Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Juan Querendon 6/26 Nidia loses again, Mareli declares war and Juan finds his girl

It’s an exciting day! It’s our first full hour of Juan Q! I have some more good news. According to esmas.com, Juan has been extended to last for a full year! This means we’ve got plenty of time for Juan to whip out those hot orange shorts.

On to the show…

Never mind, don’t need the orange shorts. The turquoise boxers will do.

Paula sits in her room and CL lays in his. They both go over the argument from earlier in the day. Paula half smiles to herself.

The Cachon family moves out to their front porch. Alirio silences the mariachis and rushes over to Nidia. He drunkenly greets her with a kiss on the hand. She asks him if he’s lost a screw. He replies that he is crazy – crazy for her! Nidia points out that her husband has just recently passed away. She demands that he and his music remove themselves from her lawn. She tells him never to return, especially in a drunken state. Alirio protests. Nidia comes back just to tell him that the one who liked mariachis was her husband, may he rest in peace, not her. The family go backs into the house, minus Juan. Alirio dismisses the mariachis.

Juan pulls Alirio over to the bushes and decides its time for some advice about women. Oh boy! Alirio tells Juan that he has lived his life for Nidia. And for what? Juan says he doesn’t know what Alirio wants him to say. He’s lived the same thing. Alirio stands and yells at the house that she (Nidia) will agree with him. Juan tries to quiet him and for a thank you gets pulled back over the bush where they were just sitting. He pulls Alirio back to a sitting position. Alirio stands on his own again and screams about how he won’t be rejected like that. He pulls Juan to his side and “whispers” that he knows things about Nidia that she would not want the public to hear. Juan says that gentlemen shouldn’t say such things about a lady. Juan encourages Alirio to leave and to go rest. Alirio cries that he just wanted to have a moment with Nidia. Mareli peers from her windows to watch the desperate scene. Juan continues to encourage Alirio to leave. He catches Mareli watching, but she quickly pulls back into her room once she’s discovered.

It’s morning and Enrique is ready for the futbol game. Enrique wants Juan to go, but he can’t. Yadira enters the room in an interesting little outfit. Enrique wants to know if she thinks she’s going to the stadium. Yadira wants to know why he said that. Is there a problem! Enrique thinks she looks like a centerfold. He wants her to change her clothes. Yadira replies that she’s going dressed like or she’s going alone. I don’t think I’m supposed to like her character, but I can’t help that a “you go girl” ran through my head. Enrique takes his leave of Juan.

Mareli enters the room next. Juan asks if she’s going with her sister because he wants to talk about what happened last night. Mareli ignores Juan and walks right past him without saying a word. Juan talks to a statue instead. All he wanted to say was that he like football and that he likes her. The statue gets some lip action.

Nidia watches from the window while Yadira and Enrique board the bus for the game. Mareli passes on the sidewalk on top of the case. Nidia smiles and goes back into the house. She calls to Juan to have him do her a favor. Juan tells the statue that its boss is calling. He begrudgingly walks up the stairs.

Ha! I just noticed that Nidia has in her room a picture of herself in a sexy pose. What a narcissist! I love it! Juan knocks and Nidia tells him to enter. The room is empty, so he looks for Nidia under the bed. She calls him to the bathroom and he opens the door to see a very naked Nidia taking a very sexy bubble bath.

Ana leaves the house, but not before Paula can ask where she’s going. Ana says she’s taking flowers to Paula’s father’s grave. Ana asks if Paula’s planning on going out. Paula says that she’s not because she wants to have Saturday for rest. Ana says she won’t be long and they can eat together afterward. Paula asks if Ana would like some company. Ana asks if Paula wants to go. Paula replies that it will take her ten minutes to clean up. She rushes up the stairs to her room.

Juan joyously notes that there’s a pool in the bathroom. He asks Nidia for what she wants. She throws the sponge at him and asks him to scrub her back and to um, close the door. Juan closes the door with his foot. He turns his head away and holds out a back brush. Nidia grabs the brush part from him and tells him not to be silly; he knows what she wants. This time he holds out the stick with a loofah attached to the end. He tells Nidia that he’ll be late to the market. Nidia gets straight to the point and asks Juan to make love to her. She stands while he turns away and holds her bathrobe towards her. He asks what about her daughters. She thinks he’s too worried; the girls are away. Juan backs out of the room while Nidia prowls after him and tells him that they’re alone all day to do their thing. Juan clutches the dresser in resistance. Nidia throws her bathrobe over Juan’s face.

Oops, Mareli must have forgot something. She’s walking outside back toward the house. Inside, Juan pulls the bathrobe off of his head and quickly gives it back to Nidia. She asks him why he’s being so difficult. Juan says that it’s no good. Nidia crawls onto the bed and points out that it’s been a long time since she’s had a passionate moment. Years, really! There was no intimacy with her husband. She needs more; a man with imagination. A man like Juan! Nidia says that she’s now free to love and be loved. She stalks Juan like prey and tells him to give it to her. He rushes away and says that they’re going to fast. She’s a new widow. She grabs his face and asks him if he wants her. Juan scrunches his face.

Mareli’s in the house now, and she’s walking up the stairs. Juan pulls away from Nidia again and tells her that he has much respect for her, with all she’s done for him. Nidia says that she’s not talking about respect. She’s talking about respect. Nidia pulls Juan to the bed. She talks about her daughters, and how much she’s given them. Nidia rubs Juan’s belly and says that it’s now her turn.

Mareli approaches her bedroom door and overhears Juan telling Nidia that they should wait a while. Nidia asks if he’s saying this because of Mareli. J – “Among other thins!” Mareli listens at the door. Nidia tells Juan not to pay attention to Mareli. Juan continues to protest while Nidia goes to town. Mareli bursts into the door. She looks with disgust at her mother and with I’m-not-sure-what-that-look-means at Juan. Seriously, would your first instinct after hearing that conversation through your mothers door be to burst into the room? Me either!

Nidia guiltily asks Mareli if she’s not at the movies. Mareli accuses her mother of having no shame for trying to get it on in the same bed Nidia shared with Mareli’s father. Juan tries to say that it wasn’t how it appeared, but Mareli yells at him to shut up. Mareli tells her mother that she can do what she wants with her life, but to please have a little respect for Samuel’s memory. Juan starts to protest again, but Nidia pulls out the ace. She and Juan are in love. Juan’s reaction is not a happy one. Mareli says that at times she doesn’t know what to think about her mother. Nidia doesn’t really care what Mareli thinks. Mareli says she knows, looks at Juan with disgust and exits the room.

Nidia coyly looks at Juan and says that they’ve been caught. Now they have to get married.

Mareli goes to Samuel’s office and looks at a photo of Samuel and Nidia. She cries and affectionately says “father.”

Juan’s mad and he lets Nidia have it. This is what he was talking about! Who knows what Nidia’s daughter is thinking! Nidia doesn’t think that’s important. Besides, Mareli acts more like Nidia’s daughter. Juan says that Mareli needs Nidia and that she speaks with reason. Nidia replies that that is all pretext. What’s important is that now Juan doesn’t want her. Juan thinks that Nidia needs to go to her daughter and fix things. Nidia wants to fix things with Juan first. Juan practically begs her to understand that there is nothing between them. Nidia says she won’t give up on them so easily. Nidia says that they can leave things as they are for now and she will go speak with her daughter. Juan backs himself out of the room.

Juan knocks on the office door and enters to speak with Mareli. Mareli says she doesn’t want details. Juan tries to explain that Nidia called to him to do a favor, but Mareli cuts him off. She tells Juan that she doesn’t believe anything he says. Even if she’s wrong, he’s an opportunist. He’s using a desperate woman, Mareli’s mother. Mareli asks if Juan wants to be in her bed as well. Juan protests. Mareli says that Juan needs to come down from his cloud and understand that they will never be anything but enemies. She gets up and leaves him alone in the office. Juan thinks to himself that Mareli is like this because she’s jealous.

Ana and Paula place flowers on Samuel’s grave. Ana points out that nobody has been to visit the gravesite. Paula replies that the only important thing to that family is there inheritance. Ana says that she’s happy that Paula is there and that Paula and Samuel resolved their differences. P – “Too late.” The ladies continue to fix the grave with new flowers.

Yadira and Enrique are at the stadium watching the game. Some men behind Yadira have been insulting her for the last half hour. She’s upset because Enrique has done nothing about it. Enrique thinks that she should expect it, dressed like that. Yadira calls Enrique a coward. The men tell her to shut up so they can watch; she turns and defends herself. Enrique continues to watch the game. They insult some more and she smacks Enrique’s arm. He stands to defend her and gets pushed around by the men. The group starts to fist fight. Some woman starts to fight with Yadira.

Juan comes down the stairs just as Enrique and Yadira enter the house. Yadira yells at Enrique that the whole thing is his fault. Juan looks at Enrique’s eye. Mareli enters and asks what happened. Yadira explains that Enrique defended her. Mareli tells Yadira that they need to speak. Yadira doesn’t want to do it right now, but she leaves the room with Mareli anyway.

They go to Samuel’s office. Mareli announces that she wants to talk about Juan. Yadira replies that she thinks Juan likes Mareli. That’s not what Mareli wants to discuss. She tells Yadira that Juan was in bed with their mother. Yadira doesn’t seem to care. This throws Mareli into a tizzy. As a matter of fact, Yadira thinks it’s perfectly fine and natural. Mareli thinks he’s taking advantage of their mother. Yadira wants to know how, considering they’re broke. She tells Mareli to get accustomed to seeing Juan around. Her mother won’t easily let him go.

Just so you know, today is Sunday!

Juan walks into the kitchen and sees Mareli washing dishes. He stomps his foot on the floor. She jumps, sets down the dish and charges out of the room. He stomps his foot again and follows her.

There’s a strange cut and now Juan is in the bar area with Enrique. They’re walking toward the back of the house when Nidia calls to Juan. She gestures for him to come to her. Instead, he and Enrique go to the bus.

Juan’s driving and he’s doing it fairly well.

Next, we see him in his “pajamas” in his room. He hears footsteps and covers himself. Nidia enters and does a sexy dance. Juan pretends to be snoring. Nidia leaves, frustrated.

Now it’s Monday!

The women eat breakfast. Juan comes into the dining room wearing a new suit. The ladies, minus Mareli, love it. Juan notices the effect it has on the women and that it doesn’t seem to get any type of reaction out of Mareli.

Paula walks into her office at Farrell Industries. She’s zipped up the jacket, but pulled up the skirt. CL waits greets her. He knew she would return. He says that he won’t bother her anymore and then he leaves. Paula looks a little unconfident.

Yadira and Nidia escort Juan out of the mansion. This makes Juan feel like a real man of the house. Yadira watches from her window, but pulls away when Juan waives. Enrique sees Juan and is impressed by the suit as well. The women do their best Miss Universe waive good-bye.

Pastor sits in his office and looks at his grooming kit. He prepares himself for Juan’s arrival. Someone knocks on the door. It’s Paula and she wants to know who authorized a certain purchase that she finds strange. Pastor doesn’t seem concerned. Yes, it was expensive and there was some concern but the commercial vice president decided to go this direction. CL should be signing it right now.

Paula bursts into CL’s office and says that she really needs to speak with him. Paula shows CL the estimates for the packing machine and that the company will purchase the most expensive. CL reviews the document and scoffs. He can’t believe that he almost signed the authorization. Paula tells CL that the vice president made this decision. CL picks up the phone and calls Pastor to his office.

Juan walks around the lobby of Farrell Industries. He sees how people look at him in that suit, especially Pastor. Pastor effusively compliments Juan’s look. Juan thinks to himself that Pastor is just like Nidia. He’s only seen Juan once and has already decided that Juan is the man of his (Pastor’s) life. Pastor says that Juan needs to wait in the lobby. Pastor leans over to Yvonne and tells her to get Juan some coffee. Juan sees everyone looking and knows that they all think he’s Pastors new “friend”. He walks to Yvonne and tells her that he doesn’t like coffee. Juan also tells her that he dreamed about her last night. I – “Good dreams or bad ones.” Juan gives her the whatever you prefer answer. She smiles and asks if he wants some tea. He says he would.

Back at the house, Yadira opens the front door to find Alirio and a whole lot of roses. He wants to speak with Nidia. Yadira says that Nidia’s not there; she went to a beauty salon. She allows Alirio to come into the house so that she can explain some things. They sit and Yadira tells Alirio that Nidia is in love. Alirio is impactado. He wants the details. Yadira tells Alirio that the man is Juan. Alirio proceeds to kill the roses and the coffee table.

CL gives it to Pastor. These things are supposed by looked at by the accounting. Pastor replies that they were in a rush. CL doesn’t like this answer and tells Pastor to bring Gomez immediately. Pastor rushes from the office. Paula tells CL that she doesn’t want to get anyone in trouble. CL replies that this man gets himself into his own trouble. Paula gets up to leave. CL says that it’s lucky he has her to count on. Paula asks if she can continue working with him. He says of course; everything is forgotten. She agrees.

Pastor stands in the lobby and explains to Juan that there’s been a problem. He asks Juan to go find Fernando who Juan is replacing. Pastor slightly describes Fernando but then remembers that Juan has already met the man. Juan leaves to find Fernando. Pastor goes to Yvonne and tells her to find Gomez.

Juan quickly finds Fernando. He tells Fernando that Pastor wants Fernando to explain the job. Fernando asks if Pastor was going to explain the job. Juan says that he was, but Fernando has more time. Fernando responds that the only responsibility is to take the boss wherever he wants. Juan notices that Fernando is a little frigid and decides to warm things up. He pats Fernando on the back. Fernando doesn’t like this. He doesn’t want to make Pastor jealous. Juan says that he doesn’t understand, but Fernando thinks that Juan does understand. Once Fernando leaves, Juan thinks to himself that this has gone from bad to worse. Everyone thinks that he’s Pastor’s new “friend”.

CL stands in his office and let’s Gomez have it. Gomez says that he’s offended. CL replies that Gomez is not offended; he’s fired. Gomez threatens CL but CL points out that this paper allows him to accuse Gomez of fraud. Gomez leaves the office.

Gomez goes to Paula’s office and sarcastically thanks her. He accuses her of taking care of her own “interests”. She orders him out of the office, but he won’t leave without giving a piece of advice. He tells her to be careful of CL. He’s always the same with women like her. Pastor enters the office and tells Paula to go to CL. Gomez sarcastically tells Paula to go get her prize. She stomps out of the office.

Pastor and Paula enter CL’s office. CL says that Gomez’s error almost cost them a fortune. Paula says that maybe it was unintentional. CL doesn’t care; Gomez is fired. CL says that he needs to quickly fill this position. He’s putting someone there who has his utmost confidence. Pastor thinks this means him. He gives his best acceptance speech. CL corrects Pastor and says that he’s talking about Paula. He congratulates Paula with a kiss on the cheek. She looks a little unsure.

Juan sits in the Mercedes and familiarizes himself with all the gadgets. Juan brushes a button and sets off the car alarm. Fernando rushes over and tells Juan to be careful. The alarm system is connected directly with the police. Fernando asks if Juan has ever driven a car like that. J – “Yes, of course!” F – “It doesn’t appear that way.” Juan replies that all the cars he’s driven had the alarm on the other side. Fernando says that all of these cars have the alarm in the same spot. Juan shrugs.

CL tells Pastor that now that Paula is Vice President, she should have Gomez’s car. Pastor says that car doesn’t have a chauffer. He inserts that he hired Juan as a temporary driver. CL says that Pastor should look for another driver. CL turns to Paula and says that he’ll explain the job to her tomorrow. He does not want her to deceive him. She assures him that she won’t. They all go their separate days.

Pastor complains to Paula that he’s worked in the company twenty years and this is how they pay him. Paula asks if her promotion bothers Pastor. He says yes. She thanks him for his frankness. He tells her that in Mexico a pair of legs can do more than years of experience. He wants to know what he’s implying. He retorts that everyone knows about CL. Paula says that it’s different with her. Pastor will never again doubt her integrity! The whole office watches the confrontation.

Fernando asks Pastor why he can’t go on vacation. Pastor explains that Fernando doesn’t have a replacement. Fernando wants to know about Juan. Pastor says that Juan will be the vice president’s chauffer. Fernando replies that Gomez never had a chauffer. Pastor tells Fernando that Gomez was fired. Fernando asks who is the new vice president.

Paula sits in her office, talking on the phone. She tells her mother that Paula’s the new vice president. This will bring the family a lot of money. Ana’s more worried about CL. Paula says that she’ll tell her mom the details later. Ana congratulates her daughter, but seems pensive.

Juan and Pastor exit the elevator. Pastor tells Juan to get more appropriate shoes to go with suit. Juan says he doesn’t have the money. Pastor replies that the new shoes will be a gift. Pastor rushes Juan to meet his new boss. They need to hurry because the old lady is unbearable.

Juan walks through the office and seductively looks at Yvonne. Pastor enters Paula’s office and asks for orders for the chauffer. Paula tells him to have the driver wait for her; she’s going to her house to eat.

Juan waits for a long time in the lobby. He’s sure that his boss will be fat and quarrelsome. He sees his beautiful angel, the love of his loves. He admires Paula from across the office.
The name of the little ditty they play is called "Palomita" by Eduardo Antonio.

Just so you know, any resemblance to real events is pure coincidence.

Tomorrow: A lot of Juan staring at Paula


Amanda, thanks so much for the wonderful recap! I didn’t get to see this one, so I’m glad for the nice details in the recap. Juan Q is extended? More and more that’s sounding like a Very Good Thing…..or looking like a Very Good Thing….

“He catches Mareli watching, but she quickly pulls back into her room once she’s discovered.” I dunno what her problem is. None of the rest of us have any problems looking at Juan in his drawers. Or his orange shorts, as you note.

“Enrique thinks she looks like a centerfold. He wants her to change her clothes. Yadira replies that she’s going dressed like or she’s going alone. I don’t think I’m supposed to like her character, but I can’t help that a “you go girl” ran through my head.” LOL! Yadira has some good points, no question.

“Juan continues to protest while Nidia goes to town. Mareli bursts into the door. She looks with disgust at her mother and with I’m-not-sure-what-that-look-means at Juan. Seriously, would your first instinct after hearing that conversation through your mothers door be to burst into the room?” At least Mareli heard her mother being a sleaze. At least she doesn’t think this is all Juan’s fault. I can only thank goodness this conversation would never, ever be overheard through my elderly mother’s door. Whew.

“Juan starts to protest again, but Nidia pulls out the ace. She and Juan are in love. Juan’s reaction is not a happy one.” Nidia is nothing if not totally tacky and tasteless. Here’s yet another example.

“Nidia coyly looks at Juan and says that they’ve been caught. Now they have to get married.” Oh, brother (giant eye roll).

“Juan thinks to himself that Mareli is like this because she’s jealous.” Juan obviously has never thought about what would happen if he found his mother with a young stud like himself. It’s a totally foreign concept, and Mareli maybe jealous or she may just not want to think of her mother that way. Like most of us.

“She’s zipped up the jacket, but pulled up the skirt.” Well, she’s getting there. At least she’s taken care of the part he’s most likely to examine closely at near point.

“He walks to Yvonne and tells her that he doesn’t like coffee. Juan also tells her that he dreamed about her last night. I – “Good dreams or bad ones.” Juan gives her the whatever you prefer answer. She smiles and asks if he wants some tea. He says he would.” What a great strategic move! He’s laced Ivonne’s thoughts with doubts about whether he’ll go along with Pastor’s ideas, but she doesn’t have anything really concrete to report to Pastor about Juan’s leanings……

“He congratulates Paula with a kiss on the cheek. She looks a little unsure.” I have had bosses who hugged me, but if any of them kissed me on the cheek I’d be truly alarmed. Obviously there aren’t strict harassment laws in Mexico that there are here.

All in all, another amusing epi of Yo Amo Juan Q, and another great recap.


One more thing, just so it's fresh here in everyone's minds....I need subs July 6, 13 and 20 while I am on vacation. If no one's available those Fridays, I'll post a header and everyone can comment.

Cheers, all!


I think Juan is an admirable replacement for Fern.

Can someone please tell me what Juan has sticking out of the waistband of his pants?

I'm still not sure about this show. Juan is amusing and good looking, but I don't get this thing with Nidia. He could just push her away, but he doesn't, why? Because he doesn't want to upset the apple cart or just to give us bawdy comedy? It doesn't really work for me.

Is he supposed to be in love with both Mareli and Paula? If so, how will they reconcile that? Isn't the hero supposed to have only one great love?

PLEASE someone help me with this! I am just tuning in for the first time to this novela and I am looking for some quick summary to help me catch up--I mean like a 2 page summary somewhere online where maybe it gives photos of the main characters so I can follow along. I remember seeing that type of summary in the past with Alborada. It is so helpful to see photos with names of main characters. CAN ANYONE HELP ME FIND something like this online so I can start watching? This looks like it could be a good substitute for FEA- well I don't know about "good" but an adequate substitute!
HOWEVER, I tried watching a little last night and noticed that it is not quite as easy to follow as Fea if you are not really fluent in Spanish--seems like some characters use a lot of very colloquial expressions- Is that my imagination?
Muchas gracias por adelantado!

Anon 11:19, you are absolutely right, they use a great deal of local lingo. It's a real challenge for us non-native speakers. That's especially true for recapping.

If you go to the Caray! Caray! sidebar where the recap teams are listed, and under the list of recappers for Yo Amo a Juan, you'll see "Querendón recaps." Click on that and one of the first items you'll see in the list is the synopis with pix of the characters.

Juan definitely is going to be a nice substitute for LFMB. Not a total replacement, nothing can be, but it'll be a good follow-up. Not much murder or mayhem, it looks like. Lots of amusing interactions.


Wow – things got a lot more interesting now that we’re in the office. I like the anonymous workers in the background taking it all in with eyebrows raised.

My question: In front of the house, how did Juan and the lawyer sit on the bushes without falling through?

Great recap!

Someone mentioned that Erique is the "Tomas" of Juan Querendon. If that is the case than Pastor is the "Alicia". The grooming kit truely reminded me of Alicia and her make up tray.

I am starting to really like this show. Nidia( The break out star IMHO)and Juan's body of a god, is what's doing it me.

Dear Anonymous:

Melinama (the blog mom) posted a summary before the show started. Scroll back to the beginning of the Querendon recaps, and you will find it.

As for the colloquialisms, you are right. A number of posters have noted this issue.

Having worked in HR in a past life, I must say the way they behave at work makes my skin crawl.

Fantastic recap Amanda. I had many chuckles throughout. I haven't had time to watch this episode yet but after reading your recap I know I cannot miss it. Oh, and I would never miss JQ in turquoise trunks. That guy manages to look sexy in the wackiest outfits. Hubba hubba.

Absolutely, Sylvia....as a school administrator, the work ethic of most of the telenovela workplaces gives me shivers. The harassment, etc., is even worse.

OTOH, I like the turquoise boxers with the little red hearts. I guess it's all a wash.


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