Friday, June 27, 2008

Guapos Thursday, June 26, 2008 Damien goes and sins some more

Leftovers: Alex says he wishes his mother could be happy, and not a lush. Flor says the baby shopping day didn’t go well and Alex lets her know he’s disappointed she isn’t into being BFF with his ex whom he still loves way more than her. Flor tells him that it was his big idea that they all live together in one house and he’s gonna have to live with whatever happens. Horacio is getting Morgan ready to go on national TV (an outdoor, man-on-the-street location) and declare his love for Vale, while back at Casa Belmonte Gloria has Bobby and Vale planted on the couch, wondering why she wants them to watch TV. But at the last moment, when Morgan is getting ready to speak, Lina jumps on camera and announces that Bobby’s honey is cheating on him.

Whew, that was a long lead-in. Finally we get to the new stuff: Morgan stammers on, that the love of his life is Vale, but back at the mansion, Bobby is looking surprised though not too upset, and Vale gets up and shuts off the TV before hearing the rest of what Morgan is saying. She says she’s not going to listen to stupid stuff, and she flounces out, her extensions flying behind her. Bobby takes off too.

Morgan is still talking into the microphone: he loves her, her father didn’t buy him off! He says hi to a list of employees back home, and the host has to detach him from the microphone. Horacio tells him he’s golden, that Vale will cover him with kisses when he gets back. Morgan says now all Mexico knows. Lina says she had to interrupt since Bobby never gives her a chance to speak to him. I’m thinking a discreet note might be kinder than national TV. All over Mexico, men named Bobby will be looking at their honeys with squinty eyes.

Lina says Morgan shouldn’t return home empty-handed. How about some flowers, chocolates maybe? Maybe even a serenade, suggests Horacio. Morgan says last time he tried that she slept through the whole thing, but Horacio and Lina get him all stoked about the idea.

(I just paused the tape and what do I see other than Eduardo Yanez shirtless in the family bakery, kneading a big blob of dough. My eyes are all over the dough. What does this say about me?)

Damien is in the convent and Sor Cachete is putting cream on his fingers which are all blistered. There! Back to work! says the Sor. Damien says my poor fingers, but the Sor sends him off to do God’s gardening. He weeps as he leaves and she laughs to herself and says he’s so emotional about it.

It’s dinnertime at Casa Belmonte and nobody is in a fight yet. Connie says he can’t believe Damien isn’t back yet – he didn’t think Damien would make it even one day. Flor says maybe he’s really changed. Har, says Connie. Luci tells Hugo she’s sorry about Connie’s comments. Connie says oh I believe Damien, just like I believe you when you say you’ve stopped drinking. Braulio who is standing in attendance, pops his eyebrows.
Alex says don’t make comments like that about my mother and my uncle. Connie says Hugo understands, he had trouble with his father’s drinking like for instance his mother got killed because of it. General uproar, and Connie says Luci’s side of the family has trouble with alcohol. Luci says you are an embarrassment, that’s why I want to get a divorce. Vale says really? A divorce? Connie says pay no mind, you know how your mother is when she’s into her cups.

Flor, who is sitting next to Luci, doesn’t seem too amazed by all this. She suggests to Luci that this might not be the best time to talk about this. Mili says Flor sure knows something about when’s the right time to talk about things. Luci shouts at Mili “Shut up you idiot!” Connie yells at Luci Don’t insult Milagros! Luci jumps from her seat and slams down her napkin. So far none of the impressive rows of glasses on the table have been tipped over, but I’m waiting.

Music starts up outside and everyone freezes. What could that be? It’s mariachis and everyone goes over to see. The big windows are thrown open. It’s Morgan singing away with the musicians, and Socorro and Horacio and Lina off to the side, enjoying the show. The dinner party goes out onto the lawn; Morgan pours his heart into the song. Connie is standing next to Vale and he glances at her. She looks hard at first, but then puts her hand over her mouth and we can see tears starting up in her eyes. Morgan sings that he needs her, that people are laughing because he’s crying. We now see that the whole staff is there. Hugo hugs Mili. Vale is melting.

Gadzooks! Connie has gone for his rifle and here he comes, blasting away. The mariachis cower and run, and everyone runs around on the lawn like a flock of spooked chickens, while a few try to get the gun away from him. Pow! Pow! It’s lucky nobody got shot.

Damien is asleep in his darkened cell of a room, an open book over his face. Sor Cachete comes in and tries to waken him, calling Brother Damien, Brother Damien. He bolts awake saying “you know where you can put your tomatoes.” What? says the Sor. Damien apologizes and says that he was sleeping. Sor Cachete says it’s 5 a.m. and everyone is at mass except him. He says he’ll come and she says don’t go back to sleep. She shuts the door and he falls back on the bed, but she opens the door again and catches him.

Maricela is in bed with Mateo. It’s 6 and he needs to get going on the day. Marisela tells him to call Luci because she wants a divorce. He’s surprised since the Belmontes like to keep up appearances. Maricela said she recommended him and he says thanks, that’s his specialty. Ending relationships? she asks. Just those that can’t be fixed, he says. She goes off to make him breakfast.

At the convent, Damien is telling the padre that he didn’t oversleep, he was just contemplating the padre’s wise words. The padre says that’s great, now back to the tomatoes. Holding up his sore hands, Damien says couldn’t I have a different job, like reading psalms? The padre says that’s not work, that’s a necessity. Damien says he thinks it would be better if he could spend more time contemplating the word of God, but the padre says it’s up to him to listen and obey. Damien heads off reluctantly.
In Vale’s bedroom, she is telling Connie and Luci that this wasn’t her idea. Luci tells Connie he needs to step in and do something (besides shooting Morgan, I guess) but Vale says she’ll put that chauffer in his place. Like a good Belmonte, says Connie; like a true Arango, says Luci.

The servants are eating, Mili too, and Socorro asks Morgan how he could try such a thing, given the situation around the house. Horacio says he never saw Connie so intent on shooting Morgan. Horacio said he told all Mexico about his love, but Gloria says maybe all of Mexico, but not Vale. She turned the show off after Lina came on talking about Bobby. Morgan is crushed and Lina says but Bobby needed to know.

Braulio comes in and tells Morgan and Horacio that Vale wants to talk to them. They go off. Braulio says as for the rest of you – as you were. He turns on his heel and leaves.

Karla makes a gross joke that I didn’t get and Socorro says don’t make jokes like that. Karla says who cares – life is one big joke. She leaves the table.

Maricela is in her apartment – what odd décor! There’s a big bare plant with a giant bulbous bottom, and there’s some huge space indented into the wall that has some giant decorative ball in it. She is dwarfed by her surroundings. Anyway, the doorbell has rung and she goes to the door tentatively, peeks through the peephole, hesitates, then opens. I was hoping for a stranger from her past but no, it’s just Bobby who is goofy-happy to see her like a Labrador retriever.

Horacio and Morgan are standing in Connie’s study and Vale is striding back and forth in front of them, putting me in mind of General Patton, riding boots and all. She announces that everything is going to change. Morgan will no longer be her chauffer and personal Morgan. Horacio is the new chauffer and personal Morgan, and Morgan will be the gardener at reduced pay. And he is to have no contact with her. Now get out of here!

In the foyer, Alex is off to work. He wants to know if Flor will be okay, and she says yes, she’s gotten over the shock of last night. He takes off. Luci passes through and says she’s going out, does Flor need anything? Nope. Quick kiss and Luci is gone. Flor heads up the stairs and we see Mili coming into the foyer. Uh oh.

Mili starts up the other flight of stairs. Flor says hello. Mili blows her off. Perfect, says Flor, we don’t have to talk to one another. But when Alex is around, we should pretend to get along. I don’t want to get in fights with him because of you. Mili says I’m not a hypocrite like you. Flor says we have to do something, or this house will be miserable. Mili takes off, but Flor suddenly crumples onto the stairs, holding her belly and saying help me, Milagros! Mili hesitates.

She runs over, takes Flor’s hand to help her to the couch. Flor says don’t touch me, call Alex. She sits on the tiny couch. Mili calls for Braulio who runs in, and says let’s call a doctor! The baby must be coming! But it’s not due for 2 months! Flor says something is happening with my baby. Horacio, Vale and Morgan come running too. Vale says Morgan go get the car. Morgan starts off, but Vale says my other Morgan (meaning Horacio), you’re not my chauffer any more. Morgan is crushed. Vale asks Mili to come with them to the hospital, she doesn’t want to go alone with Flor, but Flor says no way. They help her out and Braulio dials Alex.

Maricela tells Bobby she wasn’t expecting him. He sees the table set for two for breakfast and says are you with someone? My father is coming, she fakes. Bobby is cool with that. He hugs her. Mateo walks in in the background, sees and fades back into the décor. Bobby notes that Maricela is a bit off and she says she woke up with a toothache. He says he’ll wait for her father with her. She looks worried.

Sor Cachete is looking in the garden for Damien and hears snores. Two feet are sticking out of the vegetation. She tries to wake him, but he is dreaming. I don’t want to get married he says. Can’t we just stay lovers? Sor Cachete gives his foot a good kick and he wakes up. She says time for mass and you aren’t there. Again? He says. We did one at 5, 6 and 7. Sor Cachete says and now this is the 8:00 mass. Come on. Damien follows, repeating to himself “a wedding is worse, a wedding is worse.”

Bobby is remarking to Maricela that it’s odd that her daddy hasn’t showed up – he’s usually so punctual. Mateo appears and Maricela sees him, but Bobby has his back to the hall. Maricela asks Bobby to go get some aspirin from the kitchen. He is looking on the lower shelves and she motions Mateo to leave. Mateo takes the time to smooch her on the way, but somebody’s cellular goes off and Mateo dives behind the couch. Bobby’s head pops up from the kitchen. Maricela grabs him and smooches him and Mateo makes his escape.

Luci is having breakfast or lunch with Nestor in an outdoor café. Her lipstick is way too dark. He is telling her about his great sea-side getaway where they can spend whole months together. She tells him that she notified her family of her intention to divorce last night and he is happy.

Damien is asking the padre if they don’t ever rest, but the padre says that word isn’t in his vocabulary. Damien says a little siesta would be nice, but he assures the padre he’s not talking for himself. He thinks the padre looks tired, wouldn’t a nice nap do everyone good? Or time to meditate? The padre says there’s nothing like a little labor to give a person the opportunity to meditate, and he sends Damien back to the tomatoes.

But first a young woman comes in and wants to confess. The padre is called away, and she asks Damien if he listens to confessions. He says it depends on the sin, and then asks her if she’s seen a film, but I didn’t get the reference. She asks him if he’s being suggestive and he says no, but he eyes her. She smiles.

Maricela fakes a phone call to her dad and explains to Bobby that he got tied up. Bobby suggests that the breakfast is cold, so they should go out. But he turns serious and says you ‘d never cheat on me, would you? Maricela says what brought that on? Never mind, he says. She asks him to clean up while she takes a bath. He picks up the two plates of eggs (who serves eggs in advance?) and looks at them and doubts again. At this point he should check the bedroom, but he doesn’t.

Damien and the girl are making out in a confessional. The padre opens the door on them and is shocked. Damien says she was confessing. The padre says you’re not a priest and besides, the priest is supposed to be on the other side of the confessional wall. Damien says we weren’t doing anything! But of course their hair is all messed up. The padre says it doesn’t look like you are into your calling. Your penance is silent seclusion.

Bobby, clothes and all, sneaks into the shower with Maricela and they start necking.

Flor is getting an ultrasound – Vale and Mili are there. The lady doctor says the baby is fine and the contractions were a false alarm. Flor is relieved. The doctor shows on the screen the little baby parts, ending up with the beating heart. Vale and Mili melt. But then Mili says at least it’s not a reptile like the mother. Flor is furious and the doctor reproaches Mili. Mili says she’ll wait outside and Flor says to Vale why did you ask her along?

Padre Manuel shows Damien into a little bare cell and says he is to sit there and contemplate. Damien says but it’s empty. The padre says you have a bed and candle. And food? asks Damien. Bread and water! says the padre, giving him a small plastic bottle of water and lump of bread. Damien says how about some chicken. No chicken says the padre. Damien says he will meditate. The padre leaves and Damien takes out a hip flask and has a quick hit.

The padre opens the door and says do you know about the vow of sobriety (I think that’s what he said). He indicates that Damien should hand the flask over, and Damien does. The padre leaves again.

Alex has showed up at the hospital and he runs into Mili in the corridor. She tells him it was a false alarm and leads him to the room. Meanwhile, the doctor is telling Flor to take everything easy and she’ll see her in a couple of weeks.

The doctor leaves and Flor is telling Vale how can she relax in the same house as Mili. Vale says give Mili a chance, she’s not as bad as you think. Flor says didn’t you hear what she just said? Alex comes in, and Mili hovers in the doorway. Alex tells Flor how worried he was. Vale says how exciting to see the little baby. Flor says oh she’s kicking now. Alex leans close and addresses the baby, calls her princess and says You are the most important thing to me. Mili looks sad. You are what I love most in the world, says Alex to the baby.

Luci is in their bedroom. She has Connie’s clothes laid in a pile and she tells Karla to go hang them in the guest room. Connie comes in and takes a fit. Luci says we’re separated. Connie says hang them up and Luci says hang them up, but in the guest room. You’ll be comfy there and maybe Andrea can come warm the bed for you. Connie explodes and grabs Karla and throws her out of the room.

Luci says if you don’t like the guest room, go to a hotel, or to Andrea’s. Connie says the divorce won’t work. He is sputtering now. I’m in government! My whole campaign was about family and family values. I won’t allow it! Luci says, oh, you’ll think of a cover story. She takes off for an appointment.

Damien is having a dream. He is in priest’s robes in the church. The young woman from the confessional confesses that she wants him. They start smooching and Karla comes up the aisle (looking great with her hair up) in a bridal gown and says they’re going to marry. She walks forward, humming the wedding march. No! No! Damien yells and wakes with a start.

The padre rushes in and shakes him. And says his cries woke the whole convent from siesta. Damien says let me out! Okay, says the padre, you have a new task – the choir.

Morgan is trying to work the lawnmower but almost mows down a tree. Gloria is giving him advice, but says that at this rate there won’t be a garden left. Horacio shows up in his new chauffer uniform. He reports that Flor’s baby is okay. Gloria says wait until Socorro sees you in that uniform – you look sharp! Horacio struts off and says lunch might be an hour late. Gloria wolf whistles after him.

Morgan is furious. He says he misses his uniform – it was his sex appeal. He calls after Horacio that he is the real Morgan.

Luci’s appointment is with Mateo. He fakes being surprised when she says she wants a divorce. How much will you charge to ruin Constancio? she asks.

Alex and Mili are in the hospital corridor. He thanks her for helping with Flor. Mili gets all excited telling him about the ultrasound and he is excited too and touched. She says how wonderful that Flor created this life – and with the man she loves. Alex turns serious. Then he tears up. I wanted it to be you he says. His face is very close to hers and he is coming closer. It looks like they might kiss but – freeze frame!

Avances: Bobby sneaks into Maricela’s apartment and catches hers in bed with Mateo, Luci throws a jar of cold cream at Connie, Mateo looks like he is totally up for destroying Connie, Mili sobs to her gal pals about the baby.


Maggie...your great title (as always, but hey, no pressure!) brought back some fond memories

Decades ago when I was a reporter, the district court judge was also a deacon in the Episcopal church and he was always quoting scripture to the scofflaws.

"Go and sin no more" was one; and the other (to folks who owed money) was "The workman is worthy of his hire".

I was struck by the same things you were...Bobby IS like a hyperexcited Lab, Luci's makeup was terrible (foreshadowing of trouble for Luci?) and Karla was lovely with her hair up and in a wedding gown.

Karla plays such a nasty person we forget that she's actually a very pretty girl. Hope she have a different role in telenovelas to come. Sometimes actresses get stuck in the "evil" roles (Diana Bracho is one).

I was touched by Alejandro's tenderness to the unborn baby (even though the baby belly looked very plastic). My husband reacted like I had a highly contagious disease whenever I was pregnant. Not good. Felt mighty sorry for our Miss Mili watching that scene.

I too thought Valeria was ready to crack. If only Connie hadn't brought out the shotgun. Damian was just hilarious. I give him one more episode as a randy sacerdote.

Maggie: Thank you for this recap. I missed so much of it because of phone calls. Anyway, I really feel for Mili. What can be worse than knowing some other woman is pregrant with the child of the man you love?

And, having to live with the rest of the vipers who are always on her case.

From lower Ala

I'm surprised Lucifer would hire card-carrying Mili Booster Club member Mateo. She must recognize a fellow sleazeball when she sees him, but you'd think she'd worry that his loyalties to Mili wouldn't bode well for her. Anyway, I hope it works out. Quit teasing us and leave already!

Braulio cracks me up. Like when he came to summon Rocky and Horacio for Val, he twirled his finger in their hair to get their attention, which sounds weird but was funny, and then during the shooting melee at one point he was wearing a mariachi hat. Braulio needs more screen time. When does he get more of a personal life? I noticed that Ramses is in the opening credits now so I don't think he's gone...he would at least be a friend for Braulio; they have so much in common.

Al was so adorable talking to the baby, and then so heartbreaking when Mili was talking about the ultrasound. Masterful use of subtle facial expression there.

So agree about how touching the Al baby scene and his two scenes with Mili especially when she was talking so excitedly about the baby. Masterful acting on both their parts.

A few more scenes of "peaceful" meals at the Belmontes and I'll have a permanent case of heartburn. I know families should eat together and share but with them it is zingers all around, all the time. Then the inevitable serenata. That did make me laugh with all the Keystone Kops running around with an awful lot of shots from a shotgun that I never saw Connie reload.

Enough already with the divorce. Let's get it and get it over with. And Luci's black lipstick (or close to) looked awful. I wonder why Nestor never seems to really pick up on how much booze she is always slinging down. She must just reek like a distillery but he just prattles on about being happy together - as if with a lush vicious viper like her.

Poor Bobby - he is such a dope at times but it looks like another sleazy Echevirria is going to get tonight. I just don't want Lina to be rebound girl for him.

Florinda is more annoying by the day. She challenges Mili constantly then when she has a contraction she screams for Mili to help then immediately doesn't want her to touch her. You can't have it both ways. You have to give Mili credit, she did leap to help without waiting to see if it was another set up.

I did get a kick out of Val saying Mili isn't so bad. I'm just waiting for the day, if it ever comes, when she the last remaining soul in Mexico who doesn't know, finds out that Mili is her sister (yeah I know the staff is still clueless as well).

Decie, why don't you want Lina as rebound girl for Bobby? Is it that you think she's too good for him? I agree.

Agree with everyone: Mili and Alex were wonderful in their scenes last night.

Remember, Mili has blurted out the family secret to Lina, but it looks like Lina has not told the other servants yet.

Julia – I thought Alex was great in those hospital scenes too. And thank you for including the bit about Braulio twirling his finger in Horacio’s and Morgan’s hair. It was kinda sweet and I couldn’t figure out how to get it into words, so I skipped it.

Also, I missed Braulio running around in the sombrero. Rats! I would’ve liked to have seen that.

Lina is definitely too good for Bobby. That's why I think they should get together, long enough for her to realize that and to be the one to reject him.

I was amused by Marisela and Mat laughing together over how Bobby is easy to manipulate (this was maybe on Wednesday's episode). Mat doesn't seem to realize that she is manipulating him just as much, if not more so...she's got him sneaking around and refuses to publicly acknowledge being with him, which is clearly not at all the kind of relationship he wants.


I don't want Lina to be a rebound girl because we know those don't work out. I like both Bobby and Lina. They are sweet and caring and not into manipulation (Bobby finally outgrew that after the Carlitos thing). I also think Lina and Bobby look good together and hope they end up together when this is over.

Mat is so self absorbed it would never occur to him that MP 2 is a manipulator. Mat has a cruel streak which makes him perfect for one of Domingo's little darlings. Actually I wish both of them would just go away.

I'm going to qualify my early comment re: Bobby and Lina. I wouldn't mind seeing them together in the end, but I think he needs to put some real effort into it after ignoring her for so long. Also, he needs to grow up a little--I don't want him groping her constantly at parties (parties for grown-ups, not junior high kids playing 7 Minutes In Heaven etc.) all the time like he does with Marisela.

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