Sunday, February 24, 2008

Guapos Friday 2/22/08 They tried to make me go to rehab . . .

We start off with Mili being left alone in charge of the house. As we already know, Damien has locked Regina in her room so he can attack Mili. This scene goes on way longer than I can stomach, and I will not recap the dialog. Fortunately, Connie comes in and saves the day. He punches Damien (yay!) and hugs Mili. He says "don't worry, hija (daughter)--nothing will happen to you." He also calls her "mi vida," or my life. At this point, Mili and Damien must think he is using the word hija figuratively.

Andrea is over at the construction site looking for Alex. One of the workers who obviously was not enlisted in keeping up the fiction that Andrea is still engaged to Alex tells her that Alex was just there with his girlfriend. Andrea is mystified/peeved.

Granny is trying to get out of the room. Mili comes in, and is upset and wearing a torn dress. At first, she will not reveal all to Granny.

Connie tells Damien off, but obviously leaves out the real reason. He says Damien should stay away from Mili because she's young. Damien counters with "since when do you care? You've always liked the young ones." Connie tells him that he won't tolerate this behavior in his house--or Damien will get it in the back, like the coward he is. Damien reminds Connie that Connie wants to be a "diputado," or whatever that office is he's running for. He accuses him of wanting to avoid scandal for political reasons. Damien is right, but that still doesn't make him any less of a creep. So far he's number one in the creepstakes for this show, with Andrea a close second.

Hugo and Karla are in the cemetery. Hugo is crying at his dead girlfriend's (or mother's) grave. Karla is preening in the background. He thanks Karla for coming with him, then tells her that they can't continue their relationship. She was just a quickie because he was without a woman for so long. What a guy. Karla seems to take this in stride. As best as I can tell, she congratulates him on not being fixated on seducing the servants the way his rapscallion of a father is.

Horacio, Socorro and Lina are out for a day of fun. I don't know what's funnier here--Horacio's Farmer Greenjeans getup or Socorro's gigantic burrito on a stick. She's eating a container of fruit while trying to hold on to the giant burrito. Lina spots a street fortune teller and sits down for a reading. He tells her that she likes a guy who is very shy, and she'll have to make the first move.

Mili has now spilled the beans to Granny about Damien. The best thing, she reminds Regina, is that her son rescued her.

Val and Morgan come to the office for some reason, and they find Luciana there, riproaring drunk. The manage to get her to leave and they will drive her home.

Granny goes right to Connie to read him the riot act. He has to rein in his brother-in-law. Connie says he's got it under control. Now Connie asks Granny what she feels for Mili. Granny says she makes her feel so good--like she's always known her. Connie says he understands. Granny adds that she's like the granddaughter I never had. But what about Val? Connie asks. (You mean that empty-headed Valley-girl?) Well, she's altanera (can't find a definition), says Granny. She's your wife's daughter. She's all right--but Mili is different. Connie agrees. Regina reminds him again that he must curb his brother-in-law, because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. But Damien controls a fifth of the company, so that is a problem.

Alex and Mili now grin foolishly at each other in the kitchen while pretending not to be novios.
Andrea interrupts their little tete a tete, wanting to know who that construction guy was talking about this morning. Alex tries to cover up, but Andrea is having none of it. Is it this little barbacara (also can't find a definition, but it must be a little like igualada, chamagusa, or any of those other insults we've heard before).

Mili now catches Karla and Hugo together. She tells Hugo that Karla can't be trusted. He says, no the one you can't trust is Alex.

Andrea and Alex have a drink. She wants to start planning the wedding. Braulio comes in with Luciana and Val. Luciana is really plastered. She kisses her baby Alex and says she's drinking so much in preparation for being the first lady. Braulio says he's taking her upstairs for her own good.

In the kitchen, everyone rehashes.

Valley Girl tells Andrea and Alex that she likes this guy who thinks she is the secretary. Who is it--Bobby? They laugh at how boring he is --more boring than reading the dictionary. Well, says, Val, at least he's not as boring as reading the phone directory. Val goes up to bed, and Andrea wants to continue having one of those talks with Alex.

Back in the kitchen, Alex fake scolds Mili about how this is the last time he will iron one of his own "calzoncillo" (anyone?). Karla joins in, telling Mili that she has to iron in this house if she wants to survive.

Karla tells Hugo that Mili is with Alex. Hugo furiously gets his Pandroso disguise ready.

Braulio is taking Luciana to the office. Valley girl is there, preparing to go out with Sergio.

Alex and Mili are out in the yard, when Pandroso confronts them and punches Alex in the side, right where he had that "severe" wound the other day. Ouch! Alex punches back, and miraculously strikes Pandroso is just the right way, so as to remove his fake beard! Everyone is impactados. Hugo tells Alex that it's really Alex's fault that Carmen died.

Meanwhile, Connie is threatening Andrea that if she marries Alex she'll get nothing, because he'll leave the money to Val and his other bastard child. Luciana is overhearing this conversation. Why don't you come back to me, he offers--you'll have your apartment and everything. You know you make me crazy, he adds. They kiss. Luciana storms in!

Luciana chews out her husband. Connie just lets loose with one of his evil laughs.

Socorro now prays to one of her collectible Virgen cards: she wants Horacio to find his daughter. Rocky comes in, and I tune out. No, actually, he picks up the card and prays for a nudo marinero (which means either sailor suit or knot). I'm guessing he wants a knot, or a match, of his own. But on the other hand, I wouldn't put it past Rorgan to want a sailor suit . . . Valley girl will swoon.

Lina is now trying to get Bobby to make a pass. She pretends to be tutoring him to woo another girl. Repeat after me, she says--I am clavado with you. (or stuck on you--clavado literally means nailed in).

Mili is now trying to find out why Hugo hates Alex. I still don't understand this--does anyone understand how Alex is connected with these deaths? Or are we still in the dark.

Luciano is in a bar pouring liquor straight from a bottle while Braulio tries to get her to go home. She makes a drunken spectacle of herself before finally leaving.

After lunch, Damien brings Sergio to see Connie. Sergio tells Connie what a great time he had with Connie's secretary. Connie is mystified--and suspicious.

Meanwhile, Val is prancing around the reception desk, prattling on and on about her great date with that guapisimo Sergio--who thinks she's the secretary. Val tosses her head so vigorously, you think it might fly off.

Andrea is quickly trying to come up with an idea to get out of the trouble she's in with Luciana. She decides to make a preemptive strike. She'll tell everyone how drunk Andrea is that she's going around saying crazy stuff--not only is she saying that Andrea is sleeping with Connie, she's telling everyone that Damien is sleeping with the cook. And you know what she's saying about you? she asks Val. She saying you're sleeping with the chauffeur . . . AND the gardener. Val is outraged.

Mili and Alex are now talking about why Hugo hates Alex. She wants Alex to forgive his cousin. She doesn't want the same thing to happen to Hugo that happened with the grena (Andrea), meaning a suicide attempt. Alex says she should do him a favor and not talk about Hugo.

Connie now comes into the bedroom, where Luciana is ready to drink some more. Oh, you're here with "Jacqueca," he says, brandishing the bottle. Is that another name for "Jack Daniels"?

She calls him a disgrace--I never thought you'd fall so low--with your son's girlfriend. MY son? No, he's YOUR son. I have no son, Connie says: I have only one daughter. The bastard is yours.
He taunts her with the one solution: a drink. She stares.

Val now reports on the crazy things their mother is saying. She's even saying that Braulio is spying on her in the bath. Braulio denies it. Alex is upset. Connie comes downstairs and says it's all the hallucinations of a sick woman. He's going to hospitalize her for her own good.

Tomorrow: Luciana tells Andrea that she's too ambitious. She has an offer: how much money will Andrea take to get away from Alex?

Lina and Mili put the torn picture back together: it looks like Mili will learn Connie is her father!


Damian the Demon told Hugo that Al and his dead novia were pretty much getting it on and that is why Hugo drank so much the night of the accident, He was working up his courage to tell his son - as if!

I totally loved Connie clocking the semi rapist and telling him off. His scenes with Mili are so telling of the kind of man he could have been. His reactions to her are totally different from the away he acts and treats everyone else. Ditto with the scene when he talked to Regina.

I am a big fan of Cesar and I'm currently watching him play three different characters on two novelas. He is extremely versatile. And that voice !

We better keep an eye on Sergio. The role is being played by an over the title actor so he must be going to be important to the story but God help us not as someone for Snobby Spice.This is a long novela so perhaps he will be another suitor for Mili after she becomes a young dama.

Thanks, Decie. I loved those two scenes with Connie too. I think Cesar is just great.

But I'm still unclear on the Hugo situation. Was Hugo driving the car or was Damien?

Someone has posted on the Pasion site that the actor who plays our Hugo is also on Pasion. He plays Bernabe. I have been watching Pasion, but not every day, so I hadn't caught this myself.

Too late Ninak...Bernabe (Hugo in this) was killed on the last episode of Pasion. Damien, not Hugo, was driving the car that killed Hugo's mother and novio. Actually, Damian said that it was he (not Hugo)who was drinking the night of the accident because he was so upset at finding Alex with Hugo's novia.

Even though she is a snob and not a particularly nice person, I am beginning to feel sorry for Luciana. The actress is doing an ok job. Cesar is great!

Thanks Nina. I’m really enjoying this telenovela, it has interesting story lines for three generations of characters. And I too am a big Cesar Evora fan. His voice is fantastic.

I don’t get Karla not being upset with Hugo basically saying “thanks, but I’m done now”. I thought her goal was to marry a rich guy. Does she think if she plays it cool she’ll get him? Or was she just trying to make Damien jealous?

So was Alex really having a fling with Hugo's novia? If so, that explains his reluctance to talk about it with Mili.

I feel sorry for Cesar Evora and Laura Flores - this production is conceived and executed in a collosally bad way - every day.

NinaK: Very good, detailed recap. I was wondering what that thing was that Socorro was eating - so, a burrito on a stick. !Que divertido!

This episode was somewhat better for me than most of the others. Mili wasn't so much of a bobble-head character on Friday. You know, that little thing she does with her head that is so stupid.

Also, loved your nickname Valley Girl. Right on!

From lower Ala

I don't believe Alejandro was having a fling with Hugo's novia. I think that was another lie by Damian. Given his disgusting behavior with Milli, I suspect Damian actually made an aggresive move on the novia (can't remember her name...Carmen?)and that's why she was so quiet in the car before the accident.
Damian seems to enjoy punishing his son and hitting on women at random, and Lord knows, too much alcohol can liberate some really sleazy action.
I hope this actor gets to play a nice guy once in a while...his role on Amor Sin Limites and this one are about as repellant as you can get.

Mili wasn't so much of a bobble-head character on Friday.

I agree--it seems to me that Val has assumed that task. Who is directing these actresses?

and that's why she was so quiet in the car before the accident.

Did they ever show this accident in flashback? I don't remember seeing it. This reminds me of the dragged-out revelation of the cause of the car accident on Amar.

As far as I know, they've never shown the scene of the accident in flashbacks, but I've missed a lot of this show in the beginning. I think "altanera" means haughty. Not sure about "calconcillos" but I thought maybe those were undershorts? And wow...what could "barba...whatever" be...only thing I could come up with was a slang, feminized version of "barbarian" as Andrea seems to think all servants are lower than low. She is a super-villan isn't she? Although Damian is still the lowest rung on the ladder.

No, we have never seen a flashback of the accident. It could be because Hugo's story is not the main focus of the novela but who knows. I agree I bet slimeball Damain put the moves on Carmen. In her shoes I too would be quite wondering if I should say something and being afraid of what my life would be if I married Hugo.

I keep wondering how this novela is going to end. Obviously Al and Mili waltz off into the sunset together but I can't see any relationship between Connie and the Lush. Perhaps Rosario isn't dead - lord knows the convent people are big on lying and maybe Al's father comes back from France.

You have to feel sorry for all the young un's other than Karla. Everyone of them is in for nasty shocks. I'm betting most of them roll with them eventually except for Snobby Spice. She needs a good dose of reality perhaps she and her good bud Andrea the skank can set up house together and whine about how unfair everything is and what a naco Mili (the soon to be new Belmonte princess) is.

I’m just now looking at the Friday recap – thank you NinaK! Boy, is that Damien scum! And Andrea just wiped out Luci’s one good ally besides Alex, namely Braulio, by starting the lie-fest.

This is the first time we’ve seen Luci actually drunk if I recall properly.

Also, Andrea was hanging on Alex and giving him little pets so much that it looked like he needed a big fly swatter.
- Maggie

Ha what a great title!! She's definitely saying no, no, no....but she's giving them fodder by drinking again...,poor thing. I thought she had been ok until the "strange" things started happening, so she's fulfilling their prophecy. Oh well. I like this show. Much better than whatever that one was before it. I watched that one because I love Karyme and Valentino, but it was hard to take on a steady basis. This one is much more fun.

I would not be shocked if Alex had a night or two with Hugo's fiance. He is supposed to be quite the ladies man.

(I'm probably tainted a bit by what I've seen on Muneca Brava... I know they have been doing this show a bit differently, though.)

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