Friday, February 15, 2008

I Love Juan - Thurs 2/14 - Reunited, and it feels so good, we both are so excited cause we're reunited, hey hey

From Yesterday - Monica asks Marely to keep her yap shut about seeing her and CL at the restaurant. Nidia call Ana's room from reception but Ana's too hung over to take the call. Paula tells Ana that she and Juan are 'past history'.

Monica asks Marely if Paula has been seeing Juan being CL's back. When Mari denies it Moni makes a sour face.

Nidia, returned from Ana's hotel, councils Juan on not giving up on Paula. Then, weary of not having herself as the main subject, asks Juan if Delfina knows that she and Anga were...well..that Anga was the love of Nidia's life. Juan surprises her by saying he thinks Anga himself might have told Delfi.

Pastor and Anga are discussing Pastor's business proposal. Pastor says Anga won't be spending per se, but rather investing. He shows Anga his financial projections and Anga looks thoughtful. He sees Kike and asks shouldn't Kike be going home about now? Kike says he'd rather hang around work because Yadi's mad at him.

At Casa Cachón Yadi and Delirio argue about Kike not being home. He's probably spilling his guts to Marely about the Cachón thievery. This is all Delirio's fault. No it's all Yadi's fault. Suddenly Mari arrives home and Delirio and Yadi stop bickering so they can act suspiciously innocent.

Anga's helper, weird hair guy (I forget his name), finds Kike in a deep slumber and cheerily wishes him a good morning. Kike says if it's morning why is it dark outside? Weird hair guy says it's the total eclipse, didn't Kike hear about it? Kike dashes home thinking he's in big trouble because he's been out all night. The goofy thing is, he's wearing a watch, so why doesn't he look at it? Oh well, it's a telenovela.

Moni and Laura have a conversation about what's going on with CL and Paula. Moni says that when Pau called CL he was as cool as a cucumber. Laura comments that CL has the self control of a monk. (Is that a saying? Because when I think of CL I don't think monk.) Moni tells Laura that she can't wait to see the outcome of this story.

Herli, Molo and his guitar stroll through a dark alley under the Achichipico moonlight. He tells her that when Juan finally saw Paula, instead of saying what he really felt he threw toads and snakes at her (ranted and raved). Afterward he was like an animal in pain. "Poor Juan," clucks Herli. She says she has an idea and drags Molo back up the alley.

Nidia, who apparently has the stamina of an ox, is strutting about while her gal pals are still trying to sleep off their breakfast hangovers. Nidia struck out with Ana and her next victim is Delfina. Nidia goes to Delfi's room for a little chat. She wants to talk about Angarita. She tells Delfi that she knew Anga from before, in fact he was the love of her life! She says she's a bit put out because he never mentioned her to Delfi. "Aha! So you're the one he was trying to forget. But he never mentioned a name," says Delfi. Nidia's thrilled to at least have been mentioned. "We shared a man," she tells Delfi. "And we both lost him," Delfi responds. NoNoNoNo corrects Nidia, she hefts her chest and announces that she and Anga still have An Opportunity.

Juan sits by the fountain mooning over Pau, (do we see him wipe away a tear?). Molo approaches and tells Juan that Herli wants to talk to him. Molo dolefully departs. Juan thinks she's come to make a play for him, but he's wrong. Herli tells him shame on him for saying stupid things to Paula. She says it's not important what Paula said, but rather what she did. "She came looking for you Juan!" I'm not sure, but I think she concludes with "She's not betraying you Juan, just because you've betrayed every woman who has ever loved you." Juan is impactado.

Herli joins Molo back at his room and she tells him she really told Juan some things. He supposes now that Juan has dumped Paula he's looking at Herli with new eyes, right? She laughs and says she only sees Juan as a good friend. Her heart has been touched by the man who enchanted her with his remarks, with his songs, with his gaze. To her he's the best man in the world...and he's standing right in front of her. Finally they kiss, sort of.

Kike shows up at home with the lame excuse that he was out looking at the eclipse. Yadi's all 'Que the hell and who cares anyway?' They have the same argument as yesterday but this time with the baby gurgling and squawking in the background. Kike fumes and Yadi insists she won't turn against her Mami. She shakes her finger and tells him he'd better not leave her, then she turns out the light and flops under the covers leaving him sitting on the end of the bed.

Back in Molo's love shack the love-struck and giddy Molo lays a big wet one on Herli. She tells him she loves him and he reveals that marrying her is his life's dream. Then there is a badly edited cut of him standing there holding her as if he's going to carry her off except that he's not going anywhere. It's odd.

Paula's on the phone lying to CL again. She says Ana ate something and got sick so they'll be home tomorrow. She hears Juan's angry words in her head. He's telling her off, that she thinks she has the whole world at her feet. (How true!!)

Cut to Juan thinking of Paula's words, then Nidia's, then Herlinda's.

The bells of Achichipico toll across a clear, sunny morning. Delfi and Nidia bid their farewells to Las Davila. Nidia tells Pau that running away is never the answer but oh well, bon voyage. But wait! It's Juan! He approaches Paula, looking like a wounded animal.

Mooooo! A bovine creature loudly heralds the next scene. Molo drops Juanito off at school and explains to him that Juan is busy attending to his future.

Juan looks anguished. He tells Pau that she can't leave because...well, because he said a lot of stupidities and he's sorry, will she forgive him? Pau says she's sorry, she acted like a child, they were both silly, OK? Juan says no, it won't be OK until he says what he came to say, because what he holds in his chest is burning him up. The thing is, his feelings for her have never changed. Since the day he met her he hasn't stopped loving her, not for one day. Ana, Delfi and Nidia (having a hot flash) watch and sigh loudly into the commercial.

Juan tells Pau the he couldn't forget her. She's the one that he'd love to marry, to have as his wife. She smiles and says he won't believe it but she's been waiting to hear those words for a long time. She came to his pueblo only because she wanted to see him, to have him in front of her, because she couldn't get him out of her heart. "You're not just sugar-coating this for me, are you?" he asks. She laughs and tells him what she feels is much greater than what even she thought. Juan gives her a huge kiss as Molo joins the three ladies. "Did I miss anything?" Molo asks.

Anga arrives home to find a salad-faced monster in his house. But no, it's only Pastor giving himself a yogurt-cucumber facial. Anga mocks him and tells him he's too old for this silliness. Pastor retorts that with his blotchy skin Anga could use a yogurt-honey-strawberry facial. Anga looks at his skin in the mirror, hmmmm...the record scratches, Anga composes himself, and he tells Pastor to get his butt out of bed and get to work!

We have a long scene of Juan and Paula with the tres amigas in the background cheering Juan on. He tells Pau how much he loves her. She says she's a married woman. (Do I hear an anvil creaking?) Juan suggest she separate and soon. He wants to get back on track now that he's reunited with his love. (He calls her licenciada; is that odd?) The tres amigas sigh and fan themselves. Juan tells Pau that divorce is the only option; he wants to be her partner and to love her but only if it's legal and on the up and up. She kisses him and says divorce is a radical decision, she needs time. (Creak...) He says he'll wait till the end of time just so she knows he won't be secondary, no he won't accept that situation. By the way, he adds, a lot has happened since he last saw her. There has been an important change in his life that he needs to tell her about.

Molo, inspired by Juan's passion, proclaims his love to Herlinda and kisses her in the street. In public!

The tres amigas stroll through town on cloud 9 thanks to the Juan and Paula show. Nidia blathers on and on that nothing, absolutely nothing can spoil her day. She doesn't see the implacable hammer of destiny over her head. The town operator spots them and comes out with a message for Doña Delfina's prima (Nidia). "Señora, your husband called to say he's out of jail and he's waiting for you at home." Nidia almost faints while Delfi and Ana support her.

Juan proudly introduces Licenciada Paula to his office. She asks what he does for work and he tells her he's an exporter of Anthuriums. His partners are Molo, Anga, and the local Chavez family. Paula is impactada (and maybe a little mad?) and observes it's because of him that Farell lost the Japanese deal. He adamantly tells her it was a coincidence; he was in the right place at the right time. Looks like I was wrong; she's not pissed off, she's happy for him. He says he did it all for her so he could put the world at her feet. She tells him she doesn't care about Things. He tells her not to lie; one can't live on love alone.

"Aniushka" (as Nidia calls Ana) convinces Nidia to call Delirio though for the life of me I can't figure out why she should care.

Juan shows Paula his Anthurium greenhouse and he tells her his grand plans to put Achichipico on the map. The beauty contest is to show off all the local beauties and to make the citizens feel proud. Call me suspicious but I for one haven't forgotten that Paula is still married to Juan's nemesis.

Delirio tries to scold Nidia for being in Juan's pueblo and for putting the horns on him. She gives him a verbal smack-down. Delirio grovels and Nidia hangs up on him.

Juan tells Pau that his pueblo is only one of many that Mexico has forgotten. But will they sit with arms crossed feeling less Mexican while waiting around for the government to do something? Heck no, the desire to succeed and move forward is deep inside all their hearts, and where there is will and solidarity there is action. Paula tells him he sounds like a politician, no offense because in their country most politicians are fake. (Wow, some very interesting social comments going on here.) Juan responds that a lot of people are honest and will do the right thing. Paula suggests he become the Municipal President. He says he just wants to grow the best anthuriums in the world.

Kike scolds weird hair guy for making him look like a buffoon. He says he's the boss and weird hair guy has to clean the warehouse with a toothbrush.

We have some cool shots of Juan hauling Paula through some interesting ruins and telling her he wants to introduce her to somebody.

CL asks Ivonne about her "amiga" Pastor. "Oh, so now you're trying to prohibit my friendships?" she asks. She tells him that after his hissy fit she thought it best not to discuss Pastor. CL says he was just curious, nada mas. Then he lays a guilt trip on her that because of her he underwent the bogus operation and thanks to Her Friend Pastor they are losing all their clients. CL says he needs Ivonne on his side. She can't allow Pastor to do this to him. He needs her help.

Juan and Pau arrive at the school. In an amusing scene he pulls Juanito out of class. This was funny because Juanito acted a little miffed and embarrassed, just like kids do in the real world. Anway, once outside Juan proudly introduces him to Pau as His Son. Juanito comments that Paula is very beautiful. "Like father like son, eh?" notes Juan. Pau's enchanted to meet him. After the principal drags Juanito back to class Juan explains to an enquiring Pau that he didn't know about Juanito until he returned to town.

Anga tells Pastor, over a lunch of Tacos Al Pastor, the he has thought over Pastor's business proposal and has come to a decision. He'll go ahead and expand the biz but only on two conditions. The first - if it doesn't work out and he loses his money then Pastor has to work for him for free for the rest of his life. Pastor is thrilled, they will convert the biz to an emporium like no other seen in the history of the country! Anga says the second condition is that Anga wants to keep his headquarters there in the market. Pastor says they'll have a grand office and he'll decorate it!

Juan takes Pau to the top of a ridge so he can show her the beautiful view and share his dreams with her. He'll work with the Anthuriums, he'll come home to her and a good meal, on Sundays they'll go to mass then swim in the river, afterward they'll go to the market and get supplies, then to the park where they'll share a Mamey ice cream (Yum!!). Thankfully he goes on to say she won't just stay at home, she'll also be a professional in the exportation of the flowers and they'll work together. (OK Juan, she'll be home waiting for you but also working at your side? Clearly Juan has not solidified his fantasy yet.)

Juan tells her he has a proposal, that she go to Mexico City now, arrange all her business with CL, and think about everything that he said. What does she say to that?

Tomorrow: It looks like CL's not acting like a monk nor is he twiddling his thumbs while waiting for Paula to come home.

Autocontrol = Self control
Echar sapos y culebras = To rant and rave (lit. to throw toads and snakes)
Dorar la pildora = To sugar coat (lit. to sweeten the pill)
Por añadidura = In addition
De tal palo, tal astillo = Like father like son, a chip off the old block (lit. as the stick, so the splinter)


Yo ! Cap'n my Cap'n I did not watch this episode, but....I love Peaches and Herb. Rock on.

Whoops..let's try that again under the title. Cap'n my Cap'n. I did not watch this episode, but....I love Peaches and Herb. Rock on .

Sylvia...yes, I love song references too. In fact that song will NOW be going through my head all day.
My favorite dicho from your recap was the "sapos y culebras". Do you remember the fairy tale where the kind girl who gave the poor old crone a drink of water had jewels coming out of her mouth every time she spoke. But the nasty selfish girl, who refused her, had toads and snakes emerge every time she opened her mouth?
Well, up to now, Paula's been a toads and snakes girl, but I have to admit I softened a bit when I saw how she looked at Juan. And ooooh, that kiss in plena calle!
Of course we know it won't last 'cause then the telenovela would be over and we still have months of angst to go.

Sylvia, thanks for a wonderful recap. So fun and colorful with all your imbedded links and thanks for the vocabulary too. Well, I like the song but wish we didn't have to sing it for Paula. In spite of her turned on glance at Juan and the lovely hugs, she is such a vacuous heroine that I can't get into her success with Juan. Judyb, I agree that it will get all tangled up by the next episode or so and although she was charming with little Juanito, she isn't exactly motherly nor did she seem thrilled to become the queen of the sticks at Juan's side even though he very thoughtfully includes her using her international business skills in his full blown dream of their life together. I have loved men who had everything going for them except for ambition and it would have kept me around if they had suddenly changed like this. Juan has really blossomed into a man with a plan and a future here.

Hmmm, Cheryl...interesting comment. I'm just sitting here trying to imagine if any of those easy-going guys looked like Juan!?LOL

Thanks for the great recap! I was unable to watch this episode due to a family event, so I really appreciate the opportunity to catch up.

I LOVE mamey anything, but especially ice cream. If you ever get the chance to have flan de mamey, go for it. It's heavenly!

At this point, it doesn't matter what Paula does. She could discover the cures for cancer, AIDS, and SIDS, and I'd still hate her. Vacuous is the perfect word to describe her, Cheryl.

Aloha, Sylvia, and thanks for the terrific recap! I’m finally getting caught up. Funny how one night on the road (extra long day) can really get one behind the 8-ball for recap reading. I love that title—I remember the song well! Thanks for the vocab, too. I was baffled by toads and snakes and now it’s perfectly clear.

“Nidia, returned from Ana's hotel, councils Juan on not giving up on Paula. Then, weary of not having herself as the main subject” LOL! When Emilioooo had the problem of it all being about him, we hated it. Somehow it’s not so bad when it’s all about Nidia, is it? (OTOH, when it’s all about Delirio, I just want to thump him).

“Anga's helper, weird hair guy (I forget his name),” Remolacha? He definitely needs to have Pastor take him to that stylist whom Juan had to go see when he got his mullet trimmed off.

“Kike dashes home thinking he's in big trouble because he's been out all night. The goofy thing is, he's wearing a watch, so why doesn't he look at it? Oh well, it's a telenovela.” LOL! That’s too easy for our poor Kike.

“Laura comments that CL has the self control of a monk. (Is that a saying? Because when I think of CL I don't think monk.)” LOL! Good one!

“NoNoNoNo corrects Nidia, she hefts her chest and announces that she and Anga still have An Opportunity.” LOL! It’s looking like Nidia’s getting her groove back.

“I'm not sure, but I think she concludes with "She's not betraying you Juan, just because you've betrayed every woman who has ever loved you." Juan is impactado.” Yep, that’s pretty much what she said, and I was cheering for Herlinda.

“Then there is a badly edited cut of him standing there holding her as if he's going to carry her off except that he's not going anywhere.” They’re doing a lot of that these days.

“Ana, Delfi and Nidia (having a hot flash) watch and sigh loudly into the commercial.” I chuckled at this scene—we used to laugh at Nidia and Ana—the viejas—and how nutsy they got. Just imagine the three of them at a disco.

“She says she's a married woman. (Do I hear an anvil creaking?)” ROTFL! Yep, definitely, an Acme Moving Company anvil. Beep, beep.

“Paula tells him he sounds like a politician, no offense because in their country most politicians are fake. (Wow, some very interesting social comments going on here.) “ Glad to hear you say that, Amiga, I thought those were just my ideas.


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