Friday, March 21, 2008
Pasion Friday - can someone fill in?
EDIT - Margarita has stepped up with an amazing (since it was from memory!) recap - Thank you Margarita! Also, Cheryl has volunteered to take over Fridays for the rest of Pasion. Thank you Cheryl! Hope to keep seeing you all here and soon again as a recapper.
Episode 71LP meets with Pablo and asks if he's wondered about his mother. He asks if she knows her, and LP grabs his seashell charm and blows on it. Pablo realizes she's his mom, pulls away and runs out of the room nearly running Jim over. Jim asks LP who she is and she says nobody and also runs out. Jim runs after Pablo (now on his horse) and wants to know what's up. Pablo says she's nobody to him, just the one who gave birth to him.
Santi and Ascanio argue about the fact that Ric is not really LdC and is in fact the Dread Parent Antillano. Santi's pissed because Cami's marriage isn't valid and he feels Ric took advantage of her. Ascanio tells him Cami always knew he was a pirate and knows the marriage isn't valid, but she doesn't care because she loves him. Santi thinks he must have forced her or threatened or bewitched her. Ascanio tells him that Ric didn't become a pirate by choice and that things are not just black and white. He accuses Santi of speaking out of jealousy and tells him he's being a hypocrite for not allowing for the possibility that Ric can be a good man that loves Cami.
LP and her buddy Mag (Magdalena) are walking back to the inn and Mag asks what the scoop is with Pablo. LP says it's none of her beeswax. Mag says he's cute and LP tells her he's not for her. They run into Ines and LP asks if she's local and if she knows Cami. Ines tells her Cami's her SIL and asks how she knows her. LP says she met her on the way and brought her over and mentions she's married to "El Antillano." Ines looks puzzled and LP realized she just screwed up. She covers by saying she calls Ric that 'cause he's from the Antilles. Ines tells her that Cami's in jail.
Ascanio gets back to SF by himself. Ines asks why he's not on the cart with Santi and he explains he and Santi had a fight. He asks about Cami and is told she's in jail.
Santi arrives home and tells Ofi that Ric is not LdC, but Salamanca, that he's a pirate, and that the marriage's not valid. Any louder and they would have heard him in the next town.
LP and Mag arrive back at the inn and Chino asks if she saw her son (so much for keeping Mag out of the loop). LP says he rejected her as expected. He tells her she needs to be patient and she replies she has no patience. She also tells him she stuck her foot in it and let it slip to one of Cami's relatives that Ric is El Antillano. She covered, but she's not sure it worked. Al arrives with some sort of permit to make the contraband look legit. He tells Chino they'd like to do all the distribution and Chino tells him they prefer the way things are.
Rita asks Ofi why Santi didn't stick around and wait for her. Ofi tells her she wasn't around so he changed and left. Rita asks where and Ofi says jail. Rita's pissed he went to see Cami and the baby cries. Ofi takes the baby and tells Rita once again how sorry she is she encouraged the marriage, that there's something sick about the way she talks about her sister, and that she doesn't deserve the child God sent her! Ouch!
Al, Lis, and Fran meet with Don E about the will. Don E tells her he's ruled in her favor and asks her to sign Cami's house arrest papers. Lis asks where Cami will stay and Don E says Justo's. Lis says no way, she might run away. She has to stay with me. Besides, she's gonna be my serf anyway. Nana hears this and goes to give Mani the chisme.
Ines and Ascanio discuss that LP called Ric El Antillano. Ines didn't buy the cover. Ascanio realizes it's hit the fan and decides to spill it all.
Santi's in jail and tells Cami that Ric's a pirate, etc. Cami's impactada and asks how he knows. He's shocked she knew and she says she loves him. He says he made her his ramera and Cami slaps him and says nobody, especially him, has a right to call her that. She reminds him that he wanted to make her his mistress and he reminds her it never actually happened. She says yeah, 'cause Ric stopped it.
Justo meets with Vasco (at some point Ines talked to Justo about forgiving Vasco) and they have a good cry. Vasco tells him he wants to change and that he misses Ines. They see Ursu and Uriel riding off. Justo agrees to let Vasco come home.
Ofi is feeling her granddaughter's back and she and her assistant talk about something I couldn't understand. I think the baby has a rash. Her assistant leaves and Ines comes in and they discuss Cami's situation and Rita says Cami already knew he was a pirate. Rita overhears and they tell her it's none of her business. They let it slip that it's regarding Cami and Rita becomes very interested.
Ric and Mario are in a canoe on their way to Chez Foreman. Mario makes another attempt to talk Ric out of it and Ric says he needs to help Cami.
Cami's clan (sans Rita of course) gather around the kitchen table about Ric. Justo can't believe Ric's a pirate, he seemed so nice. Santi wants to turn him in and Vasco tells him that he's talking out of jealousy. They yell at each other for a while and Justo tells them to knock it off. He tells them he wants no scandal, but once Ric comes back with the money, they will tell him to go away. Vasco and Santi argue about whether or not Cami should by allowed to leave with him. Vasco runs out with Ines closely behind.
Ric talks to Foreman and asks for money. Foreman wants to know if Ric's been making deals with his godfather. Ric reminds him that piracy's dying. They agree that Foreman will lend him the money, but Ric, his boats, and his men, have to do one final job.
Vasco and Ines visit Cami and tell her that Santi's got his panties in a wad. They are worried he'll turn in Ric, but are hoping he'll listen to Justo's wish to avoid further scandal. Cami tells them to send Santi over so she can talk him out of it. She also wants them to tell Jim and Ascanio that their freedom was part of the deal in Ric's payment plan, so they don't have to worry about being serfs. Just then Don E walks in and tells her he's ruled for Lis, but she'll go on house arrest tomorrow or so. Cami's glad to be going to her dad's, but Don E says not so fast, you're going to Lis! Cami's crushed and Ines curses Lis.
Santi plays with his baby and Rita asks if he knows what's up between Ric and pirates. He says he knows nothing. She says Cami was taken by pirates, so maybe she hooked up with one...Santi's disgusted and says he has to get to work.
Back on the Salamandra, Mario tells Ric he got his money, but this last gig might actually get him killed. He says if so, he hopes Cami's pregnant so she'll have a child to make her happy.
Santi runs into Jorge who asks about his biz and his leg. They discuss Cami and Jorge mentions in passing that there are still things he can do for Cami, if Santi asks...
Back in the cell, Cami begs Santi not turn Ric in. She promises she'll send him away for ever if Santi won't turn him in. Santi agrees, as long as Ric comes through.
Al toasts with Lis for her inheritance and asks if they can now sign their marriage contract. Lis says ok, but she wants to move to Cami's house since that's part of her payment. Al wants to know why and Lis says now that they'll be engaged, she doesn't want people to say they're living as husband and wife before the wedding. Al agrees, and say ok: marriage contract next week, and wedding as soon as the announcements are run. Lis says no problem. She probably figures she'll have her money by then and can skip town. Little does she know that Al will never let her get away with it.
Next week: Cami goes to work for Lis, and is treated like hell.
Stuff's a little out of order, but I think I hit everything. Feel free to fit in if I missed anything. - Margarita
Labels: Pasion
I have found Pasion to be the most challenging recap job yet. Not sure why, if it's the vocabulary or that the situations require more explanation, if it's more dialogue driven than other novelas (requiring more translation and less ability to summarize). Then there is the sound quality for those of us without cc. I enjoy it but it's definitely been more work than any of the others I've done. The flip side is that I've probably learned more.
I can't offer to take your spot since I do Thursdays and can barely get that done. If somebody wants to do Thursdays I could take Fridays but that's about all I could offer.
As for tonight, I was out and I taped Pasión so I hope I have it to see tomorrow morning (it is 2 minutes to midnight here in Mountain time). It looks like Margarita did a nifty recap just above in her response so I will use that and convert the whole thing with some of my own snark added in and post the whole sheebang over the weekend.
I hope things calm down for you for a bit so you can catch your breath literally and figuratively. We want you to stay around, you are such a valuable asset to this blog.
Just for fun, and I know you don't have time but please take a look at my crazy shows I built last weekend. Clearly I am someone with enough time on my hands to take your Friday spot for the duration. If you miss doing it too much, let me know and you can jump back on board anytime!
Here's my kaleidoscope of saints, melting iglesias and other madness of Mexico, New Mex, etc.
Happy holiday, happy spring, happy Pasion!
Nice job, Red Margarita. I wasn't going to watch my recording until Saturday, but based on what I read, I had to look at the episode right away.
Way to step up to the plate, Cheryl! Looking forward to your point of view and added snarks as well on this episode. After all, we cannot talk about Pasion enough, can we? :D
(By the way, your slide shows are awesome.)
And, Margarita - you have a great memory and thanks for sharing with us.
From lower Ala
Cherylnewmex, bless you for saving the day (Friday that is). I can't praise you guys and gals enough who share so much of your time and talent to recap these episodes. It takes me forever to answer a few e-mails. So, I know it must take hours to recap an hour of drama. I luv it, novelas are such a great addition to my efforts to learn Spanish.
I know these telenovelas are fantasy and often laughable, but if the essence of drama is to evoke feeling, this one is doing it in spades!
I wanted to jump through the screen and bitch slap Liz last night. And for sure Alberto will get his, but not soon enough!
The sad thing is, that life really was that hard, cruel and unjust back then. And for some, it is still that way today.
I got my chuckles when it came to Santi. As a collective, we were so sure Ric's dread pirate secret would be spilled by him, but Santi only told his mama; the WHOLE FAMILY found out because of poor Paisana's slip of the lip. What a hoot. LMAO!
Bouffy really did a number on Mani's face. What a piece of crap that man is.
This is getting SO good. I love this show.
Friday was a very maddening episode, but I think everyone was in character. Santi cannot think straight when it comes to Camila (nor can Lis or Grita for that matter). Justo has always been a wimp and cared more about what people thought than his own kids. Cami obviously got her caring about what people think from him, although it seems like she is moving beyond that. She did not get her desire to fix problems from Justo, but maybe she tends to be so bad at it because no one taught her how :-)
Cami Supporter
Margarita, I am in awe of your memory. :) And Cheryl, I am looking forward to your recaps!
Thanks for the compliments! Maybe if I did my recaps from memory in the future I wouldn't spend so much time on them...Nah, I'd miss my excuse to re-watch all the steamy luuvv scenes (really honey, I'm just making sure I got the dialog right...).
Mad Bess - There was definitely some tussling between Vasco and Santi (I call it a tussle 'cause it was hardly a real fight, like the cool fights MMM has).
I also forgot to add (and probably tried to block it out of my memory...) that Al started kissing Lis, then trying to feel her up, then...I'll stop there, it was just so slimy...I know she can't see the way she looks at him, but she's insane if she thinks this guy will actually let her escape without marrying him, etc. He flat out told her he wanted to boink her since the first time he met her.
I went ahead and deleted my previous post since Chris was kind enough to add it to the main post ;)
When Le Bouffy gave Lis that liplock, I thought I was going to blow my dinner. *blech* But then I had to laugh at the look on Lis' face. Her expression hovered somewhere over mild shock, forced politeness, and utter revulsion, all at the same time.
Someone mentioned that Paisana cleans up well when she dresses up. Yes, she does indeed.
So little Ana has come down with a rash or something not good, after Ofi warned The GritEater that she didn't deserve the child God gave her. Uh-oh. The writers had better NOT be going anywhere with that. :(
The next few weeks will be full of various types of Pasión for me, and not all of it sweetness and light. I will enjoy demonic LaBouffant's squeeze play for Lis now since his part of the bargain is done and he's ready to collect his "soul."
Whatever Clothilde and Lis have in store for Cami, I sort of have to agree that she (and maybe with a little outside push from Jimena) will be giving a good as she gets! I am also going to enjoy seeing Ascanio's reaction if he ever gets wind of those horrible bruises of Mannie's. I am most worried for El Antillano, though, because he may end up sacrificing himself and my heart will be in my throat until that is resolved. I cannot EVER see Cami returning to a life with Santi now, if GRita obligingly bites the dust, being that he's gotten so self-righteous and is so odiously sanctimonious. --I was soooo ready for Vasco to punch his lights out....... GRRR!
Also, Justo isn't being a wimp for wanting to send Ric away. Pirates were considered bad people. There was a shadow cast on Ric's reputation. Everyone thought he was a bad guy period. They felt deceived by the false name which invalidated the marriage. Justo has his daughter's interest at heart. I think we've placed Ric on a pedestal so high and so large that it has a bed on it that we'd all like to climb into. Anyone who isn't willing to kiss his butt is dirty and must die.
I, for one, would not deem to kiss Ric's beautiful backside, but I certainly would want to have it laying next to mine, anytime. However, that being said, Justo is doing what would be expected of him as a deceived papa, true. On the other hand, he has conveniently forgotten his own guilt in all of this and that if his daughter hadn't taken refuge next to Ric's gorgeous naked backside, let alone kissed it so willingly, she'd have been Jorge's unwilling ramera instead because she and Justo had their own backsides between the sword and the wall, as the Latins are wont to say. Now, I still don't see why Justo and Ric and Vasco and the rest of the family can clean up so nicely but Saintly Santi seems to feel it more pious to forego his personal hygiene more often than not. =/8 >)
As a fellow claustrophobe, I state more firmly than ever that LaFont. Must. Die. Watching him do that to poor Manuela positively made me cry! I'm sure the grandkids will forgive Ascanio for saving mama from her ogre of a daddy.
There may yet be an advantage to Justo's lack of backbone: We all know he'll wilt on sending Ric away as soon as Cami gives him those leaking eyes!
Inquiring minds want to know. Because julie is right. We're used to Rulli looking GOOD.
Thanks for the tip on Mentiras y Verdades, madbess/susanlynn. I've never seen it before, and I want to check it out. (Oh, if only my Spanish were better!)
They could have stuck Rulli with extensions or a wig that was really cheap. As women, we've seen stuff like that, where no amount of dressing makes it look like anything more than a wet dog. And costuming departments don't replace stuff like that, unless your name is Clooney, DeCaprio, etc. You have to suck it up and get your ass on the set.
Did I understand correctly? That when Uriel was asking Jorge about going mounting ...didn't Jorge say---don't do it before the wedding... and Uriel said of course not, he was talking about mounting the horses, not Ursula!!!
jb-Iron Jack Cash
As for Santi's hair, it would look much better if he pulled it back in a ponytail!
Ursula did tell Fortunata she wanted to try our Uriel before marrying him, so it might well have been both.
I cannot imagine what kind of marriage those two might have, but she's totally batty if she thinks Vasco would make her happier. I doubt she'd enjoy living in Justo's house, eating pueblo food, feeding pigs, and wearing plain dresses.
Cami Supporter
Oh, Santi's hair looked a little lighter to me in one episode but now it looks greasy brown again. He has fine hair and they need to blow dry it. Too bad because it's such distraction from Rulli's excellent acting.
I missed Friday's show cuz I was at my Mom's house in Oklahoma for the weekend. I too am going to be very busy the next month with packing & moving and squeezing in the NASCAR races next weekend to boot. So much to little time! I trashed my NCAA tournament brackets Saturday nite. Did good the first two days of the tourney & it went to hell in a handbasket Saturday (thanks Duke for losing to West Virginia).
Santi, Santi, Santi. What part of "you are married to another woman & Cami's personal life is none of your bees wax cuz she is married to another man now" do you not understand?! I think Cami's situation will force Santi to swallow his pride & allow Jorge to acknowledge him as his son. Then Santi will use his newfound position to get Cami out of her situation and keep Ascanio & Jimena out of serfdom.
I'm not even going to touch the "mounting" remark regarding Ursula & Uriel. I'm just going to leave it alone.
Poor Cuz Liz. You made your bed now you gotta lie in it.
I swear that I will not reveal anything at all!
But I'm possesed completely now! I wake up and go back to watch my favorite episodes like a maniac. I'm so profoundly in love with Ric - it's not even funny!
My hubby thinks I have to go to therapist.
The parts that are left are much more powerful then are any of the previous ( besides love scenes).
Don't miss ANY of the episodes - catch them on YouTube if you don't have VCR or DVR, but watch them!
Cast is just superb!
I still be watching Pasion every day on TV because I didn't have captions and I don't want to miss any word at all. And I still will be participating in this forum like everybody else without revealing anything at all because it's a real pleasure to read the recaps and all the comments.
I hope you will not throw me out because of my sin.
Eve from Cleveland
Sometimes they listed as "PASIÓN cap 65 /2.1" or just "PASIÓN 65.2"
Also there is another way ( maybe easier) :
There you can open one "capitulo" and all videos from Youtube are right there in order.
Eve from Cleveland
I see/hear about wrong newspaper listings for Univision all the time, but when they've announce a date/time on the air, it's always been right.
I have no idea what kind of havoc this might wreak on a DVR/TiVo. My machine is set to record from 9:02 to 10:04 every night whether the show's on or not. :)
Ferro, I don't know you, but I do hope things get better for you and your family. Been there, sadley still doing that...
Let me just say, that I was SO PISSED after watching that crazy B-Lisa on Friday, I was ready to jump into the TV set and beat her blind-ass into a bloody pulp! I think she's just pure evil, and her voice!!! She sounds like she's channeling Lucifer or something ok?
Maybe she inherited some STD from her father when she was born? Things like that tended to happen back then, anyway, I keep trying to summon up a scrap of sympathy for the crazy ass wench, nah, nope, I'm dry. And Bouffy, did ya'll see him, just sit back in the lawyers office, and just smile and chuckle at Lisa's tirade??!!!
I hope they both rot in Novella HELL!!!!
Santi, needs to get off his high horse. Get off the cross we need the wood and get on with your life. Divorce your sniveling, schreeching wife, sister of your beloved, cry me a river, build a bridge and get the HELL OVER IT, man! Sheesh....oh, and wash your greasy ass hair!!! Ok, 'nuff said about him.
When this novella first started, I was prepared not to like it, and I thought Susanna Gonzales wouldn't make a good herione. I am soooo glad I was wrong...I am literally glued to the set the whole time, and watch it twice! I have Direct TV, so it air's at 6:00pm PST, which I'm guessing is 9:00pm EST, then I watch it again at 9:00 PST, just to make sure I don't miss anything. Sick aren't I? LOL
Before I end this lengthy post, I'm wondering since Crackhead (Lisa)contested the will, and she gets daddys money, wasn't there like a condition that she wouldn't get it? That it would go to the Mason's??!! How come NO ONE has mentioned that???
The money won't go to the Masons because that part of the will was written with the assumption that he had a wife. The ED letter "proves" that he didn't have a valid marriage.
This nullifies the will; forget it ever existed. Without a valid will, the entire estate (including slaves like Camila and Ascanio) defaults to the next of kin, the increasingly-unworthy Lisabeta.
The perfect end for traitorous Lis and LaFont would be for Lafont to choke her (like he did his daughter) because she's not marrying him. Then Ric walks in, kills Lafont,and Lis dies in Ric's arms, apologizing for her misdeeds. Bad penniless Tia is sent to a convent forever.
(NO I haven't watched ahead on You Tube - I've no idea how this ends)
Haven't figured what to do about Grita and Santi yet. I really want him to be happy without Cami, but don't think he would be with Grita.
If Grita has to go, who could he marry?
Love this novela because it's moving along, no endless harebrain plot extensions. And Ric is a BIG plus!
You have to hand it to Rita for being so oblivious that she's never noticed that he wears the same scarf every day. Maybe she'd notice it if he was strangling her with it, but somehow I don't think it will happen.
Yeah, I noticed that too. And I think it's a subconscious indication that even poor Santi knows, in his madness and denial, that it's OVER. Even he knows that Ric and Cami's relationship has gone too far for it to ever be reversed; he's just trying to hold on to that dreamworld for as long as he can. Happens in real life all the time.
I think GRita will either redeem herself in a way that is so amazing (concerning his baby) that they might be able to start again, OR GRita will bite the dust and Santi will decide hey, I need to worry about being a dad, true love and all that rot can come later.
That is, if he doesn't end up dead/sacrificed/redeemed himself. All of us still recovering from DUELO-land can attest to the fact that the novela gods have no problems sacrificing the misguided but good at heart (*cough*poorGASPAR*cough). That STILL irks me...
Well, I did say Ascanio might be the next in the line of Good That Are Locked Up. When he sees what Le Bouffy has done to Mani's face, yikes. It just might happen.
I am thinking of transitioning back to the 8/7c hour novela after Pasion is over anyway, maybe I should start doing that if they are going to start alternating the programming anyway. Fuego looks good but the 9/8c pm hour means I will almost never see the show live and I have to use the old DVR in the basement since primetime realestate on the upstairs DVR is always full.
I recorded several weeks before I started watching Pasión because I hate waiting for the next show, but alas, I recently caught up and am waiting for the next episode. (I am tempted to go to You-Tube. )
This is my second telenovela with you folks, because I couldn't get into Jaun that followed LFMB.
I bought the whole set of LFMB (It still had the same bad ending) andthe whole set of Yo Soy Betty la Fea. (Not near as good as LFMB.) I was so addicted to LFMB. (I still don't understand why Jaime didn't win an award.)
I bought Alborada, which was great, but felt it seemed choppy. The orginal must have been much better. But, I did finally get to see why everyone was HOT for Fernando Colunga.
I also bought Mi Destino Eres Tu, (not so hot Jaime) and Pasion De Gavilanes (ok) and Amor Real. (ok)
I really like Fernado Colunga, but not so much as did Jaime Camil,... maybe because Jamie was my first ...... you know ……. telenovela Galán .
I am really enjoying Pasións though it took awhile to get the characters straight.
I hope Lafont does something bad to Lis when he finds she’s stringing him along.
Thank you all!
Btw, I have to keep the captions off, or they are too distracting, but I am amazed at how much I understand.
Patty B. Utah
I bought the Alborada DVD's too and it is a choppy disappointment because that was my first full telenovela and I hated that they cut so many wonderful scenes and rearranged some things that I had enjoyed in the original. Oh well, choppy Fernando is better than no Fernando at all....
Iron Jack et al: Yes, mounting has the same double meaning in Spanish as it does in English. Uriel told Jorge he was going riding (same word as mounting) with Ursula and was not so subtly informed that the only riding he was allowed was atop a horse. Still, whereas most women of the time believed men will not buy the cow when they can get the milk for free, Ursula is more of the school that there's no reason to buy a horse without taking it for a test drive...As for a marriage to Vasco, I don't think she necessarily felt the need to marry him (and even if she did, there's no way she'd move to Justo's), but wanted to make sure she had easy access to him (not really an option with a husband coming home to her every night).
As for greasy Santi (I mean his attitude, not his hair), watching tonight's episode reminded me of one of the things that made me cringe Friday night (tail end recap at the begining) - He said those famous words that people say when they are being total a$$es: "I know you hate me right now, but in time, you will thank me." It is the same thing that Enrique (Arturo Peniche's character in "Victoria" which airs on Telemundo at the same time as Pasion) always tells his ex-wife when he does some other despicable thing. I know Santi has deluded himself into thinking that he has Cami's soul in mind, but mostly he just wants Ric gone so Cami will go back to pining for him (Santi).
This may be way off topic, but for those who may be interested, Televisa and Univision are currently involved in a court battle as Televisa wants to end their association with Univision. They want to go independent or with another channel. Since they produce all the novelas I've ever seen, I'll be following them if they do indeed break away from Univision.
I have been wondering about changes in programming at Uni for some time. They have been doing more reality TV shows and News programming in the past year. I think they are trying to be taken more seriously as a US national network. That probably means not showing soapoperas for all 3 hours of primetime every night. That doesn't suit our purposes very well but I don't know anything about their business so I can't really say whether it's a good decision or not.
Pasion aired Mon. night on my tv.
La Paloma
Now, first I want to say, Santiago needs 40 days and 40 nights at the monestery. And I give the priest approval to him up side the head.
Ophelia is losing ground on her path of common sense. She is tip-toeing probably because of her fear that her good boy will be contaiminated by his biological father. But Ophelia, tell your son EMPHATICALLY that he is being a jealous self-righteous hip-po-crit. Yeah, yeah, yeah you don't want to tell him what to do, BUT tell him what you see him doing. Parenting is never/forever over (...who knew that before they had kids?)_
I thought I saw Camilla look at Santiago 'moving in on her', caressing her arm, when he came to visit at the jail. She's no fool. (What a relief.) She was able to use that in her pleading that he spare Ricardo's life.
And then when Vasco and S_ago were ready to fight Justo was ready to stand up. It would seem Justo is ONLY ready to stand up WHEN someoneelse is ready to fight. So is he really about keeping the peace or is it 'lets all lay dead' and accept what happens to us.
He loves Ricardo but he will drop him because he is out of favor.
Good person bad person is used frequently in telenovelas and I'm still trying to understand how this generalized statement about a character is justified. As far as I can see it doesn't seem to require good and or right actions. Example: Vasco has been said to be a good person but until very recently nothing he did was a 'right'action.
AND if the categorizing someone as good or bad is not based on actions then doesn't that make it possible for that pirate, Ricardo, to be a good person(?).
The dilema will be what to feel toward asasin if Justo/Santiago find out he killed a man.
I checked Univision website yesterday - put in my city, and looked up the tv schedule. Paison was listed for last night, tonight, and I think Wed. night.
Always check there if in doubt.
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