Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Zorro Monday May 21,2007: Where Time-Life Mysteries Books should pay attention and Renzo gets shot..

Meetings this afternoon and most of today prevent me from getting an early posting on last night's Zorro. Pretty much a filler episode, but will give all the details later. Just wanted to let you know not to expect it until early evening. Sorry, end of the school year is always busy and career comes before fun, much to my disappointment.


Auggie tries to get Montero to stop before he flogs Esmeralda by reminding him that Esme is with child, Montero’s child. Since Monty knows that the little one isn’t his, this doesn’t stop him, he whips Esme and demands that she tell him who Zorro really is. Monty knows that Esme knows the masked bandits true identity because since Esme’s “death” Zorro has been extracting revenge on Monty. Esme doesn’t talk, so Monty pulls out the baby card for himself, he tells her to save her baby, tell him who is Zorro. Esme says, no lo sé and even if I did I wouldn’t tell you. Monty hits her some more and she faints. He orders Auggie to get some water to wake her up, and ponders to himself why would Zorro be releasing his wrath on him for Esme. He then makes a new threat to Esme, from now on, every time Z attacks Esme will be the one to pay. Auggie returns with the water and Monty throws it on Esme. She’s revived and he demands to know were she met Zorro and why he helped with Sara Kali’s escape. Esme says she’s not talking and Monty whips her some more.

Meanwhile, at the de la Vega hacienda, Mariangel is trying to convince Diego that she can make him forget Esme. He has some painful flashes of Esme being beaten by Monty, it’s as if he has a psychic connection with her…..remember those Time-Life Mysteries of the Unknown book ads---somewhere on the East coast a twin burns her hand and halfway across the country her sister feels it (cue creepy music, etc.)…OK well anyway, that’s what I’m reminded of from this story line. So Diego feels Esme’s pain and Mangle wants to know what’s going on with him. He tells her he’s going to his room. She’s at a loss and follows him to find out what’s up. He has some more flashes, this time of Pizarro whipping him while Monty forced Esme to watch. Diego is physically pained by this and Mangle sees this and demands to know what’s going on with him. He yells at her to leave him alone. So Mangle goes to find Dolores and tells her that Diego is acting strange and she’s worried about him (ulcer 1). Dolores says no way José is she going to allow another person to get sick in this house, dealing with Almudena is enough! Mangle tells Dolo that Diego wants to be alone, but Dolo doesn’t care what Diego wants, she’s going to see him whether he likes it or not. Dolo finds Diego and realizes that it is Esme he’s upset about. She tells him that she knows he’s suffering and will never forget a love like he shared with Esme. He tells Dolo that he feels as if Esme were still alive. Dolo tells him that is a natural feeling that happens to everyone when someone they love dies.

Agapito is still digging Sara Kali out of her grave. He’s yelling at her to hang on, while he’s got some major torches blazing. I’m sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for Pizarro to pop out from behind that big tree, all the while telling Aga to keep it down and be less obvious.

The Marquessa (MC) tells her secretary (SEC) that she’s going to demand that Monty release Esme’s body. SEC says he heard that Esme fell into a waterfall and they didn’t recover her body. MC says she knows that Monty is lying about that (so take the next step and realize he’s also lying about her being dead!!). MC tells SEC that she’s got to get Esme’s body back for two reasons 1) to give Dena, Al and Diego a chance to lay Esme to rest and have a place to go to grieve, and 2) since they need to find Mercedes/Sara Kali, she’s definitely come to her daughter’s grave. MC goes on to emphasize for the viewing audience that they need to find Mercedes so they can help her get the throne.

Diego finds his father. Alejandro and Diego rehash Fernando’s visit and how MC has taken power from both Monty and FS. Al tells Diego that FS wants Al to negotiate with Monty, and that the trumped up charges against them seem to have been dropped. Diego has another psychic connection with the beaten Esme. He tells Al that he needs to settle this one way or another. Diego adds that he’s going to find Monty and demand that Esme’s body be released. Al is worried (ulcer 2), he doesn’t want Diego to go into town because the dust hasn’t completely settled and some of Monty’s men might not know that Monty’s dropped the charges (makes me think, wasn’t it the War of 1812 when the Battle of New Orleans happened after the war had already been declared to be over?---news travels slowly in these times, unless you are the Marquessa or the writers want to advance the story much more quickly).

Auggie thinks that Monty killed Esme. Monty says that nobody dies from just a few lashes. Auggie asks Monty if he’s thought of the consequences of him beating his wife and child. Monty says don’t call her my wife. Auggie is convinced that Monty has lost his mind.

Fernando goes to see Maria Pia, who is nicely praying the “Hail Mary” with Sister Carola. Carola decides to leave the couple alone (can’t remember if Fernando asked her to leave, or if MP was the one to ask because she decided it was best not to have a witness to her conversation with Fernando). So it is the same old song and dance with these two….You love me-you can’t deny it. I am married to God. Well I read your diary and I know you love me. That was in the past and it’s finished. It will never be over. Respect me and my vows. NO!! You love me, not God. Fernando goes on, begs MP to realize she’s made a mistake and when that doesn’t work he tells her that he’ll be back for her. Their song begins to play.

In the hotel/bar where they have sought refuge, Renzo tries to protect Sister Suplicios (NN) from the slave hunter (SH). He steps in front of NN and Camba and says take me. In typical Renzo fashion his plan is a dud, the SH shoots Renzo and grabs for NN. Possessed Camba flips out and goes after SH. He grabs him by the neck and starts to choke him, ala Darth Vader style in the original Star Wars (you know the shot where they show the feet and the guy being choked, his feet are dangling in the air). Unlike Darth Vader, Camba does not kill his victim, he drops him to the floor and SH gets up and runs away. Camba chases after him and leaves the bar. NN checks on Renzo, and his luck is in, the SH has just as bad of shot as every other character in this show who tries to kill off one of the principle characters. Renzo has, what appears to be, just a shoulder wound. The barkeep yells at NN and Renzo and tells them to get out!!

Olmos is stalking the sorceress, Selenia’s house. He mentions that she’s the one who supposedly put a curse on Olmos’s mother’s womb. He comments that Selenia has white hair but young skin. She’s casting fire spells and stands so close to a hiding Olmos, you think she’s got to hear him, but I can’t tell if she does. Meanwhile, her assistant, Mini Me is running around doing Lord knows what. Olmos adds that he’s going to see if she’s as powerful as they say.

Aga is able to revive Sara Kali and he apologizes for leaving her so long, but Pizarro would not leave (haven’t we all had to deal with people like that, they never seem to pick up the hint to go and they just linger and linger until the only way you can get them to go is put on your pajamas and yawn an awful lot). So Aga tells SK that he’s still got to fill in the grave and SK says get me out of here. Aga says he can’t until she’s stronger, besides the area is surrounded by soldier, they’d be found for sure. Aga goes on to congratulate himself about his plan of giving SK the potion that made her seem dead.

Esme has flashbacks to Diego revealing he was Zorro. Diego, meanwhile, has a dream of Esme’s funeral and him placing a red rose in her hands. She opens her eyes an they kiss. I need to add, is it just me, but doesn’t Diego look a lot older in these scenes, as if the grief is getting to him.

The next day, Diego and Bernardo are walking through town and they notice that the reward offered for Zorro has been increased. Monty comes across the two men and reminds Diego that actually no official agreement has been met between he and Diego’s dad. Diego demands Esme’s body. Monty rehashes his made up story. They go their separate ways and a light bulb goes off, Monty says if Diego wants a body, well then a body he’ll get.

Dena asks Al about Yumali. She says she needs Yumi to help her with her grief over Esme. Dena questions why Yumi left in the first place. Al doesn’t tell her the truth (obviously) instead he says that he can make her happy and comfort her. To convince her some more, he says if I can’t make you smile in the next few days I’ll go find Yumi.

We see Yumi out on her own, putting out a fire and jumping on the back of a horse.

Diego talks to Padre Tomás about Esme and what he felt. This worries PT (ulcer 3). Diego goes on to add that he hates Monty and PT worries some more (I sense another ulcer developing, 4) because he’s afraid this hate will lead to Diego exposing that he is Zorro. PT warns Diego to control his emotions. Diego says I can’t do anything as Diego, but as Zorro I can make Monty pay for his crimes.

Maria Pia meets with Diego and they rehash the recent happenings.

Auggie reports to Piza that Monty beat Esme. Piza doesn’t like to hear how Monty treated the princessa. Piza tells Auggie to let him know immediately if Monty goes after Esme again, because before Monty kills her Piza will kill Monty.

Mangle and Monty meet and rehash Diego’s demand for Esme’s body. Mangle gets testy and says she’s sick of hearing about Esme. Mangle says she’s going and something about a crib for the baby. Monty says he’ll get the crib for his baby. He sweet talks her and says that she and the baby will always be his. This gets Mangle in the mood and the two share a little afternoon delight in the outdoors.

Esme talks to the baby, the same old stuff, soon Diego will be there to save them.

Olmos pays Auggie and they rehash Monty’s treatment of Esme. Auggie says that Zorro must have done something to Monty and then says that he can’t understand why Monty is doing this to his child. Olmos says that Monty only wanted Esme’s money and what a sorry life Esme’s had. Auggie says he wants to help Esme escape. Olmos says why the change. Auggie feels terrible for Esme and doesn’t want her to end up like her mother---to be imprisoned for years by her husband.

Diego rehashes his dream of Esme to Dolo. Dolo compares Dena and Diego and their grief over Esme.

Olmos goes to Selenia for help.

Fernando visits Maria Pia again, this time in her quarters. He says he won’t leave until she tells him that she doesn’t love him (OK I know lying is a sin, but come on MP just lie and say you don’t so we won’t be treated to these highly, now, unoriginal scenes some more).

Dena and Al go for a stroll. They see Yumi arrive back at the hacienda. Dena is happy and Al looks worried (ulcer 5).

Diego asks Bernie to find where Monty keeps his money hidden. Just then SAM (Sgt. Garcia) arrives to inform Diego that Esme’s body has been recovered. END OF EPISODE/ Ulcers = 5


Hi Cathy,
Thanks for your message. There's no need to explain! Whenever your recap is ready, I know it will be a fun read. Good luck getting your real work done.

Marie from Mass

Cathy, thanks! Educators always get swamped at the end. It's happening here, too. We'll look forward to it whenever!

Jeanne (beleaguered administrator who probably spelled that wrong)

Cathy, the recap is terrific, and especially so when one considers what time of the school year it is.

"(makes me think, wasn’t it the War of 1812 when the Battle of New Orleans happened after the war had already been declared to be over?---news travels slowly in these times, unless you are the Marquessa or the writers want to advance the story much more quickly)." YES, ma'am! When I was young there was a song that started "In 1814 we took a little trip, along with Colonel Jackson down the Mighty Mississip. Etc." It talks about the Battle of NO that was fought a LONG time after the Wa-wa. It's been a long time, so the line could have been "In 1813" but basically the rest is the same. The battle was actually fought in what is now Metairie, if I recall correctly. Hubby and I have spent a good deal of time there as he has family in LA.


For anyone who is interested in how slowly news travels, the wa-wa was over and the Battle Of New Orleans was fought after the truce was completed. Here's the song:

In eighteen-fourteen we took a little trip
Along with Colonel Jackson down the might Mississipp'
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we caught the bloody British in the town of New Orleans

We fired our guns and the British kept a comin'
There wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago
We fired once more and they began to runnin'
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

We looked down the river and we seed the British come
And there must've been a hundred of 'em beatin' on the drum
They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring
We stood beside our cotton bales, didn't say a thing

We fired . . .

Old Hickory said we could take 'em by surprise
If we didn't fire muskets till we looked 'em in the eye
We held our fire till we seed their faces well
Then we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave 'em well

We fired . . .

Yeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch 'em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

We fired our cannon till the barrel melted down
So we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round
We filled his head with cannonballs and powdered his behind
And when we touched the powder off the 'gator lost his mind

We fired . . .

They ran . . .

I said at the very beginning of this novela that we needed a dwarf and now we have one.

Wasn't it rather risky for Mangle and Montero to carry on in the open where anyone could have seen them? Apparently, nobody did see them but still...

Cathy, the recap was well worth the wait, thanks! My sister is a high school teacher and I know how busy it is for you folks right now.

Wonderful, wonderful! Now I'm up to date & I really enjoyed the recaps. Appreciate that you recappers are trying to live 2 lives.

Now about the Battle of New O. - it wasn't fought in Metairie (a burb of New O.),Jeanne, rather it was fought in Chalmette which is near but SE of New O. It's now part of our U.S. Nat. Park Service. As I posted a few days ago, the history (& present!)of New O. and environs proves that truth is stranger than fiction.

Thanks for the clairification!
- AliceC (New O. native now living 50 miles north of the city)

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