Thursday, July 10, 2008

Enemiga - Wed. 7/9 - Chalo on the prowl, Rossy after the towel, and Doctora just scowls

Lore goes to see Rossy in the flour rack. She disapproves of Rossy’s "instruction" to Julian and that was over the top. Rossy says he deserved it, his loss if he doesn’t forgive her.

Chalo is bugging Sara and wants to know when he’ll get something. She has nothing yet so what can she give. I guess he’s no longer satisfied with just nookie. She tells him this business is going to take some time so you have to wait. He threatens to rat her out. She tells him he’ll lose out too if he does that. He says he has nothing, so loses nothing. He promise to stay in the DF to keep an eye on her

Love how they are always in that same hotel

Omar tells his wife about his visit to the other side. His Mom hasn’t changed one bit, in fact she’s more bitter than ever. He notes that Jaime isn’t happy. Zule says it for me: Duh, who would be around your Ma. Omar tells her this just proves he didn’t make the wrong choice by being with Zule. He thanks her for making him so happy.

Diana rushes Vasco out the door. He is on his cell because he wants to find out how his Ma is doing in Rio de Janeiro not San Juan de Rio. Julian comes in and is sneezing because after being out in the rain casi naked he simply must catch the obligatory cold.

At the kitchen, Rossy is telling herself to hang in there until Julian calls her, but then she wonders if Lore is right and he won’t . Just then Maruja yells at Rossy for using the cell phone. She is happy she no longer has to report to any one. Ma yells at her for not respecting the house and wants to know where she has been sleeping. Rossy asks if she’s worried, but she says no even though Rossy thinks Ma missed her.

Omar is going to get gas before he takes Zule to see about her tanda. (See discussion about this on Friday’s comments).

Maruja enters to find Julian lounging about and breaks that she has to go out because she’s buying baby clothes. Julian wonders que the heck for. My sis is popping one out? After wondering how she managed that foolish fall from grace, he of course does the obligatory macho thing by saying Bruno must pay for not marrying his sister.

Arturo and Barbi alias Lipo Lass (thanks Sharkbait) are having breakfast when oooooh who walks in to the exact same hotel/restaurant?....Jaime, her husband.

Arturo decides distracting him is the best idea. He goes up and introduces himself as having met him at the Celebrity dinner. Jaime then remembers ironically that Art is married to one of the doctoras there. Key point.

Lipoass (my adaptation) hides under the table then ducks out the side door. On the way out she exclaims that she was about to have a heart attack. Yeah, dummy. Rule 1 of cheating on your spouse is not to go out in public with your amante, something to keep in mind Caray folks. She says they should never come out of the room again. Arturo tells her it will all be fine.

Lore goes to visit Andrea in the hospital, who Alonslow told her about. He told Andrea about Lore too, so she already knows who she is. Lore brings in contraband chocolates for the girl, a bag big enough to instigate a stomach pumping for sure. Bruno tells him Lore is here so he goes to say hi. Bad luck for this boy because in that minute the bad actress Doctora comes in looking for him. Bruno kindly tells her the truth that Al went out to see his girlfriend. She says she’ll go look for him herself. Of course she finds him in bad timing again just as he is kissing Lore. She reams him a new one for not attending his patients instead of sucking tongue with his squeeze. She tells him to prepare a report of the medicines used most in the pedes department in the last month, today. He says he’ll do it. Valeria tells him that he is needed in emergency.

Sara and Snorty are running around a mall. Sara was wondering if she is still worried about Vasco, and she says no but she is affected. She’s surprised Sara did so well on her test, and Sara takes the opportunity to attribute it to the things she’s learned from Snorty. Sara asks if she could borrow some knives that she needs for her studies. Snorty says nevermind, she will buy her anything she needs new as long as she promises to be the best student in the school. Sara hugs Snorty and thanks her for all her support. Just then she spots Chalo watching her and she gets faint.

Al is attending a really big kid, with a mustache no less, and tells Bruno he doesn’t have that report because he’s busy with this patient so someone else is going to have to do it. Bet we know who.

Vasco calls his papa who gets excited to think that maybe Vasco will come home. No chance, dude, he just wants to know if anyone’s heard from his Mom, he’s been accepted by his uncle as a son. No they haven't heard, no one can reach her because her cell is off. At least she knew rule number 2.

Maruja gives Jaime the soda he dropped when he answered the phone and they chat that kids are big pains in the butt. He thanks her and asks her name again. They exchange extraordinarily long smiles.

Chalo follows Sara all around the mall and Sara keeps feigning to Snorty she’s ill and that maybe they should leave. She asks to go to the rest room first, and smacks down with Julian. He tells her he just wants her to understand that he’s not kidding, and he will beat her down if that’s what it takes. Sara keeps assuring him that she has nothing. He screams foul and says he’s been watching her go in and out of expensive store after expensive store and surely she has access to something, getting along with the old bag so well. He puts his slimy pata down and gives her two days to come up with some earnest money for him.

Doctora asks Bruno if Al has the report but Bruno again very kindly tells her that his friend refused to do it because he was attending patients and she explains she’s in a jam now and how dare he not follow orders. Bruno of course offers to help her out.

Security guard asks Maruja how she’s doing, he noticed she’s not well. He knows she has problems with her kid. He knows this too because Rossy is sleeping in the kitchen. This of course makes Maru happy, no doubt she thought her daughter was shacked up with that boy.

Psycho Ma Paula asks her daughter how her Dad and his chick are doing and Bettina says they are fine, even better. Ma takes this that the little girl is evilly playing with her and witholding info purposely, and takes this opportunity to play a game and manipulate her. Bad. Ma refuses her permission for a sleepover.

Dario is working and Jaqui brings him an antipasto plate. There is olive kissing and he tells her she can decide whatever she wants about the wedding, it’s women’s stuff anyway and he’ll be happy with whatever she wants.

Aloslow’s papa is looking for his keys but Al won’t tell him and anyway he shouldn’t drive, it’s dangerous for him. Pa is mad about this.

Sara gives Horty a list and gets a promise of knives but is denied a car. I think a car would have been a better choice for her than a bag full of sharp shiny objects.

Lore is whining about all she needs for her classes and brought Rossy a sandwich. Rossy recomends that she borrows all that stuff from here, it wouldn’t be a big deal. Lore says no way.

Jaime lays it on Sara he knows her real fake status as granddaughter and wants to know why she is there with them and has no interest in being with her parents though she knows where they are.

Jaime says he needs to talk to Omar about this. Sara cries she’s the victim and he says all the more reason it makes no sense you want to be with the ones who set you up. He opens his mouth that he helped out the Abue with the baby dump. His conscience is heavy, and he wants to tell all, but Sara says Abue has done everything for her and if she goes back to her parents she knows that Abue and he will end up straight away in jail.

Lore begs Rossy to come back to her house and she shouldn’t have had Julian in her room, but Rossy tells her to go away with her Nun talk and she isn’t going back until Ma apologizes.

Sara wants the family united. Jaime apologizes for thinking badly of Sara and she says he’s already forgiven. She whispers that appearances deceive.

Vasco accompanies Diana to work, even though he wishes he could ride his bad ass bicycle.

Lore tells Zule she got into school. She goes in and meets her Dad, who knows she is Lorena right away.

Horty goes ahead of Jaime and suggests he take Sara to the meeting and he agrees that a little flirting might help them. Sara agrees to go and Jaime says he admires her and sorry about my correct surmising last night. She tells him that harmony and peace will return to this family in time. Not until she finds her way to the meat grinder (thanks Julie).

Sara sneaks into Snorty’s room and is searching for something, oh, seems she’s turned into a petty thief now and nabs a wad of cash and a really ostentatious brooch to pawn and shut up Chalo.

Maruja in the kitchen tells the other chef that Lore now has her own bed because Rossy no longer lives with her. Chef asks Rossy where she lives and she says in a mansion with a family who really treats her well.

Lore thanks them for a great breakfast, she feels like she’s with family (snicker). I’m sorry but there is no way this blond super fair skinned chick is the daughter of those two black-haired darker skinned people. This is just the worst match up ever. It’s like they didn’t even try. Then Omar opens mouth and says her parents must be proud of her. He gets the story and agrees that he admires her. They agree she is like family to them too, and that she is welcome any time.

Doctora busts Al’s balls some more for not following her orders and he should think about this if he wants that post.

Sara gives Chalo his spoils and he wonders if it’s not bisuteria (costume jewelry). She says no way with that woman’s money. She had to rob this too. She says she wants Al away from Lore. Chalo asks if it’s not enough that she robs Lore of her family, now she wants the boyfriend too?

He says no way, he won’t help someone take his squeeze. That's understandable. She says she just wants him out of the way because he is bent on helping Lore find her parents and that is bad.

Speaking of that, Lore calls to see if Madre Trinidad has found out anything new, but no, she hangs up and wonders where her parents are. (snicker again)

Zule tells Julian that Lore was looking for him. He thinks he already knows why and that she probably wants to have him contact Rossy but he won’t because of a bad trick played on him. At the kitchen Rossy checks to make sure that no calls came in from Julian. She is still holding out.

Chalo runs into Lorena oh, just by coincidence in front of the house she lives at. Yeah coincidence. He wants to see the city and has no future with the Nuns. He begs to come in because he hasn’t eaten. She eventually agrees.

Jaime is telling Abue it went well at the bank and Sara handled them very well. Just then Jaqui comes in with Charlie Manson’s dream gift. She says the knife set is the best quality, and they will serve Sara well. Snarly Sara (Snarla) thanks her Abue, er Tia.

Chalo calls Lore his guardian angel and thanks her for feeding him. He’s not shy about asking for more help, maybe Lore’s friends will let him stay there too. She says, she doubts it, she’s already on the couch. She gets a call from her beau.

Sara tells Snorty she looks great for her event. Snorty tells her yes, but something is missing, the difference is in the accessories and she asks Sara to pull out her special box. We knew this was coming. She screams her money is gone. Snarla tries to talk her out of the idea that someone in the house stole it.

Maru leaves a care basket on the racks for her daughter.

Jaqui is complaining about her hard day kissing Snorty’s behind buying stuff for Sara. They agree to get a movie. Beti has learned the manipulating tricks now and plays Papi off Mami, and amante too. She wants to go to a pijama party but Ma didn’t let her. Amante sticks her big nose in and says he should let Beti go, but Papi doesn’t want to contradict Ma (smart Papi) the two gals gang up on him and he caves, they’ll tell Ma Beti stayed overnight with them instead. Bad, this is getting worse.

Picking on the help again. Sara smirks as Snorty accuses them all of stealing from her and wants to know who did it. One rats out the main housekeeper. That is just wrong. They need to stick together.

Rossy finds the basket and thinks Julian did it. She calls and thanks him for forgiving her he says ni loca and hangs up on her. She’s perplexed.

Chalo takes a bath at Maruja’s and Lorena is apologizing for his intrusiveness. When he comes out Lorena gives him the boot. He apologizes if he’s imposed. She asks him to leave. Just then the doorbell rings and Alonslow shows up. He wonders what Chalo is doing there. Chalo calls it destiny that he has found Lore with all the people in the capital. I don’t remember when these guys met.


Oh"K", I'm glad this was your recap and not mine. I finally left the room, all those awful events were ruining my evening!

Hate the horrid ways that Paula expoits Bettina (refusing permission previously granted to go to the "pijamada" because Bettina didn't dish all the details about her visit to Dad).

Then Bruno continuing to sabotage Alonso with the director (granted the poor guy is a doof, but still...)Sara/Chalo and Arturo/Barbara both make me want to hurl whenever they're on screen, and then that awful scene where the servants are accused of the theft of money and jewelry and Matilde (truly the only lovable character so far) is deemed the culprit.


Hope the writers pull a "light" one tonight since I'm going to have to recap it.

Although I loathe the show, I always enjoy your recaps, partner.

Judy, yeah, we're seeing the Tobacco Road of Mexico City.

Judy, you've got to admit that at least Kris's clever recap takes some of the sting out of the show's nastiness. Yep, the scene with the servants was predictably horrid. Bleck. (Heh, Tobacco Road...good one.) Judy I hope you get a good episode tonight.

Chalo insinuating himself into Zulema's house reminded me of something and I couldn't put my finger on it until now. Vampire, yes he's like a vampire. They can't come in unless they're invited then they never leave until they suck all the life out of you. Chalo and Alonslow met at the orphanage, I think Ferro recapped the encounter.

Thanks Kris, excellent recap and I loved your comments, especially the one of the sharp, shiny knives. Chalo should be worried...

Mike, thanks for your mention of your Kentucky've motivated me to make the pilgrimage to Forks of Elkhorn before those developers change it!

Sylvia, yes, "K"'s great recap helps but frankly, I'm too much of a wuss for all these goings on.
VAMPIRE ALERT...great one. That's why Chalo raises the hair on the back of my neck. Double blecccchh.

That poor security guard is probably going to get fired for protecting so many homeless young girls.

I was amazed by Sara's manipulation of Jaime. It was like watching an artist at work. (An artist who's hopefully going to end up in a meat grinder.)

Now I'm wondering, will Sara murder Chalo, will Chalo murder Sara, or will they both get smushed in the trash compactor of a garbage truck?

Thanks for the thorough recap Fuego!
I agree with Judy - with all this deception it's getting intolerable to watch! Almost every episode is an episode of deception, putting somebody down, lying etc... Not much loving, no strippers, no sword fight - oops, it's from the other place! I need some good stuff as well!!!

I was amazed with Julian - little brother is going to fight for his abused sister! - He was actually good in this episode - The facial expression was 10 times more powerful then all combined expressions of our main galan Alonslow. Just don't forget your little girlfriend!

I agree with Fuego on "I’m sorry but there is no way this blond super fair skinned chick is the daughter of those two black-haired darker skinned people. This is just the worst match up ever." Yeah, like they couldn't get blond Zulema from the massive pool of Mexican actresses!

Sneaky Bruno is loosing my points - I had a hope for him to get better but so far he is getting worse!

I feel sory for this little Bettina - I can see that at least a couple high-paid therapists will be giving their kids good education on her behalf trying to unscrew what her loving parents did to her! I'm so mad at them! I've divorced my ex when my son was 6 and I know how much you have to work to keep him out of trouble! Now he is 21 and he is a fine young man ( hey, I'm his mommy!) and I remember when he was teenager and he tried to manipulate my dear hubby - his step dad - or me to get something. His main complaint was: I can't deal with you - you always stand together!

Thanks for the recap K. ITA with you all about the manipulation especially Sara watching as Snorty was trying to fire the staff. I mean I know Sara is heartless but she doesn't even know these people.

Interesting aside based on the comments about Alonslow, in the movie Ladrón que roba a ladrón with Fernando Colunga and Gabriel Soto (Alonso) the director went on and on during the commentary on how great an actor GS was (as well as other actors). He did not mention FC at all. How does a director not talk about the star of his film but discuss how great all the other actors are? Since he didn't say anything bad about him, I had to chalk it up to jealousy. Anyhoo, every time I see a comment from you all about GS's acting, it makes me chuckle.

Thanks for the recap! Sheesh! too much coraje in this novela!!! Chalo stinks, Sara stinks....the poor maid getting blames while Sara's too much! Hope
Sara comes to a terrible and suffering end one day!!!!

Hope tonight's show is better.

I agree. I don't like to watch the serious evil, especially of hard working folks. Just remember this is novela land, and usually these people ending getting theirs at the end.

Tell yourself that Mathilde will end up with Gaspar who is really an independently wealthy stripper and just does this for kicks to meet ladies, and one of these days will be ordered by Sara for Horty and will instead find Mathilde sobbing on the curb and will fall madly in love with her maternal charm.


I don't think I like this show, sorry to say. Hope they amp up the humor soon.

By the way, is anybody watching "El Juramento"?
I do and I like it. Better then QE at this point. At least I like the galan!

Cap'n Sylvia, good point on Chalo. Perhaps he is the legendary Chupacabra in a human form.

I keep forgetting to check out El Juramento. I bet I would like it as I liked La Mentira, but I also really like Guapos and those two conflict, plus my telemundo reception is no where near as good as my new digital Univision. sigh. Maybe it will get better...

I still like the basic plot - I just wish they'd lighten up the mood more often. Sara's such a foul person that I need to see some toilet paper sticking to her shoe once in a while, ya know?

It seems that luck always seems to be on her side. This would work okay for me if she were a lovable villain, but she's not. I need to see more mishaps.

I see that I'm feeling the same as many of you about Chalo. Last night long after watching the show, I told my wife that I'm enjoying this show but the scenes with Chalo make me 'uncomfortable' for lack of a better word. Like I want to crawl out of my skin. He's just so slimy and shameless. I wish Alonso would just go ahead and beat the crap out of him so we could move on. Maybe having some REAL tension in a novela instead of fake tension shoved down our throats is throwing me off. When he wouldn't leave the house at the end of the episode I was about to scream at the TV, just shove him out the door! quit being nice! gahhhhh

Also, I think Jaime may have some nervous disorder, he has dropped cans of soda in two consecutive episodes. I know it has been an excuse to make googly eyes at Maruja (they had music played during their encounter yesterday, so it is now 100% certain something will happen with these two) but still the fumble fingers seems like the onset of something medical. Probably to be later cured by Alonso, earning him the prized position of Boss Doctor.

Wow, the minds are working on this one. Foreshadowing of ED with Omar, and ALS or something with Jaime. Horty must have passed along her really bad genes. I suspect you both have some points there.

Always miraculaous how a pedes doctor, who treats adults, will somehow also end up the miracle hand surgeon too, and save Jaime. I could see it if we were in the pueblo, but the DF? Al just stick to one discipline will ya?!! :) Oh and move your face every once in a while.
Or hell, just take your shirt off while treating patients every once in a while. Surely if it works for bakers it works for docs too. :)

K I will not oppose your shirtless doctor proposal if we can just get some of these ladies to realize that it's friggin hot in Mexico and they need to wear hot weather clothes (meaning: less).

Good point about the tension being more real and natural than we're used to. I think we can all relate to some of the things Sara's done to people.

A lot of us have experienced cheating in class, two-faced friends, and malice disguised as a joke. Petty (and not-so-petty) theft. Getting accused of something you didn't do.

These mundane crimes ring true, while the contrived, bigger-than life telenovela crimes and miscreants merely fascinate us, or even make us laugh with disbelief.

The meanest telenovela villains usually remind me of some combination of other fictitious villains. Sara is more like a composite of every rotten person I've ever met in real life.

Kris, thanks for the great recap!

“Lore brings in contraband chocolates for the girl, a bag big enough to instigate a stomach pumping for sure” LOL! My thought, exactly! First a cake and then chocolates??

“Bruno kindly tells her the truth that Al went out to see his girlfriend. She says she’ll go look for him herself. Of course she finds him in bad timing again just as he is kissing Lore.” Oooooh! That jerk, Bruno! I think he and Sara should be getting together. Bruno is doing a MASTERFUL job of putting Alonslow down with the Jefa. Thing is, he’s just coloring in the lines that Alonslow drew for him.

“Just then she spots Chalo watching her and she gets faint.” Although, Chalo tailing Sara is just what she deserves, too. If not Bruno, then definitely Chalo can make her life miserable. And no one deserves it more!

“Maruja gives Jaime the soda he dropped when he answered the phone and they chat that kids are big pains in the butt. He thanks her and asks her name again. They exchange extraordinarily long smiles.” Is someone greasing those cans of soda before they come out of that machine? Or is Jaime just losing his grip? ;-)

“Sara gives Horty a list and gets a promise of knives but is denied a car. I think a car would have been a better choice for her than a bag full of sharp shiny objects.” ROTFL!! Do we know now that someone is bound to get cut up with Sara’s or Lorena’s knives, and Lorena will be blamed no matter whose knives they use? Of course we do!

“She tells him that harmony and peace will return to this family in time. Not until she finds her way to the meat grinder (thanks Julie).” ROTFL! Yes, thanks, Julie and thanks for the reminder, Kris! I think that Sara’s going to get it with one of those knives, like I mentioned above, somewhere around the end and Lorena will get blamed. It’s no spoiler because it hasn’t even ended in Mexico, so I’m just guessing. Maybe Chalo or someone will do Sara in and set Lorena up. That stuff happens in novelaland.

“Lore thanks them for a great breakfast, she feels like she’s with family (snicker). I’m sorry but there is no way this blond super fair skinned chick is the daughter of those two black-haired darker skinned people. This is just the worst match up ever. It’s like they didn’t even try.” LOL! So true! And, of course, they matched Sara up perfectly so it’ll look more obvious later. Lorena has to be a throwback. Snortensia is blond, sort of.

“Just then Jaqui comes in with Charlie Manson’s dream gift. She says the knife set is the best quality” LOL!


LOL hee, hee Ferro. Well I suppose if they were around docs with shirts off it might be hot. Wink.
Well daring to inject realism into otherwise fantasy, don't forget, though, that because of the altitude, the DF is not really that hot, in the upper 60's in the day and low +50's at night, plus it can be pretty cloudy now, so there is no sun to warm their uh, assets. The last time I was in the DF was right about now in July and I was in a thick sweater and pants all day, and I was still chilly. Anyway, just wanted you to have a reason to forgive your lasses a little.

I think Sara is trying and progressing though. I noticed she's done away with pinning that hides her cleavage and the dress she had last night definitely cut lower than her others...doesn't seem she's spent as much money on her rack as Mayrin Villanueva (Paula from Juan Q) and doesn't feel the need to get her money's worth showing it off!! Sorry for you all guys. But, I say if docs will go shirtless, no reason not to have female nurses in bikinis while we are at it!! Bet a lot of patients might miraculously recover fro their ailments. :)

Great comments from everyone, too. I should have read them before I posted--but it seems like we're on the same wavelength!

Ferro, I thought Jaime might have MS, too. Something's going on with his hands and his eye-hand coordination, and I'm not making fun of that if it's some awful disease. So....if he needs a transfusion, they'll find out his blood type isn't like Sara's, but it is like Lorena's, therefore.....?????


Thanks Ferro for bringing up the soda can dropping...the first time it happened, I thought hmmmm. The second time, for sure it's foreshadowing a disease. I thought multiple sclerosis...I guess because I know several people who have it, including my brother, and one of the first symptoms was an inability to hold kitchen objects.

By the way, not to worry about my brother, he's done unbelievably well. Diagnosed 30 years ago, still fully functional, works out with weights, bikes long distances, all good. He was lucky enough to get into an experimental interferon program and that and the gift of luck has kept him healthy.

Wow, how ironic that we started this novela with an MS discussion, and here we are again.
Glad your brother is doing well, Judy.

I agree something will come of this soda thing. Funny though, how he had no difficulty grasping the cell phone...ok..I know...reality vs, fantasy and round versus square...but.... :)

My sister-in-law has MS, too. She has done well for about 40 years, though she has slowed down a little. I guess we all slow down around 70, though....


That's one interesting thing about diseases like MS where the shields that protect the nerves deteriorate, sometimes unevenly--there are fluctuations in usage of hands, legs, etc. One day you might be able to grip something under specific conditions, and another time, no way can you grip it. The vision and hearing fluctuate in MS, too. The signals are flawed to the limbs and all other body parts intermittently, as I understand it.

Dropping items sometimes can be a "soft sign" of beginning MS. I hope that's not true for Jaime. I hope it's something else. He's a wimp, not a villain. He doesn't deserve some ugly disease. Chalo, on the other hand...what all you said about him yesterday was right on. He's a stalker, creepy, gives me chills.


It could also be some kind of circulation problem making Jaime's fingers numb and dopey.

Bruno's a doctor, right? Perhaps he's the guy who needs to save Jaime's life so that we'll forgive him for being a jerk.

Julie, sure we could forgive Bruno. But I'm having more fun thinking he's a jerk. I'm rooting for Diana and Vasco, and as long as Bruno's a jerk, I won't ever be tempted to think he and Di should be together for the baby's sake.



I think you're right, Jeanne. Bruno's a jerk and he must die!!!

Julie, as often happens, we see eye to eye.



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