesn't take 5 seconds to realize that you are kissing the wrong person.

Kate Perez needing much mas cafe

Kate, ROTF! Great points about the horses, especially Alina riding any time she wants and in a skirt! She grew up riding, so she's good....but that really is a stretch.

As for Soledad not riding a horse, Don Loco's celotipia is just bad enough that he'd probably paranoid about her riding a horse and giving him the slip. If they're in a carriage, think of all the control the old boy has over her.


Wow Carmel you are good. You must type like a lot of words per minute.

Hehehe, I missed the I just saw that Jose was too busy dying line. To busy concentrating on the fact that he was.

Sylvia I guess I had to be there so to speak because even if I translate it into Spanish, it still doesn't make sense.

Kate, ROTFL and I know nothing about horses or riding them. But I think you made valid points.


Kate, although I would love to take credit for this wonderful recap, Carmel is the author, not I.

Great comments on the horse details. Not being well-versed on the subject of course I wouldn't notice most of that stuff, although I did wonder about Alina riding in the dress. Ouch. I can understand how all that inattention to detail could drive you crazy.

I am, however, an expert on kissing and yes, it does not take 5 seconds to realize you are kissing the wrong person.

That stupid Alina and Elias are both worthless ... didn't Alina know that Gaspar was shot? she never even went to the cave to say, "tsk, tsk" or pray to the Virgincita picture or anything ... and Gaspar was the one who gave her the dearly beloved Tonqui/donkey -- people! let's show a LITTLE gratitude. And then Stupid Alina and Worthless Elias watched Jose float down the river and took off to go look for clues in his room. Good grief. That's cold ... uh, and stupid and worthless. I have Excedrin Headache #53. Shelly

Thanks, Carmel~~~I missed this episode because my daughter and I went out to dinner and shopping for her sister's birthday present. However, I'm not too broken up over missing it. Why would anyone leave Thelma alone with 1] a dying man 2] any man Thelma is a black widow spider. These telenovela villainesses are really over-the-top. I am worried about Gaspar. If they let him die, that's it for me. [The phrase ''that's it'' must be lingering in my brain...yesterday 2 of my students ended their speeches with ''That's it.'' I spent 10 minutes explaining that ''That's it.'' was not a suitable conclusion for a speech. Now, here I am using the same phrase.] Anyway, these people are making me weary. Soledad may be sporting a new hairdo [ponytail..shout out to Adela for her skills] , but she is the same ineffective Soledad. Elias should really take some back up with him on his rescue missions because he is not much of a fighter and I am tired of him getting punched in the eye. I completely agree with the person who suggested that Blanca could have ''carried him away from Soledad.'' Whn will it all end? I'm ready for the cactus fields. I asked 2 of my students [from Peru and Colombia] what ''destilando'' means and they said ''exude''. ~~~Susanlynn, losing interest

Fastest recap in west! Way to go!
Kate - I laughed so hard at your description of Elias and Blanca, because I feel the same, but didn't want to say it!

I'll pay moe attention to the horse issues now - I've been oblivious. I did wonder what in the world Jose was going to do with the horse after he arrived in Mexico City or whatever city Mariana is in.

Oops - meant to type "pay more" -

Mari, just now I watched the scene between Santos and Rosita again. He asked why she forgot him so fast and berated her a bit. She told him not to go on, "I don't want to listen you anymore." He said, "Why?" and she said, "Because I never forgot you!" So I could have done a better job at condensing that scene, and I hope it makes more sense now.

Anya, I liked "pay moe."

okay now it makes sense. The other way it felt like a line was missing but of course she could have said it the way you wrote it you never know with the writers.

In this episode, Alina and Emilio were stupider than usual. Stupidity overdose with these 2. I couldn't even stand to watch the scenes where their stupidity had no limits, so I skipped the ones where Alina was crying/complaining over Emilio "kissing" nasty Thelma.
Another thing I couldn't stand to see was José foaming at the mouth. I got traumatized from a foaming scene in La Madrastra, so as soon as I see the first signs of anything similar, I close my eyes. It's just as bad as vomiting. I just cannot see a person vomit. Ew.


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