Sunday, June 03, 2007

Duelo June 1 - The end is coming, for us soon and a character today.

While Rodrigo is mashing on Alina, his daughter comes in and catches them in the act. She is pissed. She yells that Alina isn’t her mom and she needs to get out.

Luba checks Gaspar for injuries. She tells him that they can’t return. She explains how everyone is riled up to kill them.

Rodrigo tries to explain to his daughter, but she just yells for Alina to get out. Alina offers to try and talk to the girl. Rodrigo wants an answer to his declaration that he wants to be with Alina forever, she says they’ll talk later. She goes to the girl’s room and begs her to lighten up already. I think this girl was in Suenos y Caramelos, my wife and son watched that every day last year. I think it’s the same girl. Alina tries to be nice to the girl, the girl just yells at her to leave.

Tina comes home and Rodrigo tells her what happened with Alina. Tina thinks it’s good that the girl saw, she won’t harbor any illusions.

Luba explains further to Gaspar that the people at LR want to kill them because of Alina’s death, they don’t know she is still alive.

Alina comes back and tells Rodrigo that the girl wouldn’t talk to her. She acts very knowledgeable about children, who knows how she knows anything about that. Rodrigo wants an answer to his lovey dovey kissy kissy, Alina says it’s better to just leave it this way, there can’t be anything between the two of them. Great. Alina can have non-relationship relationships with TWO guys now. Three if you count Angel.

Ifgenio bursts into the kitchen to talk to Vera and Mexican Larry. He says there are people by Alina’s grave and they look like they are from the city. Vera says finally someone is investigating whether or not her death was natural. They run off to go tell those people what they think they know about all that.

Rodrigo rightly assumes that Alina is bailing out because of her ‘past love’. She won’t talk about it, Rodrigo says he knows about it from Elias. She says she doesn’t know if the old love is over or not. Rodrigo is a little pushy about them getting together, Alina whines and moans and tries to turn him down. Then she says she’s not good enough. Finally she says fine, we can be together. I didn’t realize that was how these decisions were made.

Emiliooo sits at an outdoor café with a cigar. He tries to look dramatic while he thinks about Alina. He really does that a lot, where he goes to super extra effort to strike some kind of pensive or dramatic pose. It might work if he didn’t take like 5 full seconds getting the look together first.

Elias and Soledad talk about how they are going to court tomorrow. Soledad looks at Elias funny, I can’t tell if she is happy or if she feels nervous being alone in a room with him.

Alina and Rodrigo walk arm in arm through some outdoor area, I expect that they will happen to run into Emiliooo. Nope, they decide to go inside, but there is Emilioooo with his back to the door, being dramatic. They sit and order coffee. Emiliooo outside gets up to leave. Rodrigo pushes Alina some more to spill her sad story. Cripes dude give it a rest. Alina gets up to go to the bathroom. After she leaves, Emiliooo walks by and sees Rodrigo. They greet each other happily. They sit down and start talking. What’s up, how’s it going, they catch up. Alina comes out of the bathroom and sees Emiliooo’s back and hides. Emiliooo leaves, then Alina comes back out, trying to look normal. Rodrigo can tell, but she says she’s ok. She says she knows Emiliooo and says he was someone important to her, but of course that’s all she’ll say. Rodrigo is no dummy, he has that look on his face that all guys get when some girl they like refers to some other guy as “we were good friends” or “we went out a couple times.” Rodrigo knows how to read between those lines, obviously. He didn’t look happy at all.

Wet dog Angel enters Coral’s place. What’s up with his horrible new look? He didn’t look pitiful enough before, now he has to look like he just almost drowned? Ugh it’s horrible. Angel says Emilioooo saw him here, what if he sees Alina, oh my god, what are they going to do, etc etc. Coral says whatever she’ll take care of it. Whiny Angel can move on to worrying about something else. Some pretty girl knocks on the door and say she’s here about the ad in the paper, Angel just stares at her, thankfully we don’t get the camera angle that shows his pants tenting out. Coral sees him drooling and tells him to take hike, but nicely. He gets the hint finally and leaves.

Gasca is visiting Don Loco, Gasca is upset that DL doesn’t have his money, or something like that I think. I never understand the DL/Gasca jail conversations. They argue, that’s all I can figure out, then DL says that Elias has to be handled and tells his lawyer to give Gasca some money.

Alina says again she doesn’t want to talk about Emiliooo. Whatever.

Don Max gets out of a taxi outside Coral’s house, he is impressed.

Rodrigo tells Alina that he was telling someone about her today, all good things, she wants to meet her, so tonight they should all get together for dinner. Alina agrees.

Soledad asks Max what he’s doing here. He says he didn’t expect to find her there, at Coral’s house.

Vera, ML, and Ifgenio watch the people digging up Alina’s grave, they finally muster up the guts to go confront them.

Soledad tells Max to leave. He’s looking for Coral but she isn’t home. He wants to have a drink and talk to Soledad, she again tells him to leave. He rambles on about nothing. He tries to butter her up, but she isn’t having it. He tries to put some moves on her, finally he grabs her and she screams to let her go. Max has it in him to be a rapist after all, I guess.

Vera, ML and Iffy apparently lost their nerve, they are closer, but still just watching. The workers pull out the casket. It’s extremely white for having been underground. They pop the top, of course it’s empty. Vera faints. She’s a wuss.

Coral finally arrives in time to help Soledad. Max ends up smacking Coral down on the floor, Soledad defends herself with a fireplace poker. She has it pointed at Max. Meanwhile, Coral on the floor, wraps her legs around Max’s ankles and tips him forward. He impales himself on the poker. We get a commercial break to let us think about if he’s really dead or not.

Oh he’s dead all right. The poker went clean through him, he has blood gushing out of his mouth, he finally keels over completely dead. Well, Santos and Hottie Mom should be pleased with this outcome. Coral verifies that he’s dead by checking his pulse. 4 pints of blood on the floor didn’t convince you?

Ifgenio tells one of the grave-digger-uppers all about the witch (Luba) that obviously has something to do with Alina’s body being missing. The guy wants to know where this witch is.

Coral cries and whines, “What are we going to do?” Um, how about call the cops and tell the truth? Nah that would never work. Soledad cries that she didn’t mean to do it. Just then Adela comes in with groceries, so that she could dramatically drop them in shock. Coral says they should just hide the body. Soledad finally says they should call the cops, she starts to dial the phone.

ML, Vera, and Iffy tell the dudes that they will agree to help accuse the witch.

Coral vows to back up Soledad’s story when the cops come. Adela just sits on the couch freaking out.

Back at the ranch, Thelma vows to her Singing Aunt that Alina, if she’s alive, will not stand in her way. She says something about dinner with Rodrigo. Emiliooo, who was walking in, overhears and wants to know what’s up.

Meanwhile Alina and Rodrigo are just now exiting the café. I was wondering how Emiliooo got back to SE so fast, but then I remember that they are all back in Puebla now. Ohhh it’s all coming together now – this friend that Rodrigo is referring to must be Thelma. Sorry, I haven’t been able to keep up with the story this week. I’m flying somewhat blind, I don’t know what happened since last Friday. I have to tell you that it is surprisingly easy to just pick back up a week later without knowing what happened. I mean AMAZINGLY easy. That’s not a good thing. Maybe they do that on purpose so people will still watch the show if they miss a day or two, but it makes for dull, repetitive episodes. As we all well know. Rodrigo tells Alina to invite her mother along to dinner too. Alina quickly spills all of her mother’s private business to this guy, about DL and his jealousy problem. Now Rodrigo has ANOTHER friend, who has a patient with the same jealosy problem. This is the crazy shrink chick, right? So everybody knows everybody else.

Thelma says she met Rodrigo at a club or something and he invited her and a friend out to dinner. Emiliooo says he just saw Rod and he never mentioned about having dinner with Thelma. She says she didn’t get a chance to tell him that she and Emiliooo are married, Emiliooo says then he’ll be surprised when we show up together! Thelma makes excuses, but Emiliooo says as the husband he has to go.

Rodrigo’s cell phone rings, he tells whoever is on the other end that he’ll be there right away. It was Coral. They leave to go to the house. Alina is fighting another great battle with yet another tight low cut shirt.

Don Loco lays on his bed and mumbles in his sleep. In his dream then, I’m assuming, some high heels walk to his cell and the door opens. Some woman with boobs all over the place is in a nightgown and enters his cell. Is this the crazy shrink chick? DL totally stares at her boobs before looking back up at her face. Well, he has been in prison after all. They start making out. Is it just me being a guy, or does every love scene involving Don Loco totally freak you out too? The lady’s face turns into Soledad’s face (of course) and she starts accusing him of cheating on her. He freaks out and wakes up. Yawn.

The cops ask Soledad what happened, there is a CSI guy there taking pictures. Hey, that would make this show way better – they could have a CSI style episode to solve the Don Max murder. Then they could look at all the evidence in Alina’s empty grave. With all the shooting that has gone on here (See Carmel’s Trying To Translate blog for details on that) there would be a lot for the forensics team to work on. Oh well we can dream. Soledad explains briefly what happened, the cop says they have to lock her up for now. Coral freaks out and says that’s crazy, if anyone should be locked up it would be her, for pushing Max onto the poker. Soledad stares at her, apparently ready to let her take the fall for it.

SA and Thelma try to figure out how to keep Emiliooo away from the dinner.

Soledad actually does try to argue with Coral, but Coral insists that SHE is the one who accidentally killed Max. Does she know that Don Loco is in jail and that maybe Soledad would run into him if she ends up there? Soledad finally says no, she has to tell the truth, SHE is the one who killed Max. As she’s saying this, Alina walks in and says “uh, what, Mom? You killed him? Why?” Soledad tells her what happened. She also rightly says that she has to tell the truth. One cop puts cuffs on Soledad, in spite of Rodrigo saying it isn’t necessary. Alina starts ugly crying. She is a fantastic ugly crier, nobody that hot should be able to cry that ugly.

Emiliooo tells a coughing Angel that this whole dinner thing is very strange. Nice work Sherlock.

Coral gives her statement at the police statement, Alina whines about not getting to see her mom. Coral comes out, Adela goes in to give her statement. Elias shows up and is immediately ready to go after Max when he hears about the attempted rape, but Alina tells him that Max is already dead. Alina frets some more. Rodrigo says he’ll make sure she is treated well. Elias wants to know why Max was in Puebla in the first place. He thinks it will be easy for Soledad to get out of jail, everyone knows that Max is a louse.

DL dreams that he is going to open the box, but Luba stops him. She says if he opens it he’ll go crazy. He wakes up screaming that he’s not crazy. Yelling to an empty room. Some guards enter, he starts yelling at them that he isn’t crazy. Sure dude, whatever you say.

Soledad sits in her cell with some crazy lady and worries about being locked up. The crazy lade wants her to drink with her. Crazy lady drinks from her bottle and belches. Nice. The crazy lady calls her ‘fresita’ but I don’t know what that means.

Coral and Adela try and get Alina to calm down. I think Alina is happy to have something useless to worry about again. It completes her. Coral tells Alina that Emiliooo is coming to her house the next day so Alina can’t be there.

Elias visits Soledad, she actually grabs his hands. Oh SURE now that you’re locked up and you need help, NOW you’re nice to this guy. So fake. Whatever Soledad, as soon as you’re out you’ll get all too good for him again. I know your type. She even says he is her only true friend. What a user.

Crazy shrink, with her boobs under wraps this time, asks DL about his dream. He admits that the doctor was in the vision he had. She wants details, he starts trying to run his hand up her skirt. She stands up but has to admit to him that she has had the same thoughts. They whisper to each other and start making out. Puke city. We get the impression that they lay down, thankfully the scene changes before we have to see that.

DL is suddenly sitting at a table with Alfonsina, who unfortunately has all of her talents under wraps as well. She is there trying to badmouth Hugo. DL says he needs Hugo, so that he’ll help DL. Alfonsina says she’ll help too. He says he doesn’t know who to trust, she insists that she’s on his side. She tells him she has always loved him. The crazy shrink chick hears this last part – what is it with people always walking in to hear the end of a conversation? Super duper cliché alert here. Cripes. Anyway, she overhears and DL tries to act all casual about it, meanwhile the crazy shrink chick and Alfonsina stare each other down. Maybe they need to have some sort of naked wrestling match or something? I’ll make sure to check out Monday’s episode if that’s what happens.

Monday – Rodrigo tells Emiliooo, Thelma, and SA that Max was killed. SA is muy impactada. Angel was there too apparently, he just looks confused. Oh! Looks like there will be a girl fight after all, but it is Coral and Thelma and they have clothes on. Oh well. OH OH OH OH OH! Did I really just see what I think I saw? ULTIMAS SEMANAS. I actually let out a loud whoop here at home. ULTIMAS SEMANAS!


Yep, Ultimas Semanas...I think that means four weeks.

Woweee, Max actually got pokered to death! Frankly I was shocked. It's unfortunate because he was an interesting character. It's too bad one of the boring characters didn't get pokered instead.

Speaking of boring, I guess Angel will fall in love with the new hottie. Is she the same actress that played one of the girls in Barrera de Amor? Maybe Juanita was her name.

No Chris, it's not you, seeing DonLoco kiss anyone makes me want to hurl. Bleck.

Thanks for the funny recap. I'm torn...I hope for you that the next telenovela is much better than Duelo, but when the show is bad your recaps are hilarious. Thanks to you I can NEVER look at Alina without imagining that her bosom is battling to escape its fiber bonds.

The little girl looks familiar but I never watch the telenovela you mentioned. Is she as good an actress as she seems to be or is she just good compared to Rodrigo the Robot?

Well if this show is really only 100 episodes long........then in my research thats short for a show. but i would guess its short because its the on going complaining show and they always complan then think they come up with some smart plain which they have tried or think to themselfs why didnt i try it before.........
And still i love this show! Im catching up to the point where i have solved all my questions.
now if only trancelateing the skiping ahead parts could show were getting to the good part......
ahhh i miss Tonki
what does that mean anyways?
and maybe someone could help me pronouce dammm.

HAH! Good one. And you CERTAINLY deserve ultimas semanas. Let this sleeping dog lie. Wonder if your next one will be this awful? Wonder what it will be????

Thanks to all you wonderful recappers (is that a word?), I have managed to stick with this telenovela and watching it has helped my Spanish improve..I am starting to understand more and more of what is being said. The vocab lists are also very helpful. I thought it was ironic that Maximo was pokered to death..some kind of poetic justice for a womanizing hombre.

Good question; where is Tonki??? I shouldn't worry, he always seems to do pretty well for himself. I guess he is probably hanging around outside the lucha libre gym.

I'm also wondering what will follow Duelo in the 7:00 pm slot.

If max had to go, at least he had a great death scene. Loved the hair flopping forward.

Well, I knew Maximo had to pay for his sins, but I wasn't expecting that! So much for my dream of seeing him in every scene. I'll miss the mustache twirling. I hope he's in another telenovela muy pronto.

I thought Don Loco looked pleased with himself when Dr. Loca caught him with Alfonsina. He can't make Soledad jealous enough to suit him, so he'll settle for Dr. Loca. Funny how jail seems to be his natural environment...

So Angel isn't going to get together with Nurse Susi after all, I guess. Poor Nurse Susi. Maybe the writers forgot her!

Thanks, Ferro~~~I missed this episode , so I missed seeing the Max-kabob. Que lastima. The woman doc who is in so loooove with [read that as hot for] Don Loco is none other than the hot-to-trot Sanwannawannawanna from ''Destilando'' where she is currently trying to land Hilarious Hilario aka Adreas from ''Alborada''] . I am sooo ready for Ferenando C. and some PIRATES right now.

Ferro, your recap is wonderful as always and so funny! A dull novela hasn't dulled your wit, thank heaven!

Yes, Alina is surely one of the most insipid heroines ever. Three "non-relationship relationships" describes it perfectly.

"I never understand the DL/Gasca jail conversations. They argue, that’s all I can figure out, then DL says that Elias has to be handled and tells his lawyer to give Gasca some money." LOL! They could be fraternal twins separated at birth and that's twin language. Only they understand it. (This from the stepmom of nearly 40-year old twins who still do this and no one but them understands)

Jan Z, great observation about how Max died and how fitting it was....given who got pokered this time...

Coral is a puzzler. Sometimes she's the solid rock of the group and sometimes she wrings her hands and can't figure out what to do, what to do....very conflicted.

Sylvia, I hope you are right there are four weeks of US. If not, I could end up recapping as a sub for Ferro as he goes on vacation when I'm leaving for a business trip, and doing Yo Amo a Juan the same night. Of course, if there's a grand finale to Duelo, it could take up Juan's time...these are the substance of nightmares for apprentice recappers.



Thanks for making this show entertaining, Ferro. I've been disconnected for the last ten days, so I appreciate all the details you recappers provide.

I was surprised to see Max get the poker with four weeks left. Oh well, maybe the demise of the other villans will be as entertaining.

Don Loco's makeout scenes turn my stomach almost as much as the ones where he's punching women. I laugh that an out of shape guy like him is beating up the other younger hardcores, making him the jailrat king. I guess the lana works there too...

oops, I forgot to sign off...

I was browsing through the esmas site to see what might be coming after Duelo. There is a horrible sounding novela there called Bajo las riendas del amor. It's set among some horse ranchers and features rosita from duelo and a lot of people I saw in sonar no cuesta nada which prior to duelo was probably the dopiest storyline I've ever seen. If that's the one, I will be happy to sit that one out.

I just can't figure out this 11th hour subplot with dra. loco and don loco. It makes no sense at all. Unless sergio goytri had a clause in his contract that said that he must be able to make it with at least two hot babes and Erika Buenfil didn't count OR there was some complaint about how the theme song didn't really fit the plot. (Girl complains that she doesn't like who she's with so she cheats on some other guy who gets her hot). It didn't exactly fit Soledad or Alina's (or Thelma's) dilemma

I'm curious too, Margaret. I imagine we'll get some Muy Pronto commercials soon to let us know what's next. I'm a little worried about the next one mostly because I don't want the team to implode, as it is I think you and I are the only ones committing to staying on, or maybe I'm the only one now, I don't even know. If the next show looks like it's going to suck, I may have to resort to bribing my way onto Friday of one of the others. Too bad the pirates show isn't next in our time slot, then people would be fighting to be on OUR team.

Sorry, boys and girls, unless it's pirates with Fern Colunga I'm bailing on this time slot. I love your team, but I need the extra hour in my day. You folks deserve a better novela than Duelo, for sure, though.

Besides, I'm gonna recap Yo Amo a Juan. That and Zorro will keep me busy.

Jeanne (missing you already but Duelo??? ¡Nunca!

"Fresa" is a "goody-two-shoes or someone considered a "square." "Fresita" is in the diminutive.

Thank you to all you recappers for the great job you did on this novela. Incredibly entertaining. I hope the next novela provides just as "juicy" writing.


Chris, I've bailed on the 6pm time slot after Duelo is finished. I am thinking of starting to watch Querendon which looks lively or maybe Destillando since maybe I can learn a few things about Tequila. I am on the waiting list to recap for pasiones (Colunga-Pirate).

Hey Chris,

You and Sylvia have total seniority here, and as long as you don't bail on me you get whatever you like!

When it comes to pirates, I will give priority to those who have stuck it out - doesn't that seem fair? No jumping off the sinking ship and then (to mix metaphors) back on the bandwagon to get pirates. Loyalty is rewarded!!

Oh, well, in that case, Melinama, if pirates come at 6:00 our time, I'm there. But one recap is enough for the moment!

Jeanne (maybe not bailing if it's really pirates, and/or Colunga)

Thanks Melinama. I will pay close attention in the coming weeks to see what is coming up next at our time slot and see if we get some people on board for it.

I thought pirates-colunga was going to follow destillando. Assuming this is still correct, I will be sitting out whatever happens between duelo and then. Once I decide whether I'm a destillando or Querendon watcher, I will happily volunteer to sub for one of those if needed. I know it isn't the same as being a regular recapper but will I get some brownie points for that, for getting on the recap list for Colunga-Pirates? Melinamamama? ;)

Hi Ferro,

You are fully covered for 7 pm, I believe. The three from Acorralada are coming on board, and 5Ft Latina (now Monday of La Fea) will be doing Wednesday of your 7 pm show.


Yes, the Acorralada team is on board. We've been sticking with that show through thick and thin, and believe me, it's pretty thin right about now!

I just hope we get some "good" material to work from next!

BTW, thanks to all of you who recommended Alborada. Even the short version was spectacular. I may watch it again even though I just finished it.

Jeanne (¡encantada con el Colungaaaaa!) glad you enjoyed Alborada Schoolmarm. Isn't the villainess Dona Juana magnificent?

Wow, sounds like a great group for the 7:00 time slot.

*Alina starts ugly crying. She is a fantastic ugly crier, nobody that hot should be able to cry that ugly.* ROFLMAO!!

Oh no, Don Max! A great way to go, though. And he looked SO good.

Don Loco + making out = me + more chunks blown.

I thought I saw the guy who played Alejandro on RUBI on some previews for a show coming up... ??

Yeah, Sylvia, she was a master of deceit. That death scene with her and Diego was the most bizarre I had ever seen, and so totally appropriate for that pair. Whew!


Stephe--"RUBI" what's that? I loved your equation!


RUBI was really something. A telenovela clasica that came out in 2004, but that my brother and I watched on Univision in 2005. Barbara Mori played the lead part of a poor schoolgirl named Rubi who grew into a venomous woman who did EVERYTHING motivated by how much money it would bring her. Ana Martin (Luba) played her suffering mother. I can tell you--Rubi made Thelma look like a choir girl. She would have chewed Thelma, Alfonsina, Castulo, and Don Loco up and spit them back out before BREAKFAST was on the table.

Our Univision doesn't do subtitles of any kind, so eventually we ended up getting it on DVD. And we weren't disappointed! All telenovelas have utterly ridiculous parts in their plots, but RUBI was pretty good. And the ending got you. ;-)

Yep, that is the actor who played Alejandro on RUBI. Looks like he has a major role in Yo Amo A Juan.

Very happy to hear you're going to be recapping, Jeanne!

I'm mourning the loss of my favorite character. He was one bad guy, but he was still my favorite character. He lit up every scene he was in.

So, I could:

A. Quit watching the show. What show? Máximo IS the show, so No Max= No Show

B. Remain in denial and pretend that scene never happened. Actually, none of the scenes after Max got kicked out happened. What REALLY happened was that he fell into that hunter's trap, and after two days of having people pass by and refuse to rescue him because of his bad rep, h finally got pulled out by none other than.... Santos. This becomes a turning point for him.

C. Continue watching the show just to see how the story wraps up, fast-forwarding all the boring stuff and pausing to write new Máximo scenes to replace them. I already have a few good ideas.

I think I'll go with option C. #MaximoEsLoMaximo

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