Thursday, June 14, 2007

ZORRO, Wednesday 6/13 (#84): 2 Parts Recap, 1 Part Huge Apology

Recapper’s Note: So, I’m subbing for Cathy. I’m excited, I figure out how to upload the recap, I set the VCR…and I somehow miss tuning the TV to Telemundo! I got home in time to see parts 4 and 5 of the novela, but can’t offer you more than that (unless you’re interested in a recap of the “friendly” football match between Argentina’s Boca Juniors and a Brazilian team). I really apologize!

Parte 4

Garcia brings the grateful Esme some food. She tells him of her visit by Mangle and Montero – they’re lovers, she tells him. They kissed in front of her to shamelessly show how they’re putting one over on Diego. Why do they hate her so much? Garcia tells her that she [and Diego, I think] are rare – beautiful people who are also good, who share an amazing love. That love can’t help but make other folks jealous. Garcia assures Esme that she will some day get out of that shack prison.

Jonas the Gypsy is in a chapel. A poor, leprous woman stands behind him off-screen, attempting to return a ring he gave her as alms [earlier in the episode, I’m sure]. He won’t accept it back, and she tells him she understands why her mother was willing to give her life to this Gypsy “family.” Jonas begins to auditorily put 2 +2 together, and rises and turns to see Sara Kali, and they embrace. Everyone believed her dead. He begins to kneel, and she stops him, saying he is more worthy of her praise, giving up something of value to a poor leper. Jonas is eager to take SK back to Camp Gypsy, but she won’t go. The Gypsies are still being hunted by people who want to find her. It’s best that everyone still assume she is dead. She asks Jonas to have faith in his Queen’s judgement.

Olmos gives a pep talk to the love potion/date rape drug Selenia prepared for him. Mangle will be all his, and not Montero’s. Meanwhile, the potion’s eventual object is at her follow-up séance with Selenia. Santiago Michelena enters Sel’s body and addresses Mangle angrily: she’s disturbing his rest; their time together is over and done with. Mangle rails back at him, wanting to know why he preferred Esme to her. She hopes his death was a horrible one; he never deserved her love. At this point, Santiago decides he’s had enough, and “exits” Selenia, leaving her spent.

Another scene in a chapel. The Queen of Spain and her ladies are at prayers. Duque Jacobo (DJ) enters with good news [and a great deal blacker hair than I remember from his earliest appearances]. Everything’s set and approved for her voyage to the New World. She’s delighted. DJ will accompany her, of course. Her destination is Los Angeles. DJ appears pained – why not Peru, or New Granada [Colombia]? No thanks, says Queenie, I can’t wait to see what surprises the town of L.A., and its people, have for me.

Parte 5


Fernando (FS) and Montero are walking in the plaza, discussing the eminent arrival of the Queen. In the background, workers are busily erecting the grandstand and decorations. FS knows the arrival of the Queen is good news for the Dastardly Duo – if she’s on her way, it clearly means SK didn’t make it to Spain. Otherwise, both their heads would’ve rolled by now. Monte wants to know if FS thinks SK is dead, then. FS begins to answer, “could be,” but becomes impactado at the sight of Maria Pia strolling through the plaza with her beau, Anderson Cooper [Don Alfonso Diaz de Vergara]. MP meets FS’ eyes and hastily looks away. FS finally manages to turn back to his convo with Monte and stutter out his sentence.

Mangle, now heavy with pregnancy pillow, prepares to leave the hacienda to go into town. She’s meeting the seamstress at the Gov’s mansion. Diego wants her to be careful – she’s due any day now. He wants to find Olmos to accompany her, and she tells Diego that it’s nice to have him worry about her, if only a little. Once he’s out of earshot, she marvels maliciously at how he’s changed recently – and how he’ll probably be even better once the “bastardo” is born, and he holds the child in his arms.

Olmos is in his room doing a toned-down version of his happy dance. The 111 days for the maturation of the love potion are over! He’s going to make Mangle drink every single drop. Diego knocks for him to accompany Mangle.

Alejandro keeps an anguished vigil at Almudena’s bedside. Yumalai enters with food, but he’s not hungry. Yuma doesn’t want Alej to talk or think about Dena’s death, but Alej reminds her that Dena is unresponsive. She doesn’t want to live anymore. And what about you, Yuma pointedly asks. I hear you in your office crying, and you haven’t eaten in days. What about your will to live?

Mariangel, at her fitting at her dad’s house, is being pinched and cinched by the seamstress. Thirsty, she asks Olmos for a glass of water, and he takes the opportunity to mix in the potion. Mangle downs the entire cup as Olmos looks on. Frustrated, she sends the seamstress away, hurling insults at her. Moving toward her vanity [I think], Mangle cries out in pain and clutches at her abdomen. Olmos frantically but unhelpfully tries to offer assistance. [Hmmm - is this potion? Labor? Miscarriage?]

Cut to Garcia arriving at Esme’s basement. In a bright white maternity gown [thank you for changing her clothes!], she is lying on her “bed,” also in distress. Garcia runs to her, and she tells him happily that her son is on his way…

END OF EPISODE [Apologies again!- jen]


Don't worry. I can't even remember what happened at the beginning of the episode. Nothing important.
The important stuff is Mangle and Esme going into labor (Esme's been shut up in that basement for 6 months!) at the same time.
Based on nothing more than my knowledge of novelas and soap operas, I predict a baby switch. Possibly, Mangle's baby will be stillborn and Montero will take Esme's baby and tell Esme that it died and give it to Mangle.

Jen, thanks for filling in with the great recap! Drat that technology! But it’s great anyway!

“impactado at the sight of Maria Pia strolling through the plaza with her beau, Anderson Cooper [Don Alfonso Diaz de Vergara]” Yeah, that’s who he reminds me of. I was trying to think of who that might be.

Earlier in the epi, or yesterday, Dena had come on Yumi hugging Alej in the stable and looked distressed. She had returned to her room and when Yumi came later, she confronted Yumi “what’s up with that?” Yumi gave a fairly truthful but evasive response about comforting Alej, which satisfied Dena, who sees her plan falling into place. I wonder if she knew Esme was alive would it really help her or is she just destined to go, anyway?

“Mariangel, at her fitting at her dad’s house, is being pinched and cinched by the seamstress.” Kinda silly to get fitted when you won’t need the same size by tomorrow, you reckon?

“Mangle cries out in pain and clutches at her abdomen. Olmos frantically but unhelpfully tries to offer assistance. [Hmmm - is this potion? Labor? Miscarriage?]” Good questions! (At this point, perhaps not miscarriage, but it still could be bad).

Gee, Jean, that's a very likely theory. It is telenovelaland, after all.

Thanks again, Jen!


Jen great job, and the ending was the most important part, so don't worry about it, technological blips happen all the time!!

Only thing from the beginning I remember is that NAC bought a violin for Renzo and there was some serious thank you hugs abounding.

OK, so it is the teacher in me or what, but 111 days does not equal six months----approx. 30 days in a month, let's just say for the benefit of the doubt even if all the months were February 4 months would give us 112 days. Since every month isn't February, we are looking at 6 months being more like 180 days. It is this kind of stuff that drives me crazy---someone isn't doing their job really well or they think that the audience is dumb and won't know any better.

So, that being said, Olmos dear, you could have used that potion a lot sooner!!!

Jean great theory on the baby switch. I don't like it, but I bet that is what they will do.

Anderson Cooper, who I think is adorable, definitely looks like Alfonso (is that his name?)--I thought he was kinda cute too.

Thanks again Jen for covering, there is no way I would have time to do a whole recap today (just enough time to sneak in a comment or two).

Good point, Cathy. Someone needs to tell Olmos that timing is everything. Now is NOT the moment to have her panting over him. She'll be panting, but not for love.


You are right, Cathy, Alfonso does look like Anderson Cooper. I thought he looked familiar but couldn't place who.

In that 6-months-later scene with Fernando and Montero, Aaron the Exorcist was there in the background! Good sign. I'm hoping that Aaron and Selenia have already hooked up by now and that they're working on some plan to put the supernatural whammy on the bad guys. Or at least on Mangle and Fernando.

Selenia has a head start with Mangle. She had her going on the seance on Wednesday. And we'll see Thursday (I hope) whether her magic love juice has Mangle lusting after Olmos.

Aaaargh, back on line after server problems all evening!

Great recap Jen, thanks so much for filling in. No need to apologize, it's been a crazy week of pre-empted shows, football matches, and closed-caption failures from coast to coast.

I'm glad SK finally revealed herself to Jonas. Those poor gitanos have been wandering around queenless for far too long.

Bruce, good eyes on Aaron! Yes, he was there following FS...the better to create more internal conflict I hope. He and Selenia would make a great pair. I absolutely loved how she worked Mariangel during the seance.

Jen, I appreciate your astute (and funny) observations throughout and your good balance of appreciation for the show tempered with appropriate irreverence. Nice job!

P.S. Thang GAWD they gave Esme a change of clothes!!

Oops, I misunderstood Bruce re Aa. & Selenia. No romance there! But what great working partners they could be!

I'm very discouraged about the suggestion that there could be a baby switch. That could take "years" to undo. I was hoping that Piz & SAM would take over the job of getting rid of Es's baby Zorrito; consult Dr. Ag.; who would then take the baby to his favorite "safe place"...the leper colony; where the healthiest person there would care for him, i.e. SK! She would unwittingly care for her own grandson. I don't know why the writers haven't contacted me yet to help them out. Ha, ha. Actually I think many of the ideas on this blog are better than what I've seen on the screen.

Alice C, that's a very clever solution to the baby switch. I watched last night and am sad about how it came down. It is indeed going to be difficult to undo except for one thing: Mangle will likely end up dead and Diego will be "stuck" with his own baby after all. The question will be how he finds out whose it really is. Monty will think it's his.


Thanks to all for your comments about my recap! I really appreciate it.

Bruce - GREAT catch of Brother Aaron! It would've been cool if they'd explained that he was "working" with FS again - how else to explain how FS let SIX MONTHS go by without pestering Maria Pia? I mean, yes, we're spared some of those repetitive scenes, but it's completely out of character for Fernando to have stood by while MP went on with her novio!

Sylvia - I really appreciate your comments about the "irreverent" asides interspersed in the recap. I tried to keep them very sparse, and hopefully when they wouldn't offend anyone's appreciation of the recap or their favorite characters. That kind of stuff is definitely best left in the comments section!

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