Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Zorro- Tuesday March 13, 2007:I Am an Innocent Man (but not really)

Fernando is roughing up Yumali, when Zorro arrives. Fer comments that now he gets to meet Zorro. Z-“ I didn’t know that you wanted to meet me.” Zorro goes on about how he and the governor could work together to save the town. Fer says that he just wants to find out Zorro’s true identity. He says that Zorro thinks that he is protecting the poor, but really he is nothing more than a criminal. A sword fight starts between Fernando and Zorro. Zorro knocks Fer’s sword out of his hand. Fer taunts him to go ahead and kill him, Zorro says that his mission is done (Yumi escaped). Zorro asks Fer if he wonders why the Indian tried to kill him. Fer replies because she is an Indian, a godless savage. Zorro says “No, it is because all the land belonged to them before the Spaniards came and took it all away.” Fer says, “Too bad, so sad it’s the law of the strongest.” (is this like, history is written by the victors, or some such saying?). Anyway, this whole exchange makes me wonder why Fer cannot see that it is Diego under the mask, but oh well, that would bring about the ending of this show if everyone discovered that Diego was Zorro.

Montero and Pizarro are rehashing what happened on yesterday’s episode. You can just read my earlier posting. They talk about Al’s wound and how the doctor is making his coffin. Monty is excited, because if Al dies, then Diego loses his protector. He’s also pleased because with Al out of the picture, he will be able to get more done out from under the shadow of his enemy. Pizarro and Monty speculate why the Indian wants to kill Fer. Oh well, she’s helping them out by keeping the governor busy--so they're not too concerned with her.

Yumali’s escaped and runs into Bernardo. He tries to get her to come with him, to return to town, but she refuses because she hurt Al. Diego shows up, now out of his Zorro costume. He tells Yumi that Al asked him to find her. He warns that Fer’s men will still be looking for her. She doesn’t listen and takes off. Diego and Bernardo head home, Diego wants to know what’s up with his dad.

Al wakes up and tells Almudena that he needs to redo his will. He wants a lawyer, Dena suggests getting Olmos. He knows about these kinds of things, even though he is not a lawyer. He’s an accountant. Al calls out for Diego (yeah, he’s a lawyer, but he’s also probably in the will and I don’t know how that would hold up in court if anyone were to contest). Dena tells Al to rest and save his strength.

Maria Pia is putting away her non-nun clothes. She is crying over Fer. She says she doesn’t have the strength to reject him. Her heart cannot do it. She is confused because she still has feelings for him. She just wants to be free from her memories of him.

Horny Catalina has a new lover, it is Pizarro, but judging by their conversation this isn’t their first encounter. They are meeting in a barn. Piz asks Cat what’s up with Diego, he’s heard rumors that they were lovers. Cat poo poos that. She finds it funny that Piz is jealous of a supposed lover, but not her husband Tobias. Piz says it is obvious that Tobi isn’t satisfying Cat’s needs, so no need to be jealous there. She starts to make fun of her husband and tells Piz of Tobi’s plan to trap Zorro. She tells him how he even got a mask and cape, just like Zorro. She finds it funny and talks about how no one knows the identity of Zorro. This gives Pizarro an idea. He takes off and leaves Cat behind in the barn. He runs to daddy, I mean Montero. He wants to tell him of his brilliant idea, but Monty doesn’t need to hear it. He knows that Pizarro will succeed with whatever he plans, and if he doesn’t, well then he will be properly dealt with. I find this whole bit funny, because usually these two men rehash and plot together, but I suppose they want to build suspense for the audience---Whatever could Pizarro be planning? Anyway, Monty wants to talk about his favorite subject for the day, Fernando. He suspects that Fernando has something up his sleeve to get back at Monty. Monty's not worried, because he's in charge now.

Fer is ticked. He’s mad that Zorro thwarted his unfinished business with Yumi. He’s mad because both Yumi and Zorro got away. He’s even more ticked with Monty. He states that if Sara Kali is dead then Montero might as well be dead too.

We are shown the gypsy women (what is her name?). She’s reading the cards and discovers that Sara Kali is still alive, but barely. He son, Renzo, wants to talk about Esme and Diego. He doesn’t like the two together, that’s because he’s got a little crush on Esme. Momma gypsy picks up on this and tells Renzo that the princess is not for him. She consults the cards and sees that Diego is truly in love with Esme, but the cards show that there is someone who will try to separate them.

New scene with Mariangel. She meets up with Catalina. She tells her that she will not be marrying Diego. Instead Diego will be marrying her sister, Esme. She makes it seem as if Esme stole Diego from her. She asks Cat to help her get Diego back from Esme. Cat agrees. Since she really did have an affair with Diego (from the first episode), she’s going to fill Mariangel in on different things that will help her get Diego.

Diego returns home and Dena tells him that things don’t look too good for Al right now. Diego goes to see his father and Alejandro asks about Yumi. Diego tells him that she is safe, away from Fer, but she wouldn’t come back to the house. Diego asks Al to be strong. Al says some nice stuff to Diego, how he’s noticed a change in him lately, blah, blah, blah. Diego tells Al that not only is he his father, he is also his friend. Al asks Diego to take care of the women and to have Dena move out of Fernando’s house. It isn’t good for her to live with him. Fer is his friend, but he can be hard on those who love him. Diego tells Al that he won’t lose his father. Just noticing Al's body as he's lying in bed. This man has some well defined pectoral muscles and very powerful biceps.....yummy, I'm a sucker for a man with strong arms. If only they'd get rid of his really bad dye job-not a convincing color of gray, IMHO.

Fer and the Cardinal have a meeting. The Cardinal has brought a bunch of papers for Fer to look over and sign. These papers will authorize the legitimization of the religious order. Fer says he’ll look them over eventually. The Cardinal is ticked that Fer is once again putting the laity above the Church. Cardinal tells Fer that he is going to tattle to the Pope. And when the Pope gets involved, Fer better watch out. The Spanish Crown is going to hear about all of this. Fer tells the Cardinal to go ahead, it will take months for your message to reach Rome (although it took only days for Fer to reach America from Spain---again referring to the first episode).. The Cardinal backs down a little and asks Fer how long will it take him to look over and approve the documents. Fer reminds the Cardinal that God created the world in 6 days, this is going to take a bit longer than that for Fer.

One of Fer’s soldiers goes to Monty and requests that the prison records be given to the governor. Monty isn’t going to go along with Fer’s orders. He sends the soldier back to Fer, to tell him no way. When the soldier leaves, Monty comments that he is not impressed with Fer’s men.

Dolores and Esme have gone to see Maria Pia, to tell her that Al has been injured. Maria Pia is upset and wants to go see her brother, but the Cardinal has ordered the “almost” nuns to be in seclusion. Padre Tomas comes in and tells MP that he’s worked it all out with the Cardinal. She wants to know how he did it so fast, and he tells her that Fernando told him about Al’s wound when he was there earlier. Now it appears that the situation is getting worse, so Padre Tom got the Cardinal’s permission to let MP go. MP asks Padre Tom to come with them, Al’s going to need him (for his last rights?).

Monty encounters the carriage with Esme, Dolores, Maria Pia, and Padre Tom. He it trying to make nice to Esme (to keep what he's got planned hidden?). She doesn’t trust him. He says he heard about Al’s injury, and even though he doesn’t get along with the de la Vegas, he doesn’t wish death upon them. Does Esme want his men to accompany them to the de la Vega home? She turns him down. The carriage goes on its way, Padre Tom and Esme discuss how strange Monty was acting. Esme doesn’t trust him.

Pizarro gets his soldiers ready to go to the de la Vega home. Oh, the suspense is killing me....whatever could he have planned.

Mariangel hears Fer talking about Monty. She suggests that Fer do something drastic to stop him. She goes on to speculate that Monty must be hiding something from Fer. Could it be money? Might he be stealing from the tax money? Fer thinks she might be on to something and he’s going to get the evidence needed against Monty.

Dena and Diego express their concern over Al. He’s not doing very well. Inside his room, alone, Al calls out for Yumi. Just then, she climbs in through the bedroom window. She apologizes to Al. She wants to be there for him and if he dies, well they’ll go together. Yumi starts to shake some rattles and burn some incense. Al is happy to see that she is there and Yumi asks him to forgive her. (She calls him master, and it just makes me think of “I Dream of Genie.”) Al asks Yumi to not try to hurt Fernando again. She tells him that she cannot promise that. Fer recently killed her brother and many years ago he killed her sister. Al says that only God can punish Fer. I don't think that Yumi is buying the whole "vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord" thing.

Pizarro and his soldiers arrive at the de la Vega home. They come to arrest Diego for being Zorro and Alejandro for being his accomplice. Some of the soldiers rough up Bernardo and another male employee. One of the soldiers comes in from the barn and has found Zorro’s costume. Dena is outraged. She’s going to be speaking to her brother about this. Pizarro isn’t scared. He tells Dena that Diego will have to go before a judge to prove his innocence, and with the proof they found in the barn, well good luck.

Monty and Mariangel are sharing a bath. She makes him promise that he’ll stop Diego and Esme from getting married. Then she tells him that he better leave Diego alone. Trust me he says, and she wonders why he cannot trust her. She reminds him that she has great sway with her father and Monty wants to know what she is up to.

Pizarro wants to see Al. Dena forbids him from going upstairs. Again Dena threatens to have her brother punish Pizarro. Just then, Esme and crew arrive at the house. Padre Tom defends Diego and Esme rightly states that this is just more of Montero’s personal vengeance against Diego.

Fer is addressing his soldiers. He tells them that Montero will be shown no mercy if he has broken the law. SAM looks pleased and volunteers to take Fer to Monty’s office, since Monty isn’t there (because right now he’s in the tub with your slutty daughter). Olmos goes to Monty’s office w/ Fer. He searches the records and discovers that someone has been cooking the books. Half of the collected tax money is unaccounted for. Fer orders SAM to arrest Monty, and if he resists or tries to escape he should be killed. SAM suggests that Fer’s men would be better to arrest Monty, but Fer insists that he wants Monty’s own men to arrest him. SAM gets nervous when he addresses the soldiers and tells them that they will be arresting Montero, their now former commander.

SAM finds Monty and gives him his “warrant”. Monty pulls out his sword and aims it at SAM, who states that he’s only following orders. SAM asks Monty not to resist because they’ve been given the order to kill him if he does. Monty calls SAM a traitor. Mariangel (who was with Monty when he was issued his warrant) says that there has to be some sort of mistake and says she’ll talk to her father. Monty figures it out that somehow Mariangel had a hand in all of this happening. He isn’t too pleased with her.

Tobi finds out that his cape and mask are missing. He gets angry with Catalina. He thinks she hid them.

As Pizarro and men are taking Diego out of the house, he asks Padre Tomas to take care of the women and he asks Esme to look after his father. He kisses her goodbye. Bernardo is brought into the room, still getting roughed up by the soldiers. Diego turns to Pizarro and threatens him “if anything happens to my employees or if my dad dies….” Pizarro says that he’s not worried, Diego will be an old man when/if he gets out of prison.” END OF EPISODE

Just an end note, so many times in this episode Montero and Fernando each said how they were in control, yadda, yadda, yadda. It was a real pissing match between the two of them. Anyway, I lost track of how many times they said it, but if you can imagine every scene that either one was in ending with each of them saying "I'm in control now" or some such similar kind of sentence. You'll pretty much get the essence of tonight's show.


you did it cathy, i wasn't expecting it. cool.

cathy i was just reading and only got a few paragraphs in when I saw the name man, i was so going to start calling him that in next recap. okay back to reading.

Ahhhh, so Yumi is probably Regina/Toypurnia's little sis, eh? We thought that was probably the case, them being practically identical twins and all!

I thought the "romance" scene between Pizarro and Catalina was one-dimensional, even rather cold. I think the actor is good-looking and all, it's just that his character is so cold that he seems like a very pragmatic and perfunctory lover. Ick. Even creepy Monty seems like he might be fun in the sack, but not Pizarro. Poor horny Catalina, good lovers are probably few and far between in old LA.

I imagine someone will dress as Zorro while Diego is in jail in order to "prove" he's not Zorro, thereby causing his release. Will it be Bernardo? Will it be Esme?

Thanks Cathy! Great job!!

sylvia, i was thinking Tobias, the idiot.

Just kidding's susanlynn. Wow, I do love your comments, Sylvia--- ''pragmatic and ''perfunctory'' have got to be 2 of the adjectives that should not be applied to the noun ''lover.'' My students have an assignment to think of adjectives to describe their ideal spouses . [They are all single ..only one guy in the group.] I don't expect them to use ''pragmatic'' ''perfunctory'' ''creepy'' or ''horny'', but then never know. They surprise me sometimes. Thanks for the giggle.~~~Susanlynn, lethargic and preoccupied

Cathy, another terrific recap! Wow, thanks!

Sylvia, that's exactly what I thought, that Toypurnia/Regina must have been Yumi's older sister. Wow. Interesting twist.


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