Thursday, July 03, 2008

Guapos Wednesday 7/2/08 I've become accustomed to her face . . . or, she's a drunk, but she's MY drunk

Connie and Damian plot how they can avoid Luciana's divorce filing. Connie will release Damian from having to marry Karla or go to prison or plant tomatoes if he goes against his own sister. Damian comes up with a brilliant plan: Connie should try to act nice to Luci and win her back. He should also use the children as allies and also use Andrea. Connie is worried that Andrea won't play along--she's dying for him to get a divorce. Connie will have to pretend with both. Damian owes Connie to go against his own sister. This somehow releases him from having to marry Karla?

Mili is filling in Sor Cachete on the mess Lina got herself into. Sor Cachete whips some eggs into a frenzy. She wishes that Mili had been able to stop Lina, what with all the advice she gave the girls about how men promise the sun the moon and the stars, but Mili does not want to take the blame. Anyway, they prepare to go after el tal Fernando, the cockroach, and break him like a tree branch.

Poor Lina is still moping in bed. It's so pathetic to see her there clutching her stuffed animal. Horacio comes in and tries to comfort her. He does not know the truth about what happened.

Comic relief segment: one-armed gardener Rocky attempts to water the lawn. Horacio tries to help, but Val, standing out front, stops him. She orders Horacio to get ready to drive her somewhere. Meanwhile, Connie comes out and begins laying on the fake tears. He tells Val he has something in his eye, and she, bless her, says, oh, no, daddy, that's just something they say in telenovelas when they don't want you to know they're crying. Anyway, he begins crying some more and says he's devastated and doesn't want to lose her mother, etc. I've become accustomed to her ways, I'd be lost without her, the fights and the making up afterward, etc. But she wants to destroy me.

Meanwhile, Al has gone (with Bobby) to the Lobredo office/house to ask about Mili. He tells the senior licenciado that he wants info about Granny's will. Senior reminds us that Al left the will reading in a huff and did not hear this stuff. Senior flips through the papers as if he has completely forgotten the answer to the question. Oh, yes, here it is--Mili must live in the mansion, or she forfeits everything. Bingo, says Al. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and your sister closest of all. Al gets Senior to agree to inform Mili and Hugo and not to reveal that he was the source of the revelation. Too bad Al will be seen leaving the premises in about five minutes.

Val chastises Luci for what she's doing to Connie. Moreover, with her bad behavior and addictions, it's amazing he still wants her.

The beatdown team of Mili and Sor Cachete arrive at Mat's house, and they find Bobby waiting for Al out front. Mat and Fernando drive up on motorcycles. Fern boasts, don't worry, Mat, I'll take care of these imbeciles. Mili hands her hat to Sor Cachete and strides forward, You're a macho, a macho de quinta, she taunts him. (I think this may mean that he's a macho to the fifth power, or something really multiplied, anyway.) She gives him a kick to the groin, and a punch. Down he goes. I found this really satisfying, while I felt disturbed with myself for liking the violence so much. Mili is supposed to be outgrowing her old naca ways, but I have always appreciated that Mili is strong and athletic, like Wonder Woman, and in those ways is a good example to girls. Anyway, he really deserved it. (Even though the Supreme Court of the U.S. has just declared that the death penalty is too high a price to pay for child rape, I think a couple of kicks and punches is not cruel and unusual punishment for a seducer/almost rapist. Make my day, Mili.) She tells him to stay away from Lina or he'll be sorry. Mili and Sor Cachete high five. Sor Cachete says Well done.

Just then Al and Sr. Lobredo come out. Mat is trying to break up the fight, but Mili tells him he doesn't understand. Bobby asks what did this imbecile do to Lina? Fernando has one of those fake blood capsules exploded out of his mouth. He taunts Bobby (poor Bobby getting taunted at the same time from the two guys who have stolen his girls) by saying she wanted to be in my bed and I didn't make her do it. It's not my fault that she's an ofrecida (I suppose it's one who freely offers herself). Bobby reaches to punch him, Mat intercepts, Bobby punches Mat. More blood! Fernando runs away, and Bobby chases him. Sor Cachete cheers, then begs forgiveness from God.

Mili now fires Mat as her representative. He tells her not to mix business affairs with personal, but she says that he's of bad character--someone who steals girlfriends could steal money, so he's out. Al winks at Mili.

Horacio tells Socorro that he needs a dictionary--'cause he's at a loss for words. Aw . . . Anyway, he prevails upon her to talk to Lina.

Karla has wrangled Damian into bed. She calls him a pimpollo. Is that a combination of pimp and chicken? It would suit him. She praises his prowess in bed and predicts that after they are married for ten or more years he'll still have it. He says there's a new plan, and they're not getting married. She doesn't believe him.

Connie now cries in front of Luci. It's not an act, he says. He still wants her.

Socorro talks to Lina. She makes her realize she may have made a mistake but it's not the end of the world. It's a kind, motherly talk. Lina wants her to promise not to tell Horacio. I don't know if Soco will really stick to that, but she makes Lina promise to get out of bed. The writers have certainly made short work of Lina's recovery, but since everything on this show goes fast, it makes sense. I sure hope Lina isn't pregnant! They way they are having her recover so happily makes me hope that she won't be.

Val calls Ramses, who's in a makeup chair. He interrupts to tell the makeup artist not to use a certain powder, as it will give him acne.

Rocky comes to the door bearing a rose. She says she told him to stay away, but she takes the flower. He mumbles a lengthy, completely incomprehensible explanation, presumably about his diabolical deal with Connie. She still tosses him out but then has a flashback to the time they danced. If those two aren't back together by Friday, I'm giving up!

In the kitchen, Lina has rejoined the group and seems much happier. Mili returns and reports on her exploits. (she says she just put a tarado (creep) in his place.) He won't be able to hacer chis for a month. "Chis" seems to be "sshh," or "expletive deleted." She says that Sor Cachete was there and Bobby too. Lina is happy until she hears that Bobby was there. She says she'll never forgive Mili for involving Bobby, she's so ashamed. Bobby will think she's a "facilonga," which must be a girl of easy virtue. Mili explains that Bobby just happened to be there by accident. Socorro reassures her that on the contrary, he was defending her because he thinks she's worth something. Really, says Lina? She seems to accept this. All girls do the happy dance.

Now the family is assembled for a big party. Damian congratulates Hugo, because it seems the wedding is tomorrow. Damian wants a payday when Hugo gets his hands on Mili's inheritance, but at least Hugo has the good sense to avoid being a sucker. He says Damian thinks he's a money changer--he'll change money to gambling chips. Karla now complains to Damian. Connie says that Luci is still going ahead with the divorce, so Damian will still have to marry Karla.

Domingo arrives with the Mafia Princesses in tow. Bobby sees Marisela, and they exchange cryptic looks. I guess we're going to have to see how the Bobby situation pans out--he'll be torn between two lovers . . .
Al berates Flo for bringing her sister when she knows Bobby will be there. Flo says he's a pill--she can't do anything right. They really have deteriorated into a stereotypical bickering couple.

Domingo and Connie go into the study and toast to a new business deal. Each looks at the other warily, however.

Lawyer Robledo Sr. arrives and takes Mili and Hugo upstairs for a talk about the inheritance. Before he leaves, Luci mentions her divorce. Connie then comes out and announces the new company they have formed and calls for a new celebration. They will have the biggest construction company in Latin America. Luci says that's great, 'cause she'll have more money to ruin him for. Andrea enters, and Connie takes her out to the garden. Damian tells Luci to follow and eavesdrop, because it's sure to be of interest.

Robledo fills Mili and Hugo in on the inheritance.

Connie tells Andrea he wants to get back with his wife, he can't lose her, he's going crazy at the thought. He loves Luci, and he's never going to leave her. Andrea calls him crazy and says she hates him. Luci has been eavesdropping, and when she hears that he loves her, she seems moved by it. Andrea says that he can't possibly love that crazy drunk, and he says that yes, he does, and he wants to fight for her. Andrea goes further--she's old, and she's a drunk, and she's disgusting. Connie tells Andrea not to talk that way about his wifey. She slaps him, and he pushes her down. Andrea says he'll be sorry.

Back in the house, Damian asks how it's going. Connie says that it will cost him more than a diamond necklace to placate Andrea. Damian opines that with the expansion of the business he will easily be able to afford it. Luci orders Karla to clean up the trash from the garden! Karla balks, because she's still putting on the airs of Mrs. Damian, but Luci orders her to do it.

Al thanks Robledo for coming over. But in the avances, we see that Mili and Hugo have resolved to move out and forfeit the inheritance.



I'm with you on Mili morphing into David Beckham and kicking Frat Boy where he deserved it. Loved her punching him as well and actually wished she'd kicked him a couple of more times while he was down Me Bad! Loved Bobby clocking Mat the rat once again and taking off after our cowardly seducer. I too don't always like Mili resorting to violence but at least she doesn't sit around and mope and cry - do you hear me MP 1 and 2 and God help anyone who hurts someone she cares about!

As for Bobby and MP2 she blew it and I can't see Bobby being taken in by her again. He knows that she and her sister are skanky liars and he also knows that Lina is a good girl with a big heart. The mafia girls should stick to their own kind.

I feel for Rocky but think it is time he just gives up on Snotty Spice. I dislike seeing men fawning over women who treat them like dirt and Val is a fool for not at least letting him try to tell her what happened. He is an idiot for not writing a letter and sending it through the mail where she might actually read the thing. Looks like Horatio is the only hope Rocky has of getting through to her.

I laughed my head off with Cesar's antics in using eye drops to work up the tears to lay that load of manure on Luci. He is so consistently good as a dramatic actor that I forget he can do comedy as well and that face he made after she left the room was absolutely hysterical.

We know that there are emotional hard times coming and once again these smart writers are giving us just enough comic relief to keep this story on the lighter side. It also helps that by and large they are working with a first rate cast.

Thank you, Nina, great recap.

I must have something very serious. Why does Consti want to stay married to Luci? When did I miss the explanation? It seems that at this point Luci doesn't have much financial interest in the company. And, she and he are equal adulterers.

From lower Ala

I was dreading this episode after Tuesday's painful number but there was lots of comedy, thank goodness, and of course the satisfying whupping of Frat Boy, by a "mere female" no less and before an audience. Perfect. Plus now slimeball Matt is in trouble with his grandfather again.
Love the older actor who plays grandpa by the way, very handsome, to my eyes.

Thanks for filling in NinaK and have a Happy Fourth everyone! we'll be on the road to Charlotte to see some grandkids that day.

That was immensely satisfying to see FratRat & MatRat get the poundings they so deserved..."bad boys", whatever! I hope we've seen the last of them. Well, probably not since Mat is representing Luci. Incidentally, was it not a conflict of interest for him to represent her in trying to ruin Constancio, who owns a whole lot of the company Mat has been voting shares in for Mili? Mili, his other client, who also owns 20% of the company? I don't know much about legal stuff but that just seems wrong.

Just get a divorce already, people! Although, yes, that face Connie made as Luci walked away was pure comedy.

Socorro is such a good mom I can't figure out how Karla turned into such a piece of work. I guess there's only so much you can do. Now she needs to turn her mom magic on Mili and tell her not to marry Hugo.

Thanks for the fun recap, Nina.


That older actor playing mat's grandfather is Gustavo Rojo and I agree he is a handsome man and he is 84 years old. He has a long and distinguished career and has been in many novela's frequently with his own daughter. I believe he comes from a long time acting family dynasty.

Yes there would be a conflict of interest with Mat taking on the divorce but a sleaze like him wouldn't let a little thing like ethics get in the way. In any event Mili fired him yesterday so he is free to take on and probably lose the case for luci the lush.

Thank you all for adding that Connie was making those funny faces over Luci's shoulder. That really was hilarious.

I agree that there would be at least an appearance of conflict if Mat represented both Mili and Lucy, but I don't think he would hurt Mili by trying to maximize Luci's take of Connie's assets.

In reality, Luci could not really "ruin" Connie, e.g., she can't get 100 percent. There's no such thing in the U.S., and I'm sure they wouldn't allow it in Mexico either.

For example, this week, we have been following the divorce trial of Christie Brinkley and her cheating husband. It's a big local story, but I wonder if you hear about it elsewhere in the country, as she is a famous figure.

We also see that A-Rod (of the NY Yankees) has taken up with Madonna, and his wife has taken up with Lenny Kravitz. Madonna's husband is left with no one. All these people have lots of money, so there could be some interesting divorce settlements.

My concern was that Connie is the president of that company, and if he thought Luci was going to get much of it, he may well try to sabotage things/embezzle (again), just to spite her. If Mili hadn't fired Mat and he still represented her at the company, he would be responsible for dealing with that mess internally when it was found out (which I think would usually involve trying to keep it all from becoming public knowledge) while simultaneously trying to expose all the evils of the company president for the purpose of improving the divorce settlement. It all just seems like a lot of muck.

To clarify my previous rambling comment:

The main purpose of the board of directors/owners or whatever is to encourage the profitability of the company. One important aspect of money-making ability is public image. Trashing the president/majority owner can't be good for the company, as it could turn off a lot of potential clients.

Okay, now I REALLY REALLY hope that Lina and Bobby get together, because she is into hairstyling, and his current coiffure by Jiffy Lube is grossing me out.

Ha, ha, Julia, your corporate analysis is funny. In Guapos land, the board of directors of any company never plays by the rules anyway!

I agree with you on that hairstyle. Get a haircut, Bobby! Now that Alex has gone back to a good hairstyle, and Hugo has an improved coiffure, we have only Bobby to rag on.

BTW, Pasofino: why does Connie want to stay married to Luci? It's the same reason he toys with Damian. Because he can! He just can't bear to let anyone else win.


The only reason Connie wants to stay with Luci is public image. He is a politician who apparently campaigned on the infamous family values platform so a divorce would look bad. It is one of the reasons he uses for not publicly acknowledging that Mili is his daughter. Also he has spent his whole life and gave up his only love to build the business and luci is threatening to take that away from him.

Great recap Nina, thanks!

I liked the FratRat & MatRat monikers, Julia!

It's great that Lina has Soccoro to fill in as a mother figure. Soccoro deserves a sweet (step) daughter like Lina instead of the one she has!

Yes, Decie, those things too! But I think Connie would do the same even if he hadn't run for office. I think he did that earlier in the show before he ran for office.

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