Friday, March 14, 2008

Pasion—Thursday March 13 Courtroom Drama!

[Again--comments and additions welcome. Sorry for the lateness all you guys who love to read recaps with your wheaties. I didn't get home until 10 pm last night.]

The show opens with Uriel and Mateo in Jorge’s office talking over how they will handle the contraband. Uriel will sell it at his store and to make contact with Romero Castillo to tell him that Juancho will be his supplier now. Jorge emphasizes that nobody is to know that he is involved. Uriel and Mateo give eachother long looks but agree. Jorge tells them not to forget that they are involved with pirates, who kill without thinking too much about it.
At Ric’s, Eustaquio, the court official rolls up and tells Ric that Camila is called to the court to answer the summons for the inheritance case. Ric tells him right away that she’s out of town. Eustaquio says all well and good for him to show up instead but she must be there for the hearing.

At Pirate central, La Paisana is giving the boys the bad news that most of them are being laid off. She tells them that it’s not her decision, it’s Foreman’s. They are not happy. One guy wants to know why they can’t just continue robbing caravans. She says she doesn’t know. Juancho wants to know why they are getting rid of people if they are going to continue robbing caravans and she tells him that they are but they just aren’t going to need that many people. As a symbol of her authority she carries a stick with ribbons tied to it. El Chino (AKA “Jo-si-he”) shows up and says that whoever has family to support can come with him to work The rest can climb aboard his ship “the manderin—la manderina” and he’ll take them as far as the coral islands. He’s still dressed in Eastern style clothing and his second in command is as well. (If he wants people to know he’s Japanese and not Chinese, he’s probably not helping by calling his ship the Manderin). The men still don’t like this outcome. One guy shouts the question of what they will do there. El Chino says they can find another captain or other work. Juancho isn’t happy. He says that it looks like Foreman is betraying them. He blames El Chino who he calls (again) a “Chinese pig.” El Chino tells him to shut up and urges him to respect him, even if he is of another race, he’s still a captain. Juancho spits at him in response and says make me. Paisana intrudes to say that it’s not Chino’s fault. The business has always belonged to the Englishman and he’s chosen to do things this way and has chosen El Chino to carry out his wishes (a decision which she agrees with). Juancho won’t back down and El Chino asks him how he wants to settle it. Juancho immediately pulls out his long knife or short sword and the men draw back to watch them fight. El Chino has a Katana and fights Samurai style. He makes short work of Juancho, slitting his throat.

Next we are at the forge where the twins are talking to eachother. They think that the Don Jorge connection could help the business. Santiago is explaining to them that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with Don Jorge. Ofelia shows up and greets them. She takes Santiago aside and asks what Dona Sofia wanted. He explains that she tried to convince him to take his place as Jorge’s heir because it would be good for the people. Ofelia asks him what he told her and he says that he told her he wasn’t interested. They turn to talk about the baptism of his daughter. Santiago tells her that he hasn’t decided who the godparents should be. Ofelia smiles, probably pleased that it won’t be Jorge and Sofia. She kisses him and leaves.

Next, at the Mill, Vasco is getting paid by a customer when Ascanio comes up and asks to speak with him. Ascanio asks how the mill is going. Vasco says great. And he asks after Santiago. He thinks his brother in law is a dork for trying to start a lantern business when he could be the next lord of San Fernando. Ascanio tells him that he’s not really there to talk about that—rather he’s there to tell him what an idiot he is for fooling around with (that whore) Ursula. Vasco starts to ask what business is it of his but Ascanio cuts in to say that he couldn’t care less about him, but about his father and his wife, he does care. Vasco accuses him of being sent by his father. Ascanio says he’s not there because of his father. He says that Justo talked to him about it because he was upset and afraid. Ascanio brings up the letter again and tells him that Ric has sent his sister abroad. Vasco figures out that he must have done it because she is in danger. Ascanio returns to the discussion of Vasco’s skirt chasing by saying that he doesn’t understand why he allows himself to be a plaything of a woman who wants him only because she has nothing better to do. Vasco replies that Ascanio is the one who doesn’t understand he turns around to face him and yells “Haven’t you ever had passion in your life?” Just then Ric rides up on horseback. Vasco runs up and asks if it’s true that Camila has fled and if so why. Ric confirms it. He tells him that his “stupidity has born fruit” and that LaFont turned the letter in to the judge. You condemned your own sister.” He hauls off and slaps Vasco so hard he falls to the ground. Ascanio steps in and asks for restraint. Vasco gets up and says he sure that something can be done. Ric flips him off and gets back on his horse and rides away. Vasco tells Ascanio that he was soooo sure that the letter had been destroyed. Ascanio says archly that it seem that he was wrong and walks away. Vasco is left standing there forlornly contemplating his guilt.

In an odd bit of editing after the commercial, Vasco is now following Ric back to Justo’s house and trying to argue with him that it may not be all that bad but Ric has no patience for him and tells him to just shut up or he’ll kill him. Justo spreads his arms out like a martyr and says “Kill me then. I deserve it.” Ric looks at him in surprise. Pirates don’t often get that offer. Just then Paco runs out and affectionately greets his Uncle Ric. Ric pats the boy’s head and greets him and then turns and gives Vasco a dark look and walks toward the house. Paco takes a look at Vasco and asks “What’s wrong Daddy? Vasco says “Nothing.” Paco insists “Why are you crying?” Vasco hugs Paco.

Next we are in the town square with La Font talking to the Eustaquio, the judicial official who is briefing him on the fact that Camila has left San Fernando. They discuss how this seems to be too much of a coincidence. Eustaquio tells him that Ric said that he will be at the hearing and LaFont asks if that’s legal and Eustaquio says that as her husband, it’s fine for him to be there but she will have to show up at some point. He doesn’t like it and this new twist is worrying to him. He leaves LaFont standing there, looking like he’s planning his next move.

At the forge, the twins, Ascanio and Santiago are looking at the new wagon, the twins are elated and one of them remarks that it’s very fine looking and will help them sell a lot of lanterns. When they take the wagon away, Santiago turns to Ascanio and asks him why he looks so glum. Ascanio explains that the ED letter has surfaced and Camila is being hauled into court. Santiago is impactado. (Or else he has an attack of dyspepsia—hard to tell.)

LaFont fills the ladies in on Camila’s disappearance. Fran is sure that Ric loaded her on one of his ships with the inheritance and managed her escape. LaFont says the hearing is tomorrow. Lis immediately panics that she’ll have to face Ric and LaFont is quick to suggest that she’s afraid of him, working the pirate angle. Lis counters that she isn’t really afraid of him, it’s just that she’s known him a long time and it will be painful to confront him. LaFont asks if he’s really her cousin. Lis says he’s not—he’s just been a long time friend of the family. LaFont asks if he’s a friend of Ricardo de Salamanca, the pirate. Lis says, yes, they knew eachother. LaFont says they have nothing to worry about, he’ll be with him.

At Justo’s, Petronella the servant is pouring the watermelon juice and Ines, Vasco, Paco and Ric are all at the table. Justo says he’s a little upset that Ric has sent Camila away alone. Ric says that’s why he came to explain. Ines asks if she’s alright. Ric pauses and Vasco asks Petronella to take Paco away. Paco complains but Vasco insists. He complains some more and Justo brings the hammer down and Paco obeys. After they leave Ric brings them up to speed—LaFont killed Bernabe, took the ED letter and gave it to the judge. Ines is shocked. Ric says that Camila didn’t tell him because she was worried about his health. Justo says no way, he wants to know everything that’s going on. Ric tells them he wants them to get it from him that Lis is trying to break the will with the letter, making Camila’s marriage null and void. Vasco tries to explain Bernabe stole the letter from him. He was about to destroy the letter when he ran away. Ric shuts him up and continues that he sent Camila out of New Spain in order to protect her. He tells Justo again that Camila was afraid that Justo couldn’t take the news but Ric reiterates his belief that Justo is a man of strong will who can deal with the realities, whatever they are. Justo says with tears in his eyes that Camila has had to flee because she spent her money trying to save the family fortunes. Ric says, no, that he never thought that they would have to leave. It’s just until he can get together the money to pay Lis back. Ines expresses surprise that he doesn’t have them money. Ric explains that he’s been robbed. Justo turns to Vasco and tells him that he wants him out of the house. Vasco begs for forgiveness but Justo says he’s tired of his son’s lies and false promises. He pleads with his dad but Justo is firm in telling him to GET OUT! Vasco tearfully gets up from the table. Ric puts his hand on Justo’s shoulder. Ines looks miserable and nervously twists her lip.

Over at Ofelia’s, the family is doing some housework and Ascanio is filling them all in about Camila. Ascanio hopes that Ric and Lis can reach some kind of agreement. Santiago blames Vasco, Rita blames Camila for marrying the old dude. Santiago defends Camila saying that it was her only hope of returning home. He tells her he doesn’t understand her lack of empathy, her unjust hatred for her own sister. He tells her that he never wants her to utter Camila’s name in his presence again. He storms off. Ascanio excuses himself and follows. Rita, is all full of ‘tude, comes over to Ofelia and says “Mother, she asked for it.”[It’s also possible that she said “he asked for it”—I couldn’t hear it well, in which case she meant Santiago started the fight] Ofelia says nothing and slaps her across the face. [Works in either case!]

Ascanio runs after Santiago. Ascanio tries to calm him down but Santiago pulls away and heads off in another direction. Ascanio looks exasperated.

Justo is laying across his made bed, fully dressed when he hears a knock at the door. It’s Ines, with his medicine. She asks if when Justo kicked out Vasco, if he meant her too. Justo says no, this is her house. Justo muses that Vasco will probably just stay at the mill. And since Dad’s an old softie, eventually, he’ll let him come back to live at the house. It’s just at the moment, he’s so angry at him, he doesn’t even want to look at him.

Ric rides up to his house. He pats his two trusty pirates working the gate, on the back but says nothing, clearly dispirited. [The handsome one who played Frank on Duelo de Pasiones, whose name here escapes me and another one.] One guy says to the other that the boss is clearly feeling down. The other guy remarks that it may be because his woman is gone. The other guy says “no, it’s more than that.”

Inside the house, Ric takes off his jacket and sword and plops in a chair, then on the bed. He flashbacks to his promises to Camila as she was leaving that he would fix everything. He swears aloud in the present that HE WILL fix everything, come what may.

At the tavern, a plump tavern wench is singing, a band is playing, soldiers are drinking and playing cards and Uriel is waiting for Don Jorge. The wench flirts with Uriel and Don Jorge while singing and as they watch her Jorge tells Uriel that he wants him to carry Santiago’s new spring collection of lanterns at his store. Uriel asks why, since Santiago has dissed him and Jorge just had him thrown in jail. Jorge says that he wants to help him and his wife persuaded him that it was the right thing to do. Uriel says that he’ll send for him. Jorge says it would be better for Uriel to go to see him. Uriel isn’t happy with this and wants to know why he should do the stooping. Jorge says he’s asking him to and Uriel relents. Jorge brings up the subject of Manuela and Uriel admits that Alberto is against it. Jorge suggests that he’s open to his marrying Ursula. Uriel is surprised but gladly accepts the idea. Jorge ever the ladies’ man, turns to look at the wenches who are taking their bows after the singing.

At Justo’s, Ines is crying at what looks like a combination sideboard/family altar (there is a saint statue and a pitcher of water). Ascanio comes in and she hastily turns away to leave mumbling something about getting Paco a glass of milk. Ascanio notes that she is a blessing for this family. [I couldn’t catch the next thing she says either] He asks about Vasco and Ines said that he left the house last night. She cries and tells him about the letter—Ascanio says he knows. He gets a chair and sits down with her. Ines says she was surprised that Ric didn’t have the money to pay Lis and Ascanio explains that he lost it all when the caravan was robbed. Ines is horrified and asks how could Vasco have done such a thing. Ascanio reassures her that he couldn’t have known the extent of the complications that would come in the wake of doing …this stupid thing. [he hesitates on the words, like he’d like to use stronger ones but for Ines’ sake.] Ines cries some more. Ascanio tries to reassure her some more that Ric will fix everything eventually. Ines says she knows but she’s worried about Vasco. His Dad told him he never wants to see him again. Ascanio says he’s sure that they will patch things up eventually. Ines cries that Vasco is like a little boy. Ascanio parts company with her on that—“Paco is a little boy. Vasco is a man.” Justo comes in and Ascanio makes to get up and go but Justo motions for him to stay and asks Ines if she’s told him. She nods. Justo says that he’s happy that he’s there and puts a hand on his shoulder. Ascanio agrees and looks at Ines, a bit wistfully. [Coulda Shoulda Woulda, lady. You’d be married to Santiago’s good-looking future employee of the month once those lanterns start flying off of Uriel’s shelves. ]

At Mansion Mancera, Fortunata and Ursula are drinking coffee while Sofia is sorting her jewelry. Ursula happens to mention that on a previous occasion she overheard Lis complaining about how neither she (Ursula) nor Camila were going to take Ric away from her. Fortunata remarks that Camila managed to do it. Ursula continues laughing about how instead of a young, virile guy, she’s going to have to get used to old LaFont. Fortunata disagrees and counters that LaFont is a gentleman and still has some charms. Ursula says fresh meat (carne) is not the same as old skin (pellejo). Sofia looks disapprovingly. Just then Jorge comes in and notes that the younger women seem to be having a good time but not Sofia, who rolls her eyes. Ursula says they were talking about Lis and LaFont. “Speaking of weddings,” says Jorge, “I’ve got a husband for you.” She looks stricken. He tells her it’s Uriel. Fortunata says “but he’s young and not ugly.” The only thing that Ursula can think of to complain about is his facial hair. Jorge says no problem, we can order him to shave. He shakes his head at her and leaves. Ursula pleads with her mother to stop this wedding. Sofia says that she told Jorge that they needed to find a husband for her immediately. She wants her to stop her whorish ways. If she doesn’t get married, she’ll tell Jorge that she’s taken up with Vasco again. It’s either that or the convent. Ursula flees the room in tears. Fortunata tells Sofia that calling her daughter a whore was a bit harsh. Sofia says she knows she’s bad enough. Fortunata says that Uriel isn’t such a bad catch. He’s a widower and his two children also died. Sofia says although he’s kind of a scoundrel, she noticed that he was kind to Tita. Fortunata says that if the only thing that’s not pleasing about him to Ursula is his mustachio, getting him to cut it off, like Jorge says, will solve that problem. Sofia looks at her a bit skeptically; she knows that a mustache isn’t the problem.

Ursula crashes into her room and flops on the bed sobbing. “I want Vasco!” (yo quiero Vasco) she says aloud. Meanwhile, over at the mill, Vasco is also crying, but he’s praying too. It’s really hard to understand without closed captioning but I think the gist is that he’s trying to make a deal with God that if God can repair the damage with his family, he’ll never touch another woman who isn’t his wife again.

It’s the next morning and we see the townsfolk opening their shops, stalls and doing their other morning business. Ric rides up on horseback to the lawyer’s office. Ric asks for the original of the will that Eustaquio gave him. Ric tells him they are going forward. The lawyer says that if the ED letter was bought with a bribe, it will be easy to challenge it in court. Ric says, we’ll see. The lawyer goes to his cabinet to get it.

La Font is also getting ready for the hearing. The ladies come in and LaFont compliments Lis on her looks. Manuela is hidden, listening at the door. La Font reassures Lis but Lis says she’s nervous about being around people she doesn’t know and she’s worried that the judge will not like her. La Font says the judge is a gentleman and a friend of his, she has nothing to fear. Fran tells her to calm down. LaFont says not to worry—the ED letter is their ace in the hole. It invalidates the marriage and the will. And with no will, she is the only legal heir.

At the courthouse, Ric hands the will over to the judge along with documents showing the monies spent by Camila since she came into the inheritance. The judge asks him to sit down. There’s a knock at the door. It’s LaFont and the ladies. Lis calls out to Ric and he answers that he is there. La Font helps her to a chair. The mood is tense.

Over at the forge, Ascanio is loading the wagon. Ascanio fills Santiago in about the Ric—Camila—letter situation and that Justo now knows too. At that moment, Manuela shows up tells them that her Father and the Salamanca women are suing for their inheritance. Ascanio is surprised “so soon?” Manuela is surprised that they know about it at all. Ascanio nods, that yes, they know all about it. Manuela nervously suggest that Lis may have her reasons but Camila is in danger. Ascanio thanks her but tells her to go back home. If her Dad finds out they’ve been talking…Manuela agrees. Ascanio climbs down off the wagon and stands beside her. She tells him that she is worried because she likes Camila but Lis is going to marry her father. Ascanio is surprised at this news which he did not know. Her urges her to leave quickly before somebody notices. He’s afraid that her father will punish her. But he makes sure to thank her for risking it and smiles at her. She tells him she knew he would want to know, and Santiago too, for Camila’s sake. After she goes, the twins and Santiago remark on how Lis could be going after Camila, that she seemed so nice when she was visiting them at the forge. They discuss how her marrying LaFont has changed things—he’s bad news, even if she is an angel. One of them suggests that maybe LaFont convinced her to do it. Ascanio says “told ya so” (about Lis being secretly evil). Santiago nods an admission. He asks if he thinks Ric can do something. Ascanio says “He’s a man with many resources.” Santiago says “but you told me he was robbed of his wealth.” Ascanio replies that that’s not what he was referring to.

Back at the hearing, Ric is confronting Fran about the nature of the ED letter. He announces that she admitted to him that she paid the doctor to write a false letter. Fran tries to make it sound as if she paid the doctor to write a letter—that doctors charge for everything, even writing letters. Ric says that she knows what she said and meant. Fran does not relent. Ric moves on to Lis and starts out yelling at her until LaFont tells him to cool it. Tears stream down from her cheeks and she is shaking but stands up and says what’s true is that he accompanied them to recover the inheritance and instead he married that whore, Camila! “He promised! He promised!” She screams and reaches out for his coat until she’s pulled away from him by Fran and LaFont, who guides her back to her chair. Ric calmly tells her that regardless of who or what Camila was, it was the will of her father (to disinherit Lis). Lis screams at him that he promised to get the family fortune back to his mother on her deathbed. LaFont looks impactado and the wheels are definitely turning on the Salamanca family relationships. Ric looks nervous that he probably knows way too much now.

At the Mancera Mansion, Manuela, Fortunata, Ursula and Sofia are in the great room. Manuela is telling them the gossip. Manuela thinks that Camila isn’t a fortune hunter like Lis alleges. Sofia agrees. She’s known her since she was born and her family. Ursula disagrees. She thinks that if she was desperate enough, she could have resorted to anything. Sofia disagrees. She says that she would do anything to help her. Ursula angrily shoots back that Sofia will do anything for anybody except her own daughter. Fortunata thinks that Ric will be able to bail her out in any event, since he has money. Ursula suddenly turns on Manuela and asks why she hasn’t been to see her. She slaps her with her feather twice. Sofia shakes her head.

Ascanio and Ines are walking in the town square and see Fran and Lis out walking, with LaFont trailing after. He mildly asks if the hearing is over. Lis suddenly turns on him and bitchily laughs and says that he “along with that prostitute Jimena” are going to go back to being servants very soon. She is led away by Fran. This scene is witnessed by Ines, Ofelia and Justo. Justo clarifies with Ascanio that he had been a servant but that Camila set him free. Ascanio goes to look for Ric. The woman confer that Camila had freed Claudio, Ascanio and Jimena and all of them will go back to being servants. Ofelia remarks on the hatred of Lis, that she could return Ascanio and Jimena to servitude as well. Justo says he doesn’t know. He hopes to God, no.

Meanwhile, Ric is with the Judge. The ED letter perjury is his word against theirs so there’s no getting around it. The Judge says that he’s looked at the sum total of the inheritance both in monies and in jewelry, furniture etc. and Camila will have to repay the value of all that stuff. Ric says he will repay it. The judge says that’s not enough—she has to be present. Ric looks grim. He goes out and is immediately set upon by the nervous family outside. Justo asks if they reached an agreement. Ric says no and walks on. They follow him. As they walk by Santiago’s the twins announce that they are out to their boss. Justo reaches for Ofelia and asks that maybe she or Santiago could talk to Don Jorge or Dona Sofia. Ric says no, there’s no need for that. Ascanio asks if Ric brought up Fran’s participation in the Bermejo affair but Ric tells him that that’s done with, Bermejo confessed and he shuts him up before he can say that Ric has been cleared, of the incident with the dead hooker. Ric says that Bermejo confessed to having acted on behalf of a “deceased person.” Santiago is overhearing some of this.

They get to Ofelia’s and Justo sits down at the table while Ofelia gets out the watermelon juice. Ric says he will need to know the exact amount that must be paid. Camila must stay away until it’s been satisfied or she risks going to jail. Ines and Ofelia are shocked. Justo asks if they can visit her but Ric says it’s a bad idea. He reassures them all that she’s safe where she is, guarded by his people. Ines asks about Ascanio and Jimena’s liberty and Ric says he doesn’t know but he will ask. He asks again for their discretion in spreading too much of this info in the town. Justo adds that Camila is well liked in the town but even so…As if on cue, Rita shows up. Ric bows and excuses himself and leaves. Ines, gets in her face and says “I don’t know how much you’ve heard but if you squeal to anyone, I’ll break your teeth.” Rita claims not to know what’s going on. Justo similarly threatens her, that if she talks, he’ll disinherit her. Everybody leaves except Rita and Ofelia. Rita complains that everybody treats her badly. Her husband won’t even sleep with her. Ofelia says nobody wants to tell her anything because they know she’d be happy if Camila died. Rita claims that’s not true. Ofelia ignores this and tells her that she should examine her conscience and figure out what she’s done wrong.

LaFont, Lis and Fran are back at LaFont’s. LaFont has given her a glass of water and is calming her down. He says that the worst is over. When Camila arrives, he can ask that Ric not be present. She thanks him. But he just wants to know one thing. What does Ricardo’s mom have to do with this. Lis tries to create a story about Ric’s mom being her godmother but LaFont looks sharply at Fran and keeps asking questions. He pushes them on whether Ricardo is their cousin (the pirate). He points out that in spite of her anger at him, she continues to protect him. Lis says no, while it’s true that she has affection for Ricardo, that it’s only because she feels betrayed by him that she is pursuing her rights so vigorously. Fran, is cool as a cucumber and says that if it were the case, they would have told him. They have no reason to lie.

Next time: LaFont talks to the Judge who tells him that the problem looks like it’s going to be that Ric isn’t going to allow Camila to present herself. LaFont asks if Ric can be arrested for obstruction of justice. A romantic island getaway for Camila and Ric? Will Lis be able to control her rage or will she spill the beans to LaFont?


Wow, another jam-packed episode. Thanks, Margaret for the conversational details and funny bits ("Santiago's new spring collection of lanterns." Maybe he should tie a trademark strip of rotten green cloth on each one.)
La Paisana's staff of authority was quite lovely with all its ribbons, yet still thick enough to cause damage if she conked someone on the head.
I hate to see the "ultimas semanas" label. There's still a lot of loose ends to tie and anvils to watch.
La Paloma

Margaret, Thanks so much for the recap. It is so informative. I missed this episode because of wind effecting my satellite reception I think. Anyway, I couldn't see or record it so very much needed to see what happened last night. I appreciate your work.

Ohhh GRita getting smacked again, that was justified. It is a bit of a stretch to see the wheels of justice turning against Camila when the wicked two some of Fran and especially Lis are creating evidence and stories right and left. Perhaps the liaison with Buffy is giving them credibility, but didn't women have trouble being listened to and believed in those time (even more than now...) How can a judge take such drastic actions based on such flimsy proofs? I know, I know, the telenovela wheels of justice must roll on.

Vasco certainly needed his smacking too. What an idiot. He so doesn't deserve the lovely Ines. Too bad Ascanio can't or didn't get involved with her. But again the telenovela wheels of love have their own tracks to run on too.

Margaret: Very fine details in your recap. Thank you.

I keep thinking that Santi has to come out of his 'tude toward Jorge and step up and help save Cami. Santi has a lot of cards, and it's about time he played a couple of them.

Ric looked ferocious to me. LaFont thinks he's in control of everything and everyone. I hope he's in for a surprise.

And, I'd sure like to see Manuela find some of Ines' spit and fire. She and Ascanio could sure light up the screen. When he smiles - how divine.

Does anyone know how much longer this novela lasts? I'm seeing "ultimo semanas" and "Fuego en la Sangre" coming soon.

From lower Ala

Pasofino, Usually Ultimas Semanas means about six weeks to go. They may interweave Pasion with Fuego en la Sangre with half hours of each toward the end. They have done that with other shows on Univision and Esmas did it for the Mexican version. It sort of tantalizes you into getting hooked on the new one while the old one slips away a bit slower. Maddening to me though since I really like Pasion and there isn't a chance at all that I wouldn't get right into whatever show Eduardo Yáñez is in. I may be in a minority, but I also like Adela Noriega. I think she has gotten lovelier with the passing years.

I missed half of the show, for some reason my DVR didn't record it, so I only caught the second half and missed the Rita slap DAMN! When Justo slapped her the other day I rewound it a few times to enjoy it further. So thanks Margaret for the great recap. I also missed the death of Juancho!
I'm sure I'll watch Fuego en la Sangre. I saw a page in a novela magazine that said that Adela Noriega and Marlene Favela look so much alike, but I would love to have Marlene in the show instead. No offense to Adela, but I think Marlene Favela is the hottest thing on Mexican TV and she keeps ending up on Telemundo, where the captions are wacky and we don't do recaps.

Cheryl: Yikes - six weeks! It seems as if Pasion has just started, and I'm hooked on Fernando.

But, Eduardo Yanez is mighty fine, too.

From lower Ala

Lis is threatening to take the lead from Grita in the who gets the pie cart o' scorpions first competition...

I wanted to slap her for what she said to Ascanio.

Cheryl: One more question: how do you get the accent marks to work? Whenever I try using that ctrl + whatever, all I get is someting that looks like fertility symbols.

From lower Ala

I thought I read that "Sangre" is starting on April 21. Don't hold me to it.

Chris, have you glimpsed Barbara Mori in "Rubi" (afternoon Televisa)? She's kind of like a young Liz Taylor and a favorite of lots of guys.

Pasofino, I think that in her way, Manuela IS growing a backbone. She's defying Alberto by meeting up with Ascanio and giving him info. on Liz' dirty dealing. It's like "What I did for love". lol

I know, Pasofino, all these gorgeous men, and we have to give up one to get the next. ¡No es justo! Besides being totally gonzo for both Fernando and Eduardo, I at the same time really hope that some of the younger actors get bigger roles in the near future. Like I'm thinking and have seen others extol the virtues of Marcelo Córdoba,aka Ascanio.000/

Oh Pasofino, I just saw your question on accent marks. I have a Mac which makes it easy, so I use the option key with various options to get é å ¡¡ ñ or ü, etc. Someone with a pc will have to tell you how to do those. I haven't used pc's since I quit working. Someone out there knows, I bet!

Jestena: Wouldn't it be just fine and dandy to see Manuela hit Ursula with her own fan?

From lower Ala

Don't be upset by "ultimas semanas." According to ESMAS, the series still has 10 weeks left.

Watching Grita get bitch slapped by Justo and Ofelia reminds me of a three stooges routine! Who's going to pop her next, Ines?!

Where's Claudio?

So much smack getting put down today! I had to rewind that marvelous scene between Ric and Vasco - and I think having Ric around must be beginning to rub off on Justo (and I say it's about time)! Unfortunately, it seems like backbone isn't the only thing that's contagious around San Fernando these days, as Vasco appears to have picked up Sainty's whinavirus - first we had the porno twins; now we've got the emo twins? But at least the novela gods are listening to our pleas for more hands to Rita's face!

Got to give the props to El Chino for putting Jauncho out of everyone's misery, too (though I hope the sense of discontent spreading through the ranks isn't going to spell bad news for the big blond scorpion - I've been hoping he'll prove to be just too smooth to be caught under the pie cart once he finishes with it himself)! I've been considering the conundrum of that name of his, and for all the anime I've watched and games I've played and fanfic I've read, I can't for the life of me come up with anything even remotely Japanese that would seem to mesh with 'Josi-hey'. 'Hei' is a possibility, but I still can't pin down the 'Josi' - so I'm wondering if we're dealing with a case of a made-up name or a real name that's been mangled by differences in pronunciation. I have a friend who's doing English Teaching in Japan, though, so I may ask him next time I catch him.

Oh, Ines. I really do want to root for your potential happiness with Ascanio, because you deserve some, but I don't know if I can do that to Manuela when she does too - but we'll find you somebody, sweetie; even if it involves a handy grain-sack/amnesia plot that'll leave Vasco's mind blank for the reprogramming!

"Yo quiero Vasco." Great. Now I'm picturing Ursula as a yappy little Chihuahua in a big feather boa. Thanks, Taco Bell. (Then again, is it really that far off? Though for a moment, I almost felt a pang of sympathy for her, wondering if she really does care about Vasco.) Also? Despite my otherwise all-but-non-existant grasp on Español? If there's one thing this show has taught me, it's to recognize when someone's being called a whore!

Good lord, did you see that death glare La Bouffant gave Fran whilst sliming Lis' hand? He has laser eyes! And he knows what you're thinking! /obscure

Thanks Margaret for the great recap!
I also getting upset with Ultimas Semanas reminder, especially considering that we will be out on vacation ( on a beach in Mexico) the first week of April. I hope my DVR will work without problems.
I wonder what Ric decided to do.
The phrase about his mom's wish to return family fortune might come back to Liz because by marrying Cami Ric actuallu got everything back ( not Liz though). Tht's why he repeated quite a few times that he married Cami for love, not for money.
La Font already almost 99% sure that Ric is Atillano and now Liz still protecting him. May be LaFont getting some doubts now.
Jorje getting more pleasant every day. May be "Lafont getting worse" making him look better, I don't know. Knowing everything that we know about Jorje I don't have too many nagative feeling for him.

Eve from Cleveland

On my PC to get Spanish chars you need to press the ALT and press digits on numeric pad on a right in the same time:
ALT+160 á
ALT+130 é
ALT+161 í
ALT+164 ñ

Also, round two: Accent symbols: On a PC, you have three options (a least that I'm aware of) - you can go into Start - Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Character Map and C&P the symbol in question, hit alt + the number of the symbol (for example, alt + 0241 for the squiggly n), or use the binary code, which looks something like &# 241; without the space. (Of course, none of those guarantee that the browser and/or site will be using the right encoding to translate the input, and that's when things start looking funky. Am I making any sense at all here?)

Thanks, Margaret for that very detailed recap. I took notes. First, I was quite proud of myself for actually understanding a few phrases. For example, I understood Justo telling Vasco to ''Gettt outtt'' and I also understood Ascanio o o making that stabbing but true remark ''Paco is a child...Vasco is a man.'' [Ines, you could have had the delightful, responsible, gorgeous , sensitive, kind Ascanio o o , but you picked...Vassco the assco, so you have only yourself to blame, Hon.] I did not catch Ursula's clever comment about '' fresh meat is not the same as old skin.'' Charmingly put, Ursula...and we all recognize how much you love the fresh meat. And how about Sophia giving Missy a choice between Uriel of the Wild Mustache and the convent !!! Yikes...are you all visualizing Ursula in a habit ?? [p.s. I like the way Urs wears her necklace on her's a look. ] Lis is going off the deep end. I can't stand her grabbing the Ricster. It gives me the creepycrawlies. And, she was sooo nasty to sweet Ascanio o o . I wonder how she will be punished in the end. I am waiting for RicRicRic, the sleeping tiger, to pay back Lafont, Fran, and Lis for all the misery they have caused him and his ladylove. I love watching this story unfold, but I will hate to see it end. Sniff. But, we must be strong. At least, we'll have the lovely Eduardo in Fuego en la Sangre to ease our pain. I look forward to the the stallion...and the horse is great, too. more thing...I'm sorry that Juancho did not die by Ric's hand , and...I want one of those big sticks with the colorful ribbons like La Paisano has....[In the words of one of the Roosevelts , I think, ''walk softly but carry a big stick with colorful ribbons.'']

Thank you for the very entertaining and informative recap. With the fast dialogue, I think I have the gist of things but I am not certain and sometimes am off the mark.

Poor Ascanio, I am sure he is glad he is free but I bet he never thought he would be involved with such a group of dysfunctional people. He is rock solid, restrained and not impulsive (must have learned his lesson) which others around him have yet to learn. Let's hope Cami learned something from her mistakes but it may be in the Darien family gene to be a little dense.

We are at about episode 67 of the Mexico run, so there are about 30 hours to go. That would be six weeks if they show hours until the end. However, they are doing some small cuts and reordering of scenes in the US, not to mention that they showed half hours for the last 10+ hours of Pasion in Mexico, so it is really hard to say exactly how many hours are left in the US.

This is a test comment. Trying to see if I can get the Spanish symbols to show up. I have a PC.

Me gusta mucho la novela Pasión. En particular estoy encantada con el guapo Fernando Colunga. Fui a México en octubre para asistir al Cervantino en Guanajuato. Caray, es difícil encontrar palabras con acentos!

This might go down as The Night of the Smackdowns! Ricardo hits Vasco, Ofelia slaps Rita!

I'm wondering if LaFont is starting to have second thoughts about marrying Lisabeta - the scene with Ascanio seems to have shown him a new side of her personality. And, since it took place out in public, others may start seeing her in a new light. And with Ascanio able to give people his perspective, perhaps people won't be so quick to take her as she presents herself.

I do love Ricardo looking fierce and determined!


This is what I usually use, and I type them out manually.

Á = alt+0193
á = alt+0225
É = alt+0201
é = alt+0233
Í = alt+0205
í = alt+0237
Ó = alt+0211
ó = alt+0243
Ú = alt+0218
ú = alt+0250
Ñ = alt+0209
ñ = alt+0241

Margaret: Thanks for a great recap and I loved the "spring collection of lanterns" reference. LOL! More must see t.v. with that slap Ofelia gave GRita. Very rewind worthy, indeed.

There were some puzzling idioms you cleared up for me too, so double thanks for that!

Ultimas Semanas. Noooo!!! Say it ain't so. What a show. Loved seeing Ric smack the crap outta Vasco and flip him off and seeing Grita get slapped again. I'm looking forward to seeing how Ric will deal with Lis and Fran for their treachery and LaFont was certainly menacing with that stare he gave Fran. I wonder if she and Lis have realized now that when you play with fire you get burned. I don't want to see this show end but I'm loving how the story has kicked off into high gear.

I didn't realize that the Mexican versions were cut back to 1/2 hour, so my projection of 10 weeks left would be in error. If every remaining episode was just 1/2 hour, that would be 5 weeks, so the estimate of 5-6 weeks is probably a good one and would put us at early or mid-April in time for Fuego.

If you use a Windows system you should be able to select a Spanish keyboard and switch back an forth between English and Spanish keyboards to type accented letters.

Thanks for the detailed recap! It was great to see Grita slapped again! Ya think she'd figure out that she's annoying!

Bouffant was so evil-looking when he was staring Fran down while talking to Lis! I hope Rick does him in at the end! He is too creepy for words!

Tonight's should be good!

riberajoe, there are 30 hours left and it wasn't cut down to a half hour in Mexico until episode 85 (we are at episode 67 tonight, which originally aired in Mexico on Dec 18th). There were 96 hours in total, shown over 109 different nights in Mexico.

Jardinera, Anonymous Eve, Riberajoe and Mad Marley Grey and Cheryl (hope I didn't forget anyone): Thank you for the tips, I'll try them all out to see what works for me.

RJoe - you asked about Claudio. I think they shipped him off to La Iguana to hide from the law since he killed Ursula's intended.

From lower Ala

The big pirate uprising smackdown ending in the fight between El Chino and Juancho was great. I knew poor Juanch was going to bite the dust, 'cause you just don't screw with a samurai and his kitana. You just don't, even if you're a pirate. Juanch's problem was that he never took the time to watch SHOGUN.

Soooo... The GritEater has gotten it on BOTH sides of her face within a matter of days. Anyone care to wager on who's next in line to do the smackin'? And where the blow's going to land? It's really satisfying seeing everyone finally shunning the hell out of her.

Everyone in Whoreheyville is getting really tired of the idiots in town, and are smacking them down left and right, eh? Poor vASSco. What a loser. Maybe he and The GritEater should start a club. We Are Dumb and Delusional. Members can be called dimWADDs. Membership is free. Everybody can use a friend sometimes.

Jestena--Rubi was my first telenovela, and why I fell in love with telenovelas in the first place. Barbara Mori was fantastic. I have never seen a villainess so gorgeous and so VILE in my life. LOL! I swear she ate Sebastian (Santi) and Eduardo (Yo Amo Juan) alive in that thing. Next to her, Thelma (DUELO) and Don Loco (DUELO) were kittycats. I was delighted to see that Rubi comes on at noon now (Univision) so I can watch the whole thing all over again).

Ines has definitely decided to keep the upper hand when it comes to dealing with The GritEater. Those verbal smackdowns she keeps delivering crack me up.

Things are getting bad for all of our heroes. The Virgin only knows what's going to happen tonight!

Am I right that a few shows back Mario told Pablo that he knows who his mother is? I'm thinking that maybe La Paisana will somehow help Team Ric out when there is a reconciliation with her son.

Am confused --where are Mario and Pablo? They're not with Camila and Jimena...

Margaret, you did a great recap, and even made all the "legal" problems clear. Thanks...

I agree that Adela Noriega and Marlena Favela really look alike. marlene would have made a good Camila. I saw her in AMOR SIN MAQUILLAGE and she plays goodness and snger/spirit quite well.

NJ Sue, I believe they cut the scene showing Cami and Jimena arrive at their beach hideout. Mario and Pablo are off to fetch the ship which must be hidden somewhere. They are then supposed to take Cami and company to La Iguana, I think.

Jestena, when you say Rubi is on Televisa, do you by any chance mean Univision? We're seeing Rubi at noon on Univision... Televisa is a Mexican network that has a contract with Univision, but it's not the same thing at all. (If it were, we'd be done with Pasion by now, waaaah!)

Any theories as to why Manuela is the first person to congratulate Camila as she comes out of the church at the end of the opening credits?

And, does anyone know if the guy who plays Jorge has done any comedy? If he hasn't, it's because no one's written a script worthy of him yet.

Yeah this was night of the smackdowns! I wish I had thought of that as the title.

Loved the idea of Santiago's lanterns with a trademark rotten green cloth! LOL.

I think that definitely, Lis and Fran are getting a better hearing thanks to LaFont being right there next to them. I am not sure how the ED letters circumstances were just kind of thrown out as hearsay.

I can't figure out whether LaFont finds Lis' cruelty more attractive or if he is thinking about now that she is kinda high maintenence.

Julie, Internet Movie Data Base has a huge amount work listed for him since the 1960's. The genres include drama, comedy, mystery, etc. I always research this site since an actor roommate I had in LA turned me on to it. They have gotten better over 5 years at listing work for foreign actors.

Oops, Jorge Mancera is played by Juan Ferrara

thank you very much margaret for the detailed recap.

i loved the scene where Lis slipped and spoke about Mercedes in her deposition - Alberto stared at Rico like he was about to start salivating - Rico did a quick gulp and try to hide the "Oh, crap!" look on his face.

from friday's episode - Rico tells Cami that Claudio is with his friend and living in New Orleans.

J.R. :)

Just a quick p.s. on those symbols and the instructions--realizing there are always people out there who are not as familiar with keyboard talk--so I hope this helps:

the "alt+" command is considered to mean one presses the "alt" key down while typing only the numbers that follow the "alt+". In this case what prints onto the screen is the corresponding accented letter you've chosen.

Eve: I'll be combing the beaches of Mexico myself at the same time! I'm having to review my Spanish lingo CD's over the next couple of weeks in case I'm as lucky as Cheryl in bagging a patron telenovela star to chat up. ?; 3 )) It'll be a Fer-fest for certain to catch up, right during the "Últimas Capítulos" too! Thank Goodness for Windows Media Center on my computer.

Julie, Sorry, I did mean Univision on my earlier post about Rubi. I keep seeing the Televisa logo in my head as I think every novela I've seen on Univision is produced by them.

Steph, you captured Rubi perfectly, "vile and gorgeous". I am also watching it again. I missed one pivotal scene last time around as I had to rush off after work to visit someone in the hospital. My SO promised faithfully to tape it for me and he did get the time right, but the TV was set to the wrong channel! GRRR.

Pasofino, I would buy tickets to see Manuela put the smackdown on Ursula -- with fan!

I missed last night's Pasion (Friday), so I'm really looking forward to the recap and comments. I'm pretty sure it will end on April 18 so we still have time. There's so much action left and many threads to weave together. Pasion is definitely going on my "favorite novelas" list.

Margaret, thank you for the fantastic and thorough recap. Your hard work clarified a lot for me.

Ferro, I'm with you about Marlena Favela. I just loved her in Zorro. She was a real spitfire of a heroine!

Oh yes, let's see Manuela give Ursula a smack with the fan! What a treat that would be.

Hmmmm, I think I'd better Tivo Rubi, it sounds good and several of you have mentioned it.

Ever notice how in these telenovelas they often have powerful matriarch types carrying big sticks? I'm remembering Doña Juana from Alborada and Doña Jacinta from Barrera de Amor. There must have been others.

Margaret, thanks again for the excellent recap. I can only imagine the hours you must have put into this masterpiece.

I've concluded this is "Slap Rita" week on Pasion. She has been slapped by someone in her family at least once an episode. Yeah!!! Anyone notice how she can clear out a room??

Did anyone notice that the smack Ric gave Vasco left a mark under his eye? Damn Ric hit him hard to do that!

I don't think Ascanio & Jime will become servants again. I think Ric will barter with Cuz Liz to leave them out of this. Either that or Santi will finally see Sofia is right that someone good needs to be the town's Don, allow Jorge to acknowledge him & will able to intervene on their behalf.

Go Ines! Go Ines! Go Ines! That girl has gotten spunky the last few episodes. And Manuela is starting to become a little James Bondesque herself now. Maybe she's thinking now that Le Bouffy has Cuz Liz's problems to occupy him that he maybe won't notice her feeding recon info to the other side.

I got to thinking the other day what am I gonna do without my nightly FC fix after Pasion ends??? I'm addicted. At least there's You Tube if I need a fix (hahaha).

Oh can anyone explain what the word under the ad that begins with an "E" for "Fuego en la Sagre" means? It's not in my dictionary. Just curious.

Paula, did you happen to notice what the rest of that word was?

Maybe it's someone's name?

(I usually skip the commercials, so I haven't seen it.)

Cheryl: I've been using imdb for years - the problem is that I'm not familiar with any of those titles, nor whether he played a comedic role in any of them!

It's just that his timing and delivery are so perfect. The other night, when he was musing that Santiago was even prouder and more stubborn than he is, it struck me that the line, as written, indicates only annoyance. But the way he said it packed it with humor and admiration as well. Very impressive.

Paula - If it was Espérele, a friend told me it means something akin to 'Wait for it'. I wasn't able to track it down either (but she's the one who got me started on Univision in the first place, way back when we were in school and Ricky Bloody Martin was still doing soaps, so I figure she can favour me with a translation gig once in a while, eh?).

I agree Julie, the actor who plays Jorge has really given him a complex personality. There are times when I actually like him. For instance, when he was talking about how smart Sofia is. His acting makes me question his intentions/thoughts, making him oh so interesting. I like that he's becoming more aware of who LaBuffy really is-perverted.

I'm eagerly awaiting the recap for Friday as the tornado we got in Atlanta took out the tv. I haven't found anyone who was able to record it yet and we're still dodging tornados today...
jb-Iron Jack Cash

Hey! After surfing into the movie Apocolypta , I had an inspiration...a telenovela in which Fernando, Eduardo, and Marcelo play Aztec warriors. Think about it...loin cloths, beads, and funky , long hairdos.~~~Mad Bess. lost in thought

Fernando, Eduardo, and Marcelo, in loincloth... ooooooh! Susanlynn, dear, I do believe you have just written a recipe for spontaneous human combustion. :D

It's just that his timing and delivery are so perfect. The other night, when he was musing that Santiago was even prouder and more stubborn than he is, it struck me that the line, as written, indicates only annoyance. But the way he said it packed it with humor and admiration as well. Very impressive.

Absolutely, Julie. That was pretty darned cool of him to do.

I also admire the actor who plays Don Jorge. This is a great actor actually giving to the bad guy different sides and instead of just adding all negatives ( like with Buffy) showing some compassion, understanding, the usual "good guy's" qualities. May be at the end it would hurt more because we are ready for good deeds from Jorge and it will be just the opposite.
Jardinera, I also started checking out my Spanish lessons to help me to open my mouth when I'm there. And it's a great idea to find fellow "Passion" or "Destilando" fan and have some discussions. Thanks for the idea!

Eve from Cleveland

Hey Paula, it might be that you were seeing ESTRENO or some version of ESTRENAR, ESTRENARSE ???, the noun and verb forms of premiere, debut, release for films and shows?

Mad, mad Susanlynn, blessings on you for your vivid imagination of the guys all in loincloths. Do you suppose we could get bit parts in the cast or even work in WARDROBE?? We could certainly help fit these costumes on these fine actors, no??

Thank you, thank you...yes , I think that Aztec telenovela idea is genius. And who knows...maybe Carla is checking in here at Caray Caray because as I remember it, we were discussing the idea of how perfect Fernando would be as a pirate and Bam...a couple months later we were thrilled by reports that Carla's next telenovela would be about PIRATES !!! [Remamber, I always put PIRATES in capital letters.] As I recall, Captain Sylvia and I were pretty out of control there for awhile . [We stir each other up , it seems. It's lucky that we were never in any study halls together, Captain Sylvia.] ] We snarked through ''Duelo'', and then I found Eduardo in Destilando which kept my mind off the PIRATES for a bit. Then, when we knew that the PIRATES would arrive when Destilando ended , we got all abuzz finding our pirate names. I went through several that I found and/or stole before I settled on Mad Bess...Hub thought that was a perfect pirate name for me. Que the hell ??? Good times. So, guess I'll be doing some research and picking out my name as Aztec Love High Priestess soon so that I will be ready for the Aztec telenovela. . p.s. Maybe Sebastion Rulli could play aSpanish conquistador.

Ahoy Mad Bess, your idea is so very fine that I am literally agog at the wonder of seeing those hunks running around the forest. And hey, I can sew!! Fitting loincloths must be very similar to making sails, no? Easier even. I've always said I don't do garments but I think I'm ready to change my mind right now!! There, it's changed; I now do garments, specializing in loincloths.

Yo Sylvia***I am happy to see that you are willing to grow in your field of expertise. A sail...a loincloth.... How different could it be ??..needles and pins and thread. Whatever. I am a little sewing impaired [a big source of embarrassment to my home ec teacher Mrs. Durner and my 4-H friends]....soI plan on offering my services as....YES...a makeup artist. Our lads will be wearing lots and lots of BODY MAKUP as they portray noble savages running through the jungle. Also, I plan to call dibs on the role of Aztec Love High Priestess. I've been trying to come up with a great name. Do you think Carla is reading this site and will make our new dream come true ???

Sorry it took me a day to get with you guys. I try to avoid my home computer as much as possible on the weekends cuz it's bad enough I'm on it daily during the week.

I'm giddy at the moment cuz I bought a brand new car yesterday on my own for the first time. The car salesman was great! Didn't try to pull the stuff car salesman usually do with female buyers (guess the Earth is off its axis or something). Now that I own a Civic, I'm hoping my weekly gas bill will ease off a bit.

Thanks Marley. I had a feeling esperela (I think that is the word) meant "wait" but wasn't sure.

Mad Bess: not sure if they could air that Aztec telenovela you came up with in the States cuz all our tv's would fry up from the heat those men would be releasing!!

Anon 3:43: hope you didn't get any damage from the tornados Friday nite.

Well for me, until Pasion is off, I'll be channel flipping or watching two tvs at once from here on out for 30 min. on Mondays & Tuesdays. The reason: "Dancing with the Stars" begins Monday nite on ABC. I am a HUGE HUGE fan of that show. I'm starting my thumb workout today: one & two & one & two.....

Paula, congrats on your new car! Enjoy!
Regarding "flipping channels" - I would highly recommend to sign up with your cable company's DVR service. I pay extra $10 a month but it's the money well spent. You never going to miss another favorite show ( or two in the same time) and you can watch it at your convenience any time ( like VCR). I can actually be a spokeswoman for DVR because I really like it. If you have something that you want to keep forever you can later record it to DVD thru DVD recorder.

Eve from Cleveland

Eve: I plan to get DVR but it won't be for another month as I'm not moving until then. My vcr has bit the dust so I'm screwed there. Probably what I'll do is turn the tv in my kitchen to one show & the tv in my living room to the other. Unless my living room tv is still messing up with the closed captioning (ggrrr), then I'll flip between the two on my bedroom tv for 30 minutes.

I'm luvin the new car. I'm driving a 2008 Honda Civic 2 door & so far so good it looks like I'm saving some on my gas mileage. I'll admit when I drove the car off the lot it had 3 miles on it. I found it the car was delivered last Thursday & I bought it two days later. I may break the highway miles in late Thursday afternoon & drive to Oklahoma for a quick visit w/ my family since I'm off work on Friday (my employer gives us a holiday on Good Friday).

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