Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Zorro Monday June 18, 2007: Where Monty gets a yen for sweetmeats and Pizarro turns into a yes man.

Zorro is in the Queen’s chamber and she scolds him for daring to enter there. Zorro tells her that there was no other way, would she have met with him at all if he didn’t come to her. She wants to know who he is and Zorro answers that his identity is his precious secret. She questions if he is a thief, someone who’s stolen from the Crown. Zorro admits that he has taken money intended for the Crown, but he gave the money to her poor subjects. He tells her that there are worse things happening in this town—crimes against the people and even murder. She is shocked. Zorro asks the Queen if she is behind any of these crimes, like did she order the murder of Mercedes. The Queen is surprised to hear the name of her long dead cousin. Zorro assures her that her prima didn’t die in childhood, in fact she lived, until very recently, here in the city of Los Angeles. She even had a daughter, Esmeralda. He goes on to add that both women, mother and daughter, were murdered. The Queen asks is he thinks she had anything to do with that. Zorro replies that they will see.

Ricardo taunts Esme in her bodega prison. He tells her it would take a smart woman to pull the wool over his eyes, but he’s smarter than her. There was no way he’d let a gypsy girl make a fool of him. “You thought you would use me like you mother used your father, well you’ll soon be just like your mother, dead.” He goes on and wants to know if she’d like to hear about what happened with her son. Esme just lays there and has no reaction to the vile things that Monty is saying. He demands she cry, he wants to see her cry. It isn’t any fun for him if she doesn’t cry.

El Duco (DJ) wants Pizarro to tell him for sure that Sara Kali is dead. Piza rehashes her prison escape, her being killed and the gypsies taking her body. DJ focuses on the missing body, he knows that’s a loose end. DJ questions Piza some more and implies that he’s not loyal to the Crown. Piza says that he’s a good military man, he follows orders and definitely is loyal to the Crown. DJ let’s Piza go and then says to his underling, who’s name I can’t remember, that they need to keep their eye on that one. They also need to clean up the SK mess, ensuring that there is no connection between her and them. Oh yeah, and we need to make sure that the Queen knows absolutamente nada about this.

Meanwhile, the Queen wants to convince Zorro that she knew nothing about people being murdered. Zorro fills her in on the SK/Mercedes rehash and her claim to the throne, et al. The Queen demands to have witnesses, verification of this claim because anyone could pretend to be royal, but only a woman who can sleep on a pea can prove to be a true queen –okay, she didn’t say this, but she did tell Zorro that she wants him to provide this info to DJ. They talk about Zorro visiting tomorrow, but the Queen goes to get DJ and Zorro disappears into thin air.

Monty finds SAM and tells him to go home—take the night off and spend it with your family. SAM is suspicious and he tells Monty he really doesn’t have much family and proceeds to list off a bunch of relatives. Monty doesn’t care, he tells SAM to go wherever you want, just make like a bee and buzz off. First, though, go get Piza ‘cuz Monty needs him. SAM knows that something is up and worries that it spells doom for Esme (ulcer 1).

In the Fox Cave, Zorro and Bernardo rehash a bit his visit to the Queen. Diego tells Bernie that he’ll have to fill Padre Tomás in on all of this mañana. Diego tells Bernie that he doesn’t think the Queen had any part in getting rid of SK. His gut tells him DJ is behind all of this, and Zorro will expose DJ.

Selenia visits a recuperating Mariangel, who is getting cared for by Agapito. She asks about the baby. Mangle tells her she doesn’t want visitors and how’d she know that Mangle gave birth. Selenia tells Mangle that she knows many things. Selenia urges Mangle to talk to her alone, it is important. Pito is willing to go, and tells Selenia that Mangle needs to eat his medicinal slop. She says she’ll get her to eat it. When they are alone, Selenia tells Mangle that Santiago sent a message.

Olmos and Piza talk in the bar, not face to face but shoulder to shoulder at two different tables. So each man looks like they are talking to themselves. They talk about DJ being in town and him wanting info on SK. They conclude that this doesn’t make things look good for Esme. In fact, Piza adds, the duke being in town probably will lead to Esme’s death, because Monty doesn’t want to be linked to the whole SK mess. SAM finds Piza in the bar and tells him that Monty gave him the night off. Olmos doesn’t like the sound of this.

Mangle tells Selenia to let Santiago rest in peace after all Santiago cheated on her. Mangle starts to go on about Esme but Selenia pulls out her nifty ruby ring and flashes it. Mangle is entranced and Selenia hypnotizes her. The screen flashes, some time has passed and Selenia and Mangle are talking about Olmos. Mangle never knew she had these feelings for Olmos and she can’t wait until she sees him next. Selenia adds that it was always right there in front of her. He should be returning soon Mangle says, with her sluttish smile. Selenia is enjoying all of this.

Diego looks in on his cute baby. He has flashbacks to Esme telling him she was pregnant and how he told her that he fights to make the world better for their child. Diego snaps back to the present and tells his son his name is Alejandro and that someday he’ll continue his mission. Nothing like giving the child some choice in the matter.

SAM tells Piza he’s worried for Esme (still ulcer 1, carried out into a new scene). He begs Piza to help stop Monty from harming Esme in any way. Piza says que sera, there is nothing they can do for Esme now. SAM urges Piza to think about protecting the daughter of the true queen. Piza knows that with DJ in town, things have changed. He tells SAM he’ll try but he won’t make any promises because it really is all out of his hands.

Monty ties up Esme’s hands and tells her that the end is here. He rips off her necklace and tells her she won’t need this any more. He drops it on the floor (for sure I thought he’d go try to sell it for some cash, money must not be as tight as I thought).

Diego has a dream of Esme asking for his help and then flashes to Zorro begging Esme to come back. The dream ends with Esme asking Diego to help her. Diego wakes and asks for some sort of sign from Esme.

The Queen is a big gossip. She tells DJ everything about Zorro’s visit and their little conversation. DJ is ticked. He orders the guards to be doubled, that thief came to steal something. The Queen says all he took was her tranquility---she tells DJ about Zorro saying that Mercedes lived in LA. DJ tells her it is all lies. Still, the Queen wonders how they all could die like that. DJ tells her that fate is capricious. The Queen orders that Zorro not be harmed as long as he doesn’t mean to harm them. I don’t think DJ will be following that order.

Diego leaves the hacienda and Dolores is worried about him (ulcer 2). She asks Alejandro (the elder) where Diego could be going and Alej tells her that he’s going to look for Esme. Dolo seems perplexed by this and Alej explains that Diego thinks that Esme’s alive and he’s searching for proof. Alej thinks this is just an emotional search so Diego can come to terms with the death.

Monty tells Piza they need to get rid of Esme. Piza tries to talk him out of it, but Monty won’t listen. She’s said nothing about Zorro’s identity and with Sara Kali dead, she’s of no worth, so get rid of her. Monty tells Piza to complete the job without a trace and bring back her heart as proof she’s dead (because he’ll run some DNA tests just to be sure).

There is a full moon and Renzo is playing his violin. He’s sad for Esme and Ana Camila (NAC) comforts him. She tells him that life will give him a second chance. He just doesn’t know, all he wishes for is something to make him feel again, because without Esme he feels very little. NAC makes a move, she kisses him and he responds. When the kiss breaks apart, she apologizes, she got carried away. He says now you’ll have to forgive me, and he kisses her. (I might add a little YEAH!!—it’s good to have a little romance back in the show and another plus is that a brooding Laisha was no where in the scene, so at least the moment wasn't ruined by her pouting mug).

Sara Kali asks Suzi and Jonas to help her. She plans to go to the Queen and eventually go back to Spain. She wants to take Esme’s body with her when she goes. Jonas says he knows she’s buried in the cemetery. He’ll make sure they get the body.

Piza tells Esme it is time to go, the Queen is here and things have taken a different direction. Esme asks Piza about where her son is, Piza tells her he’s dead. He finds Esme’s necklace and gives it back to her. She smiles a distant smile and says this is all she has left of her mother.

PT and Diego rehash Zorro and his visit to the Queen. They talk some about SK and how the Queen will hopefully seek some justice for what was done to SK. Diego tells PT that Zorro can seek the justice, but PT adds that if Zorro does it, it won’t be justice it will be vengeance. Diego says he won’t be able to heal until Monty and Fernando pay for what they have done.

Piza takes Esme out to the woods. It reminds me of Snow White, not the Disney version, but the Grimm’s Brothers version, where the woodsman has to bring her heart back in a box to the evil queen. Esme tells Piza that after she’s dead she’ll make sure to avenge her son’s death. SAM shows up in the nick of time. He holds a gun to Piza and orders him to put down his weapon. Piza obliges, but tells SAM he’s going to get them both in deep doo doo, Monty is sure to have them both killed now. Just then Olmos shows up, two pistols in hand.

Fernando visits Mangle and wants to know where her baby is. She says Diego took him home while she rests. Fernando senses she’s acting strange and questions about Olmos. Mangle says that Olmos was a hero, he delivered the baby and save her.

Olmos tells Piza and SAM that he’s got plans for Esme and Piza says he’s got to get her heart for Monty. SAM says no way to them both. Olmos orders that weapons get dropped. Esme tells SAM to not risk his life for her, and he listens. Olmos tells Piza he’ll take both of them off his hands and Piza agrees as long as Olmos makes them disappear for good. If he doesn’t, Piza tells Olmos he’ll find him and kill him. Olmos doesn’t like to be threatened and tells Piza that he’ll kill him, so GO!!

Diego talks to Alej about things needing to change in LA. Alej agrees and Diego says he’s the man to do it. Al doesn’t seem to be convinced, so Diego says that he’s not the man his father thinks he is.

Pizarro finds a heart somewhere to give to Monty. Monty is convinced it is the real deal. He’s gleeful, this is all that’s left of her. He tells Piza that he should be rewarded for a job well done.

Olmos meets up with the slave traders and tells them it is two for the price of one. END OF EPISODE (ulcers 2)


Great recap, Cathy.
Did anyone notice that:
1. the Queen has dark roots on her hair; and

2. Mangle is in bed in the same tightly laced dress (and presumably corset) that she gave birth in. Can't someone bring her a nightgown? She makes me uncomfortable just looking at her.

What is Olmos' game concerning Esme and Garcia? Olmos was working for El Duque who we know wants Esme dead. Since Olmos prevents Pizarro from killing Esme, he seems to have changed teams but he didn't help Esme when she got poor Aguirre to contact him. But hey, at least Esme is out of the cellar. Scenes from tonight's episode, which I am recapping, are confusing so we'll have to wait and see.

Thanks for the recap, Cathy!

I didn't notice the Queen's dark roots, but I did notice her swollen lips. Almost like Pamela's on Destilando.
Also had same thought about MA's dress. Come on, she gave birth in it...time to get something clean and loose fitting on.

It's fun seeing MA all googly-eyed over Olmos! Loved the Gov's disbelief at her assertion that Olmos was a gentleman. LOL. Ha - these women are driving Fer crazy.

Pizarro is back on the bad guy list, destined for "termination". It would be fine by me if he and Montero shoot each other at same time and both perish. These novelas bring out my vengeful side.

Zorro still gives me chills - glad he's back in action! I wonder if Alej is one of the hooded men in the Zorro meetings? Wouldn't that be a kick?

Selenia finally put the Olmos hex on Mangle! Yee-haw! That's going to be fun to see.

There were obvious parallels between Esmeralda's and Mangle's giving birth. Both of them gave birth at the same time and both had short guys helping them. Both of them wound up losing their babies right away to, Mangle's being born dead and Esmeralda's being kidnapped. (From the look of horror on Olmos' face when he saw the baby, I thought given its genetic heritage from Mangle and Montero that it might be a little gargoyle with horns and pointy fangs.)

So this may be a further parallel. After losing their babies, Esmeralda gets almost murdered and then sold into slavery, while Mangle almost dies from the love potion and then falls madly in love with Olmos. I'm not sure which of them has the worst of it in that parallel.

Cathy, that's a good catch about the Snow White story and the heart. If Montero had asked for Mangle's heart, Pizarro could have found a head of dry, shriveled cabbage and it would have looked authentic.

We have to give poor García credit here. He's almost as useless as Renzo but he finally got up the courage to pull a gun on Pizarro to save Esmeralda. He could have slipped word to Diego months ago but it's kind of too late for that now. Maybe at the end of the novela Selenia can make a potion for Garclía to have Laisha fall in love with him.

Anya, I hadn't thought about Alejandro being part of the Cofradía. He's probably not but it's a clever possibility that hadn't occurred to me.

Wonderful recap, Cathy. "Selenia is enjoying all of this."
Me too!

"If Montero had asked for Mangle's heart, Pizarro could have found a head of dry, shriveled cabbage and it would have looked authentic."

LOL! That is so true!

Thanks, Cathy, for the terrific recap!

Didn’t Zorro hand the Queen the ring that was from Mercedes family? (Something Mayor….and Aragon). She recognized the ring, but still wanted a more concrete sign.

“anyone could pretend to be royal, but only a woman who can sleep on a pea can prove to be a true queen” LOL! Great one!

“Olmos and Piza talk in the bar, not face to face but shoulder to shoulder at two different tables.” Talk about making a pact with the Devil….the problem is, which one would we call the Devil here?

Judy Garland had Ruby Slippers and Selenia has the Ruby Ring. Someone ought to get the gals together. Between the two of them, they could time travel through space with a heel click, doing magic by just waving a hand—no wand or broom needed.

“The screen flashes, some time has passed and Selenia and Mangle are talking about Olmos. Mangle never knew she had these feelings for Olmos and she can’t wait until she sees him next. Selenia adds that it was always right there in front of her. He should be returning soon Mangle says, with her sluttish smile” Ick, double ick, and triple ick. But I’m of the opinion that Mangle and Olmos deserve each other almost as much as Monty and Mangle deserve each other.

“Diego snaps back to the present and tells his son his name is Alejandro and that someday he’ll continue his mission. Nothing like giving the child some choice in the matter.” Yes, indeed. Lots of parents give their children just about this much choice in their lives, starting very early. We schoolmarms see this often, don’t we?

“The Queen orders that Zorro not be harmed as long as he doesn’t mean to harm them. I don’t think DJ will be following that order.” Always bet on a sure thing, and you’ll always be a winner. I agree, the Duke will disregard this totally.

“bring back her heart as proof she’s dead (because he’ll run some DNA tests just to be sure).” LOL! I was wondering what kind of heart he brought? Pig? Cow?

Oh, NO! The slave traders again! How will they get out of this now?

Yes, Jean, I wondered about that darn corset and dress. She must be really icky and dirty still, too.

Gee, Anya, I never thought about Alej being one of the brotherhood. Great thought.

Bruce, you’re too funny about Garcia and Laisha.


Thank God for this site! The dastardly practice of running novelas past the hour caused me to lose some of the end of Zorro because I was also trying to DVR other things starting at 10:00.

I CAN'T BELIEVE THE SLAVE TRADER TWIST. Ye gods there must be a misogynist streak in the scriptwriter of this novela. The Perils of Pauline has nothing on the tortures of Esmeralda! I’m still steaming over Montero’s gloating over her when she’s practically catatonic and basically telling her he killed her child.

I also wanted to comment on the good acting skills of Ana Camila, AKA Nutty Nun. She is absolutely charming now, so pretty and winning, and I absolutely want Renzo to fall for her hard. But she was simply horrible when "possessed", always sneaking up on Maria Pia, and the very epitome of the worst kind of sexually repressed busybody you ever saw.

Cathy said about Renzo and NAC - "YEAH!!—it’s good to have a little romance back in the show and another plus is that a brooding Laisha was no where in the scene, so at least the moment wasn't ruined by her pouting mug)"

Amen to both, sister! Great recap, Cathy!

Bruce Miller, you're too funny!

"Piza finds a heart somewhere"...I don't even want to think about where he got that heart. Some unlucky animal no doubt.

I was also grateful not to see Laisha's grumpy mug for once. I'm hoping for some very steamy scenes between Renzo and Ana Camila. He sure didn't waste any time before responding to her kiss. Finally, some romance after a veritable love drought. (Ale and Yumi don't count.) Perhaps also romance in the air for Mangle and Olmos, heh heh, serves her right. Now maybe she will give poor Diego some time off from her scheming.

Thank Gawd Esme's out of jail!

Thanks Cathy!

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