Tuesday, December 11, 2007

need help need a sub for pasions

I am in Tulsa & we have no cable, no internet, no power...
I am at work now & have access to the internet..
I need a sub as I have no idea when power will be back on..up to 7 to 10 days.

Thanks in advance


Man that sucks - I would volunteer to cover for you but there is just isn't any way I can do Tuesday. I hope your power, etc, is back up soon.

Beckster: I know where you're coming from. We've lost power here so many times here because of storms I've lost count. It's never pleasant no matter how upbeat you try to be.

We will definitely miss your recap - they are always so special.

Thinking of you from lower Ala

I would love to recap an episode of Pasión!! I assume you mean tonight, right??

I will then have recapped every one of the stories we follow here. Woohoo!

And the new VCR is working fine now so it will be a pleasure to help out.
Hope you get power back soon, what a drag.

Thanks Cheryl! Go for it!

I can't believe the storms you guys have been getting hit with over the last few months. I hope that's the last one for a long time.

I would have loved to do this, but I gotta madrugarme (or however you say that) tomorrow. Anyway, I still can't keep all the names straight.

I'm still not used to not-recapping yet - this must be what it feels like to retire. Sorta. I feel like I'm being incredibly lazy.

For at least six months I have only been watching the Friday episodes of whatever show I'm on, so last night watching Pasion I said to my wife "wow this sure is easier to keep up with when I'm not trying to write everything down."

Thanks so much. I'll have to read to see what is happening.

Thanks again

Beckster~~~Sending out good vibrations to you. I hope that you have power soon. Hub saw a high school friend this morning at the local diner who is home visiting his dad. He is stranded here until things clear up . He lives in Kansas. ~~~Mad Bess/susanlynn

I heard a report about Tulsa on NPR. Sounds like the situation is pretty uncomfortable. Stay safe and warm and be back soon.

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