Saturday, May 10, 2008

Guapos Friday 5/9/08 Barbie gets her dream house while Ken has a wardrobe malfunction

Mili meets professor Mat in the parking lot. He's not keen on her boy's costume, and she takes some offense--after all, she wore it to play soccer at recess, and she got five goals!

Al drives up and engages in some possessive head butting with Matt. Al is wearing his striped shirt with the spray of red roses again. Didn't anyone ever tell him that when you want to bust some other guy's chops it might help if you would lose the floral embroidery? Mili tells Al she doesn't need his help. He says if he goes now, it'll be forever (or until an hour from now, whichever comes first). She says please do me a favor! This time maybe you'll keep your promise. Ultimately Mili tells them to stop making a scene in front of the school (do as I say, not as I do?). She tells Al to go with his "Floreeeenda . . ."

Back to Val and Rocky, who are kissing and planning their future . . . just a little house in Tulancingo, with two cows. I don't really know Tulancingo, but I'm guessing it's not Beverly Hills 90210. Still, I give them credit for having their own web site. Will it bother you, Srta. Valeria? No, call me Vale, she says. What will your father say? What father? she says.
He reminds her that if they stay together, her father will throw them out of the house and cut off her car and credit cards. Suddenly, she is back to calling him Morgan . . . But she is torn.

Over at the office, Andrea is telling Connie she's bored. He starts laying it on thick--he promises to dedicate all day Saturday to her. They start kissing, but they are rudely interrupted by Nestor.

He takes Nestor into his office, where Nestor gives him a check for the campaign. Connie asks what he'll owe for that, but Nestor just wants to be able to have a connection, he says. Why don't they celebrate this weekend at Connie's house in Cuernavaca? Connie realizes he can't go because of his promise to Andrea, so he tells Nestor to take Luci there alone! Nestor laughs over how he figures Connie is going to boink the secretary. Connie does not know that Nestor intends to boink his wife.

Mat continues to feed Mili some baloney about her eyes and her laugh. She makes him forget his troubles and how he has no money. Mili goes to class.

Connie tells Luci she's going away with Nestor. She contains her surprise, but we in the audience can detect a little smirk. She asks him where's his jealousy? He says don't worry, she's too old for Nestor. Anyway, they won't be alone--there'll be a servant there.

Rocky tells Horacio about Connie's threats to cut him, but that he's sticking with Vale. Horacio gets the Amarillo Paginas and searches for a funeral home.

Mat tells Mili about a crazy client who's leaving everything to her cat.

Luci calls Nestor and exults over their upcoming weekend of fun. I think if they weren't putting one over on Connie, it wouldn't be as much fun.

Karla comes to Damien's room. She's been missing him. She wants to fool around, but he says he has a game. Since we haven't seen Damien playing soccer or even golf, I suppose he means a poker game.

Mat tells that obnoxious single friend about his potential new love interest: a servant who is getting a fortune from her new adoptive mother. The only catch is that she must be married. His friend warns him that he should see her first--she might be a hot mess (adefasio). Nah, and anyway, meanwhile, he's going to amuse himself with Mili. Even in her boy's getup, she's hot. The other guy says that if he's "hitting" that (clavando), he's nuts (I think because he thinks Mili is nuts). But Mat says it's just a passing thing. She's not the girl he's looking for. I know, says his friend. She's not the heiress to anything . . .

Regina is meeting with the lawyer. He says his grandson is on the way with the papers. Mili comes in and asks if they want hot chocolate. She says that it's just like what she's learning in literature class--warm things warm up the soul. Granny smiles indulgently. Oh, who am I kidding--she's kvelling with all the nakhes her little bubbeleh is bringing her. Translation: she's busting out with pride and wonderful feelings from her little girl. It's like what a Jewish mother feels the day her son graduates from medical school and marries a nice Jewish girl besides!

Over to the church: Yolanda gives Padre M a letter to read. She's too nervous to read it herself. Chamuzo comes over and meets Yolanda, and he learns she's Gloria's mother. Gloria's a real cutie, he tells her. Then his pop comes over. Yolanda seems to know him . . . Uh-oh.

Al goes to visit Floreeeenda, because he's a good boy and does as he's told--and also because he's an idiot! Flor is sitting on the couch in a baby doll nightie and high heels drinking wine by herself. Why is he here? He wants to tell her something important about what her father said. (So nu, the phone isn't good enough?)
He tells her that her father wants to combine their two businesses after the two of them get married, and that his parents are also pushing for it. He says he has been very clear about his intentions, and he doesn't understand why her father doesn't get it. Flor doesn't understand either--after all, she hasn't done anything either. Anyway, she tries to get Al to stay, but he tries to leave. Oops, wouldn't you know it--she spills wine all over that shirt. Now he'll have to take it off. Let's just have a drinky-poo and talk like friends while I wash your shirt. (Or as Robert Benchley says to Ginger Rogers in my favorite movie of all time, "The Major and the Minor," "Why don't you get out of that wet coat and into a dry martini?") Al is not so sure they can be friends. He weighs the dilemma for all of three seconds before slowly beginning to disrobe.

After the commercial, we see Al and Flor sitting by the coffee table drinking wine. Al is shirtless, and you can see only his torso above the level of the table. He is raving about how wonderful Mili is. I don't know, but if I were Mili, I wouldn't be so glad that my boyfriend was sitting around without his shirt drunkenly telling another girl how crazy he was about me. This doesn't bother Flor, though. She pours more wine and goes for the kill: She's sure his family doesn't like Mili. He agrees--all but Granny--she's changed her will. Oh, she shouldn't, says Flor. Mili is just out for money. She was even going to marry Hugo. Al tries to explain that situation. She touches his face and they kiss, but he pushes her away. It's just one night, she says. No, he rejects her and asks for his shirt. No, don't go--make me yours, she pleads. Al tears himself away. Flor asks if he's so sure Mili isn't out with that other guy. He leaves without his shirt. She calls him an imbecile as the door slams.

Back at the mansion, the bell rings. Mili is going to answer, but Braulio gets there first. It's Mat, coming over with the papers. Mili hides behind the door and slams it so Mat won't see her. She scoots out of the room and then tells Braulio to reopen the door.

Lina catches her. Mili tells her she doesn't want Mat to see her, 'cause she lied about being a servant.

Gramps and Mat discuss the papers to be signed. Granny's forboding tinkly music box theme plays. Uh-oh. Well, at least she didn't have an angina attack today. Anyway, the adoption papers are ready and can be signed whenever she wants. The house papers will be ready in a couple of weeks. Granny says she's going to talk to "her daughter." They always pretended she was her grandchild, but now she will have a daughter. Gramps tells Mat to go.

Down in the kitchen Padre and Gamuza are talking to Gloria about her mother. She explains how she is gradually getting to love her. Lina comes in and says the coast is clear--Mat left.

Connie and Andrea have dinner. He tells her about Alex!

Flor laments to Luci about Alex. She'll never get him. Don't worry, Luci says, she won't allow that mugrosa to marry her sonny boy. We have to take down that servant once and for all.

Mili asks Granny what all the lawyers are there for. Granny tells her she has special news for Mili. She has bought the house for her and what's more--she's hired a detective to look for her uncle. Mili is overcome. She dreams of living in the little house in the barrio with her uncle someday. (I don't know, but if Granny's detectives are the same inept boobs who have been looking for her grandchild all these years, I wouldn't put much faith in this outcome.) Granny calls Mili hija. She has another surprise for her--what would she think if Regina were her mama? Will Mili let her adopt her? Mili is truly overcome now.

They tell Padre M and Sister Cachete. Padre and Sor don't seem very happy, because they know all the back story. But they come around and congratulate the happy duo. Mili laughs at the fact that Connie will be her boss--and her brother!

Connie wishes his wife and Nestor a bon voyage. He tells Nestor he knows his wife will be safe, 'cause Nestor likes the young meat--the bebotas, nudge nudge. I can't find bebotas in the regular dictionary, but it's clear that it means hot chicks with big bazoongas, like that girl on Fuego. As soon as the coast is clear, Connie calls Andrea.

Gramps comes over to Mat's frat boy apartment, where Mat is lying in bed. He tells Gramps his noble plan to marry the heiress of their client. Aside from being skeevy in general, it's also a violation of legal ethics, but somehow I think frat boy doesn't care.

In the avances: Luci tells Nestor the news about his new son--Alejandro. Damien manages to overhear. Over at the dream house, everyone is assembled for a toast to Mili. Luci later faints when she gets handed some news.


Mili does have an unfortunate tendency to attract sleazes and this Mat is absolutely vile all the way around. His poor grandfather is doing his best but there is no hope for this pig.

Alex obviously must not know how to use a phone if he had to go over to Psycho Princess to object to her father's tactics. I was sure he wouldn't be able to resist trying out the goods as is his habit but good for him. On the other hand his yammering at Mili that it is over for good this THIS TIME after all the crap he has pulled is just one more sign of his immaturity. Seems like he can flirt his way through half of the DF but is another guy even shows an interest in Mili it is all over. Word to Al - Grow UP - much worse things are coming.

Loved Mili's reaction that now Connie will be her patron and her brother. Somehow I think he will be far less thrilled. And Luci will be headed for the nearest liquor store to stock up. Can not wait to see how this rolls out.

Val reverting to type. Ooh Rocky is hot but oops living in a shack without credit cards, designer duds and a chofer to haul her spoiled butt around maybe he isn't so hot after all.

Flo is really a pathetic excuse for a woman. Whining to daddy, whining to Luci, whining to her sister, whining, whining, whining. Rigoberto got a lucky escape dumping her and taking off for parts unknown.

That house party in Cuernavaca should be a bucket load of fun with sleazeballs Damian and Nestor. Who would have thought that Connie would tell Andrea the truth about Al and didn't she turn on a dime when she found out the golden boy isn't a Belmonte. Wonder how she will use all the hot information she now has on both connie and Luci.

Nina: Thanks for the recap. I totally missed this one.

I loved this episode – lots of neat stuff happening. Thank you for the fun recap of it.

Has Regina actually signed the papers yet? She could have a heart attack tomorrow and then what would happen? I was worried for a while that she would adopt Mili without asking her, but then she did ask.

For those of you who thought Nestor was Alex’s father: You’re way ahead of me! I was doubting it because Luci didn’t seem impactada when she first ran into Nestor some time ago, just delighted to see him. But it turns out he is the dad.

We should be having some high times at the vacation place tonight!

I also wondered about Regina's signing the papers in time, but judging from the avances, she must have done it. Let's hope a cruel surprise is not in the offing.

That scene with Gloria's mom and the street kid's dad was interesting. I had read somewhere that Gloria had a brother and figured out that it must be the grocery guy and then we'd have two stories of girls in love with their brothers. I don't think her mom is the kid's mother because dumping two kids would put her way past the redemption point but the kid's father could also be Gloria's> Time will tell and it would make sense because otherwise the focus on the kid just a a friend to mili wouldn't make sense.

Hey Anon 2:26! Good thinking – an interesting plot line to contemplate.

Yes, I was also thinking of that guy being Gloria's father, not that Yolanda was Gamoza's mother. I didn't make my idea clear. He may have abandoned Yolanda, contributing to her decision to leave the baby at the orphanage.

This was a fun episode and also a fun recap. Lots of action.

I totally thought Al was going to cave at Flor's place and was shocked and a little impressed when he didn't (my standards for him are very low). Was that twice in one week that he maybe showed a little backbone (somewhat belatedly, after totally getting himself into the stupid situation)? Maybe he'll grow up after all.

I really loved when Val and Rocky were talking about the little house they would have with two cows. They're kind of sweet for little moments here and there. Hope Connie doesn't find out.

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