Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Juan Q 7/10 You're not a real ninja; you're just a guy in a ninja suit!
Pastor advises CL that Pastor refused to pay Juan. CL wants to know why. Pastor tries to give a rosy picture of what’s expected of the employees, but CL cuts him off and tells Pastor to be real with him. CL reminds Pastor that he, CL, gives the orders. He commands Pastor to give Juan his pay. Pastor makes more excuses. Juan hasn’t demonstrated that he’s a good worker, and he has some attributes that are undesirable. Pastor whips out the “Paula” card, but it doesn’t work quite how he likes. CL says that he’s at the limit of patience. Pastor keeps going saying that if he has to go back and pay Juan per CL’s orders then the employees will lose respect for his authority. CL stands and replies that he knows perfectly well about Pastor’s relationship with Juan. CL says that he’s the one who maintains the rules. Pastor’s personal problems will not be allowed to affect the business. Ha! This is funny considering CL wants to keep Juan around for a favor. Who thinks that favor will be for business purposes? Anyone? Hello? Yeah, me neither! CL decides that Pastor may say that it was his decision to give Juan the pay. That way, Pastor will lose neither the employees respect nor Juan’s friendship. Pastor’s been seriously verbally bitch slapped by CL, but he smiles anyway and sort of shakes his head in agreement.
Fernando and Juan walk around discussing the problem of getting Mareli a job. Fernando notes that the two men told many lies. He thinks that eventually they will be caught. Juan brushes off the comment. He then jokes about Alirio wanting a loan from Fernando. Juan finds it quite humorous that Alirio thought Fernando was a millionaire just like James Bond. I’m not sure who came up with that analogy. Last time I checked James Bond was more famous for being a spy than a millionaire. Juan assures Fernando that Santa Niño de Atocha will not let them down. Pastor walks into the back of the room and demands that Juan immediately come speak with him in private. Fernando laughs and pats Juan on the back. Juan thought bubbles to himself that he’s going to be fired.
Pastor and Juan speak in what looks to be a café. Pastor explains that he will speak about delicate things and that’s why he brought Juan to the café. Juan comments that he’s nervous. Pastor opens by saying that he has a question for Juan and he wants an honest answer. Is Juan prepared to change? Juan replies that he will, if Pastor gives him the opportunity. Pastor says that opportunities are not given, they are earned. Juan swears that he’s willing to change. Pastor says that Juan will have to demonstrate this through his actions. He also says that he believes in Juan’s sincerity. Pastor then tells Juan that he’s been reconsidering the whole paycheck thing. Juan hopefully smiles.
CL enters Paula’s office to tell her that he’s leaving. He asks if she wants him to pick her up tomorrow morning in order to go to the seminar. Paula thinks that it would be a better idea if she got a taxi and went to his house early in the morning. CL prefers that he pick her up. As an added bonus he’ll be able to say hello to mom. Paula agrees to his request and they take their leave of each other.
CL crosses the office lobby, but Yvonne stops him before he can leave. She asks if he’s going to be with Paula all weekend. He cannot hide his excitement while he says that he will. He warns Yvonne to be careful while he’s gone. Yvonne thinks that CL should help lessen the risk.
Juan assures Pastor that if Juan receives his pay, he will change his ways this very day. Juan thought bubbles that this change will have to endure longer than Lent. Pastor says that good intentions pave the way to hell. He wants to hold the pay a little longer, while Juan undergoes a test to make sure that he really will change. Juan nervously says that he cannot wait any longer for his pay. Pastor replies that the test period may be very short or very long, depending on Juan. Juan wants to know a time frame. Pastor says that it may be over as early as this weekend. Juan understands exactly what Pastor wants.
CL lets Yvonne know that he does not like to be blackmailed. Yvonne says that she’s tired of the murmurs that he’s leaving for the weekend with one of the executives. [If anyone has this episode taped, check out the two women in the background intently watching this conversation.] CL reminds Yvonne that he’s going to a seminar. People must be imaging ridiculous things. Yvonne reminds CL that she used to be the one who accompanied him on these trips. He remembers them fondly. Yvonne hisses that she doesn’t think that he’ll get anywhere with Paula. He smiles and says that the difficult ones are the ones that he likes; easy women bore him. He announces that he will not be with Yvonne again. Nobody owns anybody and jealousy’s roots are in insecurity. Yvonne watches him leave.
Juan comes down the stairs and sees Paula waiting. He apologizes and explains that he and Pastor came to an understanding. Pastor buts in and explains to Paula that Juan was late due to Pastor. He turns to Juan and asks if they’re confirmed for this weekend. This comment, right in front of Paula, upsets Juan.
Fernando tells CL about Juan and how Pastor freaked out when he found out about the women. CL doesn’t think that this proves anything. Fernando’s sure about Juan’s sexuality. When they were in the club, Juan made a lot of noise about women but nothing happened with a woman that night. CL replies that it’s a shame, he really thought he had Juan pegged. CL excuses himself, saying that he needs all of his energy for this weekend.
Ana stands in her home and “paints” a picture that looks as though it was drawn with charcoal. Her phone rings. It’s Yvonne, but she doesn’t tell Ana that. All she says is that Ana should look out for her daughter. Paula’s messing with a married man who can cause her a lot of hurt.
Paula tells Juan that she’s glad that he fixed his problems. He says that he is too, unfortunately. He explains to her that he’s sad because sometimes to fix money problems, one has to act like a person who is not the true person. Paula says that she authorized his pay. He thanks her and the Santa Niño de Atocha. She notes that she also devotes herself to this saint. Juan perks up a bit. Paula goes back to the subject at hand. She’s very proud that Juan solved his problem; she’s proud for his family and more than anything, proud of Juan. Juan thought bubbles to himself that despite any past problems, he is back at Paula’s feet. Paula asks if there’s anything else. Juan absentmindedly says that he’s more in love now than ever. Paula smiles and says she’s glad the personal relationship is going well. Juan stumbles through some excuses but shuts his mouth. Paula says that it’s okay, to each his own. Juan thinks to himself that he would love to demonstrate the macho that he is this woman.
Juan has a short day dream. Paula’s a damsel in distress, about to be consumed by a fire. Juan’s the fireman who comes to her rescue. They passionately kiss at the top of his ladder. Pastor comes to the window and tells Juan to keep his word. Juan tells him to go to hell. Pastor cries out while Paula and Juan make out.
During this little fantasy, Juan passes Paula’s house. Juan excuses himself; his head was in a different place. Juan thinks to himself that his and Paula’s moment will come.
Pastor glowingly tells Yvonne that the fire is still burning. Juan came to him and pleaded for forgiveness and promised to change. Yvonne thinks that Pastor should be careful. Pastor promises not to be an idiot. This weekend is a test for Juan. He’s going to take Yvonne’s advice and stop being subtle; he will take the bull by the horns.
Paula advises Juan that he doesn’t need to pick her up tomorrow. She’s going to a seminar to with CL. Juan wants to know if they’re going alone, because then they may need a chauffer. Paula explains that CL decided this. She will put Juan at Pastor’s orders. He reluctantly agrees. They leave each other. Juan thought bubbles about how he can put out that fire.
Paula and Ana discuss the upcoming weekend business trip. Paula mentions that CL wants to come to the Dávila house to greet Ana. Ana sarcastically notes that CL is quite the gentleman. Ana thinks that Paula should invite Ana so that she won’t be bored and home alone.
CL’s maid, Consuelo, packs his suitcase and asks if he’ll be gone long. He replies that it’s only two days, but may extend to three. He tells Consuelo that he must ask her a favor. If his wife calls, he wants Consuelo to tell her that he’s on a trip. Consuelo wants to know who he’s going with and if he’s going far away or close, just in case Monica asks. CL replies that he’s going with some people from the office.
Paula thinks that Ana will be more bored there, but Ana doesn’t agree. Paula catches on that Ana is doing this out of fear for Paula. Paula reminds Ana that they already had this argument and that Paula will be okay. She lived many years alone in the United States. Ana subtly explains that this is not what worries her. Paula laughs at her mom’s insinuation; she doesn’t want to complicate her life and does not need a chastity belt.
Juan asks Pastor if he knew that Paula would be leaving tomorrow. Pastor acknowledges that he did. He realizes that Juan will not have to get up early tomorrow, so he’s available tonight. Juan thinks to himself that this is going to make him go crazy. Pastor asks Juan to come to eat with Pastor and his mother. Juan replies that Pastor will not be able to reach him. He may have a phone in his house, but it’s going to be cut off because the bill is not paid. Pastor turns away from Juan and says that Juan is taking one step back. Juan has to think to talk himself into accepting the invitation. My favorite line is “How can a woman who names her son after a taco be normal?” Apparently, there is this thing called a taco al pastor that is supposedly the best taco ever. It’s marinated in a pepper sauce and then cooked with onions and pineapple. Here’s a link to a recipe if you would like to try it. The real recipe for these tacos is supposed to be a big secret in Mexico City, so I’m not sure how authentic these will taste.
Nidia warns Alirio not to make the same offense to her. Alirio begs to know what he said and if it was so bad. Nidia won’t tell him, but warns him not to do it again. Alirio begs for forgiveness. He slaps himself around a bit. She says she’ll think about his plea, but now he needs to leave. Alirio tells her that she has a meeting with Juan about a small favor. The door bell rings and Alirio thinks it’s Juan. Yadira says that it’s not; it’s someone for her.Yadira leaves the house and greets Fernando. He gives her flowers. She invites him into the house. Enrique watches this from the bushes and needless to say, he’s furious.
Fernando comes into the sitting room and greets everyone. Alirio says that Yadira is not the only one waiting for Fernando. Mareli is also wondering about the job she was promised. Mareli acknowledges that she’s worried about it. Alirio says that he’s also waiting to speak with Fernando about business. Fernando says that he doesn’t like to talk about money in front of women. He asks for Juan.
Pastor introduces Juan to Señora Gaytan who is a peculiar looking woman. She’s indignant that her son would bother with a filthy chauffer. Juan thought bubbles that just when he thought he had seen everything, the mother of Godzilla appears. Señora Gaytan glares at Juan.
Juan tries to politely introduce himself, but she’s not having it. Juan says that if his presences is interfering, then he can leave. Pastor won’t allow him off the hook so easily. Pastor convinces his mother to get into the car. Juan thought bubbles to himself that he actually feels sorry for Pastor. Nothing pleases that woman. Pastor asks Juan to forgive his mother; she’s beginning to have some dementia problems. Juan tells Pastor not to worry about it. He likes people like that, openly frank. Pastor’s mother leans out of the window and says that she wants to leave because she’s hungry. They leave.
The Cachones dine and Nidia’s worried about Juan. Fernando comments that such is the life of an executive. Alirio agrees. Mareli asks Fernando where he met Juan. Fernando replies that he met Juan at the university when he was studying business management. Mareli replies that she didn’t know that Juan went to university. Fernando replies that Juan only stayed two semesters. Alirio thinks this makes sense; Juan has a “businessman-like” aura. The telephone rings. Yadira says that if it’s for her, she’s not there. It’s Enrique and he asks for Yadira. She tells him that Yadira went out. Enrique looks as though he’s about to lose it. He flings his cell phone to the ground.
Juan comments that Pastor’s mother has a good appetite. She gobbles up some food and demands that Juan pays. Pastor tries to pass Juan money under the table, but Juan mistakenly thinks that Pastor’s going for the leg. He can’t believe that Pastor would do that in front of his mother. Luckily, Señora Gaytan turns to signal the waiter for dessert. Pastor thumps Juan’s leg with the money. Juan won’t accept it, but finally puts it into his pocket.
Enrique goes to the supermarket for a beer. He changes his mind and asks for two forty ounce beers of Carta Blanca. and some cigarretes.
Pastor thanks Juan for the pleasant evening. Juan happily says that what’s important is that Señora Gaytan enjoyed herself. Pastor seems pleased. Juan says he has to leave to return the car, but Pastor tells Juan to take it home. Pastor tells Juan that he has something to tell Juan. Juan’s worried about what it will be. Fortunately for Juan, Señora Gaytan interrupts Pastor’s speech. Juan says that they can speak tomorrow. Pastor says goodnight and thanks Juan. Juan thought bubbles that he was very thankful for the mother, but tomorrow will be another day.
Yadira and Fernando romp outside. She asks what it’s like always being asked for favors. Fernando replies that he’s accustomed to it. Yadira complains about Alirio. They talk about his and Nidia’s relationship. The small talk is over and it’s time to say goodnight. They give each other a kiss while Enrique angrily watches.
Alirio exits the home and stalls Fernando. Alirio asks for a ride because his car is in the shop. Enrique stumbles around some car that I’ve never seen before.
Juan drives home and thinks about the day that he just had. He knows that he’s building a time bomb and that it will eventually have to go off. He turns on the radio and listens to some romantic music. A woman in a convertible pulls next to him, but she’s not impressed by his “moves”. He speaks to her and she finally smiles and blows a kiss.
When Juan gets to the house he’s immediately accosted by Enrique. Enrique says that he needed to speak with someone. He immediately begins to cry clutches Juan.
Juan and Enrique sit in a bar. Juan asks if Enrique’s sure. Enrique says that he is; he saw it with his own eyes. The man seemed like Juan. Juan realizes that Enrique saw Yadira with Fernando. Enrique goes on to explain his phone call and the conversation with Nidia. Juan thinks that Enrique should talk with Yadira, but Enrique doesn’t think that’s a good idea. Juan can’t believe that Enrique would give up so easily. Juan realizes that Enrique really does love Yadira. Juan feels more and more at fault. Enrique asks Juan to investigate this man who was with Yadira. Juan assures Enrique that he will.
The next day, Ana brings Paula’s breakfast to her room. Okay, I love the dress, but the boobage is terrible. Paula talks about being able to rest on this vacation. Ana reminds Paula that yesterday Paula said this trip will be totally business. Paula again tells her mother not to worry. The doorbell rings; Ana rushes to answer while Paula finishes her packing.
Mareli and Yadira surround Juan and tell him about Fernando’s visit the night before. Mareli wants to talk about work. Juan assures her that he will speak with Fernando that very day. Mareli thinks it would be even better if she accompanied him to the office.
Tomorrow: Both Juan and Paula are in trouble but for very different reasons.
Animal de bellota – Blockhead
Caguamas – Mexican slang for 40 oz. of Carta Blanca beer.

La Cuaresma - Lent
Primero cae un hablador que un cojo – A gossiper falls harder than a cripple
Puñulada trapera – A stab in the back
Tener buen diente – to have a good appetite
Labels: Juan
“Fernando notes that the two men told many lies. He thinks that eventually they will be caught.” Yup, good guess, Fernando.
“It’s Yvonne, but she doesn’t tell Ana that. All she says is that Ana should look out for her daughter. Paula’s messing with a married man who can cause her a lot of hurt.” Gee, that was tacky of Ivonne. But, it takes one to know one.
Juan is really spinning himself a web into which he will fall headfirst soon. He’s gonna be out of luck with Paula, Marely and Pastor in about two blinks.
Super vocab! Very useful! (Especially the beer phrase).....
Ha! Señora Gaytan, what GREAT casting. She looks just like Pastor. I love her character already.
Is it my imagination or were there some distinct U.S. movie references in this episode?
1) direct reference to James Bond
2) Wizard of Oz - Pastor in Juan's fantasy, cried "I'm melting, I'm melting" as Juan rescued Paula.
3) Gone With The Wind - after the date when Juan thought bubbles "tomorrow is another day."
Wonderful vocab words. Thank you for the beer reference. My dictionary, which is usually very good with slang, didn't have it.
Oh yeah, Juan is spinning a bad one all right.
It surprises me how many US movie references are used in novelas. I'm not sure why it surprises me, but it does.
It was another, more serious side to our delightful Juan. Poor Pastor's heart will be even more broken now.
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