Sunday, April 15, 2007

Duelo April 13 - In SE, 2+2= uh I don't know

A quick note before getting started – great recaps last week everyone, for whatever reason I was swamped at work all week and wasn’t able to really participate in the daily discussions. Stupid making a living keeping me from my fun.

Also, I have decided that from now on I will discontinue the usage of “Flor” for Alina. If I write both names it just seems weird and even though I know you all know that the two names are for the same person, I must have some super minor OCD or something and having two names for the same person just gets under my skin. So she is now always Alina, or some variant, like Stupid F%@ing Alina. On with our story –

Celso asks Coral if the other guy is bothering her, she says no, he’s just asking why I’m going to marry you, after all he is your nephew! Celso says he isn’t his nephew, he’s just an opportunist who thinks he’ll inherit everything, but…. he starts to have Julio in Heridas-like heart attack symptoms. She just asks him if he’s ok, doesn’t get up to help or anything, he comes around and says he’s fine, sometimes he just can’t get enough air. She stupidly believes him. He says something about wanting to spend his days with Coral and they toast. How can she not see that he is about 30 seconds away from death?

Edelmira and Granillo enter Alina’s room, Edel wants to know where he was. He flamboyantly explains that he was out taking a walk, you know to get exercise and stay in shape. Ha. He’s so lumpy. She says fine, but he better not be out looking for help for Alina, there isn’t anyone in all of SE that would help her. Sure. Well, actually, maybe not, since they are tired of helping her and then watching her voluntarily go back to wherever they just sprung her from. Perhaps Edel is right. Granillo tells her to leave him alone. He suddenly realizes that Alina isn’t here, where is she? Edel says they have to go find her. These two don’t even seem like they are trying anymore to be believable in their acting. Sure, Granillo is still being as swishy as possible, but otherwise they look like they are reading their lines off of a card.

WHOA what happened to Thelma? She is suddenly on the verge of giving birth. Was there a “six months later” in one of this week’s episodes that nobody told me about? Jeez she must be carrying twins. Anyway, she is assuring Don Loco and Soledad that Alina most certainly did NOT receive good treatment in this house. It’s strange to hear someone telling some parents “No, don’t worry, I treated your kid like crap, I swear!” Soledad wants to see Alina, Don Loco says “I told you to shut up!” He asks where Alina is now, Thelma says someplace she deserves to be. She says if he wants, she’ll take them to see her. He nods. I don’t know if that’s ‘yes’ or ‘I understand’ or ‘how the hell did your belly get so big overnight?’ or what.

Mexican Larry and Santos are talking when Castulo comes up behind Santos and says something stupid, Santos turns around and just about kills him. He hits him, kicks him, all the things he should have done in the other ten fights he ran away from, Mexican Larry and another guy are trying to get him to lay off. They finally pull Santos off of Castulo, Castulo is now sporting a nice bloody mouth. Then, the usual: “You’re going to pay dearly for this.” Yawn. After ML hustles Santos off somewhere, Castulo says he’s going to fulfill Don Max’s wishes, and Santos is going to suffer like his daughter. I’m not sure if he’s referring to Rosita’s dead baby or what, did they discover at some point it was going to be a girl? I’m confused.

Edelmira is yelling at one of the working girls, wanting to know where Alina is. Between the two of them they determine that Thelma did not return to pick her up. Granillo whines that she isn’t in any room there where is she? Just then Don Loco and his posse roll in. We have DL himself, then Soledad, Thelma, and Alfonsina. Soledad starts screaming that she wants to see Alina NOW. Edelmira ignores her and tells DL that ‘this woman’ (pointing at super preggo Thelma) told her that he would be pleased that Alina was being kept here at her place, and that Don Loco would compensate her for it. He says of course and gets his money wad out of his coat. He gives her some cash. She tries then to say “ok thanks run along now” but he wants to see her. She answers that it’s strange that she isn’t here, she is supposed to be cleaning. Soledad says she hopes that Alina escaped. Edelmira says it isn’t possible, she left instructions that nobody can help her, etc etc. Don Loco says again that he wants to see Alina. From the back, one of the girls (who I can’t help notice is wearing pink sweat pants – is that the typical whorehouse slave outfit? Although the sweats are tight and she has a nice body so whatever) yells out that she found Alina. Soledad finds her on the floor passed out, she starts freaking out. Don Loco yells at her and says it’s time to leave. He grabs Granillo’s shirt on the way out and warns him that if anything happens to Alina, he and DL are going to have a problem. I was going to say I don’t know why DL wants Alina to be taken care of just to be enslaved, but then I remember he wants mental suffering for her and Soledad, not to have them dead. I guess somebody (Soledad?) knocked Edelmira onto the floor when they rushed back to where Alina was, she is screaming at Granillo for help after he went to see Alina first. Edel apparently can’t get up by herself, like a turtle rolled onto its back. She has these big dorky blocky shoes and she can’t get up by herself. Granillo say something like “you heard what he said” and ran past Edel, maybe to go get help for Alina. Alina opens her eyes a crack and closes them again.

Adela sits Mariana next to a window. Mariana thought bubbles how if she could talk she could straighten everything out.

Dr. Love tells his younger, more handsome, associate that he is quitting his job to run off and find Mariana. He says he can’t leave her now in her moment of need. The other doctor says that the odds of her getting better are slim, it’s not worth it. What if she doesn’t get better, he says, are you (Dr. Love) going to dedicate yourself to taking care of her for the rest of her life that way? Dr. Love says no, because he has to believe that she will return to being the Mariana he knew.

Vera meets Orlando in the living room, Orlando just wants to know if there is news of Alina. Vera says no, nobody has heard anything. Haaaa Orlando says he’s tired of looking everywhere for her, “I’m going to take a bath.” What is he a woman or what? Calgon take me away. A man would typically say “I’m going to go find something to hit” or “I’m going to go get drunk.” I’m not sure “I’m so irritated, I’m going to take a bath” really pushes up Orlando’s reading on the macho-meter. Vera says wait, she has a note for him. He reads it and gets an angry face and says “Damn viper!”

Luba tells other highway guy about Elias. The guy says he needs to see Elias, he needs to know who hurt him, the perpetrator cannot go unpunished.

Frank asks Emilioooo how he is doing, Emiliooo launches into some stupid speech about his feelings, his soul, crap like that. Frank looks at him with a face that plainly says “You dumbass I’m asking about your arm.” Emilioooo rants on. Frank plays along and asks if he’s talking about Alina, or what. Emiliooo says yes. Perhaps Frank was asking about the pain in his soul after all, though I doubt it, because he encourages Emiliooo to return to SE and fight for Alina. Or maybe he just wants Emiliooo to take his wet blanket self and go away.

Orlando finds Thelma and she tries to be all ‘oh how nice to see you’ and he’s all like ‘you bitch’ and she’s all ‘WTF?’ ok I can’t keep that up. How can teenagers talk that way all day long? It hurts me. Orlando yells at Thelma that he knows what she did with Alina, Thelma looks both a little impactada and a little scared. He says he’s been looking all over for Alina and here Thelma knew where she was the whole time. Thelma says ok you caught me, what are you going to do about it? Orlando doesn’t answer, he just issues the standard “you are going to pay” proclamation of people who have been done wrong. Thelma says, what can you do? She really thinks she has it all covered. Orlando says for starters, he’ll tell Emilioooo about Thelma and Castulo. Thelma hobbles back down in a hurry, “no no no.” Then, says Orlando, he’ll tell Emiliooo that the baby isn’t his.

Emiliooo says he can’t go back for Alina, Frank says he should. They have a boring conversation about all the people involved, Angel, Emilioooo’s baby, etc.

Granillo tells Alina that he left a note for Orlando. Alina whines that she doesn’t ever have any luck. Dummy you keep throwing yourself back in jail, that’s not bad luck, that’s being stupid. She gets all morbid and Granillo tries to cheer her up. He says she just needs to eat. She just still wants to die. Good, die, and we can start watching a new show.

Thelma and Orlando argue some more about her baby. She tries to tell him that he’s going to win in the end, he wants an explanation. She tries to make Orlando believe that she had two reasons for locking up Alina – to exact vengeance and to make Orlando look like a hero when he swoops in and saves her. He isn’t buying it. She tells him her plan. First, they’ll go see her….

Highway guy is back at Luba’s cave, very glad to see Elias alive. He says Elias is lucky that this woman found him. Luba says “This woman? My name is Luba!” Highway guy wants to know who shot Elias. Elias says no, nobody shot him. Gaspar says yes, you got shot! Luba grabs him and tells him to come with her to find some herbs. She smacks him on the head. For whatever reason they don’t want highway guy to know what’s going on. I’m not sure why, I would think getting more people involved would help the truth come out. Elias says he was practicing his shooting and shot himself. Highway guy says, “does this have anything to do with the death of your wife?” Elias says no, he wasn’t trying to kill himself. Besides, he has fallen in love again. At least he admits it now, rather than just being creepy/clingy/pushy with Soledad.

Soledad and DL come to talk to Mariana. DL tells Soledad that she must recognize now that the people of SE are with him. She says no, they are just scared, they help him because it’s the easy thing to do. She calls him infeliz. He says watch your mouth, my sister is here. They fight some more, conveniently right here in from of Mariana, Don Loco says again “You cheated on me, that’s why I did this and that and the other thing.” Mariana bugeyes a bit and thought bubbles “No DL you are making a huge mistake!”

Granillo tries to get Alina up, she wants him to leave her alone. He refuses, he won’t just let her die. Alina whines an whimpers some more. Granillo says he doesn’t want to see her this way, so Alina tells him “fine, then leave then you won’t have to see me this way.” Ha good one Alina. Granillo whimpers like a girl and leaves the room.

Emiiooo gets some award, perhaps for letting himself get taken hostage, not sure what. Frank steps up and says that Emilioooo was valiant and whatever the whole time. The general tells Emilioooo to go back to Puebla and recover from his injury. Emiliooo says Puebla? The general says wherever, just some place you are comfortable, you can go to SE if you want. Emiliooo gets a “I’m trying to look like I’m thinking about something” face.

DL and Soledad rehash further for Mariana’s benefit. He throws Alfonsina in Soledad’s face, she says whatever, I never cheated. Blah blah blah. Soledad tells DL that Alfonsina doesn’t love him, she just wants money. He says she just can’t stand to see him with another woman, she’s all alone. She says no, there is someone else who loves her. Don Loco grabs her arm and sticks his chin out at her. Is this how she plans to convince him that she hasn’t ever cheated? He wants to know who it is, she says nobody, she was just trying to piss him off. Now of course he believes only the part about another man, he tells her that saying that she was joking was a lie. This guy will not believe something said 5000 times, but one little comment about something else is the word of God. He is going to kill whoever this other guy is. What kind of idiot is he? It’s Elias of course. DL storms out and Soledad fusses and cries. We see Mariana’s face, she looks like Don Loco got mad at her too, she has black all around her eyes. Not quite like she got beat up, but it looks gross.

Gaspar tells Elias all about his woman who is going to have his baby, Elias thinks it is a great story. But then Gaspar is sad that he hasn’t seen her, she told him to stay away until the baby is born. Elias, not knowing who this woman is, tells Gaspar he has to go find her and proclaim his love to her, fight for her, la la la love is so great, etc. Gaspar says he’s going to go find her.

Emiliooo says he doesn’t want to leave, there is too much work to do. The general says he could get hurt more if he stays. Emiliooo vows to be careful. The general astutely says “It seems like you are avoiding something in Puebla, what’s the deal?”

Angel tells his doctor that nobody is making him return to SE, but he desperately wants to return there. The doctor says the climate there is bad for him, he needs to be better before going there. They talk about a cure for him, he wants to know answers and the doctor says it’s too soon to know everything yet, just wait a little longer.

Alina whines some more. She has an orange flashback to when Don Loco dropped her off at the cave so long ago.

Emiliooo tries to make the general believe that he isn’t avoiding anything. He orders Emiliooo to return to Puebla to recuperate. Emiliooo salutes and says “yes sir.”

Don Loco tries to figure out who loves Soledad. He says Elias is the only one close to her, then moves on down the list. I can’t figure out why he didn’t latch onto Elias’s name immediately. He goes on – Sergio? No. Maximo? No. How can he not realize that it is Elias? This goes against all sense and reasoning. Don Loco has accused him directly of sniffing around Soledad. How can he now not realize that’s who the other guy is? Argh I’m going to go crazy myself.

I apologize for any abbreviating that may be done over the rest of this recap, I have a meeting tonight and I need to wrap this up –

Mexican Larry and Vera are talking and in though the back comes Gaspar, with Ifgenio trying to stop him but not able to, here’s here to see his munequita. They tell him how she is too busy for him, she spends all her time with Orlando. Gaspar doesn’t look happy, he heads back out.

Edelmira comes to Alina’s room, followed by Orlando. Orlando offers to help her, she declines. Orlando is impactado, just a little. He mostly still has the Haskell face going.

Santos serves food to Rosita, what a pleasant turn of roles. He’s letting her take it easy after her accident. Santos may be a wimp but apparently is heart is in the right place. Rosita wants to help Alina, but Santos says he can’t. He wants to, but he can’t. Something about getting mixed up with Maximo. I can’t believe how often people just talk about the same thing over and over and over.

Orlando wants to know why Alina doesn’t want his help. She says just no, he says fine. Orlando talks about how bad Thelma is treating all the staff, Alina gets all riled up about how unfair it is. I suppose soon she’ll volunteer to return to the viper’s pit to try and save them. What a martyr she is. Won’t help herself but will constantly throw herself under the bus to save someone else. I would call this selfless normally, but I think Alina wants to be seen as selfless, which just makes it selfish.

Castulo sees Santos’s horse outside Rosita’s house, he says he needs to think about how he’s going to kill Santos. Why does everyone talk out loud about this stuff? This is TV. We have thought bubbles. People can think stuff. Maybe that takes too much extra production time – one take to film it, then later the voiceover, if they just talk out loud it’s done all at once. That must be it.

Gaspar marches through the forest. He’s upset about Orlando getting so much quality time with his woman. He decides to not let her stray, he’ll go fight for her, like Elias told him.

Asi es la Vida commercial – one bikini babe, one super cleavage dress, then two babes in their undies in the same room at the same time. I love those commercials. Oh sweet – then the Alfonsina getting drenched clip coming out of commercial. Great commercial break.

Thelma whines to SA about Orlando.

Orlando totally plays Alina about the poor people of SE. He is playing her like a violin and she is falling for it hook, line, and sinker. He actually convincers Alina that she can convince Thelma to treat the employees better. Alina accepts his help, on the condition that they will try to help the people. She is off the charts naïve. So easy to manipulate. No wonder Orlando likes her, he likes to do that stuff and she’ll fall for it forever.

Don Loco still doesn’t know who it is. Alfonsina comes in and he wants her to help him forget Soledad. He’ll give her whatever she wants. She thought bubbles various things Hugo said to her about getting money.

SA gives Thelma a drink – Thelma is pregnant mind you. Orlando runs in all happy that Alina agreed to his help, Orlando and Thelma congratulate each other with hugs and kisses, which of course is what Gaspar sees when he looks in the door. He runs in, demanding to know what’s going on.

Elias lays in bed, dreaming about how he’ll save Soledad. Luba comes in and wants to know where Gaspar is, Elias says he’s after his munequita, whoever that is, Luba is impactada.

Gaspar says nobody can touch his munequita. Orlando is confused, Gaspar says the baby is his. Thelma takes him aside and yells at him for putting the baby in danger. She tells Gaspar that Alina is at the meson, he leaves to go see her, after giving a threatening look to Gaspar. Orlando wants to know how she controls him so easily and what’s with the munequita bit? Huh? HUH? This is playing out as if Orlando doesn’t know that Gaspar is the father of Thelma’s baby. Didn’t he just threaten her earlier today to reveal that same secret? Wtf? Does he know, or not?

Granillo is happy because Alina is eating. She says she discovered that there are still good people in this world. Whatever. Granillo knows she’s talking about Orlando, she explains that he’s going to help her.

Thelma is trying to blame Gaspar being slow for all that happened. Orlando has a flashback of the bartender at the devil’s cave describing their busboy the same way, he’s starting to put it all together. Orlando demands to know the father of her baby, he wants more info on her to prevent her from screwing him over. She says she won’t cheat him, she promised Alina and he’ll get Alina. Orlando still thinks something strange is up with Thelma and Gaspar.

Let’s discuss quickly the geniuses who live here. The other night, Alina escapes and the only person who left is Mexican Larry with the ‘garbage’, nobody figures it out. Elias has just about dropped his pants in front of Soledad, while in Don Loco’s presence, Don Loco can’t figure out if he’s the one who loves Soledad. Thelma was knocked up by a ‘mental’ at the Devil’s Cave, now a ‘mental’ named Gaspar is around claiming to be the father of the baby, Orlando isn’t sure if the two ‘mentals’ are the same person. Can we just drop a bomb on this neighborhood and wipe these people out? They are too dumb to live.

Don Loco is back on the couch, I thought he was going to get some action. Alfonsina has a document she wants him to sign, to keep his promise that he’ll give her whatever she wants. Don Loco is drunk as hell, he actually passes out at the end of signing his name.

Granillo brings Gaspar into Alina’s room for a visit. He says Thelma told him to come see her, Alina tries to convince him that Thelma is bad. Gaspar gets upset and leaves. Alina is confused.

Don Loco wakes up and is super hung over. Alfonsina says something innocuous to him, like ‘you woke up’, and he tells her to shut up and draw him a bath. Yes, indeed, the glories of being Don Loco’s woman. She asks were he is going, he says something about making an animal miserable. Adela had been about to come in and heard that last part, she runs off before anyone sees her.

Orlando runs into Gaspar at the meson. He asks him if he wants to get drunk with him. Gaspar gets a look on his face that actually kind of looks like he’s already drunk.

I’m just remembering now that the actress who plays Alfonsina was some Miss Fitness Mexico or something a few years back, that sure explains her amazing body. Sorry, it has to be said. She wants DL to send someone else to do whatever, he says he has to do it himself.

Orlando tells Gaspar that he wants to hear all about the munequita. Granillo waits on them, Orlando orders tequila. They toast and start drinking. Gaspar just about yaks after the first shot. Orlando immediately starts interrogating him – “where did you meet your munequita?” I have to say, this is a great move by Orlando. People on this show are always wanting to know something, it seems so obvious now that they should just get whoever has the information drunk and they’ll spill the beans.

Don Loco is ready to leave, he says he’ll kill the dog.

Elias and Luba are trying to sort out the Gaspar/munequita business when some crazy woman starts screaming Luba’s name from outside the cave. It’s Adela, she has come to warn them that Don Loco is coming. When did he figure out that it was Elias? I thought his next suspect was going to be the priest.

Ganillo tells Alina that Orlando is here, drinking with Gaspar. How strange, she thinks. Duh.

Orlando wants an answer, but before he can hear it Thelma and Castulo enter. Thelma tells Gaspar that she told him to come to see Alina, not to hang out, this is a bad place and that drink is dangerous. Gaspar of course wants to stay and drink. Thelma tells him to obey her and leave, he gets up and stumbles out. Thelma warns Orlando that it is dangerous to be her enemy.

Don Loco enters the cave, screaming for Elias. Luba says he isn’t here, Don Loco smacks her onto the floor. Luba wants to know what’s going on, Don Loco says he doesn’t have to tell her anything, then storms out. Luba picks up the box and says something about if she gives the box to him, but if she doesn’t she’ll know his truth. I didn’t really quite catch it, but I think we all get the gist of it. Some powerful secret in the box.


Chris, as usual, your recap was an entertaining way to spend part of my day! Don’t let that pesky day job keep you from all this, because you are so good at this!

“I must have some super minor OCD or something and having two names for the same person just gets under my skin. So she is now always Alina, or some variant, like Stupid F%@ing Alina.” ROTFL! Perhaps this is tacky and tasteless of me to point it out, but that is three names, not two…..

“says he’s fine, sometimes he just can’t get enough air. She stupidly believes him.” That is exactly how my hubby’s congestive heart failure started to show up. Silly man. They should never, ever ignore that!

“How can she not see that he is about 30 seconds away from death?” Exactly!!!

“WHOA what happened to Thelma? She is suddenly on the verge of giving birth.” And to think this blossoming all happened in a week or two. Remember how two years sped by at the beginning of this novela? Here’s another example of the reverse time warp. LFMB has the slow-mo time warp thing going on, with six weeks leading up to the big meeting that was really a couple of days.

“How can teenagers talk that way all day long? It hurts me.” Apparently it’s not good for some radio careers, either.

At least Alina is having enough sense to reject Orlando. That’ll probably make him determined to do something rash, though, like force her.

“I can’t believe how often people just talk about the same thing over and over and over.” Ah, it’s just efficiency measures in the screenwriting department. A handful of phrases, inserted with cut-and-paste over several months, and presto: you have a script! Effective and efficient, ala Chairman Peter. We know them all now: “you’ll pay for that, you’ll be sorry for that, etc…..”

“Won’t help herself but will constantly throw herself under the bus to save someone else. I would call this selfless normally, but I think Alina wants to be seen as selfless, which just makes it selfish.” She learned from the best, though. Look at her model: Soledad has had how many? Hundreds? Of opportunities to escape but there is always a realllly valid reason why she can’t, most of it on account of Alina. They are a pair.

Y’know, Ferro, I thought Orlando knew who the father of that baby was, but in trying to think back, I am not so sure he knows exactly who. If he doesn’t yet and he figures it out, he will be really dangerous. In which case, let’s give him some help figuring it out. Actually, though, your bomb solution is pretty good.

Thanks again, Chris! Great recap! (You have a meeting on SUNDAY night? Sheesh!)


Great recap, as always!! You are so right about the idiocy level on this show. I thought Orlando, at least, had a brain cell or two, but I guess not.

And Elias doesn't take the time to find out what's going on with Gaspar and his munequita, just sends Gaspar charging into danger ("la la la love is so great" hahaha!) But then, that's how Elias got himself shot, too. Ugh, I really don't like Elias, but I suppose Soledad will end up with him no matter what I think.

Oh, about Don Loco, I'm not so sure he signed that paper Alfonsina gave him. It looked to me like he passed out before he could sign it.

Chris your recap was fun to read as usual. You Da Man!

Haaaa Orlando says he’s tired of looking everywhere for her, “I’m going to take a bath.” What is he a woman or what?...ROTFL, add that to the gems.

oops sorry, I'll be back to add.

I think in switching computers I lost my train of thought, oh well it will come back to me.

I still can't sit through a whole hour of this (closest I got was 1/2 hour straight through), maybe I will watch the last episode.

Glad you're back with us Ferro, we wondered if you just couldn't take it any more! But, you're toughing it out like the rest of us. Thx for the laughs! How many more episodes of the living dumb?

Another great , funny recap, ferro. I am right there with you trying to get through to the end of this. I wonder if Orlando takes bubble baths, and I thought that he knew from the beginning that Gaspar was the real baby daddy. I thought that Don Loco passed out before he could sign those papers Tricky Alfonsina was pushing at him. I can't take much more of this.~~~Susanlynn, off to watch ''Bailando''

Carmel, you're right. Don Loco passed out before he could sign the paper. Alfonsina muttered something that was along the lines of "drat, foiled again." But that wasn't actually it, I can't remember what it was.


I think Donloco passed out before he signed his name because Alfonsina the Bod scowled and said something like "there's time for another chance" or something like that.

Orlando knew that Emilio wasn't the father of Thelma's baby, but I don't think he ever figured out exactly who fathered the child. He just knew it was some helper person from the Devil's Cave.

I'm sick of seeing Luba allow herself to be smacked around by Donloco. Open the damn box for pete's sake and let the cat out of the bag! What's in the maldita box besides Luba's pacalolo?

Gigantic surprise of the night besides Thelma's jiffy pop tummy...Santos kicking some major ass on Castulo. Wow, I was shocked! I had to rewind to make sure it was him. Go Santos!

P.S. Thanks Chris! I love your recaps and your fiery comments peppered throughout.

Great and funny recap, Chris. It's great to get a man's point of view on a novela....especially a tedious one like this has been!

SFA????? Now, now, Chris!!! :)
-Becky T

''jiffy pop tummy''--good one, Sylvia ! And the eternal question--''What is in the maldito box?'' I already gave you my guess--Don Loco's marbles. If you don't buy that , I am at a loss. Maybe Don Loco's birth certificate. Maybe Luba and Don Loco's father were lovers and DL and Gaspar are really brothers. Or maybe Luba is Don Loco's mother. Or maybe Don Loco is Gaspar's father. I also keep thinking about that SNL sketch with Justin Timberlake...I hope it's not THAT. ~~~Susanlynn, lost in space on this one... p.s. Did anyone watch ''Bailando?''

I caught some of it susanlynn. It was okay I see the contestants switched the tissue burning from roommate gripes to voting against the best buddy. I am never going to understand that.

I had to laugh at the cheelerleader dancing. I think they are running out of what music CD's to rifle through and rehearse. I saw somebody had a neck brace, when did that happen?

Chris, you are the best! We are all feeling the burden of describing this dreck but being able to read great recaps like yours really our enthusiasm. I check all Sunday afternoon until you post.

The box has to be about Don Loco's paternity. That would be the best revenge on him, after all.

Haha Sylvia -- I also did a double take, wondering if that was really Santos beating up Castulo. Very unexpected.

I found Bailando kind of tedious tonight. I ended up not watching very much of it. I didn't care for the break-dancing. Funnily enough the judges seemed to score high for it, goodness knows why. Even Ema seemed perky. It was kind of scary, like when Donloco got his rocks off with Alphonsina and had a spring in his step. Blech. However, one very lovely moment, Manuel Landeta vowed renewed love for his wife and publicly presented her with a ring. It was very very very sweet! They seemed genuinely in love and she was a real live person, the appropriate age, not botoxed or siliconed up, very attractive but not fake. That's why we'll forgive Manual for having a huge smiley face painted on the top of his bald head.

Yes, Bailando seems to be at an awkward place now. I will never understand the tissue burning ceremony or why they switched to voting for their best friends this time. [I must be improving a little bit in my Spanish because I actually figured that out.] People are dropping like flies now. That odd Julio guy , the one who always seems like is hopped up on something or has ADD who is Yuliana's partner had his chest all rapped up after the duelo between he and Yuliana and Josue and Jackie. Josue was wearing a neck brace at the end of the show. He seems to really be the focus of a lot of disputes --this week there was something about him and Enrique and also the new guy Omar. [By the way, Enrique looks like my daughter's exfiance... same hair, same complexion, tall...he was Filipino and Russian American !!]They also hypnotized Josue for some reason. The cheerleader thing was very strange. Were they with real cheerleaders? Do they have cheerleaders in high schools and colleges or at pro sporting events in Mexico? I thought that was strictly a USA phenomenon. Edith seemed to enjoy strutting herself in that loooowcut gown during the elimination dance---Iran should have won that one. I couldn't believe that they made Iran and Romeo dance right after that elimination dance. Iran is a real her. Who knew she could shake her booty like that when she was prim and proper Catalina on Alborada??? I saw a photo of Edith at the Eduardo Yanez site---wowee , did she look eye makeup and a very different hairstyle...kind of young and goofylooking. Iran Castillo is evidently dating the singer guy who was Miriam's partner way back at the beginning of this show--he brought her a bouquet of roses and planted a big, wet one on her. He looks younger than Iran. Then, he sang with his group. I loved when Manuel gave the ring to his wife. I think that he is a really nice guy---it radiates from him. I am not into bald guys , but I would make an exception in Manuel's case. The man can move. Last night, I told my friend who is a high school Spanish teacher who goes to Mexico every summer for vacation about the show. I hope that she watches and gives me some insight. It is a fascinating show. However, I think the contestants are getting tired, and I'm afraid more accidents may happen. It's anyone's guess who will win. Susana and Enrique came in first last night and Liz and her partner second. Josue and Jackie are in the bottom 2 again. I wanted to be Liz, but now I think I want to be Jackie...such a nice smile and a good little dancer. ~~~Susanlynn, dancing to work in the rain

I didn't mean to sound so down on the show. When I re-read my comment this a.m. I see that I came across as jaded and a little bitchy. I just want to watch the dancing and not all that other ridiculous stuff. I think all that other hoohaw is filler anyway. I have read in the chismes (gossip columns) that Iran and that guy are a hot item. By the way, she is in a new telenovela called El Pantera with the guy who played Diego in Alborada. It's supposed to start in May, but that's probably in Mexico, not here. Anyway, it doesn't sound as good as Pasion, what possibly could??? We might still want to keep our ears and eyes open though, in case it turns out to be a winner. At least it has two actors that we like.

I've only seen some episodes of this novela, but I'm remembering one when DL remembers seeing his father jump from a cliff. Maybe in the box is a letter from DL's mom where she tells him how crazy his father was and how she suffered because of his jealously or something like that.
Ferro I love your recaps, the perspective is definitely different and fresh much better that the show.


Thank you all for your nice comments. I thought of one more thing after I posted this - wasn't Castulo supposed to get out of town and never come back? And he's still thinking about killing Santos for Max? Maybe I didn't understand.

Sylvia--"What's in the maldita box besides Luba's pacalolo?" ROTFL!!! What else would she need?


How about the real script to this stupid novela, the recappers and viewers got the dummy one.

Marycelis, GREAT one!! LOL!!!


Ha ha! Marycelis that must be it!! The one where stuff actually happens.

I don't mean to be a defector but I am lurking around in telenovela forum and they have some major gems there (no offense).

Oh those tele-foro folks are a scream, especially and by far the Duelo foro. I love their comments and one-liners. They are truly clever. I am a huge fan of theirs.

Wow! Santos beating Castulo to a pulp was the best moment of this episode!
About people saying the same thing each day, it's lazy scriptwriting. Or maybe they keep forgetting that someone already said that in yesterday's episode?

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