Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pasión, 01/14/08: Indecent Proposals

Well, Whorehey is truly aggravated by Ric’s taking on airs at the party, and since he realizes Ric’s interest in Cami, he orders papa Justo to come in for a chat to make him an offer Justo cannot refuse. Justo arrives and nervously asks what he wanted. He says he understood that Justo was trying to find a new hubby (with social standing of course) for Cami, and being very fond of her he has seen to it himself and found one for her. As Justo and the rest of us hold our breath in bate, and Alberto La-Bouffant looks menacingly on, we get the answer to his question, “Who?”

Don Whorehey munificently asks for Cami’s hand in marriage on behalf of (who else but one of his perverse piggish drinking buds lacking in appropriate couth) no other than the shoe-guzzling Gonzalo. “He is an appropriate age, owns a hacienda, comes from a notable family, and (his best qualification yet) he is a friend of mine. He’s on a trip now but we spoke and he asked me to make the request as Regional Governor.”

Mario, Claudio and Jimena clown around on Camila’s patio together. Actually, Jimena and Mario are flirting with each other and Claudio starts to feel like a fifth wheel.

Justo leaves. Whorehey tells LaBouffant (enjoying another Mephistophelian moment) that he’s got no intention of handing Cami over to Gonzo. He just entered into this to gain time till Gonzalo returns from La Mariana with the ED letter from the doctor. Then he’ll come to some “arrangement” with her. Alberto asks what his problem is that he’s got to get so involved over some female. Don Whorehey says it’s not just a woman. He refuses to let some new upstart interfere with his supreme rule or to stomp on his manhood by messing with his women.

Cami, on her way back home, runs into Saintly. They discuss niceties about GRita’s expecting and about Justo looking for a husband for her. (You just know, somehow, this topic must be killing him, and secretly he’s gallantly fighting back the urge to drop trow and go for it if she’d only say yes.) They talk about Ascanio coming to work for him and possibly marrying Ines to avoid a mistake with Vasco. Lis comes up as a topic too and they agree she’s not such a bad sort cuz she has every right to object to what her father did to her. Cami says she’d love to give her back everything, but not at the cost of her freedom.

Back at Cami’s, Justo’s talking to Jimena about Don Jorge’s and his discussion. Jime laughs and pretty much tells him to forget the cigars and rum since there’s no way Cami will ever accept Gonzo’s offer. Cami has got somebody else in mind now. Justo asks who and when she says it’s Ric he sputters in frustration because he cannot understand it: two days ago she was totally against the idea.

Jime says well, she changed her mind. Justo tells her that he’s now in a bind because he already agreed to it. Jime doesn’t see the problem. He simply can go back and tell him she’s spoken for. Justo explains it isn’t that easy with a Regional Governor doing the asking. If Don Ricardo had come to him first as he should have, he would have done just that. Now he’s up a creek without his paddle.

Ines tells Lis on their way back from town how Saintly was going to marry Cami, and when he found out she had vanished he married GRita instead. Ines mentions that Ric is interested in Cami. Lis is very negatively impactada and makes a face at the news.

Back at her house Ines tells Ofelia about the incident and tells her it was obvious that Lis didn’t like the idea of Ric getting involved with Cami. GRita takes the opportunity to accuse Cami of trying to steal away Santiago as soon as she returned to town. Ofelia defends Cami and Santi due to their special circumstance and tells GRita it’s her constant haranguing of her husband that has changed his attitude towards her, rather than her sister’s return. GRita stomps off complaining that Ofelia would have rather had Cami as a daughter-in-law instead (and we’re all thinking in unison, “You’re right and who could blame her?”)

That night Lis hysterically cries to her aunt about Ric’s possibly marrying Camila. She whines (and her whining is getting to be as aggravating as GRita’s griping) that she cannot allow Ric to marry another woman, least of all that woman! Perhaps if Cami realizes he is a pirate she’ll refuse him. Or, Lis figures, she can denounce him over the false name and papers he’s got. Fran likes that idea, but Lis backs off it and says she couldn’t do that to him really.

When Cami gets back Justo complains to her about not telling him that she had decided to marry Ric after all because a father is supposed to at least know what his daughter wants before he enters into a discussion like this. Otherwise he would not have agreed and given his word about marrying Gonzo. Cami tells Justo he’s one of the gang that came for her that night before her wedding, and she’d die first rather than marry him.

Jimena takes off for the inn to speak to Mario about Whorehey’s request to marry Cami to Gonzo the Gross. He tells her Ric will know what to do when he returns from La Mariana. In the meantime she should stay in her house and not go out in town.

Justo goes to speak with Ofelia about Gonzo’s proposal and how he botched it all because he didn’t know about Cami’s decision to accept Ric’s offer. Ofelia asks couldn’t he have put him off for a while til Ric got back, invented something, lied about it? He agrees he froze up and acted like a fool. She says to speak to Sofia and see what she can do for him. He figures that will be a waste of time since once her husband gets something into his aristocratic head nothing shakes him off it.

Ines is babysitting at Vasco’s while this is going on. Vasco comes stumbling home drunk and vomits. She comes to help him into bed. He gets the urge and begins kissing her. (Ugh!) Naïve Ines thinks this is his way of showing her that he really loves her and so Vasco and she do the deed. Afterward they hear Justo going into his bedroom. Vasco sends her home and tells her not to say anything to anybody. She smiles and tells him she figures he’ll at least tell her brother since he’ll be asking him to marry her. He realizes she didn’t understand what had just happened and lies. He tells her not to hurry things like that but that he’ll take care of it eventually and pushes her out the door. Immediately he regrets it and wonders what in the world he’s just done. (Probably knocked up his best friend’s little sister. What a guy!)

The following day Vasco barely greets Ines when she comes for Paco. Saintly gives Mario the keys to the new locks they finished for Ric by working through the night.

At Cami’s that same morning, Jimena tells her that Mario suggested they tell people they’re away on vacation but instead they could perhaps stay at Ric’s place, at least till he returns. Cami says not a good idea, especially when Ric doesn’t even know yet that she’s decided to accept his proposal. Jime says well, he would the minute he came back and saw them there! Cami says she’ll stay home and if Whorehey comes to force the issue she’ll tell him she refuses and tell the truth about why.

When Mario comes by a bit later, Jimena tells him Cami’s decision. He says it shouldn’t matter: he’ll be moving in to keep watch on them, just like he promised Ric that he would.

La Bouffant tells Manuela to visit Lis but not to bring up Ric. He wants her to become close friends with Lis and to forget about Ursula for good.

In the islands somewhere Foreman is reading a couple of letters. In spite of going against the rules of the brotherhood, he orders Hernan to go to La Mariana to look into whatever he can about El Antillano’s background, but if he tells anyone anything Foreman will cut his tongue out. (That’s my kind of pirate!)

Mario tells Cami his intention to move in to protect her while Ric is away. She thinks it’s going overboard since she has Ascanio and Claudio there, but he says he’s a pirate who’s only following his orders. She eventually gives in.

Mario gets his things, leaves word at the inn to have Jesus find him at the Widow Salamanca’s. Outside he runs into Fran and Lis who figure he’s moving into Ric’s and demand his services there immediately. He has no choice but to take them over there and see what they’ll need before he can get back over to Camila’s.

As luck would have it, Ric and Gonzo end up traveling on the same ship heading for La Mariana Island, despite Whorehey’s instructions to LaBouffant to have him travel separately and incognito so that Ric wouldn’t know Gonzo was in La Mariana and raise suspicions. Gonzo is barfing over the side, upping more than a few chucks, when Ric walks up and recognizes him. He says he’s surprised seeing Gonzo on the same boat with him. Gonzo lies about having to attend to family business there and stumbles off. Ric looks at him and seems to start thinking about it being a bit of a coincidence.

On the way to Ric’s, Lis and Fran start pumping Mario for information. They want to know why Ric hasn’t been by to see them more and if it’s because he’s been spending so much time with Cami. They say they’ve heard he’s constantly over there to see her. Mario says he’s hardly paid much attention and people will always gossip about something. They ask him if he knows her and he lies and says not really, just by sight, that he has no dealings with her at all.

At the mill Vasco is guzzling down a bottle of wine for breakfast. He tells Bernabe that he slept with Ines. They agree that if Santiago finds out he’ll kill Vasco. Bernabe says the best thing is to marry her. After all, she’s decent and takes care of his son as if he were her own. Vasco says he only loves her like a sister and the woman he really is interested in is Whoresula (This from a guy who is ready to extort his actual sister. No, it does not look good for the innocent, but no longer chaste, Ines.) Bernabe says that he sure didn’t think of her that way when he slept with her.

Santi runs into GRita on her way to work at the mill. They argue again, about the kid they’re expecting and--what else--Cami, “Bet you’d rather I’d die so you could get back with her, right?” GRita struts away and Santi is ready to bang his head against the nearest wall in frustration.

Cami, meantime, tells Ascanio and Claudio about the proposals from both Ricardo and Gonzo (via Whorehey). Ascanio, from what he knows, has his doubts about Ric ever giving up “the life” he leads, while Claudio tells her that he thinks Ric is perfect for her.

Ines mentions to Ofelia that Lis makes too much about her blindness and seems to be insincere about a lot of things. Saintly arrives home and tells Ines about his interest in her marrying this great guy, then tells her it’s Ascanio. She is dumbfounded and tells him that if she doesn’t marry Vasco she won’t get married at all. He tells her that Vasco is a playboy and a drunk who cheated on his wife and will do the same to her or anyone else. Ines rushes out.

Saintly finds Vasco nearby and confronts him. Vasco thinks it’s because Ines let the cat out of the bag about the night before, but he realizes Santi’s angry that his sister can’t see what a bum he is. Santi wants Vasco to set his sister straight and admit he has no intention of ever marrying her and to do it today!

Santi races off in a huff then and Bernabe warns Vasco that once Santiago finds out he slept with his sister they’ll hogtie him and drag him up to the altar.

The Duke de Salvatierre has written in repsonse to Sofia's invitation that he'll be there in a week to meet them all. Justo visits Sofia and tells him about his predicament. Sofia is suspicious and asks if he knows just exactly when Gonzalo supposedly talked to her husband about this proposal.

Meanwhile Ursula is having temper tantrums upstairs. She's tearing up the letters and pictures from all the possible suitors. When Fortunata mentions the Duke of Salvatierra is interested and even has a title she could sport, Ursula is obviously not in the mood. She screams at Fortunata that she could give a rat's behind about the duke or his title, let alone any of the others in the pile. Fortunata wonders if she’s not just still sensitive about Ric's rejection. Ursula says she's not sensitive, she's furious, particularly because Ric ignored her during the whole party and never showed up to talk with her even though he'd promised her.

On the other side of the pueblo, Ines races over to tell Vasco about her having to marry Ascanio. Vasco says Santi told him he couldn’t marry her now and he almost beat him up over it. He makes sure she hasn’t told him about their sleeping together. She says eventually he will marry her, right? He says sure, sure, but to take things slowly because of her brother.

Knowing he’s in between a rock and a hard place, Vasco suggests Ines goes ahead and formalize things with Ascanio for now. He says he’ll try to find a better time down the road to approach Santi. She refuses, shocked that he should suggest it. Vasco says to at least go along with the idea for now. Building on the drama, he adds that he has to wait because until her brother calms down the only thing that would come of it all is either he or her brother ending up dead


Great recap. Cami is surrounded by the sorriest group of men. Don Jorge and his crew are mean-spirited predators; Santi is pathetic; Vasco is disloyal and lacking in any type of morality; Justo is a wimp and totally out of touch with his own family. In their quest to protect their own interests, they think they are doing the right thing for her - not.

Then along comes Ricardo and crew. At this point,he's making out and making moves. But, his motives are questionable, too. We don't know if he really is falling in love with Cami or with the money she has that he thinks is rightfully his.

And, she, poor soul, seems to trust al the wrong people. Is she going to Don Jorge for help in the next episode. Someone, please hit that girl over the head so that she can have an amnesia attack while someone else makes up the rest of the store.

From lower Ala

Oops again. Last word should have been story.

Mephistoles Alberto La Bouffant -- that's perfect Jardinera!

The recurring novela theme of women who can "make" a man love them is unappealing. But, at least they're usually the bad gals...
jb--Iron Jack Cash

When Ursula (the conehead) was having her temper tantrum, what was the thing with the letter? From what I caught, it sounded like it was from a parentally-approved suitor (not Ricardo) and she was in a snit because of that, as well as Ricardo snubbing her at the party.

Anon 9:35am. That's been added in now and covered in the recap. It's the duke's acceptance letter I believe.

Am I wrong to feel it's clear that Ric really is sincere about Cami? Hasn't he admitted it to Mario and said he wants to marry her. Hasn't Mario been amused and teasing him about his feelings for her from the beginning? Haven't his motives to get the money and fulfill his dying mother's wish changed as he is falling in love with Camila?

I thought she was tearing up all the pictures of her suitors. There were many large sheets of paper.

I did think it was funny when Sofia told Fortunata to tell Ursula she could buy a new dress. Something tells me Jorge lets her have a new dress any time she wants it, whether Sofia likes it or not!

Anon 10:21: I feel it's pretty clear, too.

As for Mario and Jimena, I was shouting "rent a room already, you too!" last night. She totally wants him.

Jardinera, thanks for the recap.

And another title for yesterday's episode:

Mario is the nanny of the day.

Helen J.

Concerning the geographic location of San Fernando: Someone said "grody" to me today, which reminded me of "Valley Girl," as in San Fernando Valley... in CA... and I was thinking:

Mexico is not the same size and shape that it was back in (mumblemumble, whatever year this story takes place). At one point, it included California (at least some portion of it). Cami's San Fernando is probably in roughly the same region that we now know as the San Fernando Valley.

I know very little of CA myself, but looking at the map it seems plausible. The area was obviously settled by Spain, and some Spanish friars built a big mission there in 1797. The Wikipedia article also says the ocean is less than ten miles away from the southwestern edge of the valley.

As for the location of La Mariana, I can only guess that this is a made-up island. I couldn't find any reference to an island by that name that had been settled by Spain or Mexico.

Well, I did find one reference... but it was the Wikipedia article about this telenovela. :-)

San Fernando cannot be in CA. It has to be near Vera Cruz. I hope I'm not giving a spoiler.

Maybe I am missunderstanding. Is Vasco's plan to string Inez along as her family further commits her to marry Anesco and then tell her, "Oh well, you have to marry him now."

I think so, Capt. Bonney. He's trying to keep Ines from flipping out on him and telling Santi that Vasco slept with her. At the same time, he's hoping she'll be safely married to Ascanio as soon as possible, so that if it turns out she's pregnant, they can all pretend the baby's Ascanio's, and Vasco's name will never come up, unless of course the baby is born drunk and sporting a mullet.

I know it's not a great plan and it's full of holes, but what do you expect from a brokenhearted, drunken slob. I thought he was so nice at first (and I agree he would clean up nice), but it's looking more and more like he's quite the piece of work.

Speaking of pieces of work, next time gRita accuses someone of liking Camila better than her, I hope they just agree with her. "Yes, it's true. We used to like you, but you've been such a hateful pain in the butt lately that we really ARE starting to hope that you'll drop dead. Preferably after the baby's born, but on the other hand we don't know how many more months of your whining we can take."

So, we're near Veracruz? Well, dang. I suppose the lack of surrounding mountains should have been a dead giveaway. All this time I've been hearing "Valley Girl" in my head and planning a big Zappa tribute for my next recap. Now I'm going to have to come up with something else. ;-)

Mario and Jimena were so cute together. I loved their flirting. Anon 10:21 I agree. Ric is truly falling in love with Camila. Justo is such a wimp. I'm so sick of Rita and her harping about Camila. The next time she complains someone should say "yes we do wish Saintly married Camila and not you" LOL.

Jardinera~~~Thanks for that great recap. Vasco is a pig. Ines must really be obsessed with him to be seduced right after seeing him throw up. Charming. Well, this will be interesting. We saw Ascanio o o giving Ines the eye when he arrived in town and her snubbing him. What is wrong with this girl ??? Yes, we saw Ascanio o o drunk, but at least we did not see him hurling his cookies. Besides being muy guaypo and an expert at giving the stink eye, this guy can hold his liquor. In the opening, we see Ascanio o o next to Manuelo, but I can't remember if they showed Ines with someone. I think they showed Foreman kissing Ursula and Bouffant was drooling over Lis. I think Vasco was kissing someone but I couldn't tell who it was. Jimena was with someone , too, I think. I'd like to see Jimena end up with Mario or Ascanio o o . That was a good point Camila made to Justo about Gonzo being part of Whorehey's rowdy boys who carried her off to be deflowered by Whorehey. Anyhoo, Ric better get back soon.

I wonder if Justo's constant brow-mopping and such is supposed to signal some kind of health problem (that Ofelia is somehow overlooking). He always looks as though he's on the verge of keeling over.

Isn't Gonzo going to Mariana to get another ED letter? If so, doesn't that throw Vasco's little blackmail plan out the window? And too bad the Jimena actress and Gonzalez weren't in reverse roles. Jimena would surely liven up the Cami role.

Very, very nice recap as usual Jardinera. I'm still sorting through the multitude of characters, which brings up another of my dumb questions. Who is Bernabe and Jesus? I don't remember those names before. I have to side with those who believe that Rick is sincerely smitten with Cami even though I feel that the challenge of winning her over the others is a boost to his ego. One last remark, Julie I love your suggestion of using reverse psychology on Rita. Trying to reason with her isn't working. Novela's seem to love the theme "I don't love you but you're having my baby, so I'm stuck with you".
(Poor kid will probably grow up feeling responsible for forcing mom and dad to stay in a loveless relationship).

It looks to me like the opening credits follow the plot of the story - Ricardo/Antillano stalks on, brooding (the man can brood), Cami's kissing Santiago, breaks away from him to run to Ricardo/Antillano and Rita grabs on to Santiago. Later (in no particular order) you see Ricardo cleaned up and looking stern, LaFont drooling over Lisabeta, Vasco kissing Ursula while Fortunata dithers, Santiago dressed in gentleman's clothes with a little boy, ending with Camila running out of a church in a white dress, smiling.

It depends on who Vasco is hoping to show the letter to, and how soon he does it. Not everyone knows that Gonzo's gone off to get another one. I don't think Ursula knows, for example. Remembering her promise not to mess with Cami, he could try to use the letter to get back into her good graces, not knowing how much she hates Camila now that she's stolen Ric from her.

If he's even more evil than we previously suspected (I doubt it), he could try to sell it directly to Lis, Fran, or Jorge. They'd be thrilled not to have to wait for Gonzo to come back. Now that Lis knows Ric and Cami are an item, she's not going to want to waste any time. She'll nullify Cami's marriage to Tim and ship her off someplace immediately, so that she's gone before Ric comes back.

On the other hand, Vasco could end up on a two-week guilt-induced bender, and not have time to create any mischief at all. (Have another beer, Vasco!)

LOL Julie and Susanlynn, you said it best -- Vasco is a drunken slob/pig.

It is one thing to get drunk as Ascanio did, and quite another to be a drunk as Vasco seems to be...
jb--Iron Jack Cash

Great recap! I also think Mario and Jimena have the hots for each other, but she also has him all figured out!

Too much hurling already! I also thought it was gross when Vasco kissed Ines. Girl, that's too desperate! She's pregnant for sure, now!!!

Do we know why Ric REALLY went back to La Mariana? I can't remember.

I must say the show is not very exciting when he rarely appears.

At the end of the opening scene when Camila comes out as a bride, Santi is dresed up; Rita is scowling in the background; Ines and Santi are together kissing. Ascanio and Manuela are together, as are Alberto and Lis. Ric catches a kid (Vasco's?) in his arms and stands a bit away from Camila. I guess they don't want to let on who she winds up with. I'm not sure but I think Ursula is with Foreman.

Oops - I meant to say Ines and Vasco are kissing, not Santi who is her brother. NJ Sue

Great recap. I missed this episode, so I was real grateful to be able to read about it.

Early on in the show, they did say what city Cami’s town is next to. Vera Cruz sounds right. I live in the L.A. area, and the San Fernando Valley is part of L.A. To get there from the Caribbean, you would have to cross a humongous desert…

Ursula and Foreman? What a fabulous idea!

Julie and Anon.: Sorry for the screw up on the Ursula tantrum. You're right about the letters and I believe from the script she is supposed to be tearing up their pictures also. So I've corrected that snippet again and hope this time it is true to the storyline.

=/8 3}

Whatever Jorge tries with the letter, I bet if Cami is smart she'll remember she still can play the "Jorge couldn't get it up that night" card to get him to back down. Now that would be a true Mexican standoff!

LOL Jardinera, I finally figured out your emoticon. :)

NJSUE - I think Ric's going off to do some research on the guy who got paid by Tim and Fran to frame Ric for murder. I think only Mario knows this. Ric has given everyone else some other excuse (I forget, something to do with his godfather(?) Gaspar?) to explain his absence.

I'm not sure if he also plans to check out Claudio's cousin while he's away too, or if that's supposed to be a separate trip. I think I would die from the stress if he wasted a trip out there while Claudio's cousin is visiting with Ursula in San Fernando and scaring the hell out of Claudio!!

Thanks for the recap. I had to work an hour extra and missed the show. Ursula and Foreman--good idea. They could mingle their long blond tresses together.
La Paloma

Julie: LOL! That's my Goober face.....

becky t. -- My thoughts exactly when writing this thing. I was definitely gagging myself by the time I finished rewinding Gonzo and Ric's scenes a couple of times. At least with Vasco the mike wasn't as close. (Thank God for small favors.)

Anybody think that the two handicapped characters, Saintly and Lis could end up together by the end of this thing? GRita would have to die a painful death, but I'm up for that!

Anon. 4:12pm -- Bernabe is one of Saintly and Vasco's drinking buds. Jesus is I believe the pirate who was forced to give Lazlo the rundown on El Antillano and his family there in San Fernando. Come to think of it, Lazlo is breaking the rule of the brotherhood forcing Jesus to spy on another pirate's personal life on the "outside."

Huh! All this time, it hasn't crossed my mind even once to wonder who Santi ends up with!

It's kind of hard to picture Lis with him right now, but I do get the feeling that she'll be transformed when she finds out that Fran helped to frame her beloved Ric.

As easy as it is to dislike her now, I do believe that she's got the potential to be a good person. Hanging around with Ines and Ofelia, she might be experiencing decent people for the very first time. :) She just needs to get away from the awful influence of her aunt.

Ursula, on the other hand, is probably beyond hope. I keep expecting her to diss her mom and seal her own doom. Maybe Manuela will go nuts and choke her to death with all those hankies and napkins Ursula keeps swatting her with.

Call me "estupido" but can someone please tell me why everyone is referring to revolting Rita as "GRita" - I must have missed something along the way!

I don't watch the show but I assume it's because the Rita character is always crying and whining and fussing, hence "gritar" to yell, cry out etc.

Anon 9:02 - Grita or gRita received her nickname because she grates on everyones nerves along with Judy B.'s comments. She makes the phrase terrifyingly annoying into a reality.

In addition to the mopping of his forehead, have you noticed how much Justo's eye twitches. It makes me think that the man is going to have a stroke or something. When you consider the stress he's under, it is bound to happen. He's a relatively successful man, with a lot to lose. So he's got to tred carefully around Jorge. Then two out of three of his children are really disappointing and the only one worth her weight was presumed dead for at least a year. I honestly feel sorry for the man, but still wish he'd show his spine a bit more. I'm hoping that Jorge gets his in the end so that Sofia and Justo can end up together---they'd make such a cute couple.

I agree w/ Anon 4:09...let's switch the actress who plays Jimena to play Camilla...she's gorgeous & more life-like than Susana Gonzalez plus she generates chemistry with just about everyone.

Anvils are falling everywhere!
M from CT :-)

Jardinera/Cousin dreaded lucy cash- you have such a delightful recap style, and thanks for this great one! The title is the fantastic!

“Alberto La-Bouffant” ROTFL! Perfect!

‘being very fond of her he has seen to it himself and found one for her.” Ah, yes, we know how fond of Cami Jorge is. The old lech.

“no other than the shoe-guzzling Gonzalo.” Oh, that’s even worse!! Bad enough it’s one of Jorge’s chumps, worse that it’s this one. Ew.


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