Monday, February 11, 2008

Guapos Friday 2/8/08 Merry Christmas, Y'all

Sorry this is late again, folks--I am still learning how much time this recap takes. This show takes longer than others I have done--they speak faster, and they use more slang, and I have to rewind several times to get the notes down. Also, a lot happens in each episode. Anyway, I'm doing my best!

We open with a glimpse of homeless Hugo taking off his disguise. He vows that he will make Mili love him.

Alex rehashes the Santa visit with Bobby (looks like this show follows the tradition of filling time with rehashing to bring other characters up to speed).

Bobby asks if Alex did it for the kids--or for Carlitos? He says he can't believe Alex is in love with a servant. He says that she's pretty but nothing fantastic.

Comic relief filler: Rorgan and Horacio practice dancing.
When you were watching the really bad cuartel scenes on LFMB, did you ever think you would wish to have them back? This minor-character filler is so bad it makes Marta's diet foibles looks like the proverbial Shakespeare. You long for Sara to come in and give them a punch.

Bobby and Al continue their discussion, and Luciana comes in. She asks why they're so serious--and moreover, where Alex was last night. Andrea puts in her unsolicited two cents--Noche Buena is for family. She has a lot of chutzpah taking an advance on her family rights. (I guess Noche Buena is supposed to be Christmas Eve, but wouldn't they be celebrating actual Christmas on this day? If so, they aren't having much fun.)

Out in the vast entry hallway, Rorgan is dancing with Valeria. Why, I don't know. (Practicing for tryouts for the Mexican version of Dancing With the Stars?) He grabs her leg, and she shouts Let me go. Damien comes in and tries to break it up, and Connie comes down the stairs and wants to know why Rorgan is touching his daughter's leg. Valeria pipes up that Rorgan is her professor of tango--let's give them a demo, she says, signaling to Rorgan that he better play along. They start tangoing badly; Rorgan is shaking nervously. Bobby, Alex and Luciana come in. What's going on, they ask? Connie says "your daughter is learning to dance." We hear rising swells of the galloping comic theme music.

Connie now sneers at Alex as again someone demands to know where he was last night. Don't you know that Noche Buena is for family? He says he had an appointment. Andrea demands to know what appointment and shrewishly repeats that he should be with his family.

Mili now comes clattering down the stairs, smiling. Feliz Navidad, you guys! Thanks for last night, Alex. Oops.

Cut to the MS and Padre, who are again trying to figure out how to keep Mili and Alex apart.

Andrea now says she doesn't care about Alex's charitable feelings for those snotnose kids. He stood her up for dinner with that chamosa (low-class girl?). You'd rather be with a servant than with me? He says he wants to talk. Oh, you're breaking up with me, she asks.

Andrea doesn't want him to break up with her like this. He wants to talk (so he can tell her that he's just not that into her). Anyway, here comes Our Little Spitfire. She hears Andrea refer to her as a buscona (synonym for chamosa?). Andrea doesn't want to compete with a servant. Mili says she's learning to be a lady. Andrea says there are too many lowlifes in this house and pulls Mili's hair. Mili gets her in a headlock--yeah!

Connie comes in to break up the fight. There's a kerfuffle over Mili's beloved medallion, which fell off. She is petrified of losing it. He goes off to speak to his mother.

Regina is having none of it--she figures that Andrea must have done something to deserve it.

Alex follows Mili into her room. She is mad that he let that stupid grenuda (hippie girl?) says stupid stuff. Mili scampers off to see Regina. She learns what happened.

Andrea now talks to Regina. Godmother, it was really terrible , she says.
I only pulled her hair because she called me things. I called her a mugriata and a buscona. You did, Regina asks? The only thing wrong here is that I have to be confronted by servants. No, Regina corrects her--the only thing wrong is that you have to learn respect. Regina tells Mili to go to up to Regina's room, as they have lots of work to do.

Regina tells Mili that there have been many years of hypocrisy here, and they have to make up for it. Mili pops out with a "That's my old lady!" What did you say, asks Regina. Oh, nothing, she covers.

Bobby is now grilling Alex on why he's with that peluda (penniless one) and gentuza (riffraff). I think I'm liking Bobby less and less, not that I liked him much to begin with. Alex says there are some things he can't share. Bobby eggs him on--so you like the servant class now?

Connie comes in and asks if they are still talking and discussing. I'm not sure what he says, but I thought it might be that Alex should lead with his strengths. This didn't make much sense. Alex responds with But you're cheating on my mother. Speaking of the Queen of Rome, here comes Luciana down the stairs. Oh, your father is cheating, she asks. No, they all try to cover up. Connie says--oh, do you want to talk about cheating? That shuts her up.

Bobby is now talking to his mom. She is upset at how he's still friends with Alex, because his friend's mother and his father were running off together. Her life is over. Bobby points out that Alex had no fault. Well, says Melena--he should know the kind of mother he has.

Valeria comes down the stairs . Andrea tells her "Your brother has just broken up with me." Snobby Spice is outraged.

Somehow we end up in Andrea's room where Connie is shouting at Andrea. Luciana bangs on the door demanding to be let in--she naively wants to defend Andrea. Connie throws her out and grabs Andrea by the neck. This is disturbingly rough, even for him. He tells her that she has one day to get out. He has someone else and doesn't need her.
Now he lets Luciana in and says "See, she's still alive."

The Padre is trying to tell Alex why Alex can't go out with Mili without really telling him. They are interrupted by Regina, so Padre says he'll tell them more later. Regina discusses soccer. She seems to be saying that Mili needs to learn to be a better team player?

Andrea weeps to Luciana how Connie wants to throw her out. Luciana says that he's doing it because of her son. Andrea says she never thought he would act like that--not knowing that Luciana has a different meaning.

Now Alex and Bobby are out on the tennis court. Bobby reveals that Luciana had plans with Eugenio. Alex punches Bobby, and a big fight breaks out.

Connie now tells Melina that he's going to take her to a five-star hotel and then rent an apartment for her (probably that apartment he just threw Andrea out of). She is all aflutter.

Cut to Hugo in his wheelchair with a plaid blanket. From afar, he looks like Tony Perkins playing Norman Bates's mother; he acts just as creepy too, in my opinion.
Mili comes in and tells him he better get up from the chair. He gives her a Christmas gift--the completed painting. Wow, she says--she loves it. She can't believe she looks so pretty. He says that she is really that beautiful.
He professes his love, but she says he really loves his dead girlfriend.

Andrea talks to an invisible Alex: She says, If you think you can turn me in for a piece of trash, you are wrong.

Mili finds Alex with a big scrape on his face from the fight. She seems to think he got it in soccer. She apologizes for attacking his girlfriend.

No, he says, it's not a problem. She says she only wanted to thank him for what he did for the kids, and Andrea came out and called her a mugrosa buscona. I started to wring her neck (pescuezo). She sure is bony (huesuda), that one. Alex laughs.

Forget what happened, he says. We are finished. He tells Mili that she looks pretty in a dress. She doesn't want him to start again with his candy-coated words. No, he says, he did it because he could be happy with her. He was wrong before.

Karla is now telling Damien that she is pregnant. She wants to get married. Slick Willie tells her they will have a secret marriage. She is thrilled. They make plans to go to a restaurant later.

Meanwhile, Luciana and Connie have a conversation that was very hard to understand. In the end, it's worth it and reveals a lot.

Connie says he's fed up with sleeping next to someone who oozes alcohol from every pore. She wants to know why he treated Andrea badly--because of what that bastard son did. He's not a bastard, Luciana says--he's YOUR son. No he's not. I'm not his father. I'm the idiot who gave him a name for your French sin. (If this were a sitcom with a live audience they would now go "Ooohh." If this were the Jerry Springer show, the audience would now go Whore!")

She points out that he married her to save his business. (So now we finally have an explanation of that money situation--Luciana's family must have provided money to save the business. I know other commenters have mentioned this before, but this is the clearest I can remember it.) Yes, my father arranged this to save the business, Connie says, but he's taken me down for the last time. He storms out, and she grabs a bottle for a drink.

Andrea now cries more crocodile tears to Granny R. Granny R doesn't really want her around with the Alex situation, but she agrees Andrea could stay a few more days till she find something. Apparently, she really is the godmother, and she promised Andrea's dead parents to watch out for her. She says Andrea has to keep out of the way.

Now Regina wants to know why Alex has a scrape on his face.

Damien and Regina get into the car. Damien overacts looking both ways to make sure no one sees him.

Horacio and Soccorro go out for a picnic on a cute raft named Soccorrito.

Mili asks why Regina is so sad. She wants Regina to come to the game as her good luck charm. Regina reminds her that they lost when she came the last time.
She says she's not in the mood because of Alex. He was deceived by his mother.

Now we see that lowlife Damien drop off Karla at a hospital instead of a restaurant. He cruelly dismisses her--did you think I would have a child with you? Go get rid of it, he says. (Question--isn't abortion illegal in Mexico? Well, maybe it was recently made legal in the DF.)

Luciana calls Eugenio in Venice. Alex overhears. So it's true what I heard. She wants to explain. He brushes her off. He would expect this from Connie, but not from her. He runs out.
Alex sees Mili. He is irritated, but asks what she wants. Mili says it's the day of the match, and she wants to know if he's playing. He tells her to go with her lover.

Alex is now crying in his room. Mili comes in. She learns that he was talking figuratively to his mother, not to her. He says he feels really bad about his mother. He knew her life was terrible, that his father made her miserable--but to go off with a married man? the father of his best friend? He says that it's his fault--he should have paid more attention and been nicer.

Mili tells her that it's not his fault. He should forgive his mother. No one is perfect. She's his only mother.

Alex now takes Mili's cap off and pulls her hair down and calls her Mili. Then they kiss. Unfortunately, Luciana comes in and shrieks "How could you be with a servant." Alex tells her that Mili is the one he loves. Impactado looks all around.


This IS a tough one to recap. Mili talks so fast and with her it's non-stop, colorful slang. And while I'm enjoying the comedy and incipient romance between Milli and Alex (?)(haven't really gotten the names down yet) the skanky people are sooooo skanky it's depressing.
Juan presents similar challenges...Juan talks fast and deep down in his chest so without the closed captions most of us would be totally lost.
Thanks for your hard work Nina and how exciting that Maggie will be coming on board!

Thanks NinaK! Great recap, I have a hard time understanding most of what Mili says except for the rare times she slows down. I love the snobby spice name for Valeria!

PS...I thought I knew what "buscona" meant...just thought it was another word for "social climber" but my Oxford dictionary gives "whore" for the definition. Very harsh! No wonder Milli got her in a head lock!

Thanks for the recap! I agree, Mili does talk really fast. And Constancio is a real creep in this show! Talk about a double standard! He can fool around with as many women as he wants, and his wife falls in love with another man and he has a hissy fit!

As for Alex, he is such a cutie with his curly locks that I can't hate him. He is falling like a ton of bricks for Millie. Who could his father be? Dying to know!!

Thanks for the recap..... : )

Luciana reminds me of Minerva and how she woundnt leave Gaviota alone. I have a feeling when the ANVIL start falling she is going to be allover Mili.... : (

Andrea is the Isadora wanting to be with a man who doesn't want her, then wanting to hold on to him out of spite....LOL!... ; )

People are quite colorful with the insults on this show. I guess it keeps them from being repetitive! Half the time I don't even know what the exact insult is, I just know it's something bad.

I was guessing that "buscona" meant something like a woman who hits on men---as in "buscar" "to look for". Maybe that's where the "whore" meaning come from?

We don't know who Alex's father is, but we know he's French! Ooh-la-la!

I was worried about how Alex is going to redeem himself, but I was watching Pride and Prejudice again last night (for the 15th time) on PBS, and it struck me that Mr. Darcy has as long a way to climb out of the hole, and he does it. It is a long tradition in romantic literature, I guess.

NinaK: Excellent recap. Ditto on Mili speaking too fast. That is annoying as are her body language and melodramatic facila expressions. But, this is supposed to be comedic, and in its own fashion, it is to a certain extent.

Ugh on the rest of the characters.

Don't forget the actress is only 15 and probably lacks enough experience to control her annoying body language. Hopefully she will improve as we move along.

Agree that Snobby Spice is a better name than Vapid Val.

It seems that little by little we are learning how these characters are related to each other. Who would have guessed that slutty Andrea would be Regina's goddaughter but it explains why she somehow got a job with the company. Speaking of the Company isn't Al supposed to be working there?

Bobby has moved up on the annoying nasty people list. I could almost pity both he and Al with their adulterous hypocritical parents but their attitude to Mili and the rest of the servants is a total turnoff.

Here's hoping the big reveal comes soon. I can not wait to see the horrified impactado looks from the Belmonte clan.

your recaps are the best

I was away, and although I’ve taped the show I haven’t had time to look at it. So I really appreciate this great recap.

A comment about Mili’s character – I read somewhere that this was a daytime novela in Mexico, which suggests to me that this is aimed at young teens. Mili’s character seems to act more like a girl just in puberty, not sure if she wants to be a kid or a young woman. I’m sure her body language is chosen by the director to create the Mili image he has in mind, which is probably a heroine for the pre-teen set. I don’t know when girls come of age in Mexico (18? 16?) but Mili, although she’s spunky, doesn’t seem mature enough for True Love and sure not mature enough to get involved with Alex or Hugo. If I were her mom, I’d be pushing her toward soccer and keeping a real strict eye on the guys.

Good points, Maggie. I think we were all a bit leery of the youth of the actress. It seems that maybe they are going to stay away from the hot and heavy stuff so as to avoid a cringe factor.

Sooo fuunny. Like the reference to the live sitcom audience reaction of "Ohhhh" versus the Jerry Springer audience reaction of "WHORE" to the revelation of Alex's French parentage.

Great hilarious recap to an irritating yet somewhat charming telenovela. I'm even learning to like Alex which is good since he is the protagonist. I hope he continues to have a brain which many of our heroes seem to lack.

Thanks so much for the recaps!!! :)

I understand what you're saying... the actress that plays Mili is only 15. She definitely looks young, and she is all arms when she talks (limbs flying everywhere). I assumed though that her character was supposed to be 18? That may be my bias.

I have been watching Muneca Brava on youtube (with english subtitles!), and it seems like more than kissing is going to go down. lol Even if the Mili actress was older, I don't know if there is enough depth to pull off any excessive mushiness without it seeming humorous. (Arms everywhere and shouting a lot seems to be a strong component of the Mili character in the Guapos.) We'll see I guess!

I saw the actress playing Mili on "Dos Caras De Ana" and I think the body language is more about the character than the actress. Natalia Oreiro's Mili in "Muneca Brava" was very similar, as Heather points out.

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