Thursday, March 08, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday March 8 - Emilio can't keep a secret

Agent Ruiz asked Alina, "Is it true that Alvaro Montellano abused you physically and mentally, forcing you to be in this place?"

Alvaro, aka Don Loco, glared at Alina, then took her hands and told her to answer the senor, adding to Alina's surprise that her mother had been certified insane.

After musing that Don Loco would carry out his threats against her mother if she told the truth, Alina said, "I am here because I like it." Agent Ruiz asked why Blanca had accused Don Loco. Alvaro laughed and said Blanca was after revenge because Elias had always loved Soledad. He told Agent Ruiz he'd go with him to see Blanca.

When Blanca (being dead) didn't answer their knock at her door, Agent Ruiz told Alvaro he wouldn't pursue charges against him because he didn't have any proof.

Alvaro went home to Soledad and they accused each other of being insane. (Alvaro: "You are insane, insane, insane!" Soledad: "I know you are, but what am I?") Alvaro won the argument by calling Soledad a "damn traitor."

Elsewhere, hairy disgraced psychiatrist Dr. Z (I don't remember his full name) told Dr. Vasquez that Alvaro was sick with celotipia (jealousy) which made men aggressive against women "and often ends in death."

Meanwhile, Soledad cowered on her bed, crying, "Don't hit me, don't touch me!" Alvaro looked guilty and said, "It was my fault. Forgive me. I'm an animal." He said he didn't want to make her feel bad, adding, "Blanca deserved death."

Soledad asked what he'd done to Blanca. Don Loco said, "Me, nothing, but it's better you know your accomplice is dead." Soledad cried and told herself that he had killed Blanca and would kill her too.

At the club: Edelmira gave Alina a cup of tea, claiming it would calm her nerves. Alina went to her room, collapsed on her bed, and told Coral, "Edelmira gave me something." Coral said, "I have an idea," and started to whisper.

At the cave: Luba prayed for help for Flor. Gaspar arrived, beaming, and said he was hungry. Pleased, Luba asked if he liked Nora. Gaspar said, "I like her a lot. But I can't forget the child I'm expecting with my little doll."

Alina sneaked out of Edelmira's club while everyone was watching something else (that was Coral's big plan??) She reeled around the countryside, saying, "Ay, Tonqui, I feel very bad," then passed out.

Suddenly a jaguar showed up. (The same one that chased Gaspar? How did it know Alina passed out? It must be a psychic jaguar.) Tonqui started barking at it.

Emilio rode up, shouting Alina's name. (He must be psychic, too, because I didn't see anyone tell him Alina had left Edelmira's club.) Seeing the jaguar, he yelled, "Calm down, Tonqui!" and took off his jacket and shirt (revealing an undershirt), paused to put his jacket back on (because a hero has to look good while saving girls from jaguars), then somehow attached the shirt to a stick and set it on fire, creating a torch to fend off the jaguar. (Why didn't he just use his gun? Never mind.)

When the jaguar was gone, he cradled Alina in his arms and said, "Alina, wake up! It's me, Emilio!"

Orlando, disappointed not to find Alina drugged in her bed, went to Edelmira and said, "She escaped!" He set out on horseback to find her and encountered Emilio, also on horseback, with the unconscious Alina.

They yelled at each other, Orlando told Emilio that Flor didn't love him, Emilio rode off with Flor, Orlando looked after them and called Emilio an idiot. The usual.

Thelma went to Castulo's room. He greeted her, "Hola, preciosa," kissed her, then said it was too dangerous to stay there. He took her to Jose's cabin. They were in bed together when Emilio arrived with Alina (what a coincidence!)

Thelma escaped without being seen and Castulo greeted Emilio, who put Alina on the miraculously remade bed. Orlando asked what Castulo was doing there. Castulo claimed he came to the cabin when he wanted to be alone, adding that it used to belong to Jose Gomez. "They say he was Flor's father."

Like a shiny object, this information was enough to distract Emilio from his questions. Castulo left, caught up with Thelma outside, and said he would take her back to the hacienda.

Emilio kissed Alina, who woke up and asked, "What are you doing?" Emilio said, "I brought you here because you felt bad," kiss kiss, "forgive me." Alina asked, "You're making fun of me, right?" Kiss kiss. Emilio said, "This isn't right. It's better that I go." He paused long enough to tell her it was Jose's cabin, then left.

In Don Loco's office: Don Loco told Sergio that Blanca was dead. Sergio asked if Don Loco killed her. Alvaro said no, "I'm not a common murderer."

Orlando the Snake showed up to see Don Loco and announced, "Emilio Valtierra decided to save Flor. Who knows where he took her."

They had a drink together. Orlando said he would find out where Emilio had taken Alina, then tell Don Loco. Alvaro said, "There must be rivalry between you and the captain," and added that he wouldn't let Emilio or anyone else protect Alina.

At the cave: Gaspar told himself, "I like Nora's kisses," then remembered his encounter with Thelma at the Devil's Cave and thought, "But my little doll is having my child."

He told Luba, "I don't know what to do now. I have two women." When Luba tried to argue with him, he said, "You don't understand me, Mama!" Luba worried about how to make him forget Thelma and the child.

At Jose's cabin, Alina pondered, "This is where he wrote the letter that caused all the problems." She wondered who the letter was intended for, then searched the cabin for clues, but didn't find anything. She asked, "Where are you, Jose Gomez?" then spotted a statue of the Virgin Mary and prayed, "Make this man come back to Sierra Escondida and tell my father the whole truth."

Emilio went to see Luba and told her where to find Alina. Luba woke Gaspar up and said, "We're going for Flor," then fretted that they couldn't bring her back to the cave because if Alvaro found her there he would kill them.

Back at home, Emilio encountered Thelma, who told him she had felt the baby move for the first time. Reluctantly he touched her belly and said he felt it, too. Thelma said, "It makes me happy that you're begining to adjust." Emilio muttered to himself, "I'm going to be a father and I can't understand it."

Angel went to see Edelmira, who told him Emilio had rescued Flor.

Luba and Gaspar visited Alina at the cabin. Luba urged, "You have to escape!" Alina asked, "With what money?" Luba said, "I have the money the patron gave me for taking care of you!"

Alina said she was a coward and didn't dare confront her father. She asked Luba to take Tonqui back to the cave and feed him. Luba told her that Tonqui was loyal and could be trusted, unlike Emilio, then left with Tonqui and Gaspar.

Back at the cave, Luba told Gaspar to bring Alina breakfast in the morning and not let anyone see him. Gaspar said sulkily, "I'm angry with you, Mama," because she didn't understand that he was having a child with his munequita.

Luba said, "I only want you to forget this so nothing bad happens to you. I adore you, son. You are everything to me."

Orlando confronted Emilio and asked where he'd taken Alina. Emilio said angrily that he knew Orlando had paid to have Flor. Orlando claimed he only wanted to help Alina, that he was worried for Emilio. So Emilio told Orlando where Alina was (duh!!!)

Orlando advised Emilio to dedicate himself to Thelma and the baby. Just then Angel arrived and demanded, "What have you done with Alina?"

Emilio asked if Angel still wanted to marry Alina. Angel said it was what he wanted most. So Emilio told him where Alina was. Way to keep a secret, Captain! Emilio added that Luba was going to fetch Flor. Angel, showing the common sense his brother lacks, said it wasn't safe for Alina to return to Luba's cave.

Meanwhile, Soledad told Alvaro what a terrible person he was. Alvaro said, "I didn't kill anyone. You have to control your nerves. Take this pill."

Soledad tried to refuse, but he forced her, then said, "That's better, you obey me. It's better that you do what I say." After he left, Soledad cried, "What is this? What is this?

At the end of the episode, drunken old Jeremias decided to pay a visit to Jose's very popular cabin and found Alina there. He leered at her and said, "Look what's here! What a treasure I've found!"

Words from this episode:
celotipia = jealousy
vulgar = common
asesino = murderer


The title just gave it away, ayy Emiliooo. By the way Carmel I was reading the Heridas stuff you posted on your website. Funny stuff, funny stuff. I never saw it but I can imagine how watching it must have been.

Carmel, thanks for the terrific recap (quick, too!). I really appreciated you clearing up so much because the action was so vague I thought I wasn't paying enough attention (well, I wasn't, but apparently I was catching it anyway).

Dr. Z has a handle on some pretty odd psychiatric stuff. Maybe Dr. V can convince him to do the right thing.

Emilio' there a word for his cluelessness? making me crazy. Don Loco is dodging bullets right and left. I hope he is gone from the scene soon. He is just plain tiresome. I suppose they'll do him in during the final minutes like they did with Sleazar in Heridas. That was pretty much the only episode of Heridas I watched and I was sooo glad afterward when y'all talked about it off an on that I saw the ol' boy get what he deserved. I hope Don Loco gets what he deserves soooooon. While we're at it, here's the rest of my list: Orlando, Edelmira, Thelma. Did I forget anybody?


celotipia = jealousy

it really is condition. I guess Dr. Z knew what he was talking about. I found a mini medical article in spanish and it pretty much describes Don Loco.

Yes, I would like to know if there's an English term for pathological jealousy like Don Loco's.

Marycelis, I'm glad you're enjoying my Heridas recaps! That was a wild show. I can't help thinking that every show would be better if Bertha were in it.

Jeanne, I agree that the action was vague. That's often a problem with this show. I'm constantly wondering huh, how did that happen?

(I noticed the other day that Luba was skinning an animal but it was blurred out, I suppose because it would upset US audiences. Maybe some other action is being cut for that reason or other reasons.)

pathological jealousy pretty much covers it.

I found a newspaper article that might be easier to translate, give me some time and i'll post it if u want, that is.

Sure, that would be very interesting, thank you.

Thanks, Carmel. I thought it was just me.


Carmel, I loved your recap. A lot of stuff happened! I didn't get to watch last night because I have unexpected house guests, (including a teenager who was on the computer non-stop until we went to bed). That's funny about the skinned animal being blurred out; I thought my eyes were getting bad.

Excellent job Carmel, thanks!!

I haven't read the recap yet, I was just reading the comments from yesterday's show. Marycelis and someone else were discussing how esmas has the final capitulo up already - the site is Mexican, they post everything according to when it was shown in Mexico. So, if you know what show is coming up next after the one you're watching, you can go there to get a sneak preview. If you don't want spoilers though, I'd stay away!

Ooops I clicked submit too soon. I remember the first time I went to, Alborada was still on, and right there on the esmas front page was a picture of Luis and Hipolita getting married, happy ending, etc. Meanwhile, in the US, we were still a couple months away from the end. Ok now submit for real (click)

ok now I have read two paragraphs and ARRRRGGGGGGHHHH I knew stupid Alina would say that. I KNEW it. I hate her.

thanks for posting the warning Ferro, but as you may be able to tell from the La Fea blogs, I don't care much about spoilers. Naturally i won't post anything here (if i accidentally do, i'll delete it asap)

Jeanne -- PUH-lease add the singing aunt to your "take out" list. And you might as well add the two dimwits Emilio and fact, let's take everyone out except Donkey/Tonqui .. even gaspar ... i'm tired of his fixation on his invisibly pregnant doll a token to all of you who love Gaspar, we could do him last since he gave us my favorite ever pickup line, "do you want to see my fairy?" who knows what else lurks in his hurt brain. That line was pure genius. Shelly

Oh my what a crazy episode! You sure handled it well. You had a sentence for each little scene! I laughed at your part about Soledad and Loco going on like kids.

Very good points there Shelly about Alina, Emilio, Angel, Gaspar, Thelma, Orlando, Alvaro, Soledad, Blanca, Elias, all of them! They are all driving me crazy too! Especially Gaspars fixation on Thelma. Hes got a hot girl - why would he want that witch! "You always want what you cant have" I hear my parents singing in my head.

Ferro I like how you dislike Alina. ITs so true that her helplessness is ANNOYING!

Hey and from yesterday I forgot to say thanks to Schoolmarm for her eagle eyes and dictionary fingers with Corporal/crew Chief. Gratzi!

I meant you, you Carmelita did a great job!

I'm with Shelly. "Do you want to see my fairy" is the funniest line ever. So OK, Gaspar gets some special dispensation for that. He has really been my favorite character so far but he is getting on my nerves with his constant muñequita blathering. Now my favorite character is Luba, although I wish she would use that knife that she keeps brandishing on Don Loco instead of the kitchen table and random trees.

I just want to slap Alina and Soledad! They don't even have the common sense of Gaspar!! I don't know if I can make it through the ultima capitulos...

Alina is getting bigger and bigger. Does anyone know why? Is she just eating more or is something else going on?!

Shelly-- You got it! The list is officially growing! Line 'em up and give 'em all a shove toward the whirlpool! They've all been voted off the island.

Lynn--de nada, es un placer ayudarte. (Hope that grammar was close).


Thanks for the great recap. Carmel. These people just keep going around and around and around. Alina just keeps moving from one place to another. Gaspar just keeps asking for his little doll. Thelma just keeps yelling at her aunt, jumping in bed with Cas, and trying to hang on to Emiliooo. Angel just keeps coughing and pining for Florina. Don Loco just keeps on wearing his hat, glaring , and threatening people. Orlando just keeps on trying to get the best of Emiliooo. Luba keeps on alternately kissing and cooing at Gaspar and smacking and shoving him around. Coral just keeps on running interference for Florina while wearing her stretchy little outfits. And I just keep on watching this stuff. Time to move on. As Einstein once said, ''Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.'' Been there, done that. Let's try some new approaches, people. ~~~Susanlynn, getting tired of the repetition..let's go back to the good old days...the beach...Emilio crooning to the big band sound...Auxilio>..make it stop.

Anonymous, I noticed too that Alina seems to be gaining weight -- odd, isn't it? Thelma's the one who is supposed to be pregnant!

Part of Alina gaining weight, I think is the clothes. When she was hanging with Luba and Gaspar she wore Jeans and t-shirts all the time. Since Gaspar brought her the pink dress, she's mostly worn dresses, or now, peasant skirts and blouses. As someone pointed out, Ludwicka Paleta isn't a tall skinny model type (think Jacky Bracamontes) She's got hips. Those skirts make her look really wide.

I was recapping the night of the blurred out animal. I thought it was just a flaw in the film or something! How bad could it have been?

Good point, Margaret. She looks a lot better in jeans and wearing makeup.

About Gaspar: Whenever I think of La Fea Mas Bella, I think of Alicia saying "Ayyy Marcia," and when I think of Duelo de Pasiones I think of Gaspar saying, "Mi munequita!" I'm starting to feel as exasperated with him as Luba is. She is not! not! not! your little doll!




I do think Alina is gaining weight. Her face is as round as a basketball. I, too, thought it was just me. I don't think it's just the clothes.

Se ve "gordita."

Some of these characters are getting annoying and doing nothing new. Alina, saying she doesn't love Emilio when she knows she does. Emilio- pretending to hate Alina then going to rescue her. Thelma- obsessed with Emilio. Angel- gonna be Alina's savior. Orlando- I hate Emilio and I love Alina. Don Loco- no comments. Doña Loco- same. Gaspar- Mi muñequita x 1000 every day.
Max isn't getting any action anymore, neither is Santos, they're just stuck in limbo doing nothing while everyone else runs in circles.

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