Friday, June 22, 2007

Zorro - June 21, 2007 MA and Olmos kiss; Esmy finds buried treasure

* Z makes a second surprise visit to ML. This time, Jacomo is there with sword flourished and ready to fight. Z shakes them up by revealing how much information he knows of Mercedes and her daughter who are both presumed dead. Jacomo and ML call for back-up to defend against Z. Monty leaps inside with his sword brandished and ready to fight. Z smirks and gives a warning to ML.

* Esmy in forest with Baldy - she cares for his fever as he tells her about his pain and his memories of her mom and the map that is in the burn on her hand. The map reveals the secret location to her family's buried treasure; her mom knows all about it. He can help her find it.

* MP visits the sisters at church to tell them about her engagement to Don Alfonso.

* Fer is mounted on his horse; he rigged up a rope around a tree branch and a noose around his neck. He thinks he's trash and think the world would be better if he wasn't in it. He kicks the side of his horse; the horse takes off; he is left dangling in mid-air.

* ML stands behind Jacomo and Monty as they defend her against Z who has a lighted torch in his hand and has maneuvered his way to the door. Monty calls for soldiers to help - Z swipes around and pushes the soldiers backwards. Z swooshes out of the room and closes the door behind him. Monty screams at the soldiers. Z holds the doors closed and successfully pushes a closet in front of the doors. He holds the closet up by himself as a troop of soldiers approach him. Monty continues screaming and ordering the soldiers to open the door. When they are able to push the doors open and the closet over, they find the troop on the ground and Z has disappeared. A soldier rolls down the stairs; Monty orders the soldiers to charge in that direction; Monty curses Zorro.

* Z outside swings his whip at several soldiers and the soldiers fall to the ground. He shoots out two of Fer's guards and signals for Tornado. PT comes from hiding to light a hay rack on fire (a distraction); PT goes back to his hiding place; soldiers shoot and miss Z and Z mounts Tornado and rides away. Monty continues to curse Z for escaping.

(cue theme song and credits)

* Dena sits on side of bed; Alej enters and is surprised. She asks him to ask Yumi to leave the hacienda immediately. Alej is impactado and baffled by the request.

* Bro Aaron breaks Fer down from the noose and lays him on the ground. Bro Aaron gives encouragement to Fer to continue living.

* MA confides in Olmos how she put poison in the herbal remedy that Dena had been drinking. Olmos pledges his undying love and loyalty to MA. She's still hypnotized to thinking he's a handsome prince. Cata bursts in without knocking and is impactado to see Olmos and MA together.

* Alej tries to make sense out of why Dena want Yumi to leave. He needs an explanation. She explains briefly her reasons; she has no confidence in the herbal remedy Yumi brought from WB. Alej is still baffled and bewildered. Dena wants him to send of Agapito to treat her from now on; she asks again that Yumi leave the hacienda. Alej agrees to send for Agapito, but still isn't sure to tell Yumi to leave. He leaves. Dena mutters about knowing about him making love with Yumi on her wedding night.

* Selenia and assistant discuss how well she was taught by her mom and about the hypnotic trance she used on MA and what disastrous thing will happen when the trance wears off.

* MA, in trance, watches Olmos as he backs off the bed and promises to take her to see her son at the hacienda. He blows MA a kiss and leaves. Cata is so impactado by the sight of MA and Olmos she has to ask what happened. MA goes to the doorway and watches Olmos leave before approaching Cata. MA explains her enchantment with Olmos. Cata can't believe it; how could she be enchanted by Olmos when she is married to the most handsome man in town, Diego. Cata thinks MA is crazy; MA agrees - she's crazy for Olmos.

* SK sits at the gypsy camp with Jonas. She's frustrated because she can't remember what the pendant and the map look like. She explains the significance of the map to Jonas. Jonas says that there's only one thing she can do - confront ML personally.

* As Camba fixes fish to cook for dinner, Esmy talks with Garcia about what Baldy said of her burn mark being a map to her inheritance. Garcia isn't sure to believe the story. Esmy wonders the same thing. She asks Garcia if he knows where her mom is; he doesn't know anything. She thinks if the story is true, then she can use it to get her vengeance against Monty, Piza, MA and Fer. Garcia vows to help her find the treasure and get justice.

* Carriage rolls down the road. Z whips guards off the carriage and they run away. Z checks the storage compartments for weapons and finds dirt and sand. He realizes it was a dummy trap set up by Monty!

* Fieldworker guard gives news to Monty about Z and leaves. Monty chuckles in delight over Z falling for the trap and his weapons safe and sound hidden in another location. He can continue to plan his war in California - a war greater than anything anyone has ever seen. He will also assassinate Z himself in the town square.

* PT is delighted by the visit of MP and Alfonso to his office. Alfonso asks for his blessing for their wedding. PT asks MP if she's sure - she says she is. He then asks Alfonso if he is serious - he is. PT happily gets wine and glasses to toast the engagement. When PT mentions marriage should be entered into for love and only love, MP gets a sad, strange look over her face.

* Bro Aaron works and talks with Fer to get him to breath and drink some water. Fer chokes back to life and mutters he wants to die, he is trash and has sinned to greatly for anyone to forgive. Bro Aaron has to convince him that he isn't trash, that he is worthy of forgiveness and life.

* In the gypsy camp, around the campfire, Renzo asks Ma Azucena and Pa Jonas and SK for their blessings for his marriage to Camila. Azucena asks if he is truly in love with Camila and not rebounding from Esmy; he assures her that this is true love. Laisha voices her objections over Camila being an outsider to the gypsies. SK defends Camila because she too is an outsider. Jonas agrees with SK and then asks Camila about her feelings towards Renzo. Camila is in love with Renzo and vows to be loyal to the gypsies. Jonas blesses the happy couple.

* Garcia and Camba carry Baldy on his make-shift stretcher through the forest. Esmy leads them; they stop so Esmy can show Baldy her burn mark. Baldy points in the direction they are to go.

* ML scolds Jacomo for his actions against Z last night. She is unnerved by the things Z knows of her cousin and family. Jacomo tries to defend himself. She needs proof that says Z can't hurt her or her family. She trust Jacomo, does he trust her? Jacomo is stunned silent. ML wants an update on the masquerade ball - Jacomo gives her the report on the plans so far. She dismisses him.

* Javier and Maro in town and see the poster for the ball - they decide it is perfect for their plans.

* ML writers a letter to her sister back in Spain about everything that is happening in Los Angeles since her arrival (her suspicions over Jacomo; Zorro's visits; she asks her sister to pray that G-d protects her).

* B shows D the ball poster. D suspects it may be to draw Z out in the open. He will wait for the formal invitation. B asks D about the carriage outside. D says that his father sent for Agapito to examine Dena. D mentions to B that he suspects Monty and the Duke to be setting another trap for Z.

* Agapito meets with Alej and Dena in the bedroom. Aga looks at the liquid and the container from Yumi's tribe as Dena tells him her suspicions and symptoms. Alej listens to the conversation. Agapito agrees to take the liquid and examine it for anything unusual. Agapito leaves.

* Agapito stops by Yumi and Dolly waiting in the hallway and gives them a very brief note before leaving. Dolly is baffled why Alej won't let Yumi inside the room. Yumi suspects something bad is happening and Alej and Dena aren't the same.

* In the room, Alej is still bewildered by everything that is happening. Dena asks if Alej has sent Yumi away from the hacienda yet. Alej says no, he hasn't found a valid explanation. Dena says fine, they will wait for Agapito's report, then he will have more than enough reason to send Yumi away.

* MP comes to the sitting room and joins D. She brings up Esmy - D is comforted by his memories of her. As they are talking, Prudencio bursts in and asks them where Fer could be - he hasn't been home all night.

* MA is enchanted to see Olmos again. They kiss. She makes him promise that no one will separate them. He says they will be together forever and the sole owners of the de la Vega fortune. They kiss.

* Esmy leads the group through the forest. Baldy has them stop - he breaths in the air and looks one more time at Esmy's hand. They have arrived at the spot where the treasure is buried! Baldy points to the spot where to dig.

* Jacomo steps outside and stops Misael as he mounts his horse. He has a letter from ML. Jacomo asks to review the letter. Misael has to dismount and go inside with Jacomo.

* Dolly watches D with little Alej as Olmos brings MA inside. D asks if MA is better; she says much better. MA is enchanted by her son. D hands little Alej to MA to hold. MA is overjoyed as she continually looks over at Olmos.

* Esmy, Garcia and Camba dig a pit looking for the treasure chest. Camba feels something - Garcia and Camba pull it up. Baldy says he's never wrong. Esmy opens it up and reveals all the coins and jewels inside. Esmy realizes it's all the fortune her mom told her about, and now she can get her vengeance for herself, her mom and her son.


Mangle and Olmos: was there ever a pair more ideally suited for each other?

Hypnosis hasn't made Mangle less evil. She still wants to kill off all the De la Vegas and get their money and hacienda. She just wants to share it with Olmos now.

Will Agapito find the poison Mangle spiked into Bufala Blanca's medicine? Seeing as how Almudena's been taking it daily for six months and she's still alive, it may be too diluted for him to detect. I wonder how they tested for poison in 1810 anyway?

Darn Alejandro and his big mouth! Almudena was down with the bigamy set-up. She was even wanting to give her official blessing to Yumalai moving into the wife #1 slot after she's gone. But she had to process it all in the Spanish-lady framework, which meant Alejandro had to be discreet about it. Instead, he went and shot off his mouth about it to Yumalai where Almudena could hear. Doesn't he know that in telenovelas there's always likely to be someone peeping around the corner evesdropping on you?

I'm really enjoying Esmeralda's adventures in the bamboo jungle, part Blue Lagoon, part Treasure Island, part Nancy Drew. And, no, I'm not saying I like it because her blouse is in constant peril of falling off there. I'm sure they're only doing that because she had to swim around in the ocean so her disheveled clothes are in keeping with the stark realism we've come to expect on Zorro.

It looked to me like the treasure was buried about three feet from what appears to be a Los Angeles swamp.

I looked up the esclavitud question in my trusty Enciclopedia Encarta. Slavery was abolished in Mexico in 1813. Spanish Cuba didn't abolish slavery until 1886.

Whoever it was yesterday that guessed that Aaron the Exorcist would save el Gobernador from hanging was right. I love Aaron's crazed zealot look. He and Selenia have just got to get together.

The masquerade ball should be entertaining. Especially when the gitanos sneak Sara Kalí in.

Was that the real letter we saw the Queen writing that el Duque intercepted? Or did she fake him out with a phony letter? La Reina is becoming a more sympathetic character all the time.

JR, thank you for the recap.

The highlight of last night's show was Mangle saying, "Crazy? Yeah, I'm crazy allright. Crazy for Olmos!"

Bruce, there never was a pair more ideally suited. Mangle puts a new twist on evil . . . that dreamy smile . . . that radiance. She is completely koo-koo pants and so much fun to watch.

The stark realism we've come to expect on Zorro? hehehehehe. Wish
I had written that.
Marie from Mass

Speaking of stark realism...

I know I'm jumping to Friday's episode here. But the Amazon tribe living in the jungle outside Los Angeles is the coolest thing they've come up with on this show yet! Esmeralda Sanchez de Xena.

I think the home strech on this one is going to be good.

Hi Bruce: That was me who guessed correctly about Brother Aaron. His showing up again had to be for some reason.

The tribe of Amazons who live near San Diego! I laughed out loud with that one and wonder of wonders they're all beautiful scantily glad babes with bodacious tatas. Esme can be Princess of the gypsies and Queen of the Amazons.

Have you noticed how Diego is moping about because he can't forget Esme. It's interfering with his Zorro job. But Esme seems to have forgotten all about Diego. She's not moping about her murdered baby and mother. She's wants vengeance an she's very energetic about going for it.

Thanks for the great recap Jody. There was a lot that went on in this episode and very little rehashing. I have to admit I like the rehash from a recapper's point of view....very easy just to say they rehashed.

I'm so glad that Bro Aaron saved Fernando. In the past, he's been good for Fernando. Hopefully Fernando will be open to following Aaron's guidance. I guess I haven't written Fernando off completely, yet. I still keep rooting for him to have redemption.

Bruce I just love your comments!! The stark realism--just too funny. My favorite realistic moment was when they were digging out the treasure box and Camba just hit it and the next thing you know, without any effort or more digging they were able to pull the box out of the ground. I do think SAM is right, God is on their side.

I agree Jean, Esme is going along with her plans and not moping for Diego. That's why she is such a cool heroine.

Mangle and Olmos, in my sick way I really want to see them get it on (hee,hee), but what I'm really waiting for is the fallout afterward. It is going to be great!!!

Didn't post this yesterday, but wanted my two cents in on this....I also hope they don't get rid of Selenia for good. She really spices things up and she's not afraid to mess around with Mangle. Another thing, she doesn't seem to be harming any of the good folk of LA, just targeting those with malintentions. She uses her power for bad on the bad, which in English and math, two negatives make a positive. So could we say she uses her powers for good? I think so.

Poor Fonzie, he's just being used by Maria Pia.

I'm no Yumi fan, but I don't like the idea of her being blamed for Mangle's evil deeds.

I'm glad the Queen is turning out to be pretty cool. So I'm hoping DJ will get what's due.

As for the Amazons, I'll save my comments on that for Friday's recap.

Bruce, keep commenting! It's great to have male perspective and you may be the only one with a Enciclopedia Encarta.

I'm really enjoying the Mangle/Olmos romance. She's got a few witnesses, but I'm hoping everyone gets to see their "love" hehehe...

Esmerelda Sanchez de las Amazonas better get herself to Bloomingdale's to buy a good bra. Otherwise, she might end up looking like Delores in 10 years.

Marie from Mass

J. R., thanks for the great recap! I loved reading all the comments, too. Everyone here has such a great sense of humor (warped, like mine) that I feel right at home.


Jeanne (frantically packing for a business trip)

Enjoyed the recap, JR. Have a good trip, Jeanne.

It seems to me that Maria Pie is very self focused. She is taking advantage of poor Fonzie. She vacillated for a long time whether to be a nun or not, causing a lot of pain to the padre and nuns. She caused problems for the family because she wouldn't just say no to Fernando early on. She doesn't seem to care that her "love" for an asesino is causing trauma everywhere.

Opps, make that Maria Pia...

thanks for the recap JR and everyone's comments had me laughing.

I can't get enough of this. I love watching and waiting for the recap to read everybody's take. Soooo much fun.

Why are the last 2 recaps on the "other part" of Caray, Caray! & not here? Anybody know?

Thanks, jb. The trip is okay, but I ate something that disagreed violently with me last night and am holing up in my room.


Sure hope you're feeling better soon, Jeanne!

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