Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Some pasion promo pics....enjoy!

To the Fernando fans, I thought I'd share some Pasion pics that I found while cruising around... just some eye candy to entertain you until Fer shows up :) I have some production photos too...let me know if you want me to post them. Enjoy!

Ricky & Co...

For the non-fer fans too :)

...or perhaps those who like a different version of Fer...?


Thanks Tash, We Fernando fans all needed this so much just now.

Thank you , Tash , for the Fernando fix. I especially enjoyed the one of him hanging off the ship...tricky.~~~Susanlynn, hanging in there, too

Tash - Oooooh. Niiiiiice. Thaaaanks.

Schoolmarm Jeanne

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Now THIS is living high! Thanks!

aka ~~~~~Dread Pirate Cash~~~~~

Wheeeee...the second one is my favorite too!

I just copied that hanging off starboard pic to my desk top and made it into tiled wallpaper. Makes me a little dizzy when I look beyond this posting screen but oh so nice.

When I see that picture of Fernando hanging off the side of the ship, it puts me in mind of road trips and weird sounds and hub saying to me , ''Let me get out and look.''

Ah, the hotness that was once Juan Cristobal, now just an indisposed fiance taking a nap. Nice to see him standing up with clean hair.

Who's the grey-haired dude in the red party suit? He's cool looking.

Glad you liked the pics! :)

The guy with long white hair and red suit is Captain Foreman, an english corsair (I think). The role is played by Luis José Santander.

Ahhhh! :)

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