Thursday, November 01, 2007

Juan Q 10/31- 3 Men with a Plan, CL to get a girl, Juan to forget a girl, and Angarita to teach a brother

Cl has just finished his come on now, do you really think you are better than me speech and Juan asks himself if this guy is serious and that he has a super strong desire to break his neck and show him how to respect other people’s feelings, but as it goes, the guy is right about almost everything he has said. Who am I but a poor dog living in the street and he’s the cream of the crop.
Kike and Fer wonder what’s happening with Juan and they say that he’s so stubborn there’s no talking him out of things and this time he’s playing with the bull. Fer says well, that’s what happens when he shoots too high.

Juan tells himself well that’s how it is I guess, the giraffes with the giraffes and the mandrills with the mandrills. He thinks maybe Fer is right and it’s time to forget all this and be the same Juan as before, the lovable lover. Time to clean the slate and start over!

He comes out of the office and finds Don Angarita who begs Ivonne to speak with CL, and she very snottily tells Ang that he’s still occupied. Juan intervenes and asks if CL is no longer with Juan she should let him see Angarita. She says he’s busy with other things but finally agrees to announce Angarita after he reminds her that the worst fight is the one never fought.

Marely asks what Juan was doing in the boss’s office, Juan answers he did the most ridiculous thing that he never should have done.

CL remarks to Ivy what a morning with Juan and now this guy - he agrees to see him, and Ivonne tells Ang to go in and not take too long.

Angarita gets straight to the point and asks CL what to do about the joke that idiot Pastor pulled. CL isn’t sure what he’s talking about at first but Ang clarifies that it’s about the "commissions he took under the table" (bajo la agua - under the water).

Kike and Fer see Juan and ask him how it went with the big boss. Juan cuts them down to size accusing them of being gossips. They tell him to calm down. He says calm his leggings (Mis polainas)? He tells them that he never sticks his nose in anyone else’s business so he doesn’t expect anyone should mind himself or herself with his and he tells them to get to work and he’s not going to tell them anything. Kike and Fer tell each other that they guess basically it was worse than they thought.

Mar & Pau chat about Juan and Mar tells Pau she doesn’t really know what happened though Pau fears that the guys lost their heads, because guys do that sort of thing. Mar says no that didn't happen at least, but she still doesn’t know what did.

Juan is walking down a street and as he steps off a curve, suddenly a car swerves and stops in front of him. The driver gets out and yells at Juan calling him big and stupid and says maybe the next guy won't be so considerate.

Juan continues on his way in a fog just ignoring his surroundings. He is next walking across a huge street when the light is still green and not paying any attention. We see a car coming at him honking but he’s not reacting. It looks as though the car will hit him when…. commercial. And trick or treaters. This time it’s little puppy, a baby cow, and another small fuzzy animal I didn’t catch. Not a mandrill though.

When we come back from the commercial, Screeeechhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Luckily Juan did not become menudo. This next car stops and the guy gets out and tells him if he wants to kill himself don’t involve innocent people. Maybe the next guy won't stop for you! Juan apologizes and continues on his way across the street. Cars are still speeding around him. I'm telling you, the DF is not a place you want to wander aimlessly oblivious of traffic. He's damn lucky...course this is telenovelaland.

Brother Ang is talking to CL about his brother and doesn’t understand why CL didn’t already send him to jail (al tanque – the tank). CL says there were attenuating circumstances and that Pastor has always been a good worker. Bro Ang goes off on a philosophical complaint and says that that’s what is wrong with this country; that people commit bad deeds and essentially get just a wrist slap so they come back to do bad things again. He tells Cl he is the one who is going to pay CL back all the money Pastor owes him, as long as the possibility of sending Pastor to jail remains open. Ang said that he’s going to resolve this problem for Pastor but it’s not for free, it will cost him: Blood sweat and tears (Sangre, sudor y lagrimas) CL is interested and they make an agreement. Ang says hopefully one day they can meet again to discuss possible business deals. Cl tells him he’s in his own house, whenever he wants.

The phone rings in parking. Mar looks for Juan and Fer tells her that he wandered out and was acting like a crazy man. She relays this to Pau. They collectively worry about him.

Juan, still walking in a daze, tells himself he feels empty, not knowing where he is or where he’s going. It doesn’t matter anyway because no matter where he goes she’s not there. He tells God that he’s never felt love like this before, and it’s never hit him so hard. He wonders why he was dealt this blow and why life causes us so much strife at times.

Ang gives Pastor the good news and Pastor thanks him profusely. But then Ang gives him the conditions, that this is going to be a loan, and so Pastor promises, of course. Bro does not trust Pastor so he asks how and when he’s going to do it, but this was a rhetorical question because Bro comes up with the solution. He doesn’t want a note from Pastor. Bro says to Pastor, “You’ll work in the market.” Pastor is impactada.

Cl recounts to Pau about Juan’s offerings and he cracks up that Juan was only missing a trio with maracas. She tells him not to make fun and to respect him. He keeps on laughing and she gets up to leave. He can’t help himself and keeps on cackling. She tells him each has a way of expressing their love. Juan is simple, but that’s part of his charm. Cl says now he’s worried, and wonders if she has fallen for him. She says she has a special sort of affection for him. Cl laughs here and there and says he’s just jealous. She says they better change the subject. He is still fighting back laughter.

Juan is back in church asking Santo Nino de Atocha for help to either get her as his or forget her. Either one of those will be a miracle.

Marely flashes back to Fer telling her Juan left and begs the Virgin to protect him.

Juan comes back to the office and Kike and Fer hide behind magazines and try to ignore Juan. He apologizes for snapping at them. They make amends.

Pau comes out and asks if Mar heard from Juan. They both hope nothing bad happened to him.

Juan tells Kike he has to get Pau out of his head. He decides he has to go and can’t keep on seeing that woman.

Pastor tells Ivonne about his bro’s arrangement. They also talk about how wonderful Juan was with Pastor’s death. Ivy thinks maybe Pastor’s fallen back into illusions with Juan. Pastor denies this but describes how Juan can be such a great friend, and he won't give that up, least of all now that he’ll be working around Juan at the market.

Juan tells Kike he was praying to Santo and he was told that he is on the right track and that he needs to close the love store. Kike agrees with Juan and tells him maybe he should start anew. Juan says he’s going to ask Ang for work. Kike says he might end up back at Farell, and Juan says the only way he’ll be back is in a nice ship like that one and he points to CL’s Mercedes.

Pastor is in with CL and CL is sending him on some work tasks in a sort of holier than thou tone.

Juan finally goes up and sees Mar who is glad that he is ok and tells Juan to go see Pau. Juan goes in to see Paula. She asks if he is still mad. He addresses her in the formal, and she is surprised. She asks him what happened with CL and he remarks how fast the gossip travels. She is mad that this was between them, and it should have stayed between them, and the next time... He says there will be no next time. He is going to resign.

Fer tells Kike he wishes he could have been as valiant as Juan when he was in this situation and Kike says you too had something with Pau? Fer says no not with Pau but with someone else and it was similar to the trick that was played on him and Juan needs to go away in order to be saved. If he stays he’s doomed and Fer knows of what he speaks.

Pau screams that Juan is making a rash decision. He says no, she has a car now, so she doesn’t need him. She thinks the business should decide and he said no. My days as your chauffeur are over. She says we’ll talk to Pastor to find something else. He appreciates her concern but he’s not in need of her help and he says if he goes, yes it’s because he doesn’t want to see her anymore, as this is torture for him. She runs at him and tells him no, but you and I have always been friends and so we always will be. He tells her maybe she can see him as only a friend but he just can’t, and that being here watching her seeing CL everyday is going to be incredibly painful for him. He asks her how he can possibly forget the only true love he ever had, and he’s the only one that lost in this whole story. He emerges from her office and puts on his strong man face.

Juan comes out of the office and tells Marely that everything has a beginning and an end, and this is the end. She asks of what, and he says everything. Pau comes out and tells Mar he’s going to resign. He doesn’t want to see me any more.

Juan is now riding in the truck with Kike, he wonders to himself why that woman begged him not to leave. He says maybe she’s not sure herself how she feels, then he tells himself to stop it and snap out of these thoughts that have given him false hope all along. He says out loud it’s over. Kike says what and he says with Pau. They chat about that for a little and then Kike asks him if he studied for the test. He says yes. He tells himself that he appreciates Kike is there as a true friend and knows how to make him feel better.

Pau gets a call from Ana who thinks Pau sounds sad. Pau says it’s because Juan is going. Ana tells Pau on the phone it’s best Juan leaves, because of course he doesn’t want to be around you if he has no hope. She asks if she's sad because he started to win over her heart and she cares more for him than she thinks.

Juan gets his test and seems shocked (Hija de maiz) at the questions and that he is only given a half an hour. The teacher tells him even if she gave him 2 hours his answers would be the same. Oh ye of little faith. He gets mad and decides that he will prove her wrong. He asks for God to lend his blessed hand on this.

Kike is surprised to see Fer show up. Fer and Kike are wondering how he will do and waiting for him in a café. Fer tells Kike he came to see if he has a future as a teacher.

Juan crosses his paper and hands it to the teacher - she wonders sarcastically if he doesn’t want to use his remaining 30 seconds of time. he thinks he's good. She says fine, she’ll review the test right now. He is impactado and says he’s surprised that she can do it so fast. He tells himself it’s the moment of truth.

Juan comes out and finds Fer waiting with Kike nervously. He’s surprised to see him. Fer cuts to the chase and asks how he did. Juan looks down at his paper and hesitates. Fer reads this that he failed. He yells how could he after we spent so much time. He says Juan must have stones in his head. Fer and Kike keep lamenting the fact that Juan didn’t apply himself and Juan says but I passed. Kike and Fer are so caught up in their ranting that they don’t hear Juan, twice until he grabs them by the shoulders and says no I passed. The whole restaurant applauds him.

He was surprised that in the middle of all of this sadness he was able to find something to cheer himself up. Maybe small to some, but really big to him.

Marely prays to San Antonio that Juan gets Pau out of his head and makes room for her.

The boys drink some cervezas to celebrate. Juan thanks them for their help but declines to drink much with them because he knows what he ends up doing if he drinks beer all night and he doesn’t want to end up that way and meet the devil in person.

Nidia chats with Mar because she can’t sleep either. Nid thinks Juan is with Pau, but Mar tells her Pau is going back to CL and he’s divorcing. Nid is concerned.

Yadi tells Kike how bad her nausea is. Kike is sure it will be a feisty girl for causing such problems to her mom. Yadi says she’s the Mom and she knows best that it’s a boy. They fight over what it will be, boy or girl, Yadi hangs up.

Pau is in her room taking off the ring Juan gave her and flashing back to Juan’s statements when he announced he was leaving.

We end the show with Juan standing outside of Pau’s house and staring up at her window. Wonder what will happen!

HAPPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



"Close the love store"...classic telenovela line. I love it.

How interesting, Pastor working with Angarita at the mercado, this should be good for a few laughs.

Juan's 'discussion' with Paula intrigued me. For once he was fairly self-contained (for him) and she was the one getting emotional. It seemed like she was deliberately getting in his face, like she wanted to kiss him or something. For all her complaining about him bugging her she sure didn't seem happy at his news that he's resigning.

Thanks K, great recap and nice touch with the trick or treaters!

Cinica!!! It is all I can say about Paula; she is like "el perro de las dos tortas, ni come ni deja comer" How can she ask Juan to stay, doesn't she realizes that Juan suffers? Oh, sorry, I forgot we are talking about Paula, Ms. I-only-care-about-myself. I hope Juan doesn’t stay, however judging by the first episode; it seems that Juan was still her chauffer by the time she marries CL. We’ll see. Great recap K.

Many thanks K...I missed the first 20 minutes, and missed lots of the expressions. No matter how much I learn, Kike, Fernando and Juan seem to come up with new slang each episode.
Hate Cesar Luis but love the actor...his cynical laughter about Juan's naievete was beautifully played.

Judy B.

Dear K, Many thanks for the excellent recap. I too missed the first part as I was in Abq.'s version of gridlock coming out of my Mex.Lit class. I like that Juan is trying to make a quick come back on his feelings and celebrating the test, his faithful buddys, and his many blessings. Especially, I loved the little altar scene with Marely praying for a chance with him. She is so much more deserving than the smarmy Paula. Wonder how CL will really react as Paula chooses lust, money and status over a true heart sincere love. CL likes to pursue the woman that is evading him. Paula should look at Yvonne with a little more intelligence, it may be a look into her own future. Great acting by all.
The market is about to be the hot spot if both Pastor and Juan are working for Angarito as big brother to them both. I think Ang is much more focused on business than monkeybusiness like CL.

Paula just tried to pull the ol' lets be friends cause I like you alot just not that way. People do that to get themselves off the hook when they have screwed someone over. Juan didn't give her the chance and now she feel like the bad guy.

Kris, thanks for the great recap, fast!

“trick or treaters. This time it’s little puppy, a baby cow, and another small fuzzy animal I didn’t catch. Not a mandrill though” LOL! I missed trick or treaters yesterday because of a meeting out of town. Drat.

Don Angarita is one smart businessman—take care of CL, and CL will eventually take care of him. Plus, Don A gets to play disciplinarian older bro to Pastor. The idea apparently appeals to him.

CL is such a jerk it’s difficult to see why Paula still hangs in there with him. Oh, yeah. She’s just as big a jerk. I almost forgot.

“close the love store.” LOL! As if he really can. But, he handled himself well when he went to see Paula.

Juan’s stalking again. Paula’s house isn’t exactly in the next block to Nidia’s.

Beckster, great point about what Paula's doing. She must be trying to relieve her guilt.


Nice to see beckster around these parts...yeah, I was so totally disgusted with Pau's demand that they are friends and have to stay that way. Soooo selfish and trying to deny that she caused him any pain. I've sooo seen that before. Thank goodness Juan cut that off at the nose!!! I was proud of him. Pick those big boots up and prance on your way big boy!!!

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