Sunday, August 26, 2007

August 24, 2007 – Yo Amo a Juan - In which Juan’s heart falls further into the black hole

We open to Paula scolding CL, who is standing just inside her office door with his hands clasped behind his back like the naughty boy he is. No one disappears for a whole day, she tells him, especially not the Prez of a company like this. He flippantly replies that he trusts his execs, and she sternly tells him it’s not funny. CL, ever the MCP (Male Chauvinist Pig), informs her that he knows about women like her and when they get like this, the best thing to do is escape until the waters calm. She sarcastically tells him so now he’s an expert in female behavior. [Ed. Note: He should be by now, trust us.] He corrects her; it’s her behavior that interests him, only hers. She accuses him of hiding when problem come up. He points out that he’s here now. It’s too late, though, she says. For what? To resolve things. He informs her that he’s been looking for a radical solution to their problems, but she wisely isn’t buying it. [Ed. Note: One of the few wise things she’s done so far. It won’t last.] He asks if she wants to live with him. She’s impactada. Live with him? Does he realize what he’s saying? Oh, he realizes, all right. But she tells him no way, José. Impossible. She’s not making eye contact and he’s reading it that he has a great chance of getting his way. He gives his little sly smile.

In the garage, Juan is thought bubbling. In some other world, CL’s disembodied voice is telling his colleagues that he’s going on a long trip and he has decided to entrust Farell industries to Juan. He’s the ideal person to guide the future of the company. And we see a smoke-filled room, with Juan at the desk and his feet up. Behind him, CL is still addressing the throngs. “In difficult moments, trust in him! He’s not just a boss, he’s a leader, and a friend!” Juan looks up at him with agreement written all over his face. CL punctuates with just the right gestures. Juan looks very satisfied with CL’s little speech. We hear ooohs and aaaaahs from the audience of Farell employees, and see their awed faces with “o” expressions. Including Pastor. [Ed. Note: If we didn’t already know this was pure fantasy, this would be a dead giveaway.] Juan holds up his hand for them to stop oohing and aahing. CL tells them until forever. He rolls his little carry-on out as the group stands and waves in slow-mo. Pastor runs to Juan, arms outstretched. He takes Juan’s hand and calls him “big boss” and begins to kiss Juan’s hand, so Juan promptly bats him away with his bandanna until Pastor lets go and backs off. Juan calls him a fawning toady (lambiscón) and tells him not to touch the merchandise. He wipes at the back of his hand with the bandanna and Pastor clouds up to cry. He yells at them to all leave, he has lots to do. They go. [Ed. Note: Some Leader and Friend. Hmph.] He calls Paula back as the others leave. She comes back to him, and puts her hands on his shoulders behind him. At last, we’re alone! She has so much wanted this moment. She asks for a kiss. He’s not with the program. No smile, no snappy response. He stares at the ceiling as she kisses him and says, okay……he gets up, pushes his chair away, and dips her into a boiling kiss.

Back in the garage, Juan’s eyes are glazed over and only the whites show. His lips are poised for a mega-kiss. He looks more like an open-mouthed bass than Emiliooooooo. Kike waves his hands wildly in front of Juan’s face, “Juanito, are you okay?” He slaps Juan a little to bring him out of the coma. Juan comes to with a start, yelling “Enrique, what’s UP with you-are you crazy or what? I’m fine.” (Yeah, right.) He tells Kike he was totally slobbering all over his golden goddess [okay, so I paraphrased it], and gestures that she was just in his arms. And you broke into my dream! Kike looks at him, wary. Kike tells Juan to calm down and describes what it looked like to him, like Juan wasn’t quite all there and nothing but the whites of his eyes showing. Juan rushes him, makes like he’s going to hit Kike, yelling “Drooling? Drooling? I was meditating!” Kike backs off and Juan walks away from him again. “And you broke my concentration when I was floating in the clouds…” Juan bounces around with his arms flapping. Kike mocks. “Meditating? In my town they call it being stupid.” (Tarugear, tarugo means stupid, dolt, blockhead. This could be a Kike-ism). He laughs at Juan. He tells Juan that if only the whites of his eyes are showing, Juan can’t blame him for being worried. He should be calling someone to perform an exorcism. Juan interrupts him, a little embarrassed. Enough with your nonsense! [Ed. Note: Looks who’s talking!]

In Paula’s office, CL is coming around the desk to her. He would think the idea of them living together would charm her. He twirls her chair around so he is facing her and puts his hands on the arms of the chair. The camera pans up her leg beyond the high slit, up to cleavage that defies description as contemporary office wear, and to her face as he puts his hand on her cheek. How touching. (So to speak.) What was it K said Wednesday? Blech. He thought it was something she hoped for. She is caught off guard and it wasn’t what she expected. Why not? Because we were fighting recently? She stammers. He continues, because I haven’t given you your rightful place? Because of that? Or because you think I’m still hiding things and you keep hiding? She stammers again. CL nuzzles her and says he is very serious and wants to convince her of it.

In the garage, Juan want to know why Kike is here, and Kike tells him to greet Fernando, what do you think? Well, what then? Kike tells Juan many things. They haven’t had time to talk since Alirio’s thing. Kike wants to know how it’s going for Juan with his boss, what a gal! He noted that Juan was very attentive to her last night. Juan’s eyes get big and he begins to blow steam out of his ears as Kike waxes eloquent about Paula’s curvaceous beauty. “Look out! Be careful!” Juan tells Kike and slaps him with the towel (abusado, although the captioner said abuzado). Kike rubs his arm. Juan informs Kike he’s talking about Juan’s woman! Kike points out he wasn’t imagining it. Juan agrees. He tells Kike he put a spin on yesterday. Kike talks about the dancing (the cachi cachi bombon). He demonstrates how they’d dance up so closely, rapture on his face. Juan tells him everything in its time, he’s laying groundwork and then he’ll pounce like a tiger. Kike tells him that’s a lot of talk for this. With the ring, with cutting the hair, why? Juan repeats it’ll all happen in its time. He wants to know why so many questions? Kike comments about him trying to impress and Juan asks “moi?” They chuckle.

CL is seriously putting the make on Paula in her office, and Paula, naïve chick that she is, is still trying to get straight answers. Why this decision? Because she was furious with him? He gives her more of the line. She just hadn’t imagined this and he threw her a curve. Between kisses she tries to talk. He pulls her up out of her chair and gives her a full body press. He thinks it’s perfectly natural, but she thinks they haven’t had enough time to get to know each other. He doesn’t need more time to know that she is the love of his life. [Sheesh.] He’s known that since the first day. [Double sheesh, and keep in mind that the kissing is still interfering with Paula getting answers, but it’s disgusting so there’s no need to elaborate.]

In the garage, Juan is telling Kike to respect his betters. He’s fooling with his engine so he doesn’t have to face Kike. Kike tells him to calm down, there’s no need for him to be like that, especially about some old woman. [Ed. Note: Kike, caution. Them’s fightin’ words.] He tells Kike the woman’s never been born who will resist him. He informs Kike that these boots (he puts up onto the car) have been under the beds of many women: artists, beauty queens, you know, etc.., etc. He gestures expansively about his many conquests, Europeans, Asians, Africans, and the rest. So there. Kike says there’s always a first time. Juan denies this is possible. He wants the topic changed. Kike obliges, and tells Juan not to get offended.

CL is STILL working Paula over. If they’re going to get to know each other better, they should be spending the majority of their time together. Paula is doubtful; their relationship is fragile. He plays dumb. Fragile? You’re not sure what you feel for me? [Good ploy, it’s working]. She touches his face. Yes, I am sure, but living with someone is very serious. He tells her if she’s not sure, they should just live together for a time and decide if they suit or don’t suit, like a prematrimonial course. They’ll marry or break up then. He turns at strategic points and there’s no eye contact. [Did he rehearse this or does he just think fast on his feet from lots of years dodging exposure?] She jumps up; she’s not sure what to say. She puts her arms around his waist from behind. Tell me yes, please, he says. She protests. He throws her doubts back in her face. Ugh.

As Juan continues fiddling with his engine [Ed. Note: we all remember what happened the LAST time he fiddled with an engine.} Kike gets to the real reason he’s here. He wants Juan to make good on his promise to help get assistance from CL to start his business. Juan pops up from the car and is still talking about Paula. Kike tells him yeah, we got that all clear. He’s onto another topic, the transportation business he wants to start. He’s already paid Juan his “commission.” Juan is talking about Paula not being the first or the last executive gal he’s conquered. Kike is disgusted. He wants Juan to pay attention to him. They need to make something concrete with Juan’s big boss! Finally, Juan thought-bubbles to himself that Kike is right. He’s behaved so well with Juan, and helped him out of scrapes that were really Juan’s own fault (Juan puts his hand over his mouth in shock as he realizes this) and he’ll help Kike with the big boss to get this in concrete today. He turns back around to face Kike.

Paula says this is a lot of pressure for today. CL tells her he doesn’t have 20 years for a long engagement. He strings out a really long line about having discovered things he never knew existed, and each day is a gift now…..she responds it’s the same for her, too. He’s offering a commitment, his entire life, not just part of it. [That’s a compromise??] She tries to speak, and he interrupts, don’t say a thing. Take your time, think, and I hope you come to the same conclusion as me. More slobbery kisses and endearments. He tells her this is the only thing that is important to him and dramatically exits. Paula is commercial impactado.

Yadira is remembering herself and Nidia are having the heart-to-heart about marrying someone who loves you and not someone you love. She runs to the phone and starts to dial. She throws the phone down and thinks a moment, then picks it up and calls….Enrique’s mother. Yadi greets Doña Guillermina warmly. They chat. Yadi asks a favor, can she call Enrique? He’s out. Well, can you do me a favor and let him know I called when he arrives home? [Ed. Note: We have a new data point on Kike. He lives with Mami.] Yadi and Kike’s mother say warm farewells. Yadi hangs up, but holds the phone pensively.

In the elevator, Juan is leaning against the back thought bubbling about doing this favor for Kike and how it will all play out with Paula being CL’s amante. He realizes he and Kike had talked about being business associates, and he’s been busy thinking about Paula so he hasn’t thought beyond being a chauffeur much. Suddenly he’s in a room with money all over the place, in a variety of designs and arrangements, and thinking about how women like this. Paula is walking to him and lights his “cigar” which is made of rolled-up money. He’s borrowed Fernando Mendiola’s gel for this thought-bubble and is using it liberally. Could it be that Paula isn’t still setting her eyes on CL, he wonders as she sits on his lap? He thinks it’ll be better with his very own business. Kike stands in his doorway (with dark glasses in this very dark smoke-filled room, looking very executive in a suit). He talks on a cell phone, then strolls across toward Juan. We see Paula standing behind Juan and Kike across the desk from him as he keeps telling himself what a good idea this would be, and what a good couple they’d be. The boys throw money around. Kike fusses for him to get off the elevator as it stops and pushes him out, the elevator’s not going clear to heaven. Juan fondly fusses back at him. As they come into the lobby, the secretary Kike has been looking over runs into them, and Kike and she have a visual love-fest for a moment. Juan greets her while Kike stands mute a second. Juan lets it slip in her hearing that they are going to see the patron (big boss) if is available to receive them. Kike pats him on the back and assures him he’s ready (also in her hearing). She turns and smiles at Kike over her shoulder while he smiles, gives her his best guess for what a sultry smile looks like, and postures. She and Kike stare and smile at each other while Juan goes off and leaves Kike, who turns the wrong way while he’s still looking over his shoulder at her. He bumps the wall and re-groups, smiling again and waving at her, and going to wait for Juan. Juan meanwhile greets Ivonne “bombon” and takes her hand to kiss it. She greets him with a wary smile. He wants to know if CL is busy, and she tells him CL’s with Pastor. They told her for nothing in the world should she interrupt. He wants to know how long they’ll be and she has no idea, but if he likes, he can wait. He picks up her hand again, kisses it, says he’ll be glad to wait and please tell CL he’d like to speak to him. Ivonne quickly extracts her hand, leaving him holding his own up at his mouth. She says “fine, Licenciado,” and he muses to himself over that title. The secretary, Julita, calls him. What’s up? She wants to know who his friend is. Is he going to work here? Juan says that’s his soul brother and why do you want to know? She stumbles a little and says pure curiosity. Nothing more. She says he has such a tender face. Juan asks “who?” “Him!” Juan is impactado. “Enrique?” “His name is Enrique?” Julita is totally stoked to know her new Adonis’ name. Juan jokes that he swallowed a drum (more like a watermelon, if you ask me, but have it your way, Juan). She is NOT amused. He is very handsome. Juan is impactado again. He thought bubbles about this surprise. She tells him to not say anything. He promises and gestures to zip his lips. They go on their ways.

Juan returns to Kike, excited to tell Kike he has a female admirer in Farell Industries. Kike is surprised and pleased. Who? The Licenciada? [Ed. Note: DUH]. He’s joking and laughs at Juan, pointing. He falls back on the sofa laughing. Juan points, it’s her. “What the plump little gal from reception?” Exactly. Julita looks back over her shoulder at Kike from Ivonne’s desk and Kike returns the favor. Juan thinks she’s a little near-sighted (cegatona, from ciego, blind). We see Julita excitedly talking to Ivonne in the foreground, but we can hear Juan talking about her. He says it doesn’t matter much since Kike could take advantage of that. [Ed. Note: that’s kind of mean of Juan, if you ask me!]. Kike admits she fascinates him. Juan gives Kike advice on how to approach her, alone, alone. Don’t be so obvious. Kike waves at her, but quits when Juan says that, and pretends he was going to scratch the back of his head. Juan gives him a steady stream of good advice. [ Juan IS an expert with women, after all.] Kike makes a series of jerky gestures, trying to wave and not wave at the same time. Julita does a little of the same. The beam at each other.

CL is spinning his chair, quietly yelling “yee-ha!” Pastor waits quietly for him to stop spinning. CL declares to Pastor that it’s as if destiny has agreed to give him a hand. Pastor agrees he’s a lucky man, no doubt about it. It wouldn’t have gone better if he’d planned it all out. CL tells Pastor that all he needs now is for Pastor to take charge of keeping Monica as entertained and far away as possible. Pastor says it’s good to go; all that remains is for Monica to recover totally and take possession of the office they’ve found for her. He sits back, satisfied. CL tells Pastor what’s important now is to keep her very, very busy (full of work). Pastor is to speak with everyone they know, and make sure they give Monica lots of orders. CL is jubilant with this plan. Pastor leans over and tells him it’ll be way more effective if HE himself speaks with them all. CL agrees, but it’d be more dangerous, too. “I don’t want to risk myself. You take care of it!” He doesn’t want Monica to have a single second free in the next month. Pastor assures him he’ll see what he can do. CL scowls and leans at him. He yells “we’ll see NOTHING, Gaitán!” Pastor jerks back in his seat to escape the sudden rage. That’s an express order CL is giving him, and with a concrete objective. He expects that Pastor will have tangible results. He shakes a finger at Pastor, glaring. “Let me repeat. I am trusting completely in you. You are NOT going to fail me.” His voice gets very soft as he says this. Pastor looks resigned and a bit worried. “No, sir. Count on it.”

Consuelo wants to know what she can prepare for Monica to eat. Monica isn’t going to eat. She wants to recover fast because it’s driving her crazy to stay home all the time. Consuelo asks if she’s going to check out her new office. Monica tells her no, the new office isn’t going to be. Consuelo is confused. Monica tells her that the whole idea of the delicatessen was nothing more than a desperate idea to make her feel useful. She doesn’t know why she needs a new business when she has one that is working well and belongs to her (Farell Industries, as we learned earlier, is half hers). Consuelo wants to know if she plans to go work with CL. Monica informs her, with a calculating look, that an office like this is a perfect place for her to plan a seduction. He’ll work near her and be able to see but not touch. She looks very satisfies with herself for this plan. She asks Chelo what she thinks. Consuelo thinks she’s a really great manipulator. Admiration fills her face. She likes the trap Monica will set for CL. Monica tells her the tables have been turned, and she’ll have him falling into her web. (Los papeles se han cambiado-the parts/roles have been reversed, or the tables are turned).

CL is jubilant again. [Ed. Note: Is this what manic depression looks like? Euphoric one second and screaming the next?] He has to thank Pastor for his part in this. If not for his good advice and assistance, CL wouldn’t be getting what he wants. Pastor acts surprised. Pastor is pleased to have been able to help. But, he wants CL to know that in his humble opinion, there are still a couple of unsettling things. How is CL so sure Paula will accept his proposal? CL confidently responds to him as if he were a preschooler. She’s in love, of course. Totally enamored. A woman who has the typical fear of taking the first step of the most important thing in her whole life. She’s gonna end up accepting, of this he has not even the slightest doubt. Okay, Pastor tells him, and the second unsettling item is even more important, if she accepts, doesn’t CL think he’ll end up in the wolf’s mouth? [Ed. Note: Pastor, I think you have it backwards. Paula’s going to end up in the wolf’s mouth.] What Pastor means is maybe Monica will find she’s sorry and try to get CL back, then he’ll get busted. CL is unconcerned. He gives his chair another viewer-nauseating spin. Ah, this is just a first step. Now the time is coming for him to use this period with Paula to prepare the way for the future, for the time when everything is going to come to light. CL spins and spins, grinning wildly. Pastor is sure he’s going to come out smelling like a rose, he has the talent for these kind of things. [Ed. Note: we had no doubt, did we?] CL spins and grins. Really?

Paula calls Ana at her new office. Ana is glad to hear from her, though she has so many things to do. As they talk, she puts things on her shelves. We see her family photos on the credenza behind her. Paula wants to eat lunch with Ana. Ana wants to know what’s the rush? Paula tells her she must talk to Ana urgently. About what? Paula wants to tell her face to face. Ana wants to know if something has happened. Paula tells her nothing yet, but it will. Ana scolds her for playing guessing games. She wants to know what Paula’s talking about! Paula says she wants to talk to her personally. Ana agrees, somewhat reluctantly, and they plan to meet for lunch. Paula smiles and shakes her head fondly in the direction of CL’s office. She goes out to the lobby toward CL’s office, thinks better of it and turns back to Marely’s desk. She asks Marely if CL is in his office; Marely says she didn’t see him leave. Paula notices Juan and wants to know why he is up here. Kike greets Paula, too. Juan says he needs to talk with the patron a second. It’s a business matter, with his associate—he indicates Kike. Paula says she needs to talk to CL a minute, too, but won’t take long. Juan tells her to take the time she needs. Paula tells him about lunch, and goes to ask Ivonne about CL. He’s with Pastor—who is conveniently coming out of the office. Pastor insincerely greets her. She asks if CL is busy, and Pastor thinks he never is busy for her. She thanks him and goes in. Ivonne fusses about Paula, this stupid one who thinks she owns this business, but her days are numbered. Pastor tells her he’s not so sure about that. Ivonne wants to know what’s happened now. She is not a happy camper. Pastor tells her there is bad news. She wants to know, but he tells her not here, to come to his office in a little while. He tells her this thing is going to worry her. He leaves and she worries. She rolls to CL’s door and peers through the small strip of glass that is clear. She thinks better of it, and rolls back with Juan and Marely watching her watch CL’s glass door. She glares defiantly at Marely, who glares back judgmentally.

Paula informs CL she has a response for him. We note that he has his jubilation well under control. She accepts to live with him and hopes to the depths of her heart that it’s not a mistake. Now he’s jubilant. Really? It’s the most serious thing she’s done in her life, and she thinks the most risky. He runs around the desk to grab her. Now he’s spinning HER chair. He gets on his knees and puts arms around her. They kiss wildly. Well, at least HE is kissing wildly. She wants him to settle down. He tells her she won’t be sorry. [Hah.] She hopes so. He waxes eloquent about how happy they’ll be. He tells her she’s just made the decision that has changed the course of their lives. She agrees, then tells him the most important is yet to be said. There are some things…. What, he asks? For example, where will we live? He tells her the apartment is fine, though she wants to start new with another place that is just theirs, neutral, to begin. He says it’s not important where they live, but that they live together. Everything else is secondary. He assures her they are both aware of the risks and the compromises. Let’s not look for things that don’t exist. [Ed. Note: Lame, CL, lame.] All right, all right. She smiles and kisses him. [Ed. Note: Paula, you’re lost.] And the second thing. Another? Yes, when will you come over? Today? (he gives her a soulful little boy look and gestures). She’s mildly impactada—so fast? He says not really, can I confess something? Don’t be mad with me…..I had so much faith that I could convince you that….well….I packed a little suitcase and put it in the car today. He gives her the “aw, shucks” face and accompanying body language. (Ugh). She smiles at his cuteness and they kiss. “Today?” He asks her. He gives her the boyish grin and looks her in the eye finally to get a yes from her. She smiles and nods. And by the way, the blinds aren’t closed any better today than usual. The whole world just saw the big boss from behind, on his knees in front of his VP, kissing her for the last five minutes. Work should be fun, right?

Ivonne stands in front of Pastor, who is seated at his desk. She is scolding him for leaving her with these doubts, even if he is a boss. He tells her that such hunger for gossip will kill her. She scolds again and tells him she knows he’s dying to tell her. He grins and chuckles. Okay, but sit down and hold on, this information wouldn’t be good for heart patients. She looks a little impactada and sits. She sighs, well, tell me. He tells her he’s sad to bring the sad news. But, it seems that Don CL and the Licenciada Paula are going to live together. What?? Sorry. She curses. This damned infidel! How dares he? He promised ME that! He informs her that Don CL is obnubilado (over the clouds, my guess, from obnubilo-cloud) with Paula. Because of it, the balance is in her favor. It includes dealing with Monica, because he’s planned it out in minute detail. Ivonne asserts there’s one thing he’s forgotten, her. Do they think they’ll be happy forever? No, because she won’t permit it. She scowls in anger and hurt. Pastor looks at her quizzically.

Yadira is still trying to get ahold of Kike. In her best telephone voice, she says, “yes, it’s me again,” and asks his mother if he’s returned yet. Oh, not yet? She’ll call again. Bye bye… comes Nidia. They exchange greetings and chitchat. Traffic was awful. She asks Yadi what’s been happening here? Yadi says “nothing” and fiddles with her nails. Nidia says she’s just dead and is going to rest a while. Yadi says “Mami, I want to talk about one little thing.” She excitedly asks if her Mami wouldn’t like a bachelorette party? She’ll take care of organizing it. She bounces up and down on her chair. Nidia tells her that’s so lovely. Yadi wants to know if she likes the idea. Nidia does, but not with just women friends, how boring. She knows what will work better. Yadi says that’s the custom, but it doesn’t excite Nidia. “Huy.” Yadi gives her a wary wide-eyed look. Nidia smiles and wiggles her eyebrows once.

Paula leaves CL’s office with a glazed and dazed smile on her face and a happy sigh. We hear Juan still talking with Kike outside. Paula walks directly to her office, totally oblivious to everyone, including Juan approaching her rapidly and saying “Licenciada?” Finally, she turns around and says, “tell me, Juan.” He remarks on how well it must have gone for her with the big boss. [Ed. Note: You don’t want to know, Juan.] She smiles and agrees. She asks if it is so noticeable. He says, of course, with that smile that seems to be purely joyful. She grins from ear to ear, she can’t deny it. Well, then, if it was so good, could one know what it was? She evades any implication and tells him life can be so good some times. She points him to the office, CL is available now; she excuses herself quickly and leaves him standing there wondering. He thought bubbles about the face of this little lamb, which suggest to him she had a party and for him it’s just another thorn that’s going to go into the depths of his heart. Kike comes from behind to tug on his arm; Kike has an objective that won’t be delayed. C’mon, let’s go talk to the honcho, man. Juan jumps, and tells him not to shake him up. He composes himself and says “wait for me.” Kike mutters “good luck, brother.” Juan knocks on CL’s door. [Ed. Note: if he asked CL for a vice presidency right now, he’d get it.]

As Juan goes into the office, Kike turns around to see Julita bringing him a cup of coffee, smiling prettily. [Ed. Note: Kike’s shirt is a marvel today. It’s bright red, with a big white square in the middle, with words and numbers on it. It’s tight as always, a knit polo, that hangs over his belt when tucked in. Big time.] He remarks that he likes coming to this office. She hopes the coffee suits him, she put in one sugar. He assures her if she made it for him, he’ll like it. He takes a swig. Huy, it’s hot! He nearly falls over forward trying not to spit it at her. Did it burn? No, he denies. They both stammer. He smiles as she worriedly offers to put some water in it. No, it’s super all right. She smiles apologetically and he smiles happily.

Pastor is counseling Ivonne in his office, offering her tissue and telling her to calm herself. She grabs one. He says he told her it was going to be difficult, but it’s better than she thought. [Ed. Note: where the heck did he get that idea?] She wants to know why this vile man had to do something so bad? Pastor knows her history, this is something he should have done for her! He tells her that’s life. [Wrong answer, Pastor.] She complains that she gave her body and soul entirely to this man for two years, putting up with all that. He never, never thought to go with her (permanently, implied). He reminds her that at the time he warned her. She replies that he humiliated her, hid the relationship with her. He stayed with Monica. He’ll never change. And here comes this vile woman playing the good girl, and for her he tells his wife to get lost (mandar a la goma- tell someone to get lost). Pastor holds a finger up. Hold on here. I never for a minutes said he’s going to leave his wife, and even less now that she’s pregnant. Ivonne is impactada. She mouths “pregnant?” Her eyes widen and mouth drops. He nods.

Juan apologizes for bothering CL, since he’s always so busy. CL impatiently tells Juan he’s listening. Juan wonders if he remembers mentioning a friend, who wants to start a transport business. He knew Samuel Cachón well (Juan crosses himself, may he rest in peace). Ah, yes, that…..Ernesto! No, Enrique. Oh, I remember. Juan beats around the bush about Kike needing to work, etc., and he needs a little contract with you. Juan wanted to see CL before he went on his little trip. CL smiles….who told him CL was going on a trip? Oh, I can imagine, CL says. It was Fernando, right? Juan tells him yes, but it wasn’t gossip, it was merely a comment, he’s very discreet….CL assures him Fern won’t be in trouble. It’s just a misunderstanding. He left with a suitcase this morning. But not for a trip. He’s moving. Juan smiles, ay. His house was so far, that’s why, Juan says. No, CL informs him, smiling, that he’s going to live with Paula. Juan’s smile freezes. We hear Ivonne’s voice in the background.

She tells Pastor she still can’t believe it. Pastor has been so close-mouthed about it. He tells her he couldn’t continue that way, he has to let her know that the relationship she had doesn’t have a future. And, CL isn’t going to end his marriage. He’s an old wolf. She protests. He’s a wretch! Pastor agrees—he’s a wretch and a half. He’s going to keep living with his wife and is going to live with Paula. She laments that the fiasco of it is that he’s going to win. This little dead fly deserves what she gets. He points out that he’s seen high towers fall. Ivonne declares that she’s going to take care of bringing that cretin down from the cloud she’s sitting on. He cautions her; no, how can you think of it? As soon as you open your mouth, I’m going to be the one out on the street. Ivonne says no matter what CL does to her, she’s not thinking she’ll miss the pleasure of telling this old woman the truth! She shakes her finger to punctuate.

CL tells Juan he’s not going to waste time with a long engagement. With a woman like Paula? From today, they’re living together. Juan congratulates him through gritted teeth on a well-thought out plan. CL says he’s counting on Juan for more than a chauffeur, he’s a friend for Paula. He’s counting on Juan’s discretion, and Juan knows how things are in this company—CL doesn’t want commentaries. Juan grimaces, bites his tongue and barely holds it through this. Are we clear? Juan affirms, very clear. CL goes back to Ernesto, Juan’s friend. Enrique, sir. Whatever. CL’s going to see Paula immediately about contracts for Kike. Teeth still gritted, Juan thanks him. Good thing CL’s not looking at him. Juan’s stink eye is every bit as good as Nidia’s. CL picks up the phone to call Paula, his “amor.” Juan thought bubbles about getting crucified, with “INRI” on the front. He is bitter while he listens to endearments, telling himself that he can’t fool himself any more, no more fantasies. The truth is sitting right there in front of him, and the hardest part is that this guy, so good-looking (bien pintado), rich and elegant, he can’t hate because he owes the guy favors for what he’s done for Juan and Kike. CL wraps up his call to Paula about getting vendors to ship with Kike by kissing the phone and thanking her. Juan rubs his eye, still thought bubbling that for all he aches in his soul, he can’t hate this guy and that’s the hardest thing. Juan grimaces again as we go to commercial.

Pastor tells Ivonne that she’s half confused, right? Doesn’t she realize that what he just gave her is the appetizer so she can wait for the main course (plato fuerte- strong plate, my best guess). What? Are you going to eat it all in one mouthful? She nods defiantly. He tells her it’s elementary. The Licenciada is going to get all inflated, and when she bursts like a toad, the blow is going to be part of an anthology (she’s just one more chapter in the book). And who do you think will be the first in line? Us, of course! He smiles triumphantly. [Ed. Note: Is this meant to be comforting?] Ivonne is worried that she might get what she wants, that she might end up married to CL. Pastor tells her no, that’s not how things work in real life. He assures Ivonne that Licenciado Farell sooner or later will tire of her, and probably sooner if they live together. She’ll probably end up killing herself. Ivonne hopes God’s listening. He says all they have to do is be patient and wait, and help out the spectacular romance between the two. She sighs at him doubtfully.

Paula is talking to CL on the phone. She’s at his command. If he’ll send Juan to her office, she’ll handle it all. They exchange the endearments. She hangs up and tells a quizzical Marely (who is standing in front of Paula’s desk, chewing her pencil) that she knows Marely is dying to know. Marely says “pardon?” Don’t lie, you let me tell you. I’m dying to tell you, too. You’ll never guess. What? Marely wants to know as she sits down. “I’m going to live with Cesár Luis!” Marely is impactada. So fast? Well, yes, it seemed fast to Paula, but he was insistent. And, she decided he was right, why wait? What do you think? Marely just looks at her, in shock. “Aren’t you going to congratulate me?” Oh, yes! Marely wishes her much luck. [Ed. Note: In this case, that’s better than congratulating her.] And, Paula continues, you know what the one thing that worries me is? How my Mamá will take it. [Ed. Note: And for a very good reason!] She probably won’t agree with it. Marely agrees, but it’s Paula’s decision. Paula wants to know about Marely. Marely wants to know what about me? Well, what’s up with Juan? Paula mentions the ring. Marely hesitates….they left it at that. Why, Paula wants to know? Well, Marely tells her, it seems that Juan is enamored of another woman. Paula can’t believe it. What’s up with Juan? He behaved so divinely with Marely, he gave her the ring, how can he care about another woman? Marely smiles anxiously. Paula wants to know who the other woman is, does Marely know her? Marely can’t answer…..

Juan comes out of CL’s office into the lobby. Nobody’s having fun at work today except CL and Paula. Juan’s a thundercloud. Kike tells Julita to give him a moment, precious. She tells him not to leave without saying goodbye. He says he won’t and runs to Juan. What happened with the boss? (Sad Palomita music is playing in the background). Juan tells him they’ve done well, and need to talk with Licenciada Paula. Kike grabs him and hugs him, with Julita smiling broadly in the background. Kike thanks Juan, he knew Juan wouldn’t fail him. He’ll never forget this, never. Better said, Juan will get his place in heaven with this. Juan hopes so. Kike realizes he’s very down and asks why. Life is nasty, rubbish. He frowns and looks ready to cry as Kike looks him over, also worried and frowning. “Ay amor, Ay amor” plays slowly and sadly in the background.

Paula is insistent that if Marely knows who the woman is, she should tell Paula and not be this way. Marely says no, it’s that she doesn’t really know and Juan wouldn’t want her to say. Paula points out that he couldn’t really know too many women; he goes from work to home and home to work. Marely evades it by saying men are weird and Paula insists that Juan is a liar, and that told her that he likes Marely. Paula says she’s going to find out the truth. Marely begs her not to ask him anything. Why? You don’t have much confidence in me, Paula says. Well, it’s delicate for him. Paula is puzzled, why? Marely looks panicky as Juan comes in quickly after knocking. He excuses himself for coming in on them, and Paula says “speaking of the king of Rome…” and chuckles. “You came on behalf of your friend, right?” He tells her yes, and he is sorry to have entered like this but there was no one at the desk outside. Marely gets up and leaves; he greets her on the way out, awkward. He closes the door and faces Paula with the music in the background, “Ay amor.”

Monday: Paula tells Juan she’s going to live with CL, Monica tells CL she’s going to work with him, and Juan has an opportunity to say it like it is.


Lambiscón – fawning toady
¡Abusado! - Look out! Be careful!
Mandar a la goma – tell someone to get lost (literally send them to the rubber)
Plato fuerte – main course (strong plate, my best guess since it came after the appetizer)
Los papeles se han cambiado - the parts/roles have been reversed, or the tables are turned
Obnubilado - over the clouds, my guess, from obnubilo-cloud
Compromiso - commitment (also engagement sometimes), added thanks to Judy B.'s catch



Great re-cap! I FF through a lot of this episode and your re-cap makes me feel as though I didn't miss a thing!

On another note, would it be terrible for me to say that at this point I would prefer for Juan to end up with the much-too-young-for-him Marely than with Paula?

Dear Jeanne, I'm absolutely hooked on your recaps...I watched this segment through and through but still couldn't wait to get your take on it.
I loved your remark about the cleavage. I remember reading years ago in an American magazine that the pros used brown eye shadow to "shade" the line of the breast to make the curves look more obvious in a photo or a film. And that's certainly the case on Univision in addition to the silicone!
In Cesar's seduction scene with Paula, I think the word "compromiso" is a "false friend" doesn't mean compromise, but rather commitment (and in some cases, though not here, betrothal). And yes, Cesar Luis is strangely mercurial...but after all, he's king of the universe in his own little turf and so far has gotten away with it...I'm sure we can't wait to see him hit the wall....but I'm with Amanda...I'd rather see Juan end up with sweet Marely rather than with Paula.
And thanks for that "mandar a la goma" translation...I thought that was what it meant but wasn't sure...Pastor has so many juicy expressions it's simply impossible to look them all up.
YOU MUST HAVE SPENT HOURS ON THIS!!!!it was so detailed...but a real pleasure to read. Thanks for all you do....

Judy b.

Thanks, all!

Judy B., I added "compromiso" to the vocab list, thanks to your eagle eye. I actually knew that but you're right, it usually takes me hours and I think I might have been a bit tired even when I started on Friday. Hubby and I had a chat about how many hours I spend recapping. I pointed out to him yesterday that if I were refreshing my Spanish via a university course, I would spend as much time between class and studying, and this way I'm having fun. Plus, in a class, they don't use as much connected language, which is usually the sticking point for students. This gives real life language practice with discourse that's rapid. He finally sees my point. ;-) He said he's never, ever in our twenty years seen me focus for so long and so much on anything. I just love it! (I may have to trim my recaps slightly, though, now that school is back in session and I'm going to football games for the kiddos, etc.

I am in total agreement with both of you. I have thought from the beginning that Juan would be better with Marely. Hubby is fifteen years older than me and it really makes little difference to me or to him.


Oops, forgot the ) after that last parenthetical statement.


Well, I think it's sweet that after so many years of marriage, your husband is still so protective of your time and're right, marrying an "older man" can be a definite plus.
Anyway, your recaps give me a chance to feel I'm sharing this endearing show with a friend, rather than watching it all by myself. Really adds to the fun...and to the learning.

Judy B.

Judy B., he's definitely a keeper. The first two husbands didn't care where I was or what I was doing most of the time, seriously. In fact, one was usually happier when I wasn't bothering his television viewing. This guy's a gem, if a little protective of my time, which is a definite improvement.

I'm with you, enjoying the program with y'all here is a treat. Since there are so few of us really watching Juan and commenting about it, that seems to make it even more personal. It's a great way to spend time. (Learning is icing on the cake.)


Well, I wish they had left Juan on at 8 pm since I often don't get home in time to see the first half (and my VCR programmer is busted...strictly manual)...and I am surprised that more of our Fea crowd aren't watching...this program truly has a charm of it's own (though nothing can match Fernando/Lety, I'll grant you).
It makes me sad that the hard work of you Juan recappers is not enjoyed by more folks...but maybe on the next one!
And in the meantime, yes, you're refreshing your own Spanish and learning gobs more, big-time!
Thanks for telling us too, a little about your personal life, language skills, travels etc...adds a lot and is testimony to your open, communicative nature.

Judy B.

Kudos on your amazing recaps; it truly must be a labor of love for you. It surely shows in the quality. You are appreciated!

I must confess I haven't been watching Juan too often. Eduardo Santamarina has never been my cup of tea, and especially not following Jaime Camil; I just couldn't go there right away. Still, I do miss watching a comedy novela, so I'm beginning to tune in now & again. I just wish there were more characters I could root for. Right now, it's pretty much just Marely & Juan. I was hoping I'd like Paula better, but so far she's too much of a disappointment, not to mention a niggling visual distraction... Who dresses like that for the office???? If those suits get any tighter, one day soon her all-too-spherical boobs are pop right out onto the floor in front of her. If I get to see more of Juan & Marely, I'll be happy, but I'm not too sure where all that will go, if anywhere. Thanks again!

Hi, Schoolmarm ! I am not watching this show [I have enough trouble trying to catch ''Destilando Amor'' which I really like and ''Amar Sin Limites'' which I am watching only because Marcos and Martin from Alborada are in it]. However, I do like to drop by here to see how you are doing. In a few months, the ''Duelo'' group will probably all be reunited for the pirate telenovela with Fernando C. [Good times return.] Someone posted that Fernando was on El Gorda y Flaca , but I missed it...Rats.

Thanks, Marie Celeste! I like Juan and Marely, too. I also like Ana and Kike. Alirio and Nidia are growing on me, though I can't say I like them....I love watching their antics. I wonder how it's going to play out when Alirio and Nidia get busted for stealing Paula's inheritance?

Susanlynn!! It's always such fun to see you pop in, and I really miss watching the same programs you do. I just couldn't get into the other two, probably the same way you couldn't get into Juan. But one thing is for certain; we'll both get into Fern Colunga and Pirates and we'll all be back together! Hubby told me only one at a time, but nothing on earth is keeping me from Fernando Colunga and Pirates, nada! Thanks for keeping us updated or reminded, as it were, of the coming attraction.


I love this show and watch it every chance I get. Faves: Nidia, Alirio, Juan, Enrique and Fernando. What a team! And nobody is dying!

Melinama, after the body count in Duelo, maybe Televisa folks said "whoops, maybe we better pace ourselves better."


Jeanne, I just got back from a LO-O-O-Ong weekeng of boatwork and coudn't wait to sit down and read your recap. It was outstanding! There was a TON of dialogue in Friday's episode and it was all very complex. I'll admit I kept thinking "thank goodness it's not my night!" Thank you for the hours that you spent translating and thinking through everything. I know there are people who watch JQ and read the recaps but who don't comment, so your audience is bigger that it seems.

I am thoroughly enjoying this show. After Duelo I was very weary of the neverending angst that permeates most telenovelas. As Melinama says, no deaths...hoorah!! (Well, only one at the beginning but it was key to the plot.)

I'll be ready for PIRATES and some good swordplay after JQ. (Jeanne, I'll never think of swordplay the same way after Juan's musings about his sword. Remember that one? That was also your recap night.)

My girlfriend Hilari (who went to South America with me) stopped by briefly while I was watching JQ Friday night. She watched him for a while and said "no wonder you're hooked, what channel is this?" We may have a new convert...

I too would like to vote for the Juan-Marely ending. I am 11-years older than my wife and other than some references to things that happened in the early 60's that she wasn't around for, we have a pretty good time.

Besides, it's all part of my retirement package. When I do retire, she'll still have a good 10 years worth of work left in her!

Of course I can say this with confidence, since I know she doesn't read the blog!!

I still don't see what's wrong with Paula's outfits...:)


I guess you don't see anything wrong with Paula's outfits just like I don't see anything wrong with Juan running around in those little orange shorts!

Thanks, Sylvia! Sounds like you've been at those nifty weekend chores already. It's a hard job, but somebody's got to do it. :-) Hope your friend decides to join us here, too. We're such a fun group.

Hey, Amanda, you've got a good point. Juan has the good sense, though, to cover up at work. He entertains us when he's home. Paula doesn't seem to know the difference.

Oldman, my husband has me as his retirement package, so to speak. His original dream was for him to retire to the French Quarter and let me support him in the style to which he wanted to be is likely a good thing that we took a turn of direction. Instead, when a friend recruited me to Hawaii, he jumped right on it and practically filled out the application for me. Then he retired to Hawaii and interpreted while I worked full-time. However, the mainland called, and he's still retired and I'm still working full-time (he still interprets when he wants to). He's happy and we get to see grandkids and my parents far more often, though we miss paradise. You men and your retirement plans (rolling eyes and shaking head). It works for him, though....except for the snow....


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