Thursday, November 29, 2007

Juan Q. Nov 28. Where Paula gets her just reward

Hello I’m your substitute recaper, I’m not as good as K, but I hope you enjoy tonight’s episode.

We begin with a little of last night’s show. Kike tells Fernando that he is sleeping, Yadi is beside herself; she can’t believe Kike would do this to her. Later at Yadi’s room Nidia is asking Yadi to promise her that Kike will be with her and her baby if Nidia is not around. Yadi wants to know if Nidia is planning in doing the same as her father Nidia says no, but you never know what is going to happen. Today you are here and tomorrow not. Yadi is not too convinced with this explanation.

CL is excited when he hears the door. He thinks is Paula, but is Paula’s mom, she wants to talk to CL.

In the mean time at the Cachon residence Delirio (Thanks Jeanne for the name, it is very appropriate) is trying to pry some information from Juan about Nidia and Algarita. Juan (kneeling in front of his mirror to be able to do his tie since he is so tall) swears that he doesn’t know anything, as an after thought, he adds that even if he knew something he wouldn’t tell him because it is not good to get involved in the problems of a married couple. Delirio is upset and calls Juan “alcahuete” (procurer, pimp, somebody that enables another to have sexual escapades) Juan defends himself and assures Delirio that he doesn’t know anything. For the first time in his life Alirio understands Juan unspoken answer and leaves the room saddened, because Juan with his silence has confirmed his conjectures.

In CL’s apartment, CL is telling Ana that he loves her daughter and Paula loves him. He says that they don’t need time. Ana tells CL that the kind of love that CL and Paula share is only passion and it is temporal. At the end Ana tells CL that all she wants is that they give themselves some time before marrying. She says she won’t meddle anymore and she exits the apartment.

We see Monica congratulating somebody on the purchasing of the house. She has just sold the house where she and CL lived.

At the Cachon residence Juan tells Nidia to be very careful, because her husband is asking questions and he knows something is up. Nidia acuses Juan of telling, but Juan assures her it wasn’t him. Alirio found out by himself and he is investigating. The phone rings and Nidia answers. It is Ana that wants to talk to Nidia, she invites her to come for a cup of coffe. Nidia says she’ll be there. Ana also talks to Juan and invites him to dinner later. Juan accepts

It took CL a few minutes to go and tell Paula about Ana’s visit (chismoso!) Paula is upset and doesn’t understand how her mother could do something like that. CL says that her mother believes that they are rushing into marriage. Paula says that she agrees with her mother. CL is upset he starts manipulating her, but this time Paula won’t budge. She wants to wait a little longer.

Monica is telling her cousin Laura, that she sold the house, and that now “esa” (that lady) won’t be able to live in HER(Monica’s) house. Laura points out that CL might decide to go and live in another country. Monica doesn’t like this, because if they are far, she won’t be able to make their life miserable.

At the same time in the perfect timing that can only been seen at Telenovela land, CL is telling Paula that maybe the solution is to go and live outside the country. Paula is not too excited with the idea and promises she will think about it.

At Ana’s house, Ana is explaining to Nidia what is happening between Paula and CL. Nidia agrees with Ana that CL is not a good candidate for Paula.

At the office Delirio is talking to Guti. He is blaiming all of his problems on Guti. Guti gets mad and resigns. Delirio wants a last favor. He wants Guti to take him to see Angarita.

At Ana’s house they have changed the subject; Ana asked Nidia how she was doing. Nidia said that she needed a little of Ana’s wisdom. She wants to elope with the love of her life! Ana says that maybe Nidia should talk to her whole family and explain everything, especially to Delirio. It’s not good for her just to escape like an adolescent. Nidia says she can’t do that because Delirio will try to stop her and since he can black mail her… Nidia caches herself just in time before spilling the beans, however Ana is not as dim as we thought and wants to know; what did she mean with black mail? What can Delirio possibly have on her? Nidia just makes a lame excuse and Ana disappoint us by showing that indeed she is as dim as we thought, and believes it.

Alirio and Guti are on their way to see Algarita they are talking in the car. Delirio is very upset and says that if Sra Cachon is having an affair, he will tell everything about the will to Ana Davila. Guti is not to fond of this idea since it affects him also “que pena querido Guti, que pena, pero el que tiene el garrote da con el.” (lit.I’m sorry but the one that has the club is the one that hits with it; I have all the cards in my hand and I’ll decide the play. My hand won’t tremble if I have to deliver the blow, if she is being unfaithful, “que mueran Sanson y todos los filisteos” (a reference to the bible where Sanson sacrifices himself in order to kill the philistines. Lit. Sanson dies and all the philistines with him) Guti is muy impactado.

At industrias Farrel, Gaitan is trying to cover for Yvonne. He tells Monica that he is sure that Yvonne is sick because she had never been late before. Monica doesn’t buy it she wants Yvonne out, and she wants a new secretary pronto! Pastor doesn’t know what else to say or do for Yvonne. (Ed question; I’m sorry but I think I missed something, I don’t understand why is Monica so mad with Yvonne. She doesn’t even talk to her anymore)

Another Ed’s note. Every time I see Paula in scene, I only see and hear blah, blah, blah, so, please forgive me if I’m not give to much details of her conversations

Paula enters the garage and tries to talk to Juan. Juan doesn’t buy what she is selling (This woman is driving me crazy! Please leave Juan alone! Stop breaking his heart. Why do you tell him that he is important to you? If you really cared about Juan you would let him be, and you would rather have him think evil of you than to have him suffer, but noooo.) Anyway Juan has only one request. Please let me drive the car that will take you to the church the day of your wedding. Princess Paula grants his wish.

Guti and Delirio have arrived to the market and are watching Algarita from afar. Guti is impatient, but Delirio wants to plan before doing his move. Finally Guti pushes him and Delirio has to talk to Algarita. He puffs his chest and tells Algarita that he is there to remind him that Nidia Estela Cachon is HIS woman. Algarita calmly retorts that Nidia is his (Delirio’s ) wife which is not the same thing. Delirio wants Algarita to respond as a man because he stained his woman’s honor.

In the Garage Juan is scolding Kike because he did not come home, and Fer because he is Kike’s alcahuete. Kike defends himself by saying that he is tired of Yadira. He says that if he allows her to treat him like dirt, “me va a agarrar de su puerquito” (lit she’ll treat me like her pig) she will do it all the time and he can’t stand it. Juan rectifies and says he understands, he says he is sorry, but he is not himself today. The boys forgive him and say that maybe they should bring a clown for entertainment. Kike says no, Lic Pelafan would be enough. They all laugh.

Back at the Market Delirio is still insulting Algarita.(Sorry, I have to do this. I love what Alirio says, he uses a very cultured language all the time and maybe that is why half of the time nobody understands him, in this occasion, it sounds so out of place that makes this whole scene hilarious. I’m going to try to translate everything exactly the way he said it)

Delirio –Usted es de esos que se aprovechan de una mujer confundida, para convertirla en victima de sus aberraciones y cochinadas, pero esto no se va a quedar así Señor mío, porque afortunadamente mi gacela no esta sola ni yo estoy pintado en la pared! Así que en este momento me aclara muy bien lo que se trae con mi esposa o... You are the kind of men that takes advantage of a confused woman to turn her into a victim of your dirty acts and aberrations, but this is not going to stay this way, my Lord, because fortunately my gazelle is not alone and I’m not a painting in the wall, thus right now you have to clarify to me what business you have with my wife or else!

Algarita calls his bluff and tells him that he (Delirio) has to solve his problems with his wife and to leave him out of it.

Delirio –AAAlgarita, sus insultos no me amilanan, aquí estoy y aquí me quedo hasta que usted me de una explicación satisfactoria, o arreglamos esto, Algarita, como hombres. Algarita your insults don’t frighten me, I’m here and I’m staying here until you give me a satisfactory explanation or we’ll have to resolve this like men.

Algarita just smiles and says that if he is sure, then he’ll have to go and get his “machete” (you know? Like the ones Gavi and Rodrigo use in the dance of the machetes) Delirio then retorts.

Delirio –Usted Algarita es mucho peor de lo que yo imaginaba, usted es un salvaje, usted es un cavernícola, pero yo no soy de los que se acobardan ante la amenaza me entiende? You, Algarita are much worst of what I thought, you are a savage, you are a cave man, but I’m not the kind of man that is afraid of treats. Do you understand?

By now Algarita has a machete in his hands and tells Delirio that is better if he leaves, but Delirio replies

Delirio –No, no Señor mío, yo no me voy de aquí hasta no haber limpiado mi honor. No, no my Lord, I’m not leaving here until a clean up my honor.

I was half expecting Delirio to hit Algarita with a white glove, but no, he hits him with his fist. Algarita looks at him with murder in his eyes and starts chasing him (after watching this scene I got the impression that the actor that plays Alirio, really hit the other actor and was trying to apologize but they didn’t cut the scene) Algarita chases him thru the whole market while Guti watches.

After a while we see Delirio leaving the market with Guti. He doesn’t change!. He is telling Guti how he (Delirio) hit Algarita and gave him a lesson that he (Algarita) will never forget. Delirio is sure that Algarita will never bother his wife again.

At the office Marely is talking to Paula he tells her that they can’t marry if they don’t know each other. Paula wants Marely’s advice, but Marely asks her If I tell you what I think, are you going to listen to me?

Monica is in her office with CL. She is explaining about some producers that are better than others. He says that Moni is the new president she should decide. Moni asks about his plans. He says all depends on Paula. Monica informs him that she sold the house, so not to include it in his plans. CL is impactado. He says that she promised that half of the house was his. She says that since she is a woman of her word she’ll give him half of what she got for the house. She hands him an envelope than for the look in CL’s face is not what he expected. CL accuses Moni of giving away the house just to make him mad. She just smiles and asks him to leave, she is busy. He leaves the office.

At Ana’s house, Ana is talking to Juan; she is very concern and wants Juan to help her. Juan just tells Ana that she should accept CL because it seems like he really loves Paula. Ana is impactada

Yadira comes to see Kike she starts yelling at him, but Kike stops her and tells he, has done everything in his power to make Yadira happy, but Yadi is never satisfied (no tiene llenadero) he tells her he can’t live like this. Yadi surprises everybody by apologizing and saying that she wants to work with Kike today. Kike is very happy and pleased.
(I know I messed up this whole segment, but is not in my tape. I do my recording by hand and I forgot to press the rec button at the end of commercials. Sorry)

Later we see Juan walking down the street thinking about how much he loves Paula and how he just had renounce to her by convincing Ana that CL was ok for Paula. Juan decided that Paula wasn’t for him.

Monica and Pastor are eating at the office. Monica wants to know everything about the relationship between Paula and Juan. Pastor explains to her that Juan really loved Paula and that is why he is suffering so much. Monica just looks pensive.

Later Pastor is telling CL everything about his meeting with Monica (otro chismoso!) CL doesn’t understand why Moni is so interested. He is starting to understand that Moni is planning something. He tells pastor that Moni sold the house for 3.00 pesos (isn’t 30 cents? I can’t believe it! I wish I could find a house for that price. No wonder CL was so upset) Pastor agrees and tells CL to be very careful. CL says he will, but he needs Pastor to keep him informed of everything that is happening in the office.

As CL hangs up there is a knock at the door, is Yvonne all dressed up. CL is not happy and wants to know what she is doing there. She said she decided not to go to the office today and instead she wanted to visit her friends.

Nidia Cachon arrives to the Market to see Algarita. He asks her what she is doing there. Nidia says that she has just left her husband and she is ready to go wherever he wants. Impactado face from Algarita.

Monica and Paula are in a meeting. Paula is going blah, blah, blah. Monica doesn’t agree with Paula’s choices and tells her that from now on. Monica has to authorize everything. Paula wants to know why, Moni says because I say so, Paula says that is not enough reason (Dude, she is the owner of the company, that is enough reason for me) Monica says exactly that, this is my company and if I want to check all of the purchase orders I’ll revise all of the purchase orders. In this company we have a long history of thievery. Paula is all offended. Wait a minute, I did not have anything to do with that and you are distrusting me. –After what you have done is the least I can do. Paula says that now Monica is the one that is mixing personal problems with business problems. Moni says that PERSONS and not machines work in the company and she doesn’t know maybe Paula had to do with the despairing of the money. –You have to respect me. –If you want respect you have to earn it. At this point they both are yelling and everybody outside is listening. Monica calls Paula “la querida” the lover of her husband. This hurts Paula’s pride and she resigns (again) Monica backs off a little since she doesn’t Paula out of her reach, and threatens Paula that if she resigns this time nobody will ask her to come back.
Paula –I wouldn’t stay in a company where you were the President. Moni –Of course! Because you already got my stupid husband! Now you have insured your future. Paula –I don’t care about that. Moni –Don’t try to play the respectable woman, because you are not, you have always being a “Zorra” foxy lady? “Una trepadora infeliz” a b*tch (not exactly, but I know that that is exactly what she meant. :))
And that is that. (I loved this end; finally somebody told Paula what she deserved.)


I never watch "Juan"*, but your writing is fine. Never apologize for being a sub!!!!! *another Televisa loser which is only kept on 'cuz its cheap.

Thank you destilando cafe, for your kind words, but about the show I have to disagree with you. I really enjoy this silly show, call it escapism if you want, but I can't stand the novelas that are full of angst. I see enough pain and suffering in TV every day. I think that maybe this is an acquired taste, because I remember once upon a time I used to mock shows like this, but now… well maybe I’m getting old ;)

Amen, Maricruz...this is not a "televisa loser"...for the most part it's lighthearted and funny and there is so much real woe going on, not only on TV but in our own lives and those of others we know...why seek out more suffering? to your Monica/Ivonne questioning. One day Monica walked in when Cesar Luis was hugging Ivonne in the office, and it "clicked" that Ivonne was also one of his lovers. She denied it but Monica KNEW...and so her days were numbered.
On the "3 pesos" remark, I thought that was just an expression for saying She sold it "for peanuts" other words, dirt cheap but more than 3 pesos, surely. Although I did hear of a woman who sold her unfaithful husband's hot sports car for a few bucks because he had told her to sell it and to give him half, as per the divorce agreement. So who knows?...that Monica is a rough one! And yes, how satisfying to hear her rip into prissy Paula...Lordy, there's going to have to be a lot of character rehab goin' on to make me happy to see her end up with Juan. I'm still rooting for Marily.

Judy B.

Judy B That is what I thought too about the 3 pesos, but then I started thinking that you wouldn't be able to give the money for the amount of the house in an envelope unless it was a check and it did not look like a check, besides I wouldn't doubt that Monica is capable of that and more

That's interesting, Maricruz...I dunno...the rules are different in telenovela land but would it even be legal to sell a mansion like that for three pesos? "Inquiring minds want to know"...anyway, I wanted to also tell you that I too love Alirio's speeches...not his pomposity but his's so clear I can understand every word, whereas with many of the others, I'd be lost without the closed captions. Cesar Luis is also very clear, Monica as well. God bless those elocution lessons!

Judy B.

Don't you dare apologize for subbing! You are an excellent recapper. I always admire and appreciate your unique perspective and input, especially because you speak Spanish as your first language. I would never never never have noticed the language nuances that you point out without your notes.

I don't think this show is a loser, I love it like no other. I am so sick of the usual telenovela format, angst up to the eyebrows and endless howling and gnashing of teeth. Juan Querendon is clever. Period.

A friend here at work who was raised in Mexico says there is a saying "en dos pesos" that means to sell something on the cheap or way below value. Could "en tres pesos" be something similar to that?

Fantastic recap Maricruz, I recognized your writing style immediately. I've missed you! Thanks you for filling in.

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Maricruz, you’ve done a fabulous job as usual! You have such insights into the language that we all drool to have that kind of expertise! I really apprecitate your vocab tidbits. No apologies, you're OUTSTANDING! Thanks!

“Delirio (Thanks Jeanne for the name, it is very appropriate)” My pleasure! Any time. And, if the shoe fits, Delirio can wear it. ;-)

“For the first time in his life Alirio understands Juan unspoken answer” Could it be? Will he finally listen to something other than himself talking? (He might even love Nidia as he says, which is scary since she has so many irons in the fire).

“At the same time in the perfect timing that can only been seen at Telenovela land, CL is telling Paula that maybe the solution is to go and live outside the country.” ROTFL! This is the perfect way to describe those back to back scenes!

Nidia sure came close to nailing herself when she told Ana that Delirio will blackmail her. I wonder when it’s going to come out that Nidia had the will manipulated (by Perafan) to get the inheritance for herself? We’ve heard there are 7 more months of this, so I hope that doesn’t have to wait until the end.

Maricruz, I figured out the Samson and Philistines reference but none of the rest of it, so I really am happy you could clear that one up. Yikes, the idioms!

“Another Ed’s note. Every time I see Paula in scene, I only see and hear blah, blah, blah, so, please forgive me if I’m not give to much details of her conversations” Well, Maricruz, that would be because every time Paula is in a scene, she’s hablablablabla (Sylvia’s term, I think). So, you’ve got it right and the details are worthless.

I thought that CL was trying to tell Moni she sold the house for next to nothing when he said “tres pesos.” I’d love to know the real idiomatic translation.

Sylvia, your "en dos pesos" vs. "en tres pesos" reminds me of when I used to say my family lived on "the 50 cent side" of a really ritzy street, vs. those who lived on the "buck-fifty side" of the street. Could it be that "en dos pesos" refers to something on the cheap, while "en tres pesos" applies to something that is very, very pricey but is still undervalued? Just a thought

Your literal translations of Delirio’s monologue with Angarita were PRECIOUS! Thanks! (And your impression of the actor who plays Alirio hitting the one who plays Angarita trying to apologize is very insightful!)

Schoolmarm Jeanne

And I LOVE this show.


This is my favorite novela ever, because nobody is dying and the farce is so light-hearted.

And Willa and I love the show too. I don't know why Destilando Cafe doesn't see the value in it. Perhaps because she has not given it a fair chance. The characters have their flaws and foibles but hardly anyone dies (except for the very old and infirm) and people are silly but not really wicked. And I love, love love our Juan. Such a pretty boy physically and such a deep loving heart and a genuinely good human being. Thank you Maricruz for a super recap. I also agree, this is a hard job and don't ever denigrate it. You were SUPER!! We appreciate and honor your work for the good of all of us.

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