Saturday, July 26, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #129, Friday 7-25: La Familia Belmonte…giving a whole new meaning to "I Got You, Babe"

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in front of our respective television sets, to witness the carnage we are sure will result from the union of this man and this woman. Damian and Karla, you have planned, schemed, cheated and swindled, and finally your big day has arrived:

Padre Manuel asks for any objections to the union. Well, Padre Manuel, ask and ye shall receive….

Oh, yeah, that's a pink shirt alright. Fernando objects. Damian has to fake shock and outrage. Fernando claims to be in luuuuurve with Karla. She forbids Damian from doing any physical damage and then runs to Fernando. They mack. In the church. Cause Karla's classy like that.

I guess Marisela and Mat weren't invited. Marisela is complaining about Flor not wanting to move in with her. She goes on and on and Mateo pretends to care and gets in some more insults about Alejandro and the family. He hints about Constancio being a bad guy, but won't give details. As we've seen before, this is the best way to get Marisela to believe you…"Oh, well, honey, if you knew the things I knew…but I won't say…."

More outraged Damian. Karla complains that Damian didn't treat her well and her new Chicken Pimp treats her like a queen. And also, he's better in bed than Damian. Padre Manuel reminds her they're in church. Karla and Fernando ask to be married right then and there. Damian has to be dragged off by Alejandro and Hugo to keep from pounding Fernando. Padre Manuel refuses to marry them and he dismisses the crowd, all of whom seem all too happy to be dismissed. Fernando and Karla lobby for a wedding tomorrow, but PM begs off. Karla introduces Socorro and Fernando. Fernando macks on his new suegra. Again, in the church. Socorro drags him off to talk and tells him that she doesn't buy that he's in love with her daughter…and also, that she knows what he did to Lina. Fernando goes back to macking on Karla. Poor Socorro can't figure out how many more mistakes her little girl has to make before she learns her lesson.

Gloria and Lina are back at the house. Gloria comments that Karla's with someone even worse than she is. Lina wonders if it could really be true that Fernando is in love with Karla and she looks upset about it. She says guys only bust up weddings if they're really in love. Gloria says roaches don't like to be alone, that's all. Gloria reminds Lina that Lina's got Bobby who's a way better man. This cheers Lina up. Mili comes in all excited saying she's brought the pregnancy tests. Gloria refuses to take one, but Mili says they'll all do it so that she doesn't have to do it alone. Gloria's really afraid of it coming out positive. Lina and Gloria both refuse to go first, so Mili has to do it.

Padre Manuel gripes to Nestor about the crap he has to put up with at work. What's wrong with these kids these days?! Nestor reminds him that kids have always been kinda stupid, not just now. He reminds Manuel about some freaky hairdo he used to have. Nestor brings up Mili's pictures and that there's one of Mili's mom and Constancio. Padre Manuel tells him that Constancio is Mili's real dad and that she and Alejandro separated because they thought they were committing incest, thanks to Luciana. Nestor is impactadissimo!

Mili and Lina sit in Mili's room holding their pee sticks. Gloria's in the bathroom, but she's having a problem getting started and Lina tells her to run the faucet. She eventually comes out and the waiting starts.

Nestor can't believe Luciana could have done such a thing. PM has to break it to him that she sure as heck did it. Nestor is upset about Manuel not telling him before. PM promises he'll tell him the whole story now, but Nestor needs to chill. And so PM tells him about Mili and Al's almost-wedding. Now Nestor understands how upset Alejandro was when his grandma died. Nestor asks why Padre Manuel didn't tell Alejandro. PM says he had to keep his mouth shut because Luciana threatened to kill off Mili and because he believed she'd do it. Poor Nestor. He looks like someone just ran over his puppy. Twice. Commercials…. Nestor can't believe that his poor little fragile Luciana could have done this. Now Nestor understands why Padre Manuel set up the thing with the house on the beach. Nestor understands a lot of things now, and he wants to have a talk with Alejandro. PM reminds him that Mili doesn't want Constancio to know that she knows that she's his daughter. Nestor says Luci has a lot of 'splaining to do.

Big shock, Gloria's not pregnant. And there was much rejoicing. She promises that when she is, one of the others will be the madrina for the baptism and the other one for the kid's first communion, so they don't have to fight over it. Lina, however, has two little pink lines. Oh, please, writers, haven't we done enough to poor Lina already?!

Down in the living room, everyone is consoling Damian. He says he wants nothing more to do with women. But, no, he's not going to start pitching for the other team, he just won't be committed to anyone. Socorro comes in to apologize for her skank of a daughter, but Damian doesn't blame her. Damian claims he's sad since he was all set to call Socorro "mom." He hugs her just a little too long. Socorro asks for permission to go upstairs and see Mili and Andrea and Luciana fight for Alpha position again. Damian says he has to leave the house because everything reminds him of Karla. Before he leaves, he sadly reminds everyone that he was once her Chicken Pimp. Luciana looks vacant (or maybe she's taking a mental inventory of all the places in the house where she has booze hidden) and Constancio smirks.

Karla and Fernando mack on his couch. She blabs on and on about Fernando turning out to be the guy for her. He says she's just as innocent as her little friend Lina. Karla objects, so he says "yeah, that's right, baby, you're the one who snagged me." They make out some more as Fernando sneaks a look at his watch.

Lina cries while the other girls console her. Socorro tells them that it's important to do a blood test if the test comes out negative, cause it could be wrong, but if it comes out positive--too bad, you're preggers. Um, Socorro, we were trying to console Lina. Lina has to admit she's done nothing with Bobby, so it must be that rat bastard Fernando's. Lina cries that Bobby won't want her now. Mili's worried about Fernando marrying Karla, but Socorro scoffs that he's just messing with her. She says that Lina and Socorro are going right over to Fernando's apartment right now--just the two of them, not the other girls.

Alejandro and Nestor meet in a restaurant. Alejandro only showed up because Nestor said it was urgent. Nestor offers him a drink, but Alejandro just wants to know what's up. Nestor tells him he just found out what Luciana did. Alejandro doesn't want to talk about it with him. Nestor says he's worried about Alejandro. Alejandro says there was a time he would have given anything to find out he had another dad, but now it's too late and he's not interested. He goes to leave, but Nestor stops him. Alejandro tells him that he asked Luciana for the truth the night before his wedding and she denied it even then. Alejandro blames Nestor for not telling him when he had plenty of chances. Nestor tries to explain, but Alejandro doesn't want to hear it. Alejandro says that Nestor destroyed him the same as Luciana did.

Milagros comes to visit Hugo in his studio. She wants to talk. She tells him Lina's pregnant and she started crying when she found out. Mili says having a baby is, like, the coolest, but not when it's not the baby of the man you luuuuurve. Hugo says "What are you trying to say? That if you got pregnant with my baby, you'd start crying?" Mili and Hugo throw their promises to each other in each other's faces. Hugo gripes about Mili and Alejandro. He wants proof that Mili trusts him--by letting him manage her money and her shares in the company. She says she'll sign whatever he asks. He hugs her and makes a crazy-obsessed-guy face, while she just looks miserable and confused. Commercials…. Hugo thanks her. Mili's still upset and looks worried.

Karla and Fernando have a post-coital coffee. She blabs about wanting to go to Miami for their honeymoon. Fernando says she's funny and he'll miss that about her. Someone rings the doorbell and Fernando jumps up, saying "Finally! I thought they'd never get here!" It's Damian, still in his tux. The guys shake hands and hug. In front of Karla, Fernando says just hurry up and pay me the money, I've got things to do. Damian hands over an envelope of cash and Fernando starts counting it. In front of Karla. Who makes an ugly about-to-cry face. It's so callous, but I can't even muster up the energy to feel sorry for her.

Valeria and Rocky walk into the house together and find Luciana waiting on the couch, forcing Valeria to treat him like a chauffeur again. Luciana can't just let things go and has to remind Valeria that she can't let herself get enamored of the chauffeur again. Valeria says it doesn't matter since Luci and Constancio have done their best to get him to reject her. Luciana starts to whine that it's for her own good and she and Valeria get into an argument about it. Andrea comes over to join in, which upsets Luci even more. Valeria finally says that at least Andrea is her friend and she's glad that her dad traded Luci in for Andrea. Luciana slaps her across the face, then tries to beg forgiveness. Valeria leaves. Now Luci and Andrea get into it, with Andrea gloating and calling her a pathetic excuse for a mother.

Once Fernando has counted his cash, he takes his coffee and leaves. Damian tells Karla if there was a stupid contest, she'd win…"Stupidest girlfriend category…Karla Zorrilla. Stupidest servant category…Karla Zorrilla." Karla protests that her last name is Luna, but Damian says it would be like a stage name. Whether he means "zorrilla" as in "skunk" "striped polecat" or "little fox" is anyone's guess. He thanks her for saving him from both jail and marriage. She goes after him and he pushes her onto the couch. He tells her she looks better on the floor…with a bucket and a rag, of course. And in her uniform, which looks better on her than a wedding dress does. He says he's going off now to find another woman. Karla's left sobbing on the couch. Fernando comes in and throws the wedding dress at her. He tells her to shut the door on her way out. She asks if she can take the fur coat with her. Karla! Por Dios! Have you no dignity! He goes back into the bedroom, while she cries.

Chamuco tells Gloria not to be lifting heavy objects. She tells him she has good news, but can't get a word in edgewise as he starts talking about how he's going to work five jobs at once--whatever it takes so his little Chamuco has whatever he needs. He reminds her they've got to get married ASAP. This shuts her up and she doesn't bother telling him about the pregnancy test. They kiss and get busted by Horacio and Braulio. Chamuco breaks the news to them that he and Gloria are expecting and they're getting married. Horacio hugs him in congratulations. Mili comes in too, wondering what all the fuss is about and Gloria says she just told them the good news about being pregnant! Gloria pulls Mili close and whispers behind clenched teeth that if Mili says anything, she'll never forgive her.

Socorro comes into Fernando's apartment. She asks where Karla is and when he starts giving her lip, she slaps him across the face. She tells him he's going to be a father and Lina confirms it. He looks scared. Yeah, he's stuck. He keeps going around saying he only does it with virgins, so he can't very well try to say it's some other guy's kid.

Karla walks around at a park in her dress thinking about the nasty things Damian said. She starts ripping up the dress. Or she tries, anyway.

Speaking of trying, Fernando says it must be some other guy's kid. Lina says she's only been with him and Fernando says no one believes that. Oh, but Socorro does, and she grabs him by the neck to prove it. Dude, you have pissed off Mama Bear! She tells him he's going to take responsibility like a man. Lina says she wants nothing from him, but Fernando goes to his trusty envelope of cash, pulls out some bills and hands them to Lina. He tells her that should be enough to "get rid of the package." Lina rips up the money and tells Socorro they're getting out of there. Socorro tells Fernando he's anything but a man and slaps him again. After they leave, Fernando laughs and calls them a pair of gatas (either servants, hos, or cats).

That night, at Casa Belmonte, Luciana drinks while thinking about all the nasty things her kids have said to her lately, which, sad to say, she deserves. Constancio comes running into her room to tell her that Andrea has gone out. Luci says she's not in the mood, but Constancio says he can get her there. They start making out on the couch and Nestor walks in. Constancio tells him he should have knocked first that way they could have faked something. He says Luciana told him Nestor would be back late and they really should coordinate schedules to avoid these unpleasant situations. Constancio reminds Nestor that he's the lover, not the husband, and should be more flexible, especially since Constancio's letting him have free access. He finally shuts up and leaves. Luciana says she didn't want him to find out. She tries to swear it was the first time, she didn't do anything, he made her, etc. Nestor says he no longer believes blindly in her, he thought she was different, but she's a liar and a hypocrite, she's soulless, she destroys every good thing. Nestor says he couldn't expect anything else from a woman capable of ruining her own son's life. Dun dun dun!

Hugo and Mili come downstairs and run into Alejandro and Florencia. Mili tells Florencia she's glad she and the baby are doing well. She reaches for Florencia's hand. Will she never learn?! Florencia gripes that the doctor told her to stay calm and seeing Mili upsets her, blah, blah, blah. Hugo gets Mili to announce that she's reconsidered and it's Hugo who will manage her shares. End.

Monday: The foursome are still down in the foyer when Nestor and Luciana come downstairs, arguing, and Nestor tells Luciana to look at the great job she's done making everyone miserable. Well, yeah, I guess she has.


Great recap, 5Ft.

So...was Socorro's comment about needing a blood test if the urine test is negative telling us Gloria might really be pregnant? Oh, this could go either way.

Poor Lina. She does not deserve all this suffering. I hope they all find many many ways to make Fernando immensely miserable.

What a lovely wedding. Padre Manuel totally should have called Fernando's bluff and tried to marry them right then and there. What would he have done?

Thanks 5ft! Man, Fernando has really got to suffer something horrible now - a back to back dose of his cruelty with Karla and then Lina was just too much. The guy is slime.

Lina is lucky to have Soccoro as a step mother, she's really going to need her support now.

I'm glad Nestor's eyes are open to Luciana.

You do have a gift for description 5 ft.! The look on Nestor's face being like having "run over his puppy...twice" was powerful. Noting that Damian hugs Socorro "a little too long" and "Dude, you have pissed off Mama Bear"! were some of my favorites.

I know the anvils are falling fast and furious on both Karla and Luciana but I hope they are eventually "redeemable". Karla, if only because she's Socorro's daughter, and seeing her make these terrible decisions will always hurt her mom.

And Luciana, because I do find her vulnerable, underneath her cruel class prejudices and need to control her children's lives.

Besides, her hate-sex scenes with Constancio were hilarious! and anyone who makes me laugh has an "in" with me.

oh, forgot this...on "zorilla"...I just thought it was the diminutive of "zorra"...meaning streetwalker, Damian was adding insult to injury by calling Karla "a little tramp".

But I'm not a native speaker, so I could be way wrong on this.

I think you're right about "zorilla," Judy, although I'm not a native speaker either--but it makes sense in context.

I was truly aggrieved by Damian's treatment of Karla. Once again the writers have thrown us a curveball, and what he did was just cruel. Fernando was always cruel, but Damian was just a selfish boob.

I admit to being thrown for a loop on the Lina pregnancy as well. It's a clever twist making Socorro's two daughters involved with the same man. Maybe Karla will be redeemed now and even become closer to her mother and stepsister.

Awesome recap 5ft! I especially loved the gameshow/wedding intro at the very beginning. I also have to agree with JudyB on your awesome gift for verbal imagery.

Yes, "zorrilla" might have been a diminutive for "fox," but it literally is the female word for "skunk."

So Gloria’s pregnancy was a red herring for Lina’s. I thought it was possible to get a false positive as well as a false negative on these things (hence, the follow-up with the doctor for blood tests) but either way, I think our Lina’s in the family way for sure. As for Gloria, it’s possible she just ate a bad taco on the street (this is the DF after all), and was then hungry ‘cause she hadn’t eaten in a while. OTOH, it’s possible that now she told Chamuco she’s preggers, Mili will make her tell him “the truth” only to find out later it was for real. I feel for Lina’s luck, but maybe this will be a blessing in disguise. Bobby has been such a mensch (sp?) since he gave up on Vapid Val (as opposed to sweet Val 2.0) that he may well just step up to the plate and Lina will have all the proof she needs that he’s in it for the long haul. We can start taking bets on how long ‘til she speaks up. There’s still the little matter of telling Horacio. He’s already missed out on two fatherly beatings to Fernando and I really hope he gets them. Frat boy is a slimeball and deserves some serious payback.

Glad Nestor found out about Luci’s lies and infidelities and is dropping her like the bad habit she is. Maybe this will make Al like him more. The question is: will Nestor let Andrea in on the little infidelity secret? I doubt Andrea will leave Connie (she’s invested too much time and wants his money), but perhaps a just punishment for Luci and Connie is to be stuck with each other for eternity. You know they’ll loose all interest in each other once the novelty of cheating has gone.

For some useless trivia, here are some RC (Roman Catholic) inaccuracies from this episode:
1)Priest never say the “or forever hold your peace” bit, they usually deal with this stuff during the pre-cana process. It’s just something they do in movies and TV for dramatic effect. They also don’t say “you may kiss the bride” – ok, maybe some do, but it’s not part of the regular service and my priest, for one, refused to do it ‘cause it wasn’t part of the service and it seemed silly to give couples permission for stuff they undoubtedly had been doing for quite some time.
2)Speaking of pre-cana, there’s no way PM could have married Karla to Frat boy that day or even the next. All of the weddings in this TN (except perhaps Soco and Horacio, we never saw how long from proposal to ceremony) have happened way too fast. There are baptismal certificates to track down (and lacking their existence, signed affidavits that they don’t exist), tests to be taken (I kid you not, there are #2 pencils involved), classes with other couples (granted, these can be done over a weekend if there are openings, but they’d have to wait at least another weekend) and a few sit-downs with the priest. We’re talking at least a couple of months here. I’ll get off my soapbox now ;)

My theory on Maribel Guardia – I’ll start by saying I thought I’d seen the name in the credits for a while, but they’ve definitely changed the girl in the Connie/Rosario picture. They’ve accidentally (at least I think it was an accident) shown the previous actress in the closing credits a couple of times, and she’s definitely not the new girl in the picture. Anywhoo, I think they’re going to pull the old “we all have a double somewhere in the world” trick and bring her in as a completely different character that just looks remarkably like Rosario and we’ll be treated to a big impactado shot of the whole cast. They’ve done this in movies and series and TNs and I suspect they’ll do it here. The characters tend to be related in some way, but sometimes it’s just a bizarre coincidence. Braulio has mentioned that they had no family, but it could just as easily be a relative he never knew about (maybe one of his parents was royalty or something and it’s just a vicious circle that all the girls in that family are maids that fall in love with patrones). Anywhoo, that’s my guess on that one. That or we’ll just have some major flashback revelations in the future. Either way, I doubt Rosario is alive since the nuns at St. Deceptions buried her quite some time ago.

I did feel a SMALL twinge for Karla being treated so horribly but if anyone ever asked for it she has. She may be redeemed but not until she causes more trouble. She doesn't seem to be the kind that learns from her mistakes.

Nice idea that Gloria had eaten something bad on the street. I did that and was so sick we had to call the American Embassy for help. Needless to say Tacos de Barbacoa and I parted company for the rest of the time I stayed in Mexico.

Now the questions remains will Nestor stick around on the fringes of the Belmontes to be closer to his son or will he take the next jet out of town. I hope he stays because after all now he has Mili the Feisty in his corner as a go between. Hugo has gotten on my last nerve. Time for Mili to dump him and let him find someone else - maybe Karla since they did have a history and wouldn't that rub it in Damian's smug face.

Gloria disappointed me in letting the lie stand to force Chamuco into marrying her. I had thought better of her.

As for Frat Boy I loved Soccoro smacking him and wished she'd had a club in her hand when she did it. Where was Mili to give him another kick or two and turn him into a soprano. God help him - NOT when Horatio finds out.

Okay kids let's review this, Mili, Lina, Gloria, Al were all unexpected babies. Andrea & Karla have faked pregnancies, Flor thought she was pregnant like three years ago. Consti had a vasectomy. Now then, we all know cause this is a uber sweet telenovela, that somehow this will all work out for Lina. While obviously taking care of it is not an option (per TeleNovela rules), I hate that they always make it like "How sweet". This is crazy, Mexico has such a high rate of poverty and nothing is ever mentioned about birth control..ever. Jeez cause we all know it all works out. This is not a good message for the endless sixth grade educated girls sitting around watching these.

I am a native speaker, and zorilla/zorra definitely means a sexually promiscuous woman or prostitute.

Thanks for the clarification, Peinado.

Can you help us now with the word "mondrigo". I've seen/heard it used both as a noun and an adjective.

It seemed to mean "damned so and so" when used as an adjective and "rotten bastard" when used as a noun, but I'm just guessing....from context.

It's not in any dictionary and when you google the word it appears to be some kind of video game.

Decie, I agree; Hugo has become very aggravating. Doesn't he know that the polite custom is to spend at least ten seconds pretending to be concerned about your wife's friend before making everything about you again? Ugh. Now, we know that Mili is not going to have any happy-happy with him, because that is against TN law, but within the context of the story, Mili had agreed she would get there eventually. It would be MUCH EASIER if he was nice to her. I think Hugo is just one of those people who cannot help sabotaging himself.

Why was Fernando chuckling after Lina and Socorro left? What is wrong with him (besides the obvious)? They should send Mili, Horacio, and Bobby back for the next round; there would be nothing left of Fernando.

Thanks for the great recap!!

I thought this show was pretty rough. Poor Lina! I loved how Socorro got into Mother mode and took her off to confront the scoundrel.

But I wish they hadn’t made Damien so cruel. He’s been cold to Karla in the past, but mostly it’s been fun to watch his shenanigans, and he’s often a comic figure. Certainly his fake sorrow over losing Karla was funny. And Connie’s admiring smiling because he realized Damien had pulled a good one was great. But it sure was over the top – paying off Fernando right in front of her and then verbally trashing her. It would be enough, and more fun, for him just to make his escape and for Fernando to look like the bad guy (which of course, he is).

I had the feeling that Karla wasn’t in a park, but was on the grounds of Casa Belmonte, coming home to disgrace. It was a horrible humiliation, but she has nowhere else to go.

I agree; Damian was way mean. I still don't really understand why he didn't just marry Karla. I don't think it would have changed his lifestyle a bit. She was already sleeping with him and taking his money, for years. The only difference would be that she would refuse to work as a maid, but it wouldn't be that big a deal for the family to hire another one.

I still don't get why she wanted to marry him. A woman who is really determined to marry just for money should stay away from gamblers.

Yeah, I wish Karla had gotten to marry Damien too. I get a big kick out of her character and admire her determination, if not her personality. Yeah, she’s been bad in a lot of ways and we knew she’d get punished, as novela rules dictate, but Damien has been worse, so why does he get off the hook? She would be the perfect punishment for him and we’d have fun watching her try to assert her new position. I wish the storyline had gone that way!

JudyB, according to a forum on Yahoo Mexico Respuestas, mondrigo means "useless" or "worthless." It's the same as "mendigo." (I still haven't figured out how to type accents - the accent is over the e in mendigo).

This was in the lyrics of Luci's song about the rata de dos patas, right?

Julia...thanks so much. It may have been in the song, but also it has been used in conversations in Guapos and I think also back in Juan, or perhaps early on in Querida Enemiga. I know my team of recappers has come across it without a satisfactory answer.

Muchas gracias, Julia.
PS I have a Julia of my own, my youngest, though mostly we call her Julie. She is "Miss Julia" though to her young students.

JudyB, I have a friend named Julia who has been called Judy since she was a child.

We missed out on a lot of good comedy with Damian and Karla not getting married. Now I will just have to imagine the airs she would have put on. I really love watching her--the actress does such a good job. And Karla has never pretended to be anything other than what she is; she's more garden-variety beeyotch than villain. So I don't think she really deserved to be treated that badly. And why did she have to take a taxi to her own wedding? They couldn't even have Rocky drive her?

"Judy" from "Julia" that's a new one on me.

I agree with you, Julia, the revenge factor on Karla was needlessly cruel and demeaning.

The actress who plays her is cute and very effective in her role...and hasn't been pumped up with silicone yet. Alas, if she's ever going to get any major femme fatale roles, she'll probably have to go that route. It seems to be the rule in Mexican telenovelas.

Oh, I hope she doesn't. Actually, all the young ladies on this show are totally cute and fairly flat, and I hope they stay that way. They are good enough actresses that they shouldn't have to inflate themselves to get attention. This show doesn't seem to be into the giant bosom thing...I hope that's a trend for future shows too. I'm all for the ladies embracing whatever characteristics they've come by naturally.

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