Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Zorro: Monday April 23, 2007-Where Fernando Flips Out & Esme Can't Lie Her Way Out of Trouble

Part two is now added and posted below, thanks for your patience.

Esmeralda is found in the woods by Capt. Pizarro. She tells him that she started off for a walk with her horse and at some point he got scared and ran away. She’s been wandering around lost for hours. Pizarro tells her that he knows she is lying. He knows that she had something to do with the gypsies attacking Callao Prison and freeing Sara Kali. At the mention of her mother’s name, Esme seems shocked, but covers right away. She tells Piza that she has no idea what he is talking about. Piza doesn’t back up an inch, in fact he pushes forward. He demands that Esme tell him where her mother is hiding. He tells her that all who helped SK escape will be punished by death. He adds that includes her and pulls out his sword and puts the tip to her neck. Now, tell me where your mother is hiding.

Sara Kali is sitting along a pathway with the gypsies, still not hiding too well. She is trying to tell them that she should turn herself into Montero in order to free the women he has taken as prisoner. Laisha likes the idea. Renzo and Javier don’t. Renzo tells SK that they all are willing to risk themselves for the queen, the women too. Laisha attempts to protest but Renzo stops her. Just then Jonas and some other gypsies find them (because they are hanging out in the open, not concerned with being found by Monty’s men). Jonas tells them he’s glad he found them, he was worried about them—ulcer number one for the episode. He and Renzo rehash Esme running off as a decoy for the bounty hunters. They rehash a little about Laisha being released to bring the gypsy men a message. Jonas isn’t too concerned about the women and he tells SK there is no need for her to turn herself into Monty. He’s got some men in place who will rescue the women, meanwhile their most important task is to find Esme. They agree that some will take SK into hiding and the rest will look for Esme. Immediately Renzo jumps into the search party camp. SK pulls Renzo aside and asks him to find Esme and to take care of her. She also tells him to remind Esme that the necklace she is wearing is all of SK’s fortune.

Diego is still in the cave, asleep in the bed. Padre Tomas is watching over him. Diego hears Beyonce’s “Amor Gitano” and has a dream of a dancing woman. She’s dancing in a flamenco style, and we never see her face. By all indications it looks like Esme. D wakes up and PT reintroduces himself. D is still confused and wants to know where he is. PT tells him they are in a cave. He explains that they are hiding because there is a powerful person who has accused D of doing something he didn’t do. PT fills D in on a little bit of his personal stats---his name, who his father is, etc. Diego wants to know more—is he married, does he have children. PT decides it is best to avoid all that right now. He tells D to rest and they’ll get to all that later. Diego tells PT about his dream and how he felt some peace having they dream woman near. PT mumbles something about Esme and how he hopes she is safe.

Mariangel and Fernando are struggling over the gun. Mangle is telling him to let go of it. You would think FS would have learned that fighting over a loaded gun is dangerous, but I guess it is a lesson he hasn’t quite learned. Mangle is able to yank it away from FS and she demands to know why he was trying to kill himself, what led him to this point. There is some honest concern here on her part, I didn’t think she was capable of caring for someone other than herself. Fernando tells her that he is responsible for killing the woman that he loves. Mangle says something about that damn woman, Maria Pia. FS says he doesn’t deserve to live and Mangle replies that MP isn’t worth it. FS tells her that she cannot understand, she has never loved like he has loved Maria Pia. He goes on about how happy he was to get her back and how they were going to finally be together when MP found out his secrets. Mangle asks what secrets, but FS ignores her. He goes on about how now MP looks at him with hate and he starts to cry. Mangle tells him that MP is not worth any of his tears. FS looks at her softly and says that he loves her and goes to give his daughter a hug. NOW give me the GUN, he demands. They start to struggle all over again for the gun. It accidentally goes off, but doesn’t hit anyone. The housekeeping staff runs into the room, screaming. Father and daughter still struggle over the gun. Several of Fernando’s soldiers come running into the room and they are able to subdue him and break up the struggle.

Alejandro and Juan are still watching the de la Vega hacienda. Al rehashes to Juan about how Fernando had mistreated the Indians in the past. He tells Juan that he overlooked that, trying not to judge his friend too harshly. Al wants to know why FS didn’t tell him about killing Regina---I think that’s pretty obvious, how do you tell your best friend that you murdered his wife and all her family. I mean how do you start that conversation? Al tells Juan that he needs to go to the city. Juan warns him that Monty has it out for Al and would be looking for him. Al doesn’t care, he needs to talk to Fernando.
Tobias has been released from prison. He is getting a massage from Catalina. They rehash how Piza wants Tobi to impersonate Zorro. Tobi is concerned that this could be dangerous.

Padre Tomas packs up some of Zorro’s things. He says to himself that Zorro will have to go away for awhile and how the city will miss him. Diego wakes up. PT tells him that he’s got to go get some supplies and check on things. He leaves Diego alone. Diego finds Tornado and admires the horse, but doesn’t realize that T belongs to him.

Piza tells Esme he’s taking her to prison. She hauls off and smacks him. Piza starts to choke her and suddenly Renzo shows up. He and Piza spar. Piza uses his sword and Renzo avoids any hits with his acrobatic abilities. Renzo is able to get Piza to stick the sword into a tree, but he gets too close and Piza is able to elbow him in the face.

Outside the Sanchez home, Al leaves Juan to be on the look out. Oh yeah, and by the way, can I borrow your gun Juan? (This leaves Juan defenseless in case something were to happen, but Al doesn’t at all seem concerned about his employee.) Al knocks down some soldiers at the door of the house, they actually fall down like bowling pins, it made me laugh. He finds Mangle an apologizes to her for entering the house this way. She tells him that everyone is nuts. Now we see Fernando across the room. He is sitting in a chair, staring out into space. His hands are tied up. Al asks why Fernando is like this. Mangle says he went crazy, he wanted to die. She asks Al to leave, but he wants to know if she has any idea where Almudena, Maria Pia, or Diego can be found. She answers that she has no idea about Diego, but the women are at the doctor/dentist/barber/gravedigger’s. She fills Al in on Maria Pia being the patient, but tells him that she has no details.

Maria Pia is awake and talking to Dena. She tells Dena that she would have forgiven Fernando for anything, except a lie. They rehash the almost wedding & the not dead previous wife and Dena apologizes for stopping the nuptials. MP tells her that it wasn’t her fault. MP mumbles some more….she tells Dena that FS isn’t bad in the bottom of his heart. She asks Dena to forgive Fernando and to take care of him.

Esme attempts to help Renzo. She picks up a large stick and tries to knock Piza on his block. No success, Piza is able to knock Renzo down and he repeatedly kicks him. Esme tells him that’s enough, but of course Piza doesn’t listen. Two soldiers arrive on horseback. Things look pretty bad for Esme and Renzo.

Al finds the doctor and asks after Maria Pia. The doctor tells him that things don’t look so good, but it appears that the gunshot was an accident (how he knows this, I don’t know---perhaps we can add forensic specialist to his list of careers). The bullet was in a vital area and if he were to operate she’d lose a lot of blood and would most likely die. Anyway, it looks pretty serious and they should probably start getting ready for the funeral. Al gets a little ticked at the doctor, he tells him that he should be more concerned about his patients’ lives then he is about getting ready for funerals. Al goes in the room, there is a coffin leaning against the wall. He hugs Dena and she rehashes the foiled elopement.

Bernardo and Yumali are still at the de la Vega’s gathering arms. He tells/signs to Yumi that he wants to look for Diego. She says go ahead.

Dolores and SAM are looking out their prison window, they see Esme and Renzo being taken into the prison. Dolo is worried about Diego and Al (ulcer 2), but doesn’t seem overly concerned about Esme (if she only knew that Esme was carrying her precious Diego’s child, then she might show a little more concern). SAM tells her that with martial law, now Monty can do anything he wants.

Piza finds Auggie and Manny. He’s going to give them another shot at proving themselves. They will be responsible for guarding the two new prisoners. Piza goes to talk to Esme, he tells her that Monty is out of town. Piza warns her that he will get the info he wants, even if he has to use the torture chamber as a means to getting it.


Al and Maria Pia talk. Al reminisces about their childhood with their parents---ahhh happy times. Al tells his sister that she cannot leave him and that as a de la Vega she must fight to the end, to never give up (at this point I was thinking to myself that in a way, death is an end, so possibly not the advice he’s looking to give). Al tells MP that he has to leave, but he insists that he’ll see her again. He tells Dena to stay, that he has to go fight Monty and then he tells her that he doesn’t deserve her, he loves her, but he isn’t deserving (talk about a bit of an understatement). They tell each other to be careful and Al tells Dena that he’ll come for her as soon as he can (so let’s see, he’s leaving the wife behind, but will be taking the mistress to battle with him, seems pretty strange to me). The couple kisses goodbye.

In prison, Esme worries (ulcer-3), she says to Renzo that she is concerned for her unborn son, that his life is in danger. Oh yeah, I believe that Pizarro mentioned something earlier in the episode about cutting the baby out of her, what a nice guy. Renzo tries to console her, that Monty won’t let anything happen to his son. Esme decides it is ‘to tell the truth’ time and tells Renzo that the baby isn’t Monty’s, it’s Diego’s. For some reason, this seems to shock Renzo…so I guess it was less shocking to think that she loved one man, married another and then immediately got with child with the man she married….somehow I think the Diego pregnancy makes more sense, but then again I’m in the viewing audience.

Bernardo finds Diego. They have a little bit of a communication problem, as amnesiatic Diego doesn’t understand Bernie’s signs. He tells Bernie to write it down. Bernie fills Diego in on what kind of man he used to be…..one who loved poetry and women. He was an attorney and abhors violence. In fact, he doesn’t even know how to use a sword. This news bums Diego out. He calls himself a loser with a capital “L”. I think Bernie was wise in trying to keep Diego from acting in a manner inconsistent with the public image of Diego de la Vega, but I wonder if this will actually lead to more problems (cue foreshadowing music, and of course know that I’ve seen previews for tonight’s episode).

Olmos finds Mangle. She asks him why he left her alone and she fills him in on FS’s attempt at committing suicide. Mangle explains why Fernando is restrained and she blames Maria Pia for the whole thing. Meanwhile, Fernando has absolutely no reaction, he’s just sitting in the chair staring off into Lord knows where. WOW, another great performance, IMHO. Mangle decides that Olmos is like ask Jeeves, she wants to know if Fernando is going to recuperate. Olmos doesn’t give a committed answer. Mangle begs FS to get better and return to her, otherwise she’s alone. Olmos reminds her that she still has him, and Mangle doesn’t laugh.

The gypsies are ambushed and at first all we see are the assailants’ rifles. Javier gets shot, it looks like only in the shoulder, so he should be able to recover I would think. Jonas gets everyone to head for the trees. Two of the gitanos carry Sara Kali (I’d think this would make her more of a target for shooting practice). We are shown that the shots are coming from two soldiers who happened upon the gypsies. One says he’ll hold down the fire, the other should go for help.

Hermana Carola is talking to Padre Tomas who’s stopped off at the Church. They rehash what’s going on with Sister Suplicios/ Nutty Nun and how the Cardinal has called in a man to complete an exorcism. In the almost nunnery, Nutty is questioning who this man is standing beside her bed. Brother Aaron doesn’t answer, but starts to chant something and begins to sprinkle holy water. Camba is watching from a hiding spot. NN demands that BA look at her, she starts to thrash in the bed and it almost looks like she’s freed herself from her restraints, but I’m not sure. She demands again that he look at her, and then she starts to use the creepy voice, “look at me” and then “save your soul Aaron” Meanwhile, if hiding Camba could speak, I’m sure he would say he’s worried since he’s got the worried face on (ulcer-4).

The doctor/dentist/barber/gravedigger goes to see Fernando. He tells FS that there has been a miracle, since we don’t know what hat he is currently wearing, it is anyone’s guess to what kind of miracle he’s referring----doctor= Maria Pia has had a recovery, dentist= Novocain has been invented, barber= the mullet has gone out of style (not that it ever WAS in style), or gravedigger= pine is on sale so he can make a fortune off of his coffin sales.

Yumi meets up with Al. She gives him his uniform. He tells her it is time for justice and now he is going to show Montero what kind of soldier he used to be….makes me wonder if he’s going to be like those guys who go back and put on their football uniforms from high school. Will it be too tight, with gaps at the buttons? Will Al think he’s still operating at the same level he was years before and push himself too hard and end up with some sort of groin injury (poor Yumi, if that happens)?

Montero has returned and is paying a little visit to the little woman in prison. She acts all happy to see him, she even gives him a hug. Esme cries to Monty about how terribly Piza has treated her, she goes on about how she has no idea what he’s accusing her of doing, etc. Monty says yes, Piza should be reprimanded for not following orders. He asks Esme if she would like to know what his orders were, and he goes ahead and tells her that Piza was suppose to kill her, so he will be punished. END OF EPISODE/ Final ulcer count is 4.


Oh dear, things are looking mighty bad for most of our favorite folk in Alta California!

That Pizarro is a master of the cold, emotionless face. He's very scary! I know Renzo means well, trying to help Esme and all, but so far he's not a very good fighter and has only seemed to throw gasoline on the fire.

It seems like Garcia and Dolores are starting to get pretty chummy. She's still wearing his jacket.

Nice first half Cathy, I look forward to part two!

If only Fernando's bad aim had come into play again during the struggle for the gun and he had shot Mangle... it would be nice to have a person get what they deserved in novelaland before the gran final!

Good recap, Cathy. You could call this one: "Everybody goes crazy!"
The characters kept using the using the verb "enloquecerse" meaning to go crazy. Mangle says every one in town has gone crazy, somebody tells Alej that Montero has "se enloqueció," obviously Fernando and Nutty Nun have gone crazy.
What a dimwit Renzo is! Apparently armed with only an itty bitty knife, he sneaks up behind Pizarro and instead of smashing his head in with a rock or something, he starts talking and of course Pizarro, who has a sword, overpowers him.
It is really hard to imagine how all this is going to be resolved. Maybe Alej will lead a peasant uprising and take over the town. I'm looking forward to tonight.

Great recap! I've missed a few episodes here and there but I'm pretty much up to speed now, BUT have Alej and Dena consummated their marriage? Did I miss that somewhere? It doesn't seem like Alej has been home since the day of the wedding.

I would be happy if Fer and MPia ended up together, married. I know he was an "Indian" killer, but, he didn't know it was Regina, and, as all soldiers do, he was trained to kill and he did so. (Maybe with more vengeance and relish than novela watchers can forgive).

It's harder for me to forgive his imnprisonment of Sara Kali and mistreatment of Esme.
BUT, if one can truly atone for one's sins, and be given a second chance, I hope he gets it. Maybe Sara Kali has done some foul deeds herself.

MPia was happier and more alive with him, than when she was doing all the good works as a quasi-nun.

If FS is just as bad a person when he comes out of his catatonia, I withdraw the above request for his marriage & happines with MPia. :)

Hi Ellen: Almudena & Alej were together once before the wedding. When Alej returned from his wedding night out where he 'made a woman of Yumalai,'he got into bed with Almudena and it was certainly suggested that he and Almudena did the deed. I commented on that episode that Alej was a quite a stud at his age to make two women happy in one night.

Cathy, thank you for the funny recap.

The loopier "Zorro" gets the more I like it. Where else could you find a possessed "sister," a lovestruck gypsy & an amnesia victim together in the same show?

Can't wait to see how Padre Tomas reacts to the exorcism.
Marie from Mass

Actually, it was Montero, not Pizarro who said he wanted to cut the baby out of Esme's body. Great recap, just the right amount of snarkiness! I agree that Renzo's fighting leaves lots to be desired. When he did the acrobatic somersault at the beginning, my hopes were raised that he'd vanquish Pizarro. But looks like they want US to get ulcers thinking about Esme in the torture chamber. Laisha looks more and more like trouble. She was in another novela called Amores de Mercado where she was constantly sabotaging the heroine and being sneaky. Looks like she’s typecast. But Zorro certainly is one of the most action-packed novelas I’ve ever seen. Some of them drag on for weeks and weeks with the same stale stuff re and re-hashed, Marina being a prime example. But Zorro is nearly always exciting!

Wonderful second half Cathy. I laughed when Diego called himself an imbecile, loser or whatever. Pretty funny stuff.

Novelera, I think you may be right about Laisha. I feel bad for her (so far) but she was pretty quick to agree that Sara Kali should give herself up to save the gitanas. Unfortunately I doubt Montero/Pizarro would release the gitanas even if SK surrendered.

Tip for the gitanos...stay OFF the roads!

The your comments re: miracle referred to by Agapito where hillarious.

Diego saying he's an imbecile was funny. I wonder what would it take for him to fully remember, another bump on the head or seeing something or someone?

Fernando looking into space, very creepy. I hope he snaps out of it soon.

I wonder what's going to happen with Nutty. I think PT is going to get mad about the exorcism, he was totally against it when Cardinal suggested calling Vatican.

Laisha, I am really not liking her. I didn't think bad against her before but now, its bugging me. I hope she doesn't try anything stupid in her anger towards SK & Esme and it hurts the gitanos.

The previewes for today's episode looked intresting with Diego donning the Zorro mask.

I am itching for today's episode to start.

Oops, my bad about attributing the baby cut out comment to Piza instead of Monty. I didn't have it in my notes, but remembered it when I was typing, obviously I remembered incorrectly.

Yeah, I think Laisha will be trouble. Just too many angry looks and the ugly green monster is sure to rear its head around Renzo and his feelings for Esme.

Gotta go watch tonight's episode, I taped it and am quite anxious to see what happens.

Cathy, we are totally on the same wavelength on Mangle. My two thoughts as they fought were a)Wow, she actually cares about someone besides herself and b)cool, maybe she'll get shot too!

One quick comment on Agapito: back then, the "doctors" in Europe tended to be the "barber surgeons" and I guess dentistry was considered part of medicine in general. I think part of the reason was that the most common "cure" for ailments was blood letting. Off course, leeches were the preferred method, but barbers had all the tools for blood letting as well (in case you couldn't find leeches I guess) and eventually started coming up with other cures. I don't know for sure if medicine was under the care of barbers this late in history, but I suppose it's not that out of the realm of possibility. Still, having him working as mortician seems like a conflict of interest to me. Burying someone seems far quicker and more lucrative than tending to them.

On another note, I just have to say I'm enjoying amnesiac Diego after all. Now that he's getting more on-screen time, he's so funny as he tries to learn who the heck he is while dealing with his own impatient tendencies. Talking to the horse and calling himself a perfect imbecile was priceless. It reminded me of Goldie Hawn in "Overboard" where she commented upon looking at her life that it was obvious why she'd chosen to forget it. I think the reason Diego's wound hasn't healed is that he refuses to stay put like the good Padre tells him. Then again, if he gets his memory back, he'll be even less likely to stay put, so maybe his bullet wound should heal before he gets his memory back.

Thanks to all who responded to my Alborada inquiries. I missed the first few weeks of it and had debated on picking it up, but I also wanted to catch some of the fights and wasn't sure how many this version had.

Cathy, thanks for the terrific recap, part 1 and part 2! I am catching up and really appreciated everyone's comments.


You were right about Bizarro threatening the fetus -- in the woods he said he'd kill "the two of you" (Esme and Renzo) but then corrected himself and said "the three of you, and your child will be the first to go." So no wonder our Esme is extra-extra-scared about the torture chamber!

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