Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Guapos 03-11-08 "Helpless to resist the notes I write, For I compose the music of the night."

Shout out to both Al & his Father the sadly Psychotic

Okay Mili has run away again…She calls Lina and tells her, Bobby let her stay at his apartment. Lina says try to get a job at the Rodeo, singing.

Now we rehash Loco Acres, the Head Mistress comes in and tells slumped guy in the corner to get up, as two orderlies look on. I realize his head is turned but can Natasha, Boris and Rocky the Flying Squirrel not tell that is NOT crazy French? Where is Bullwinkle when you need him? Finally they approach the body and realize it is “The Doctor”. He tells them in groggy sentences that BSC French guy is on the lam.

Crazy French Frank is sitting in like a storage room all tied up. Hey “Que the Hell”, how did he club a doctor & escape, only to tie himself to a chair? Hmmmm. He squirms and makes crazy eyes, but I don’t know if he is trying to escape or if he is just squirming during some psychotic break with reality. I gotta say, just cause he wants to kill Consti, is no reason to doubt his sanity. However, the fact that he wants to kill Consti for stealing that whiner kid and the lame ass Luci just screams insane. He should be sending Consti sympathy cards from Fiji twice a year.

Meanwhile, Bobby Brady comes in and give up the info that Mili has been staying with him. Shhhh it is a huge secret. Andrea the much older, and indeed craftier evesdropper hears the info. For the love of Gawd why is this gold-digging whore still leaving at South Fork? I mean the Hacienda? Like Luci couldn’t have kicked her ass out. I just can’t imagine what Andrea could have on Luci that would make her let skank stay.

Mili is talking to the owner of Rodeo, guess what he gives her a job. It is the Fiesta de Disfrances tonight.
I think that must be Mardi Gras. So this really isn’t that far ahead of us.

Lina and Bobby are standing out in the grounds talking about Mili & Al & the kid, yadda, yadda, yadda, they start talking about Andrea, camara pulls back and Andrea is hiding behind a tree, not a big tree. How have any of these people just not been mugged and left for dead in the grueling streets of Mexico City?

Lina comes in as her new Pa has given his kitchen babe a huge bouquet of pot, jes kiddin some kind of herb then he shakes Lina down about cavorting in the garden with Bobbi. He is all about his new Daddy role

Gloves is running around in a terminal fit of depression since he squeeked his niece out the night before when she thought he was coming on to her. Lina wants to take off for a couple of hours. Gloves gives her the raised eyebrow and grants her request. We see Lina pull up in a Taxi in front of the Rodeo and another Taxi pulls up right behind. Gloves hides, not that anyone would look twice a guy in full Butler dress (don’t forget the gloves), hanging out in a totally Naco neighborhood.

Granny is on the phone, she has received the news that BSC Frenchy has escaped. They just wanted to inform her as the only intelligible words (it may be his French, it is often hard to understand by non native speakers) he has spoken in the past ten years is, “I want to kill Consti”. Gloves comes in after the conversation. Granny is a bit upset, not enough to get a guard or call the cops, but hey you can only do so much.

Gloves spills the info that Mili has a job at the Rodeo and she will be there tonight. Gloves is gonna hunt her down tonight. Not without me your not, Granny counters. Hot Damn, Granny & Gloves are goin dancin. She tells Gloves that the crazy father of Al is on the loose and wants to kill Consti.
(See I told you that Gloves knows about the not very well guarded secret of Al’s Bastardy). Both Granny and Gloves feign a look of concern for the life of Consti, before continuing with their plans for Prom.

The door opens in the storeroom and I think it is gonna be Consti, Damn you TelVista, it is the Doctor. Yep the one Frenchy supposedly clubbed. He has brought snacks and maybe scrabble to pass the time. He starts talking to Crazy Guy, Crazy Guy only growls back. This gives me this crazy “Oh Yeah” moment, maybe that’s it, he sounds like Consti, when he is amorous. Luci you she-devil. Anyhow the Doc offers Frenchy a burger and damn crazy guy is faking, his hands are loose. He strangles the doctor.
The scene cuts away, before we see if Doc is dead, I hope not cause there are so many other people living in the big house who deserve it more. Hey wait a minuto, maybe Crazy Guy can help out in that area.

Al is talking to Andrea, she asks if it is a boy does he want to name it after him, no and I forgot what name he said, but when she said what about a girl, he said Milagros, Oh Snap Al.

Rocky is outside washing the car, he is feeling down over his lack of hittin that. Or prior Naco humor between he and Horacio. He sees Mili little friend that now works in the garden & flirts with her. She is impressed and says she will see him at the Rodeo. I kinda feel sorry for her, cause both her little running buddies have boyfriends or at least guys they can talk about. So of course this girl would be excited about this.

Al comes in to see Granny and she is all smiles, is it cause she realizes how easy everyone’s lives will be should Frenchy whack Consti, No it is cause she knows the DondeAbouts of Mili.

Meanwhile, Andrea shows up at Bobby’s and she is in the full bad cop mode. Did I miss something? Did she show Bobby her famous GolfBall and the Garden Hose trick. She sure seems to have a lot of power over him. Bobby is a rock, he not gonna Rat, but No the phone rings and Andrea won’t let him answer. See what I’m talkin about. It’s his apartment, and he can’t answer his phone. It is Al saying that Mili will be at the Rodeo. Andrea thanks Bobby for his help and leaves. Dude, you make Al look manly.

Andrea shows up before the party has kicked off at the RODEO, Mili is dressed up with Cat ears, Andrea is in her normal skank clothing. She says if Mili doesn’t disappear from Al’s life there will be a huge scandal (I am sure all the Rodeo clientele would tar and feather Mili) and the kid won’t have a Dad, you know the same sorry diatribe in any language everytime the skank ex tries to pull the fake pregnancy routine. She hands Mili a check to stay away. Mili tears it up and has her escorted out.

Gloves is all dressed as a devil, I’m not sure what Granny is dressed as. I think they may have borrowed some of Sofie’s clothes from Pasion.

Thank all the Saints, Doc is still alive. He tells Consti that Crazy Frenchy escaped. Okay says Consti. No you don’t get it, he really escaped.

Now we see Frenchy standing by a lightpole on a nice street. Yep, as the car pulls by slowly it is Gloves and Granny. Frenchy is left standing there muttering and finally says Death to Const. What a one trick pony, wouldn’t you think after being in a padded room for ten years you’d maybe want a steak, a beer, a hooker or in his case hows about a bath?

Now on to the RODEO RAVE…Lina is a mouse and other girl from the convent is island girl. Rocky is Tarzan and dressing with some hawt looking blonde with a veil. Oh do you see where this is going. Lina tries to get him to dance with other girl, but no.

Zorro comes up and grabs Mili, kisses her and dances with her. Al dressed as Phantom of the Opera, comes up and grabs Zorro. It is Hugo the Sly Zorro (bad pun), and says back off. Mili gets in one of those screaming scenes we have all seen in a bar, dance, high school football game. She doesn’t love him leave me alone. Hugo stays there with Mili, he looks like he doesn’t know what to do. Al leaves, Mili is sobbing and here comes Granny. Gloves talks to Rocky.

Other girls tries to pry Rocky off his veiled beauty. No luck and Rocky points Lina to Bobby who is surrounded by chicas (he is superman). Other girl goes and gets him and pulls him away and drags him over to Lina. Jeez I was these girls many years ago.

Rocky is coming on the veil, tell me you name, take off your veil, give me a kiss. Yes, we didn’t see this coming, his name is Roberto and he has a fine mustache. Oh Rocky.

Mili is lamenting to Granny who has to listen to this crap the first night she has been out in twenty years, but they agree to go and talk somewhere where it is quiet. But, wait destiny calls, the owner wants Mili to sing.

Horacio, his kitchen babe & her skanky daughter Karla are watching TV all while wearing their uniforms. There is a know at the door and they make Karla answer it. She starts screaming don’t kill me. Consti comes in thinking it is Frenchy. Nah it is the guy who was gonna blow Damien and Karla’s heads off.

Meanwhile young Phantom has returned home. Luci comes hobbling in on her crutch, I think it happened when she and Jack Daniels were dancing. Al is all shades of twisted grim. He is so sad. What is it my beautiful son? He can’t show emotions, cause Consti thinks it is sissy. Please this guy doesn’t cry as much as Sebastian Rulli does in every freeking role, but still Al is no slacker when it comes to tears. He cries to Ma that his heart is tormented and broken, he has been a fool for love.

Now Consti Karla & Mafia guy into the den. Looks like the guy is blackmailing Consti for his earlier help, Consti writes him a check. He leaves. Consti tells Karla she can’t say a word to Damien. She starts saying how bad the Mafia guy scares her. Consti gives her 50,000 pesos which is slightly less than Elliot Spitzer spend in two hours, not including the mini bar. Karla is going to help Consti with his plans. He gives her the eye. I know he is going to use her, I’m just not sure how much.

Mili belts out a serious song. Lina walks up to Bobby and he lays a serious kiss on her. She dives in for a repeat, but Bobby says Pardon, he is confused and walks away. Other girl is forced to chase Rocky around as he goes after anything without facial hair. Hindsight is 20-20.

Hugo wants Mili to go with him, but Ganny sweeps her up and takes her home. Granny whines and babytalks Mili about coming back. Mili tries to act mad at Granny, but no can do. Mili just can’t live there. Of course, Mili has to sneak into Al’s room before she leaves, kisses her hand and touches his face. He doesn’t wake up. Satan, I mean Gloves is having a thought bubble conversation about Mili being his his niece as he twirls his devil’s tale.

The End.

Looks like tomorrow Andrea has found one of the thousands of Doctors who are willing to lie about a woman’s pregnant state. Al maybe less of a fool than Rod in Destilando cause Al says time for a second opinion from a doctor he has chosen.


love the music references, although you are several generations of music younger than I am...and "dondeabouts" and the general game plan for Francois eliminating half the population of casa Belmonte.
Oh and the name Alejandro wanted for a boy appeared to be Filomeno...or Philomeno...sounds awful...but Phil is okay.
Thanks as always for a totally different perspective on life in telenovelas...

Beckster: Great way to start the day with your recap. You have me ROTFLOL.

You put this novela in perspective. I was becoming disinterested in it. I will now try to see the humor in it, although I don't think anyone else has your eye and ear for it.

From lower Ala

Thanks for another hilarious recap, Beckster.

It is amazing how Andrea manages to eavesdrop at every important conversation. Loved also how Braulio hurdled those velvet ropes at the disco.

Hello there! fellow fans,
I am hoping that it will be soon that Mili gets to find out that Constancio is her father. I can't wait to see all the drama that will come down as a results of this announcement. I just hope it is soon. I feel that this is one way Mili will have more power and hopefully respect. At the moment, she is view by others especially Luciana, Val, and Andrea as a low than low servant. Wait until they know that Mili is Constancio's lost daughter. SHE WILL HAVE HALF OR MORE OF CONSTANCIO'S MONEY IF HE EVER DIES. Along with this, I think I heard that Regina was going give Mili all her inheritance. The girl will have money when all said and done. Andrea will just be another gold digger and somebody's tramp. I don't feel sorry for her. I am at times shouting in my living room that Andrea should die. At moment, she is getting her way easily. Everything is filling into place for her. Mili and Alejandro just have the worst luck imaginable even with some many people helping and being on their sides.
Will someone tell me when Mili is supposed to know that she is Constancio's daughter? I want to plan to see this episode, so please inform me when this will be. THANKS!

Ah, beckster, this recap was a fine way to start the morning :)

Seems like there is no one on this show who is lucky in love. Maybe Bobby's parents, but who knows by now--they could be back to loveless, just with a change of scenery.

I thought this episode was priceless.

I loved Andrea eavesdropping behind a little lollipop-shaped tree – couldn’t they find a hedge anywhere for this scene? Or some large masonry? Andrea is not petite, and was plainly visible.

Braulio and the devil outfit – if anyone is reading the recap because they missed the episode, you really missed something. It was a hoot to see him all red, with perky little horns, face painted red, still being his usual officious self. And I loved two of the little riffs on his costume – the little devil at who approaches him at the disco, but he brushes her off. And crazy Francois, fresh out of the nuthouse, lurking at Casa Belmonte when who should he see, but a red devil driving Miss Daisy? He does a slow “huh?” blink.

And how did everyone get a costume at the very last moment when we know you have to reserve a month in advance for Halloween? Where did Braulio get the red face paint?

We finally get to hear Mili cut loose with her singing, but the sound was bad and her voice was muffled.

I wondered why Connie would ask Carla into the den when he wanted to talk with the mobster guy. I guess there aren’t any lollipop trees inside for her to hide behind, and they needed her to hear all in order to have a plot device where she becomes a spy for Connie.

Oh, and the scene at the end with Braulio doing his “one day all this will be yours” bit while twirling his devil tail – loved it. The actor must’ve had a ball doing his devil scenes.

And to top it off – another hilarious Beckster recap! Fun all around!

- maggie

A close second to the Diablo costume was Morgan's Tarzan costume with the long hair. As if he's not creepy enough in his regular getup, this one had me cringing.

The best part of Braulio's diablo costume was that it included a RED BOW TIE! It's the little details that make me love this show.

Poor Gloria is just starved for attention, I think. Leaving the convent and getting a job is probably the biggest thing to happen to her in years, but her big life change is barely acknowledged because everything's about Mili. Still, though, Morcky as Tarzan should have been repulsive enough to send her looking elsewhere.

There is always something in episodes of Guapos that causes cringes, laughter or tears which makes this a great show to watch. The skank with her well used a** hanging out behind the sapling. Bobby was looking right in that direction and never saw her. She must have bat radar to always show up to hear things that she can use in her campaign to marry Al or hurt Mili.

Connie is starting to look as certifiably mad as Frankie (what is it with these novelas all of a sudden with French characters?). He lets the Mafia guy in and allows a servant to stand around and watch. He should have told her to get out before paying off the guy. Now Karla will be into blackmail. Did anyone catch that greedy look when he went to the safe for the money for her? He should also warn her if she says anything she and her madre will be out the door and on the streets. Threats are the only thing that girl understands.

The sound was bad when Mili was singing but it was one of Ana Barbara's hits and she did a darn good job with it. You can't help feeling sorry for the girl as she always tries to do the right thing.

Hugo did look momentarily confused and not sure how to handle a sobbing girl and poor Al didn't seem to get it that no matter what her words were saying her actions clearly contradicted them.

I too wondered if Laura Flores really hurt herself in the slip back a while. It's kind of hard when a cast accident requirers something odd to suddenly show up in the story.

Looks like maybe we might get a big reveal tonight at least as far as Mili is concerned and it also looks like another uncomfortable meal at Casa Belmonte. Three cheers for Al who has the brains to force a second opinion on Andrea before she can pay off another doctor. And what! She is 5 months pregnant? Not in those skin tight clothes she not.

I did not see the avances, but I still doubt they will reveal the truth about Mili yet. Too soon probably, so maybe it was another red herring.

Do you all really think Laura Flores really injured herself? Probably so, because there is no good reason in the storyline to have her on crutches. When poor Angelica Vale injured herself on LFMB, she was wearing a cast on her arm for weeks.

Did the doc say she was 5 months pregnant or 5 weeks pregnant? If 5 weeks, she wouldn't show but it would be long enough that Alejandro could have been the papa.

I didm't notice the bow tie! Shoot!
Maybe we'll see a little more of Braulio in costume tonight so I can look for it.

Oh, and if Hugo says he and Mili are novios, does that mean boyfriend/girlfriend or engaged?

- maggie

Drat I didn't save the tape so maybe he did say 5 weeks. In any event at least Al is not just falling totally into gullibleville like most galans do in this kind of story.

I have to admit I'm hoping for some kind of reveal just to watch Snottty Spice turn purple with rage. Maybe Brualio will tell Mili that she is his neice but not take the next natural step.

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