Thursday, December 06, 2007

Not a Recap But My Favorite Pirates for Pasión

Pirate Twins Separated at Birth? You be the judge...


Hope you all don't mind, I just couldn't help myself. Waiting for Fernando to appear just made me kinda loca... Well finally he did show up. You will notice that the girl twin smiles a lot more than the boy twin...

Looks like Fer has gone to the same hair stylist! ¡Aarff!




All Pirate Colunga needs is a pink collar and he'd be set! This 'do looks better on Willa.

Am I missing something? I don't see a recap, only comments. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.

love it love it love it!!
my cats want to know where their pirate costumes are.

lol!! thanks!

Anon 11:49 This wasn't a recap. It's a lagniappe.

Schoolmarm Jeanne

I have some Fernando screen caps from Episode #3, which was last night (12/6).

The album is at:



Thanks "schoolmarm Jean" for answering my question about "where's the recap". I looked at all the photos and websites that were sent in. They are great!

Capn' Cash: Fer can lay'n nap on my lap anytime........ >; 3 P

Hello--can someone tell me what time this novela airs on the east coast? Thanks--Teresa

Yes, the eyes are a little differnt, ok, ok , and well maybe the nose, but the rest is spot on!!! Thanks for the funny!

Pasion should air at 9pm EST...

Ok, OK, and well maybe the teeth too...... ;0)

Thanks so much for this thorough and faithful-to-what-happened summary. Without the summaries, I can't trust my own understanding of the language - so, the more straightforward the narrative, the better I can learn.

Again, many thanks!

thanks (k)...I just turned on univision and it is on 9 - 10.
I can't believe they just had an extra pick his nose......ewww

jardinera654 etc., ROTFLLLL!!

I actually had to think about that for all of fifteen seconds or so.

Schoolmarm-in-Black Jeanne

Dear Mano Derecha and assorted Anonymous writers, "me disculpa" for the high jinx of this abbreviated picture gallery. I did not mean to confuse anyone that this was the recap. So I changed the title to clarify that. I'm simply having some fun while I wait for Pasión to catch up to my wishes and expectations. My poodle Willa is such a good sport about my silly exploits.

Your cute doggie would make an excellent pirate dog mascot for the novela!!!! :)

mano derecha: too funny!!

cuzn capn cash: Ha ha!! Gotcha!!

Cap'n Jennie - Lagniappe sent me flying to the dictionary. I've never lived in the south so now I know and now I can also laugh harder at Jardinera's witty retort to your witty word play. And I think I get mano derecha's comment differently. Funny what too few hours of sleep do to breakdown the humor zone in one's head.

I love both pictures. Two cutie patuties. But....Can Miss Willa hang from the side of a ship like our Fernandito ???? No problemo...I'll bet Fernandito does play fetch. We all have our own gifts. p.s. We don't have a dog. We had a crazy black lab when our girls were little. Now my older daughter has a Canadian Duck Toller, and my younger has a golden retriever and a blue-eyed Siberian Husky. However, they do not wear bandanas. ~~~

Mary Cherry, Willa can't exactly hang off the side of a ship like our darling Fer, but she can imitate the feeling by hanging her head out the window of a car when I let her, I can tell that she wants to feel the wind in her hair, errr furry ears. She has an intent look like Fer but it is a look of total bliss. Alas, we haven't seen the look of bliss on our Fer yet... but it is early in the Pasión capitulos.

Cousin Jardinera/Dread pirate Cash – Yep, you got me. I’ll be lookin’ over my shoulder next time. ;-)

CherylNM – Lagniappe just tells you how much time I spent in New Orleans. It’s all that family we have in Cajun country that keeps me dreaming of it.

“Funny what too few hours of sleep do to breakdown the humor zone in one's head.” LOL! Indeed, Cheryl! How is Pirate Willa holding up under Mami’s lack of sleep?


Reminder~~~The finale of ''Destilando Amor'' is on today--3 pm Eastern time ...just in case you want to spend a little more time with Rodrigoooo and company before becoming completely immersed in Fernando and the PIRATES.~~

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