When we left Juan yesterday he was in Laura's clutches. She loves seafood but I think she's eaten too much octopus. I could swear she's grown several arms the way she manages to entwine herself around Juan. Juan thought-bubbles that at least he's managed to evade a discussion with Paula, but surely they will have to talk tomorrow.
Paula calls Farell and Julia reveals that Juan has not yet returned from his meal off-site.
Laura has gotten comfy on the couch with Juan, removed her shoes, and suggests that they go to a Thai restaurant and dine on fresh urchin with cabbage and avocado...delicious!! (Hmmm, I've never seen that on a Thai menu.) Juan breaks into a sweat. Urchin, he thinks, the last thing he needs is to start a relationship with a spiny palate (paladar espinao). He tells Laura he's busy, he has to help his kid with homework. Laura is delighted to hear that Juan is a widower and a caring father. Urchins tomorrow night then? Juan flinches.
When Juan picks him up Juanito tells his papi he had a great day at school. He put the bully Ruperto in his place with only one slap in the face!
Juan waltzes Juanito down the street. He has a surprise for him. They stop in front of the car showroom, the one with all the red mustangs. "Wow!" exclaims Juanito. The camera pans around the shiny red car as if it were a babe in a miniskirt and spike heels. Juan waxes eloquent on the car's attributes; best of all it's red-hot red, the color of passion and intensity!
The salesman begins his spiel but the Juans are already sold. Big Juan imagines himself speeding down the highway with a laughing Paula beside him. No wait, Licenciada Paula is in the doghouse so back to the revised fantasy, this time with Laura. But wait, who knows what will happen with her. Back to the improved fantasy, this time featuring Marely. Yes at last, the deserving woman is his little rose garden.
Juanito is in his own fantasy. He and Flor are in the back seat, Marely is in front with papi, and they all sport shades and dapper duds. Juanito stands up in the back seat on the highway! (Yes, it's dangerous but remember it's only a little boy's fantasy.) They all do the wave; they're a happy foursome. Father and son snap out of their dreams and Juan decides to buy the car!
Marely prepares a plate of food and wonders where Juan could be.
He's outside Casa Cachón in his new car, that's where. He drops Juanito off but refuses to get out. He wants to enjoy his car some more.
Juanito goes inside and impishly tells Marely that Juan is outside and refuses to get out of his car. "What car?" she asks.
Cut to Juan and Marely returning from their spin around the block. She's dizzy and she thinks the car might be too red. For once Marely is out of sorts. She wants to "talk" to Juan about something other than the car, about business at Farell. Juan doesn't want to discuss business. She hops out of the car. Fine, he can have his way. She says he's like a kid with a new toy. Did he buy it to pick up women? Juan's little rose garden has sprouted a few thorns.
Ivonne is at the clinic. Her doctor tells her to sit down, unfortunately the tests show evidence of a tumor in Ivonne's left ovary. She needs to have a biopsy right away, it could be the difference between life and death.
Ivonne asks how long she has to live. The doctor tells her to chill, it could be benign. She recommends that Ivonne be optimistic, but the doctor's face looks like she's giving a death sentence.
Ana brings a cup of tea up to Paula in her bedroom. She reminds Paula that she's married and it's not her business what Juan does. Paula notes that ever since they began running Farell together all they do is fight. Their most recent fight was about Juan wanting to buy Casa Cachón, can Ana imagine? Well Ana thinks it's a great idea and very generous of Juan.
Cut to a homey Casa Cachón. Juan tucks Juanito into bed and Kike lovingly puts his princess to bed with a fatherly kiss.
Ana says she agrees with Juan, maybe Paula is taking the house out of vengeance. She advises Paula to think hard. Juan buying the house would be good for everyone. Paula shakes her head in disbelief.
Kike and Juan sit at the top of the staircase. Kike points out that as romantic heroes they're washouts, but as fathers they reign supreme. Juan tells Kike about his day...he had a row with Paula, went to a woman's house for lunch, she gave him a ceramics lesson, he bought a new car. Lots of jabbering between Juan and Kike. He tells Kike how he offered to buy Casa Cachón. Kike jumps in with praise, Juan is his hero, his rooster, his idol. Juan tells Kike not to interrupt. Paula became furious and gave him the horn. Juan comments that Paula has lips of velvet and the jaws of a bull terrier. Once she grabs on she never lets go!
Angarita is home alone. He recalls when Kike told him they were all going to move out of Casa Cachón. He remembers speaking harshly to Nidia. He sniffs.
Delirio comes down the stairs and gives Juan a hearty hello. Juan hugs him and makes a sign to Kike behind his back. Alirio announces he became a free man last night. He praises Juan for wanting to buy Casa Cachón. Juan is their savior, their Messiah. Enough already, Juan wants to cheer them up by showing off his new vehicle.
They are outside looking at the car. Delirio says it's antiquated. Juan says it's a classic. As Alirio silently blathers Juan thought-bubbles that in spite of his troubles Kike sees the world as beautiful, while Delirio is a complete pessimist.
Nidia is crying in her room again. Juan joins her...Whazzup? She's crying her eyes red because she can't drown her sorrows in Tequila. Crying is all she has. Paula was very clear, Nidia has to give up the house or go to jail. Juan comforts her and says he has always been there when they needed him and now is no exception. Nidia does not look hopeful.
Next morning Ivonne shows up for her biopsy. Her rather unemotional doctor escorts Ivonne to her fate.
Juan shows up at work, big man on campus, and Marely talks smack to him, yesterday's meal was a long one, he must have had good company. Fer joins them and they banter good naturedly. As Juan heads to his office Fer breaks the news to him, Paula fired Ivonne. When Juan asks why Marely smugly lists off the reasons. Juan is incensed, Ivonne is HIS secretary!
Kike helps Nidia pack. She's impressed when he wistfully comments that each item should be carefully wrapped, they symbolize a history of life. There's a knock at the door! Nidia wonders, is it Paula? "Ah, the implacable arm of justice," Nidia announces as Angarita enters the room.
"No way Madam!" Anga replies to Nidia. She misunderstands and he corrects her, no way will he allow her to end up in a hovel. He says she, her things and her family are going to his place. From this moment on what's his is hers. Kike is muy impactado.
Over at the prison a group of ladies have arrived for their conjugal visits. The guard is particularly impressed by one of them with tight clothes, high heels and lots of jewelry. As she follows him to the conjugal cell we viewers feel that her slinky stroll and slim hips seem oddly familiar.
'Sara Gutierrez', dressed to the nines with a big wig and an overly botoxed upper lip, reveals herself to Gutis. He falls over laughing at his conjugal visitor.
Delirio, heavily made up with a disguise over his moustache, tells Gutis he brought the things that Gutis requested, but only one woman entered. What makes Gutis think the guards will allow two women to leave? Gutis cackles, kicks Delirio in the nuts, then knocks him out. He gleefully rummages through Doña Delirio's purse while Delirio lies supine, his falsies jutting defiantly into the air.
Back at Casa Cachón Angarita says he brought the truck, time to load up. Nidia drags her heels, she hems and haws. Kike wants two words with her...alone.
In the study, Kike tells Nidia that if she moves in with Angarita it's like accepting they are a couple. At least that's what Anga will think. It will be a blow to Delirio because surely he's not part of the package. How could she do this to the man who went to jail for her? (Well, he didn't but he's there now. Justice?) Kike says Alirio behaved in the best manner. Is Nidia really going to play this dirty trick on him?
Speaking of dirty tricks, back in the conjugal cell Delirio is dressed in prison Khakis while Gutis puts the finishing touches on his own glamorous self. Actually, he looks better in drag than Alirio did. He cackles, hefts his 'bosom', and comments that he's more beautiful than Delirio.
Nidia tells Anga that she can't go with him. She's sorry and she appreciates the offer, but she can't accept. She's a married woman and can't leave the man who has become so important to her. Anga can't believe it. He points out that Nidia and her husband aren't in love, their marriage is a farce! She says things have changed since Delirio heroically sacrificed himself for her. "Again the female donkey goes to the wheat," sighs Angarita. He spouts some more and then Kike drops the anvil...Delirio got out of jail! Angarita is impactada.
Delirio sleeps soundly while 'Sara Gutierrez' makes 'her' escape. A delirious Delirio wakes up and tells the guard he's not Gutiererrez, he thinks he's Perafán. The guard figures Gutierrez/Perafán had such a good time he doesn't even know who he is.
Angarita sputters some more about that good-for-nothing Delirio being part of the Cachón household. Kike says the good-for-nothing is Nidia's legitimate husband. They all get into it until finally Angarita, incensed, announces he won't help a bunch of ingrates. He's outta there!
Ivonne's doctor has the results of Ivonne's biopsy. Ivonne's tumor is malignant and they have to operate ASAP. Doctor reassures Ivonne that the tumor is in the early stages and with rapid treatment the prognosis looks good. Ivonne cries that it will be expensive and she just lost her job.
Delirio tries to convince the guard that he's not Gutierrez. The guard becomes angry, pokes Delirio with his stick, and drags him off to his cell.
Ivonne goes to Farell and asks to speak to Pastor. Julia makes her wait in the lobby.
Lorenzo pays a visit to the school Director (Nacho Topete's friend). A cheerful Lorenzo says he has a big favor to ask the Director. (He probably wants to ask if Flor can get a cheap or free education.) The Director says he has something to talk about too. It's something delicate and difficult. He says that Lorenzo has been of invaluable service to the school for many years. Lorenzo beams proudly. The director continues...But, due to circumstances beyond his control, the school has decided to do without Lorenzo's teaching services. Lorenzo is muy, pero muy impactado.
Paula arrives at work wearing a purple chiffon bridesmaid's dress. She goes into Juan's office and announces she's going to give him an answer regarding Campeoni. He yells at her for firing HIS secretary.
Pastor is impactado. Ovarian cancer? Is Ivonne sure? He consoles her and tells her she can count on him for whatever she needs. He says he'll see what the company can do. She cries that she's afraid, she doesn't want to die. He insists she'll be all right, she's not alone.
Juan and Paula argue about Ivonne and having to ask each other's permission on decisions. Juan is funny when he mimics Paula. He says Ivonne wasn't feeling well and having a bad day. Paula sets her jaw and says every day is a bad one for Ivonne (true). Paula announces she doesn't want neurotics in the company. I found this statement ironically amusing and so did Juan. He tells her not to sell pineapples ('don't criticize when you are the same', I would love to know where this saying comes from). He says the most valuable asset of a company is its people. Paula scoffs that his perspective is romantic but impractical. Paula begins to lose ground in the argument so she becomes shrieky. Harpy on jet fuel anyone?
Speaking of practical things, she needs to know his argument against acquiring Campeoni! Juan becomes calm. He says he still hasn't had time to... The shrill princess interrupts him, she doesn't care about his hunches because that's no way to run a business! Does he or does he not have reasons? Juan says no he doesn't, how does she like that? She's fed up, she shrieks, fed up with giving him chances. If he doesn't have a reason against acquiring Campeoni she's going to buy it, period! Juan counters with "In that case Ivonne stays, period!" Pau yells, "Over my dead body!" and stomps out of the room.
Juan nods at her retreating backside and mutters, "We'll see who lasts longer my pig-headed dove."

Friday - Paula is visited by men in suits. It sounds like CL might be Canadian shark bait.
A todo mecate = in the best manner, lavish, posh
Candente = Red hot
Corazonada = Hunch, feeling
Cuchitril = Hovel
Erizos en coles y aguacate = Urchins in cabbage and avocado
Moquete = Slap in the face
Rejego/a = pig-headed
Terciopelo = Velvet
Trastada = Dirty trick
Tu no vendes piñas = You shouldn't criticize when you are the same (Lit. You shouldn't sell pineapples)