Thursday, May 24, 2007

Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday May 24 - Watch out, Emilio, there's a new captain making eyes at Alina

Gaspar tried to dash off to La Rinconada to see his baby, but Luba forcibly stopped him. He whined, "Mama, I want to see him!" Luba, as always, warned him that the people at La Rinconada would kill him if they found out he was the baby's father. She pleaded with him not to go, but he charged out of the cave.

Meanwhile, at La Rinconada, Emilio told the servants that Santos would be in charge while he was gone, and revealed to the servants' surprise that Santos was his cousin, Maximo's son.

At Coral's house: Coral showed her stage costumes to Soledad, who admired them and asked if Coral intended to go back to dancing. Coral said no, it was time to change her life. She suggested that she and Soledad should start designing clothes. Soledad seemed to like that idea.

In Alvaro's jail cell: The psychiatrist Aida -- or Dr. Loca, as Margaret called her -- told Alvaro he was a tormented man. She asked him to tell her about his relationship with Soledad. He refused, saying it was personal. Aida said she was a professional.

Alvaro admitted, "Yes, I am suffering." She asked, "Soledad deceived you?" and he said, "Yes. She was unfaithful with a foreman."

Aida asked him how many times he had cheated on Soledad with other women. They bickered and Aida decided to leave. Alvaro stopped her and asked, "Have you had your heart broken some time?" She didn't reply.

At La Rinconada: Gaspar found Thelma alone outside and grabbed her, shouting, "You already had my little cub. I want to see him!" Thelma tried to run away but he followed, shaking her and yelling. Thelma began to yell, "Auxilio!" ("Help!")

Emilio arrived and shot Gaspar, who fell to the ground. Thelma screeched at Emilio for not killing Gaspar, but Emilio said he wasn't a murderer and besides, Gaspar was sick. Thelma screeched some more and then was led away by Singing Aunt.

Angel came along and saw Gaspar on the ground. Emilio explained, "He tried to attack Thelma. I don't understand his obsession with her."

Elsewhere: Orlando went to see General Ochoa, who said Orlando deserved some rest after working so long on the mountain.

Meanwhile, Alina and Elias also arrived to see the general. Alina said she was very nervous because she might encounter Emilio. Elias assured her that Emilio was still in Sierra Escondida.

Alina became dizzy and Elias took her away to get some water, narrowly missing Orlando as he came out of the general's office. In the hallway Alina bumped into a handsome man and apologized.

They went to see General Ochoa. Alina told him her father was sick and needed help, and she was afraid. Elias said it would be safer for people to continue to think Alina was dead, and the general agreed. He said he would assign his own nephew, Captain Rodrigo Ochoa, to protect Alina. Of course, this later turned out to be the same man Alina bumped into in the hall.

Orlando went to the Devil's Cave and asked the bartender, Tony, if he'd seen Lucas. Apparently Tony said no. He took some money from Orlando. A young woman approached Orlando and told him Lucas didn't work there anymore. She said she would give him Lucas's address.

Orlando went to Lucas and asked for the name of the retarded man who used to work at the Devil's Cave. Lucas said he'd already told Tony that. (I don't know if this was all filler but it sure seemed like it.)

Finally he told Orlando that the retarded employee's name was Gaspar, and he lived in Sierra Escondida with his mother Luba. Dohlando mused that it had to be the same Gaspar (how does he figure these things out!) then said to himself, "Thelma, Thelma, I have you in my hands," chuckle smirk.

Back at Coral's house: Soledad told Coral how much she had sacrificed for love of Alvaro. Coral said maybe Soledad would fall in love again one day. Soledad said, "No, Coral, love was not made for me."

Alina arrived with Elias. The phone rang, Alina answered, and a man said, "I already know you're here and you're not going to escape!" After hanging up, Alina told the others she had been threatened but didn't know who the caller was.

At that moment, Dario was walking toward Coral's house, telling himself Coral wouldn't live there in peace.

Inside, Elias said the call was probably from Alvaro's lawyer. Coral told Alina she wasn't alone; they were all there to defend her.

Meanwhile, Dr. Aida insisted to her supervisor that Alvaro needed special care. She mentioned a DNA test -- I'm not sure what that was all about -- and said she was sure Alvaro had celotipia (pathological jealousy).

In Sierro Escondida: Emilio brought the unconscious Gaspar to Luba's cave, saying he was only sedated and would wake up tomorrow. He told Luba that he, Thelma, and the baby would soon return to Puebla.

General Ochoa's office: The general received a message from Emilio, read it, and said, "Pronto! Order the detention of Lt. Orlando Villasenor!"

At Dr. Aida's house: Her doorbell rang and she answered it. It was Rodrigo, the general's nephew. He kissed her cheek. She said she needed to talk to a friend.

At La Rinconada: Thelma was sitting on her bed, cooing over the baby, when Luba appeared. She insisted on holding the baby, saying, "He is my grandson!" Thelma said OK, if Luba would leave her in peace.

She gave the baby to Luba, who started to cry and said, "How beautiful he is. He's just like my Gaspar." Thelma tried to throw her out, and Luba warned her not to make a scene or Emilio would learn the truth. Of course, Emilio came in just then and asked, "What truth?"

Thelma ordered Luba, "Give me my son!" and said Luba should tell Emilio her secret. Luba said it was her business, not important, butThelma told Emilio that Luba was hiding in Sierra Escondida because she'd been accused of a crime.

Luba admitted that she'd been accused of killing a boy with a potion, but said she was innocent. Emilio more or less said if no one had brought charges against Luba, that was the end of it.

Luba repeated that she was innocent, said she wouldn't come near La Rinconada again, then left, pausing only to repeat that Thelma's baby looked "just like his father."

Elsewhere, Orlando told himself that Thelma had betrayed him but he would have revenge!

Meanwhile, Vera and Jaime and Ifigenio discussed whether Luba and Gaspar would try to escape from Sierra Escondida. Vera snarled something about getting revenge for all Luba and Gaspar (supposedly) did to Alina.

At the jail: Alvaro was put into a cell with another prisoner, who looked at Alvaro and laughed, "Fresh meat." Alvaro promptly beat him up.

Later a guard lectured Alvaro a little about the fight, but Alvaro gave him money and the guard left. Another prisoner stared at Alvaro threateningly from a nearby cell. Later a group of prisoners got together in the yard and talked about Alvaro, obviously planning something.

At Coral's house: The general's handsome nephew Rodrigo arrived. He and Alina mooned at each other. Alina apologized for bumping into him earlier. Soledad introduced herself, then she and Coral disappeared to make coffee.

Alina apologized AGAIN (talk about overkill), and Rodrigo flashed back to some blonde woman also apologizing to him. In the flashback, he forgave the woman and kissed her.

Coral brought the coffee to Alina and Rodrigo (that was awfully fast). Alina asked Rodrigo if he wanted sugar, and he had another creepy flashback about the blonde woman offering him sugar. Is he another Don Loco??

Meanwhile, Dario -- who must walk very slowly (the timing on this episode didn't make sense) -- finally reached the gates of Coral's house and unlocked them, saying it was good that he still had a key. He said, "Prepare yourself, Coral," then ran toward the house.

(If the gates were locked, how did Rodrigo get in? Why do I keep expecting this show to make sense?)

When Rodrigo said goodbye to Alina and left the house, perky music played, so I guess that means he's not a psycho like Don Loco, after all. Alina said to herself, "Ay, Emilio. No matter how I try, I can't forget you."

Rodrigo apparently went right back to Dr. Aida's house, because suddenly there he was again, telling her he had been put in charge of protecting a beautiful girl. Aida was pleased. She mentioned that his wife had died (the blonde in the flashbacks, no doubt).

She questioned him but Rodrigo said he couldn't tell her anything about the girl he was protecting. (You know he will eventually, and she'll go right to Don Loco with the news that Alina is alive.)

At night: Soldiers sat in a jeep across the street from Coral's house. About time they got there. Inside, Coral told Adela that she and Soledad were going to open a boutique. Adela said she was grateful for all Coral had done for Soledad.

The phone rang and Coral answered. It was Dario. He asked, "Why don't you understand that I'm serious? Leave the house tonight." Coral refused and told him the house was being guarded. Dario said, "Too late. I'm already in the house."

Coral freaked out, telling Adela, "It's the man who tried to kill me!"

Meanwhile, Rodrigo went home, found his young daughter watching TV, and told her to go to bed. More cute music played. (Too bad he's not a psycho -- this show really doesn't have enough villains.)

Back at Coral's house: Coral and Adela ran and told Soledad about the phone call while Alina entered another room and was grabbed from behind by Dario, who told her, "Quiet! Who are you? Where is Coral?" Alina said, "I am a friend of hers."

Somehow -- I'm not sure how? -- she managed to call Rodrigo, then dropped the phone. Rodrigo was still able to hear what was going on.

Coral, Soledad, and Adela came into the room and saw Dario holding Alina. He pointed a gun at them. Coral said, "Your problem is with me!"

And meanwhile, a group of prisoners cornered Alvaro in the bathroom. They pulled knives on him. END OF EPISODE, FINALLY!

mareada = sick, dizzy
moneda = money
pócima = potion


Thanks so much for this recap Carmel. I don't watch this novela and keep up through these wonderful recaps. The problem is you all are so funny and write these so well that the few times I have watched the show I quickly realize why I don't. I know this is said often but you all write these recaps so well you should be writing this novela.

Thanks for the vocabulary as well.


It just occured to me that it was probably Dario who called and threatened Alina, thinking he was talking to Coral. If that was indicated on the show, I missed it, but it would make sense.

Hey, carmel, a great recap of another extremely confusing and frustrating episode. i loved your comment about there not being enough villains. yeah, with castulo and the cacique and his bud dead, they need to provide us with some new ones. i'm betting the jail does that.

Another day, another new character. So we learned that somebody broke dr. loca's heart and that she knows capt. Ochoa. Did he break her heart? They seemed to have a kind of brother-sister thing going on but their last names are different. I guess she could have been married to somebody else. Ha, maybe her husband ran off with his wife. I guess that would be too much to expect in a story at this point. And also we have another little kid, she'll obviously steal our hearts and make us root for this guy.

I am sure that dna test is pure bs. This isn't csi.

the first phone call was Dario but you would only know it if you recognized his name. he thought he was talking to coral so he didn't mention her by name. he really is whacked if he wants to four women in order to get rid of Coral.

my favorite dario moment was dario striding right up to the gate and unlocking it. He says aloud "it's great that they haven't changed the locks!" Duh! a guy gets into your house and tries to burn it down and don't even change the locks?

Oh my, I thought the same thing, how dumb do you have to be to not change the locks? Sierra Escondida stupid, that's how dumb. I don't even try to make sense of those details anymore, I'm just like "yeah, whatever." There's something I really like about Dario, he's not the usual villainy-looking bad guy. He's so clean-cut and straight looking that I keep expecting him to open the doors for the ladies instead of putting knives to their throats. It add another layer of creepiness to him.

The new guy who is supposed to be Alina's heartthrob...what a dud. Did he go to the Emilio school of acting? Oh wait, maybe Alina will like him after all if she sticks to type. He seems especially flat when he "acts" next to Dr. Loca SayinYaWanna. His little girl is cute though.

Um, Luba, you could help keep your kid from getting shot at, shot, attacked, etc. if you would only stop lying and tell Emilio the truth. Remember when she said "Luba doesn't lie..."? Hah!

Carmel, it's great to have you back! Thanks for the wonderful recap and vocab words.

Thanks Carmel. Another day, another gunshot wound in SE. Isn't this Gaspar's second time? He and Emilio are going to get the frequent flier award for GSWs. (gunshot wounds - learned that on ER).
Capt. Rod is a dud, or was he dazed and confused by Alina's beauty? I really did think she looked very pretty - her eyes were beautiful.

For once, I was cheering Don Loco, when he beat up his cellmate. For a middle aged guy, he still has some moves, even without a gun.

That's the third time Gaspar has been shot! He was shot before by Sergio and by Orlando.

Yeah, for all the plomazos and beatings on this show, lots of people seem to survive: Emilio has been shot, shot and drowned, and lived. Gaspar has been shot twice, although once with a tranq gun. Luba's been beaten to within an inch of her life, Hugo's been shot and is still around. Didn't Jose Gomez get injured or shot when he was a captive and then went on to live for awhile? Alina of course got shot in the leg, or was it foot? Coral got beaten up and left for dead in a burning house and suvived. Soledad got a concussion from falling from a balcony. Am I missing anyone?

The number of injuries compared to deaths is rather high on this show, as compared to some shows.

Soledad also got shot in the leg, by Don Loco.
Elias was hurt, too - can't remember how, but he didn't he end up in the care of Luba?

I can't manage a cheer for Don Loco, unless he's getting slapped, kicked, shot, tied up, humiliated, or any of the other things he did to others...

Appreciate this recap Carmel even though my interest in this telenovela has completely died. Suddenly, I don't really care what happens to these characters. How sad. I have a question about Novelas R Us and I hope someone can answer it. I want to order the complete set of Amor Real DVDs. Has anybody ordered from them before and what kind of quality are their recordings? I hope that they aren't bootleggers.

Carmel, thanks for the great recap! Welcome back!

I have to confess, everyone, I wasn't fast forwarding everything tonight and saw the "Ultimos semanas" tag on the preview tonight and breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe SOMEthing will turn out for the best in the end here.

I have another confession. It was a rush to see Don Loco behind bars. Even if he is running the cárcel now.



Poor Gaspar was sitting on the bed in the cave, distraught about be separated from his cub, and all I could do was stare at his bare LEGS through the huge holes in his overalls. Gorgeous. I was ashamed for all of about... 5 seconds.

Yeah, 'milio shot him with a tranquilizer dart. In the previews from the day before, they tried to make it look like Emilio put a bullet in him, and I just about came up off the sofa, like they planned, I'm sure.

Don Loco strolling the prison yard a la PRISON BREAK, is hilarious and quite enjoyable. Dr. Loca's actions are disgusting. If I was that actress, I'd be depressed. Meh.

Is it just my imagination or has this poor baby not been named yet by anyone except Gaspar, who keeps calling him his little cub. Either that or his name is mihijo.

Nope no name yet and no one seems to find it odd or even mention it. Considering that everyone is so incredibly stupid I guess it hasn't occurred to anyone that the child should be given a name. I still can't get over the idea that Thelma actually seems to love the baby.


Stephe, did you happen to see the post from Feb 6 where we added some luchador pics of Gaspar (El Intocable)? He's an amazing hunk.

Jan Z, although I don't have personal experience with the NovelasRUs website, I have heard that the DVDs are usually good quality. I believe they do NOT have english subtitles. I doubt they are pirated telenovelas. If you haven't already done so, you should post this question on the other telenovela "comments" on Caray Caray and possibly also on the telenovela-world site. I seem to recall hearing that somebody ordered them and were happy with the quality. Good Luck.

And yeah, what's up with not naming the baby? These people are just plain goofy. I'm becoming numb to their stupidities.

Margaret, re: "mihijo" (gigglegigglegiggle). He also could be miamor.

Johanna, I'm with you. It's distinctly un-Thelma to love anything but Thelma. This is throwing me.

Stephe, welcome to the "we love Gaspar" club. No need for shame.

Jeanne (aka in some places as "Grandma")

Yes, Sylvia! :-) My brother and I are big lucha libre fans, and that's where I saw him first. I was shocked when I saw Gaspar, and told myself, "Naaah, couldn't be." But there was Intocable in the credits.

And I must say, he seems to have taken the Gaspar role seriously. On lucha, his face or expressions don't resemble Gaspar's in any way at all. The difference is quite clear.

Ah, Jeanne... thanks for the welcome! Makes me feel all warm and toasty. :)

I just don't trust Thelma or her love. At any moment, she could hoist Mihijo out over that river again. Meh.

Stephe, did you ever see El Intocable fight? Have you ever been to a lucha libre match? I never have but I would love to. I don't think they happen to frequently in northern California, only in Los Angeles. I'm fascinated by the concept of "rudos" and "technicos" and the fact that sometimes a luchador will start out one way and switch to the other side. To me it's like a metaphor for how people really are, good people can do bad things and vice versa. We each embody the "rudo" and the "technico" within ourselves. I also love the masks. As a Cinco de Mayo gift for myself I made an El Santo purse with a pink boa trim. It gets a lot of attention as you might imagine.

Did you happen to catch El Intocable on Bailando? He wasn't that good of a dancer but I thought for an overdeveloped muscle man he was surprisingly nimble and he really seemed to be enjoying himself.




Sylvia--yes, I've seen him fight many times, though not in person yet. A weekly AAA lucha libre show is on Galavision Sunday afternoons around 1 o'clock. He's excellent at what he does and is one of the most popular luchas out there today. I get a real kick out of his ring entrance (the vachero/cowboy thing, the hat, the vest, chaps, and long coat); he shakes what his mama gave him and peels out of those clothes. The women go absolutely INSANE. LOL! But then it's butt-kicking time. (He's always so humble too, in interviews... that and his tenacity in taking on a role like Gaspar is what really makes Rene Gomez the most attractive, I think. But that body don't hurt, honey.)

I have heard rumors that the AAA may be doing a tour this summer; if that's true, they're sure to hit California, so you just might get lucky. ;-)

I too have always been drawn to the good versus evil, black versus white versus gray, protagonist versus antagonist struggle at the heart of lucha, and the characters' motivations as they go back and forth between the lines. Love the masks too--just another layer of personality to uncover, yeah?

I didn't know he was on Bailando until after it was already over. Boo. :(

Oh... didn't mention I'm in Georgia. :)

I don't think I get Galavision. I'll check though and keep my eyes open for the AAA tour this summer. With my luck they'll come to San Jose, CA when I'm on vacation in August. But thanks for the heads up!

This show is shifting into a completely different realm, new horizons, new characters.
Very funny observation about Dario walking slowly, it sure did take him awhile to reach Coral's house. And how true about the locks... What about that?!
We've been in Puebla for a few episodes and I still haven't seen a single cellphone. Is this supposed to be set in another decade?
No Máximo tonight. :( I miss him already. But it's good that Mínimo now holds his former position.
I just feel like slapping Vera, for real.

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