Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #18, Wednesday 2-13: Constancio finds his long-lost daughter, and boy is he thrilled.

Padre Manuel comes to visit Constancio right after Mili offers to help Constancio find his long-lost son (and some of the pronouns can be interpreted as non-gender-specific, but others just can't be interpreted as anything but masculine). Mili happily announces to Padre Manuel that she's helping Constancio out, but Constancio gets really upset that she's blabbing to PM and storms out of the room. Mili notices that PM is pale and asks if he's ok and what he's there for. He babbles about nothing in particular and eventually says he came to talk to Sr. B. and very determinedly goes to look for him. He meets up with Braulio in the lobby…digo, the living room. Braulio says that Sr. B has left the house and there's no telling when he'll be back. Mili tries to get PM to come to the kitchen with her, but he gets quite red in the face, has a bit of a dizzy spell, and has to sit down.

Luciana is realizing that because Constancio wants to get into politics, he's going to need her around for his image. She doesn't think he knows anything about politics, but Damian points out that he's an expert liar. Ha! Luciana's pissed that Damian's telling her to "think" when no one's thinking about her--although, Damian claims he is and that Constancio being in politics will benefit everyone. He tells her she's being selfish and picks up a glass of half-melted ice cubes from the bed. The way Luciana's looking at it, there's probably more than just ice and water in that glass.

Mili and Padre Manuel make it into the kitchen, where Socorro gives him a cup of tea (fixes everything--just ask the Brits). Socorro takes off and PM asks for more details about Constancio's lost child. PM goes pale again when Mili says she's going to help Constancio. He starts to leave, saying that since Mili told him he'd lost his color, he needed to go find it. Oh, that Padre Manuel, such a kidder.

Valeria tells her model friend, who I'll call "Veruca" (for lack of a better name and because the haircut calls to mind a character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), that her chauffer is her secret admirer. Valeria laments that Rorgan's "ugly". He comes up just then, asking if she needs the car. Veruca gets a good look at Rorgan and pronounces him "not as ugly as you say," making Rorgan puff up with pride. He really needs to get some better standards.

Mili and Alejandro run into each other on opposite sides of the stairs. Alejandro tries to explain that he had nothing to do with Andrea living there, but Mili won't hear it. She tells him she picked the wrong guy and she's going to go for Hugo since he's not an ass. Doña Regina shows up asking what they're arguing about. Mili blows off the question and says she has news that she can't talk to Regina about with Alejandro there. Regina eventually sends Alejandro away, but he hides behind the Christmas tree to listen in. Mili tells Regina that Constancio lied about his "other" child being dead. Alejandro is impactado. And slightly goofy looking with the remains of that bruise on the side of his mouth. It looks like he had grape jelly with breakfast and forgot to wipe his mouth after.

Rorgan and Horacio talk about their luuuuurve lives while Horacio tends the vegetable garden. Horacio talks about Socorro being the 2nd time he's ever been in love. There was another woman, years ago, but he sorta accidentally kissed her friend and she dumped him. They were even going to get married, but the day after that happened, she left. Now she lives somewhere around Satelite. Wherever that is.

We cut to a reasonably good-looking, dark-haired woman in a catsuit, who will probably end up being the woman Horacio's talking about since they rarely make scene cuts like that without a reason. She's Roxana, an old friend of Damian's (ugh, bad taste) who runs a little gaming salon. She's actually happy to see Damian and lets him play the day on the house. Damian decides to shoot craps. Hm, that one's literal and figurative.

Mili tries to stick up for Constancio's decision to lie and tells Regina that she overheard parts of it and was told the rest of it. Regina's impactada and Mili worries it's because Regina thinks she's a big mouth. Regina explains it's because her grandchild is alive and Mili (sweetly) says her grandchild is alive and doesn't know what a grandma s/he's missing out on.

Luciana practices marginally useful Italian vocabulary in her room alone. Alejandro knocks on the door and comes in. He asks about Constancio's "other" child. Luciana won't answer, but Alejandro repeats the question in time for Valeria to hear it. Luciana claims it's a vicious lie and leaves the room. Alejandro fills Valeria in on what he knows.

Night falls on Mansion la Soledad, squashing the hapless occupants, except for Mili and Alejandro who were busy making out in a doorway and were saved from squashing, doorways being so structurally sound. Just kidding.

Night falls and finds Constancio in his study alone. He rips the picture of him and Rosario in half, accidentally knocks a glass of something off the desk as he throws his half of the picture in the trash, and then returns the picture of Rosario to his desk drawer as someone knocks. It's Milagros, sent by Braulio to tell him that dinner is served. Constancio tells her to clean up his mess, but in his distraction, he actually says "please" and "if you would be so kind." Mili steals his picture out of the trash.

At dinner, Andrea declines Damian's offer to make a speech, so Constancio welcomes her to the house and says they're all happy to have her sharing their table. Alejandro says "not everyone…I mean, grandma's not here." Luciana complains about her being locked in her room all the time. Constancio says she shouldn't care and Luciana says she doesn't. Valeria, holding Alejandro's hand, brings up their lost sibling. Alejandro adds "and if we have one, where is he?" Constancio calls them "filthy brats" for asking the question and tells Valeria he's disappointed in her and that Alejandro must have rubbed off on her. Alejandro says if it's a lie, Constancio has no reason to be upset and he just can't talk to him anymore. Alejandro leaves the table. Constancio tells Valeria again that he's disappointed in her and leaves. Valeria calls him on it (well, after he's gone anyway) and asks who's disappointing whom. Luciana also declines to answer the questions and leaves. Damian, dramatically, dips his hands in his water glass, declares himself the reincarnation of Pontius Pilate, and says he washes his hands of the matter. Valeria turns to Andrea, the last person left at the table and says "Welcome to Mansion la Soledad." I don't think we saw Andrea's reaction to any of that, did we?

Braulio brings Hugo his dinner, since Milagros declined. She told Braulio that until Hugo stops talking about luuuuurve, she won't visit him anymore. Hugo can't understand why she won't believe he's in love with her. Braulio says it's because women are ungrateful--you give them affection and they forget it. He's talking about Rosario. He raised her and one night she left--not with a guy, but because of a guy--and he never saw her again. He calls her ungrateful again, then chokes up and has to leave the room. Great, so Milagros gets "kinda nuts" and "melodramatic" from both sides of the family.

Constancio and Damian conference. Constancio figures that Milagros must have found out from Regina and then he and she had some conversations. Damian's confused that Constancio would have a conversation like that with a servant. Damian brings up Constancio's need for a squeaky clean image. Damian wants to help Constancio clean up said image…and he wants to know where he fits into the Belmonte political regime. He's such a parasite.

Alejandro argues with Luciana about dinner. Alejandro doesn't want to be nice to daddy after the way daddy treats him, and as for Andrea hearing dirty laundry…well, she wanted to move in, didn't she. Luciana says that Andrea didn't have anywhere else to go and besides, the poor dear's dealing with a lot, what with Constancio trying to have his way with her. This gets Alejandro's attention and he storms off…

To find Andrea, who takes advantage of his presence to try to mack on him. She fake-cries and hugs him, saying she didn't want him to find out and if it hadn't been for Luciana…more fake crying. She actually looks a lot prettier without the excessive eye makeup, IMO. Mili walks by the door and sees them hugging.

Constancio brings a bottle and a couple of glasses into the bedroom and invites Luciana to toast with him. She sniffs at it, but doesn't drink. Constancio announces he's being put forward as a candidate for "diputado" (a member of the Chamber of Deputies, which is the lower chamber of congress--equivalent to a member of the House of Representatives, more or less). He toasts himself and asks if she doesn't want to save her son. What? Well, he knows her "vacation" isn't really a vacation and if he were her, he'd stick around. He says if she leaves him, he'll make "the bastard's" life impossible and he'll be sorry he was born. Who knows, he might even have some kind of accident. Luciana doesn't want to believe he's capable. He demands again that she toast with him. Spineless fool! Like she can't take him with her or just warn him to get away, or oh, here's a novel idea--tell him the truth!

Andrea thinks Alejandro's concern means he really luuuuurves her, but Alejandro says he doesn't and it's over. Andrea tries to rag on Mili, then she tries to compare him to his dad. Neither works. She asks him if what he's got with "the servant" is serious and whether he loves her. She interprets his silence as confusion. She says she'll wait for him, and then something about how he shouldn't blame his dad, but my BS alarm was going off and I didn't quite catch her reasoning.

Padre Manuel is back to talk to Constancio and they go into the study.

Alejandro confronts Mili in the hallway and says now she's the one playing around with him. They get back to arguing about Andrea and whether he's telling the truth. Mili tells him if he luuuuurves her so much, they can go into Andrea's room right now and he can tell her to get out of the house. Alejandro says he can't do that. Wimp.

Padre Manuel tells Constancio it's about his other kid, and they need to talk about it. Constancio says he's going to make confession: he had a thing with a servant, she got pregnant…yeah, yeah, says PM, I know that part…well, Regina's always suffered about her grandchild being missing, sometimes he'd like to find him. PM says he's found…or rather, SHE'S found, and you know her, she's staying in this house. Constancio calls PM crazy. PM explains the nuns found a pregnant girl with pneumonia, took her in, she died in childbirth, and the kid was raised at the convent. PM calls her "Mili Gol" but her name is Milagros--yep, Doña Regina's companion. Constancio is impactadissimo!

Mili calls him on it and says it's not that he "can't" tell her to leave, he "won't." She eventually gets around to telling him she found Andrea in his bed. He's surprised and flounders. She tells him to quit lying so he won't end up burning "down there" when the time comes (and for a minute there, I thought she meant it anatomically and was saying he should sleep with Andrea more often so it wouldn't burn when he finally got to hell--good thing I rewound!). She tells him to leave her alone--if he were serious and if he were a real man, he wouldn't do this to her.

PM offers Constancio a glass of water, but he says he's fine and asks PM to sit. Constancio says his mother never lost hope, but he did, although deep down….Constancio now freaks out and says he can't have a "bastard" daughter. PM takes offense at the word and says the kids at the convent aren't "bastards" they're orphans. Constancio asks if she knows, which she doesn't. PM thought her father should tell her the truth. Constancio asks who all knows--PM, Sor Cachete, and Madre Superior. Constancio says no one else must know, that girl can't be his daughter, his political career wouldn't take it. Constancio says he'll give PM money for her to have a decent life, but he wants her out of his house and out of his life. Dude, that's cold.

Later that night, Milagros lies in her bunk and talks about Alejandro to Lina. She says she's got to show him she doesn't care about him. Lina thinks that's going to be difficult, but Milagros intends to try her best. They start talking about Hugo and how he's different…he doesn't care that Milagros is a servant, he sings her Billy Joel songs…digo, he likes her just the way she is. Karla appears to be listening in on this part of the conversation. Lina says it's too bad Milagros' heart is already occupied.

Speaking of crazed painters, Hugo strokes the painting (ewwwww!) and then decides that if Mili won't talk to him, she'll talk to his alter ego, Pandroso.

Very, very early the next morning, Constancio drinks his coffee and tucks the picture of Rosario in his breast pocket. Braulio walks into the study and Constancio says he needs him to do something without asking any questions. We know it's very, very early because Braulio's in most of his uniform, but didn’t have a chance to put on his tie yet. He asks him to pack up Milagros' stuff, escort her out of the house, and wait until Constancio comes out of the house to talk to her. Braulio goes off to obey his orders.

The other reason we know it's very, very early is that the alarm in the girls' room is ringing and shows 6am. Lina wakes up Mili. They have a conversation about missing their moms. Mili never had one, but Lina says she had a mom, but her mom never acted like one. Her aunt raised her after her mom ran off with some guy. At least until Lina ran away and started working. Lina says her mom's dead to her. They change the subject to what to do about Karla. They run off to the bathroom for glasses of water and Mili sing-songs "It's going to rain, it's going to rain, thunder and lightning, you'll see, 1-2-3" and they pour water in Karla's face. Karla screams that they'll pay! Heh.

Alejandro comes to visit Regina and asks her about Constancio's lost child. He tells her he overheard her and Mili and she can't deny it.

Braulio packs Mili's meager belongings in a small sack. He finds the pictures of Alejandro and Constancio and also her medal. Mili comes into her room and finds Braulio. She snatches the medal out of his hand (so he may or may not have had a chance to look at it) and he grabs her by the arm and drags her out of the room.

Regina tells Alejandro that Constancio had another child, but she doesn't want him to tell anyone she told him. They all swore they wouldn't talk about it because his mother can't stand it. She tells him she doesn't know, no one knows, where to find the other child. Also, all the detectives she's hired come back with the same answer. She tells him she doesn't want to die without finding him, but every year it hurts more and more. Alejandro hugs her.

Braulio drags Mili out of the house, but before he gets her to Constancio, he warns her off about servants dating their bosses. He tells her his sister fell in love with the boss' son and it destroyed her. These things never work, he says, people like us need to look around us, not up…understand? Never look up. Wow, that Braulio, he should be a motivational speaker. Actually, I hear he's working that nugget of wisdom into his Tightass Butler of the Year Award acceptance speech. And no, Univision won't be broadcasting that.

Constancio asks Damian to tell Andrea to cancel all his appointments for the day and rushes out of the house. Karla comes in with a glass of water on a tray and begs Damian to forgive her. He tells her he has a new friend, with class, and he's invited her over to meet the family. And also, the relationship's serious…isn't she going to congratulate him? She throws the convenient glass of water in his face.

Braulio and Mili tussle over her bag in the driveway where she and Constancio had words the last time. He tells Mili to get in the car and Braulio to put her bag in the trunk. Both are accomplished and Constancio and Mili drive off.

Tomorrow: Damian brings Roxana home to met the family…do she and Lina have the same eyes? (Just speculating.) Horacio recognizes Roxana. Braulio tells Alejandro and Regina that Mili's gone and she wasn't fired, she just left. Alejandro tells Regina it's his fault. Mili moves back into the convent. Constancio tells the Madre Superior that the news could be disastrous for his career. Padre Manuel says he'll tell Mili the truth.


Thanks for the recaps.

Lol i just love mr glove i think he is either gay or a drama queen. Heavens forbid is still think Hugo is hawt.

Yep, Const is indeed one serious RatBastard, throwing the child of his much missed maid to the curb..kinda makes the prior 19 years of torturing Luci, Al and so on over his lost love kinda a moot point doesn't it?

I thought Granny was exagerating when she called her son a coward - but, as it turns out, he's worse than that. I just can't think of one word that would describe it all.

And, he trusts Damien as his advisor? Yikes!

From lower Ala

Connie is really a villain, but he's so much fun to watch. But I don't understand this political thing. I guess it's just a plot device. Isn't the guy promoting him for office the one who was blackmailing them? We still don't know what they were discussing in that parking lot. Maybe the blackmailer thinks it will be useful to control a politician.

I'm finding the subplots dull, though--Horacio and his ex girl, Valeria and her secret admirer.

I'm going to guess that the blackmailer used to have the other politician in his pocket and now needs a replacement. Constancio either doesn't realize that he's going to have the blackmail material held over his head forever and have to do this guy's bidding or he just doesn't care and thinks being a politician will give him access to more women to fool around with.

All along I've been willing to see Connie as a man who had hurt himself with his cowardice and the loss of Rosario and his child and therefore kept dumping his pain on everyone around him. But, after that bit last night about hiding the existence of the child and not telling her as far as I am concerned he can go to rat bastard hell.

Hugo has definitely gone to creepsville along with his father. Good for Karla for throwing the water at him but now I suspect she might set her greedy eyes on Hugo which would be fine with me.

Both Goldilocks and Snobby Spice surprised me with their curiosity about a missing brother. I would have thought they would be throwing fits.

Too right poor Mili seems to have cold heartless folks on both sides of the family with Connie and Mr. Gloves however there is hope for her since she also has Regina' s tender heart.

Obvious to one and all is that Damian's 'friend" will be Lena's mom and yes they do both have the same beautiful eyes - nice casting on that one. Now Horacio will find out that he too has a bastard daughter living in the house and is certain to react differently than Connie. And now we will have two young girls who hate their parents.

I just switched on my computer, so I haven’t read the recap yet, but I just wanted to let NinaK and others know that I’ve signed on to do Thursdays. I sure hope I push all the right keys and get my recap posted successfully!

- Maggie

5ftlatina i totally agree with you Constancio is vain and gullible, it doesn't occur to him ask why the blacmailer is hooking him up with the bueno deal. When the deal is too good think twice !!!

This is a great recap! Lots of funny bits.

What really struck me is that Connie’s initial reaction to finding out Rosaria was dead and that he had a daughter wasn’t grief over Rosaria, but rather amazement about a daughter. It wasn’t until some scenes later that we see him looking at the photograph again.

I also wonder that none of the detectives that Regina hired thought to check at the orphanage.

And it’s odd that Regina has been up in her room obsessing about the lost child for 18 years now, but her devoted grandson never knew about her being so obsessed.

Regina looks too robust to be a shut-in. They should have cast some frail-looking granny. She looks like she could do a round of golf every day and run the woman’s club fundraiser no problem.
- Maggie

I don't think that anyone including the detectives ever thought to look at the orphanage because she has just gone away, apparently leaving no notes. The orphanage is too close. The one thing that always puzzled me was why everyone was so sure the child was a boy.

Regina had locked herself away for so long Al wouldn't have known anything else. She also kept the secret from everyone but Connie who she let have it every chance she had. I guess in these high class novela families it isn't uncommon for some one in the family to lock themselves away and sulk for years and this family has two of them.

This is the first time that I am leaving a comment. I have been reading Caray, Caray! since I got into La Fea mas bella. I don't really know the Spanish language and customs, but I enjoy the acting and figuring out what is going on. My daughter thinks I am crazy watching and following a show that I don't understand the language. Let's just say that I get hooked. Now I am trying to follow the new novella "Al Diablo con los Guapos". I really appreciate all the recapping each episode that all of you guys do. It helps me out alot. I just wanted to thank you all. Also I can't wait until Miligol finds out that Constancio is the lousy father that abandoned her mother and herself. I am hoping for a royal ass-kicking from her or at least a lot of chosen words that with put Mr. Cruelty in his place. He deserves to be knock off his pedestal.

To Maggie:
Yes, I remembered that you signed up to do recaps, and I'm so thrilled.

To Decie Girl: I'm not so sure that they thought the child was a boy. It's possible that we are just reacting to the use of masculine pronouns for the uncertain gender, i.e., nino for child. This is apparently something hard for us anglos to get used to. I was talking to my friend who works at Univision about this the other day. She is completely fluent, but she is not a native speaker, so she has always found herself thrown by this, no matter how long she has used the language on a daily basis in business. She says that only recently in Spanish has she seen people start to use locutions similar to "he or she."

And that's my grammar rant for the day!

Also, welcome, Genevieve, to the daily gathering of people with a crazy interest in Spanish shows that they have a varying ability to understand. Some of us have come here to learn Spanish; others are simply fascinated with the over-the-top melodramatics of the shows. Glad to have you aboard.

Yes, NinaK you are right in Spanish, when you are talking in general, the proper way to do it is using the masculine word; ex “hombre” for human race” “ciudadano” for citizen, if you were talking to a big group of people and there was only one man in attendance, you would have to use the masculine to refer to everybody; ex “Sean todos bienvenidos” Welcome everybody, if it was a group of women it would be “Sean todas bienvenidas”. There are even words that are only use in the masculine sense even if the person is a female, ex; “Chofer”, “Presidente” “Cantante” etc. If the chauffer is a woman you should use the article to denote the sex “La chofer” and not change the noun to feminine.
This way of speaking has changed lately; I think that it has to do political correctness. The last Mexican President used to say at the beginning of his speeches “Mexicanos y Mexicanas” which properly speaking is redundant. I hope this helps.

Great recap, 5Ft, Thanks!

I don't think Braulio is cold, just very reserved and serious about being a proper Butler. I think he'll be truly affected when he finds out Mili is his niece.

Constancio, on the other hand, is an iceburg.

Thanks, Maricruz. I think what makes it confusing for me is that a lot of times I could reasonably see that what they were saying was "her grandchild" or "Constancio's other child" or "Alejandro and Valeria's other sibling" but when Mili's specifically using "el" it's harder to think "OK, she's saying 'I'll help you find him or her'". How do people refer to a baby that hasn't been born yet when the parents still don't know the sex?

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