Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Juan Q 12/4 Nothing spoils the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love. *

Just a reminder that as of January I’ll need a replacement re-capper for Juan Q. If anyone’s interested please e-mail Melinama at the address on the left!

So the big day has arrived. We’re back at the beginning, the part where Juan began his story.

Juan waits outside while Ana and Paula have one last hear to heart. Ana really doesn’t want her daughter to marry CL. She asks Paula if she can’t be happy today, on the wedding day, how will she be happy tomorrow. Ana really wishes that Paula would wait and think this over. Paula looks as though she’s been smacked. The doorbell rings and Paula asks for her mother’s blessing. Ana tells Paula that she hopes that she [Ana] is the one who’s wrong. Paula agrees and hugs her mother good-bye.

Juan sees Paula coming toward him and thinks that she’s not a woman; she’s an angel. He comes to open the door and asks for Ana. Paula explains that she’s not coming but won’t say why. They share an awkward moment at the door of the car, but Paula gets into the vehicle.

Yadira tries her best to stop Marely from stopping the wedding. Yadira tells Marely that it’s Paula and CL’s problem. Yadira reminds Marely that now the path to Juan will be clear. Marely can’t believe that Yadira doesn’t care about Paula, their sister, making this huge mistake. Marely can’t permit the marriage to happen. Yadira continues to try to contain Marely but the younger Cachon is finally able to escape Yadira’s clutches.

Monica comes down the stairs in a fetching blue dress. Laura thinks that Monica is being a pure masochist, going to this wedding. Monica retorts that she has to go see this wedding for herself. Besides, there’s a possibility that something might happen at the last minute. Laura doesn’t like the sound of that or Monica’s attitude. Monica’s not worried. “What’s the worst that could happen.”

Ana clutches a picture of her and Paula and cries. The doorbell rings; it’s Marely. Marely begs for help to stop the marriage. Ana thinks that there’s nothing that they can do at this point. Marely tells Ana that they don’t even have to say anything; they both can just keep Paula from entering the church. Marely begs and Ana caves.

Alirio and Nidia argue about not going to the wedding. Nidia says that she’s not going as a sign of solidarity with Ana Davila. Alirio says that’s fine, but he’s dressed and agitated so he’s going. Nidia lays down the law and says that nobody who lives under her roof is going to that wedding. Alirio asks why Juan was allowed to go. Nidia half-heartedly answers that Juan’s case was different. She says that no one else is going. At that moment Yadira and Kike come down the stairs. Yadira announces that no one else has the desire to go, except for the little black sheep of the family who left to impede the wedding. Everyone’s impactada.

Paula pleads with Juan to stop looking at her that way. Juan asks if Paula knows what she’s doing. She says that she does, but he doesn’t agree. Juan says that she’s marrying someone she doesn’t love. Paula says that’s not his business. Juan stops the car and asks how she can do this after what happened between them. Paula says that nothing happened between them; it was all a dream or possibly a nightmare. Juan says that they dreamed the same dream. He grabs her hand. She tells Juan that he’s making them late. He says that now’s the time to back out. Paula says that it’s not. She’s going to marry today no matter what. Juan launches into his speech. How can she condemn this love that is the biggest, purest, most beautiful that exists. Paula tells Juan to save himself because she’s lost. He tells her that it would be easy to not go to the church; they could start a new life together. All she needs to do is say that she loves him and they will be on the highway in moments. He begs her to say the word. It will change their lives.

CL waits outside for his bride. He asks if Paula’s arrived. Pastor assures CL that Paula’s coming. CL says that he’s very nervous and he doesn’t know why. Pastor says that maybe it’s because CL’s ex-wife has just arrived. Monica comments that CL looked much better at their wedding. CL asks her why she’s there. Monica replies that she’s there to watch the show. She wouldn’t miss it for the world. Pastor sees the wedding vehicle and rushes CL into the church.

The bell tolls as Paula and Juan sit in the car. She asks him if he’ll open the door. When he doesn’t move she comments about his rudeness and opens the door herself. Juan, the true masochist in all of this, gets out of the car and goes to her side to hold the door.

Yvonne and Pastor watch this. Pastor says that he gives the marriage six months. Yvonne’s less optimistic; she gives it three.

Juan hold Paula’s hand and again says that he just needs one word. Paula leans in and then walks past him. She turns to look at him and he looks absolutely destroyed. Once she’s in the church, Juan tears down the drive and heads toward the bus that will take him home.

Ana and Marely rush to the church but are stopped by Pastor who warns them not to interfere. They brush past him.

The wedding march begins and Paula walks, alone, toward the groom. Ana and Marely come behind her and try to convince her to not do it, but Paula walks on. CL glows and Paula looks as though she’s going to her death.

Juan pulls the car into a bus stop and almost runs over the mechanic. He gives the car to the mechanic, throws his suit in the trunk and rushes to the bus. Juan thought bubbles that Paula married the man that she really loved and he was left without hope. All he could feel emptiness.

Paula comes into the house and looks for her mother; who’s at Nidia’s house. Nidia tries to tranquilize the pain with tequila. Ana thinks that she shouldn’t have gone to the church. Nidia thinks that Ana made the right choice. Ana says that she wanted something more for her daughter. Nidia tells Ana to look at it from a different perspective. Maybe CL will make Paula happy. They should speak positively and hope that CL has changed. Ana says that she’s less worried about that then Paula’s internal conflict. Nidia thinks that Paula’s feelings for Juan are going to be a big problem in her marriage with CL.

Paula opens the door to an excited CL. He asks if she’s ready. When she says that she is, he excitedly rushes out the door with her luggage. Paula turns and mournfully looks at her empty house.

Ana tells Nidia that Paula never wanted to recognize it. Nidia thinks that with the way Juan is, it was destined that Paula would fall in love. Nidia points out that Paula did marry someone that she loves. She just loves CL in a different way. Ana’s not so sure that Paula loves CL at all. Nidia thinks out loud that the Cachon women always realize their true loves once it’s too late. Ana looks on with a glazed look in her eyes. Nidia sighs and says that they should be thinking about the one who is the most injured by this, Juan.

CL questions Paula’s attitude. He tells her that she’s going to a honeymoon, not a funeral. He tells her that they’ve now united themselves as one and no one can separate them, not even her mother.

Marely anxiously looks out of her bedroom window, waiting for Juan. He doesn’t drive up and the phone doesn’t ring. She calls Kike at work and asks for Juan, but Kike says that Juan’s not with him. Kike thinks that Juan needs to go find himself a little blonde beer to get over Paula. He’s not worried; he’s sure Juan will show up at some point. Marely can’t believe that Kike doesn’t want to go look for Juan. Yadira comes in and asks for the phone, but Kike’s busy and he sends her kisses and then hangs up. Marely explains this to Yadira and then returns to the window, eagerly awaiting Juan’s arrival. Yadira wants to know if Marely’s going to stay there, looking out the window. Yadira says that Juan’s probably at a bar because no Juan dies because of love. Yadira jokes about Juan committing suicide. Marely’s worried because she thinks that Juan’s capable of doing anything.

It’s night, the Cachon’s are home and Juan is not. Now it looks like everyone’s worried, except Alirio. Kike comes in and everyone jumps. The phone rings, but it’s a wrong number – someone calling for a pizza. Alirio uses this opportunity to ask for food, but Nidia reminds him that they are in a moment of crisis. Alirio’s not so concerned about Juan because Juan’s not a little boy, he’s a man. It takes one look from Nidia to shut him up. Nidia finally mentions that maybe they should call the police.

Three a.m. and Marely’s still waiting. She prays to the virgin to keep Juan from doing something stupid. She begs for the virgin to take care of Juan.

Nidia can’t take Alirio’s snoring anymore, so she assaults him with a pillow. She complains that his snoring is all she heard last night. Nidia’s still worried about Juan. Alirio’s sure that Juan was at a party and just lost track of time. He says that if Juan had to come one day, then he would have to leave another and that day has arrived. Alirio, ever the opportunist, thinks this is his and Nidia’s opportunity to commit their own “locura.” Nidia brushes him away. Alirio’s persistent, but as always, he loses. Nidia says that she’s going to call the police, the hospital, etc.

Kike and Marely check Juan’s room. They’re not sure what to do, but they admit that this is strange. They rush into the room and notice that all of his clothing are there. Kike wonders if Juan went to get Monica. Kike rushes away, saying that Juan probably just needed to be alone. Marely sits on Juan’s bed and caresses his pillow. The phone rings and there’s a race to answer. It’s Monica and she’s wondering if Juan will arrive. Alirio’s still not worried. The women are desperate to find their Juan. Alirio speaks up and insists that the women are overreacting. He says that they need to use other resources. The women don’t agree. Alirio thinks that they should try the hospitals and clinics first. Alirio says that if Juan doesn’t appear, at the very least they know he’s not dead. Kike agrees and says he’s sure that Juan’s headed for the office. Kike rushes to work. Marely wants to accompany him, but Kike rushes out the door. Marely decides to go bathe.

Nidia calls Ana and asks if Ana’s heard anything about Juan. Nidia explains that Juan has not arrived home and nobody knows where he is. The last place anyone saw him was at the wedding. Nidia asks Ana if she finds out anything to call Nidia. Ana asks for the same favor in return.

Kike and Fernando pace the garage. They talk about how stupid it was for Juan to take Paula to the church to marry CL. Fernando wonders where Juan could go. Monica arrives and Fernando rushes to her. She stops and asks about Juan. Kike explains that Juan disappeared. Monica looks genuinely concerned.

Kike calls the house to say that Juan still hasn’t arrived. Nidia starts to panic but says that she hasn’t lost hope. She asks Kike to call the moment that he knows anything. Nidia tells Yadira that Kike’s going to start calling the hospitals. The women don’t like this one bit. Nidia thinks they should pray.

Pastor thinks that Monica’s joking when she tells him that Juan’s disappeared. Nidia tells Pastor that it’s not and that everyone’s doing everything to find him. She orders Pastor to find Juan, wherever he may be. Monica says that will be Pastor’s only job. With a little “encouragement” from Monica, Pastor rushes from the office.

Pastor runs over to Marely and asks her about Juan’s disappearance. Pastor says that Juan must have gotten drunk and is now hung over. Marely says it’s possible, but nobody knows anything about Juan. She tells Pastor that he’s not the only worried one. Pastor decides to rush to talk to Kike.

Nidia goes to Ana and says that she had to leave the house. She can’t handle having no news about Juan. Nidia’s worried that Juan jumped from a bridge or did something else to commit suicide or that he got into a drunken fight and is in jail.

Kike calls around to the different clinics and hospitals but there’s no Juan. The woman on the phone suggests that Kike call the morgue. Fernando’s sure that Juan’s not there, but Kike hurriedly calls. He gives Juan’s name and description. He describes Juan’s boots [remember, fair readers, that Juan was not wearing boots when he got out of the car to help Paula]. The women comes back onto the line and says that there’s somebody there who matches the description but doesn’t have identification. Kike puts down the phone and announces that Juan is dead. Pastor shakes his head and Fernando stands there with a stupid look on his face.

Pastor threatens Kike that he shouldn’t make such jokes. Pastor gets on the phone and declares that Juan Dominguez is dead. The woman explains that all she said was that there was a man there who matched Juan’s description. She asks if Pastor wants to come to identify the man. Pastor looks worried and pissed. He feints, but Fernando catches him. Love how no one stops in the background. This must be a frequent occurrence with Pastor.

Ana paces his store and eventually calls the house. Alirio answers, but he thinks that it’s Juan. He scolds “Juan” for not letting everyone know where he is. Anga, justifiably confused, hangs up on Alirio.

Fernando tries to calm Pastor. The men decide to go to the morgue to see the body. Kike and Fernando insist that they alone should go, but Pastor won’t hear it. Pastor says that they shouldn’t say anything to anyone about it until they’re sure.

Immediately, the men arrive at the morgue. They asks the doctor about the death. The doctor explains that it appears to be a suicide. The dead man flung himself in front of the train. The doctor needs to get working so he asks who will go to look at the body. Pastor volunteers. We see feet and a sad Pastor enter the room.

Kike blames himself and Fernando can’t say a word.

Before the doctor can uncover the body, Pastor asks for a moment. The doctor tells Pastor to hurry and leaves. Pastor tells “Juan” that he’ll never love anyone as much as Juan. They could have been so happy, but it could not be. Pastor says that Juan was an angel, an innocent. He clutches the body and thanks “Juan” for all of their moments together.

Kike and Fernando remain silent. Pastor exits the room and says that he couldn’t do it. The doctor asks for another volunteer. Kike says that Juan was his brother and that he’ll go. Kike has to ask the doctor for a moment. The doctor’s getting frustrated and tells Kike not to be long. Kike gives his soliloquy about how he was dead before Juan arrive. The doctor comes back in and asks if they can proceed. Kike agrees and reaches for the sheet. He pulls it back and makes a vomit face.

Tune in tomorrow to see if we’ll be watching “Yo amaba Juan Querendon”!

*Charlie Brown


Oh, Amanda, another terrific recap! Thanks!

"He feints, but Fernando catches him. Love how no one stops in the background. This must be a frequent occurrence with Pastor." LOL! The background people don't even notice all the stuff we are paying great attention to, do they?

I laughed at Alirio, just assuming it was Juan on the phone. He'll probably tell everyone Juan called.

This was a very strange episode. Somehow, from the first day, I thought the wedding scene stuff would be a bigger thing. It was anti-climactic.

Schoolmarm Jeanne

Speaking of sub recappers, I need one for this Friday, December 7. If no one's available, I'll post a header.

Schoolmarm Jeanne

Captain Cash, I owe you big time sweetie, I'll do this Friday's recap.

Amanda, I haven't had a chance to watch this episode or truly read your recap yet, so more later, but Juan dead?..No Puede Ser!!!!

Cap'n Eve--thankyouthankyouthankyou!


I know the morgue scenes were supposed to be funny since it wasn't really Juan under that sheet, but I couldn't enjoy the ghoulish mistakes with that bloody arm sticking out under.
Just don't think corpse scenes are humorous.
I also found the wedding scene a letdown...well, there was no scene! I guess that's our clue that this infernal marriage is not going to last.
Gave up Destilando Amor months ago but did stay up to watch the wedding finale and it was beautiful. So was expecting a little bit of fanfare about this one but alas, no. Loathe Paula but she was gorgeous in her dress and since she didn't say much, she was more likable!

Judy B.

Oh Amanda, loved your last line about renaming the show, Amaba... Too funny. The wedding was almost disjointed and there I was lusting over that Jaguar a second night. Gee I miss that car. Wonder where Juan went on the bus? I hope we find out tonight, I don't want to see a whole episode without him in it.

I worked at the Boston City Morgue in my early research admin. career with pathologist-researchers. There was plenty of dead-pan humor, morbid entendres, etc. And boy did those pathologists like to dance and sing on Friday nights to celebrate being alive. So I had a different, fairly twisted take on the morgue scene. Did they really use Juan under the plastic though? It looked so much like him as they moved the camera around to keep us guessing. Kiki, Fern and Pastor work really well together.

Thanks for charming word play and great recap. I am enjoying this novela so much.

Oh my, thank you for the reminder that Juan was NOT wearing his boots. I know he couldn't possibly be dead but still...

What a dismal wedding that was, and yes, very anti-climactic especially since we didn't even see the wedding! How could CL marry someone who so obviously is not excited? He is in his own world, is clueless, doesn't give a fig, or what?

Yep, Paula looked great in that dress.

Cheryl, interesting insight into the morgue humor. Thanks for sharing. I had to giggle at how impatient the old bearded guy became. The poor guy was just trying to do his job and all these wailing, emotional guys show up for their last moment with the corpse.

Amanda, excellent, clever and thorough recap; thank you! I do love your titles. As well as being the Iron Recapper you are also the Queen of Quotes.

Thank God for recappers! I got stuck at work because of a snowstorm & didn't make it home in time to see this much-anticipated episode. I don't really watch the show too often, but I really wanted to catch this one since it's finally at the point where the whole show began. Sounds like I didn't miss too much, huh? I've seen the trailer for tonight so I should be able to jump right in....

Amanda, thanks again for the amazing recap. If you ever decide to write a newspaper column, tell me where you are so I can move there & subscribe!

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