Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Yo Amo a Juan, May 19, Mon. - Leading a Double Life Ain't a Job for Sissies

We open the week with the ultimas semanas promises again. Do you suppose it's real? The scene at Lizards-R-Us, aka Farell Industrys, shows us that since Friday Paula is still hollering about the dreadful Laura being hired against her demands in one office while Juan is defending this hiring to Sandro by insisting that Laura is smart, well prepared, and Sandro adds, well connected to the President of the company, right? RIGHT. Right, and Sandro conveys to Laura that she has all Juan's support. Paula watches with dagger eyes as Laura presses Juan with grateful caresses and kisses.

Alirio comes up to an information desk in the bank with baby and baby carriage and assures the clerk behind it that surely he will help him, he wants to open a new account. The clerk looks less certain but wants to ask Alirio some important questions. What is this program we have here?

Kike is hitting the wall and lamenting the disappearance and late reappearance of Yadira, demanding to Remolacho that he should be recognized as the husband with his proper rights and respect. Remolacho is less sanguine about being able to control what Angarita wants to do, like take Yadira out to eat, besides he is more interested in tacos for lunch. Laura is using her current sway with Juan to tell him where she most wants to be in the company. She would like to develop new business. She regrets that the only negative is the sour Paula who still harbors so much rancor over something so small that happened so long ago. Juan tries to be politic that some people don't get over what harm was done to them. It doesn't augur well that Laura and Juan are hugging and rubbing noses as Paula barges in without knocking or being announced by Ivonne Bonbon. Paula and Laura easily sling insults about hypocritic courtesy. Paula one more futile time announces she won't tolerate this woman in the company.

Yadira giggles while Angarita tells her how much she seems like her mother. She wants to know if Anga still loves her Mom. He prefers to talk about something else, but Yadira completely ignores his pleas and continues to ask about how romantic was it between Nidia and Anga when they were young. He tries to ask which University she wants to attend. She enthuses that there are so many. He wants her to pick her favorite without regard to how much it will cost.

Paula continues to point out the inept inexperienced Laura is a hypocrite (her favorite word these days is hipócrita) and further she is unpleasant (antipática), yadayada. Juan throws back that he was a good partner when she insisted on hiring Sandro which makes Paula yell with even louder shrillness as she points out that Juan made Sandro stay with such a ridiculously low salary. When he tries to quiet her she insists she isn't getting louder and wonders why he is challenging her (estar desfiando). Juan shows his desk sign as president and his expensive boots to emphasize his right to make these decisions and Paula continues to ignore that Laura is off settling in her new office saying Laura is not going to work in the company and Juan says, like it or not she is, and Paula goes to over my dead body and Juan gives kisses....

Marely startles an angry Sandro/CL who wants to be left alone and is so nasty she leaves telling him sometimes he is worse than his brother.
Pastor tells Ivonne that Heriberto has eyes only for her. She advises him to think of things he and Heriberto have in common, sports, the cinema, can't think what. Back to Marely buzzing the cranky guy that Paula wants to see him in her office. Paula wants to convince him that Laura Berrocal can't work in the company and even the disguised CL tells her he can't countermand a decision by the rightful President Juan. A grinning CL peers out of the eyeglasses of Sandro at this frustration he has fomented. Break.

Nidia and Alirio fight over where he has been and how worried and scared (susto) he has made her. As they parry over who has the bigger need to do things, she still demands to know where he went with her precious granddaughter....

Paula now rants at Sandro who feels he is between a rock and a wall, about why he isn't using his administrative powers to argue with Juan. Kike tries to act busy while a very jolly Anga and giggling Yadira enter late from their happy meal. He wants to go off to see HIS DAUGHTER but his high toned words are lost on both. He wonders if Yadira won't come with him but she giggles that she needs to settle something with the patron, but she will come along later. Nidia and Alirio seem to bore each other into an uneasy truce of who will tell where they go, have gone, will go and who has the right to drag it out of the other.

Sandro is now trying to talk with Juan about Laura and the pressure Paula is putting on him to convince Juan not to employ Laura. He ironically seems to enjoy, in fact almost help, Juan keep to his decision which is so irritating Paula. He calls the game in play a power struggle, (duh). Then the unbelievable advice asking Sandro wants to know what Juan would do in his place. If Paula has urged him not to accept Laura's contract and he does how will she take his shameless act (raspado). Juan advises him to tell Paula that he did what he could to convince Juan but it didn't work... we switch to seeing Sandro/CL tell Paula just these words. He is at a loss of how she can insist that he do something that Juan refuses to give into. Paula asks if she should just directly insist with Juan and Sandro/CL smiles as he says he personally thinks there are things to read between the lines here. And he says there are other ways to achieve what she wants. The cat that ate the canary grin takes us to another break.

Yadira coos over baby Nidia Michaela while Kike looks like a canary about to be swallowed. He wants to know what it is that Yadira wants to do.... Over at Pastor's office Paula tries another tack with him but he calmly says he is waiting for Laura to sign her contract.... Kike finishes his sentence, he thinks something strange is going on between Angarita and Yadira. He piles on the dichos, all our old favorites: Anga is trying to mate or get too close to Yadira (echando los perros), there is something fishy (gato encerrado) and even a suspicious or hidden dog fight (pelear de perros). She says he is the only thing that is insulting but he holds with as the father of their daughter he has every right to advise her that she looks like she is making some bad steps, or heading toward trouble when his daughter's welfare is concerned. In short, Kike is back to being the insecure, jealous pile of anxieties in the face of this self-centered woman who has a Paula-esque shrillness about her that saves our ears only because her voice is lower. So what confusing mess (jaleo) is she trying to make with Anga. She defends his help, respect and especially that he is paying attention to her in a way that she craves. He can't believe she can carry on like this while they live under the same roof (techo) but she counters that this will end very soon. He assumes she will move back to Topete's but she says no she is moving into her own apartment.

At dinner with Anga, Pastor sneers that now that Anga has bought Yadira an apartment and will pay for university what is his next act to buy the baby her own car? Anga tells him to go on joking but he is sure that Yadira is his daughter and one day all will come out. Does NIdia agree, Pastor's pokes with more questions. Back at Casa Cachon Kike is telling Yadira she can't leave all this but Yadira says here everything they have is either borrowed (prestado) or given (regalado). But the most important things to Yadira is liberty and freedom that she has nothing of here. She insists that this is all her business. When Kike says but what about the baby. Yadira snaps that she will take her with her. While they struggle with that issue, Yadira tells him to quit insinuating stupidities (like her having a lover or what, I would presume). Finally she ends by telling him that she is going with Angarita's offer of an apartment and paid university, nahnahnah....

Sandro and Cesar Luis finally catch up at the dinner table but it doesn't look like a nurturing or nutritious family dinner. Little by little CL intimidates Sandro about the attention he is paying to Marely who is worthless and boring (sangrona) with her university research and all but he guesses that after today Marely won't be coming to him for help. Sandro pales and says what did you do to her?

Pastor calls Heriberto who is watching something fetching on TV and eating something high calorie on the bed with a beer in one hand. Pastor lets him know that he can counsel him about how to charm Ivonne. BUT, he can't do it on the phone.

Juan and Juanito also at a table in a cafe, discuss Juan's various and plentiful bevy of beauties. Juanito only has sympathy for the charms of Marely but Papa goes on to show him his own inclination to prefer pretty women, Juanito has a preference for Flor doesn't he, well yeah but...

Dinner at Ana's table has Paula talking about Laura again and HIllary and complaining but the ever wise Ana calls it jealousy . Ivonne tries to be conciliatory but Ana pushes the point that Paula is dying of her jealousy and she better get it together to declare her real love for Juan before it's too late.

Nidia and Yadira talk about Yadira's plans to leave and take the baby. What if she is sick in the night and Yadira has to study. Yadira sounds quite sincere in waxing poetic on how she isn't throwing a tantrum (berrinche), she is grateful to her mother but wants her freedom and needs to make her own way in her life and the world, one tends to forget that she won't be paying for one peso of it herself.

Juan and Juanito return to the house to find Kike lining up about six stiff tequila drinks. Kike cries and reveals that Angarita has offered to pay for Yadira to have an apartment and to attend university. And saddest of all she will take his daughter with her.

Sandro calls Marely who gives him the cold shoulder until her gets out of her that she was insulted by his treatment. He blames his tension because of the struggle between Paula and Juan and he lost control. She says over Laura? Yes, he probes not knowing how insulting CL must have been but tells her he is really interested in her university studies and yes he cares a radish (rabano) but he needs to see her in a restaurant not talk on the phone so they can sort this out. Marely is too willing to change her hurt insulted feelings when Sandro begs to make her see that he was not responsible for his outrage today.

The great advisory dinner meeting takes place between a conciliatory Pastor and a flattering Heriberto. Heri is sure Pastor knows all about the ways of a gallant urbane man of the world. Pastor continues to peddle his wares with feigned sincerity. How to woo an hottie like Ivonne. First he has to change his LOOK (look). Wow are we going to see a change in Heri who seems to imitate Juan but with even brighter suits.

Juan makes his excuses to get out of the house while he tucks Juanito in. He has meetings to attend. Juanito tells him he is staying out too late and he better get home to bed. Juanito knows that Papa is avoiding the real truth about who he is seeing and why.

Alirio is having a secret conversation on the phone with a disheveled Gutierez who seems to be living in a garage. He has to keep his voice low or NIdia will find him talking and kick him out of their bed again. He assures him that tomorrow he will go to other banks and open other accounts. Oh my what a business man with a new plan. (Sorry I missed Friday, perhaps this was explained but it seems like today's hot new idea.) Kike interrupts with the desperation of a man who turns to someone like Alirio. He needs to have a lawyer on his side to keep Yadira from taking his daughter form him. Fin.

Next: Nidia answers Paula's call and tells her he has gone out with another woman. Paula doesn't look pleased once again.


Your title is so right! Sandro/CL is getting sloppy, did you notice that in his second nasty interaction with Marely he had forgotten to put on his Sandro glasses? I still think the marshmallows may be his undoing, that the real Sandro won't like them or be allergic to them or something...or perhaps CL will be outed by the other bonbon Ivonne.

I really loathe this Laura story line. Laura bugs me and Paula's shrill tones are like an ice pick to the brain. Even when I fast forward (which I do) I can hear her.

True, on one hand Yadi is being a bit of an hipócrita regarding her "independence" because she's not paying for her apartment, but on the other hand maybe she's buying Anga's reasoning that it's a sort of bonus for bringing in the Farell business which will supposedly be so lucrative for them.

Gutis's hot new business plan is money laundering, this is why Delirio is trying to open some bank accounts. Gosh what a clever plan, no? Gutis has nothing to lose, Delirio everything. Perhaps this will get Delirio into jail and out of the way once and for all. Speaking of hipócritas, how about our Nidia abandoning the baby in Delirio's care and then yelling at him for taking her out?

Thanks Cheryl! You did a great job of blasting through the tiresome Paula/Juan struggles and highlighting the fun stuff.

Gawd, what a heap this episode was! Screaming matches with Paula/Juan and Yaditza?KIke. How absolutely tiresome. I can't stand that about TN's. the shrillness of these scenes...And the plot is deteriorating. The good to the bone Kike getting kicked to the curb by Ditza so coldly. I hope that Anga tells him what's going on. The Juan/Laura pairing is horrible, don't even understand that. I hope that they tie this thing up neatly. i do think that CL will be found out by a everyone- he's raised serious suspicions in Juan, Marely, Ivonne, and soon to Paula, I hope. Anyway he sure hasn't learned anything from the revelations from everyone's comment about him from before he died. Look how he treated Marely- and he's trying to convince everyone that he is Sandro. He's even a nastier bastard than before, just like Marely said. I'm eager for this addictive trainwreck to end...

Ooops, thanks Ceryl, for the quick and complete recap

Ooops, make that Cheryl...

Sylvia, thanks for the fill in on the money laundering scheme, how much more idiotic can Alirio get. I wonder if he has a pie cart headed his way but he hasn't killed anyone, just irritated people half to death. I have to read these comments and other people's recaps to remind myself that there is a lot of interesting material going on here, it has just been too long going by.

I do like the moments when something glimmers in Yadira's eyes and it isn't lust. She has the potential to act independently and that seems very genuine.

Thanks for the kind comments Dave. My spelling needs cleaning up on the script too so it's not unreasonable that you couldn't spell my name. I think perhaps my keyboard is sticky from eating cookies while I type.

I agree that the moments of irony come from the Sandro/CL being worse and labeled as worse than the defunct CL. His facial expressions are great when he has to listen to the insults. He did kind of get his masks mixed up last night. In general Ayala has done a super job of keeping the three characterizations pretty neatly divided. I wonder if he wanted to reshoot that scene but there wasn't budget to do it.

Thanks, Cheryl, for the great recap!

“Paula continues to point out the inept inexperienced Laura is a hypocrite (her favorite word these days is hipócrita)” It takes one to know one. Paula better than anyone knows what a hypocrite looks like.

“further she is unpleasant (antipática)” And Paula certainly knows what this looks like. She invented it.

“Yadira sounds quite sincere in waxing poetic on how she isn't throwing a tantrum (berrinche), she is grateful to her mother but wants her freedom and needs to make her own way in her life and the world, one tends to forget that she won't be paying for one peso of it herself.” ROTFL!! Great point—I was buying into it until I read your observation here…

Sylvia, I love your speculations about what will trip “Sandro” up. I hope it’s SOON. I agree with Dorado Dave here, he’s nastier than ever.

“Paula's shrill tones are like an ice pick to the brain” LOL! Yes, that’s what they are, all right!


Yes, Ice Pick to the Brain is a perfect image for the impact of all this screeching. Thanks Sylvia. Perhaps all the colorful idioms we have learned from watching this show are rubbing off on our descriptions. Everyone has contributed several of them.

Recorded it last night and didn't watch until today, but Paula's decibel level has reached a point where it's making my ears bleed.

On the other hand, I'm actually enjoying nasty old Cesar Luis manipulating the tensions between Paula and Juan, he's such a sly fox. (on the other hand can't stand it when he picks on our dear sweet Marely).

BUT, they do give him masterful lines so the scriptwriters must like him as much as I do. I loved it when he covered for his blooper with Paula, saying he KNEW her so well by quickly adding...I know you because I'm so much like you....and "entre gitanos uno ne se lee la mano". That's a dilly and one I want to remember.

Thanks as always, for a wry and witty recap, Cheryl. We're all ready for this to be over, but who knows what the next one will be like? No ads yet....

Oh my God...brilliant title, and hilarious commenting imagry with ice picks to the brain and all... Oww, now that is a hard to ignore concept!!!! :)

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