Saturday, December 08, 2007

Pasión -- Some Screen Shots of Fer from Jeri @ TN-W


Thanks so much for posting those, Jardinera. :-)

The original album for those is at my website. Ep. 3 screen caps is at:


I used to look like that, but it was too easy getting dates, so I went for the short, bald, chubby look instead...:)

These are great! Thanks, jeri and jardinera!

Oldman54, you crack me up!


Yeah my long hair in the 80's (hey it was in style then and I was in high school) didn't seem to help me as much as with Fern here.

It's hard to believe someone could be this gorgeous. Its almost other-wordly!

I like it...I love it...I want some more of it. p.s. Oldman and Ferro, you guys are too funny. I love long hair on guys , but I was never able to talk hubby into letting his hair grow long...nor will he wear a bandana or carry a sword. Que lastima. ~~~~Mary Cherry Fizz, piratelover

You know I just never get tired of looking at pictures of Fernando. I think he is an excellent actor besides being such a heart-throb handsome one. He is like Eduardo Yáñez in that they both speak their lines so clearly, it is so easy to understand them. Well I'm off to see the Yáñez special.

Thanks to Jeri and Jardinera for pics and Oldman, et. al for the laughs on this cold, windy rainy day in la Tierra Encantada.

Ahhhh, nice.

That photo of him in the sidebar never did anything for me. I prefer 'em a little more scruffy. :-)

Cherylnewmex~~~I forgot all about the Eduardo Yanez special, so thanks for the reminder. I missed the first 15 minutes , but I enjoyed what I saw, especially footage of Eduardo as a linebacker for the Steelers. How'd you like to be in a huddle with him ????

Oh, darn! I didn't set my DVR for Eduardo Yáñez!

Jeanne, wiped out from a five hour drive through sleet and only half a windshield clear (bottom half)

Jenny, Que horrible. Welcome home safely. the weather sounds frightful. The Yáñez special was really special. I just watched it for the seocnd time. I have a new VCR/DVD but it isn't in sync with my TV and Dish box yet so I am still relying on my failing short term memory. So twice is nice and Hopefully the satellite folks will help me tomorrow.

Anyone seen "Bella"? Very nice US film with lots of Spanish in it. I love one line of it:
"Cuando quieres ver a diós reirse, cuentale tus planes."
When you want to see God laugh, tell him your plans!

CherylNM, thanks! I wish I was home, though. I am 250 miles from home, but it's not supposed to snow Monday when we return.

Once you get that set-up working, I bet you'll adore it. I certainly love mine!


"Cuando quieres ver a diós reirse, cuentale tus planes."
When you want to see God laugh, tell him your plans!

Thank you so much CherylNewMex for sharing this gem. I am going to have it inscribed on a plaque and put it on my desk to keep me from thinking I've got it all figured out!!

Jeanne~~~I'll bet you are happy to be home safe and sound. I hate driving in bad weather. Glad that you are home again and ready to enjoy another episode of Pasion tomorrow night.

I took the Pirate name quiz, and the name they gave me is Mad Mary Rackham. I'm thinking of changing it to Mad Mary Rack o' Lamb. What do you think? One has to be picky about one's pirate name!

I did a little research and discoverd that there was a real pirate of the Caribbean named "Calico" Jack Rackham. He was noted for having two women pirates in his crew -- Mary Read and Anne Bonny. Jack and his crew were captured and executed in Jamaica. However, both Mary and Anne were spared as both were pregnant.

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Kay, I love the Mad Mary Rack O' Lamb, it has a nice ring to it. I'd grab it before some other unscrupulous pirate steals away with it...

Jeri, I'd like to know how you get the screen shots in the first place to upload to your albums. I have a mac account too so I don't have to find a site to create albums. I also have a Facebook account where I put some of my own photo albums of Willa and New Mexico, etc. It the explanation is too lengthy to interest others you can also e-mail me at my special blog e-mail which is:

Susanlynn, I'm not home. I'm about 250 miles away from home and have to drive back through it tomorrow. I am looking forward to getting there for Pasion.


Kay~~~~Mad Mary Rack o' Lamb---LOVE IT !!!!!!!

...So now I'm hungry...even though I no longer eat any baby meat [veal, lamb, etc]---I do eat baby lettuce , so...maybe I'll have me a big old salad. Not very piratey..but..whatever....maybe I'll have Thousand Island dressing to pirate it up. Jeanne, hope you get home safe and sound. I'm sending out good vibrations to you for your trip home~~~~~ p.s. kay/Mad Mary Rack o' Lamb~~I wonder if good ol' Cap'n Rackham was responsible for those 2 pregnancies ??????

Mad Mary Rack 'O Lamb, har har that's perfect! You're so clever.

Peg Leg Jeri, THANK YOU for posting the pics of Fernando. Good Lord he is a might fine hunk 'o man!

Susanlynn --

I definitely consider myself to be the long lost great, great (I don't know how many greats need to be in here since he walked the plank in 1720) grandchild of Jack Rackham and Mary Read. And Im sure Jack was as fabulous looking as Fer (wonder if he had a poodle perm). We do know he wore more colorful clothes, as black seems to be Fer's favorite so far. Jack's clothes lead to his "Calico" nickname. Gee, tracing your ancestry is fun!

I watched the rerun of the Destilando finale. That Eduardoooo is one finelooking hombre. He would have made a hale and hearty pirate , too. Que lastima. Well, I will be waiting impatiently for his next telenovela. P.s. Hub has me so bummed...He told me that Mary Cherry Fizz was not a very good pirate name. P.S.#2 At the other site I frequent , someone posted a site called FreeRice,com. Did you ever hear of it ??? It's quite addictive. ~~~Mary Cherry Fizz/ Susanlynn, contemplating stealing a new pirate name


You can do the pirate name quizz at to find a new name. Or you can just google "pirate name" and there are a number of possibilities.

I have heard of free rice. I do it every once in awhile, and I agree, it is addictive. I sometimes amaze myself with how many I get correct.

I got myself a pirate name!

Your pirate name is:
Iron Anne Flint

A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

That is a great pirate name , Melinama....Iron Ann Flint !!! The name generator spit out Mad Bess Kidd for me. I suppose that is more piratey than Mary Cherry Fizz. ~~~Susanlynn, having an identity crisis over pirate names... my head is throbbing...perhaps my bandana is too tight

Mad Bess Kid or Merry Cherry Fizz - Willa and I love you with what ever name you end up with. That's the important thing, right? To have pirate mates that accept you no matter what.

Willa refuses to change her name although she would go along with a change of badanas if I get a new one for her.

Willa doesn't want to be left behind so here is our new name. What do you think?? Shouldn't New Mexico have beach front?? It used to a million or so years ago, it could happen again. Our ship could sail right from the house if our Rift Valley keeps growing....

Gee, I'm sorry for starting all this. Anyway, Melinama, re your new pirate name, you should check this out:

Mad Bess Kidd/Susanlynn/Mary Cherry Fizz--thanks. We'll get home, by golly, and we appreciate the good energy 'cuz we'll need it. Drove from an event tonight to a nearby hotel and it was grim. That's the price we paid for leaving Paradise. But we do love it here. In the summer a little more than the winter.



I missed part of Thursday and all of Friday, is the lady Cap'n FC was visiting his mom or his aunt? And why did he need to dress like a Franciscan friar? (I was taught by Benedictines and none of them ever looked that good!)

Taped the Eduardo Yañez show and am more impressed with him as a person than I was with him as an actor in DA. To me, that's a good thing. Took the pirate name quiz, apparently I am Capitan Morgan Rackham. Hmmm, not sure about that yet...

Marg. in MN

Margaret in MN -

His mom.


i got a name too! i got a name too!

make way for:

Captain Morgan Rackham likey it!

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