Saturday, July 05, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #115, Friday 7-4: Get me to the Rodeo on time

New stuff starts right after the handshake between Mateo and Constancio, aka Team Let's Screw Luciana…Over.

Lina doesn't know what to make of Bobby bringing her flowers. He says he brought sunflowers because everyone always brings roses and he wanted to be original. Awww, that's sweet. About damn time he caught a clue. Lina loves them, she's just weepy because no one's brought her flowers before. She's going to put water in them and take them upstairs. Florencia comes in after Lina leaves and rags on Bobby for having the same problem as her husband…they like the "chachas"…I'm guessing she means "low-down-filthy-good-for-nothing-servants" and not just "muchachas." Florencia accuses him of doing it to try to get over her no-good, cheating sister. Only she doesn't use all those words. Bobby denies it. Florencia tries to talk about how terrible Marisela feels, but Bobby doesn’t give a crap.

Braulio, who darted through the living room in the last scene comes back in, having let Ramses in. He coos over Ramses' tan, which needs working on, apparently, since he hasn't been hanging around the pool lately. Ramses is looking for Valeria and Braulio trips over the vacuum cleaner Lina was using in his mad dash up the stairs. Talk about cramping a guy's style. He screams that Lina's gonna get it as he continues running up the stairs, vacuum cleaner and all.

Damian tells Constancio he has a surprise. Peralta is back. Oh. Yay. More indecipherable business machinations. Constancio's over what Peralta did before. He's apparently got some new scam to propose. Apparently the president of the party had to quit because of some scandal and it cast a pall over the whole party. The party needs a new president and Peralta wants it to be Constancio. Constancio eats this up with a great big spoon. He thinks it's just what he needs. Peralta mentions the divorce and says he's got to slow it down until he gets elected. Damian says he'll take care of it. There's a strange pause and all I can figure is that Peralta let a smelly one rip, judging from the looks on everyone's faces.

The younger set make plans to go to Coyoacan. Bobby wants to invite Lina and Valeria is surprised, but not upset about it. It looks like an 8-some: Valeria and Ramses, Alejandro and Florencia, Bobby and Lina, and then Mili and Hugo, who just showed up. Now Florencia tries to cry off because of the baby. Mili announces that she and Hugo aren't going to leave the house after they get married after all, earning her a huge hug from Alejandro and yet another big fat stink-eye from Florencia.

Rocky's less bandaged, but still pretty non-understandable and bruised. He's outside watering the plants. Horacio tells Rocky that he's got to get the car ready to drive the youngsters out to Coyoacan. Horacio comes up with an idea, but he doesn't tell Rocky what it is yet, just says something so that he can tell Valeria what happened without needing to talk.

The six who decided to go to Coyoacan are out having a good time, eating mostly.

Damian is still begging for help to get rid of Karla. Constancio won't do anything until Luciana calls off the divorce. Same argument as usual. Damian complains about the Andrea being a complication. Luciana walks in and Constancio gives her one compliment and then can't take it anymore and tells her she looks just as disagreeable as always. He tells Damian to take care of the situation and then takes off. Damian tries talking about how Luciana cheated too, but she's not in the mood to hear it from her own brother, who should be on her side. Ah, but Damian's never been that kind of brother.

And now we see Horacio's brilliant plan. Rocky is there, dressed as a mime. Valeria actually likes mimes. What does that say about her? Rocky the Mime asks her to participate in his little show. He mimes that he loves her and gives her a rose. Then he invites Hugo to mime aiming at him with a big gun. Valeria keeps trying to guess who Hugo is supposed to be, but she can't get that Hugo is supposed to be miming her dad. Rocky can't take it anymore and mumbles out "It's your dad, Señorita Valeria." And that will be the end of our "Rocky tries to tell Valeria what really happened" segment of the evening.

Bobby and Lina say goodbye at the house. Bobby says he wants to dance with her all afternoon and evening tomorrow at Mili's wedding. They kiss, but Lina's still skittish. Bobby looks like she had Novacaine in her lipstick. Valeria comes up and makes fun of him. He reminds her about dating the chauffeur. She's talking about how she's glad her eyes were opened, since those relationships never work out. Bobby tells her he used to like her, but Rocky really loves her and all the crazy stuff he's done is because he loves her, not her money--why else would he dress up like a mime? Valeria gets ticked off. Bobby says he's done with his crush on her and he never saw her as happy as when she was with Rocky. He says Rocky deserves for her to listen to him after all that happened. Then he leaves. I love Valeria's dress, by the way.

Mili and Hugo are taking their last moonlight walk before their wedding. Hugo's going to go inside and start resting up for the big day. Mili wants to spend some time alone outside. They kiss goodnight and Hugo goes inside. Alejandro appears from behind a tree and walks behind Mili for a few steps before he asks if he can steal her from the altar again. Wow, that's some poor taste right there! He does still think she's his sister and he is married. He tells her he's joking and that he wants tomorrow to be the nicest day of her life, since she deserves it. Mili hugs him and rests her head on his chest.

Next thing we know, we're in the Rodeo, where some guy starts talking about the purpose of marriage. And here I thought this was supposed to be a civil ceremony. The guy asks the important questions and both Hugo and Mili say yes, not without a big pause on Mili's part. He asks for objections and no one has any. He declares them "legally united in matrimony" and Hugo and Mili kiss. She's a pretty unhappy -looking bride. We go to commercials before we can find out if this is real or a dream.

Now it's party time at the Rodeo. Valeria wants to dance, but Ramses won't dance with her--he says he doesn't like the music. Bobby takes Lina out to dance. Florencia asks Alejandro to dance, so the novios aren't out there alone, and Alejandro asks the bump if she wants to dance with him. The baby kicks in response. Oh, now, that would be cute if Florencia wasn't such a heinous beeyotch. Obviously, they can't kill off the baby, so somehow Florencia will have to be gotten rid of, cause I don't see her being reasonable about sharing custody. Anyway, the two of them get out and dance. Karla is trying to get Damian to dance with her, but no joy. Damian and Constancio talk about the locale and Damian tells Constancio to dance with Luciana, but Constancio doesn't think that's going to work. Luciana's not having a good time, but Nestor seems to appreciate the ambience.

Back in the kitchen, Socorro, Rocky, and Horacio are getting the wedding tacos ready. Mmm, tacos. Seems like Rocky has lost all his bruises and can talk now.

Marisela is crabby because Bobby is dancing with Lina. Florencia comes over to sit at her table, as does Luciana, who complains about the high concentration of naco-ness. She really turns up her nose at the tacos. Those three have no taste. Florencia even covered her nose. They talk about Luciana's allegedly impending divorce and her desire for revenge.

Karla is still trying to dance with Damian, but he sneaks away from her. She calls him "pimpollo" again, which sounds like it should mean "chicken pimp," but it's actually rosebud. I think I'll stick with Chicken Pimp, though, it's much more fitting for Damian.

Mili and Hugo go over to say hi to Gamuza and Yolanda. Mili says she's sorry Romulo couldn't be there, but since he'd already posed as her dad in front of Constancio, well…. Gamuza and Mili inform Hugo that they are novios forever, despite Mili and Hugo being married and Gamuza takes Mili out to dance. Poor kid's never going to dance with girls his own age if he doesn't get any taller! Too bad the writers didn't think of that when they decided to skip ahead three years.

Karla finds Damian and drags her Chicken Pimp out on to the floor.

Bobby leaves Lina on the dance floor to go talk to Alejandro. Alejandro tries to say everything's ok, but Bobby just says he understands. He tells Alejandro not to get upset. The Robledos, Sr and Jr, and the skanky guy show up, upsetting Bobby.

Mili and Hugo visit the God Squad table. Sor Cachete wants to be godmother of their firstborn…Mili freaks out at the mention of babies. Dude, Sor Cachete would be an awesome godmother. Hugo promises Padre Manuel that when they do get married in the church, he wants Padre Manuel to officiate.

Constancio and Andrea sit together complaining about how drunk Luciana is getting.

Nestor tries to get her to slow down with the drinking, but she makes the usual excuses about why she needs the alcohol.

The kitchen crew are still working on the food, but Lina and Rocky convince Socorro and Horacio to get out there and dance. Lina puts on the hat and apron and goes to heat up some more tortillas. Of course, Mateo's rat finky friend and his skank ho date walk in right then. He makes some nasty remarks and Bobby comes in to defend her, getting the two of them to walk out. Rocky wants to know what's up, but Bobby's still being prickly. Lina asks the boys to make nice and Bobby tells Rocky he wants to be friends. Rocky barely shakes his hand and they smack each other a bit, in the way of, well, boys, and then everything's ok between them and Bobby goes to chop some onions and chiles, apron and all.

Mat the Rat introduces his grandpa to Marisela's dad. Domingo wants to talk business with Robledo Sr. Mat gets Marisela up to dance with him.

Padre Manuel tells Mili she doesn't look happy and she says she misses her viejita linda ("pretty old lady," aka Regina--and if she were here, she'd say "Viejita, las pelotas and what the hell do you think you're doing marrying Hugo when you're really in love with Alejandro?"). Constancio wants to talk, but Mili won't leave PM. Constancio says he wants her to be really, really happy because she deserves it for getting all the love and respect that she was denied before. He says all the people who hurt her are going to pay and the important thing is for her not to hold on to resentment or hate. He almost tells her she's his daughter, again, but changes it to "you are... nothing but sweetness." He asks for a hug and gets one. That was almost like one of those sweet moments with Regina where we knew Milagros was her granddaughter, but she didn't and it didn't matter because they loved each other so much. But it's hard to feel the same way about these moments with Constancio because he's still such an idiotic egotist that he won't tell her the truth! She deserves better.

After the commercial break, PM tries to convince her to tell Constancio what she knows, but Mili insists that he needs to be the one to talk. Hugo and Braulio both come up at the same time and PM tells them they'll have to share Mili from now on.

Luciana continues drowning her sorrows. Constancio says she's not leaving any for the rest of the guests. Luciana tells him to keep his eye on his secretary since Domingo Echavaria is over there flirting. As he goes over in that direction, PM intercepts and tries to compliment him on what he said to Mili, but Constancio gives him the brush-off.

Drunky Luci goes over to talk smack about Andrea to Domingo. Domingo leaves, but Andrea's not too upset. The two women spit venom at each other. The usual.

Horacio flirts with Socorro on the dance floor--"My love, if beauty were seconds, you'd be 24 hours." It's cheesy, but obviously it gets results.

Karla catches up to Damian yet again, but he gets away, again. So tedious.

Padre Manuel and Nestor go outside to talk. PM brings up Luciana's drinking, but Nestor's in denial. He's too busy being happy about the impending divorce. Damian comes outside trying to avoid Karla, who chases him out there. Damian fakes heart pain to get rid of Karla, but PM and Nestor are too quick to point out that he went back inside.

Luciana and Mateo conference about Luciana's revenge schemes. Mateo plays along, but we all know he's a double agent. Luciana's reached the drunken "I love you, man" stage.

Alejandro is getting upset about how much Luciana is drinking, but Florencia tells him to chill and they'll ask her to leave in a little while.

Rocky, Bobby, and Lina talk about Rocky's broken heart. Bobby tells Rocky that Valeria still loves him. Rocky tells Bobby that he can't get Valeria to listen to him and Bobby says he'll help. Gloria comes in to announce that Sor Cachete is about to sing to Mili and Hugo. Rocky rushes to grab his jacket and take off his apron and they all go out to the dance area.

Pedro announces that a representative of the church is going to dedicate a song to Mili and Hugo. Hugo gets considerably less applause than Mili. Sor Cachete takes the mic. Pedro comes over and congratulates Mili and Hugo as Sor Cachete starts to sing Sin Bandera's "Entra en Mi Vida":

Good evening, nice to meet you, you're just another girl
After five minutes, you're already someone special
Without talking to me, without touching me, something inside me has ignited
In your eyes it got late and I forgot about the time

These days by your side have show me that in truth
There's no predetermined time to start loving
I feel something so deep it has no explanation
There is no reason or logic in my heart

Come into my life
I open the door for you
I know that in your arms there will be no more desolate nights
Come into my life
I beg you
I started out being surprised by you, but later I started to need you

Good evening, nice to meet you, no one else exists now
After this time together I can't go back
You talked to me, you touched me, and you turned into my hope
I want you to be the owner of my heart

Come into my life…

Come into my hours, save me now, open your arms wide and let me come in

Come into my life…

While Sor is singing, Valeria tries to get Ramses to dance, but Bobby tells him there's a reporter wanting pictures or an interview or something and he leaves. Rocky then sneaks up, claps a hand around Valeria's mouth and drags her off as she tries to shriek. He gets her outside and she yells at him, of course. He accepts all the insults she throws at him, but says he loves her. She tries to go after him with a shoe, but he takes it away and won't give it back until they talk. He tells her the truth (your dad didn't give me money, he forced me to disappoint you so you'd go to Paris). We'll have to see if she believes it, but for now, she looks impactada!

On Monday: Drunken Luciana dedicates a song to Constancio…a song called "Rata Inmunda", and it's not a nice one from the little we hear of it so far! Oh, yeah, and she announces to the crowd that Constancio isn't Alejandro's father and that Nestor is his real dad. Yeah, I know…but will it stick?!


Great recap, 5 feet. I know it's a telenovela --but can anyone explain what Andrea, Matteo, and his terrible friend who was so rotten to Lina are doing at Mili and Hugo's wedding??

I think that Bobby has turned into a nice character. He really has grown in the last 3 years. He is always there for Alejandro. He is helping his former rival Rocky with Valeria, stood up for Lina, and had the strength to dump Marisela and not give her another chance after she slept with Matteo. The younger Bobby would have taken hr back.

Can Luciana get any worse? obviously she does in the next episode.


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NJ Sue, all I can figure is that it was actually Grandpa Robledo who was invited but Mili and/or Hugo. Maybe Mat was invited by Luciana, and since he can't go anywhere without his wingman....

Oops, second try! Since I'm already in song translation mode, this is the last song Mili sang, when she was allegedly singing to Hugo, but Alejandro was in the audience. I loved it so much I had to go buy the album off of iTunes :)

La Quinta Estacion--Algo Mas (Something More)

Sometimes I think I'm lying to you
When I tell you that I love you
Because this isn't love anymore

Sometimes I think I've died
When I wake up and you're not there
Because I know this isn't love anymore

It's something more, something that fills me
Something that doesn't kill or poison
It's something more, something more than love

It's something more than the distance
Than the pain and nostalgia
We know that that won't separate us
It's giving you a kiss every night
And falling in love with your hands
And what we have growing more every day
Because we're something more

Sometimes I think I've lived
More than a thousand years with you
Because I know that this isn't love anymore

Sometimes I think it's a lie
Because of how you came into my life
Because I know that this isn't love anymore

It's something more, something that fills me
Something that doesn't kill or poison
It's something more, something more than love

It's something more than the distance...

And I know that it's not love
Because I can lose myself in your eyes
With you I forget what fear is
Maybe you don't know you're for me
The nights and days in my life
The blood in my veins
I give it all for you
With you the world has no end
And time will not run out on us

It's something more than the distance...

thanks for the great recap...
I've been to a boat-load of Mex receptions, I've seen a lot, once some guy pulled a gun. Security guards are common at these functions now...but I have never seen a Luci scene...damn that is entertainment...I seriously give up the earsplitting Banda music for the "Confession". See I guess that is what happens when you only go to Naco receptions instead of those ones with those fine better class people like Luci.

Truly an outstanding recap, 5ft! And a lot of good funny bits, too. And lyrics even – thank you so much!

This was a great episode and the avances promise a great one on Monday.

My thoughts:

Can anyone tell me something/more about Coyoacan?

Rocky sure healed up fast!

To be kind, Mili should have faked being a happy bride.

Too bad we didn’t get to listen to Sor Cachete’s whole song. All the other characters got a chance to do a whole number, even Bobby who can’t sing worth beans. I was surprised how low her singing voice is compared to her speaking voice which is so high-pitched it’s squeaky. And she talks so fast!

I've always liked Bobby after he got over the snarky bit with Carlitos in the beginning. He has consistently been a good friend to Al and to Mili. He always deserved better than MP2 and in a lot of ways he is like Mili with a good and kind heart. I like his loyalty.

I too could not believe that Frat Boy and his new piece of trash showed up at a wedding when clearly he wouldn't be wanted. I have to admit that having your civil ceremony and reception at Rodeo was a piece of genius. There is no place on earth that Luci would rather not have been but then again there is a boat load of booze for her and she was intent on swigging it down.

I loved the scene with Connie and Mili. Yet again the two of them work so well together it makes you want to cry and then kick him for being so gutless that he just doesn't tell her that she is his daughter and that he loves her. Her stubbornness obviously comes form the Belmonte side of the family.

Karla should just give it up. I'm convinced that she will never trap Damian into marrying her anymore than Andrea will end up with Connie. Come on ladies have a little pride and move on.

From those previews it looks like the worst day of Alejandro's life is about to get even worse.

Great recap of a great episode, 5ft, and the lyrics too.

I loved this episode. It seems to be a convention to use a big event like a wedding to tie up loose ends or force elements of the story forward. This was a riveting tour de force. It made me appreciate how tightly woven the story is, and the writers managed to work in every plot thread--except where were Gloria and Chamuco? She was hardly seen, and he must still be recovering from his last bout of dancing on crutches.

Ditto to what everyone has said already, Bobby nicer, great scene with Connie, crazy Luci, can't wait for Monday.

Hey Hi5 to you, 5ft! I haven't been hanging in the same corners as you for a long time but recently I saw a couple of whole episodes of ADCLG and thought the story was well written, including this episode so I appreciate even more your wonderful clear writing style that explains many of the side characters and issues that I don't know yet. I think I have been snared in seeing Alexandro's luminous eyes on so many previews while I was engrossed with the Juan and Pasion and now Fuego shows that flank this one timewise.

Thanks for taking the time to add the lyrics too, is sometimes hard to catch (even in English)words as they are distorted in a song.

Luciana was really a trip, and really can't sing or at least not drunk, and maybe not at all. The whole wedding and party have been well done for wrapping characters in. I thought for a moment (guess I was supposed to be breathless with the crowd) that Milagros would run out of the wedding ceremony but this is really complex now that they are going to find out Monday that Mili and Alex aren't having incestuous feelings for each other at all! Wow, a night of impactos grandes. I think I will have to stick around to see this unfold.

Great recap 5ft!

I kept hoping that Mili would change her mind at the last min. She is obviously uncomfortable being intimate with Hugo and has not thought that something more will be expected after the wedding.

But, we’ve got to much time left for her to say no. Whether Alex knows the truth or not, she wants to make sure the baby has a family.

I had to laugh that the wedding was at the rodeo. I couldn’t place them during the ceremony, but saw a big picture of a steer in the background.

Luci was really throwing back the shots. I lost count but it must have been at least 12. I would be in a coma if I drank that much….Monday should be interesting. My husband got a kick out of the song she’s going to sing.


Laura Flores is primarily a singer so it should be interesting but I wonder why she feels it necessary to humiliate her adored son in public or hasn't that crossed her mind. I for one hope that Nestor kicks her butt to the door after the lies she told him about Al not being his.

It occurred to me this morning thinking back to that famous 20th anniversary party that had us all puzzled and trying to figure out how Connie and Luci had been married for 20 years when Mili had just turned 18 and Connie had been in love with Rosario and she left just at the time he was forced to marry Luci. Obviously Connie and Luci have lied to Al and the rest of the family about the exact date of their wedding or even a semi dolt like Al would have added two and two and figured out he had been born before the wedding. In any event Monday should be fantastic.

Hi 5 ft. Was down in Charlotte visiting grandbabies...looks like I missed a dilly of an episode but you really brought it to life and I like "chickenpimp" as a permanent name for Damian.

When it was used in a previous episode I looked it up in my big Oxford's and it said it could also mean a hunk or a babe, depending on the sex of the person referred to. Don't know how that came about!

Well, Monday looks like a can't miss. Alcoholics can consume large amounts without passing out and I guess Luciana's liver has been "in training" for many years now.

She's evidently drunk enough to spill a whole lotta beans and I guess we're all looking forward to it.

Alejandro's been humiliated all his life by his putative father, so maybe a little further humiliation won't do him in.

PS Cute title...I've got My Fair Lady's tunes going through my head now...not bad!

5ft. Great recap. I especially loved your putting in the lyrics. Thanks.

From lower Ala

This has been a really fun wedding so far with great scenes all around. Between Luci and the loathsome mafia princesses and the Rat-twin crashers, will it end in a brawl?

The return of Peralta/Puppetmaster can't mean anything good, but their shady political dealings always bore me. It's like when the grownups talk on Peanuts.

Braulio tripping over the vacuum was about the funniest thing ever. He was SO humiliated to trip in front of Ramses, but Mr. Plastic didn't even notice--he was too busy looking at himself in his little mirror. I think I like Ramses--he's like a friendly housepet: adds to the ambience, doesn't judge, affectionate to anyone who pays him a little attention.

Thanks for the funny recap 5ft! I missed the episode, but could picture the Peralta long pause scene... you do have a way with words!

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