Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Zorro Tuesday March 20,2007: Where Esme finds herself in deep doo doo and Diego's love turns on a dime.

This is going to be short because I didn’t tape the episode and I had a lot of interruptions while watching it. So please, if I left out anything important, fill in the blanks.

The episode opens with Esmeralda threatening Montero with a gun. He asks her if she is crazy. All it would take would be one call to his men and she’d be dead. He goes on to make a joke about her wanting to be a widow once again. She says that she would be willing to die in order to save Diego, and she'd kill Monty before she’d be taken out by his men. She demands that he write out an order finding Diego de la Vega innocent of all charges --of being the outlaw Zorro, breaking out of prison , and kidnapping Esme. She also wants Montero to have this order read in the town plaza and an apology given to the entire de la Vega family. Monty tells Esme she’s got to be joking. She tells him that she is willing to cut a deal. She will accept that she is Monty’s spouse and live with him as his wife. She won’t back out of the deal because she knows he is a cruel and vengeful man, she is not willing to risk him harming her family or Diego’s family any more. Monty agrees to the deal and he writes out the order. Esme demands to read it over and reminds him that the official stamp of the military has to be placed on the document in order for it to be valid. Monty complies. Monty calls out for one of his soldiers and orders the man to have Pizarro read it in the plaza the next morning at dawn. Monty attempts to get Esme to drink a toast and put down the gun. Esme refuses and tells Monty she’ll continue to hold him at gunpoint until the order is read at dawn.

Nutty Nun gives Fernando a message “from” Maria Pia. She asks him to write one for her to deliver back to Maria Pia. Fernando questions this and NN says that Maria Pia is in the middle of a religious retreat. This all seems quite suspicious to FS. He’s not going to give NN what she wants. So NN goes to see the doctor and asks him if he knows someone with good handwriting. Me thinks she’s going to dabble into forgery. How naughty our nutty nun has become.

Almudena and Dolores have a plan to distract the soldiers stationed in the house. They want to provide Diego with a means of escape. They dangle a carrot, well literally a whole meal. Dolores cooks up some stuff in the kitchen and gets the soldiers to go eat supper. SAM thinks it might be nice if they could sample some of Alejandro’s wine to go with the meal. Dena goes to find Diego while the soldiers are eating. They rehash what’s happened with Esme and how Diego found out that the judge actually married Esme and Monty. Diego tells Dena that Esme took off again. Alejandro overhears this and is concerned. Diego tells Dena that he won’t be sneaking out right then, he wants to go to his room and think things over. Later he’ll sneak out his window. He and Bernardo head back to his room, where the two of them rehash what’s happened and discuss what they can do to save Esme. They mention that Esme might get into some serious trouble if she thinks that “pistol” lighter is really a gun (Oh No!!! She’s holding Monty up with a lighter. She’s going to be in trouble). Bernie suggests that Zorro save her, but Diego poo poos that idea, it is too risky and could lead to Monty really finding out that Diego is Zorro. Diego is determined to fix things himself.

Padre Tomas and the Cardinal are eating dinner together. The Cardinal lets PT know that he is seriously considering Maria Pia to become the Mother Superior. PT likes this news. The Cardinal (TC) says he hasn’t made his mind up for sure, in fact he’s waiting for a divine sign. He goes on to tell PT what the Nutty Nun had to say about Maria Pia and Fernando. PT suggests that NN’s jealous of MP and aiming for the job of Mother Superior herself. TC isn’t too convinced and he asks PT to tell him what he thinks about MP’s feeling for FS. Padre Tomas says that Fernando is part of Maria Pia’s past. Yes, she was in love with him and they were engaged, but that was a long time ago. TC questions further and PT says that MP probably remembers her past before devoting her life to God, just like the two of them remember their lives before entering the priesthood---the memories don't affect how devoted they are to their calling. PT goes one step further and says that he’d put his hands in the fire for Maria Pia, she is the right person for the job, in his opinion.

Meanwhile, Maria Pia shows up at Al’s home. She is surprised to find the soldiers there. SAM asks MP to not stay too long, he really shouldn't allow Al to have any visitors because Monty has ordered Al to remain incommunicado. MP gets brought up to speed from Dolores on what’s happened with Diego. The she finds Al and the two of them rehash some more on what’s happened with Diego and Esme. They get Dolores to spill the beans on the latest development, that Esme has gone back to Monty. Al is, get this, worried!!! (shocked aren’t you?) This time about Diego. They mutter poor Diego, how must he be feeling right now……

Diego is alone, out riding his white horse. He flashes back to all of the key points in his relationship with Esme---how they met, their first kiss, their interlude in the stream, etc. These flashbacks don’t make me feel so good, as they can only foretell bad things to come for our main couple. Oh woe is Diego…..

Yumali, dressed once again in her native garb, places a feather on her pillow. She recalls conversations she had with Dena and Dolores about Al. She decides that Dena is of the same class as Al and therefore Al should be with Dena, so Yumi plans on leaving. Dena catches her on her way out and asks where she is going. They rehash some stuff and Dena tells Yumi not to go, Al asked her to forgive Yumi for hurting Al. Yumi questions Dena, why would she want her to stay when Yumi tried to kill Dena’s brother, FS. Dena says she knows that her brother has hurt many people, including Yumi’s family. Dena wants to give Yumi a second chance and Yumi made up for it by helping heal Al. Dena wants to help Yumi by giving her an education. The two women come to some sort of truce. (Ed. Note---I see this as causing Dena some big problems down the road.)

Esme dozes off in her chair and Monty makes a move to take her “gun”. She wakes up and demands he show his hands. He tells her that he only needed to use the bathroom.

Pizarro gets Monty’s orders and questions them, this has got to be a joke. But ever the good follower, Pizarro says he'll go ahead and fulfill Monty’s request. However, he does not want to have to apologize to anyone in the de la Vega family. In fact, he’s still got a score to settle with Diego.

Dawn has come, and Esme falls asleep again, but luckily for her so did Monty. Unfortunately, Monty wakes up before she does. He sneaks over and removes her gun, only to discover that it is a harmless lighter---the worst Esme could do would be to set his bleached blond hair on fire.

Diego has arrived outside of Monty’s place. He calls out to Monty, telling him that he’s there to turn himself in. Diego demands to see Esme, he tells ehr that she doesn't have to do this. Monty tells Esme that if she’s going to keep her end of the deal, she’s got to go out and tell Diego that she’s agreed to remain with Monty. The two step out on the balcony and Monty tells Diego, per his wife’s request, he has issued a decree which finds Diego to be innocent of all charges. Esme tells Diego that after thinking things through, it is best for her to remain with her husband. Diego can’t believe it, but Montero makes a comment about what it took for Esme to convince him into doing this. The implication gets to Diego and he walks away, toward the plaza where Pizarro is publicly declaring Diego innocent. Pizarro and Diego exchange some words. Pizarro taunts Diego, reminding him of his prison torture. Diego promises Pizarro that there will be payback. Pizarro also tells Diego, that as they speak, the soldiers are leaving the de la Vega home---Al has been declared innocent of being a conspirator, since Diego has been declared innocent of being Zorro. To add further to Diego's doubts, Pizarro speculates about what kind of wedding gift Esme gave Montero in order for him to be so generous with Diego's pardon.

Mariangel hears that Diego has been cleared and that Esme has returned to Monty. Now, she is convinced, the time is right for her to make Diego hers. He’s obviously going to have a broken heart and be all alone. She goes home and gussies herself up. She pumps Olmos for compliments on how beautiful she looks. All her preparation for Diego makes Olmos jealous.

Diego goes back home, and is greeted by many of his employees. He finds Al and Maria Pia. He tells them what has happened with Esme, that she choose to be with Monty. Diego can only imagine what Esme did in order to convince Monty to declare him innocent. It is obvious to him that he and Esme weren’t meant to be together. Diego decides he was never meant to be in love. So that old Diego is dead—the new one I presume will be bitter and oblivious to the love that Esme has for him, blind to the sacrifices she’s made, even though her letter she left him pretty much spells it all out. Anyway, the new Diego, however, is not going to forgive and forget too easily. He states that Montero took the only woman he ever loved, and for that he’ll pay.

Alone with Monty, Esme threatens to kill herself when he tries to make her fulfill her wifely obligations. Montero laughs when she puts her “gun” to her forehead. He tells her to go ahead. She tells him that she’ll follow through on this before she’d ever let him touch her. Then inspiration strikes, she’ll take him out before she offs herself. Taunted by Monty, Esme aims the gun at his chest and pulls the trigger. She only gets a little flame. Now that she knows that she is basically defenseless, Montero goes in for the attack. He’s going to make her his wife in all sense of the word, and it can be done the hard way or the soft way. It’s up to her. END OF EPISODE


I love love love this show. Thank you for doing the recaps. I missed a few nights and Im grateful to have your recaps so I can catch up with what is going on.

Plus doing these recaps for so many nights is hard work! Especially when its just you and Maricelis. Thats a lot of work but really appreciated!

I don't know if I liked this episode. I don't want Diego bitter and angry at Esme (although I do understand and hate at the same time that she went back to Monty)

I also totally really dislike and want to torture Monty, especially if it seals the deal with Esme the hard way. Of course I am reminded that this only a novela but I think Monty plays the villan a little too well for me to not hate him.

In true novela fashion, I expect that Diego will not be the angry resentful Diego for long.

Diego has to know that Esme did it all for love of him. This has been the one novela with little of the false pride and mixed up communications that the others use too much, so I hope they don't fall back on that old device now.

I really disliked the preview of Esme & Montero ....fingers crossed that someone stops it....

Why would Yumi want to be a "Spanish lady"? She seems too loyal to her people (if any are left) to do so. It's a stretch to believe she'll change, or stay long.

Pizarro is dangerous , hope he's gotten rid of soon.

Hooray Fernando for not believing Nutty Nun! Gosh I can't believe I just cheered Fernando.

OH NO! I can't bear the thought of Esme in bed with Montero. Gack, I just ate lunch and I think I'm gonna hurl. I only got halfway through last night's episode and now I have THIS to look forward to?

Cathy, I really enjoyed this and the previous recap, including all the comments. Thanks again for all your hard work. These recaps are great. This is currently my absolute favorite thing on TV and I love reliving the episodes each day.

Last weekend I visited Mission San Juan Bautista and was reminded of Zorro the entire time I was there. Truthfully, it made the experience so much more interesting and alive for me, learning how people of that time lived their daily lives and applying it to what we see on this show. Obviously the show is modernized in many ways to suit our tastes, but I was surprised how many aspects and details of the show are close to authentic. At least they are trying...somewhat. If only Zorro had made an appearance my day would have been complete!

Even though I DO NOT GET ZORRO.... I'm sorry...Did I mention that earlier??? Anyhoo, I have a little ''zorro'' story for you. Today, I gave a listening comprehension quiz to my speaking class students. I gave a brief lecture about elephants, and they had to take notes and then answer a few written questions about the facts from the lecture. The first question was : Name one of the emotions that elephants feel. My student from Dominican Republic wrote ....''zorro'' The answer was ''sorrow.'' It gave me a giggle. ~~~Susanlynn

Even though I DO NOT GET ZORRO.... I'm sorry...Did I mention that earlier??? Anyhoo, I have a little ''zorro'' story for you. Today, I gave a listening comprehension quiz to my speaking class students. I gave a brief lecture about elephants, and they had to take notes and then answer a few written questions about the facts from the lecture. The first question was : Name one of the emotions that elephants feel. My student from Dominican Republic wrote ....''zorro'' The answer was ''sorrow.'' It gave me a giggle. ~~~Susanlynn

Uh-oh...I posted that twice....zorry!!!!

Susanlynn--loved the story and cracked up at your apology for double posting, "zorry". Typing made me laugh, it still cracks me up.

Sylvia--I actually like Fernando, the fact that he is complex and the actor is extremely talented in his portrayal. I think I'm rooting for him and Maria Pia to get it all straightened out (with a disclaimer that if he does something really heinous in the meantime, I can retract the above statement). Had to a chuckle when I read what you posted, thinking that the outfits the women wear have got to be modernized for the male viewers. :-) I don't really know too much about this epoch of history, but I've wondered if they've tried to be as historically accurate as possible. Thanks for letting us know what you found out on your visit to the Mission.

Mari--- I am so crossing my fingers that someone interrupts Monty's attack on Esme. I just don't want the show to go down that road. I agree, the actor playing Monty is doing a fine job of making me really hate that character (and it helps that he looks like a guy from high school who I couldn't stand).

Chris---I hope your are right about Diego. He'll need to snap out of it soon or else Esme has no hope of holding off Monty.

Ha, I'm absolutely certain those low-cut sexy dresses are NOT authentic of the time! Underwear of the time maybe, but not dresses. Also, I think women shielded themselves from the sun whereas Esme is always parading around with bared shoulders. Maybe this is supposed to show what a rebel she is.

I like the character of Fernando too. Is he a decent guy driven to do bad things? Or a bad guy who shows inklings of decency? I like that he is shades of gray, not black and white. He sure has done some evil things so far...makes me shudder.

Hallo, everyone! Cathy, thanks so very much for the wonderful recap. I really, really appreciate you and Marycelis doing this so many nights a week and so masterfully at that! Bless you!

I loved the editorials and everyone's comments. I am not going to be able to read and post as early as in the past (lots of reasons, the major one being that it's the end of the school year and impossible to wedge all of it in). Still, I am with you (kinda like the force). I'll post at night.

I was furious that Esme had to go back to Ratface. I understand why, but it really put me out. I hope his castigo (hope that's the right word, I think it is) in the end is HUGE.

Anya, I think Yumalai/Guadalupe wants to be a proper Spanish lady a) for Al and b) because Regina was her sister and was a proper Spanish lady. The latter is definitely yet to be seen, but the former, I think, is key for her. She really adores the old boy. (Listen to me, he's younger than my baby brother. Be still, my heart, Osvaldo is such a hunk).

Chris, I hope you are right and Diego (who seems pretty smart, for a guy his age, present company excepted) will understand why Esme did it and get over his resentment.


Susanlynn, what the HECK do you teach? Why are you talking about elephants' emotions?


Okay I was watching today and after looking at the Marquesa from Spain, nothing against Spanish royalty but she reminds of this puppet, the Godmother (La Comay) or the Countess of Gossip (La Condesa del Bochinche) from a TV show I used to watch when I was younger that runs in Puerto Rico. Here is the youtube link, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0MmO469LG4. You have to FF the initial roundtable discussion and wait for the puppet scenes to come up. Sorry but that's the only link I found to the puppet.

Oh, funny, Marycelis! I didn't get to watch tonight's epi yet because of other things I had to do. Now I will pay attention better.

And, regarding the low necklines....it depends on the era. This was very common in Europe up until Victoria took her throne (1830s). So, if the era is early 1800s, the necklines are probably authentic. Also, it is possible that in the "new world" the necklines got raised later. Not to mention it was HOT there, so maybe they never got raised. (Just kidding on that last).


Cathy, did I tell you what a great title that is?


Jeanne~~~I teach English as a Second Language to adult students. I teach reading, writing, and speaking/listening classes. In the 2 levels of speaking that I teach, the students have to give speeches, but they also work on their listening and notetaking skills. I give short lectures on various topics , and they must take notes and then answer a few written questions as a quiz using their notes. [It's kind of like what our recappers here do in Spanish!!!!] Today, in the upper level speaking class, I will be giving a lecture entitled ''TV: We Are What We Watch'' which compares telenovelas to American soap operas!! ~~~Susanlynn, who must hurry to class...this site often puts me off my schedule!!!

Susanlynn, aha, this makes sense now! Terrific! (In a sense, we do somewhat the same work--teaching deaf kids to read and write in English uses the same techniques, particularly if their preferred language is ASL).


OMG Marycelis that puppet is hilarious!!

After my initial shock of seeing Carmen the Marchioness I decided I love her. Is the actor a woman or a man? Honestly I can't tell. And what a mouthful of teeth! Are they bad dentures or are they real? What an absolutely fantastic character!!

I thought you might find that funny. I took me a bit to remember the name. I just remember the feet going up in the air a lot (I was like 12 when it was on TV in the US) and that's how I described it to my mom. She knew immediately who I was talking about and we were ROTFL.

As to all your questions, I wonder too, inquiring minds want to know so if anybody has an idea do tell.

I like her too especially since she detests Monty.

I never thought I'd say this but thank goodness for Pizarro. If it wasn't for him, this novela would taken a turn I did not want to see.

I think hiring the actor to play Carmen the marchioness was a bold move considering her rather freaky appearance. She's scary but loaded with personality. She's more or less a benevolent viper, or maybe a malevolent cream puff, not sure which.

I remember reading on one of the Zorro forums that some people weren't happy with the casting on this show. Personally I can't find fault with it, I think the cast is one of its strong points. The villains are outstanding. (Dontcha feel there is some underlying bad blood between Montero and Pizarro? I can't wait to see those two go head to head.) It seems to me the Pizarro is starting to get tired of Montero telling him what to do. Maybe he was ever so slightly gleeful at having to interrupt Esme and Montero?

I noticed that animosity between them as well. I wonder what's up.

I think the writers are having fun with the viewers in this. They don't reveal a lot of scenes so that we are at home wondering and trying to figure out what's going on behind closed doors. Later we are all like when the heck did that happen.

OK, here it is. Theresa Gutierrez plays Carmen the scary lady with lots of teeth.


In addition to her own impressive resume, she is the mother of Miguel Varoni who is in "Ladron que roba a ladron" which is supposed to be released this spring or summer. This is the movie AKA Boleros, starring FERNANDO COLUNGAAAAAH!

I agree, the writers are having fun with us. As well they should be!

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