Thursday, March 08, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #227 3/8/07 Could a Mexican Accent Be Any Sexier?

Marcia calls Fern in N.Y. to demand an explanation of why his picture is in Lety’s office. She says she knows he ordered Omar to do it. She is especially ticked off that Omar cut her out of the picture. Fern swears that did not tell Omar to cut Marcia out of his life. Marcia calls them both infantile. She says she knows he still loves Lety. She slams the phone down, which leaves him so aggravated that he is tempted to throw his cell phone into the water behind him. He regains his composure and kisses the phone, apparently remembering that it is his only link to Lety while he is in N.Y.

He immediately calls Omar [did you marvel at how easily he was able to dial the number even with his leather gloves on? I did!] Fern yells at him over the dumb plan, and moreover for getting caught by Marcia. Omar says he only agreed to take part in this idiotic scheme because he is worried about Aldo’s intentions with the company. Besides, what did Fern expect when he gave Omar his instructions at 5 in the morning? Fern tells Omar that he has a fancy new phone, and for the benefit of us who don’t know how advanced these new-fangled contraptions are, he explains that he can receive emails, pictures, etc. on it. He orders Omar to send him a picture of Lety. Omar agrees to do so but hopes Fern has purchased anti-gargoyle-virus software for the phone.

Omar sneaks into conference room with his camera. He listens at Lety’s door but doesn’t hear her comment to herself about how stupid he is for planting Fern’s picture there. Aldo stops by to visit Lety. As he walks in, Lety suavely places the fruit basket he gave her earlier on top of Fern’s photocopied picture on her desk. As they chat, Omar reaches over the doorframe with his camera and takes picture from above the door [I guess that’s supposed to be a window above the door between the presidential office and the conference]. Aldo presents an oral dissertation on mole. He pitches idea of asking Julieta to help with mole preparation. Lety loves the idea. They continue to talk and Aldo picks up basket to ask why she hasn’t eaten the fruit. He sees the photo under the basket and mutters “Fern Mendiola… Fernando Mendiola…Grrr…” Lety explains Omar the Imbeciles’ practical joke. Aldo wonders why on earth Omar would do that.

We get scenes of N.Y. Fern walks along thinking that when he gets back he will definitely show Lety how much he loves her. He thinks they should be walking here hand--in-hand, enjoying N.Y. together. He sits on some steps and thinks that he should get her a gift that will show her how he feels -- something spiritual, or perhaps he should write her a letter… no, he decides a letter is a bad, bad, bad idea. In any case, he is determined that seguramente (surely; without a doubt) he will prove his love when he returns.

A weird scene follows where he walks through a small crowd of people. One of the women remarks that he is a beautiful man. The rest of the group laughs at this and he walks away anxiously. Huh? What the heck was that about?

He hails a cab, and so does a new mysterious woman. She’s beautiful and wears a trendy cap. They argue about who needs the cab more. They discover they are both Mexican and switch their arguing from English to Spanish. He explains that he must get to a meeting and the future of his company depends on it, etc., etc. The cabbie yells at them to get in. A double-decker bus with a big colorful “MEXICO” sign which I recognize from the Mexico tourism ads passes by [what a coincidence… NOT!]. Anyway, the new girl wants to share the cab with him. Fern looks at her like a recovering alcoholic might look at a big bottle of whiskey just sitting on the shelf and no one around to stop him from taking a swig… in other words, he knows better stay away from her. He politely walks her over to another cab and directs her into it. As he walks back to his own cab, she calls him neurotic. He yells back “Yeah, welcome to N.Y.!” The girl marvels at his lusciousness and prays, “Oh please God give me that man, I want him for me. He’s neurotic but he’s so cute! Oh well I’ll never see him again.”

Omar emails Fern a picture of Lety looking very uncomfortable.

Lety tells Aldo she thinks Omar just planted the picture just to bug her, and he succeeded.

Omar talks to a client, who can not meet with him because he is at a golf tournament. Omar says he will find a solution and call him back. He hangs up and ponders whether Fern would kill him if he went to left the office to go waaaay over to wherever the tournament is to get the contract signed.

Aldo continues to flirt with Lety in her office and Omar sneaks in. They are standing too close for Omar’s comfort and he interrupts them. He tells Aldo he would like to Aldo to go with him right now to meet some clients. Aldo accepts. After Omar leaves Aldo tell Lety he only agreed to go because he wants to figure out what’s going on in Aldo’s puny little mind.

In the cab, Fern receives Lety’s picture via his cool new phone. He shows the picture to the cabbie. The cabbie remarks that she is beautiful, he can tell she has a beautiful soul. Fern, who is not used to this kind of reaction he shows Lety’s picture to others, is visibly pleased. He exclaims “Man I like you already!” [inEnglish!!] The cabbie warns Fern that she’s going to drive him crazy. Fern replies that actually, he’s already crazy-- crazy for her! [Okay, stop and rewind to enjoy Fern speaking English in his irresistable Mexican accent again; stop; rewind; stop; rewind... sigh!]

Tomas gives Marcia the tickets and stuff she needs for the trip. Marcia scolds him and says that because of him she had a nasty run-in with Lety. Not realizing Tomas is already in Marcia’s office, Alicia walks in to tell Marcia that he is back. Tomas excuses himself. Alicia begs again for Marcia’s car. After much dramatic griping, Marcia agrees and hands over the keys. She says she is lending Alicia the car on the condition that she keep her informed of Lety’s activities, especially if she (Lety) leaves the country. Marcia walks out and Alicia kisses Tomas’s phone and Marcia’s keys. She begs God to never let her be poor again.

Fern is on the phone with Omar again. He sits at a fountain and thanks Omar for sending the picture. He is very pleased with it. Omar remarks that he knows love is blind, but never he knew just how much! He reports that he walked in on Lety and Aldo in her office, and that he had to “throw water on them to separate them.” [His choice of imagery gets more and more repulsive, what a talent!] He says he plans to become friends with Aldo in order to find out his intentions.

Aldo walks into the vortex and everyone jumps at the chance to fawn all over him. Luigi invites him to lunch, and so does Alicia. Aldo says he would love to go with both of them, but he has a business lunch to go to. He walks away with Omar and everyone waves goodbye and throw kisses at him.

Tomas sneaks up on Alicia to invite her to lunch. Alicia agrees but suddenly remembers she’s having lunch with her dad. Tomas senses that she is lying to him.

Lety calls mom to tell her about Aldo’s mole idea. She’s honored and excited. The cuartel walks in and yells greetings into the phone. Lety hangs up and agrees to lunch with her friends. Meanwhile, at home, Erasmo is ticked that Julieta accepted the job without consulting with him.

In the downstairs lobby, Alicia asks Saimon if he has any snacks. Tomas walks in and asks if she’s reconsidered his lunch offer. Alicia admits that she lied because she does not want to be seen in public with him. Celso walks by with Sanson and a box of dog biscuits. Alicia’s mouth waters. Tomas tells her that if she eats with him, she will get a better lunch than dog biscuits. He offers to order food to be delivered so they can eat there at the office.

Lety and the cuartel go to an open air restaurant. They ask for the gossip about the fight between Aldo and Fern. They guess that the second man that the PG was talking about is Aldo and demand that Lety confirm this.

Fern sits in an empty meeting room and looks at Lety’s picture. He talks into his phone, pretending to do a talk show, and rehashes to himself, “Here I am in N.Y.. I met a gorgeous woman, and promptly put her in another cab. I don’t need the temptation… Well my friends, until next time…” Impressed with himself, he remarks that he should have been a deejay.

Aldo and Omar sit down at a restaurant and share a toast. Aldo savors his wine while Omar gulps his down. Omar starts to question Aldo about his taste in women… does he like them blonde or dark? Aldo says he’d rather talk about business. Omar says he forgot the business documents. He tells Aldo he seems very nice and intelligent, and that they could be excellent friends. He complains about his friendship with Fern, and all the stuff he’s had to do for Fern since they were kids. He says Fern is unstable. Aldo asks Omar to honest, he knows the business meeting was a pretext to get him here, and ask what Omar really wants. Just then two women walk in and recognize Omar.

Fern tells people at the meeting that he was late because of the argument with the woman over the cab. Just then the same woman walks into the meeting room. His jaw drops. They introduce her as Karla, the publicity agent who has been assigned to his account. He smiles uncomfortably [be strong, Fern!]. She asks him to explain his project. He gets excited and says they are going to love this idea. He begins to pull out papers haphazardly from his case and makes a big mess on the table.

The two pretty women join Omar and Aldo at their table. They try to converse with Aldo, but he gets a call and walks away to answer it. The women tell Omar that he was right, Aldo is guapisimo. Omar tells them he had to use the pretext of a business meeting with clients to get him to come. Aldo returns and says they should order because in a hurry to return to work.

The cuartel is relentlessly trying to get some juicy gossip from , Lety, but she refuses. Irmita defends Lety’s right to keep it to herself. They ask to know just one thing-- what did Fern and Aldo came to blows about. She says it was about work. They don’t believe it. Lety finally agrees to tell them. She says, “They fought over me. They are both in love with me, Leticia Padilla Solis!”

Will the cuartel believe Lety?
Will Fernando keep away from Karla, or will he fall off the wagon?
Will Alicia eat lunch and bust out of her outfit? ... And if that happens, will Tomas be lucky enough to be around to see it?


I absolutely agree that Fern speaking English is beyond adorable. So unspeakably cute. He is a dingbat.

Great as always! You might like to know that Fern's little monologue about "should have been a DJ" was likely meant as an inside joke; Jaime Camil started his career in radio.

Thanks for the recap...nice job

When Aldo was giving the little joy of life lecture about food..I really enjoy these, having never eaten in my entire tell Aldo do tell...anyway when he saw the picture in the office (granted I had captioning off..due to lack of interest), but I was all like slow down there Princess, the Prom Queen votes haven't all been counted yet...kind of a controlled nasty little snit.
*****I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints...the sinners are much more fun*****
Billy Joel sang it...but I was thinkin it all along

This was such a fash recap. Thank you soo much. This is the second time I actually really laughed a good laugh. First when Lety was daydreaming, while speaking to caro and winded up sitting on her desk, before she realized what she was doing and last night when Omar asked if fernando had gargoyle anti virus on his camera ROTf

Thanks for the great recap Alma.
Could Fernando get any cuter!! His accent is DE-Vine!! And it wasn't just his speaking in English, but what he was telling the cabbie, that was so cute. AND, I did rewind and watch that little bit about six times. It was so nice for him to get a positive response from someone when showing Lety's picture. Who cares that the cabbie was probably only thinking of his future tip.

Also, I had to laugh when he was dialing the phone w/ his gloves on. I've attempted that and it never works, but things like that don't seem to matter in novela-land.

I also thought that Fernando seemed to fall into US time fairly easily, with the rush rush and fast talking. Then when he made the comment about NYC always being in a hurry---I had to laugh. He seems to fit in well.

Omar is really growing on me. Yes he's an idiot, but you gotta give him props for his loyalty to Fern. And when he asked about the anti-gargolita software, I busted a rib (and I really don't like it when he resorts to name calling, so it took even me by surprise).

Aldo does look cute in that black jacket and striped shirt (see I can be impartial and they always say to start out with a positive), but he really annoyed me with his possessive caveman act when he saw the picture of Fernando on Lety's desk. Just because he's staked his claim on her,she's suppose to forget how she feels about Fer. If he's giving her time to get over Fernando, then he needs to realize it's a process and sometimes you go forward and sometimes you go backward. He should not be sitting around and controlling what Lety is going through---let it take it's course. I just have to chalk it up to his feeling insecure because he knows he doesn't stand a chance against Fernando.

Fern was sooo adorable. I want to hear him speak more English.

I loved the talking to the person on the side thing he tried to pull that the Carla character didn't fall for. that was funny.

Jaime Camil should be very comfortable in NYC. He's spent alot of time there on Broadway and much time in USA, as he's supposed to live in Miami or at least have a home here in Florida.Why would walking the streets of the world's most fascinating city be foreign to Jaime Camil and the character of Fernando of the world renowned Conceptos? Jaime Camil speaks four or five languages.

Alma, great recap!! Thanks!

The days are moving more quickly, have you noticed? They're already at lunch! Fern has traveled thousands of miles in just a short time. The plot is marching on, finally.

Karla is trouble. She's too darn good looking for Fern to resist forever. Clearly the "extranjera" PG told Lety would loom on the horizon.

Omar is getting more and more interesting. When he's not flirting, he actually says some really nifty things. They're giving him some good lines, and he's a natural for delivering them plus the body language to make it really amusing.

Melinama, about Fern you said, "He is a dingbat." Amen, sistah! He is that--the male version of Lucy. We have Lucy and Ethel here, updated to be politically correct.

All y'all are right, that accent is to die for! As if he wasn't already guapisimo enough, we get the English with an accent. (shiver)

An aside--Louise, from last night, your comment about growing up on an Iowa farm made me chuckle. I can't tell you how many times in the past several years I've been cruising I-80 and caught the whiff of pigs. Ewww. Yep, Omar's squeal sounds like he's been there, too.

It's FRIDAY! (And my mega-project is done!) Hope you all get a sunny weekend.....


Fernando was SO cute speaking English! His accent reminded me of Ricky Ricardo in the old I Love Lucy shows!
I really don't like the new woman who is after Fern. Her looks are just too much like Marcia.
I think Aldo is a little scary. He is too overwhelming with the way he smothers Lety. The new jealousy and possessive behavior are too much in contrast to his "everyone is wonderful and the world is a beautiful place, la la la" normal self.

Carrie L.

I missed last nights episode! Thank you very much for the recap, it helps to atleast know what I missed. Does anyone know where I can find info on Telemundo's novella, "Dime Chocolate"? I find myself watching the tail end of it sometimes when I get home early from work and am waiting for Lety and Fernando. It is a little funny and it too has a less than atractive lead and dude that every one calls "gringo" and get this everyone, his name is Bruce Remington. That sounds like something from One Life to Live. I love it! Here's hoping Fernando will give me some "beyond adorable" english tonight.

Thanks again

How come Aldo wanted to know about the fruit? I mean didn't he just give it too her like two lectures ago...sorry I mean like two hours ago? It is just lunch time. Also isn't it kinda hard to chow down on an apple with braces? Is this a PSA about your 5 daily servings? Or perhaps is this one of those eat fruit only diets? I am very confused.

Omar...makes "sleezy" a positive adjective. Go Omar

you watching dame chocolate's name is so "gringo", bruce remmington, grace remington, samantha porter..what a hoot.

by the way, i too hope fern will be adorable today too.

I thought Aldo's reaction to seeing the picture was way out of line - Lety hasn't agreed to be his girlfriend.

Anyway, who in his right mind WANTS to be the Rebound Guy?

Fernando speaking English! Could he get any CUTER????????? It was the highlight of my evening. I don't like Carla and I don't want her anywhere near Fernando and her "trendy" cap is a throwback to the 60s. John Lennon used to wear one just like it.

I also thought it was hysterical when Lety finally told the cuartel the truth. As they say, truth is stranger than fiction and I bet the cuartel won't believe one word of her explanation.

I, too, am watching Dame Chocolate. I'm glad somebody mentioned all the gringo names. It had me very confused. Whoever that little old lady is with the ear horn -- somebody should tell her that Granny's wig from the Beverly Hillbillies is not working for her. I keep thinking she's a 30-year-old and wardrobe plopped that hairpiece on her and said, VOILA! Old woman!

Like everyone I also replayed Fern speaking English.

Does anyone know what other languages Jaime can speak?

I don't know if Jamie is 'pretending' to have an accent or not but it would be fairly reasonable if he could speak English without one

Did anyone else think Lety sounded kind of snotty at the end when she announced that they were both in love with her?

I thought Jaime sounded like Ricky Ricardo too! I'm all, hey, what's with the Cuban accent? but i loved it and replayed it again. I loved the coming scenes for tonight with Luigi and la Oxi wailing over lunch. Aldo was way out of line - he has no right. And the apples thing, it went from being a gift to being an obligation and he's policing her!

Anon 10:54....Jaime Camil speaks Spanish, English, French and Portuguese. Geez...and I complain about the trouble I have learning Spanish. (sigh)

I need some help from those of you who YOU TUBE!! I missed last night's episode and everyone keeps talking about Jaime speaking in English and how cute it is. I don't want to search You Tube myself because I'm trying to avoid spoilers. I'm really hoping that one of you YouTubers would be kind enough to do a search for me and post a link here on the blog. I would LOVE to hear/see it. Thanks in advance for your help.

- Michelle in Minnesota

Ellen, i am at work and i just want to LOL. Beverly Hillbilly throw back..good one.

Michelle, I did not know that on youtube we can get the exact episodes that we missed? I have been on youtube and saw minute videos of partes el programa, pero no todos. Y from three months ahead of us, because it was the mexican version. I too would like to be able to see what I missed the night before. In regards to muchas personas que ahora les gustan aldo. Mi tambien. Also, el es muy guapo

Re: comment 12:18 to Michelle

MISTAKE. NO ME GUSTO ALDO> ME GUSTO OMAR. Hice en equivocado. Lo Siento.

The part about many people liking Omar now. I also said Aldo by mistake. Can't stand aldo. can't stand cant stand can't stand rotf.

Perhaps Jaime sounded like he was using a Cuban accent because he was recently in a movie playing a Cuban American ("I Love Miami"). Just a thought.

I too laughed with Fern punching in that phone number on his Blackberry so easily with gloves on. Those number pads are small (I know because I checked them and am getting one for my birthday). Anyway his asking the cabbie if he wanted to see a picture of his girlfriend was adorable. Yes I'm also sweating out the beautiful Karla. A lot of how i will fell about Fern will relate to how he handles her. And will she be beautiful but trouble or beautiful but a friend to him like Caro?

Omar must be a master photog to be able to get a clear shot of Lety without the hovering Aldo in the shot and from the top of the door no less.

Aldo also looked less than charming during his lunch with Omar. Clearly he knows that using Omar isn't going to win him any points with Lety so he doesn't have to trot out his guru personality and try to learn something about the man

I was remembering Alicia's phone conversation with her Papi on Wednesday. During the whole conversation you could hear the dial tone so I'm thinking that Alcia's father is dead, in jail as someone mentioned months ago, of a much lower social class than she pretends or cut off from her and she is just faking a relationship with him. All of which make her a pitiful character rather than a half naked joke.

Lola, You can get Dame Chocolate if you get Telemundo channels. I started it and loved the scenes with all the chocolate but any novela where the creepy price of the pueblo spies on the naked heroine swimming, kills a deer leaving her fawn to die and then rapes a village girl in the first half hour of the show is too much for me. The novela seems to be a blatant ripoff of LFMB with the girl with the hideous nose and buck teeth with the villagers making fun of her and calling her a witch and the rich man from the city with the odd name of Bruce Rodriguez. The 15 year age difference between the leads also make them look awkward together because she is so young and the once buff Carlos Ponce looked a little less spectacular with his shirt off. And granny with the earhorn is too much. However all that melted chocolate had me drooling ;-)


Aldo and the many versions of mole. You would think that most of the people he talks to had never had a thing to eat in their lives. We were all right when he guessed that Julieta was the mysterious chef who was going to prepare the mole. I love the stuff myself and the first time my husband cooked for me he made mole right from scratch, roasting all the different chilis and getting the right kind of chocolate. Tons of work is involved and in many places it is considered a labor of love to make it.

Perhaps the probably soon to be hated Karla can follow Fern back to the DF and than Omar can find the lady of his dreams, if he has them. All I can say about her is ABF (anybody but Fern).


I actually thought Aldo was a little scary last night when he found Lety hadn't devoured the apples and then when he saw the picture and slammed the basket back on the desk. Even Lety who somehow thinks he is a God looked a little unnerved. He just can't get it though his head that at this point Lety loves/hates Fern and all the pushing and crowding her and preaching isn't likely to change that over night. I'm pretty sure that sooner or later Lety will convince herself that she loves Aldo but it will be just ANOTHER episode of her running away from reality.

I just discovered this blog a week ago and love it. Thanks for helping me understand the show much better. I live with someone who speaks Spanish but he can't always translate into what makes any sense to me!

I have a BIG favor to ask: Can anyone tell me who sings the theme song in between all the scenes before and after the commercials? Wikipedia mentions Bacilos as a group but they make no mention of having anything to do with it on their website. I have the LFMB cd with Fern and Lety on the cover and their version of the song, but I want to find the one they play on TV as well. Can anyone help me?

thanks, Patrick in Oregon

I too thought that Fernando's acent when speaking English seemed a little forced. I live in San Diego and am use to people speaking English with a Mexican accent, but his seemed off. But, cute none the less!

I think the new chic, Carla, is over the top. I mean Fern has enough on his plate with Marcia and Lety. In the past, this is the type of woman that Marcia worried about, not the fea. I'm thinking it will be like the Alicia/Aldo relationship. She'll be chasing Fern and maybe make Lety jealous in the process, but he'll never see her as more than a pretty face.

Here's hoping she doesn't drize us crazy in the process.

I just remembered something... didn't the taxi guy also have an accent?

Hearing Ferni talk about his pretty girlfriend Lety in English was sooo sweet.
Who could be left in camp Aldo after that? (Besides Tomas, Lety's parents, Aldo's dad). Beckster, so funny, everything you said about Aldo and his apples.
Lety needs to put a lock on her door.
Now that I have had my lunch time laughs,I must get back to my "un-Conceptos" like job.


"Wikipedia mentions...": anyone going over to wiki is also in danger of encountering lfmb spoilers -- just letting those of you know, who have tried so far to NOT know the future. (But you have to work harder to come across them on wiki -- although you can come across them accidentally there, mostly you'd do it on purpose.)


Something just occurred to me. Where is Jasmin? Looks like Saimon is the one manning the reception desk lately. Did she just take a hike when El Checque lost a chunk of his income? Not that I miss her but it always seems that when one of the side story lines disappears so do most of the characters. It's like they serve there purpose and vaporize. Now maybe with Marcia of the laser eyes headed for London we'll be seeing the back of her as well.

Ellen here is a better picture of the old lady with the wig from Dame Chocolate:

-Marycelis (no time to sign in)

Can Fern ever, ever get his act together? It was embarassing seeing him fumble with his breifcase contents at the conference table. Here was his chance to make a good first impression and he blew it. Could he be that flustered by the Karla cab incident?

I think his accent was put on, I'll bet Jaime speaks english with absolutley no accent.

Posting for the seven of us who are watching Acorralada:
Was the actress sitting at the lunch table with Aldo and Omar the one who plays Caramelo on Acorralada?

Anonymous 1:15 p.m. Yep, the taxi driver had an accent. There are just about a million different kinds of accents in New York, and almost all taxi drivers have 'em, from my five years' experience working there. Not counting the New York accent.



Poor Fern Can't get away from Marcia anywhere on planet earth. I almost died laughing when he was walking in New York and the phone rang and it was his keeper. He even muttered about the first call he got coming from Marcia. She must have radar to be able to track him down whenever he is thinking about Lety.

I couldn't help thinking that when Marcia was rooting through all the papers in the clubhouse she might just accidently discover those pictures of Lety that fern has on his computer.

When Tomas was begging Alicia to go to lunch he got AWFULLY close to her cleavage. Later on when he talked about all the kinds of food he could order brought in for them and she said she take it all the look on his face was priceless. A foodie - the girl of his dreams and in previous scenes our Oxi has been known to pack it away.

Patrick in Oregon---The song is called "La Fea Más Bella" and is sung by Margarita y Jorge Villamizar from Bacilos. I found this song, along with "Aquí Estare", "El Club de las Feas", "Tu Belleza es un Misterío" and "La Dueña de mi Vida" on some British website where you can purchase the songs (there was also a Brazilian website, but since I read English and not Portuguese I went with the British site, although the songs ended up costing a bit more). I can no longer remember the name of the site, but I found it by doing a Google search for "La Dueña de mi Vida". I hope that this helps.

I loved Alicia's face when Tomas was talking about food. And that little yum-yum thing she did with her mouth. (I think she cracked right around the roasted chicken, but he would have had me at "pizza.")

Good call on Marcia having radar - do you remember a few months ago when the company had some kind of event - I don't recall what the occasion was, but it was shortly before the Big Meeting - and Marcia got WICKED drunk and called Fern and babbled and cried at him? During that conversation, Fern complained that she had radar. She said, "you call it radar, but I call it love." She also said that she was preparing to marry the man of her life, while he was preparing to marry radar.

So... Marcia very well knows that he thinks of her as radar because of the way she tracks him 24 hours a day... and she knows that he hates it... yet she still keeps doing it. That's way more energy than I would be willing to invest in such a bad relationship, myself. :)

Janet, forgot to mention the girl with the huge schnoz and the two Aldo chicklets in her mouth when talking about Dame Chocolate earlier. Please please please tell me the honker is phony, as well as the choppers.

Marycelis, thanks for the picture of Abuela Hillbilly.

Ohhh how I wish I had seen this episode and heard Fernando speaking English!!!


I don't know if those bucky beaver teeth of hers are fake or not. A lot of people have front teeth that are longer then the rest but usually not that extreme. If they are real you'd think as an actress she would have them filed down. The nose is flat out a terrible make-up job. you can almost see where they have attached the putty. Making it worse is that the color is also marginally off from the rest of her skin. As i posted before DC looks like a cut rate novela and the fact that some characters speak perfect English in the middle of scenes is jarring to say the least.


Is it my imagination or does Omar have enormous hands? They look like oven mitts on my TV.

Marie from Mass

"enormous hands":

THE Fer's hands (colunga's ufcuss) are bigger.


i remember hearing that tone too decie girl, i was wondering if was the tv or something in the bedroom.

Can you get a dial tone on a cell phone?

Lo siento pero I still love Aldo. I believe that his reaction over the apples/picture of Fern was of sheer frustration that Letty still doesn't get it when it comes to Don Fernie. That Fern cannot openly express his love for Letty, etc. Did anyone laugh, the other day, when Marcia went over to Alibubi's desk and threw up her hands and just made a face? No words. I laughed out loud.

Don Ferni is still getting on my nerves - such a child. I hope he grows up on this trip. Not good husband material. Barbara in Mass.

"They look like oven mitts on my tv" made my day. What a funny line. Thank you, Marie from Mass, for putting a smile on my face. I haven't noticed his hands, but I have noticed his face. I think he is adorable. I would like to see him in a relationship. The writers do not do him justice. He is a good friend to Fernando even though Fernando calls him imbecile after he wakes him up at five o'clock in the morning to ask him to spy on Lety. I wouldn't put up with that.

Someone mentioned that Aldo acted scary when he was referring to the apples on Lety's desk. I think he has a bad temper and is aggressive. Perhaps his psycho babble masks his violent streak.

I grew up in New York City and have tried to figure out Fernando's whereabouts as he travels through the city. I think Univision is asking people to identify his locations and call them in. It is some sort of a contest. My Spanish is not good so I don't understand what it's about. Can anyone help me with this?

I also thought that Fernando's accent was a put on.

Fernando was so cute.I dont like the new karla person she really dont like the type that take no for an answer.she is cute an all but she kinda looked cross eyed to me.It's a shame that the cuatel will not believe Lety....

Regarding the music. Jami camil and Angelica vale sing it on the one CD. There are two CD's. One the origionl which has Aqui estare, Misterioso or something like that and the other songs. The other one does not have the songs that are so familiar right now. Maybe we hear them later. I bought the one at the store and aqui estare was not on it. I ordered on line and found the original with the right ones.
One CD has a pic of lety and fern on the cd itself and the other one just has the words.

>>>I don't know if those bucky beaver teeth of hers are fake or not.

it's hard to tell, here is a link of her:énesis%20Rodríguez

& here is a link to her character: and

that's it for me with Dame Chocolate, bring on more Fern speaking English.

Beckster, I was thinking it wasn't a good idea to give someone with braces apples too, what is next some chewy carmels.... You think a guy who is such an expert on all aspects of food would have figured that one out.

Connie J

Y'know, folks, speaking of those braces....some orthodontist in the DF is making a fortune if he's keeping all his patients in braces for a decade at a time.


Re the music: I've actually gotten ALL of the songs from Limewire - including the ones from Ha*sh - Que Hago and Amor a media no es amor and made a little La Fea CD. It's fun listening to it in the car.

It's so much fun watching Omar. He's trying to be a good friend to Fern in his own "intellectually challenged" way. His elementary-school-hijinks make him so transparent and hilarious to watch. The "dingbat" tag for Fern was on-target here. (Why oh why with Omar's track record would Fern still trust him to do anything helpful in this area? True desperation!)

I love Aldo's asides. As a fairly recent observer of these characters he can see things they themselves have become blind to. Most of the time he seems the most adult of the bunch. I don't begrudge him his irritation over seeing Fern's photo on Lety's desk. If you care for someone, you just hate to see them continue to do things to hurt themselves. (But they need to learn this on their own, so it's frustrating.)

I'm in "Camp Fern", by the way, but I think Aldo is good (a good friend) for Lety now. I don't think his motives are evil or controlling, he's just been around the block a bit more and has already learned what our younger characters are still learning for themselves (


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