Friday, June 06, 2008

Guapos Thursday June 5, 2008: A very bad heir day

From last night we see Mili alone on the beach. Well, alone except for Lagrimas the wiener dog. Nester has shown up and finds Alex anxiously looking around for Mili. Nester says don’t worry, she’ll be back soon. Nester tells Alex how much he loved Luci and is about to tell the Big Secret when we cut to Mili being abducted by Flor’s dad Domingo and a few of his henchmen in a jeep.

They have gagged her, but Domingo says take the gag off, she and I are going to have a little chat. Mili gives him a bunch of lip and he has the thug put her gag back on and indicates for him to hold a gun to her head. We hear Weeping Wiener barking in the background, but darn those legs are too short for him to leap into the jeep and savage anybody. Domingo explains he’s Flor’s dad and that he’s a plenty dangerous guy and Mili is to leave Alex alone. He says he’s not going to kill her or Alex, but she better think about her friend Gloria and also Padre Manuel, heck all the people she loves. Any of them could have a fatal accident, and it would be her fault. Alex and Flor are going to marry and Mili is to help that happen. Mili is so impactada she doesn’t even say hmmfff.

It looks like Nestor is about to tell Alex, who’s all ears, that he’s his papa, but then says Padre Manuel wanted him to tell Alex and Mili together so they should wait for her. He notes that Alex loves Mili, and Alex says more than life itself. Nestor says but you don’t look happy, and Alex says we’re doomed not to be happy. Nestor exhorts him to fight for his love – he didn’t fight for Luci and has been sorry every since. Alex says why are you so interested in me? Nester keeps saying Alex should fight for what he wants or he’ll never be happy. Alex asks why are you telling me all this? Think about what I said says Nestor.

Flor and Luci are waiting to hear some news. Luci is sipping her drink and Flor says you’re making me nervous, don’t worry, my papa will call me on my cell with news. Flor says she didn’t know Luci drank so much. Luci pours herself some more and says it’s to calm her nerves. Flor says this is ridiculous – when Alex gets back, Luci should tell her that Mili is his sister, and everything would be taken care of. No! says Luci. If I tell him, he’ll confront Connie and Connie will tell Alex he’s not his real father. Luci hopes Nestor hasn’t told him. Flor says Nestor? Luci explains Nestor’s the real daddy.

Ungagged Mili is telling Domingo that he doesn’t understand, there can never been more between Alex and her than brotherly love. Domingo says, oh right, that’s why you’re here at this secluded romantic getaway. Mili says that’s another story, but please believe that she wants Alex to marry Flor and for them both to be very happy. Oh yeah sure, says Domingo. Believe me says Mili, there’s no reason to capture me, let go of me, you’re hurting me. I don’t buy it for a minute says Domingo. Alex left my daughter for you and here you two are relaxing by the sea. Mili says she just wants to get back to the city and Domingo says that’s where he’s taking her. She wants to tell Alex so he won’t worry, but Domingo says no. They gag Mili again and head off to the airport.

Damien comes into the office all happy and greets Andrea. She asks what’s up that he’s so smiley. He asks if Connie is there and when she says no, they go into his office, Andrea first and Damien rolling his eyes heavenward at the sight of her retreating curvy derriere in those tight pants. Damien tells Andrea that it’s all set – Hugo will transfer the funds from Connie’s secret account. We’ll be millionaires! Damien says. Andrea wants to know how he talked Hugo into it and Damien said he just said it was for Hugo’s good. Andrea isn’t believing it, but Damien says he does worry about Hugo. Andrea says you worry about your own financial well-being. Damien says now that’s another story.

Alex and Nestor are on the beach looking for Mili. Alex is pretty worried, and Nestor has to admit that the beach is deserted. Alex picks this moment to ask Nestor if Luci loves him back. The waves wash poetically over their feet. Nestor says he’s not sure, but the important thing is that he loves her now and forever.

Alex spots Weeping Wiener, who is sitting there with Mili’s red cap in his mouth. Alex is distraught, sure that Mili has drowned herself in grief, literally. Nestor pulls him back from swimming out to look for her, and gets on his cell.

Flor wants to go home and wait for news – hanging out with frantic, boozing Luci is wearing thin. Luci says no, don’t leave me alone. Flor hopes that Nestor hasn’t succeeded in telling the lovebirds the truth. She says if he has, it’s Luci’s responsibility to straighten things out. Luci says she hopes Domingo offs him. Flor says you’re talking about Nestor, Alex’s father, the guy you just said you love. What’s wrong with you? It must be the booze talking. Luci swills some more. Flor says if you want to help your son, you have to quit drinking like that. Luci hugs her bottle protectively. Flor goes to leave, and says one day when the servant girl is far away, Alex needs to hear the truth. He has the right to know his true father.

Morgan has fallen asleep in a car up on blocks and he dreams Vale reaches into the window. He kisses her hand. It’s Horacio’s hand and he says knock it off. Morgan jumps awake. Gimme the lug nut wrench says Horacio and what’s up with you? Morgan says his misses his chiquita and really needs to see her, but Connie has her locked in the castle tower with a flaming moat all around. Horacio says he and Socorro have a plan and that Morgan will see his chiquita today. Morgan is touched that they would help him out and he hugs Horacio and keeps hugging him over and over while Horacio is getting embarrassed because they’re out in a public street.

Connie is reading the paper and Socorro asks if she can talk to him. He says if it’s about Karla … and Socorro says no, but don’t let me catch you with her again. Socorro says she has to get lots of things from the grocery and what with no chauffer, what’s she to do as it’s too much to carry. Connie says get a taxi. Socorro says she doesn’t trust taxi drivers, you don’t know who they are. Vale walks up and says who would want to rob YOU? Connie says don’t be rude. - go to your room. Oh great, says Vale, now I’m not even allowed to leave my room? What next, you’re going to make me go to the grocery with Socorro and carry bags? Hey, not a bad idea says Connie. You go help carry stuff. Vale feigns outrage. Connie insists, and tells Socorro don’t take my daughter anywhere else. Your job is on the line. Connie leaves and the two hug and exult.

Damien has just hung up the phone in Connie’s office and he explains to Andrea that some of the funds Connie has in the Caimans are now being transferred to Hugo’s account in Switzerland. Damien says it’s like ant’s work, slow but sure.

Andrea wants to know when she gets her cut. Damien says when the money hits Hugo’s account. Andrea wants to know exactly when that will be. Damien says in a few days all the money will be drained out (that doesn’t seem like an ant’s pace). Andrea is worried that the bank will send Connie a notice. I think Damien says that since it’s a made up name on the account, no notice will be sent. He tells Andrea that he figured out Connie’s password easily – Connie used his birth date. What an egotist that guy is, says Damien. By the time he finds out, it’s going to be too late.

Horacio tells Morgan to clean himself up, Socorro and Vale are going to the grocery. So what? says Morgan. Horacio says don’t be so thick – I brought you some clean clothes and we’ll go to the market and you and Vale can meet in the produce aisle. Morgan is thrilled and hugs Horacio some more.

A boat is trolling the waters looking for Mili floating around like an extra from Titanic. No luck. On shore, a coast guard guy tells Nestor they couldn’t find her body, must be the currents and her body should show up somewhere else along the shoreline. All this “her body” talk is not helping Alex who is standing there stupefied. The coast guard guy says it’s possible her body won’t ever show up. Alex sobs It’s my fault! Nestor embraces him and no, says you brought her here to make her happy and look what happened! It’s MY fault. Alex pushes him off, staggers down the shore and falls to his knees.

Cute montage of events at the grocery: Socorro in the veggie section looks like she’s offering two big round melons to the modestly-endowed Vale, then clutches them to her own chest, Horacio and Morgan are searching, Morgan and Vale find each other in the clothing department (is this Wal-Mart?) and kiss, a passing lady sighs at the sight and her husband comes up and kisses her, Morgan and Vale run a cart into a pile of cans, they try to clean them up, Vale pushes Morgan around in a cart, the checker is distraught, Vale passes through the checkout with Morgan.

Domingo comes into Flor’s apartment and tells her it’s all taken care of. He talked to Mili and reasoned with her. Nothing else? asks Flor. No, that was pretty much it, says her daddy, but I didn’t have the opportunity to talk to Alex yet. Flor is happy. Leave it all to me, says Domingo. He says that Mili did say something about their love being forbidden, and he says there must be something we don’t know. Flor looks like she knows, but he doesn’t see her expression.

Flor says she wants to call Luci, but Domingo says I’ll talk to her later. Right now I’m starved. Flor says she’ll whip up something. She heads off to the kitchen and he takes an enormous shiny gun from his belt and lays it on the coffee table.

At the repair shop, Vale is telling Morgan that she loved being with him. They sweet talk a bit and Socorro says hurry up, or Connie will suspect something. They ask for one more minute. Vale says please come to the house – I miss you so much. Your dad will kill me, says Morgan. You kill me, says Vale sweetly and they kiss. She says she brought him a love letter. He says he has one too and gets out a bigger envelope. He says it has an autographed photo of him in it. Socorro comes back in and says we have to go, I could get fired!

It’s nighttime and Hugo and Mat are drinking in a bar. They are both pretty well on. They talk about stupid Alex taking Mili away, and Hugo says they are the stupid ones for letting it happen. Hugo says Alex is always taking what doesn’t belong to him. He says Alex stole Mili from the church. Mat says and there they were like a couple of idiots at the soccer field with their bouquets of roses. They admire their stupidity some more and decide drinking together makes them feel less stupid. They toast and take another swig.

At Casa Belmonte, Luci is having a swig too. The phone rings and it’s Domingo. He says everything is taken care of, and Mili won’t be a problem ever again for her, or for his daughter. Luci hangs up and says ohmygawd, he killed her. In the background, we see a dejected Mili coming into the foyer. Hello she says. Luci jumps. Mili says what’s your problem?

Alex and Nestor are hard on her heels. Alex runs up and embraces her, relieved. Nestor and Luci stare at each other. Alex asks Mili if she’s okay and he tells her how frightened they were. Mili looks distraught. After a bit, he introduces Nestor as a friend of his mother’s. Nestor says let’s leave the kids alone. Luci says no, she wants to know what happened.

Nester says I told him. Alex says he told me everything – the whole story. Nestor wants Luci to go to another room to talk, but she is riveted on the spot. She says to Alex please understand. Alex tenderly takes Mili away and Luci slaps Nestor who looks shocked. You betrayed me, she says.

Out at the fountain, Alex and Mili are walking in the dark. She wants to know what happened to the little dog. Alex says he was so upset about her maybe being drowned that he couldn’t care for the dog and gave it to some kids. Alex asks how did she get home and Mili tells him it was Flor’s dad, who talked to her. I can’t tell if she indicated there was a kidnapping. Alex looks impactado.

Luci is going nuts telling Nestor off. He says stop and listen: I didn’t have the opportunity to tell Alex I’m his father. I told him about how you were my big love despite everything, about our time together. Luci says if you love me so much, don’t destroy my life. Nestor says maybe you’ve stopped loving me? I’m going to tell him and that’s that. She says he is making a big mistake. He mentions something I didn’t get about a hotel and an airplane. He asks if she had something to do with Mili’s disappearance from the beach. Luci tries a new tack: I lied to you, she says. I’m not sure Alex is your son.

Back at the fountain, Alex and Mili are sitting on a bench. He is trying to find out what Domingo said to her. She says she can’t say, but he was very worried about his daughter - who is suffering a lot on your account and he thinks that I was coming between you two. Alex says he has no right to mess in my life. Mili says he’s going to be your father-in-law. No, thank goodness, says Alex. I cancelled the wedding and I cancelled him too. But she loves you says Mili, though maybe not as much as I do.

You should marry her, says Mili. Alex says but I don’t love her. Try to love her, says Mili, try to be happy with her. Alex says when he found her cap on the beach, he thought Mili had done something desperate. Mili says I would never do anything like that. We both have so much to live for, even if we can’t be together. Alex says he doesn’t think he can get over this. Mili says love will make him strong.

Hugo, says Alex. ¿Que? says Mili. Pick Hugo, says Alex. You were going to pick one of us and I just don’t trust that Mat. He’s after your money. Pick Hugo, he loves you, always has. I don’t love him says Mili. Alex says I’m going to say what you just said a minute ago: Try to love him, try to be happy.

Nestor asks Luci what’s she’s playing at. She says you can’t say anything because I’m not sure you’re Alex’s father. But you said… says Nestor. Never mind, says Luci. A few days after you and I were together in Paris, I was with another man. Now what? says Nestor. Luci says you can tell him but not now! We’ll do a blood test, and if Alex turns out to be your son, I’ll tell him myself, she lies. Nestor says I want the test right away. I’ll find a lab and I’ll meet you there tomorrow with Alex.

Vale is coming in and Braulio says he wants to talk to her. How is it that she was at the store so long and came home with so few things? Vale says she doesn’t have to explain to him and if her father asks, she’ll just tell truth. And that would be? asks Braulio. Vale says a lot of the things didn’t look fresh, so we had to come back. Hmmm says Braulio, that’s exactly what Socorro said. See? says Vale. Good story, says Braulio. At any rate, your father doesn’t need to know that you were late, does he? I like that! says Vale. She leaves up the stairs.

Braulio spies her purse – she forgot it on the couch. Oh, no, he’s going to look in it and find the love letter! No, instead he’s going to wear it. He swishes around a bit, enjoying the effect. Unseen, Connie comes in and watches, eyebrows up. What’s this? he says. Braulio says Vale forgot her purse and he was going to take it to her. Connie says I’ll take it up, and he dismisses Braulio. After Braulio leaves, it occurs to Connie to look in it. He finds the envelope from Morgan. He gets out the photo, which says to my seňorita chiquita with all my love, Rocky. [What th ..? I can’t find the right “n” in the symbols. Arabic yes, Greek, yes. Spanish, no.]

Alex and Mili on the bench are tearful. She says she’s very tired and would he mind if she went off to bed? He said of course not, he’s shot too. She says good night. He strokes her cheek and they look at each other sadly. She holds his hand to her face. She says who’d have thought it? Carlitos turns out to be of your own blood. They stare at each other. I love you, says Mili. Slowly they let go of each other’s hand, and she walks off. Alex watches her go and says quietly goodbye, my sister.

Vale is picking up her purse from the couch. Mili walks in. She says good night. Vale looks at her warmly and says I’ll see you tomorrow. Mili goes up the stairs. Vale happily opens her purse and then is horrified to find that her love letter isn’t in there.

Some high heels walk into a darkened room and approach a bed. Mili is on the bed, weepy. She says I know why you’ve come. Because I broke my promise and told Alex he’s my brother. We see yup, it’s Luci in those high heels. Mili says I had no choice. I had to tell him why we couldn’t be together. Luci asks coldly And how did he take it? Mili says just like you’d expect: It broke his heart in two, it shattered all his dreams. That’s all I wanted to know says Luci. Good night. Mili watches her go with hate in her eyes.

Vale hollers for Braulio who comes running. She asks if he looked in her purse and he says he never would. She says she missing an envelope. Maybe it fell out in the car. Braulio wants to know if she lost some money maybe? Vale says yes, that’s it! But it’s nothing. She runs up the stairs. Braulio bends to pick up a pillow that dropped and finds something else (maybe a lotion?) that fell from her purse and sniffs it happily.

Connie is tiptoeing into the girls dorm – all three are asleep. He whispers “Karla?” “Karla?” He’s not sure which sleeping form is her. Finally he spots her and wakes her and has her follow him into the hall where he tells her she needs to find out where Morgan works. She knows it’s with Horacio. Connie says to find out the address first thing in the morning. Socorro has come up and overhears this last. She looks suspicious and disapproving.

Alex is flaked out on his bed. Luci knocks. She wants to know if they can talk, there’s a lot to say. He says can’t it wait for another day? but he lets her in. She starts that Nestor is a man who is pursuing her and she wishes he’d go away. Alex says well he says he loves you. Luci says we were very young. Alex says he keeps on loving you. She says I don’t want him causing problems with your father, with you. I want you to stay away from him. Alex confronts her: Why didn’t you tell me that Mili was my sister? Why did you hold out so long? Luci says gulp.

Avances: Hugo asks Mili if he can have any expectations and she says yes. Alex shows up at Flor’s and says can I have another chance? She is overjoyed. He says kiss me – tear her from my heart, help me forget her kisses, her caresses. Help me forget Mili. She goes for it. The rest of the avances didn’t have subtitles, but Connie goes after Morgan with a gun, Luci slaps Nestor again, Alex hugs Mili, and Alex confronts Domingo.


Comments: just slay me. These titles are works of genius.

Yes, and not to mention it's also a bad HAIR day! Alex has the ponytail back!

Maggie: Really great detailed recap. You didn't miss a thing.

Well, Luci is now beyond evil and into some other plane of absolute madness. It's bothersome that she has any kind of credibility with anyone - especially Nestor at this point. She claims she loves him, but then goes on the attack like a deranged animal.

If this weren't so serious, it would be a comedy of errors. But, this is supposed to be a drama with light moments. So, we get to see Domingo hold a gun to Mili's head while Val and Rocky ride around in shopping carts.

Was it foreseeable that Alex would run to Flor? Let's give him a break and say that he's been so abused by his "father" all his life that his adult judgment is clouded. No, let's not say that. He's still not an adult and like a child goes looking for instant gratification when he could have faced his so called father and gotten a real explanation.

Anyway, Flor has her moments. At least she wants Luci to reveal the truth to her son.

From lower Ala

Thanks for the great recap Maggie - loved the title!

Hopefully Nestor is getting a clue into the real Luciana and will deal with Alex directly now. But I'm still afraid Alex is going to be rushed into marriage with Florencia before he finds out Constancio is not his real father. After all, we have a few months to fill!

Mili & Hugo can't get married because unless they break the mold with this telenovela, our protagonista has to remain untouched for her true love. But I guess they can have a long engagement.

And Luci just gets more and more horrible! Just when you think she can't go any lower.

I loved Lagrimita, but I don't understand why he was included only for the love shack episodes. Maybe just a cameo for one of the actor's pets?

Oy, Al and Flor. I was really hoping they wouldn't get back together, but it does seem like we're heading for a wedding very soon. Now, I can forgive Al just a little bit, because he is severely traumatized and that tends to lead people to do ill-advised things even when they were previously smart, which Al has never been. Should I give Flor a little leeway too, because it is in bad taste to mock a woman who is obviously SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL? No, I hate her too much. Seriously, most women would not hear "help me forget about the woman I really love" as an acceptable marriage proposal.

As per usual, the Belmonte women remain the smart ones. I love Val's scheming with the staff!

That bench scene was so sad especially when they said good bye.

How sweet of Al and Mili to pick out each other's future mates. Flo and Hugo are the lucky losers in the love lottery. Both will get the object of their obsessions but no love and in Hugo's case probably no action either.

Flo is Luci in training. Doing anything she can to get her own way. I had to laugh when Al rolled in with one of Novelaland's cliches - "Help me forget her". We all know how well that works out. Sorry you spoiled Mafia Princess but you deserve every bit of misery that is sure to come. Al - well the poor dolt is both an Arango and Miranda so without Mili's smarts to guide him,he is doomed to make stupid errors in judgement.

Luci has reached truly VILE proportions. Is there nothing she isn't willing to do, no lie she isn't willing to tell. Wake up Nestor and get the hell out of Dodge and away from this despicable excuse for a woman and mother.

Val may be getting the snobby edges worn away but how dumb can you get when you have an incriminating letter in your purse and you just dump it on a chair and forget about it. You would think she would have raced to her room to check it out. (I know, I know another plot point). And how cute did Braulio look modeling that purse.

Very good and thanks for the detail.

Oh the pain..the pain of it all.
Something that drives me totally crazy and it is an on-going theme in these things, is the deep and abiding love that Nestor has held in his little breast for twenty some years. I just can't imagine meeting someone twenty years later that you had a one nighter with, well actually I can imagine that part, not actually recognizing them (because I am sure time would have ravaged them, while leaving me untouched), but still Okay, it is one thing if you are Lety from La Fea, cause well you wouldn't have had much else to think about for twenty years. Nestor was a shaker and a mover and now he is crazy ass in love with this freakin psycho?

Well, I'm going to play Devil's Advocate here, in part because in the last few years (and I'm 68 for Pete's sake!) three old beaux, two from Europe, went through various searches until they were able to find me through the internet. Now that's just nuts and speaks to the power of distorted memory and "first love".

And hey, how many friends have you known who got a divorce after going back to their high school reunion and hooking up with their teen aged but now much older beau again?

AND Nestor and Luci weren't just a one-night stand. He was in love with her all through school and let her copy his notes for tests since she was dumb as a rock even then.

But hey I liked your story anyway and I'm SURE you haven't changed a bit.

Did anyone else notice that the dachshund she named LagrimitAs is a male?

Now that you mention it, I did notice the dog was a male, but I didn't know the name of the dog, so it didn't faze me.

As for Luci, not only is she getting crazier, she's getting drunkier. I'm surprised she could even stand up after downing about a fifth of Scotch, it looked like. Nestor actually seems to be somewhat disenchanted.

Curses I completely forgot their rockin teen romance...

But still Luci is a psycho..
and she is already smacking Nestor around.

If Luci and Nestor were friends in school how did she not know the Padre was his brother? Am I looking for too much continuity and logic?

You know Luci is drinking like a fish when even the self absorbed mafia princess commented on her drinking so much. Love the excuse - it calms her nerves.

Clue me in because I missed it somehow. Where did the dog come from? Was it a gift to Mili or just some well fed stray hanging on the beach. I can't believe that someone gave it to Mili because she would have asked about it when she got home then again did she and I miss it. Drat ever since i got hit in the head I seem to be missing things.

It occurs to me that when this ends I'd like to se Al and Mili end up back at that romantic little house with the pool. Sorta like we kept hoping in LFMB Betty and Fern would have ended up back at that spa not in Monterrey at a rock festival.

Can anybody cover for Thursday next week? I just found out that our flooring, which we’re getting in several rooms, will be installed next week. That means that our TV that has captions is going to be disconnected, and I’m not 100% I’ll have the computer set up.

I’d offer to switch nights, but the installation is going to take several days and may run into the next week. However, I could pick up somebody’s night at a later time!

I’ll post this same question over the weekend too, so I make sure it gets seen.

And thank you all VERY much for your kinds words!

Awesome job, Maggie!

I really liked Lagrimitas, but alas, the pup has moved on to other projects.

If Mili marries Hugo, I would bet there would be a non-consumation agreement, along the lines of Destilando. Of course Alejandro would not be bound to the same terms if he marries Flor, since this is novelaland.

Awesome recap Maggie ;)

I can pick up Thursday for you. I might have to split it in two, but it should be done before the next epi ;) Incidentally, in spite of tagging my recaps and clicking Permalink, I can never get them to appear in the episode list when I click on the list on the left. Anybody can tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Maggie, Mili didn't specifically say Domingo kidnapped her, just that she really wanted to talk to Al so he'd know she was on her way to Mexico, but Domingo wouldn't let her. She didn't elaborate, but Al pretty much figured it out from there (he's not completely clueless unless it's romantic issue).

NinaK, I had so hoped Al would keep his tresses free. Them's the breaks.

Brenda & NinaK, although the word "lagrima" (or in this case "lagrimita") is a female word, I guess Mili figured what mattered was the sentiment, rather than the gender. I was right there with Maggie feeling the poor thing was no attack dog. Decie, Al got "lagrimita" as a present for Mili because in one of his many love speeches he'd mentioned living in a house by the sea with a little pet and raising their kiddies. Mili's now glad that at least the doggie got to have the life by the sea they had hoped for.

Julia, we know PM was adopted when he was 12, but not how old Nestor was at the time. I believe Luci knew Nestor in Jr. High (in Mexico it goes up until the 9th grade) but they never "dated" because her parents didn't approve and they lost touch after they stopped going to the same school. So if Nestor was about 15 or so, and the PM is just a few years younger, it's possible he was adopted after Nestor and Luci lost touch the first time around.

Decie, I wonder how old Flor was mommy passed on. That girl has no self respect! First she gets her dad to lasso her up a boyfriend (I still think she should have settled for the pony) that doesn't even want her. Then she actually agrees to sleep with him knowing full well he'll be thinking of someone else. She doesn't even want to hear his explanation! She definitely deserves the heartache she's got coming. She once was willing to give him up knowing he loved Mili, she should have the sense to do it again.

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