Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guapos: Monday 7/21/08 "A Game of Clue, Anyone?--- Lady Luci with the Lead Pipe, in the Lounge?"

A shadow slips over the painting of Rosario and Mili in the foyer. Slash, slash, slash, repeated and repeated as the painting is neatly shredded. **Note: They shouldn’t have shown a close up of the “painting” because in my opinion it looks like one of those photographs that has been given the painted effect---it makes Hugo look like a lazy painter who’s trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.

Marisela is making small talk at Bobby’s…she’s thankful that he showed up to her father’s funeral and he said that despite what happened between them, he had to pay his respects. She mumbles on about not being able to forget what they were and he mumbles back about her being with Mateo now…she’s made (or unmade) her bed, now she’s got to lie in it. Bobby insists she cut to the chase, what’s she doing there in the middle of the night and what it is she needs to tell him about Al. Mari questions whether Al is the best man to run Mafia Enterprises. Bobby says he’s got all the confidence in the world for Al. Mari calls Al a thief, he stole money from his family. Bobby tells her to get out, this is a waste of time and he accuses Mat the Rat of trying to wash his hands of wrong doing by casting blame in another direction.

Back at the Belmonte mansion, we are being treated to the previews for an ABC After School Special. Gloria, our did it one time with Chamuco girl, is experiencing some morning sickness, but just thinks she’s ill. Lina tries to help her and Braulio enters the room and tells them more work and less talk. Lina fills him in on Gloria’s not feeling well and Brau suggests that she should rest back in her room. Gloria pales and the majordomo and her best friend are full of concern. Gloria’s pallor is not do to her pregnancy, but rather to what she’s noticed on the wall---the shredded painting….dah,dah.,dah,daaaaaahhh. Braulio is upset and wonders who could have left it hecho jirones (in shreds).

In the library, Damian is getting teased by Constancio. Connie is in a wonderful mood, but this is soon to be broken as Brau rushes in to tell him of the paintings fate. Connie immediately thinks it had to be Andrea.

Out in the garden, Valeria and Rocky plan how they will continue to keep their romance a secret from her family, as to not risk Rocky getting pummeled again. Lina bursts in on the happy couple and tells them of the painting’s fate. Val is sure it had to be her mother, but Lina thinks perhaps it was Karla.

Mili and Hugo are discussing the day’s upcoming game. Hugo won’t be going because he was up all night painting and he’s pretty knackered. He’s going to stay home and catch some Zs. Gloria comes in and tells them of the painting’s horrible fate and Mili thinks it had to be Constancio.

Flo begs Al to skip the game. He says no can do, as Padre Manuel is counting on me. Flo insults the good padre by saying he’s just Mili’s conspirator. Val comes in and fills the couple in on the painting’s fate and Al accuses Flo of doing it. She denies and Val says she thinks it was their mother.

Socorrito and Lina confront Karla about the painting. She denies any wrong doing and she and Lina start to fight. Soco attempts to break it up and it appears she succeeds, but more insults are flung and the girls are back to trying to pull out each other’s hair. They fight like crazy sisters.

In the foyer the cast is gathered. Accusations fly. Luci enters the room and demands to know what the ruckus is all about. Val accuses her and points to the painting. Luci swears it wasn’t her and everyone turns on her, they all start to believe that it was done by Lady Luci with the lead pipe in the Lounge. Luci leaves the room distraught and denying any involvement. Damian asks the group if they believe her or was she lying. Singing a little ditty he exits.

Upstairs, Mili tells Hugo she doesn’t feel like going to the game. He says she should go and he’s not going to sleep, instead he’s going to redo the painting for Mili. This makes her happy.

Luci cries on Nestor’s shoulder and he tries to console her, but also encourage her to ‘fess up. She’s upset to think he doubts her. He offers some more comfort but says he’s got a meeting and asks if he should go. She says yes, go. He begs her to not drink and gets her to promise to not hit the bottle. He leaves and she doesn’t even wait a beat before reaching for her not-so-secret stash. Glug, glug.

Gloria talks about the game with Soco and how she’s not feeling well. She wants to go and be supportive for Padre Manuel, but she’s feeling poorly. She runs out of the room, ready to hurl and Soco realizes that they’ll be changing diapers in nine months.

Brau removes the painting from the wall.

Fernando contacts Damian and lets him know that everything went well the day before with Karla. It is revealed that Damian is giving Fernasty some dinero to woo Karla away from him. Damian and Karla talk, she gushes over him and he apologizes, for what I’m not sure. She quotes “Love Story”---“Love means never having to say you’re sorry”. Cough—bullsh*t! (I hate that line—and Karla my dear, if he’s apologizing, and you believe this movie quote, perhaps you could figure out he doesn’t love you).

Luci and Andrea have a cat fight over who’s responsible for the painting. Luci messes up Andrea’s nails and leaves the room. Andrea realizes that Luci wasn’t the slasher, who could it be?

In the library, Karla calls Fernasty and makes arrangements for a booty call, I mean a date, for tomorrow. Connie overhears her plans and he’s tickled pink.

At the game, Rocky warms up and hurts his shoulder. Val’s concerned, but Rocky tells her the game is played with the feet, he’ll be okay.

Bobby impresses Lina with by balancing a ball on his face, just like a seal. He tells her he’s going to dedicate his goals to her…..what romantic words. He reminds her they’ve got a date later and he’s got something important to tell her. He emphasizes that they’ll be alone, just the two of them.

Chamuco hobbles up and asks about Gloria. Lina tells him she’s under the weather.

Mili and PM talk about the painting and then Mili tells him that Al’s inside praying for a 5-0 victory. The padre scolds her for praying for such a thing, a 3-0 victory is enough.

Connie stares at the blank wall.

Damian gives Karla flowers. She’s ecstatic and Connie just laughs. Damian wants in on the joke, but Connie won’t tell him.

Brau and Hugo talk about the repainting. Brau suggests that Hugo add him into the picture. Hugo’s not too keen on the idea. They discuss Hugo’s mother, Leonor. Hugo’s been working on a painting of her. Brau shares a memory he has of Hugo and his mom. Hugo’s almost brought to tears. Brau leaves and Flo comes into the room. She accuses Hugo of destroying the painting.

Al prays and asks for help for him and Mili getting back together. Mili overhears and Al catches her listening. He asks if she thinks God will help. She says he works in mysterious ways, but she doubts he’ll intervene. Al insists that he can’t let go of Mili and that it is a question of faith. They’ll be together again, God can do wonders, just think of the loaves and fish. Mili says that was a miracle. Al says yep, a miracle, just like you…you are the miracle I need. He walks away.

Andrea and Karla discuss the painting. Andrea accuses Karla. She denies. They realize it wasn’t either of them or Luci, so who could it be?

Flo and Hugo have some words about Mili and Al. You got your peanut butter in my chocolate, no you got your chocolate in my peanut butter. Flo tells Hugo that her guts tell her it was him who ruined the painting and she trusts her guts. Hugo questions why she thinks he’d do that. She says ‘cuz Mili won’t sleep with you and a little bit of advice, next time don’t take it out on a painting, be a man and take what’s yours.

During the game, both Bobby and Rocky are distracted by their girls on the sideline. Rocky gets hurt and Val steps in as his replacement. Mili scores a goal. Yeah!! Later she kicks the ball, which bounces off of Val’s head, and ends up with another goal.

After the game, Lina tells Mili she’s nervous about being alone with Bobby.

Al catches Val and Rocky together and he tells his sister that he’s got no problem with their relationship and he’ll keep quiet about it. He’s glad to see her happy and he tells Rocky to take care of her. Al glances over at Mili and he leaves. Mili stares off in Al’s general direction, deep in thought.

Flo and Mari rehash the painting. Mari tells Flo she should also have Mateo take charge of her money.

Al goes to see Mateo and tells him to stop messing in his life. Words are exchanged back and forth and Al tells Mateo he’s going to be watching, if Mat does anything fishy with the MP2’s money, he’ll find out about it……veiled threat and the END OF THE EPISODE.


Thanks for the recap, Cathy. Believe it or not, I didn't watch this, but I'm not surprised they didn't reveal the culprit yet. I'm glad to see that Bobby demonstrated backbone and showed Marisela the door. It's clearer than ever that Gloria is awaiting a visit from the stork.

Meanwhile, what did I watch instead? Believe it or not, Muneca Brava. I found out they are showing it on the new Novela channel, which is now added to the special Spanish tier on my cable system. They're about two months behind where we are on Guapos.

I know some of you have seen it already. I've seen only two episodes so far. It is the same and yet so very different. The Braulio character is not as much fun, and the Rocky/Val characters are not so loving. Rosario is still alive. The Bobby character looks sort of like Eugenio Siller, oddly enough. Connie is named Federico, and he is much older looking than Cesar Evora and not so sexy looking, but a very good actor. Still, not clear how he managed to have a mad romance with Rosario, who doesn't look all that hot either.

There are no closed captions, so I have to really work my Spanish, but my pre-existing knowledge of the story helps. The Argentinian accents are a little easier to understand in some cases. They seem to have an Italian intonation, since there are so many Italians who settled in Argentina. They sound a bit like characters in The Godfather.

That futbol match was about the most hilariously faked bit of action I've seen in a long time. Bobby balancing a ball on his head (where we never see the top of the ball, and it's obvious someone is holding it), the same random people running back and forth in front of the camera while everyone watches the "action" further down the field, not to mention Val's playing. I love how everyone kind of waits for someone to kick the ball. I've seen kindergarteners play more aggressively. I get the feeling they didn't have much of a script to work with for this episode, but they stepped up and made it an entertaining bit of fluff.

LOVED the drawing room hijinx. So whodunnit? I really truly cannot tell. Hugo didn't deny it that I heard, but then again, it was Flor accusing him, so not worth responding. Once again I am stunned by her klassay-ness, asking Hugo if he and Mili are getting any action. The only way it would possibly be appropriate for her to ask that is if she is now the doctor of one or both of them.

Nina - Interesting that you can compare MB with Guapos. From what I read it is more melodramatic and the comedy that touches this one is pretty much absent. It seems that Guapos has long ago parted company with it's parent.

I don't think we need go any further in the who done it - it was Hugo. MP was correct but jeeze did we need another person prattling on about rights. Mili at least tried to save Hugo's face by lying about being his wife but he is so dumb he let even Flo know the truth.

In any event Hugo has reverted to his two faced ways. He had a very ugly look on his face when Mili kissed him good bye to go to the game. Hugo doesn't really love Mili he is obsessed with her, otherwise he would never have cut up the picture that meant so much to her in what must have been a jealous rage. However Luci wins the prize as the prime suspect in almost everyone's book. I'll bet the truth never comes out as we move on rapidly to pregnancies, honeymoons and who knows what other betrayals.

Bobby retains his good guy persona by hearing MP2 out and then showing her the door. Won't be long before Domingo's girls will be flat broke and their business gone down the drain. Heck they might even have to get jobs. I'm sure mili will soon be hiring for Casa Belmonte.

As much as I have come to dislike Hugo that Braulio scene was touching. Obviously Hugo's mother, unlike every other mother except Soccoro loved her little boy and never emotionally abandoned him or treated him badly.

Val on the soccer field - Dios Mio! She was so busy ducking and getting in the way it was hilarious and yet by getting knocked out gets an assist on the winning goal. How hilarious and just another light comic moment that makes Guapos so charming. .

Yeah, Hugo well who knew, I would have bet on Andrea..I think she was mad she didn't think of it.

Hey, about Hugo..granted he got into a no win situation, but back in the day, how many of us were really supportive to someone, that someone else had treated badly? Only to have the AssHat go back to the skank? Well live and learn

Thanks Cathy! Guapos is about the only thing I watch on tv now except for news because my work life has exploded. I look forward to that one hour every night to see what's happening and work on my spanish a little. So thanks to you and all the recappers for adding to my limited (hopefully temporarily!) entertainment.

Nina - I'm jealous of your special Spanish tier. Here in St. Louis cable only offers Univision.

Decie, you're right about Bobby retaining his good guy status - but I kind of wish he would have demanded to know what Marisela was talking about before kicking her out. He could have warned Al about what Mateo was saying (and maybe tracked it back to Constancio). Oh well, in time I guess.

I'm kind of sad about Hugo, because lately I've started to really like him. And seeing his pain over his mother during Braulio's story made him even more sympathetic. Now he's probably going to suffer some terrible death or be locked up in a mental institution for life like the forgotten french guy. Que lastima.

I'm sure Chamuco and Gloria will go ahead and get married now - so where will they live? It won't be the same for the girls to not live together.

I'm pretty sure that Rosario is going to show up on this show alive and well. If you watch the credits at the beginning, they mention Maribel Guardia with no character name. With all the close ups of Hugo's "painting" that we've seen lately, Mili's mom looks an awful lot like Maribel Guardia.

I think I threw up a little in my mouth when Florinda told Hugo to "take what's yours." I cannot believe that one woman would encourage the violation of another. She's despicable, and I can't wait unti Al tells her he wants a divorce!

I thought it was Luciana that cut up the picture of Miligros and Rosario. She was thinking of Constancio and how Rosario came in between them in the beginning of their marriage. Having sex with Constancio is confusing and making Luciana crazy.

If you guys are correct in predicting that Hugo is the one that cut up Milagros and Rosario's picture, this would go with what I am predicting that Hugo is going to get more crazy, obsessed, and will hurt Milagros somehow. This is the start of Hugo's transformation to his old self where he was will to do anything to get what he wants. I think he will get more crazy and tormented by people telling him what to do. They are just getting under his skin and react dangerously.

For the marriage of Hugo and Milagros to survive and continue, they have to move out and consummate their relationship. However, I don't think this is going to happen because Milagros and Hugo are starting to fight and argue. I predict divorce for them, but a difficult one where near death experience might make it happened.

Does anyone know who might have killed Florencia's father? Do people still think it was Constancio who put a hit on him? Please respond!!!


It WAS Hugo who cut up the painting. When Florinda confronted him, he denied it at first. However, when she kept pressing the issue, he said, "Como supiste?" How did you find out?

It's a confession by inference!

This episode is sounding more and more interesting. I'll have to go back and watch it anyway, as I do have it recorded.

Maybe he cut up the "painting" because he was embarrassed at having had the print shop make a big copy of some mashed-up "paint effect"-edited photos and pretending to have painted it.

Thanks for clarifying Hugo's response to Flor; my Spanish is not that good and I imagined that what he said was more like, "How do you figure?"...like, whatever, you crazy hag.

Fun recap and great comments today!

I love hearing about the Muneca Brava and Guapos comparisons – those of you who have seen it and NinaK who is watching now, tell us more!

I agree the soccer scene was light and fun and Vale sure has a big adorable factor ….

I notice that every time the women in this show get into an actual fight, they grab each other’s head. I’ve never been in a girl fight – can anybody tell me if this is what girls and women actually do? It seems odd to me.


I don't know about the head grabbing but hair pulling was number one when one of my sisters and I would go at it including in the school locker room one time which did not go over well in a strict Catholic school LOL.

Been thinking about Gloria and wonder if that apparent pregnancy is just a red herring or that she is sick with something else. Guapos has pretty much avoided melodrama but you never know.

I suspect that Hugo will probably stumble on one of those Al and Mili scenes and then do something to hurt her. I really can't work up any sympathy for him. He knew fully well that she was in love with Al and vice versa. He tried to get them back together before Flo of the big belly appeared. It isn't like this is a new revelation. Mili said she would try to learn to love him (yeah like that works so well) and he said he would give her time. They've hardly been married more than a week or two and now he wants to change the rules aided and abetted by MP.

Rethinking Mili believing that Connie would cut the picture up I think that is only because she doesn't know the whole story and sees only the worst side of things. He was actually more upset then anyone but she didn't notice.

I think girl fights are sterotyped with the hair pulling and nail clawing. It might not be the head they are going for but the hair.

I don't know, as I haven't been in a girl fight. But I fought with my sister a lot when we were kids and I always bite her.


My fights with my sisters were more like wrestling, with some added biting when necessary. They have not happened since we've been adults. Now we prefer witty insults. I've always wondered how they stage a hair-pulling, clawing-type fight and make it look realistic without anyone actually getting hurt.

Poor Hugo; the only person who ever loved him was his mother, and daddy killed her. No wonder he's so screwed up. As for trying to force Mili to sleep with him...didn't Al try that once? And Mili's in love with him...so, worth a try? I think we're in for a really fun honeymoon.

Thank you all for these great insights! It occurs to me that not only have I never been in a girlfight, I’ve never even seen one. What a sheltered life I seem to have led.

In the novelas it seems when a man wants to start a fight, he takes a swing at somebody. And didn’t Mili slug Mat’s friend after he messed in with Lina? And kicked him, too, as I recall…

I'm afraid I lived in a really sissy neighborhood too, and I never was in a girl fight. People would compete over getting the highest grade on a spelling test. I was also an only child. However, I have seen some tough girls fight, and they get down on the ground and kick and punch like boys.

I went back and watched the last half of the episode, and I just loved the soccer game. Val was very cute. I for one don't think Hugo really confessed with that "how did you know?" I think it was rhetorical, more like "why do you think that?" Am I missing something?

Oh, yeah, and Hugo really did have a psycho look when he hugged Mili. He's gone back to the dark side.

P.S. I loved the Clue reference in the title.

Thanks for the recap and the awesome title Cathy ;)

I'm on my way out the door, but wanted to mention that Hugo said something else that pretty much sealed it for me: "I painted it, and had every right to destroy it." I'll get back to you on fake hair pulling...

I'm still not totally convinced that Hugo wasn't just screwing with Flor. I still think it's possible that Andrea did it to set everyone against each other even more.

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