Friday, November 02, 2007

I Love Juan - Thursday 11/01 - In which Paula looks like fruit but acts like a nut

Kike and Yadi are on the phone. Unable to communicate like adults, they bicker about the gender of their baby. Yadi calls him an idiot and Kike stares at the phone like a...well, like an idiot.

Wretched Paula, alone in her room, removes Juan's ring and reflects on his angry words.

Meanwhile the King of Rome stands outside her window wondering how his steps brought him to her house. He thought bubbles that there he stood, trying to pluck up his courage once again, but like a puzzle it wasn't easy.

Back to Paula who recalls Juan's words of love, when he said that holding her in his arms was like holding a little piece of heaven.

Back to Juan again (and this flip-flopping is making me seasick). He says he once kissed her feet but now God will give him the courage to retire his love and move on.

Yadi holds her shirt up to admire her belly which still looks concave to me. The phone rings and it's Kike. They resume their bickering. Kike interrupts her with some sweet talk. He calls her stubborn and says he loves her with the insanity and compassion of a firefighter. (Did I hear that right?) Yadi admits she's hormonal. Ha, not that there is much deviation from her usual screechy self.

Juan enters his room and rolls his eyes. Nidia awaits yet again, although this time not in a negligee. She tells him his eyes are sad and she advises him to tell mama Nidia what afflicts his heart. It's Paula, no?

We must be in some alternate universe because Nidia has Juan all tucked into bed and she's not even trying to jump his bones. He says his heart will put him in the insane asylum and she tells him to get a grip. Folks, I'm afraid I can't do Nidia's speech justice. She used a lot of dichos and phrases and I just couldn't follow. Suffice to say she gave Juan a major pep talk and basically told him to grow a pair and show the world how brave he is. After she leaves Juan thought bubbles that in spite of everything he would sleep well that night knowing he had a real family.

Next morning Nidia and a maid we have never seen before serve Juan a huge breakfast. Paula telephones and Nidia scampers away with the receiver so Juan can't hear. Paula is wearing a cantaloupe colored dress that shows off her cantaloupes, heh heh, a treat for our gentlemen viewers. Nidia doesn't want Juan to talk to her but Paula insists, it's urgent. Actually it's nothing really, except that Paula wants what she wants when she wants it.

While Nidia carries the phone to Juan, Paula's doorbell rings. Whoever could it be? It's the smug CL come to claim his trophy; would it be crass of me to say trophies?

Paula throws out the "aren't you coming for me today" line to Juan. Juan, remembering her recent smack down, says he's too busy. She presses and he gruffly agrees to meet her at her office.

"Juan, are you OK?" she stupidly inquires. CL stands behind her and gives her the major stink eye. This is how Paula likes it, using one sap to make the other one jealous. Juan remains gruff under Nidia's urging. After they hang up Nidia says he did pretty well but he has to have more "gazñetas". (Balls? I'm not sure but she makes that sort of gesture.) Juan says something like they are going to be measuring the water to the sweet potatoes. (Eh? Whatever.) Alirio comes downstairs and sees Nidia fussing over Juan.

CL and Paula argue tediously over her phone call to Juan. He challenges her, who is taking this worse, Juan or her?

Mari chases Juan as he leaves the house. She knows his resignation is for the best but she'll miss him at work. He says it's not the end of the world, no big deal,she'll get used to it all. "Not to all Juan," she coos. They share a meaningful stare.

Mari gives him a quick kiss and splits. Juan thought bubbles how strange women are. Hadn't he assumed that she hated him? Hadn't he broken her heart which was the very thing he himself vowed never to forgive ? Hmmm...

Good lord CL and Paula are still at it. She feels guilty. He stares at her cantaloupes and promises to be fair to Juan, and as his prize he will get...? Paula demands results first. CL wants to go public with their relationship. Go public? Like the entire Farell Industries doesn't already know?
Suddenly Ana walks in with her suitcase and gives CL her best cat butt face. Like mother like daughter.

Back at Casa Cachón Nidia is pretendercizing with Yadi's help. Yadi whines that she doesn't want to be far from the father of her child. Nidia says NO, hers is a decent house, not the house of Madam Cachon, a house of ill repute. One day Yadi will thank her for educating her in the style of the barefoot Carmelites. Really...I never knew that the barefoot Carmelites had extra-marital affairs, copped feels off of any comely male tush that passed by, and regularly boinked young studs while their husbands slept upstairs. Really... Well then get me to a nunnery!

CL wisely waits outside while Ana hears to her displeasure that CL plans to leave Monica for Paula. Paula insists that CL loves her. Doesn't Ana want Paula to be happy? Ana snaps that a person who lies once lies forever.

Juan visits the market and hits up Angarita for a job; he'll start from zero. Angarito balks, the pay is too little and Juan's not experienced as a dock loader. Juan urges in his persuasive way.

Dang, Ana must be desperate...whom does she call to complain about Paula but Nidia of all people. Ana complains that CL will be the disgrace of Paula. Oops, too late mom. Ana tells Nidia that she's seriously thinking about moving to Monterrey so she'll never have to see CL's mug again. Way to go ma, you're going to leave your daughter alone with the big bad wolfe? But oh yeah, this is the woman who packed her kid off to the U.S. so she could fool around with Nidia's husband.

Juan tells Angarita that he's not leaving Farell because of Pastor, no no no, Pastor is a great guy, simply marvelous in fact. Angarita asks Juan to forgive him for being frank, but is Juan Pastor's husband or something like that? Juan is impactado.

Fernando drives CL and Paula to work, and is thereby forced to listen to their odious conversation. "My mom hates you." "I'll win her over." "Let's take it slowly this time." "I couldn't agree more my love." Fer rolls his eyes at this pair of hypocrites in the back seat.

Monica strolls through the garage as they drive up. Paula and CL get out and are face to face with Monica. They stare at each other.

Moni tells Paula not to use 'usted', they are friends aren't they? Moni and Cesar exchange unpleasantries. As they leave for the office Fer winces, he is baffled by the upper classes.

The three jostle each other over who gets to exit the elevator first. Moni wins but CL kisses Paula in front of the office staff to the amazement of everyone.

CL wants to talk to Moni in private. He scolds her for being ironic with Paula. He tries to tell her how to behave but she reminds him that he threw her out of his life and now he doesn't have a say in how she lives or acts, claro? On her way out she says she'll not endanger his relationship with Paula. "Nothing can endanger that relationship," he insists half-heartedly.

Angarita mentions the nude painting to Juan. What else was he to think except that Juan and Pastor know. Juan laughs, it's art not porn. Anyway, he decided not to judge Pastor because he saw that Pastor was no better or worse than any other guy. He suggests Angarita do the same. Angarita says he'll never get used to it.

Paula whines to Mari about her situation; she's ticked about running into Moni and CL's PDA. Yep, adds Mari, CL pretty much clarified the situation for all. Paula continues to whine shrilly that she's nervous around Moni. Mari suggests it's because Paula feels guilty. Speaking of the Queen of Rome, Moni enters the room, "Who feels guilty?"

Paula makes up some lame excuse and excuses Mari so she and Moni can stare at each other.

Pastor and Alirio get into the elevator together and you can cut the tension with a knife. Pastor thanks Alirio; due to his big mouth Pastor is now liberated from his shame. He told CL of Alirio's blackmail and CL in his infinite generosity forgave Pastor. Alirio says that explains Cl's rotten attitude toward him and Pastor should go to jail for thievery. Pastor says Alirio should go to jail for extortion. They glare.

Pastor removes his jacket and calls Alirio out. Alirio snidely comments that he won't dirty his hands fighting a "LOCA" (using the feminine) like Pastor. Pastor slaps Alirio hard, "Loca your grandma!" Alirio uses the standard telenovela line, "you are going to pay very, but very dearly for this," he threatens. "So long Licenciado Chicken," taunts Pastor as he exits smiling. This early altercation has put him in a good mood and his toupee never budged. Not a bad morning.

Moni and Paula have a strained conversation. It's really boring except at the end Moni asks Paula whatever happened to her relationship with Juan?

I guess Juan got the job with Angarita because back at the garage Kike congratulates him for it. Juan backslides into his old lying ways and says his job is as administrator. Kike is sceptical.

Juan asks Fernando for a typewriter so he can write his letter of resignation. "Typewriter? Dude that is seriously prehistoric," laughs Fer.

The guys manage to locate a typewriter and Juan begins to type painfully, slowly, excruciatingly. Moni surprises them and wants to see what he's writing. Juan hides the paper and agrees to drive her somewhere.

Alone, Moni asks Juan what went down between him and Paula. Juan responds that gentlemen have no memory. (Yet another difference between him and CL.) Moni pushes, he and Paula were so close then suddenly it was over. She will share with him what Paula told her. She told her that lamentably their relationship could never go anywhere. Their relationship had more complications than good times. Juan is surprised that Paula would say such a thing, especially to her rival. He thinks that he will never understand women.

Back at the office CL "comforts" Paula by reassuring her, and I paraphrase, that due to his drawn out lies, machinations and perfunctory dumping of Monica, she is no longer his wife. No matter that they are still married. Paula insists she'll never have a moment's peace working close to Monica, boo hoo. CL tells her to ignore Moni's rabid jealousy and sarcasm. Paula doesn't want to engage in psychological warfare, she only wants peace and tranquility.

Juan strolls back to the guys and tells another fib, that Monica begged him to stay at the company. Fernando calls Juan a Pinochito, basically a little Pinocchio I think. He and Kike are on to his bull. Juan finally handwrites his resignation and marches upstairs while Fer and Kike snicker in unison.

Juan strides through the office waving his resignation but is stopped by the never-working ever-bawling VP Paula who wants to talk. Juan hears Nidia's voice in his head telling him to wear the pants, be firm, don't get squashed by love. He tells Paula he will resign first, then he will talk to her.

But that's what Paula wants to discuss, his resignation. He shouldn't make such a hurried decision, he can't leave. Juan tells her his leaving is better for everyone, especially for her... And Tivo stopped here, right on a shot of Ivonne's big head watching them intently.

Más se perdió en la guerra = it's not the end of the world (Lit. More is lost in war)

rompecabezas = puzzle (Lit. headbreaker)

Vas a pagar muy caro = You are going to pay very dearly


Hah! Thanks. Monica is a class act, I couldn't do what she's doing. And little Pastor, getting tough, that was fun! I like his brother too. And look, even Yadira had a sweet moment.

Wow, glad you were flummoxed by Nidia's stream of consciousness pep talk...just when I think I'm really getting a grip on espanol, 5 minutes of conversation in this show can blow my confidence to shreds. And yes, Kike did say "bombero". I guess firemen are impassioned, fiery lovers, no? Love Nidia's two-tiered morality....strictest code possible for daughters, and devil take the hindmost for the mothers. She's a hoot.
Thanks for the dichos...

Judy B.

''Paula is wearing a cantaloupe-colored dress that shows off her cantaloupes.'' [O O] hahahahaha You are great , Sylvia.***Susanlynn, eating a cantaloupe-colored cantaloupe ...................

Great recap. Judy, this show has the same lowering effect on my Spanish self-confidence level. Heh. Still, I notice I understand more now than when it first started. The dichos really help!

Has anyone noticed that when Kike is arguing with Yadi, he sounds like he's channeling Alirio in his arguments with Nidia? Or is it just my imagination? Cute, though.

Karen in DE

I haven't seen the show yet so I haven't read the whole recap, but I think the point with a firefighter is that they are compassionate enough to care about people and always want to help, like save them and their things, but crazy enough to risk danger and death by putting themselves in harm's way (getting burned by going straight into the fire instead of running away from it like a normal person might) a paradox of sorts...

Thanks K, makes sense. Now if only somebody can help clarify that sweet potato thingie. Maricruz, are you out there?

Hi Sylvia, I did not watch the show, sorry, I have no idea what Juan ment; I would need the exact wording in Spanish. I think he is saying that his character is being tested. Great recap.

Sylvia, thanks for a wonderful recap! Love those razor sharp commentaries on Paula’s goofiness. And all your other razor sharp commentaries! Thanks for the vocab, too. I like that dicho.

“Back to Juan again (and this flip-flopping is making me seasick)” Worse than being on the open sea halfway to Kauai, isn’t it?

“He calls her stubborn and says he loves her with the insanity and compassion of a firefighter. (Did I hear that right?) Yadi admits she's hormonal. Ha, not that there is much deviation from her usual screechy self.” LOL! Kike’s sounding hormonal, if you ask me. Something is making his usually wise self sound like a goofball.

“We must be in some alternate universe because Nidia has Juan all tucked into bed and she's not even trying to jump his bones” ROTFL!! Are the writers listening to us talk about Nidia and trying to infuse some more appearance of true parenting here, or what? You are so right, she used more dichos than the law allows (my husband’s favorite phrase). It was impossible to follow; I just watched her mothering, which was touching.

Yeah, what’s with the new maid? Does Delirio make that much? Are we going to meet the maid, o qué?

“Paula is wearing a cantaloupe colored dress that shows off her….” LOL! She looked like she was going to a garden party or a late afternoon summer wedding. Office garb? I think NOT. Was Monica’s admiration for the dress a very nicely veiled comment on appropriate office dress?

“Paula's doorbell rings. Whoever could it be? It's the smug CL come to claim his trophy; would it be crass of me to say trophies?” ROTFLLL!! Not at all! You are downright refined compared to the visuals we get nightly.

“Back at Casa Cachón Nidia is pretendercizing” Falling all over myself roaring!! What a great word, and how descriptive! Did you just coin that? It’s brilliant!

Is it just me or is it too creepy that Samuel’s widow and his lover are best buds now?

I thought I’d die laughing when Angarita came right out and asked Juan if he was like Pastor’s husband or something. Surely Juan never expected a question quite that blunt.

“CL's PDA” Those are explicitly forbidden at my school. ESPECIALLY among staff. ;-)

“Pastor as he exits smiling. This early altercation has put him in a good mood and his toupee never budged. Not a bad morning.” LOL! His toupee was perfect. Hooray for Super Glue.

Thanks again, Sylvia!


Maricruz, Nidia said "tiene que ponerle gazñeta" and Juan replied "con el tiempo le vamos a ir midiendo el aquita a los camotes."

Schoolmarm, yes I coined the phrase pretendercise. It's something I do way too much of I'm afraid!

I often marvel at how much these folks get done in the morning before work. They eat huge breakfasts, they visit each other, they get into major arguments and all sorts of other stuff. Do they start work at 10:00 or 11:00?

-Sylvia, amazed at the beautiful day and about to go on a pretenderhike


They not only do all that before work, they take two hour lunches complete with wine, work a bit more, then go home and do four to six more hours of stuff before bed. They sleep two hours a night and wake up refreshed and ready for the stuff they'll do before work. I think I need to move to the D. F.

Enjoy your pretenderhike! ;-)


Sylvia, I too love your pretenderhike, and these folks certainly do pretenderwork. Let's set up a Mexican branch office of CarayCaray in the back room of Marianna Karr's new Argentine/Italian restaurant of the same name and not even pretend to have a lovely time. Any one going in January??? I will be, so let's meet if anyone else has pretendervacation during enero...
As a not too relevant but fun aside, I set off my house fire alarms by mistake several years ago living in LA. The bomberos that came to my rescue were breathtakingly young, big and MANLY, with big boots, big hoses and... but I digress. This is just appropriate time on our side for the men to appreciate Paula's cantaloupe/coconut dress.. ¿NO?

Cherylnewmex, at my old job we used to do some sewing work for several of the local fire departments. We LOVED it when they paid a visit. Another thing I'll add to your list of great things about bomberos...they always travel in packs. Woot!!

I'm very jealous that you're going to Caray Caray in January. Will you take a picture so that we can post it here? I want to hear all about it.

Sylvia, Absolutely my camera is going with me to Caray2. I will post pictures and/or stories. My hope is to leave Mariana Karr a message about C2 in case she has never seen it. My fantasy life goes way beyond that....but I assume this Juan story will still be going. Does anyone have any idea when this will end?
The pirates will be sailing ahead of the US so I hope to use the computer room at Universidad Internacional to keep in touch with recaps of Juan, Pasión and whatever else.

"Well then get me to a nunnery!" hahaha!

As for Paula and her canteloupe dress... geez, is it just me or do her outfits get more inappropriate for the office every single day?!!!

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